The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908, February 22, 1906, Image 3

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Few are entirely free from it.
It may develop b o slowly as to cause little if
any disturbance during the whole period of
It may then produce dyspepsia, catarrh,
and marked tendency to consumption, before
manifesting itself in much cutaneous erup­
tion or glandular swelling.
It is best to be sure that you are quite free
from it. and you can rely on
Hood’s Sarsaparilla
to rid you of It radicallr and permanently.
Arcept no substitute, but Insist on having
liood’s. Liquid or tablets, 100 Doses tl.
H e r Steady D iet.
It was Nov. 10. For seven weeks
Mrs. Symmiutfton hud been killing off
tlie surplus young roosters from her
flook and eating them. Now, with th<
light of desperation in her face, she
loaded six o f them, dressed. Into the
old buggy, put a basket of eggs under
the seat, and set off for lielltowu Cen­
ter, determined to trade all six If nec­
essary for a mess of pfnin corned beef.
she passed the “ Orthodox”
church three women emerged from
the basement and hailed her.
“ O Mary Symmlngton!” they cried.
"A r e you coming to our church sup­
"W hoa?” she snld. “ When is It?”
“ To night. In the town hall. It’s 23
Mrs. Symmlngton nodded acquies­
cence. Here was something better than
she hud hoped for.
“ O f course I ’ll coine,” she said. “ I ’ll
go hack for my men-folks. What you
going to have?”
Three eager women gathered breath
for a simultaneous glad cry. I t came*
an Instant later:
“ Chicken pie! Plenty of chicken pie
for everybody!"
W ay
O u t.
I f . t a P a . . e a g e r f r o m J r r a r y C it y
to P flft.b a r w — E x p e n s iv e T r ip .
It cost the Pennsylvania railroad
and the Pullman Palace Car Company
»123 on Cbrlatmas day to run a train
without uny passengers from Jersey
City to Pittsburg.
The train, the
Pennsylvania limited, one of the finest
on the road, constated of an engine
baggage car, diuer and three coaches
wheu It pulled out of Jersey City at
11:24 a. m. on Monday, and when It
reuched Pittsburg at 0:33 o’clock that
ulght, the only passengers It carried
were the three changes of Pennsylvania
crews and the regular Pullman crew.
The run wna strictly according to
schedule, but uot a ticket was punched
not a meal was served, or a piece ot
baggage handled. Nobody worked but
the engineers and flremeu.
Three cooks hasted fowls and created
good tlilDgs lu the culinary line for
four waiters to serve the passengers
who didn't come. A nar'.ier waited In
vnln for “ N ex t!” and the Pulman con­
ductor had plenty of time to adjnlre
his new uniform. All this cost the
company, founded by the late George
Pullman, good cash, and, aa for the
Pennsylvania, why, there were three
conductors who didn’t conduct, while
twelve brakemen and three baggage
masters twirled their thumbs Instead
of lantern, flag or trunks. A lone sten­
ographer had time to waste, and the
wenr and tear on the train, the equip­
ment of which represented about »45,-
000, kept on with every turn of the
It Is doubtful If a railroad train ever
made such a run before. Joseph Brown
the Pennsylvania conductor who hnd
charge of the train from Jersey City
to Philadelphia, snld that In his forty-
five years as a railroader he never re­
membered such an ocucrreuce.—New
York American.
“ What?” exclaims the vexed wife.
‘You forgot to get the tickets for the
S la t e r L i k e d H i m .
matinee, after we have asked our
"H ave you any reason to believe that
friends to go with us? O, you dummy!
Now, what excuse can we make to your sister likes me, W illie?”
“ Course she does. Just yesterday I
them? It is too late to get seats.”
“ W ell,”
stammers the husband, heard her say, 'Nobody could help likin’
"couldn’t we tell them we forgot they the dear old easy mark.’ ”— Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
were going?”
