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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1929)
MABP1M Always working for the best interests of Maupin and all of Southern Wasco County. Publishes only that news fit to print Caters to no particular class, but works for all VOLUME XV MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1920 Number 22 a11v1Jq5 TM PIONEER DIES AT HOME TUESDAY Or THIS WEEK Mst, CkarUi J. Vest Duya , Puni After Four Day' llla Interment Today Mn. Fautnli B, VanDuyn, wife of pioneer merchant of Tygh Valley, died on Tuesday at her home in that valley, death being the result of an attack of pneumonia, which had a duration of but four days. Jlcr funeral will occure today at Tygh Valley with interment In tha Odd Fellows cemetery at that place. Rev, F. C. Steven-, paator of the Christ Inn church of Dufur will conduct the funeral services, with interment In charge of Crandulls. Finnic J. Vniuyn wan born at Terra Haute, Indiana, In 1802. She was daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Wright and lived in the city of nor birth until 18H6, when she won mar rled to Charles J. VanDuyn and Im mediately thereafter came to Ore gon with her young husband, who was proprietor of a general mer chandise bufllne a at Tygh Valley, The couple remained at Tygh until 1910, when they went to Portland remaining there for a time of two yean, then returned to their first Oregon home. Mm, Van Duyn la survived by one brother, Hornce O. Wright,' Indian apolis, Indiann, and two sisters, who rtaide at Benton Harbor, Michigan, her husband being the only restive livlne in the we t. and he. too. if left to mourn her depnture from thli life. :.;-.;.: Mr. VanDuyn waa a lady of cul ture and refinement. Of a retirlpg diapoait Ion she seemed to bo con tented in the company of her hu bond, not mixing in aoc lety to any great fx tent. What clow friends she made during her residence at Tygh Valley remained a- such thru out her life. She was a e lone stu dent of affairs, national' and local and waa well Informed oii hII other matters pertaining to educational and social condition. With her, pawing her huibami loses a clo e companionship of one who devoted her life tojiia pleasure and comfort, the community a wor thy citizen and society a shining nd Intellectual light All grieve with the -bereaved ones and nil will recognize, that in her pnsnlr.g earth has contributed "no wwo angel to the shining throng above. MAUPIN MAN'S BROTHER DIES AT PHILOMATH William B. Stovall Taken at '' of 20 Years- Nawtpapor Writer and Author " At. William 6. Stovall," brother of Dr, Lawrence 8. Stovall of Maupin, died at the home of his parents near Fhilomath oh Sunday, March 24. death following several yenn ill ness. , t.' : ' ; Decedent wo,-, born fn Corvallis, May 17, 1000. He lived la Benton ,iconnty the greater part of -his life, attending: school there. . Ho gradu ated from vthe Thilomath High school," attended Willamette univer. sity at Salem ono year and was a student at Stunford university for three years. Ho engnged in jour nalistic work for some tlmo, re. turning to Fhilomath because of ill health. His life's ambition was to qualify 9. a writer, having a desire to follow in the footsteps of an other brother, Dennis H. Stovall, a writer nationally kndwn, -" ! , Besides his parents he is survived by a si' ter, Mrs. Guy Breech, Dow ney, California! and six brothers, Dennis "II. Stovall, South Pasadena California; Charles R. Stovall, Rock- away, Oregon; Frank R. . Stovall,1 Philomath, Oregon; Alva E. Stovall, Goldfielrl, Nevada; John H. Stovall,' .Condon, Oregon, and the local man named above, . ; Interment was made nt Corvallis, the teroains ..being followed by all his rclntlyeB except Dennis H. Sto vall, and a host of sorrowing friends of the ' .family.:; Mrs,' V stovall and son, Estel,', of Maupin, attended the obsequicB with 1. the doctor, . H Semi-pro, base balls, just the .thing for High school games, $1.00 each at-the Maupin Drug Store. SHEEP AND LAMB PRICES IN CYCLES OF TO 10 YEARS , ' ' Upward Trend May be Maintained For Some Tim No Lambs Imported or Exported Fairly definite eyelet In the prices of lambs and sheep have prevailed heretofore and doubtless will con tinue. These cycle:, the ' United States Department of Agriculture finds, generally run from 8 to 10 years. ' ' " In the present cycle the trend in he prices of lambs and sheep has no been upward since 1921, and the level maintained .during the