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About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1912)
THANKSGIVING PROCLAMA TION ISSUED BY PRESIDENT WILSON IS ELECTED National Democratic Candidates Sweep the Country; Change in Both House and Senate Sure. with the eight votes o f Utah and Ver mont, but the footing of the Wilson and ltoosevelt columns dickered alter nately during the day and night, as late returns from Iowa, Kansas, Minne sota, South Dakota and Wyoming gave indications o f changing results first accepted. On the basis o f the latest returns with the vote o f Illinois, Minnesota, and Wyoming placed in the “ doubt fu l” column. President-elect Wilson had 420 certain votes in the electoral New York and Ohio Are for Wilson; college, Roosevelt 65 and T a ft 8. Lane and Selling Close for Senator A ll of the doubtful states gave more Pennsylvania and Illinois Line Bcurne Snowed Under—Public or less certain indications during the Up for Teddy. Service Measure Wins. night o f landing in the list o f Wilson electoral votes. ROOSEVELT RUNS SECOND WILSON GETS BEAVER STATE Democracy Captures Over Four Hundred Electoral Votes. Woman Suffrage Wins— Single Tax Is Defeated. Early returns gave Woodrow W il Portland, Nov. 7.— Any lingering son and Governor Marshall the “ Solid South” and the states o f Connecticut, doubt that may have existed of Wood- Delaware, Kentucky, Maine, Mary row Wilson’s victory in Oregon were land, Massachusetts, New York, West removed by the receipt of fuller re turns from Multnomah county and the state at large, but the figures still failed to give final results on the sen atorial situation. The returns leave no room for doubt as to any results on the state ticket and congressional ticket. Hawley, in the First, Sinnott, in the Second, and Lafferty, in the Third, are well to the good over their oppo' nents. Olcott is elected secretary o f state Mickle, dairy and food commissioner, and Aitchison, railroad commissioner. I f present ratios be carried out, Wilson will have a plurality over Roosevelt o f about 7500. There is still an element o f doubt as to whether Roosevelt or T a ft will win second place, but the outlook seems to favor Roosevelt. In the state outside of the county, Roosevelt and T a ft to. tals are almost identical, but in Mult nomah county the returns indicate a final load for Roosevelt over T a ft of abou 2000. With about one-half the vote count ed in Multnomah county and the state outside, the totals on president are as follow s: Wilson 21,088, Roosevelt 17,341, T a ft 16,196. Returns for about one-half the vote outside o f Portland are at hand and these added to the Multnomah county figures, which are also representative of about one-half the vote, give Sell ing a slight lead. However the out side vote is more nearly compete from the anti-Selling counties than from WOODROW WILSON, OK NEW JERSEY. those that are supposed to go for the Republican candidate. The latest figures are as follows: three presidential candidates and the Virginia, Indiana and Missouri. As Selling 20,496 Lane 20,512 Bourne Rhode Island also became a doubtful complexion o f legislatures that will name United States senators, held in state on the first returns, and, based 13,592, Clark 6697, Paget 3095. This terest today in the final returns o f the on the later votes reported, it seemed gives Lane a lead o f 178 votes and general election. not wholly improbable that its five indicates a final plurality against The total o f the Republican elec electoral votes would go to Wilson. Bourne o f about 12,000. toral column apparently was fixed The early returns gave an apparent SUFFRAGE HAS SLIG H T LEAD victory to T aft in New Hampshire. The vote in Utah as reflected in the R e tu rn s by S t a t e s . first dispatches gave indications that T oo Many Road Measures Brings On that state would be carried by T aft. Defeat o f All. New York, Nov 7.— Only the uncer tainty of a few close states, whose electoral vote in no way can affect the election o f Wilson and Marshall, spec ulation over the popular vote o f the j In doubt ........ Roosevelt ....... 1 12 3 9 13 6 7 3 <» 14 4 29 12 3 9 13 6 7 3 6 14 . . 15 13 10 13 10 0 8 18 . . . . . . . * . . . . . 4 29 13 13 10 6 8 18 12 IK 10 18 4 H 3 New Jersey .... 14 3 New Mexico. 46 New York....... North Carolina. 12 North Dakota . 6 Ohio 24 10 < »klahoma ...... Oregon............. .. . 5 Pennsylvania .. .. . 38 5 Khnde Island.. South Carolina . . . 9 6 South Dakota . Tennessee........ 12 Texas ......... 20 U t a h .............. 4 Vermont.......... 4 Virginia........... 12 Washington...... 