The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, May 24, 1906, Image 3

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    -D « .«
n m i."
wiio V e i l . , .
Traveler* in tile celebrated Death
Valley o f California have described the
wonderful contortions of the aand pil­
lars that small whirlwind* aouietlmea
semi spinning across the hot plain.
Even more remarkable are "duat dev
ils” seen by an explorer, In the valley
o f the White Nile. Sometimes two o(
these whirling columns, gyrating In op
posite directions, meet, "and If they be
well-matched the collision stops them
and a struggle ensues as to which way
they shall twist. Gradualy one gains
the mastery, and the two combined rush
on together." Some o f these whirlwinds
will strip the clothes from an Arab's
back, or send a goat spinning round
and round like a top.
Mrs. Mittie Huffaker.
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
to rid you o f It radically and permanently.
A ccept no sub.tltute. but IneUt on having
H ood's. Liquid o r tablet«. 100 Doaea U.
M akes a D lfe r c .e e .
Dweller* In apartment house* som e
times seem to forget that conversations
in the entrance ball* may be overheard
by other tenants. This was the greet­
ing which a belated husband received
at the door of his apartment recently:
"D on’ t talk to m e! I know very well
what you would *ay! But I know—
you have been off playing poker and
lost all your m oney!”
"No, I didn't, my dear; I won twen­
ty dollars," was the conciliating an­
The other voice suddenly modulated.
"W ell, perhaps after all we women
are a little too severe— a man should
have a little recreation now and then."
P a r m e r an d I k . P a r ty W ir e .
“ I Owe My Life to Pe-ru-na,”
Says Mrs. Huffaker.
When the Independent telephone com­
panies first began to come together In
conventions to exchange experiences,
one fact was always commented upon
with great curiosity by the nmnugers
of town or city plants, says Success.
This was that they Invariably met with
failure In their endeavors to Induce
farmers to put In what are known as
"lockout" devices, by means o f which
every telephone on a party line becomes
practlcully a private wire.
In cities, the party line la considered
a great nuisance, because there la no
privacy In conversations, and all th*
bells on the line are rung each time a
subscriber calls. Naturally, the manag­
ers of plants figured that this objec­
tion prevailed In the country a ls o ; but,
almost without exception, they found
that one o f the great attractions to the
farmer was that hla telephone did ring
every time the other sixteen or twenty
people on the line rang up, and that he
could hear or be overheard In conver­
sation. It was a practical demonstra­
tion o f the social hunger the farmer
has endured for centuries, and which
Is now ended, thanks to the arrival of
telephone competition.
E n g l a n d 's
Mrs. Mittie Huffaker, R . R. No. 3,
Columbia, Tenn., writes:
“ I was afflicted with dyspepsia for sev­
eral years and at last was confined lo my
bed, unable to sit up.
" W e tried several different doctors
without relief.
“ I had given up all hope o f any relief
and was almost dead when my husband
bought me a bottle of Peruna.
“ At first I could not notice any bene­
fit, bnt after taking several bottles I
was cured sound and well.
“ It is to Peruna I owe my life today.
“ I cheerfully recommend it to all
sufferers.’ ’
O ld e s t
P eer.
The only living peer who was a mem­
ber of the house o f lords at the time
o f Queen Victoria’s accession la Lord
Nelson. He succeeded to the earldom
In 1833. Lord Nelson Is not a direct
descendant of the hero o f Trafalgar,,
but la only collaterally descended from
Horatio Nelson’s sister, Mrs. Bolton.
He enjoys a good estate and a pension
of £5,000 granted to the first Lord Nel­
son and his belra.
How’ s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollar* Reward for
any caae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
H ell’s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, a
We, the underiigned, have known F. J.
Revised Formula.