last .hree years has been rather high, lo pite the fact that since 1922 the receipts of lambs and sheep at the principal markets have increased. It is evident that the demand for lamb has Increased. In, fact, the ?eneral level of lamb prices since 1921 has been appreciably , above the average price level of all com modities. . Since the United States imports shout, half Its wool, American pro ducers should be interfiled m the number of sheep in other important .hoep-producing countries. No wintry except Australia has ''in Tensed the number of its sheep treatly ,'ince the war. In Australia, however, the number of sheep has ihown a definite upward trend since !SM5. The number reported In 1927 w'as 93,000,0110, compared with '0,000.000 In 1815. A gradual Increase In the number if fheep has taken place in New Zealand and South Africa, and ap parently also In ' Argentina. Thru iata as to the number of sheep in Argentina ere not available, the trend may be inferred from the fact that that country's exports of wool have Increa ed in recent years. ' lint the number of sheep and the nroduction of wool in othrr coun tries affeel the price of lambs in the United States only as the price of wool affects the, price of lambs. This country exports and Imports very little Inmb. MEDALS CONFERRED AT TYGH Dr. Elwod and I. D. Driver Cat Membership Awards At a meeting of Tygh Valley I. O. 0. F. lodge luat Thursday night Dr, Rlwvnd of Maupin and I. D. Driver of Wamic were given membership medals, the former receiving one designating a membership of 30 yean and the Wamic man for 25 years' affiliation. Dr. Elwood medal Is a beautiful piece of jewe lry's work, consisting of shield on which is imposed the figure 30, the shield hnnging from the three links. A large number of members from Maupiit and other places were pres ent ar. well as members of the Re bckahs. After tho lodge work a sumptuous feed was partaken of, and the balance of the evening given over to a general good time. , , ....... . COMMISSIONER CURTIS, DIES Panes Wednesday si Result Paralytic Stroke f County Commissioner Curtis died nt 8 o'clock Wcdneday morning, after a short illness, he having re cently been stricken with paralysis, Death occurred at his home 'in The Dulles.. ' Mr. Curtis was a man of public of fairs. lie lived on and conducted a ranch on Mill creek for many -ye.rj, but after his election to the county court two years 'ago removed to the county seat. He succeeded Jahn IHx in office and was a valuable member of the county body. His grasp of tho needs of the county was swift and he at all times tried to give his best to all the people all the time. Dhcpflin Injured While loading a full iron barrel of oil from the; ground to1 an oil tank yesterday, Julius Shcpflin's right hand was caught under the chimes, the Inst two fingers of tho hand be ing badly mashed. The fie. h' was reraped from the littlo finger from end to knuckle and the third finger having. 'some meat taken from it. Julius will be laid up a few days by tho Injury. . Hm From Portland Cecil Woodcock and mother re. turned from Portland last evening, tney having been tncro lor over a week attending court, being interest ed in a case before that tribunal. itujtmutHuiMiinmmtH(tiHMiMHMiMm!!ummu!!mi'uniH :-: MAUPIN iima iimmuiiminiiiNHiniuiiuNiiawifflHuiittiNn -BILLY" WILL BE HERE SOON Doa'l MUt Seeing Ibis Play It's A Hammer "Billy," the play to be presented by the Maupin Hf Class of '29, promises to be a dramatic produc tion of individuality and distinction. It is unusual, in that the setting is.! not the ordinary interior, but the deck of a ship. For this special scenery is being constructed, which when completed, will present the illusion of a passenger steamer, with the hurry and bustle of the hour of railing. It was with some ' hesita tion, however, that the cast decided to invite their" friends to sail with them on the S. S. Florida, for they feared least the pangs of maldemer afflict the audience on this realistic sea voyage. The captain, however, hastened to assure them that the sea would be "like a lake" on thi. trip, and that the boat would be well supplied with life preservers to. give the timid ones confidence in his seamanship. This play was a New York suc cess for several years with Sidney Drew cast as "Billy." It is a Samuel French publication and the high royalty to be paid gives assurance that the play is not one of the trivl lal 'type. The characters are such as well "depleted by High