W h en the joints are sore and swollen, and the muscles throbbing with the
pain o f Rheumatism, relief must be had at once, and it is natural to rub the
affected parts w ith linim ents, oils, etc. T h is treatment does good in a way,
by tem porarily relievin g the pain and reducing the inflammation, but has no
effect on the disease itself, because Rheumatism is more than skin d e ep ; it
is in the blood and cannot be rubbed away. Rheumatism is brought on by
indigestion, weak kidneys, poor bowel action, stomach troubles and a gen­
eral slu ggish condition o f the system. Th e refuse and waste matters, which
should be carried off through the nat
h ile a t w o rk fo r the F. O. ft P . R. R.
ural avenues o f b odily waste, are in W the
sw am py region , I contracted
left to sour and form uric acid and R heum atism and w as com pletely help­
fo r about fou r months and spent
other irritating poisons which are ab­ less
o ve r $150.00 w ith dootors, but erot worse
sorbed by the blood, m aking it thin, e v e ry day. and fin a lly q u it them and be­
gan S. S. S. I took a fe w bottles and
weak and acrid. Then instead o f w as cured sound and w e ll. M y health
nourishing the different nerves, mus­ is n ow splendid, and I w e ig h 175
pounds. There is a la d y liv in g near me
cles, join ts and tissues it fills them w h o is n o w ta k in g S. S. S. fo r acute
tw o months she could
With poison to produce the aches, Rheum atism . F
, or
-inrl otner
oH i.r disagreeable
dissurreenhli» sym
not turn
h er.elf
In b.d,
but three
.in o . b.gin-
pains ana
p - ning
m .dicin.
toms o f the disease. Rheumatism ago has im proved ra p id ly, and is now
m end S. S. S«
able t6 s it up. I can
is usually worse in W in ter fo r the to a ll su fferin g firomRheumutism.
* euinutism.
U lah , N . O.
O. L A S S IT E R .
reason that cold and dampness are
e x citin g causes. T h e nerves become
I w as s everely trou bled w ith Rheum a­
. I had i t In m y knees, legs and
excited and sting w ith pain, the mus­ tism
ankles, and a n y ons w h o has s v s r had
cles are sore and drawn, the join ts Rheum atism know s h ow excru cia tin g
p ain is and how it interferes w ith
swollen and stiff and the sufferer the
one at w o rk . I w as tru ly in bad shape­
lives in intense a g o n y ; and if the h a v in g been bothered w ith it fo r ten
o ff and on. A lo ca l physician ad­
disease is not checked it often leaves years,
vised me to use S. 8. 8. I did so. A fte r
its victim s helpless cripples fo r life. ta k in g tw o bottles I noticed the sore­
and p ain w ere g re a tly reduced. I
Rheumatism cannot be rubbed away ness
con tinu ed the m edicine and was thor­
but it can be driven from the blood ou gh ly cured; a ll pain, soreness and in ­
m ation gone. I recommend 8. 8. 8.
by S. S. S.
Being a perfect blood flam
to a ll Rhsum atio sufferers.
purifier this great remedy soon pro­
J. I., A O N E W ,
I f t. V ernon, O.
duces a complete change in the en­ 803 E , G reen b rier St.
tire circulation ; the thin, acrid blood is made pure and rich, and as it goes
through the body nourishes and soothes the irritated nerves, eases the throb-
bing muscles, and dissolves and carries
out of the system the irritating particles
in the join ts which are keeping up the
pain and inflammation. S. S. S. cures
k J B — I k J » _ ■ J B — Rheumatism permanently, and in addi-
tion tones up the digestion and stimu-
V r P F T A R I C
lates the different members o f the body
I 'l l l f C . L T
i b U C I H D L C . to th eir f un duty so there is no cause
for another attack. D o not waste tim e tryin g to rub Rheumatism away, but
get it out o f the blood with S. S. S. so that the cold and dampness o f W inte*
w ill not keep you in continual pain and agony. Special book on Rheuma­
tism and any medical advice w ill be given free.
Get W hat You Ask Fori
HERE la a Reason—
Why the Good People of
A m e r i c a buy Cascarela as
Fast ss Ih j Clock Ticks.
Every second some one, somewhere.
Is Buying a little Ten-Cent Box oí Cas­
1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6—60 times to the Minute,
60 Minutes to the Hour, 3600 Boxed an
Hour, 36,000 Boxes a Day of Ten Hours,
1,080,000 Boxes a Month, and then some.
Think of 11—220,000 People take a
Cascaret tablet each day. Millions use
Cascarets when necessary.
