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About Estacada progress. (Estacada, Or.) 1908-1916 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1912)
en 7 ESTACADA All the News All the Time NO. I OP VOL. 5 ►♦♦ » » ■ »» » » <«H h M . i |. » W PROGRESS E ST A C A D A . OREGON, T H U R SD A Y , S E P T E M B E R 12 1912 » ■» .|. » ■» » 4 • $25,000 I W e Pay" 1 Ju d g e C am pbell decides against City C h arter j R egistration continues for th e H igh School, Fall & Winter Hin MANY OUTSIDERS ARE COMING This bank will receive contributions to any and all national political parties and transmit same free of cost, to the proper finance ; committee. -+++• After Harvest,|K Ring When you have squared away for the fall, why not make yourself or your wife or girl, a present of a Solid Gold Ring, with or without Jewel We have them, all sorts,and at prices that will surprise you We buy direct from Manufacturer, thus saving you Jobbers’ profits. Anything in a Good Timepiece? Our line gives you a big selection. And we have some Second Hand watches, which we will sell for the repair charges. A full line of Optical Goods Estacada Jewelry Company Broadway A Cut Price Sale N n ttiH n in H iiH ' <ii|w H tt * » » » » * t 'I h m « «twi n On D in n e r sets th e r e g u la r $5.50 G o o d w in -M e re n o fo r $ 4.50 Each set has 48 pieces and your choice in either gold flower, Blue or Pink. An Ornament for your Table W E H AV E A BIG STOCK OF W ALL PAPER A T LOW PRICES TO REDUCE STOCK. MANY OTHER BARGAINS Fine line of 9 x 12 Rugs also smaller Rugs. We meet Portland Prices. ESTACADA FURNITURE CO. W . D. and L. M. Henthom, Proprietors Odd Fellows Building U Mens Fancy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers at 50c. per Garment. E stacada prize Baby did not go to Fair. on Time Certificates East Clackamas $1 A Y E A H SCHOOLS OPEN MONDAY SALOONS SHUT THEIR DOORS CAPITAL Wiiv paper ¡n southern forces and the famous (Juantrell was in command. After the war Mr. and Mrs. Irvin came' . . ------- ft» west arriving in Oregon in 1875 where they have since made their home. Three of their children, John T. Frank and J. A. and their C a m i . to g o to Su p rem e court C ity families were present, A daughter Building thoroughly ren ovated from top L o s e . fu n d , and im p ro v em en t, Mrs. Alice Folsom lives in Monta to bottom and im provem ent« m ade w ill lik ely be .to p p e d . - Eight in stru ctors in charge. na. The elder Irvins have thirteen With a suddettess that jarred, grandchildren and two great grand- | When the bell at 8.30 Monday morning Judge Campbell of the circuit court children the latter residing in Mon- j summons from their vacations the pupils of this town and district, they will fi d a entered a decision against the Esta tana. spic and span school house, cleaned from cada charter, last Tuesday, that top to bottom and better equipped than put the local option law iu effect it was lust year. The painting aud kal- somining has been finished, the floors here, shut two saloons and by caus Harold Bronson the 3 year old scrubbed and re-oiled, the building ing a refund of licence money, left the city without funds to carry on Estacada boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. wired for electric lights and shower baths ior the athletic department, in to public improvement. Until the as Neil Bronsou, who was declared stalled in the basement. Janitor A. J. sessment for this year is available the best formed child in his class in Mills has done his work w .ll. Eight instructors will lie ready and next May or June, the municipality Clackamas county, was not exhibit- ed at the state fair. In the first ma">' °< ,lle P“ P>>* tlw high school must economize. At the city council meeting, Tues place his parents never were noli- ! wil1 ,ake the cuur9e in a* ricul,ure- 1,rac- _ , , . . . , r* , ticullv half have already registered and day night, a report was made by fied by the judges aud first know- llad seata asal|,,lcd. A11 Uave elected Attorney Claude Devore, who ap ledge of the result came to them agriculture. Principal Ford says that high school peared with G. B, Diutick tor the through a newspaper account. too defendant saloonmen, Muster and late to afford a chance to make the J w*ll begin at 9 and continue until 3.30 ; each day with an hour for lunch. The Venice, indicted by the grand jury trip. _ , first bell in the morning will ring at 8.30 a few days ago under the election Regarding the dozen or more ha- lhe ^ at „ In the a(ternoon the of 1910 wheu Estacada precinct bies exhibited here, nothing is know f,rst w;|| ring at 12.45; the second at 12.55 It is estimated the total registration went dry. It is alleged that Gover of the decision of the Oregon City nor West was back of the propo judges. Superintendent Janies call- 1 wi" be 240, of which 40 » ill be high sition, having been appealed to by ed to find out and was told the cards 5cl1001 students.