school pupil-, and the 'Seniors are showing a commendable adaptability to the exactions of their parts. The play will be given in four weeks. Watch for the date. BILLY ' Girls Study Design The girls of the sewing have spent a week itudying simpler principles of design. class ' the Al- though at first it seemed impossible to draw interesting borders and motifs with horisortal, vertical and oblique lines, after .an introduction to rhythm, balance, space division, they produced fomc simple designs I showing variety and interest. It waa brought out that good taste is a. matter of training and experience and that the first test of the beauty of an object lies in its suitability to the purpose for which it is design ed. The girla are now. undertaking a brief study of colors, their com- bination, and becomingness to the different types of personality. BILLY Rote Bushes Planted About 125 sturdy, well-trained rose bushes have been planted by Mr. Stuart and Mr. Kaiser at the . chool grounds. The shrubs are cli matiyed to this climate, as they have been takcn from some of Mr. Stuart's choice bushes. These will add to the beauty of our school ground immensely. BILLY Legend of Smith's Rocks (By a Sixth Grade Boy) y Near the city of Bend is anoint known as Smith's Rock?. , These are some giant rocks and stones on a large hill overlooking the treacherous Deschutes river. Smith waa surrounded by Indians on the rocks and they thoight they would leave him there over night and capture him in the morning. They were certain he could not get away for he was .'urroflnded on one side by Indians and on the other by the Deschutes river. , He felt certain he cbuld not climb down over the rocks to tho river and cross it. for the river was very dangerous. When darkness came Smith decided he would rather die trying to get away than be tortured. He climbed over the rocks that were very hard to get over in the day time. After climbing over rocks awhile he reached the river. He plunged in and started to Vwim across. Tho current kept pulling him down. ' He felt certain he could not get across but on ho went. The swift current took him far down the river. " He finally' landed ' after a long struggle. '" , Two great miracles had hecn per formed. None but a good swimmer could have swum the river. Smith finally made his way through 1 the darkness to hh friends. You can imagine the Indians' surprise and anger in the morning at finding their prisoner gone. This is how Smith's Rocks received their name. :',. BILLY MOVIE VAUDEVILLE. (Tho High school was well pleased that tho large crowd enjoyed ita en tertainment last Friday night. TheJ AmmiftmiijitjiiiuiiiiiiiuitiiitiuitiniuiiiiiiiiiiiniiiMii HI TIMES :-: i toal admission receipts netted $28. 70, which is a neat sum for a pay ment on our baseball suits. We thank Mr. Kramer for so generously donating his services and Mr. Fraley for the u e of the Pantatrope as well as the Legion for the use of the hall The evening's pleasure was rounded out by dancing. Such fine coopera tion makes Maupin outstanding Jn promoting school and community en terprises. The home-making girls also served a light lunch.' Such as . (stance enables Maupin to stand first in 411 club work in Wasco coun ty. Take a Sea Voyage and Enjoy Your self with 'Billy" Special Atimbly Friday morning assemblies are be coming inore interesting each week. Last Friday's assembly was unusally enjoyed. The program began with reveral songs by the school. Gladys Martin entertained us for a few minutes by giving us the meaaing of the red poppy. Nova Iledin played "Home Sweet Home" in variations. His was followed with an interesting health talk by Dr. Elwood. He in formed us that many of the contagi ous diseases could be prevented by eleaness in every day life. An award for typing was given to Mabel We bdrg, the first earned by this year's class. La'but not least was the violin solo "Adoration" played by Mr. Woodcock. All appreciated Mr. Woodcock's talent and his kindness in coming to our assembly. BILLY Scouts Motor t vWamie The boy scouts of Maupin left for Wamic Wedne-day after chool to take their second class tests. The first test was being ableto track one-half mile in twenty-five minutes. Mr. Kaiser took charg. of the tracking by scattering paper in. a circle for the boys to follow. The scout's face wa; the next test". They had to run and walk fit!y,"8teps alternately for one mile. This was to be finished in twelve minutes. - Hurry and Earl thought