Cheney for the last 15 yeare, and believe him
“ For a number of years requests have perfectly honorable in all buklneel transac­
come to me from a multitude of grath- tions and 11 n anclally able to carry ou t any ob-
ilg a tlu n s m ade by th e ir firm .
fnl friends, urging that Peruna be W i s t A T e U A X , w holesale D ruggli
given a slight laxative quality, I have W a l d i n o , K i n n a n A M a e v i n , vv b oleiale D ru g -
gista, Toledo, O.
been experimenting with a laxative ad­
H all's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act­
upon the blood and mucous sur­
dition for quite a length of time, and faces dtrectly
of the system. Price 75c. per bottle,
now feel gratified to announce to the gold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
friends of Peruna that I have in co rp o r­ Hall's Family Pll]s are the bast.
ated each a quality in the medicine
A G a lla n t B o r .
which, in my opinion, can only en­ ,A Bostonian was talking about the
hance its well-known beneficial charac­ late Henry Harland.
“ 8. B. H ARTM AN, M. D .”
“ Harland was a graceful, gallant
soul,” he said. "Even In his boyhood
GASOLENE ENGINES S to 4 horse­ he turned the prettiest compliment
"In his boyhood be studied Latin
power fully werranted, »125. All sizes »nil
styles at lowest prices. Write for catalog.
under a charming young woman.
"Thla young lady, calling him up In
____________ _________ Portland. Oregon.
class one morning, s a id :
“ 'Henry, name some o f the chief
beauties o f education.’
“ The boy, smiling Into bis teacher's
pretty eyes, answered:
Portland Trade Directory
“ ‘ Schoolmistresses.’ ” — Philadelphia
Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre­
sentative Business firms.
PHOTO SUPPLIER; Kodak developing and print­
ing; writ« for prices. Woodard, Clark« A Co.
MAGIC LANTERNS— Welster Co., Portland.
Lowest prices on Lanterns and Slides.
ELASTIC HOSIERY ; Supporters, Braces; Knit to
Pit; fr*« measurement blanks; Woodard, Clarke.
MORSES of all kinds for S A le at very reasonable
prices. Inquire 276 Front St.
TRUSSES sent on approval; we guarantee fit in
most difficult cases; Woodard, Clarke A Co.
ARTIFICIAL EYES; eyery «hade and shap«; as­
sortment sent on'fcpproval; Woodard, Clarke Co
CREAM SEPARATORS-W e guarantee the U. 8.
Separator to be the best. Write lor free catalog.
Hazelwood Co., Fifth and Oak.
MEN’ S CLOTHING — Buffum A Pendleton, sole
agents Alfred Benjamin A Co.’s correct clothes.
Everything in men’s furnishings. Morrison nnd
Sixth streets. Opposite postoffice.
POULTRY FOOD—If you wnnt your hens to lev
more eggs write us for free particulars about PU­
Portland, Oregon.
PIANOS A ORGANS — Oldest piano house on Pa­
cific coast. Organs and Pianos on easy payments.
Write for list. Let us quote you a price. Allen A
Gilbert-Ramaker Co., Portland, Oregon.
T E L E G R A P H Y T A U G H T F R E E . Com­
plete course an<l posit on secured when graduated
This offer good only for short time. Write for i ar-
th-uiars. P a c i f i c t e l e g r a p h i n s t i t u t e
Urand Theatre Building, Portland, Oregon.
F«w are entirely free from it.
It may develop so slowly as to cause little if
any disturbance during the whole period o f
It may then produce dyspepsia, catarrh,
and marked tendency to consum ption, before
Monday, Mry 21.
m anifesting itself in m uch cutaneous erup­
tion or glandular swelling.
Washington, May 21.— The legists
It is best to be sure that you are quite free tive, executive and judicial appropria­
from it. and you can rely on
A W om an W h o Has Suffered T olls How
t o Find Relief*
The thousands ol women who suffer
backache, languor, u r in a r y disorders
and other kidney Die,
will find com fort in
the words of Mrs.
