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About The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1907)
f r NO. E ST A C A D A , OREGON, TH U R SD AY, 15 o f V O L . 3 M ACRH 21, 1907. $1 A Y E A R The Estacada State Bank .Ladies, Attention. GEO. ESTES, U k . S. W . S T R Y K E R , President. T ake advantage of our liberal low prices on Waists and Over Skills Capital fully paid up, $20,000.00 Eastern Exchange. GRANULATED E. L. F R A L E Y , Vice President. Cashier. SUGAR General banking business transacted 4 per cent paid on time certificates of deposit. Collections made promptly and economically W e are also closing out our Men’s Underwear at reduced prices WE SELL REAL ESTATE H A V E YO U T R IE D OUR Fresh, Fancy Candies? They are Fine gar IF YOU HAVE FARM OR C IT Y A SACK PROPERTY for sale list it w ith us, we can and will sell it for you DAROWISH &COMPANY L E T U S W R I T E Y O U R I N S U R A N C E in a company that paid 100 Gleaned By the Wayside 4 Ì CHOICE AT cents on the dollar for llieir losses at San Francisco and who can be d e pended upon to pay you ioo cents on the dollar in case of loss. Mr. Graham had the misfortune to lose a fine mare~and colt a few W hen in Estacada use o u r p riva te office days ago; the animal choked herself while tied in the barn. T h e Portland doctors seem to like O n io n S e t s the climate around Garfield, anoth er member of that profession lias for transacting your business. Sparks’ Store Y o u are always welcome and we will lie glad to keep your private papers for you free of charge. bought sonie land for a residence; AND this time it is part of J. P. Irvin 's farm. Mr. Tilbury put LO CA L N EW S »--------- his incubator and got 13 chicks in SEEDS AT HOWE’S few years ago and it has never been Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Bard were in well sin ce.. WE BOW I I To the People of Estacada & Vicinity | ® On S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H 16, ’07 we opened store in © the Shultz Building, Estacada, where we will offer you a 0L jo Stock consisting of ® f MILLINERY, DRYGOODS, LA-1 | DIES’ & MEN’S FURNISHINGS § AND SHOES « W e have come to stay, and wants of all. have tried to buy to suit the And we will add from time to time, that you want. Come in to see us. lie the lowest. goods A ll will have courte ous treatment whether you buy or not. Our prices will Not cheap goods at low prices, but Good goods for little money. Come in and See Our Goods & Learn Our Prices Soliciting a share of your patronage, we are RESPECTFU LLY D A L E ’S~ THE BANK OF ESTACADA 120 eggs into Buy a farm in Clackamas county. Cream C o ., goes to California for ; J R. Cassidy is painting the new his company. return. T r y again, the old lady M. E. church A letter received front Mrs. H. ; can beat the hen if she has any Win. Stokes spent Su n d ay at his W . Downing, says they are getting thing like a fair chance. home in Oregon City. along nicely, although they have! M ax Kleatch is putting up a fine Make your money earn 4 per ct. had considerable sickness in the hen-house on his place, a barn and family. at the Estacada State Bank. some other improvements are soon Merchant H owe shipped 112 doz. Joel B. Bowman was transacting to follow. eggs to Portland last Saturday and A u gust Stnbbe injured one of business in P'stacada, Tuesday. J. P. Irwin has sold 40 acres of Merchant Kaffoury sold neary 60 his legs quite severely a few days doz. out of his store the same day. ago; a stick of stove wood flew a- his farm to Dr. Briggs of Arleta. Somebody eats eggs. gainst it making a bad looking Ed. Wonacott marketed a load of Rev. A . J. Califf will occupy the wound. H e broke the same leg a fine hogs l ast week Thursday. D. M. Ferry’s I F. C. Watson, who has been liete in the employ of the Hazelwood from their Springwajer farm, T u es H. I). T rapp and W alter Snuffin day. were busy Monday rootgrafting. L- AY. V an D yk e expects soo-i to T ile w ay the farmers are going at make a trip down into sunny Cali the fruit proposition