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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 11, 1928)
69! Eanchers Why send small lots of cattle and hogs to Portland when you have a market here at home? ' We are in the market for fat cat tle and hogs, and will pay good prices for same. 0. P. RESH & COMPANY N "Everything for the table" GROCERIES and MEATS Prompt and Courteous Service MAUPIN, OREGON. Personalities j Mm. W. H. Slaati vlilted with her one at Dufur Tuesday. ' . L. Ct Henneghan was a bunincs.i calttr a The Dalle on Tuesday. ! Why don't you ue D. M. Emer con'i remedy for Rheumatism? H. R. Kalier and wife were busi ness vleitoni at the county scot on Tuesday. L. V. Broughton was over from Waplnltla on buainaa connected w4th the schools of that place Tues day evening. EAST MAUPIN NEWS f Aaron Davis and family were Sun- day guests at the Andrew Cunning- j ham home. : .0. J. Williams and wife accom panied L C. Ucnncghan to River on Tuesday. Hood Lester Kelly paused the la. t week end with his family, coming up from Portland, where he is serving on the federal grand pury. J. II. McMillian is again at home in East Maupin, having brought the last of the Fargher sheep out of the mountains on Sunday. , Jim Rusic is enjoying home life again.' Jim has been with the Con nolly sheep the past season, and came in on Saturday last. Henry Richardson has concluded the season's work with the Hunt sheep and is a resident of Maupin ujfnin. He came in with the last of the bands last Saturday. Ed. Carter is suffering with an in jured eye, receiving same while splitting wood. If Ed. had only al lowed his wife to wield the axe he would not now be on the hospital list. Marlon Lister and wife were treated to a real old-fashioned charivari luut Sunday evening. About 60 of the former's friends gathered at the Frank Lister resi dence and proceeded to make all the noise possible, using everything from tin cans to wood saws. "Stub" responded with, the usual honors. SCHOOL NOTES THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN (Editorial by Crystal Stuart) Many interesting Issues are being brought forward In this presidential campaign. The ksues are religion, prohibition, and farm relief. AJ Smith, the Democrat candidate, is a Catholic and a wet, while Hoover, the Republican candidate, ia a dry, taking no particular stand on reli gion. Both candidates say they will give aid to the fanners. Smith en dorses the McNary-Haugen bill, while Hoover takes no , particular stand on it. Al Smith makes more of a popular appeal to tho people than Herbert Hoover. He L more of a jolly good fellow than Hoover. Both are men of ability. Al Smith has been governor of New York for eight years and is said to have governered wisely and honestly. Hoover has held several high government offi ces. Hoover's po: itibns have been appointive, however, while Smith's have been elective. FOOTBALL In the first game of the season, Maupin lost to the Madras Union High school, Saturday, October 6, on the local field, 18 to 0. Although inexperienced and outweighed, the local aggregation put up a hard fight, which drew the approval of those who witne:scd the game. Madras scored in the first quarter, when a pass by Crabtree was inter cepted and run back for thirty yards. The try for extra points from scrimmage failed. Again in the third and fourth quarters Mad ras scored, each time by forward passes, which ran the score up to 18. Although Maupin did not score it had the ball within striking 'distance of the goal three times, only to lose possession of the ball on fumbles. The Maupin line played a great defensive game, out-charging the ex perienced Madras line at will. Sev eral long runs by the Snodgrass brothers featured the Maupin of fensive, while the playing by Burns of Madras was outstanding. With the Dufur game only two days away, and In view of the fact that Dufur held the strong Wosco team to two touchdowns lust Friday, the local team Is fast being put thru its paces for the coming encounter with Dufur, to be played there this week Friday. . The work of Bob Sanders of The Dalles, as referee in the Maupin Madras game, was highly commen dable and it is hoped that his ser vices may be secured in the future. Yell leader.) were elected for the football season. They are Merle Snodgrass and "Bo" Wilson. We are all sure that they will put pep and vim into everyone, including the hard fighting elevep. This letter of thanks was written by an appreciative student: -"Maupin, Oregon, Cctober 8, 1928. "Dear Mr. DeVoe: "We thank you and your manual training clacs for the piano bench. I am sure that the piano players en joy it very much. "Yours respectfully, ' "Theodore Kirsch." ' The manual training class com pleted nine boxes for the line num bers and a head-linesman's stick for the game . last , Saturday. They painted them blue with orange num bers. They will have the remainder for the games which will be played here. ' Electric wiring is being put in the manual training room. English III class devotes about fifteen minutes a day discussing the daily news. A three-minute talk is given by a student on the new:, from the front page of the paper. The presidential campaign affords n topic of keen interest. The regular Friday morning ex ercise was opened by a piano quar tet, a military march, entitled "Tops" played by Charles Bothwell, Doris Kelly, Velma Crofoot and Nova Hedin. Elizabeth Rutherford then took us to the State Fair In an interesting account of her trip as a club member. The school sang "Highways are Happy Ways" for the fisrt time. Mrs. Bothwell, a visitor, and the teachers gave their beet wishes for the football game. The period closed with the practice of school yells, le.d by Merle Snodgrass. Dorothy Hood and Alice Gesh, of the Tygh Valley High school, paid our school a visit FNriday morning, inviting this student body to attend their football game in the afernoon. They also invited us to their mixer Friday evening. The civics class has designed one day a week to current events, The class will be divided into two groups, one representing tho Democrats and the other the Republicans. Debates will be held in class. We hope that feeling will not run too high. The sewing class has spent the last week designing trimming lines In embroidery and cutting out pat terns. One girl in class thinks sew ing is great iport since she gets to rip out seams quite frequently. Bill Slusher is making up his studies during recesses and noons so 1 that he may play on the football team. Severay new flags has been pur chesed by thes chool board, and placed in the rooms. One of them has been placed on the staff on the grade school building. Miss Peterson, county health' nurse, and Dr. Elwood were at the High school Thursday, They came for the purpose of testing the hearts of ' those participating in athletics and also to take their weights and heights. 