The Judgment o I Millions of Bright
Americans Is Infallible. They have been
Buying and Taking Cascarets at that rate
for over Six years.
t Is not an Experiment, not an Acct-
it or Incident, but a sound, Honest
siness, based on Tlme-Trled-and-Tested
rit, never found wanting.
'here la a Reaaon,
lascarets are the Implacable foe of
Disease Germs; the Incomparable
anser, purifier and strengthener of the
Ire Digestive Canal,
rhey Act like Bxerdaa on the BoweL
soles, make them strong and active—
e to Help Themselves do their work—
ip themselves dean.
Cascarets are the safe-guard of Innocent
lldhood against the Dreadful Dealh-
iling Danger* that threaten the Lives
the Uitle Ones.
rhey we Purely Vegetable, absolutely
xmless; always Reliable and Efficient,
a true, faithful, loyal servant of Mankind.
Over Five Millions of Dollars have
been Spent to make the merits of Cas­
carets known, and every cent of It would
be lost, did not sound merit claim and
hold the constant, continued friendship.
Patronage and Endorsement of well-
pleased people year after year.
There Is also a Reason—
Why there are Parasites who attach
themselves to the Healthy Body of Cas-
caret’s success—Imitators,Counterfeiters,
Substi tutors.
They are Trade Thieves who would
rob Cascarets of the "Good Will” of the
people, and sneak unearned profits,
earned and paid for by Cascarets.
A Dishonest Purpose means a Dishonest
Product and a Disregard of the Purchas­
ers’ Health or Welfare.
Beware of the Slick Salesman and his
ancient ‘ ‘Just as Good” story that com­
mon sense refutes.
Cascarets are made only by the Sterling
Remedy Company, and the famous little
Ten Cent "Vest Pocket" box ts her#
shown. They are never sold In bulk.
Every tablet marked “ CCC.”
Be sure you get the genuine.
’ m
tu rn r M i x o i i
»ore at rood fialth and te caver
■ wWc* tEUHIntr trinket it
n4 to-U r. e e a W E « f t
STi¿ Ï Ï Z
V o . Boat Mass.
Monday, February IB.
Washington, Feb. 10. — Three bills
were peered under suspension o f the
rnlee— requiring a two-third* vote— in
the house today.
The first makes gtmbling unlawful
in the territories of the United States,
including Arizona, New Mexico, Okla­
homa, Indian Territory and Alaska.
The bill is directed particularly against
Arisons and New Mexico, where it was
stated.gambling was licensed.
The second prov’ dee additional work
for the Census bureau by requiring sta­
tistics to be taken on insurance, fish­
eries, electrical industries, savings
banks and Crimea.
The third appropriates »60,000 for
the purchase of 300 acres of coal lapd
on the island of Batan, one of the
Philippine archipelago.
On the last
named b ill a debate of two honra was
The others were debated 40
minutes each.
Washington, Feb. 19.— Discussion of
the pure food b ill occupied practically
all of the day in the senate. The
speakers were Heybnrn, who has charge
of the b ill; Foiaker, who presented a
number of amendments desired by
liquor interests; Money, in favor of his
suetitute; and McCnmber. An order
was made to devote time tomorrow to
considering amendments under the ten-
minute rule, and begin voting at 5
o’clock Wednesday.
The president transmitted to congress
a special message agreeing with the
minority report of the consulting en­
gineers on the Panama canal in faver
of a lock canal.
Is It Y o u r
O w n H a ir?
the fortification bill, that measure was
passed by the house today.
Thursday, February 16.
Washington, Feb. 16. — The senate
today passed to the consideration of the
joint statehood b ill and for an hour
and a half listened to a speech by Dick
in support of the b ill as reported from
the committee on territories.
The bill prohibiting the unauthorized
wearing of the insignia of the G. A . R.
and other soldier organizations was
Bills were passed establishing light-
honses and fog signals on Cape Hincb-
Pacific Coast Protests.
i n brook island, W illiam sound and
Cape Spencer, Cross sound, in Alaska. „ Washington, Feb. 16. — Serious op­
position from Pacific coast interests has
Washington, Feb. 16. — “ Morning developed to the Cushman b ill provid­
hour” prevailed in the house today ing for new fishing legulations for
The bouse committee on ter­
until after 6 o’clock. The net result Alaska.
was the passage of a bill to increase to ritories is now considering the b ill and
»30,000 a year the Federal appropria­ today six Pacific coast senators and a
tion to each state and territory for the number of representatives appeared be­
of agricultural experiment fore it and asked that the hearing be
stations and a bill repealing the present kept open until parties interested can
law granting American register to for­ reach here from the coast to be heard
eign ships wrecked and repaired on the in opposition to it.