___________ a committee of citizens. The case had been destroyed and no record Garfield Basket Social went to trial on a charge of violat kept of the decision. From the To B eliti at 8 o’clock. ion of the local option law and after standpoint of the award of prizes the state had proved the sale of the county show was a fizzle, I Preparations are practically cont- Most liquor, a contention admitted by despite the interest taken by the'pietcd lor the basket social and Most the defense, the court heard argu mothers who exhibited their child- ¡dance of the Garfield Country club, For For ments on the question of whether ren and assisted in making the next Saturday evening. Big bon- Cash Estacada could regulate the liquor district fairs a success. Some of the fires will light up the grounds and Cash traffic under its charter. mothers believe that at least the j the social begins at 8 o’clock. The H ow C o u rt D ecided. couttesy of notice of results might award of the cake for the most po- Judge Campbell held that at the ltave been extended. pular lady, alter the votes are time of the granting ot Estacada’s counted, should be finished by 9 charter bv the legislature of 1905, o'clock and from that time until the city was exempt from the local midnight there will be dancing. option law and had a right to con Everett Shibley. a Springwater Alt impression is abroad that the trol liquor selling within its limits, boy won first prize at the state fair ¡ affair includes a basket picnic dur- but when the question was voted on at Salem, for bird honses. The one j jng the day, but such is not lhe in 1910. that as the local option law he exhibited was a novelty iu that case, President Hunt states. The is an enabling act, the passage of 43 pieces of different Oregon wool j entertainment begins in tht evening the local option law, as far as Es- were used, 110 pieces being duplicat- There is every indication there will T O IN C R E A S E O U R B U S IN E S S tacada is concerned, dated not from ed except the sbiugles and the cor be a good crowd, providing the W E A R E G O I N G TO G I V E June 24, 1904 when the governor ner posts. weather is favorable. The funds are proclaimed its passage, but from He rectived as award, a full to be devoted to the new addition Nov. 1910. the last election. This blooded Berkshire pig. It is the to the club house. Arrangements Iteitig a later enactment than the belief of Superintendent H. M. have already been made for the 14, Estacada charter, repealed the char James that Sam Barr would have j 000 feet of lumber, U PTO N ter and put local option in effect. won second prize for mechanical M ay A p p e a l C a te . G R A N D The saloon men, It is announced, toys, with the motor whicli he ex will appeal to the supreme court, hibited at the Estacada juvenile fair P IA N O which has already in the Medford His ingenious machine should have ' An overheated stovepipe which case reversed the lower court, a walkaway oyer a windmill which j caused the wall paper of the kitchen T h is c o n te s t c o m m e n c e s M o n d a y of H. F. Blairs house in Garfield to which held precisely as has Judge catch fire, resulted in a blaze last m o r n in g . 9 a. m C om e m a n d le t us Campbell. They profess confidence won by a Wilsonville hoy who ex Thursday, which razed the house that they will win. It is possible, hibited a motor aud pump. te ll y o u a b o u t it. and consumed most of the house- too that a special election will be W h o w i l l be th e lu c k y one? hold furniture, It is said there was called for a vote Nov. 5 in the town of Estacada, under the Home Rule 110 insurance. law. which gives incorporated _ -7— -— Mrs. Blair was alone in the house towns the right to regulate liquor 1 he suggestion by The Progress , , . . . ou . u 1 , . . . when the fire started. She was that the county books haven t been _ selling. subjected to expert accountants for ironing at the time and the