Jane Farrell, o f 606
Ocesn A ye., Jersey
City, N . J ., who
Bays: “ I reiterate
all I have said before
in praise of Doan’ e
Kidney Pilla. I had
been having heavy
backache and my general health was
affected when I began using them . My
feet were swollen, my eyee puffed, and
diasy spells were frequent. Kidney
action waa irregular and tha secretions
highly colored. Today, however, I am
a well woman, and I am confident that
Doan’ s Kidney Pills have made me so,
and are keeping me w ell.’ ’
Sold by all dealers. 50 cent« a box.
Foater-Milbnrn Co., Buffalo, N. Y .
More Converts 1
Every Year ^
Every day in every year
that comes, more house wives I
are giving up their exhorbitant '
priced B a k in g P o w d e r s and
turning to K C , the honest and
reliable, which has stood so well
the test of years. They are find­
ing out that
and the question of the constitutional­
ity of tnat provision waa raisad. Tha
attack was made on th* clause giving to
the committee discretion in the matter
of pieserving rate*, and a long debate
enaued. The question was still under
discussion when the day cam* to a
tion bill wai passed by the senate to­
day within three hour« from its read­
ing. It carries appropriations aggre
gating t2tt.815.259, an increase of $69,-
345 over the amount reported to the
senate. A number of
Washington, May 17. — After two
measures were pasted and at 8:d0
o'clock consideration waa given to pen­ weeks’ debate the bonse today passed
the naval appropriation b ill, carrying
sion bill*.
$99,74,6000. The amendment provid­
Washington, May 21.— Decided op­ ing that the secretary ot the navy could
position developed today in the house go into the open market and purchase
of representatives against the passage chaina, anchor* and cordage, ahonld it
of the bill to extend the time for the be demonstrated that they coaid be
com pletion of the Alaskan Central rail­ had cheaper in free market* than they
coaid be made by the government,
W illiams, of Mississippi, insisted waa defeated today by a vote of 188 to
that the bill was obnoxious because it 1 2 0 .
exempted the property from license tax
By the action of the house on a sec­
and tax on its railway daring the per­ ond amendment, upon which a separate
iod of construction and for five years vote was demanded, a 4 per cent differ­
He believed that every ential w ill be allowed bidders from the
individual aa well aa every corporation Pacific Coast on ih ip i constructed
ahonld pay hia proportionate share of there. The vote waa very close, three
the tax burden.
Republicans changing from no to yea,
Powers, of Maine, insisted that the Hanghen of Iowa, Thomas and Long-
bill waa a good business proposition.
The yeaa and naye were ordered and
the b ill was defeated, yeaa 109, nays
Wednesday, May 16.
60, present 25, two-thirds not having
Washington, May 16.— Th* eoniider-
voted in its favor.
ation of the rate b ill in committee of
A bill was also passed authorizing the whole was concluded by the senate
the sale of surplus or unallotted land today, and the measure was then re­
of the Coeur d'A lene Indian reserva­ ported to the senate, where there will
be opp o;t inity to review and alter all
the amendments
Saturday, May 19.
Practically the entire day was devoted
Washington, May 19.— The bonse to consideration of the anti-pasa amend­
aroee today in its wrath and pat to ment, which was adopted after making
eternal sleep a measure that it had pre­ so many exceptions aa to arouse laugh­
viously passed, making it a peniten­ ter every time the provision was read
tiary offense for any official or employe The work of the senate after the bill
of the government, including senators was reported was confined to the partial
and congressmen, to make public any consideration of the pip elin e provision,
secret information that would have an which was so amended aa to strike oat
effect npon the market value of any the Morgan proviso extending its ope­
American products. The bill original­ ration to other countries where the
ly passed the house some weeks ago United States had jurisdiction.
without discussion, and waa intended
to remedy a defect in the law as expos­
Washington, May 10. — The naval
ed by the recent cottin scandal in the appropriation bill, carrying nearly
department of
agriculture. It was $100,000,000, waa completed today in
amended by the eenate, and the report the honse after one of the busiest days
of the conferees brought the matter to of the present congreea.