The principal point of objection is
American coast in the discretion of the
secretary r f the department of Com­ that the b ill gives to the department of
merce and Labor, and requiring a spe­ Commerce and Labor power to make
It is claimed
cial act of congress to grant such regis­ suitable regulations.
the department would be absolute in
The feature of the day was the at­ this matter, and that any changeB in
tempt of Payne, chairman of the ways the existing regulations would work
and means committee, to get hie bill hardship, if not ruin, to the salmon
for the consolidation of customs collec­ fishing industries.
tion districts.
A furious opposition
Why No Statue o f Lafayette?
developed and by a roll call a large ma­
jority voted against considering the
Washington, Feb. 16.— The attention
bill. Again, when the experiment sta­ of Secretary Root has been called to tbe
tion bill came up, the debate reverted delay in completing tbe bronze statue
into the Payne bill, and it was with of General Lafayette at Paris, for
difficulty that it could be brought to which a large sum of money was raised
in this country, to take the place of the
an end.
An indirect compliment was paid to plaster cast placed on the pedestal dur­
Longworth by a vote to adjourn today ing the exposition of 1000. It is un­
until Monday, although nothing will derstood that Mr. Root baB s’ arted an
investigation. The Daughters of the
appear in the record of its purpose.
American Revolution are interesting
themselves in the matter.
Wednesday, February 14.
Wednesday, Feb. 14. — A t a few
minutes after 6 o’ clock today the senate
Prior Right Given Squatter.
cast its final ballot on tbs subsidy ship­
Washington, Feb. 19. — Senator Du­
ping b ill, which was passed by a vote bois today introduced a b ill providing
of 38 to 27. A ll tbe votes for the bill that where settlers have been permitted
were by Republican senators, and five to go upon and erect improvements on
Republican senators voted with the lands within townsitea under govern­
Demorcats in opposition. They were ment irrigation projects prior to their
Burkett, Dolliver, La Follette, Spooner formal opening, they shall have the
and Warner. The vote on the b ill was first right to purchase lots on which
preceded by action on a number of such improvements are located at the
amendments, and this by an entire day appraised value.
of debate.
Many important amend­
ments were accepted, but only in one
Last Hearing on Yakima Land.
case was a modification agreed to that
Washington, Feb. 14. — Land Com­
was not in accordance with the wishes
missioner Ross today had a final hear­
of the managers of the b ill. The excep­
ing on his fight for the approval of the
tion was on an amendment offered by
state Carey act selection of 56,000 acres
Spooner eliminating the provision giv­
in the Yakima valley.
The case will
ing half pay to members of the naval
probably be decided in a few days.
reeerve who have served lees than six
Lighthouse for Resurrection Bay.
When the shipping b ill waB dis­
Washington, Feb. 14.— Senator Piles
posed of the statehood b ill was made
today introduced a bill authorizing the
the unfinished business.
construction of a lighthouse at the en­
Washington, Feb. 14.— After spend­ trance o( Resurrection bay, Alaska, to
ing almost the entire day in debate on cost »26,000.
Changes Alaska Railroad Bill.
Washington, Feb. 20.— The senate
committee on territories authorised a
favorable report on a b ill prohibiting
gambling in Alaska, Arizona, New
Mexico, Oklahoma and Indian T erri­
The committee also authorized
a favorable report npon tbe b ill to aid
the construction of Alaskan railroads,
but, amended it by striking ont the
provision for the bond issue secured by
the United States government. As the
b ill w ill be reported there is no direct
financial assistance given by tbe gov­
ernment to this project.
Will Report Bill.
Washington, Feb. 20.— The P hilip­
pine tariff hill, which has been held up
in the sneate committee ever since it
passed the honse, is soon to be reported.
The Democrats of the committee, who
were supposed to be solidly arrayed
against the bill, held a conference today
and two ont of the five declared their
intention to vote to report the bill—
Carmack of Tennessee and McCreary
of Kentucky. Three Republicans, how­
ever— Hale of Minnesota, Bnrrowi of
Michigan and Brandegee of Connecticut
— are opposed to the bill.