7 H West Virginia .. W isconsin 13 W yom ing........ 3 Total ................ Ml Necessary to choice. 266. Wilson .......... j T a ft .............. Alabam a......... Arizona........... ____ Arkansas........ California....... Colorado.......... Connecticut .... Delawure......... Florida........... tieorgia.......... Idaho Illinois ......... Indiana........... Iowa K annas........... Kentucky....... Louisiana....... Maine............. Marylnnd........ ___ Massachusetts . Minnesota..... Michigan........ Mississippi...... Missouri . Montana......... N ebraska....... Nevada.......... Electoral vote.. STATE Ì2 10 18 . 4 8 3 . 14 3 45 12 5 24 10 6 . 5 9 . . 15 Trios! R. . . . . . 38 5 4 4 12 . 20 . 12 8 . 13 . 8 420 7 65 3 48 Wilson Honored at Home. Stainton, Va.— By an overwhelming majority Woodrow Wilson carried his birthplace. Stainton, Va. The vote was: Wilson 632; T a ft 287 and Roosevelt 66. Likewise the Colonel carried Oyster Bay, his present home town by a big majority, the voters favoring T a ft with only a handful of votes. The returns showed Roosevelt Slrt; Wilson 218 and T a ft 67. In Roosevelt’s own election district he received 231. Wilson 86 and T a ft 28. A t Lincoln, Neb., Bryan’s voting dis trict Wilson polled 77, Roosevelt 47. Cannon's Defeat Likely. Danville, III.— Meager returns In dicate the defeat o f ex-Speaker Can non by Frank T. O’ lla ir by about 1200 plurality in the Eighteenth district. Six precincts in Vermillion county, normally Republican, gave Cannon 417 and O'Hair 374. indicating that the latter is holding his own in Can non's home county, where he expected to get votes to offset the southern counties conceded to O ’ Hair, who claims Cumberland, Clark, Edgar and Iroquois counties will give him a plu rality o f 1200 . M ARSHALL, OF INDLT n X The vote in Pennsylvania was am azingly close, the returns from more than 1000 precincts embracing 185,- 000 votes giving each o f tho three leading presidential candidates more than 60,000 votes. The Providence. R. I., Journal con ceded that state to Wilson, and with the vote close in New Hampshire, it seemed probable that New England’s entire vote, with the exception of Vermont, bad gone over to the Demo cratic column. Michigan Conceded to Roosevelt. Detroit— Returns from 146 out of 2116 state precincts show T aft 12,347, Roosevelt 20,330, Wilson, 16,66. This does not include the incomplete count in many Detroit precincts. It is con ceded that Roosevelt will carry the state. Portland, Or., Nov. 7.— The count at 2:30 a. m. in Multnomah county on woman suffrage was : Yes 8029; no 7627. State, outside of Multnomah coun ty; Yes 12,210, no 11,361. The Malarkey public service bill, submitted by referendum, it is indi cated, will have a substantial major ity. As was forecast, the three-cornered controversy over road measures ap parently has resulted in the defeat of all plans, although the harmony amendment lim iting county indebted ness for roads is in doubt. Seemingly all tax measures submitted by the tax commission and legislature, except the repeal o f county tax option and probably the bill excepting the ex emption o f household effects, have been rejected. The capital punishment bill, which, if adopted, would have abolished the death penalty in Oregon, is defeated according to incomplete returns by up ward o f 20,000 votes. The Cascade county measure is snowed under and the hotel inspector bill is in the run ning for cellar championship. The blue sky law also seems to have gone to its death in the avalanche of "n oes.” It is probable that the anti boycott bill has been defeated, but there is still doubt as to the anti street speaking law. Roosevelt Second in Maryland. Baltimore— Woodrow Wilson carried Maryland by from 20,000 to 26,000 plurality, estimated from figure* re ceived up to a late hour. Roosevelt ran second. Washington, D. C.— President Taft has signed and issued the following Thanksgiving Day proclamation : “ A God-fearing nation like ours owes it to its inburn and sincere sense o f moral duty to testify its devout gratitude to the A ll Giver for the countless benefits it has enjoyed. For many years it has been customary at the close o f the year for the National Executive to urge upon his fellow countrymen to offer praises and thanks to God for the manifold blessings vouchsafed to them in the past and to unite in earnest suppliance for their continuance. “ The year now drawing to a close has been notably favorable to our for tunate land. A t peace within and without, free from the perturbations and calamities that have afflicted oth er peoples, rich in harvests so abund ant and