The feature
the attention of the house today.
of the day’ s debate grew out of the at­
After a heated debate in which the tempt to defeat the appropriation for
measure was attacked as vicious legis­ the largest battleship of its claje in the
lation by McCall of Massachusetts, world and the tenor of the speeches for
Grosvenor, of Ohio, and Crnmpacker, the big ship waa that the American re­
of Indiana, Republicans, and defended public must be abreast of the nations
by Burleson, Democrat, of TexaB, its of the world in the strength of her
author, and Chairman Jenkins, of the navy. The opponents talked for peace,
judiciary committee, the house, by a disarmament and arbitration, and in­
record vote of 107 to 66, tabled the sisted that there was no national need
bill, having refused in the first instance for each a large navy. The amend­
to agree to the report of the conferees. ment introduced by Barton, of Ohio,
to strike out the appropriation for a
Friday, May 18.
rival to the British Dreadnanght was
Washington, May 18.— After 70 days defeated, as was the amendment leav­
of almost continuous deliberation the ing the construction of the battleship
senate today at 4 :53 p. m. passed the to the discretion of the secretary of the
railroad rate b ill by the practically navy after the second Hague conference.
unanimous vote of 71 to 3.
The three A final vote on the b ill w ill be taken
negative votes were cast by Foraker, tomorrow.
Republican, of Ohio, and Morgan and
Pettus, Democrats, of Alabama. Thera
Tuesday, May 16.
was a somewhat larger attendance of
Washington, May 15.— W ith the ex­
senators than usual, bnt the attendance ception of the anti-pose amendment,
in the galleries waa by no means ab­ the senate concluded ita disenssion of
normal, and there was no manifesta­ the railroad rate bill in committee of
tion of any kind when the result was the whole and, as soon aa that provi­
announced. There was, however, an sion shall be disposed of, will take it
almost general sigh of relief among the np in the senate. The general expec­
tation is that the pase question will be
disposed o f early tomorrow, and the
Washington, May 18.— Reminiscent general hope is that the bill may be
of the stressful days of the 47th con­ passed before the close of tomorrow’ s
gress were the scenes in and about the session. The greater part of the day
bonse today. Hardly bad the journal was spent in discussing the eighth sec­
been approved when the Democrats, tion of the b ill, relating to the person­
under the leadership of W illiam s, of nel of the Interstate Commerce com ­
Mississippi, began the first real fili­ mission, resulting in the elimination
buster in a number of year*, their ob­ of the entire section and the restoration
ject being to defeat the bill paying to of the present law, which provides for
the estate of Bamuel, of South five commissioners at laiariea of $7,600.
Carolina, $10,482 for allowances made
by reason of the election of Lee, a ne­
Washington, May 15. — The Honae
gro contestant for a seat in the 47th by a decided vote today reaffirmed its
faith in the Navy department, defeat­
This b ill has been reported favorably ing an amendment of Tawney, chair­
by nine congresses — six times by Re­ man of the appropriations committee,
publicans and three timee by Demo­ to lim it the expenditures on a ship to
10 par cent of the cost, a vote of con­
After spending almost the entire day fidence coming after two hoars’ hot
on the question the bill was passed.
debate. Having reached the section of
the naval bill dealing with increase
in the Navy and, realixing that consid­
Thursday, May 17.
Washington, May 17.— With the ex­ erable debate must enane, the borne ad­
ception of Bailey’ s digression, the en­ journed until noon tomorrow.
Tawney was emphatic in declaring
tire day was devoted by the eenate to a
review of the amendments made in that it waa both bad policy and bad ad­
committee of the whole and covered ministration to give to the Navy de­
somewhat more than half of the meas­ partment the right of spending $11,-
ure. There was a prospect of conclud­ 000,000 for repairs of vessels without
ing the reading until the section grant­ so much aa being compelled to give an
ing to the Interstate Commerce com- account to any one for th* money ex­
miesion power to fix rates was reached pended.