is was a speed test and completed it in about seven minute;. Three boys took the signaling test given by Mr. Fischer. After all this execrbing the boys cooked their supper by the Kahah method. As soon as supper was fini bed a meeting was jailed in doors. Scout Master Stovall gave some tests and instructions in first aid. Mrs. Belcher, with the aid of the scouts then gave the eight stages of scouting. The scouts did their work , well and all passed the tests but the few who didn't complete the signaling. After seeing the Eagle Scout badge all of tha boys have determined to lam it BILLY Club Neww- Allene Wilson and Kathleen Fo ley of the Blue Ribbon Cookery club were the f irst to complete their project The Home Beautiful club clear ed $8.80 on the refreshments serv ed after' the play Friday night. m . it r t 1 ine money mat is rcceivea irom the.e sales goes to pay the 'way of elub members to Corvallis in June. BILLY Letteri To Be AwarJoJ Letters for the boy's football team and the boy's and girl's bas ketball teams, have been received. The letters sr yellow M's x five inches high.1. Eleven letters are to be given for football and sixteen for baketbnll." They will be award ed at assembly Friday morning. Prints for the pictures taken last Monday have been received and each student will have an opportuni ty to Order the desired pictures. The Senior boys aro busy plan ing and preparing tho scenery which will "be used in their play "'Billy." They find the building of such very difficult, as the plot take: place on board a ship. BILLY Track Work ' ;' TheN elimination contest for the girls horseshoe pitching is now un derway and will Continue until tho best pitcher is determined. Friday tho tryouts for all tho events will bo held, (continued on last page) BAKEOVEN HILL ROAD IS NEAR POSSIBILITY Petition for Same Favorably Cn sid'rod by County Court and May be Craded Sooa O. B. Derthv-k circulated a petition which asked the county court to tet aside a certain proportion of the coutity market road money and ap ply it on construction of s new grade up takeover canyon. The petition asks that the road be begun near the mouth of the creek and carried up as far as , the Connolly ranch. The court members were favorable to the proposition and nc doubt will instruct that a survey of the route be made this' season so that construction of the road maj be commenced early next year. Mr. Derthick took it upon him self (to circulate the petition", se curing the signatures of nearly every rancher affected by the road Bnd nearly every resident of Mauplr thereto. He spent several days in securing the names and on Wednes day took the Ik t to the county sea' and presented it to the court. Both the county judge and Com sioner Kelly, looked upon the con struction of the road as a rea' necessity. Each of the officiaU recognizes the need of such a thor oughfare and took the matter under advisement, with an aa:urance of fa vorable action"? Mr.- Derthick has been indefati gable in his efforts to (accomplish the construction of the bakeoven road." There are a great number of farmers living contiguous to that highway, each having more or less hauling to do, over it The roa8 has never been what might be call ed a good one, being very steep in places and at others skirting deep canyons and being narrow, there fore being very dangerous. The need of a better road has long beer recognized, but this is "the first time the court has signified a willfngnes- fto go ahead and ameliorate its condi tion. , GOES INTO SHEEP BUSINESS T; Halbrook Resigns From. Govt. Hunter Department " : E. T. Halbrook, for several year a hunter of predatory 'animals for the government, has resigned, bis resignation taking effect March 31, Last fall Mn Halbrook, in company with John Aldridge of .Madras, pur chased a band of 1400 .sheep. The firm intends to range their flock In the Cascade mountain' , below Bend having secured a lease of about 4000 acres lying in the extreme south ern end of the reservation, and be ing some of the best range in the forest They started lambing oper ations on Monday and expect a gooc increase to their sheep band. Mr.' Halbrook made an . enviable reputation as a hunter of predatory animals and his resignation was ac cepted with regret by Stanley Jew ett, head of that department. BOY SCOUT EASTER SERVICES Signifiance Explained and Program Rendered Fine Boy Scout Troop No. 33 observed Easter ty a program and Scout semblyNat Legion hall on Sunday