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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 7, 1929)
mwm Alwayp working for the best interests of Maupin and all of Southern Wasco County. t Publishes only that news fit to print. Caters to no particular class, but works for all JLAVIJ& VOLUME XV MAUPIN, OREGON, THURSDAY. MARCH 7,1929 Number 18 OREGON LEGISLATURE MEETS AGAi MONDAY ' Unfinished Calendar Cause of Holdover; Tax Legislation, . Big Job,, Completed. Two Outstanding Natural Noted-Tax Board Creaud Educational Board , provided Ignore Wishes of Paopla Sxpanti Monty Votid by Liotsla ton Mild up by Injunction Tax program of Important! Complatad. Saluni, Or.Wbn, la order that It might dl calmly and In peace ratbtr than In itrlfi and turmoil, thi legis lator -recessed lata Saturday until 10 .o'clock Monday morning, It bad chalked to Its credit omi major achievements which promls beneficial' rtaulu to tbi peopl o( thi statu gen rally. , Although than atlll an soma odds and inda to clean up, thi record of the Ortion legislative session now con be mbalmed In type subject to slight ebang. On tba whole, the record baa been made and will stand as here in set forth, after 48 legislative days, but actually 42 Inclusive of Sundays. Tb 86th legislative assembly will be written In blatory aa distinguished for two outstanding feature: First, It devised and enacted the most comprehensive taxation program tbat any session ever ivolved. Second, It disregarded Ibe sentiment of the people aa expressed by the bal lot as no previous legislature baa dnr ed do, , lie Uxatloa meaeurea are believed to be constructive, progressive and In Una with the modern tendencle In the realm of equalisation of assets minti by centralised control. It be attempted to go to the heart of the taxation problem and replace the archaic tax system of the state with something mori workable and ralcu'nt d to spread the burden. Complete Tax Program Now Law , Tor tbi first time In Oregon's Hgla latll history, a complete "tax pro gram" baa been laid on the doorstep of tbi governor, by him to be allowed to become law. It those thinga claim d for thla program come true, and It thi program be permitted to atand wltbout referendum attack, then the ml property taxpayers of the stste should reap material benefit, tba de ficit Of the itae no existing be wiped oat and. ultimately, tlia direct levy on property for state purposes be btndmed entirely, replaced by reven ue from Indirect source. Two lax measure stand out In bold relief as directly affecting property taxation, the first, the bill giving the Itate tax commission power to correct and readjust local awessed valim whenever It Ifndx.them out of line, the second and companion measure providing a full time state tax commie don if thrs'e numbers and adequate machinery for thff proper administra tion ef the tax laws generally. It I claimed for the first statute hat t proper administration ault In Ineeaeed valuation! of not lese than $500,000,000 over the state gen erally, which If true should result In the levy rate being lowered least one-third. , Excise and Intangibles Tax . Then, In addition, Is the excise tax, calculated to produce annuel revenue ranging between $760,000 and $1,000.- 000, and the Intangibles tax which If expected to bring In a much more, while the personal Income tax Is ex pected to produce aproxlmately $1, 400,000 a year. The bills are so drawn that the ix else and Intangibles are held to be out Ida the tlx per cent limitation, and. therefore possible to be usd in re duct'ou of the deficit first, and ttfln to reduce the etats burden on prop rty, The Income tax revenue will "go to reduce tbi property tax from thi flrat. , The legislature baa undertaken to bury tbi hatchet of rivalry and poll, tlcal maneuvering Involving the Uni versity of Oregon, thi Oregon State college and the three state normal acboola by creating a board of higher education composed of nine directors who, will handle the Institutions. This la essentially a far-reaching movement which goes to thi. core of the edura tlon altuatlon In the state. Nothing so Important to- the edu cational requirements : of Oregon' has ever been attempted In the past. Then baa been put op' to the peo ple, the question of whether there should be a cabinet form of state gov. rnment, or the present policy of In numerable- boards and ' commissions, each a little government within It self. . The cabinet Idea la crystallization of years of demand for whsWdifTOfJ People Ignored In Inoom Tax - Thi legislature turned deaf ear to tbi voice of thi people when deaf ness suited the purposes of the law maker. It enacted personal Income tax, stubbornly refusing (o lubmlt the question to the electorate, In