Railroads on the Islands.
Washington,. Feb. 14. — Tbe bid of
Solomcn 4 Co., Cornelius Vanderbilt,
J. G. White 4 Co., all of New York;
Thomas F. Swift, Detroit, with whom
is associated tbe International Banking
corporation; H. B. Wilson and Heidei-
bach, Ickelheimer 4 Co., has been ac­
cepted by tbe Philippine government
lor tbe concessionary contracts or
grants for tbe construction, mainte­
nance and operation of railroads in the
islands of Negros, Panay and Ceba.
Their bid provides for fall government
goat antes authorized by congrea*.
Ask Expulsion of Senator.
Washington, Feb. 14.— A petition
asking for the expulsion of Senator T.
C. Platt, of New York, from the senate,
which bad been filed with tbe vice
president, was laid before the senate
today. The document is signed by C.
W . Post, of Washington. Mr. Post al­
leges tb it Mr. Platt should be deprived
of hie seat because, as president of the
United States Express company, he is
an officer of a combination consisting of
ail the principal express companies of
tbe country who co-operate to keep up
May T ry Behring Sea Claims.
Washington, F#b. 20. — The house
committee on judiciary today returned
a favorable report on a b ill to confer
jarifdiction upon tbe Circuit court of
tbe United Statee for the Ninth circuit
( P k U c coast statee) to determine io
equity the rights of American citizens
under the award of the Behring sea
arbitration of Paris and to render judg­
ment. The bo nee committee also or­
dered favorable report for United States
courts at Victoria, Tax..and M iami, Fla.
Will Act On Exclusion Law.
Washington, Feb. 14. — Chinese ex-
clnsion legislation was one of the sub­
jects discussed today by the president.
Representative Perkins, of New York,
told the president that the matter soon
would be taken up by the committee
and that he had no doubt that action
would be taken. He said it would be
the effort of the committee to satisfy
tbe objections now made by the Chi­
nese, without admitting to this country
Chinese coolie*.
Do you pin your hat to your
ow n h a ir? C a n ’ t do it?
Haven’t enough hair? It must
be you do not know A yer’s
Hair Vigor I Here’s an intro­
duction! May the acquaint­
ance result in a heavy growth
of rich, thick,glossy hair! And
we know you’ll never be gray.
Tuesday, February 13.
Washington, Feb. 18.— The fortifica­
tions appropriation hill held the atten­
tion of the honse today, and woe tbe
text for mach heated argument, first
over tbe lax method of expenditure of
public money and second over the lo­
cation of the proposed »16,000,000
naval station for the Philippines.
Washington, Feb. 13. — Senator E l­
kin* today introduced his bill for rail­
way rate regulation. Tbe measure pro­
vides that whenever any rate, fare or
charge established by any common car­
rier shall be unjust and unreasonable,
the Interstate Commerce commission
shall have power, after complaint and
hearing, to make an order requiring
such rate to be modified, so far as shall
be necessary in order to remove the un­
reasonableness and unlawfulness. The
order shall take effect on and after a
date to be specified not less than 30
days after service upon the carrier, and
shall continue in effect for one year un­
less restrained or Bet aside by lawful
order or decree of court, or unless re­
voked or modified by a supplementary
order of the commission, which may be
made upon application or after notice
to the carrier defendant in the proceed­
Senator Fnlton today offered an
amendment to tbe Bundry civil bill ap­
propriating »400,000 for protecting and
preserving work done on tbe jetty at
the mouth of the Columbia river. Mr.
Fulton has concluded, after repeated
conferences with Chairman Burton, of
tbe house committee, and the senate
leaders, that the only possible way of
getting an appropriation this session
for the month of the Columbia is by on
amendment to tbe sundry civil bill.
There is absolutely no hope of passing
a special bill, nor is there any hope of
putting through an emergency river and
harbor b ill to provide for a limited
number of deserving projects, as was at
one time contemplated.
The friend o f s young physician
started for a little western town and
promised to telograpb If the settlement
appeared to be a good opening In the
medical line. Some weeks later tbe
physician received the following mes­
“ Come at once. All's well.”