T w o H ouses Will Soon A gree.
Washington, May 21.— There will
not be a prolonged contest between the
bonse and senate over the railroad rate
b ill.
Indications are that it w ill be
accepted by the hones within a abort
time, substantially in the shape in
which it was adopted by the senate.
That wai developed today at a confer­
ence between
President Roosevelt,
Speaker Cannon, Senator
Representative Hepbnrn, author of the
b ill and chairman of the commerce
committee, and Representative Mann,
also of the committee.
Breaks R ecord fo r New Laws.
Washington, May 16.-*- The file* of
the index clerk at the State department
show that the first session of the 59th
congers* has broken all records in the
matter of crm pleted legislation np to
this moment. Already more than 3,-
000 law« have been enacted, which ii
between 700 and 800 more than in any
preceding seteion op to the beginning
of the month of May. The greater part
of this mast of law waa made np of
bill* of a private nature and only about
250 of the total enactments were gen­
eral laws.
D o Clerks V ote fo r M em bers?
Washington, May 21 — Speaker Can­
non instanced hia confidence in the
reading clerka of the boose yesterday.
W illiam s, of Miasiasippi, daring the
flllboeter against the bill te pay Sam­
uel Lee $10,000 for expenses incurred
daring hi* contest for n east in the
Forty-eeventh congress, stated that be
l ad beard the name of a member called
and that tha clerk had recorded him an
voting when aa a matter of fact tha
member was not in the city.
D on’t P o iso n B ab y .
T E A R S AGIO almost every m other thought her child must have
PA RE0 0 RIO or laudanum to make it sleep. These drugs w ill produoe
deep, and A FE W DROPS TOO M A N Y w ill produce the SLEEP FROM
TH k RT! IS NO W A K IN G . M any are the children who have been killed or
whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each
of w hich is a narcotio product o f opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling
either of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling
them “ poison.” The definition o f “ narcotic ” is :
m edicine
which relieves pain
and produces sleep, but which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convul­
sions and death. The taste and smell o f medicines containing opium are disguised)
and sold under the names o f “ Drops," “ Cordials,” “ Soothing Syrups,” eto. You
should not perm it any m edicine to be given to your children w ithout you or
your physician know o f what it is composed. CASTOBIA DOES
TA IN NARCOTICS, i f it bears the signature o f Chas. H. Fletcher*
Le tte rs from P rom inent Physicians
addressed to Chas0 H. Fletcher.
Dr. J. W. Dlnadale, of Chicago, 111., says: “ I use your Cxxtoria and
advise its use in all families where there are children.’’
Dr. Alexander E. Min tie, o f Cleveland, Ohio, s a y s:’ "I have frequently
prescribed your Castoria and have found it a reliable and pleasant rem­
edy for children.”
Dr. J. 3. Alexander, o f Omaha, Neb., says: “ A medicine so valuable and
beneficial fo r children aa your Castoria is, deserve* the highest praise. (
had it In use everywhere.”
Dr. J. A. McClellan, of Buffalo, N. Y., says: “ I have frequently prescribed
your Castoria for children and always got good results. In fact I uao
Castoria for my own children.”
Dr. J. W. Allen, of St. Louis, Mo., says: “ I heartily endorse your Cao-
toria. I have frequently prescribed It In my medical practice, and have
always found it to do ail that is claimed for it.”
Dr. C. H. Qlldden, o f SL Paul, Minn., says: “ My experience as a prao-
titloner with your Castoria has been highly satisfactory, and I consider it
an excellent remedy for the young.”
Dr. H. D. Benner, o f Philadelphia, Pa., says: “ I have used your Cas­
toria as a purgative in the cases o f children for years past with the moat
happy effect, and fully endorse it as a safe remedy.”