around here is fornia. encouraging and in time they may Lester Townsend and wife of Bor give their Hood River brethren a ing visited at J. R Tow nst - l ist hard chase for the banner. Sunday. Geo. Lockerby is able again to do John Straight has moved n the the chores around the house. He is improving quite rapidly. foot hills down to Parkplace w here T r a n s a c ts A G e n e ra l B a n k in g B u s in e s s Capital, $ 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 Money to Loan on Real Estate M. E . pulpit next Sunday morning j and Rev. C. T . McPherson speaks j in the evening. Rev. IN SU RA N C E McPherson I preaches at Currinsville in the morn- T h is hank has the local agency for some of the very best ing. Attorney Geo. Fire Insurance Companies. C. Brownell and Let us write your policy. : : Justice L iv y Stipp, of Oregon C ity , | were visitors in the Peerless C ity of If you have money to loan, we will place it for you. the Scenic Clackamas, Sunday, and both looked as bright as a rose in have Real Estate for sale, list June. Any old it with property of our own for sale and soldier wanting some can us, as we push If you have no your sales he will live. We pay 4 per cent Estacada State Bank. I "claim for pension” blanks under j meet with the new law of Feb. 6, ’07 can get Mrs. E . F. Surface tomorrow after them at T lie News office. Comrade T h e Ladies’ Aid will noon at 2 o’ clock. Will Entertain Our lawyer will attend to all of your legal business, drawing papers of every kind Edw in Bates left a few here for dis Mrs. W . S. Irwin spent Saturday tribution. and Sunday at the homes of her T h e young people of George will brothers in Portland. W. A. HEYLMAN, Rev. McPherson has received of A . W . Curry of Portland, Cashier. a hand give an entertainment on Saturday Lemon & Mullen’s mill is the some vane for the top of the M. E. only big sawmill oti the Slope not church spire. It is Mr. Cu rry’ s and a comedy entitled “ AH a Mis effected by the strike. gift to the church, and is worth a- take." It will he held in the school '1 he Estacada Telephone & T el- hout $25. house, beginning at 7:30 p. m. A ll aph Co. is contemplating an e x Mrs. Nina Downey goes as dele are cordially invited. Admission. tension of its telephone lines. gate to the state convention to be 6 to 12 years iocts; adults 251 Mr. and Mrs. John Marshal are held in Portland on June 6, from Those over 80 will not be char 1 . rejoicing over the arrival, at 7:45 a. Golden Rule H ive, L ad y Macea- T h e proceeds are to lie for the m. March 15, of a pound girl. lxes, of Portland, the banner hive lienefit of the school library. of the state, with 136 life benefit R Faoton, w ho manufactures members. W alter Telford has gone to Bor the finest cedar shingles in Oregon, There will lie a dance Saturday ing and his brotner, M. G ., takes brought a load of them to town on March 23, consisting of recitations, the Estacada depot. Tuesday. evening in Fraternity hall. E xten sive improvements are g o T h e L ad y Maccabees who enter tained the public last Friday even ing on at the Estacada Pharmacy. ing with a literary program and so T he main store room is being made cial were quite successful. Mrs. W . fourteen feet longer, and new and K. Haviland won the pretty rose convenient shelving and drawers | picture, and VV. A. Heylman won will occupy all the north side. T he L ig h t lunch entrance will he placed at the cor T h e instrumental ner ami nearly 24 feet of the south selections by Mrs. Bourbonia, Niel side will he changed to a plateglass and Lee Bronson were enjoyed and front. T h e improvement will make the large fruit cake. eon was served. was a pleasant one. the place an attractive business cor ner. T h e receipts amounted to $24. the evening ALL KINDS OF GARDEN TOOLS W e can supply you w ith nearly anything you w a n t in these goods fM r £ « .. u w ■ 'Jr C# ’ Get our Prices Superior Quality" Bridge, Beach & Co s Stoves and Ranges Your* Harness! Do not fail to see us for harness W e can suit you Thè Cary Hardware Company