industries so productive that overflow o f our prosperity has ad v ant aged the whole world, strong in the steadfast devotion to the heritage of self-government bequeathed to us by the wisdom o f our father*, and firm in the resolve to transmit that heritage unimpaired but rather improved by good use to our children and our chil dren’s children for all time to come, the people of this country have abounding cause for contented grati tude. "W herefore. I. William Howard T aft, president of the United States o f America, in pursuance o f long- established usage and in response to the wish o f the American people, invite the countrymen, wheresoever they may sojurn, to join on Thursday, the 28th day o f this month of November, in appropriate ascription o f praise and thanks to God for the good gifts that have been our portion and in humble prayer that His great mercies toward us may endure.” CRUISERS T O FAR EAST. Tennessee and Montana Rushed to Scene of Turkish War. Washington, D. C.— Two big Amer ican armored cruisers, the Tennessee and the Montana, have received rush orders to proceed to Turkish waters to look after the interests o f American citizens. The cruisers are now in reserve at the Philadelphia navy yard, the Ten nessee being the flagship o f Rear Ad miral Austin M. Knight. They should be ready to sail within 24 hours and under ordinary circum stances should reach Constantinople about November 25. Full complements o f marines will be carried by the two cruisers when they sail for Turkish waters. Orders were issued for assembling the re quired number at Philadelphia. From the Norfolk navy yard 400 marines will be drawn. The first disposition of the State de partment had been to refrain from sending any American warships to the Bosphorus, for the double reason that their appearance might be taken as an evidence of American participation in the present Balkan war and its settle ment and that so rapid has been the progress of the war that probably the ships could not reach Constantinople in time to be o f any service. Since the president’s return from Cincinnati, however, and after a con ference with the State department officials, the fact was demonstrated that American naval vessels could be employed as places o f refuge for American citizens in Turkey, in case o f general anarchy or the existence of conditions o f disorder beyond the con trol of the m ilitary commanders on both sides. Speckels O ffers SbOOO New York — Rudolph Spreckels. of California, gave out the following statement at Democratic National headquarters: “ The latest reports from California indicate that Roose velt leads Wilson by 56 votes. Being fam iliar with the California political situation. I feel that a careful investi gation should be promptly made con cerning the slow count and unexplain able changes that have taken place in Los Angeles county. I have suggest ed that a $5000 reward be offered for evidence o f frauds.” Jute Grain Bags Doomed. Walla Walla. Wash.— Jute bags for grain are doomed in Washington, Ida ho and Oregon i f the resolution adopt ed at the tri-state meeting o f the Farmers’ union in this city has weight. The resolution porvides that in the future the unions are to dis courage the use o f the jute bags, sub stituting instead cotton bags. These cotton bags can be secured cheaper, and it is asserted they are as practi cal. The adoption o f this resolution followed a two days’ debate on the sack question. Warren Likely Elected. Cheyenne, Wyo. — Incomplete re turns from Lincoln county, upon which depends the re-election or de feat o f Senator Warren, received late Saturday, give the Republicans six of eight legislators, making the next Nicholas Longworth Re-Elected, Cincinnati — Nicholas Ixrngworth, legislature Republicans 43, Democrats Socialists Second in Florida. 41. indicating thereby the re-election Jacksonville, Fla.— Returns indicate son-in-law o f ex-President Roosevelt, o f Warren. Should the missing pre that the entire Democratic ticket is was elected to congress from the First cincts return Democratic pluralities elected by a majority o f about 220,000. Ohio district. the legislature is tied. The electoral The Socialists apparently polled a Arkansas Wilson’s By 60,000 vote is assured to Wilson. larger vote than either the Republi L ittle Rock, Ark.— Wilson carried cans or Roosevelt Progressives. Arkansas by about 60.000 majority. Banking Laws Taken Up. Washington, D. C.— A meeting of South Dakota Is Uncsrtsin. Kansas for T. R. By 10,000 the sub-committee on legislation of Topeka. Kan.