Dr. J. A. Boarman, o f Kansas City, Mo., says: “ Your Castoria is a splen­
did remedy for children, known the world over. I use it in my practice
and have no hesitancy in recommending it for the complaints o f Infanta
and children. ’
Dr. J. J. Mackey, o f Brooklyn, N. Y., says: *T consider your Castoria aa
excellent preparation for children, being composed o f reliable medicines
and pleasant to the taste. A good remedy for all disturbances of th*
digestive organs.”
Bears the Signature of
LW A §
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
In U s e
F or O ver 3 0
Y e a rs.
▼ M l e X N T A U R C O M P A N Y , T T M U R R A Y « T R I C T , NE W V O R R CITY-
Manchuria’s climate corresponds to
that of Canada; its size is six times that
of England and Walea; its population
Mothers w ill find Mr-. W inslow’s Soothing
Syrup the best remedy to use for their children
during th « teething period.
C o p y in g the H u m an a.
Family Cat— I’m not going to eat
out of the same dish with y o u !
Dog— Why not! Lots o f people thnt
sornp worse than we do eat at the
same table!
riTO Rt. Vitus’ Dance and all Nervous Disease*
I 11 V permanently cured by I)r. Kline’s Great
Nerve Restorer. Kend for FREE 92 trial bottle and
treatise. 1LKlin. ,Ld.,»81 Aren St.,Pblla.,Pa
IT« T r o u b I « .
“What la the meaning of ’alter ego’ ?”
aaked the teacher of the beginners’ class
F rie n d s h ip '« T rib u te .
in Latin.
Mrs. Wellon (trying on her gorgeous
“The other It” said the boy with the
curly hair.
bonnet)— How do you like the effect?
Mrs. Chillicon-Kearney— Why, it’s won­
“Give a sentence containing the
derful. You have the right idea. There’s
' ’He winked kis other I.’ "
nothing like contrasts, is there?
r j a v n , A J Towta CO»
co uMiTEo.. T A iu J r * 5
Oftentimes a silver filling Is
more advisable thSn gold. But
some dentists use the material
allowing the m u t profit to
themselves. You have to leave
this to the Judgment of the
dentist. Why nor go to den­
tists who have built and m ain­
tain a reputation for reliabili­
ty? Examinations free.
Dr. G. Gee Wo
Tirii wnntDrful Chi­
nese Doctor Is call'd
great because be cures
people without opera
lion that are giveti lip
to die. He cures with
those wonderful Cul­
ms** herbs, roots, bud«,
harks and vegel aides
that are entirely uu- j
known to medical sci-
eno« In this conuiry. Th rough the us* of tho««
harmless remedies thin tammis doctor knows
the h c i I o u o f over 500 different remedies which
he successfully uses In different diseases. Hs
guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, thr »at,
rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver; kid­
neys, etc.; has hundreds of testimonials.
Charges moderate. Call and see him. Patients
out of the city write Tor blankr and e rculars.
Cor. Third and Washington St«.
For a Good Complexion
F 3
o r c Clear
— Sweet Breath
Clean Tongue
Calm Nerves
— Good Temper and
Should Continue Filibuster.
Eat a Cascaret whenever you suspect
Washington, May 21.— Democratic you need II. Carry a little 10c Emer­
members of the bonse of representative* gency box constantly with you, In your
today were signing an indorsement of
Purse or Pocket.
an action o f W illiams, the minority
When do you need one?
lender, in filibustering in the house for
the purpose of hurrying action on the
statehood b ill.
The indorsement was
drawn by Henry, of Texas, and was
circulated by Beall, of that state. It
asks W illiam s to continue to demand
roll calls on every motion which can be
made in the passage ol bills or the adop­
tion of resolutions and raise the ques­
tion of no quorum when possible.
—When you have Heart­
burn, Belching, Actd Rialngs In
Will Double Alaska Cable*.
Washington, May 15 — Orders have
—Whan Pimples begin to peep out.
been ieened by Oeneral Allen, the chief
—When your stomach Gnaws and
signal officer of the army, for the in­
stallment of the duplex system on the Burns.