defiance of tbi fact tbat the -voters have reject d auch proposal repeatedly iven aa recently as four month ago, when the legislator wen themselves elected. Eleven jenator and rcprenttlve whose counties repeatedly have goni oa record a opposing a itate Income Ux calmly Ignored tbi . tatlon re turns. If thi referendum 1 Invoked on tail tax It must be done within 10 days when the law will become opera live, andlf th referendum Is applied the Income tax will not go on the bal lot for thi people to act on befor tbi general election In, November, 1930 Proposal for special election next November In the event of such refer endnm vat defeated. , rtcvenue from thi Income tax 1 for' tin relief of real property. Tbi leg IsUtun also aoucht o create the'of fleo of Ikutenant governor when the peopli had voted It down In 1914, 1919 and 1920. In the face of flvi refusals by the peoplt- 10 Increase the compensation of meml-ers of tin legislature the law makers voted themselves $3 a day In addition to the $3 provided by (aw. Legislative Expense Enjoined The CO member of the house and 30 member of the senate were blocked ed In getting payment of additional expenses when Secretary of Biais Hosa and State Triaaurer Kay were enjoin ed from delivering warrant to the legislators. The Injunction was brought by v. A. 'Jones of H.icm, master of i,,mnn. (ir.n. Thi warrants bad been drawn and were ready for dialaibution when the Injunction on the to state officer was served. Authorisation of tbi extra pay ot $5 a day for each member of tTie leg Islatura wa made in house concur rent resolution Mo. 8, which was adopt ed by the house February 23, and adopted by tbi lunate an hour before the Injunction wa served. " , The house hurt no Intimation tftat thi Injunction was to be erved, but when fteprescuUUve Burdick learu ed ot It hi moved that a committee ot three be appointed to wait on the secretary ot slate and state treasurer and ask them to keep their offices open so that the members could re- "'iVt riT T 'kni nh'V thm Preliminary game which would en. cashed. Kubll.Brlgg.andBynon wer. t(tle them ghm , tt- u . named membera of, thi committee. ' , u We were defeated 28-34 ;Uce jLTlktJ. Sixteen members of the acnate .up- ,loAwnc trover their expenses, ported the resolution by Represents- mA "ew wbedule was arranged, live Rushlight authorizing the pay-! The flr 4 ome waB between 0de ment of $5 a day expense money to the ! 'l Casade L?cks, t e latter ' 1m leelslntora. Th resniniinn m-ovinnnwl '"IT by a small margin. The second passed the house with only 11 dissent ing votes. . 1 Sanator Bennett opposed the resolu- tlon on the grounds that the proposal to Increase the salaries ot the lesls latora had been submitted to the vot ers of Oregon on three occasions and had been defeated. '"This is a move to go out and take the money away from the people," said Bennett. ,"1 do not .believe the senate can afford to pass this resolu tion, Then will be an Injunction, and thi Integrity of the legislators will be attacked. I am one senator who will .vote against tbi resolution and refuse to accept the money If It 1 passed." Power of Public Service Commission The legislature cams within four votea of depriving the public service commission of powers vested In that body by the people, when It sought to .delegate to the city council of Port land the right tq fix telephone rates for the metre lolls. It resisted an organized effort to operate' the state highway department by legislative dictum, which would have made the state road map and the policies of the commission a political football. It -refused to Issue a man tlite to the commkilon to sell $3,000, 000 of bonds to, build unfinished and pspcr roads and led to the wrecking of the hlghwny program.. Proposals to make the member 01 the state highway commission rubber stamp men for the legislature wert defeated after skillful scouting on both sides. After long sparring, the lefl. lators have left the bands of the high wny commleslontrs .unsjiadkled and permit them to exerclso their own best Judgment In the future as In the past It has reduced the motor license fees substantially and thereby granted relief to every sutomoblle owner in Oregon. It bss compensated for this loss of revenue to the highway depart roent by levying an additional tax of 1 cent a gallon ort gasollne-maklna tne total tax on gas In this state 4 cjjnts. It has changed the Uficnej yes,!' ViiiiMiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiimiimiiiiiiiiiiifiim :-: MAUPIN RllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUMIIUUIIWH . Atta-mblUt. " ' , ' DkspiU thi abscnci of - our bas ketball boy thi regular assembly was held. They are becoming; roori and mora like radio program, and we enjoy "listening- in." Thi Sev enth and Eighth grades filled in the vacant seat left by thi boy who Were gone. Helen Weberg played k pluno solo, 'Spin Spin," Arleni Llrin dramatised a portion of ' tin play "Shi Stoop to Conquer" Mk. Wilson sang "Somewhere a Void s Calling." Thi concluding number was talk given by Mr. F. D. Stuart on banking. Hi chose a hi subject a "Bank Statement," and explained thi Item of th last Mau pin State Bank balance. Thi Od'll Cam Cur team played thi return garni with the apple-picker last night This is a game to be proud of by both of the teams,. for the sportsmanship exhibited by the teams wa the best we have noticed this year. The cor board howcd that we won 26-7. The Odcll boyr treated us to light refreshments and wished u good luck in the game at the tournament. Report on Th Tournament The drawing for opponent!, by the school representative, began Thurs day morning. Friday morning the schedule wa announced. Maupin Xnl Z . "d period Friday afternoon. The team journeyed on to Mosier, and to its disapointment found that it waa disqualified, because Maupin , High did nof; belong to thi Oregon Athlet ic association. &mt time elapsed in debate aa to whether we could join before the game, and the ver dict was that we could. But another obstacle loomed in r'gM an e!jt bility list which, .according to the ' association rulcsT must " be enteteff fifteen day prior to the date set for the tournament It looked gloomy because we had incurred expense and had not secured games. However, Grass Valley war found to be in the same plight The tournament offi cials decided that since both teams wen there they might as well play game was between Parkdale and , ar we Ima tne wora a The Dalles. The. Dalles winnina- bv'1""ls" lree from what ever sullies, a large scon. Wasco won from !. Hood River. This game closed the day and we returned to our rooms at .Hood River. The next momlW we motored home. Everyone had a a . good time and returned for another opportunity. ambitious Odd Tks With the beginning of ' spring comes thought of ' baseball and track. The membera of the Grade school and High school an going at it with a will. The ; Seniors' - have commenced practice on their playy "Billy." New editors hsva not been in stalled for the next six weeks' work. Clarence Hunt, Robert Shepflin and Glenn Alexander have been hav ing light attacks of flu. Mr. Weberg has been planting new treea in the place of those that from January to July, beginning In 19?0. : , ; , Old Auto May Get Differential In order that thi old ca may not have to pay as much as the new weight for weight a proposed amend ment to the. state constitution baa been referred to the people by nTeans of which-the 1M1 legislative asseratly will be enabled to use the value of a '"! leuletlnt the license fee. Two year ago the legislature Junk ed ills plans ot finance and accepted the program of the governor, which failed to be approved by the people when submitted st a special election. session the governor declined to offtr suggestions, and luformed the legislature that It was its duty to pro vide revenues.' Th legislature assum ed the rtsponslbtllty, and by the en- 'ment of te cxr'se ten and Intang- blfs tax will wine out the deficit wtfh. 0111 resorting 10 levies on tooaceo, lux uries or a general sates tax. it seeks revenues ftotr. soutces which have hitherto filled to contribute sufficient ly to thi cost of government HI TIMES :-: ! failed to Wake to th call of spring. Several member of the Bookkeep ing class have finished their work and an anxious to begin on the next set Orvilli 'changed the bat6sry box for the class boll and concealed the wires from sight, thus making the school room look neater and more attract! v. Thk could have n6t been accomplished without the manual training equipment. ' . Club .ork The 4-H Club members held a cooked food, sale at the R. E. Wilson (ton Saturday, acquiring $18.25. Th members wish to thank Miss Harris, Mrs. Joynt and Mrs, Slusher for their kindness and superintend ence of the" sale. The tchool enjoyed the club pic ture that Mr. Daigh presented in the auditorium last Friday. The three reel story of the boy, who was so much interested in club work and his effort to attain honors in a state fair of Oregon was interesting, be cause showed us w'hat tho boys and girls see when they attend summer school and the fair. ' -- Letters to be Awarded Letters will be awarded to the students who participated in basket ball and foot ball. Special letters will be given to any one wh0 makes five points in track work this year. Invitation to Fathioa Tea , The girb of the Sewing class will entertain the ladies of the communi ty Friday. afternoon, March IB, from 2:00 to 3:30. The girls will wear