To which the physician responded:
Portland Trada Directory
“ What's the use of coming If all’s
Names and Addresses la Portland « I Repré­
sell? I had better locate where they’re
sentative Business Firms.
ill sick."
P H O T O S U P P L I E S ; K odak d evelop in g and print­
A G U A R A N T E E D C U R E F O R P IL E S .
in g; w rite for prices. W oodard, C larks A Co.
Itch in g, B1 ml, B 'sedlng. Protruding Piles.
sta are authorized to rotund m oney t f I'A/.O ; M A G IC L A M K H N r t - W etster IV»., Portland.
I N T M K N T fa Is to cure In 5 to IS days. 60c.
Low est prices ou Lanterns and .Slides.
E L A S T IC * H O S IE R Y ; Supporters, Braces; K n it to
P U ; free m easurem ent blanks : W oodard, Clarke.
T h o ro u gh .
“ I hear,” suiti one financier, “ that
Mr. Rockefeller is bathing bis feet In
the early morning dew to benefit bis
"Yes,” replied the other. "Having
gotten all there is out of oil, he Is
going to try water."— Washington Star.
I think that A y e r’s H air Vljcor Is the most
w onderful hair grow er that was e ver made. I
h ave used H fo r some tim e and I can truth­
fu lly sav that I am greatly pleased with It. I
ch eerfu lly recom m end it as a splendid prepa­
ration.” — Miss V. B r o c k , W ay land, Mich.
j prices.
T R U S S E S sent on ap p roval; w e guarantee fit In
most d ifficu lt cases; W oodard, C lark e A Co.
P erm an en tly Cured. N o a t- o r nervousness
i t I 0 after flrs td a y 's u e e u f Dr. K lin e's Great N erva
Restorer. Wend for F r e e a x trial bottleand treatise.
Dr. R . H . K lin e, Ltd., SSI A rch 8 k , Philadelphia, Pm
J . O. A y e r Co., L o w e ll,
so manuflaoturera
Ï - Isc-----*—
æ uers
S e c o n d -H a n d .
Ascum— Why, I thought Crlbber one
o f the wittiest comedians on the
vaudeville stage. Apparently
didn’t like the sort of jokes he uses.
Heedlt— Oh, but I do. That’s why
I couldn’t laugh at him. H e and I
seem to read the same Joke papers.—
Philadelphia Press.
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
b y lo c a l a p p lic a tio n s aa th e y c a n n o t re a c h th e
d isea sed p o r tio n o f th e e a r. T h e r e Is o n ly o n e
w a y to c u re d ea fn e s s , a n d t h a t 1» b y c o n sU tu -
t lo n a i r e m e d ie s , b e a fn e s s ts c a u sed b y a n In ­
fla m e d c o n d it io n o f th e m u cou s l i n i n g o f th e
E u s ta c h ia n T u b e. W h e n th is tu b e Is fn tla m e d
ou h a r e a r u m b lin g s o u n d o r im p e r fe c t h ear-
n g , a n d w h e n i t Is e n t ir e ly c lo s e d , D e a fn ess Is
tb e r e s u lt, a n d u n less th e in fla m m a tio n c a n be
ta k e n o u t a n d th is tu b e re s to re d t o Its n o rm a l
c o n d itio n , h e a r in g w i l l b e d e s tr o y e d fo r e v e r ;
D in e cases o u t o f te n a r e c a u s e d b y C a ta rrh ,
w h ic h Is n o t h in g b u t a n In fla m e d c o n d itio n o f
th e-m u co u s su rfaces.
W e w i l l g i v e O n e H u n d r e d D o lla r s fo r a n y
ca se o f b o a fn e s s (c a u s e d b y c a t a r r h ) th a t c a n ­
n o t b e c u re d b y f l a i l 's C a ta rrh C u re. S en d fo r
c irc u la rs , fre e .
F. J. C H U N K Y A C O ., T o le d o , O .
B old b y D ru g g is ts , 75c.
H a l l ’s F a m ily P ills a re th e best.
R e a l is t i c .
C a r e fu l
P a tie n t.
A woman whose throat had troubled
her for a long time, says a writer In
the Philadelphia Public Ledger, grew
Impatient at tbe slow progress she
was making, and made complaint to
her doctor, who said:
‘‘Madam, I can never cure you of
this throat trouble unless you stop
talking, and give your throat a com­
plete rest.”