kitchen a good many years, bore fruit, last fire being low she placed several week, when the county court took |sticks of pitch in the stove. Im- up the proposition and receivtd mediately the pipe liegan burning Progressive up-to-date citizens of proposals from experts. The ex The Home of Quality Garfield have made great improve perts want $ i O a day, however, and out and tlie heat caused the wall ment iu their school house. Supei- don't place a time limit on the job, paper to catch fire. Mrs Blair tried visor H. M. James says that chan so the court is rather undecided to extinguish the flames and failing summoned a neighbor. Mr. Patter ges made, make conditions almost what to do. County Commissioner Mattoor is ideal. All cross lights have been of the opinion that the books should son, who had been looking after the farm work, during the absence eliminated by placing all the win be examined. ‘ ‘Since I ’ve been connected with of Mr. Blair who is east on account dows so that lights come only over the pupils’ left shoulders. The the court” he said “ no experts of the death of a relative. Patterson hurried to the house, Not politically, but commercially, Wc arc building has been painted outside have examined the books. I don’ t know when they were last looked from his home across the road, hut and inside, walls are tinted with making ROCK BOTTOM PRICES on . . . into. They may be all right, prob the fire had gained headway and by restful colors, new cloakrooms are ably are, but letting things slide the time other neighbors arrived, it D O O R S , W IN D O W S , P O U L T provided and a McPherson heating along in that fashion, year after was beyond control. A number of and ventilating furnace installed. R Y N E T T IN G , P A IN T S . D IS C year, isn’t business, so I ’ m for an house hold articles were saved, hut The latter will afford warm pure expert accounting. ” the hulk was burned. To compli A N D PEG TO O T H H A R R O W S air. A new well is being dug, maps The court turned down a petition cate matters the pump refused to S U P E R IO R W H E A T D R IL L S and a new dictionary will soon Ire f ora saloon license at Clackamas work, so water had to be carried added. and allowed one at Wilsonville. A from a distance, Gatfield has come to tbe conclus road from Barton to Logan, over By great efforts the neighbors ion that their children are entitled which there has been some coutro were able to save the woodshed ad- to the best school equipment. One versy was ordered. joining the house. of the best teachers of the county. Miss Rica Anderson, is employed. ' ESTACADA GOES “DRY” ESTACADA STATE BANK V HEATERS $ 1 .4 0 $ 1 7 .4 0 Cap tan Kidd, Boys’ Suits $3.00 to $6.00 Mens' W ool Shirts $ 2 .5 0 TO $ 5 .0 0 Boys’ Security School Shoes $1.50 to $2,50 Estacada Merc. Co. Announcement. . Extraordinary Shibley wins first prize w ith Bird H ouse at Fair. Absolutely Free A n ov erh eated stovepipe B urns house to G round. C ounty C ourt m ay E m ploy E xp erts on C ounty Books. M uch im provem ent M ade at th e G arfield school. 100 ^$400 % Why not You? ...Cruse Brothers... “Our Hat is in the Ring” rvins celebrate their 5 0 th wedding anniversary. School Books and Supplies With three of their children and REMEMBER IS HEADQUARTERS several grandchildren as guests at FOR BOOKS THE AND STATIONARY dinner, Mr. and Mrs. John P. Irvin celebrated their golden wedding at their home in Estacada, Angust 29 P O P U L A R F IC T IO N . Both Mr. and Mrs. Irvin are iu G I F T B O O K S . * good health and received the con- ! M R S. M E A D E 'S B O O K S F O R G IR L S . gratulations of their relatives and H E N T Y & A L G E R B O O K S FOR BOYS. friends and wishes for many «tore! years of wedded happiness. We also have our New Fall Stork of School Books and Supplies. They were married August 29, ' ERLRYTHING THE STUDENT N EEDS AT PO PU LAR PRICES 1862 in Independence, Mo. The town was in the possession of the 1 NO CREDIT GIVEN ON SCHOOL BOOKS. Estacada Pharmacy Just Received, a Big Shipment of If you—gentle reader— are neeeding any of the articles mentioned, you will lie doing yourself a rank injustice, if you buy before seeing us C?S) The Yellow Front Emporium—“God save the Mark”— stands with open arms— unconcealed— awaiting your pleasure. W e lo v e a C h e e rfu l B u y e r. Remember the Yellow Front Emporium and Get the Habit of Buying at Estacada. McCurdy Lbr. & Hardware Co. Yellow Front Emporium