the dresses recently completed in class and also will demonstrate some of their class work. Since it is im pos ible for them to extend individ ual invitations, the girls hope each ,lady will regard this as her invitation and will accept it if she can. Wbat Say? (By "Ann Onymous") Bang!! A blowout! Immediately a volley of oaths that would 'put those of Captain Kidd's men to shame is broadcast through the air. Such an incident as thic is not un common as all know. But what is the motive which leads to such out bursts? Can this giving vent to one's emotions in such a manner be of any practical value? If so, then this writer wishes to retract what follows. If not, then he trusts that the reader will give this some serious consideration. ' Referring to the standard diction- contaminate,! or defiles," and ".the word DEE' "cording to the ame ""y . corrupt tne cnasuty Wean speech then, is AL 1 t- 1 that which does not bring reproach upon anyone. Common law has decried that the name of the Deity is not to be taken lightly, and this proverb is so well respected that its -very est ence is found in the creed of that very worthy organization for boys, the Boy Scouta of America, these words, "A scout keeps clean in body and thouKht. Btands for ,clen 8Pecch, ciean sport, clean naDits ana travels with a clean crowd." If we would live up to the:e words there would be no necessity for this editorial, but it is because some of us an inclined to "Explode" at times that this , k written. "Habit is a cable. Wc weave a thread each dny until it becomes so strong we cannot , break it" This weakness of abusing; clean speech is is the thread. It grows and grows thru time until we some day find that it has become part of us. Some may say that it is a mark of distinc tion to know and employ every oath known a human being, yet one who continually makes a practice of such manner of expression will eventually lose the respect and ad miration of hb fellow men. Let each and everyone of us check up on ourselves in this regard and think before we give way to hasty and questionable remarks. By so doing our speech will ever be bove repoach whether we be'in thoschool room, participating in athletics or in public gatherings of any kind. What say? , Read 'Em And Grin The coach contracted a severe cold while at Odell.' Friday morning he awoke in tiie to see the covero (On last page) TELEPHONE MEETING CALLED OUT MANY RANCH PHONERS Proposition ef Bay DUusd ' Various DirtorUs Will ' Pais oa Matter The meeting , called by Manager Bays of the local telephone exchange was attended by a large number of phone users from the surrounding country. Mr. Bays told his atsdience of hit idea for improvement of the various lines. His idea is to consoli date the lines under one head. He aaid that if that were done and the upkeep of phones and service in general was left in his hands he would keep up the lines and phone:, placing each in good shape and would guarantee better service everywhere. v, j, 11c vi it raise in ing rates was discussed pro and con. Some of those present ceemet' to be in favor of Mr. Bays' proposi Hon, while others thought it best U call a meeting of the directors 0 the different lines and at that tirm discuss all phases of the propo; ition That matter seemed to meet wit! -,he approval of a majority, and th whole question will fte held in abey ance until the various boards ar ready to make a report Among those present, noticed b The Times man were: John, Lester and Rufu" McCorfcle, Raymond, Roy Lester, Newton and Job Crabtree John Powell, I. R. and Jake David son, O. S. and Melvin Walters, Dor Miller, N. G. Hedin, Roy Ward. J. S. Brown, Howard Nye, Ernest Con f t, H. L. Morris, Otis Chastain Ray Kaylor, A. B. Smith, A. Lincolr Hartman, J, G. Kramer, Dave m" Claude Wilson. E. A. Hartman, Dor Stog"Kli!I. MRS. BECKWITH HAS STROKf Right Side Affected and Her Con dition Very Serious Mra. Wm. ' Beckwith, who is at The Dalles undergoing " treatment for an -Illness which has extended over a long period, was Strieker, with paralysis which affected hei right side. The stroke occurrer last Thursday, and since that time Mrs. Beckwith's speech seems tc have been somewhat affected, al though other parts appear, not tc have suffered to any great extent She is at the home of Milt Mor ris in The Dalles and is being at attended by her sister, Mrs. L. D Kelly. Her daughter, Mrs. Morris came up from Myrtle Point and t also assisting in the care of he mother. Mrs. Beckwith has beer ailing for many months. At time' she appeared to be on the gain, ther would have a relapse and again br taken to he Dalles for treatment She was ambitious and when in better health insisted ,in working at the local telephone switchboard That work