-D « .« n m i." of wiio V e i l . , . Traveler* in tile celebrated Death Valley o f California have described the wonderful contortions of the aand pil­ lars that small whirlwind* aouietlmea semi spinning across the hot plain. Even more remarkable are "duat dev ils” seen by an explorer, In the valley o f the White Nile. Sometimes two o( these whirling columns, gyrating In op posite directions, meet, "and If they be well-matched the collision stops them and a struggle ensues as to which way they shall twist. Gradualy one gains the mastery, and the two combined rush on together." Some o f these whirlwinds will strip the clothes from an Arab's back, or send a goat spinning round and round like a top. Mrs. Mittie Huffaker. Scrofula Hood’s Sarsaparilla to rid you o f It radically and permanently. A ccept no sub.tltute. but IneUt on having H ood's. Liquid o r tablet«. 100 Doaea U. M akes a D lfe r c .e e . Dweller* In apartment house* som e times seem to forget that conversations in the entrance ball* may be overheard by other tenants. This was the greet­ ing which a belated husband received at the door of his apartment recently: "D on’ t talk to m e! I know very well what you would *ay! But I know— you have been off playing poker and lost all your m oney!” "No, I didn't, my dear; I won twen­ ty dollars," was the conciliating an­ swer. The other voice suddenly modulated. "W ell, perhaps after all we women are a little too severe— a man should have a little recreation now and then." P a r m e r an d I k . P a r ty W ir e . HAD GIVEN UP ALL HOPE. CONFINED TO HER BED WITH DYSPEPSIA. “ I Owe My Life to Pe-ru-na,” Says Mrs. Huffaker. When the Independent telephone com­ panies first began to come together In conventions to exchange experiences, one fact was always commented upon with great curiosity by the nmnugers of town or city plants, says Success. This was that they Invariably met with failure In their endeavors to Induce farmers to put In what are known as "lockout" devices, by means o f which every telephone on a party line becomes practlcully a private wire. In cities, the party line la considered a great nuisance, because there la no privacy In conversations, and all th* bells on the line are rung each time a subscriber calls. Naturally, the manag­ ers of plants figured that this objec­ tion prevailed In the country a ls o ; but, almost without exception, they found that one o f the great attractions to the farmer was that hla telephone did ring every time the other sixteen or twenty people on the line rang up, and that he could hear or be overheard In conver­ sation. It was a practical demonstra­ tion o f the social hunger the farmer has endured for centuries, and which Is now ended, thanks to the arrival of telephone competition. E n g l a n d 's Mrs. Mittie Huffaker, R . R. No. 3, Columbia, Tenn., writes: “ I was afflicted with dyspepsia for sev­ eral years and at last was confined lo my bed, unable to sit up. " W e tried several different doctors without relief. “ I had given up all hope o f any relief and was almost dead when my husband bought me a bottle of Peruna. “ At first I could not notice any bene­ fit, bnt after taking several bottles I was cured sound and well. “ It is to Peruna I owe my life today. “ I cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers.’ ’ O ld e s t P eer. The only living peer who was a mem­ ber of the house o f lords at the time o f Queen Victoria’s accession la Lord Nelson. He succeeded to the earldom In 1833. Lord Nelson Is not a direct descendant of the hero o f Trafalgar,, but la only collaterally descended from Horatio Nelson’s sister, Mrs. Bolton. He enjoys a good estate and a pension of £5,000 granted to the first Lord Nel­ son and his belra. How’ s This? We offer One Hundred Dollar* Reward for any caae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by H ell’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, a We, the underiigned, have known F. J. Revised Formula. Cheney for the last 15 yeare, and believe him “ For a number of years requests have perfectly honorable in all buklneel transac­ come to me from a multitude of grath- tions and 11 n anclally able to carry ou t any ob- ilg a tlu n s m ade by th e ir firm . fnl friends, urging that Peruna be W i s t A T e U A X , w holesale D ruggli given a slight laxative quality, I have W a l d i n o , K i n n a n A M a e v i n , vv b oleiale D ru g - gista, Toledo, O. been experimenting with a laxative ad­ H all's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, act­ ing upon the blood and mucous sur­ dition for quite a length of time, and faces dtrectly of the system. Price 75c. per bottle, now feel gratified to announce to the gold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. friends of Peruna that I have in co rp o r­ Hall's Family Pll]s are the bast. ated each a quality in the medicine A G a lla n t B o r . which, in my opinion, can only en­ ,A Bostonian was talking about the hance its well-known beneficial charac­ late Henry Harland. ter. “ 8. B. H ARTM AN, M. D .” “ Harland was a graceful, gallant soul,” he said. "Even In his boyhood GASOLENE ENGINES S to 4 horse­ he turned the prettiest compliment "In his boyhood be studied Latin power fully werranted, »125. All sizes »nil styles at lowest prices. Write for catalog. under a charming young woman. REIERSON MACHINERY COMPANY "Thla young lady, calling him up In ____________ _________ Portland. Oregon. class one morning, s a id : “ 'Henry, name some o f the chief beauties o f education.’ “ The boy, smiling Into bis teacher's pretty eyes, answered: Portland Trade Directory “ ‘ Schoolmistresses.’ ” — Philadelphia Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre­ Bulletin. sentative Business firms. CLASSIFIEPAPVERTISIftlG PHOTO SUPPLIER; Kodak developing and print­ ing; writ« for prices. Woodard, Clark« A Co. MAGIC LANTERNS— Welster Co., Portland. Lowest prices on Lanterns and Slides. ELASTIC HOSIERY ; Supporters, Braces; Knit to Pit; fr*« measurement blanks; Woodard, Clarke. MORSES of all kinds for S A le at very reasonable prices. Inquire 276 Front St. TRUSSES sent on approval; we guarantee fit in most difficult cases; Woodard, Clarke A Co. ARTIFICIAL EYES; eyery «hade and shap«; as­ sortment sent on'fcpproval; Woodard, Clarke Co CREAM SEPARATORS-W e guarantee the U. 8. Separator to be the best. Write lor free catalog. Hazelwood Co., Fifth and Oak. MEN’ S CLOTHING — Buffum A Pendleton, sole agents Alfred Benjamin A Co.’s correct clothes. Everything in men’s furnishings. Morrison nnd Sixth streets. Opposite postoffice. POULTRY FOOD—If you wnnt your hens to lev more eggs write us for free particulars about PU­ RINA POULTRY FEEDS—Acme Mills Co.. Portland, Oregon. PIANOS A ORGANS — Oldest piano house on Pa­ cific coast. Organs and Pianos on easy payments. Write for list. Let us quote you a price. Allen A Gilbert-Ramaker Co., Portland, Oregon. T E L E G R A P H Y T A U G H T F R E E . Com­ plete course an