Alaska cables. The commercial bnsl-
That's th* time to shock coming Con­
oeee of the cables has become to heavy stipation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia.
that even by working night and day the
That’s tha tlm* to tako a Cascaret.
operator* are not able to handle nil the
With the new system the
and morning,
capacity of the cable« will be increased
aboat 75 per cent. The sapreme coart taken regularly for a thort time, is war­
of the United States has denied the ranted to euro tho worst case of Consti­
petition for a rehearing in the Chicago pation or Indigestion that walk* tha earth.
traction cases.
One tablat taken whenever you suspect
you need it will Insure you against 90 per
Inquiry Into C oal M onopoly.
cent of all other ills likaly to attack you.
Philadelphia, May 15.— The Inter-
Because 90 per cent of those ills begin
state Commerce Commission will to­
morrow resume its inquiry into the al­ In the Bowels, or oils! through poor Nutri­
leged close relations between railroads tion.
Cascaret* don't purge, don't weaken,
and big coal corporation!. Nearly th*
entire time, it is expected, will be do- don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach.
voted to efforts to prove the ownership
They don't act Hka "Phyaic" that flush
of stock in coni companies by official« eut th* Bowels with a wait* of proctous
of the Pennsylvania railroad and dis­ Digestive Juice needed lor tomorrow's
crimination in ear distribution. Tbe Bowel-work.
Baltimore and O hio w ill also be pat
No, — they act Ilk* Esercirne, on tha
under microscopic examination.
Bowels, loa lead.
They stimulate the Bowel Muscles to
contract and propel the Food naturally
past the little valves that mix Digestive
Juices with Food.
They strengthen these Bowel-Muscles
by exercising them.
This stronger action, producing greater
nutrition from food, brings back to tho
Bowel-Muscle* greater atrength for sell-
The Bowel-Muscles can thus,in a abort
tima, dispense with any Drug assistance
Cascarela are safe to take as often as
you need them, while pleasant to eat aa
162’ a First St., S. E. Cor. Morrison
Mention paper.
W .
L. D o u g l a s
* 3 = & * 3 = S H O E S iStüi
W . L . D o u g la s $ 4 .0 0 Gilt E d g e Lina
c a n n o t b a e q u a lle d a t a n y p rie * .
Then carry the little ten-centbox con;
stantly with you In your purse, and
take a Cascaret whenever you suspect
you need It.
One Cascaret at a time will promptly
cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue-
All druggist* sell them—over ten mil­
lion boxes a year, for aix years past.
Ba very careful to get tha genuine, made
only by the Sterling Remedy Company
and naver «old In bulk.
Evary table*
atamped "C C C ." '
$ 10,000
ditpiovt this ststsmsnt.
If I could take yon Into my three large hi
snow you the i InfInN«
care with which every pair of *h<
ehoee ________
Is met
would realize why
* . W. L. D b o w ug r ies
lii U
N i
■ana«, why they
*ev«y hold th«lr
th«tr •
cost mors to issak«,
fit better, wear longer, and are ef greats«
Intrinsic value than any other JJ.50 «ho«.
■t B rockton, M s
None genuin«
¡ without his name and price «tamped on bottom.
1 Fast Color Fuslots uns* ; ffte* Mill mot m
r a s a t o o u r . t r i e n d s i j Writ« for Illustrated Catalog.
We waat te seed te ear frleads a bcasttfal
W . L D O ! GLAM. It rock to a , 1
C .T .V »T
t Ira r‘ cents Tt
Is a beaaty
la sumps is take* as a
dre-.unt table.
It It and te cesto! Cascaren.
with whlctuTL d Jn tr trinket Is
Seed toiler, mentlenlnt this
Starila« Kusedr Ceopaay, Chicaxo er New fork.
r. n . u.
-I tT H K lf
W rtth u
te. *d T »r«leora » l — ao 1