affected her nerves, and caused a ncurnnce of her malady. Her many friends hope she may overcome the paralytic stroke and eventually regain her health. SCOUT COURT MOF HONOR Scout Executive Belcher Arrange for Coming Function Plans for a Boy Scout court of honor, to be held here on Monday evening, April 1st, wen made when Scout Executive :? W. W. Belcher called on Scoutmaster Stovall and the members of the Troop Commit tee on Monday. ' This troop also plans on enterinf a team of five scouts in the coming "First Aid" rally, to be held in The Dalles ' auditorium, . March 25th. Practice on this tubject will be itressed at the coming meetings. s. p. boosts All territory Calls Attention to Attributes of Traversed States The Southern Pacific is doing nuch to advertise the communities !t serves. Each year it' tpends is Approximately $1,300,000 in adver 'isin? the regions served by itr Mnes, and the modern transporta tion service which carries tourist? to these regions. The community which back-- up this advertising with its own well planned advertising of local-scenic and recreational attractions is hound to profit as a result Let us figure on your paint Job. We sell W. P. Fuller & Co.'s paints and varnishes. Maupin Drug Store. BIG HUE PROMISED AT All. LEGION'S BOXING hEST Thirty Rounds of Fast Work , on , Card H j'lorvin and WascO M.M Jn M?a Event Things are shaping them elvos up : for one of the best and liviiest times jf the season when the smoker of &e Legion will be staged at Legion, hall this week Saturday night ' Manager George Morris has woik- , lard to line up a good card end that 11 has lucceeded is shown' by the .'ollowing: Main Event Floyd Holloman vs. lay McQuillan at 148 pounds, six ounds.; McQuillan is known as 'the Fighting Irishman" and hails rom Wasco.. ' . ! Four rounds Young Jackson of Nanco vc. Nick Holloman at 130 ounds. , Four rounds Wallace Conley of ."ygh Valley vs. Jim Kincer. These oys will weigh In at about M5 ounds. Kincer is the man whom .yd Holloman I nocked out at the Irst sniokrr held here this season, de h a fast and clever boxer and nd that fur will fly when he meeta he Tygh man goes without saying. Four rounds Albert Hathler of Vapinitia vs. Andrew Crabtree of laupin. These boys are fast and Iways give the fans their money' vorth when they meet in the squar d circle. They will weigh in at 60 pounds. ' Fgur Round: -In this bout two ght heavyweights will mix and will lix in good shape. They are Lr.rry Cnighten of Tygh Valley and Cyril 'raley of Maupin. Both are f ino loxers, willing and promise to make he fans sit up and take notice. Four rounds Alva Hammer . of vVapinitia and Dug " Holloman, an other of the fighting Holloman loys, are slated to come together in his bout Each will weigh' 140 lounds and are boxers of local re nown. Four rounds A couple , of mid--et;, Elton Snodgrass of Maupin nd Ray Stacey of Tygh Valley will 'gain cross lances. They have met before and gave an exhibition of 'oxing that caused heart -flutters in he breasts of those who saw them "ight. Their weight is 125 pound s The above line up will rive the ans 30 rounds of plea ure. Each ontestaht is a willing worker and 'ill do his best to satisfy those who ttend the smoker. Prices of ad-" mission will be $1.00 for Yirw ide eata, 75 cents for reserved seats, 'hile general admission will be E0 rents. . JNUSUAL SAFETY RECORD MADE BY UNION PACIFIC Not One PaJtenger Injured Among Million Carried Won Fivo Safety Prises Among the 3,091,964 pacsengers arried by the Union Pacific in 1928 (an average distance of nearly 300 miles) not one was injured in an ac cident to a train, according to in- 'ormation made public by William f Jeff era, vice-president. Only k.ea wen injured alighting from trains or in any other way. This is notable in view of the fact L,hat the road'a 1927 safety work won for it the five principal first wards for safety on railroads in he United States that year, includ !ng the Harrison Gold , Medal for ?enera3 safety and four first prizes of the National Safe Council for the lowest injury rates among employes. Fewer injuries to employes also were reported in 1928. With ap proximately 52,000 men and women vorking. there were 701 injuries to employes in 1927 that caused as nuch a-, a day's time to be lost and in 1928 there were 550, a reduction it more than 21 per cent. This re cord means that the average em ploye could have worked 99 years beforo losing a day's time from an injury.. Wants Grading Equipment Jim Woodcock is promoting a nove to get a county road prading outfit for Maupin, to be used in throwing up city grades, provided he property owners will donate ome labor to throw out rocks. The move is a good one Bnd deserves to be taken up by all our citizens. .