1 Dufur -Harvesting of apple crop in this vicinity makes fine progress. ' Klamath Falls Extension of Great Northern railroad down river Charter No. 224 Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OP CONDITION OP The Maupin State Bank AT MAUPIN, IN THE STATE OF OREGON, At the elos of buain October 3, 1928. . RESOUURCES 1. Loans and discounts, includiag rediscounts, acceptances or bills of exchange, sold with endorsement of the bank (including items shown in 29, 30 and 82, if any) ....... .......1184,897.83 Overdrafts secured and unsecured J.... 82.95 U. S. government securities owned, including those shown in itenus 80 and 86, if any C.050.00 Other bonds, warrants and securities, including foreign government, state, municipal, corporation, etc., Includ- includlng those shown in items 30 and 35, if any 13,449.00 Baking "house, $5,200; furnltuure and fixtures, $2,190 7,390.00 Real estate owned other than banking house -' 5,473.61 (tb) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, bankers and trust companies designated and approved reserve agenta of this bank. ...... 60,091.96 Checks on banks outside city oi town of reporting bank and other ca;h items........ - ....... 96.37 Total cash and due from banks, items 8. 9, 10 and 11 ' .... - $50,188.33 2. 8. 6. 7. 9. 11. 12. II. 17. 18. 23. 25. 27. oul........: ....... .. $267,531.72 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In. $ 25,000.00 Surplus fund .....'........ . -'- ' 4,000.00 (a) Undivided profit, ...$14,285.21 (b) Less current expenses and taxes paid.. 7,203.21 7,082.00 DEMAND DEPOSITS, other than baplu subject to reserve: Individual deposits subject to check, including deposits due the State of Oregon, county cities or other public funds .: ..... Cashier's checks of this bank outstanding payable on demand Total of demand deposits other than bank deposits sub ject to reserve, items 23, 24, 25, 26 $183,314.81 TIME AND SAVINGS DEPOSITS, subject to reserve and payable On demand or subject to notiee: Time certificates of deposit o utstanding Total of time and savings deposits payable on demand or' subject to notice, items 27 and 28....-..- $48,134.91 179,334.54 3,980.27 48,134.91 Total.. ...$267,631.72 i!lel car" t .A. GOOD rutomobih 13 built to stand yrnrs of use. It will provide many thousands of tivn of rrttLfactory transportation. i i Eut only occasionally are all its years tmdjiU its mileage uccd up by one owner. Many owners turn their, can in after an aver ege use of only two to three years long be fore the cars' lives have been exhausted. This custom brings into the market every year so-called "used" cars which rep resent outstanding opportunities to buy un used trensportrtbn at low cost. Every year mors and more people ap preciate tliis fact. Today millions of families are driving cars of which they are the second or third or even fourth owners; and this year the volume of new car sales and trade in transactions has created wider choices and greater values in uaucod transportation than ever before. wt of buny used cars SHREE out of five of the cars you see onsthe road have been purchased as "used" cars. You cannot tell nor do you ask your selfwhether the driver of any particular car is its first owner, or its second or its third, providing the car looks well and is running satisfactorily. ' ' The cars which General Motors dealers have accepted in trade vary in name, body style and price. Some have seen sturdy ser vice; in others the potential mileage has scarcely been touched. And all offer a wide field of opportunities To the family wanting transportation at lowest possible cost. . To the family wishing to own a car of a higher price class. ' , To the family needing a second or third car to meet the requirements of all its members. We Invite you to examine the unused trans portation in the stores of General Motors dealers.For your convenience General Motors extends the GMAC Purchase Plan. STATE OF OREGON, County of Wasco as. I, F. D. Stuart, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that tha above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. , - ,v..i:.: . ,F D- STUART, Cashier ;' , CORRECT Attest: LAWRENCE S. STOVALL, , L. C. HENNEGHAN, Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of October, 1928. GEO. McDONALD, Notary Public. My commission expires January 10, 1932. JOE A. STEERS Democratic Nominee For County Clerk Life Resident. Courtesy, Efficiency, Honesty Election November 6, 1928. Paid Adv. b.y Joe A. Steers. GENERAL MOTORS CLIP THE COUPON General Motors wants you to know what it is doing to give vatue to the purchaser of it3 product j. bend in the coupon. There will be no obligation attached. Oekeral Motors (Dept. A.), Detroit; Mich. Piciwe send, without hn tr w. ilVstr-tel lit erature describing the Oenen l Motors product I have ehecked together with the lookleti The Proving Ground" and "Principle! ar.d Pcl!:is." 7 CHEVROLET CIPONTIAC OLDSMOB1LE OAKLAND nBUlCK LaSALLE CADILLAC FRIGIDAIRE Automatic Rrfrtfwatur DELCO-UGHT Elwctrie PUttf ... .... Address.. Paul Childers Republican Candidate for District Attorney respectfully solicits your vote. Pledges art eco nomical administration looking toward the re duction of taxes, courteous treatmen, prompt and painstaking service and strict enforcement of the law. 16 years' practice of law in Wasco County. Election November 6th, 1928 Paid Adv, by Paul Childers. Albright Commission Co., Inc. UNION STOCK YARDS North Portland Ship youi! lirettock by truck and be on the market tha tame day you ahip. When telling call R. C. Davidtoa or O. P. Rath A C., Maupin! Oregon. ' Salesmanship Service Satisfaction t . ALBRIGHT COMMISSION CO., INC. j Name a