“ But, doctor,” objected his patient
"I'm very careful what I say. I nev­
er use harsh language or anything of
that kind.”
M o th e r s w i l l A n d M r” . W ln a lo w 's S o o th in g
S yru p th e b est r e m e d y to uae t o r t h e ir c h ild r e n
d u r in g t h e t e e t h in g p e rio d .
th e
H o t e l.
Guest— Didn’t I telegraph for the
best room In the house?
Clerk— Yes, sir.
Guest— Why didn't you save tt for
Clerk— I'v e already given the best
room in the house to fifty people to­
night. and 1 thought you wouldn't like
to be crowded.— Cleveland Leader.
Mrs. Gaswell— 1« your nieca still do­
For forty years Piso’s Cure for Con­
ing art work?
Mrs. Sudilen-Clymer — Yes, indeed. sumption fms cured coughs and colds. A t
Price 25 coats.
The other day she painted a bunch of
golden rod so lifelike and natural that
A G o o d C la h .
It gives me the hay fever every time I
“The weather man said It would rain
'ook at It.— Chicago Tribune.
to-day and I am glad 1 carried my um­
T a k e L A X A T I V E HHOMO Quinine Tablets, brng- brella."
sts refund m oney If It f a t s to cure.
E. w.
“ But it didn’t rain at all to-day."
R O V E 'S signature Is on each box. 25c.
“ I know It didn’t, but I met the
weather man on the street and I used
F r o m P i g to P o r k .
Passerby— Is that your p o rk <I o w d the umbrella to swat him good and
hard.” — Philadelphia Press.
there on the rond, guv’nor?
Farmer— Pork! What d’ye mean?
M o d e rn
A d v e r t is in g .
There’s a pig o’ mine out there.
First Actress— Have you had your
Passerby— Ah, but there’s a motor
diamonds stolen lately?
car Just been by.— London Punch.
Second Actress— No; I quit that sev­
eral years ago.
You Can Qct Allen’ s Foot-Base FREE.
W r it e A lle n 8. O lm sted , L e R o y . N . Y . , f o r a
First Actress— What’s your game
fr e e s a m p le o f A l l e n ’ s F o o t-F e s e .
I t c u res
s w e a tin g , h o t s w o lle n , a c h in g fe e t . I t in e k e s
n ew o r t ig h t sh oes easy.
A c e r ta in cu re fo r
Second Actress — Running down
co rn s, ln g r o w ln g n a lls e n d b u n io n s . A U d r u g -
g ia l» B e lili. 25c. D o n ’ t a c c e p t a n y s u b e lltu te . prominent citizens In my auto.
8 W K K T P E A S —Send 10c for pckg. asstd P a ir Gold
M edal peas. J. J. UuUer, 188 Front street.
A R T I F I C I A L E Y E S ; eyery shade and s hape; as­
sortm ent sent on a p p ro v a l; W oodard, C larke Co
C R E A M S E P A R A T O R S —W e «u arantee the U. S.
S eparator to be the hest. W rite for free catalog.
H azelw ood Co., F ifth and Oak.
M K N ’ S C L O T H IN G — Buftum A Pendleton, sole
interns A lfre d Benjam in correct clothes. E v e r y ­
thing in m en’ s furu shings.
M orrison and S ixth
streets. Opposite postothce.
F R E E L A N D JN O R E G O N under the C arey Ir r i­
gation act. Deed direct from state. W rite today.
B oo k let and map free. B. S. Cooke A Co., 251
A ld e r street, Portland, Oregon.
P O U L T R Y FO O D —I f you w ant your hens to lav
m ore eggs w rite us for free particulars about P U ­
R I N A P O U L T R Y F E E D S —A c m e M ills Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
T A I L O R S —Colum bia W oolen M ills Co.. Portland,
Ore. Latest style clothes m ade to measure cheap.
Our s e lf m easurem ent system Insures pen ect fit.
W rite for free sam ples and prices.
P IA N O S A O R G A N S - Oldest piano honse on P a ­
cific coast. Organs and P la n o j on easy paym ents.
W rite tor list. L et us quote you a price. A lle n A
G ilb ert-R am ak er Co., Portland, Oregon.