evening. After the troop had fallen in and marched to the stage rol call was "had, after which Rev. W H. Aldridge asked an invocation "America" was then sung by tht audience. Scout Master Stovall explaiper the signifiance of the day, telling th' boys that it was a part of their rit ual that they recognize the exist ence of a supreme being, He ther called on the Scouts to recite the twelfth rule of their oath. , At the conclusion of Mr. Sto vall's talk a duet was sung by Mr? Bothwell nnd Mrs. J.' II. Woodcock this being followed by "a song by th' Scout quartet Messrs. J..F. Pratt. N. G. Iledin, "Dr. W. A. Short anr Dr. L. S... Stovall. Rev. Ha.en. the speaker of th' evening, was then called to the plat form nnd delivered an address or Easter lie told of the crufixion an resurrection of Jesus, and impre ser" upon his hearers the , necessity of true belief if they would enjoy th" blessings and pleasures of tho life . htfrvaftor. : The meeting closed with a bene diction by Rev. Aldridge. ,' heaside .1. L. fenny company will establish store here soon.' SCOUT HONOR tOURT DREW MANY AS SPECTATORS Scout Executive Belcher and Wlfo Attwt ia Making Meeting Most Enjoyable . The Boy Scout Court of Honor, held in the American Legion hall on Monday night, Was the first ono held with the local troop and was very interesting to the assembled citizens. ' Scoutmaster Stovall opened the :erempny by leading the Scouts in dlegiance to the flag and roll call, ifter which he presented the Tender foot pin to Theodore Kirsch. During he ses. Ion of the Court, "Scuotmastcr Stovall, with troop committeemen Lavcrne Fischer, Carl Pratt and Dr. W. A. Short -and Scout Executive W. W. Belcher, conducted the review of the scouts ind the badge of Second class was warded to the entire troop, with he 'exception of three, who have signalling to complete. Following the court, a panto mime entitled ''The Eight Ages of Scouting" was presented by the Scouts, who were coached in it by Mix W4 W. Belcheri who came out for that purpose. The words5 were 'ead by Belcher, while the boys act .d out the pantomime, whose action followed the description of a Scout's' idvancement High praise of local Troop Nol 33 for their appearance, their work m the scout tests and their fine rogre9 being made with the scout ark, being beautified at present, Ttf. voiced by the scout executive, who was very favorably impressed vith the splendid showing made by he young Americana. Announcement of the moving dcture, "The Man of the Forest" which will be shown here Thursday, !or the benefit of the Boy Scouts, was made, and all attending are es mred of a good picture -and value ' eccived for their money. t OBSERVE ALL THE FISH LAWS Warden Prorata to Be More Active , During Coming Seaxon With the opening of the fishing teason but a few weeks away thous ands of anglers are making pre-1 parations, for the event Scores of streams will be viaited by : killed ind unskilled fishermen who get a "kick" out of opening the day, whether or not they go home with the limit Every deputy warden of the State Game Commission will be on the job to see that the law is ob served. Some arrests will undoubt ly be made but they will be few as Oregon tportamen except in rare instances obey the laws that have been established for the protection of game fish. IMPROVING PHONE SERVICE Manager Bays Cnvinc;ng Subcrib-' ert He Means Buiinejt Manager Otv. Bays of the local telephone exchange evidently be lieves in proving, in a practical manner, that his boast of improved., service is not an idle one. Ths Times shop has been inflicted with synthetic phone for lo these many noons. Mr. Bays has attempted to fix it up' hr -usable hapo : several .imes, but evidently gave it up as t bad joh. . On Monday, while tbe force was out after news, B?ys in vaded our sanctum and in a few minutes had taken down the ancient instrument and in its place hsid li-J italled a box that will bring in th. faintest whisper. If anyone disy believe-; that statement, just call us ip and tell ma of that, little bit oT tews that is waiting to come out of 'our system. : : nother Fenr.lo Re!de i' - Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Birchard w.iro 'he happy parents of a bouncing baby girl, which Dr. Elwood intfrn duced into the world on , Thursday last the parents living on". JurimT Flat. Mother and daughtsr the best ever. Special on bats. A good llWh "chool bat as long as they last. 75 eents' each, at the Maupin Drub Store. - ' - ' ?