— Returns at the latest the house banking and currency com Sioux Falls, S. D. — Slow returns from scattered precincts o f South Da indicated that Roosevelt would carry mittee has been called by its chair kota indicate Roosevelt and Wilson Kansas over Wilson by probably 10,000 man. The members are urged to be running a neck-and neck race. Re plurality. T a ft apparently was run here within ten days. They w ill pre pare a substitute for the Vreeland bill. turns from 175 out o f 1653 precincts ning a poor third. Capper, Rep., for governor, was give Wilson 8882, Roosevelt 8214. More Than 300 Saloons Closed. Byrne, Rep., and Johnson, Dem., for leading Hodges. Dem., and Stubbs, San Francisco— More than 300 sa governor are running virtually even. Rep., for United States senator, was slightly ahead o f Thompson, Dem. loon« will be closed in California as the result o f the vote cast at the elec South Carolina 60.000 Democratic Mississippi Democratic By 106.000 tion o f November 5. according to an Columbia. 3. C. — Indications are Jackson, M is s.— The Democratic nouncement made by A. C. Bane, that Wilson has carried South Caro- majority in Mississippi is estimated state superintendent o f the Anti- lina by more than 60,000 majority. | at 106,000. Saloon league. termlned gray ones met, and so f e matned. "You, and your husband. Are you going to marry a man who can take my place in this business, In th* f a » tory and the model village my brother and I built around It; a man whose name will be fit to Join with ours and •o In a fashion prsserve It here? Will you wait until such a one Is found and will you aid me to find him? Or will you too follow selfish, idle fan cies of your own?" “ N o !" she answered, quite pale. "I would not do that! I will try to help.” "You will take up the work the men of your name refuse, you will provide Oopy/t/a*r /s/o a r oaoM-su/r/fUi a substitute for them?” x "Likes whom?” Her earnestness sprang to meet hie SYNOPSIS. Bailey flushed brick-red. strength of will, she leaned nearer In “I didn’t mean to call him that. He her enthusiasm of self abnegation, The story opens on Lons Island near N ew York city, where Mias Em ily signs himself D. Lestrange, and some scarcely understood. F’french. a relative o f Ethan Ffrench, "I will find a substitute or accept manufacturer o f the celebrated “ M er of them started reading It Darling, cury' 1 automobile, loses her way. The Joking because he was such a favorite yours. I, Indeed I will try not to fall." car has stopped and her cousin. Dick It was characteristic that he offered Ffrench. Is too muddled with drink to and because they liked blm anyhow. direct It aright. They meet another car It’s Just a nickname." neither praise nor caress. which Is run by a professional racer "You have relieved my mind,” said Emily laughed out involuntarily, sur named I-estrange The latter Axes up the Ffrench car and dlrecta Mtsa l-'french prised. Ethan F'french. and turned bis face how to proceed homeward. "I beg pardon," she at once apolo once more to the fire. gized. "but it sounded so frivolous.” CHAPTER II. I CHAPTER III. " If you try this man, you had bet It was a business consultation that tor keep that nickname out of the fac It was October when the consulta was being held In Mr. Ffrench’s flrellt tory,” Mr. Ffrench advised stiffly. library, In aplte of the presence of s "What respect could the workmen feel tion was held In the library of the tea table and the young girl behind It for a manager with such a title? If old F'french houso on the Hudson; A consultation between the two part possible, you would do well to pre December was very near on the sunny ners who composed the Mercury Au vent them from recognizing him as morning that Emily drove out to the factory and sought Bailey In his of tomobile company, of whom the lesser the racing driver.” Bailey, who had risen at the chime fice. was speaking with a certain anecdotal "I wanted to talk with you," she ex of a clock, halted amazed. weight. "Respect for him !” he echoed. "N ot plained, as that gentleman rose to "And he said he was losing too much time on the turns; so the next recognize him! Why. there isn’t a receive her. "W e have known each round he took the bend at 72 miles man on the place who wouldn’t give other for a long time, Mr. Bailey; an hour. He went over, of course. his ears to be seen on the same side ever since I came from the Sacred The third car we’ve lost this year; I ’m of the street with Lestrange, let alone Heart to live with Uncle FJthan. That to work under him. They do read the Is a very long time." glad the season’s closed.’’ " It ’s a matter of five or six years,” Emily Ffrench gave an exclamation, racing news. That part of It will be agreed the charmed Bailey, contem her velvet eye* widening behind their all right, If I can have him." plating her with affectionate pride In " I f it Is necesary— ” black lashes. her prettiness and grace. "You used “ I think It Is, sir." "But the driver! Was the poor Emily moved slightly, pushing back to drive out here with your pony and driver hurt. Mr. Bailey?” “ He wasn’t killed, Miss Emily,” an her yellow-brown curls under the rib spend many an hour looking on and swered Bailey, with a tinge of pensive bon that banded them. On a sudden asking questions. You’ll excuse me, Miss Emily, but there was many a regret. He was a large, ruddy, white- Impulse her uncle looked up at her. "What Is your opinion?" he ques man passed the whisper that you’d haired man, with the slow and care ful habit of speech sometimes found tioned. " If Dick had been listening I have made a fine master of the in those who live much with massive should have asked his, and I fancy works." She shock her head, folding her machinery. "No, he wasn't killed; he's yours is fully as valuable. Come, shall small gloved bands upon the edge of In the hospital. But he wrecked as we have this racing manager?” Astonished, she looked from her the desk at the opposite sides of good a car as ever was built, through uncle to the other man. And per which they were seated. sheer foolishness. It costs money." "A t least I would have tried. I am Mr. Ffrench responded to the Indi haps it was the real anxiety and sus rect appeal with more than usual Irri pense of Bailey’s expression that drew quite Bure I would have tried. But I am only a girl. I came to ask you tation, his level gray eyebrows con her quick reply. "L et us, uncle. Since we need him, something regarding that,” she lifted tracting. her candid eyes to his, her soft color "W e ought to have better drivers. let us have him." “Very well,” said Mr. Ffrench. "You rising. “ Do you know— have you ever Why do you not get better men, Bai met any men who cared and under ley? You wanted to go Into this rac hear, Bailey.” There was a long silence after the stood about such factories as this? ing business; you said the cars need Men who could take charge of a busi ed advertising. My brother always at Junior partner's withdrawal. "Come where I can see you, Em- ness, the manufacturing and racing tended to that side of the factory af fairs while he lived, with you as his manager. Now It Is altogether in your hands. Why do you not find a proper driver?" "Perhaps my hands are not used to holding so much,” mused Bailey un- resentfully. "A man might be a good manager, maybe, and weak as a part ner. It Isn’t the same job. But a first-class driver Isn't easy to get, Mr. Ffrench. There’s D»lmar killed, and George tied up with another company, and Dorian retired, all this last sea son; and we don’t want a foreigner. There’s only one man I like— ” "W ell, get him. Pay him enough.” Bailey hunched himself together together and crossed his legs. "Yen, sir. He’s beaten our cars— and others— every race lately, with poorer machines, Just by sheer pretty driving. He drives fast, yet he don’t knock out his car. But there's a lot after him—there's Just one way we could get him, and get him tor keeps.” "And that?” "H e's ambitious. He wants to get Into something more solid than rac ing. If we offered to make him man ager, he'd come and put some new Ideas, maybe, into the factory, and race our cars wherever we chose to enter them. I know him pretty well.” The proposition was advanced tenta tively, with the hesitation of one ven turing in unknown places. But Ethan Ffrench said nothing, his gray eyes fixed on the hearth. "Fie understands motor construc tion and designing, and he's been with big foreign firms,” Bailey resumed, after waiting. "He'd be useful around; I can’t be everywhere. What he’d do for us In racing would help a whole lot. It’s very well to make a fine standard car, but It needs advertising to keep people remembering. And men like to say 'my machine Is the name as Lestrange won the cup race with.’ They like It.” "1 don’t know," said Mr. Ffrench Ct>s*gr2si*.2> slowly, "that It Is dignified for the manager of the Mercury factory to "H e Understands Motor Construction and Designing.” be a racing driver." "The Christine cars are driven by lly,” her uncle finally demanded. "I and selling, like my uncles? I hnv* n the son of the man who makes them," liked your decided answer a few mo reason for asking ” was th* response. “ Some drive their ments ago; you can reason. How long "Sure thing,” said Bailey, unexpect own." have you been a daughter In my edly prompt " I ’ve met one man who "The son of the man who makes house?" knows how to handle this factory bet them,” repeated the other. He turned "Six years," she responded, obedi ter than I do, and I ’ve been at It his face still more to the quivering ently moving to a low chair opposite twelve years. And there he Is— ” ha fire, his always severe expression "I was fifteen when you took me from turned In Jils revolving chair and hardening strangely and bitterly. "The the convent—to make me very, very rolled up the Shade covering the glass- happy, dear." son— ” set door Into the next room, "my "I sent for you when I sent for Dick, manager, Lestrange." The girl rose to draw the crimson curtains before the windows and to and for the same reason. I have tried The scene thus suddenly opened to push an electric switch, filling the three times to rear one of my name to the startled Emily was sufficiently room with a subdued glow in place of fitness to bear It, and each one has matter-of-fact, yet not larking In n the late afternoon grayness. Her deli failed except you. I wish you were a certain sober animation of It* own. cate face, as she regarded her uncle, man, Emily; there la work for a Around a drafting table central In the revealed most strongly Its characteris F'french to io .” bare, systematic disorder of the apart tic over-earnestifess and a sensitive "When you say that. I wish I were. ment beyond, three or four blue-shlrt- reflection of the moods of those But— I ’m not. I’m not.” She flung out ed men were grouped, bending over around her. Emily Ffrench’* child her slender, round arms In a gesture a set of drawings, which I.estrange hood had been passed In a Canadian of helpless resignation. “ I ’m not even was explaining. Explaining with a convent, and something of Its mysti a strong minded woman who might do vivid Interest In his task that sparkled cism clung about her. As the cheer Instead. Uncle Ethan, may I ask— It over his clear face In a changing play ful change she had wrought flashed was Mr. Bailey who mad* me think— of expreselon almost mesmeric In Its over the room. Mr. Ffrench held out my cousin whom I never saw, will he command of attention. The men his hand In a gesture of summons, so never come home?” watched and listened Intently; they that she came across to sit on the He voice faltered on the last words, broad arm of his chair during the rest frightened at her own daring. But her themselves no common laborers, but the Intelligent workmen who were to of the conference, her soft gaze rest uncle answered evenly. If coldly: carry out the Ideas her* set forth. ing on the third member. "N e v e r ” Wherever Lestrange had been, he was “ My adopted son and nephew hav "H e offended you so?” coatleas and the sleeves of hts outing ing no such talents, we must do the "His whole life was an offense. best we can,” Mr. French stated, with School, college, at home, In each he shirt were rolled back, leaving bar* bis most precise coldness. "Being went wrong. At twenty-one he left the arras whose smooth symmetry re well born and well bred, be has no me and married a woman from th* vealed little of the racing driver’s taste for a mechanic’s labor or for cir vaudeville stage. It Is not of him strength; his thick brown hair was cus performances with automobiles In you are to think, Emily, but of a sub rumplsd Into boyish waves and across his forehead a fin* black streak public. Who is your man, Bailey?” stitute for him. For that I designed "Lestrange, sir. You must have Dick; once I hoped you would marry wrote of recent personal encountsr with things practical. heard of him often." him and sober his idleness.” "O b i” exclaimed Emily faintly. And "I never read racing news.” "Please, no." she refused gently. "I after a moment, "Cions tbs curtain, "I read ours.” said Bailey darkly. am fond of Dick, but—please, no.” please.” •We’ve been licked often enough by "I am not asking It of you. He la (T O BH C O N T IN U E D .) Jim. And he’s straight—he’s on* of well enough, a good boy. not over- the few men who’ll stop at the grand wise. but not what Is needed here Just Before the Interest Quickens. stand and lose time reporting s smash Palled, again: I am not fortunate. "I hope your novel ends happily T" up and sending help arotmff. Every There Is left only you.” "Indeed It does. It ends In the mar •tan oa the track likes Darllag L e "M er riage of th* heroine snd here; does Her startled dark eyes and Me de- not go Into their married life at alL* Tla® 2r E AUTHOR L E A OF W f THF l ® GAMf R fl. D AND W C THf K B CANDLE; fiR fl /w/jmw/yj er ny