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About The Estacada news. (Estacada, Or.) 1904-1908 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1905)
The Estacada News No. 19. Exclusive Ladies’ Goods Get the habit I am now prepared to furnish the ladies with the latest in M ILLIN ER Y » » if,»■»,» t. + 'M nM . gibbons. Laces, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Notions --------Ladies’ Summer Of using a good article in the grocery line. Quality always regulating the price, and the price always right Underwear------- Am always pleased to have you call and inspect what I have in stock M R S. D. C. C R A N E L O C A L A N D P E R S O N A L NEWS. J. R. Cassidy has sublet the paint work at the Oaks. Spring is here and you want Th e sawmills near here are rush ed with orders. Garden Seeds and Choice Onion Sets W . L . V a n D yke had his right hand pearced by a saw tooth and he | E . S. VVomer spent Sunday with is laid up for repairs. friends in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. S. H . Covell were» Mrs. J . A . Buchanan returned out from Portland, last Sunday and from Roseburg, Tuesday. spent the day with their daughter, J. F . Lovelace has had the lum Mrs. S. E . Sm ith, and family. ber hauled for his warehouse. T h e Christian church, through M rs Sophia Small was a passen the efforts of R ev. Cartright, has ger to the metropolis, Saturday. secured as a gift for church purpos Mrs. A . E . Barr returned home e s two lots in Estacada, from the from a visit in Portland, Sunday. I townsite Co. A dance will be given in Wilbern W e are here to do printing, and hall, Eagle Creek, Saturday, 29th. if you want some done bring it to us John Bate.», of Gresham, is here or let us know and we will see you. for the season with his Percheron if you think we are not extensive horse. The enough for your consideration— 0I1, Dubois Lumber Company , go ’long, loaded a car of lumber this week for Someone has rented the rooms in Portland. the feed store, and on inquiry who Some improvements are to be is to live there, it was suggested we made by the railroad company about wait and see, and that is what every the depot one is doing. Don’t keep us in sus- J. A . $1 Estacada, Oregon, Thursday, April 6 , 1905. C. F. HOWE’S EVERYTHING IN FURNITURE! AT PAY IN PRICES YOU PORTFAND! I have just added to my stock of Furniture a nice line of Toilet Sets, Wall Paper and Rockers, that I am selling at prices that cannot be beat CARPETS **» RCGS ig? Johnson and family were peuse too, long F . M. business visitors in Portland, Mon- Th e smoke stacks have both been day and Tuesday. raised on the wood-working factory . I have a good variety of samples of Carpets to select from and can give perfect fits for your floors Rugs in almost any size, style and price Mrs. Pearl K yser, of Spokane, is and >t begins to assume the appear- here on a visit to her father, M. C. ance ° f a manufactory’ . 1 lie en- j gine has been in: tailed, and the rest Adkins, and family. of the work is progressing as rapid- " wi,ntinK any thing come and get pricy* and «eg my stock of goods Contractor Miller and his crew ly as practicable. are due home to resume work on Undertaking Goods and Work a Specialty Miss June Oakley closes her term Cooper’s furniture store. of school tomorrow, F rid a y, and in T h e frog orchestra gives a con the evening she will start for Friday cert on Broadway every evening, to Harbor on an island in the Sound the delight of the neighborhood. • waters, Washington, where she will — ' " Mrs. L . Stice, of Vancouver, was here until Tuesday of this week vis Her frieiids wish her a pleasant sea- iting her sister. Mrs. M. C. Adkins. CAN SU PPLY YOU WITH son among the isles. May be paid at the office of the Clack- Th e C ary Hardware Company is I amas Title Company, 6o8Chamber of Com- Dont get too impatient. There having a nice residence built on lots Frcsh & Salt Meats, Bacon, merce Bldg, in Portland, where a copy of are some people who, when they ! the Tax Roll is kept. on Broadway at the top of the hill. hear of anything going to happen, Hams, Lard, Mutton, &c. Tax payers finding it more convoient Mrs. Sadie ( .umm and Mrs. Jen- cannot sleep until they see the thing ) to pay in Portland may save themselves nie M cKinley of Portland visited at realized. o f course, there is an end + + + + + * the cost and time of a trip to Oregon City Mr. and Mrs. D. C. C ra n e s, last to patience, and often one has cause Thursday evening and Friday for a nominal fee of 25 cents. Until March 15th the office of the Sher- Sunday. to be impatient. But bear in mind morninK [ iff is apt to be very busy while a few min E xp ert Roberts of the Pac. States it takes time to do some things. utes suffices to pay at the office of the I sell as cheap as possible Tel. & Tel. C o ., was out last week Last week we made it appear t h a t: Clackamas Title Company in Portland. and put in the switch board in the p aiace Meat Market was selling ! -------Ed. Oblander---------- ! Payment before March 15th will save a y per cent rebate. PHONE, W EST 15. Estacada telephone office. bacon— the finest that is— at iocts | Floor Matting and Oil Cloth H. COOPER, the Furniture Dealer teach during the summer months. y h e pa |ace M a r k e t Clackamas Co. Taxes T h e telephone company has fo u r-1 a pound, something quite im possi-' Geo. C. BROWNELL teen phones in operation, and more ble. T h e proof reader should have [ Y ou get T h e N ews one year for to be installed. Business firms gen- made it lóete a pound, which is too only $ 1 and if at theendof the year LAW YER erally are taking up with the idea cheap at that. However, the bacon >’ou do n° t think it is worth it, All business promptly attended to and are having phones placed in is going, and if you want some just raa>’ renew at 1.50 a year and phone W est 15. OF* O N C IT Y , OREGON I pay up for ten years. their stores and residences. y°u $