Oregon H erbs—Specific for a ll K id n ey and Bladder
troubles. Cures B A C K A C H E . Price50c. T ria l
size sent by m ail for 10c. in stamps. Send today.
260* T h ird St.
H um an H a ir Goods—Switches, Pompadours, M en’ s
Toupees and WlgH ; best fin ality; lowest prices;
send for free price list; m ail orders a specialty.
P a r s H a ir Store, 808 W ashington St.
E st 1888.
M a r ria g e
In s t it u t io n .
The historical facts concerning mnr-
rlageasan Institution are probably only
vaguely known to the majority of peo­
ple, most o f whom would doubtless be
surprised to learn that the Institution,
ns we know It to-dny, Is less than 500
years old. Histories of the marriage
ceremony show that it was not solem­
nized In church ns a religious rite until
the time of Pope Innocent III., A. D.
1108. and was not considered a sacra­
ment until 1143.
H a d n ’t
B u rn t
A bright man with team in your coun­
ty . Steady work and good wages to right
man. References required.
For par­
ticulars address
M ach.
ItrilUtllUHM dflft-4<ruA'*
S osto n c n ic A io P ^ . I n c
Atlas Engines
Many proapectUe purchaser! of engines and I
I boilers are under the impression that because the I
I Atlas Throttling Engine is of such high grade, I
I and because it is fitted with a balance valve and I
1 a main bearing, such as only C o r lis y nginea of I
I other makes contain, it is necessarily of such I
1 price that it is quite out of their reach. This is I
I not true. An Atlas engine is no higher in price I
I than any other engine, except, perhaps, one I
I that ia made entirely in a foundry.
1 For your information, therefore, we give for I
I the present an approximate price upon a 12x16 I
■ Throttling Atlas Engine, range 4 3 t o 60 I
1 H o rs e P o w e r of
$ 3 6 0 .0 0
This Includes engine complete with band wheel,
governor, throttle valve, and all regular trim-I
mings and represents the price delivered t. o. I
b. cart factory, or, if in stock at our Agencies |
at any of the following points.
Norfolk. Va.
Minneapolis, Minu.
Omaha, Neb.
Anderson, 8. C.
New Orleans, La.
August*. Ga.
Montgomery, Ala.
Greensboro, N. C.
Memphis, Tenn.
Des Moines, Iowa
Birmingham, Ala.
Shreveport, La-
Leavenworth, Kas.
Ft. Smith, Ark.
New Bern, N. C.
Joplin, Mo.
Jacksonville, Fla.
Little Rock, Ark.
Athens, Ga.
A t l a s E ngin e W o r k s
I S a ilin g a r a n c i . . I . .11 e l u . a INDIANAPOLIS
Elderly Relative (to schoolgirl) —
Amanda, you are looking pale. You
must not be too ambitious. Tell me
the truth, now : haven’t you been burn­
ing the midnight oil?
Miss Amanda (her paleness all
gone)— Why, yes, auntie. But— but
not much; we turned the lamp down
very low Indeed.— Detroit News.
P. N. U
■' A
If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the
game to the winning player, so exceptional merit In a remedy
ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason­
able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the
health and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one’s
improvement In cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches,
etc. It Is all-important, however, in selecting a laxative, to
choose one ot known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas­
ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
Co., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect­
ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after
effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs,
simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without
griping, irritating, or debilitating the internal organs in any way,
as it contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature.
As the plants which are combined with the figs in the manu­
facture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most
beneficially upon the system, the remedy has met with their
general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con­
sidering in making purchases.
It is because of the fact that SYRUP © F FIGS
is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by
physicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well
informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain
quality or inferior reputation. Every family should have a
bottle of the genuine on hand at all times, to use when a
laxative remedy U required. Please to remember that the
genuine Syrup of Figs is for sale in bottles of one size
only, by all reputable druggists and that full name of the
company— California Fig Syrup C o ., is plainly printed on
the front of every package. Regular price, 50c per bottle.
a l * f o r n i a
y r u p
N*. » - 0 «
H E N writing* t o s d v o r t lg e n p l o a ie
m e n tio n t h is p a p e r .
m i
V . T . G O .
Winona, Minn.
Box X
o f all kinds for sale at v e ry reasonable
In qu ire 275 Front St.