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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1928)
I THK MAUPIN TIME Doings at Pine Glove Misses Crystal Hartman, Gertrude and Hazel Liuighlin visited with friends and relatives at Fine Grove Sunday. Walter Sharp and family were guests at the Harry Lewis home last Sunday. J. S. Brown, N. G. Hedin and Harry Lewis buthered u number of hogs one day last week. George Cluymeir L disking his alf alfa field. 0. Bronner has rented the George Burnside place. Chas. Davis, former Maupin High school Etudcnt, is working for Bruce Broc. Robert Lewis is horace from 0. A. C. Engineer Farmer of the Board of Fublic Roads, was a Tine Grove visi tor last week. While here he had a conference with John Sinclair, lo cal maintenance man, who dragged the new road this spring. Mr. Far mer said the Mt. Hood cut-off will be finished grading this season, but that graveling would be delayed un til 1929. Men interested in hasten in this work held a conference with N. G. Hedin and J. S. Brown at Pine Grove last Sunday. Ben Richardson and three other men are buying oak wood on the McKetrict tract. Jess Cox of Tygh Valley is visiting at Fine Grove with hii brother, Charles, and his stey-f ather, Ben Richardson. Rev. George McDonald arranged to hold a quarterly conference at Wapinitia next Saturday night. Wapint'ia High schosl will give o play ou Saturday nij.'ht, therefore the quarterly cor.farrr.oe will be held ut Maupin, at .i:CO p. m. that day. J. Walter S'm.rpe hns purchased a Slnr auto from Hr.rvoy Morris. J. C. SanfV.rd and Lee Boyer of Portland were week end visitors to their farms of Wapintia, now being operated by Julius Shspflin. George W. Burnride and family of The Dalles visited old friends and neighbors at Pine Grove last Sunday. Roy Woodside of 0. A. C. visited at "home" during the spring off week. PERTIMENT HOME REMINDERS From School of Home Economic A. C. Stale cake makes on excellent des sert when steamed and covered with sauce. Cornbread is very nourishing, ec pecially if made up with milk and eggs. An interesting canape is made from a slice of bread with a slice o tomatoe in it. Grated cheese is Sprinkled over the tomato, and a tlice of bacon put across the top. The canape is placed in the oven until the bacon has been broiled. Serve hot. Welsh ' rarebit may be varied by adding tomato sauce instead of white sauce. Grinding bread crumbs does not mess up, the kitchen if a paper bag is tied on the food chopper and the crumbs are allowed to go into it. Time is also saved by this method for the crumbs are then used direct ly from the bag. When tewing buttons on a child's dress, run a tape down the wrong side first. This rrivss a pood firm foundation to sew the buttons on and they are not likely to tear away from the goods. lion became awakened and showed that he, for the latter part of the month at least, would be on the job. During Sunday night lain fell in copious quantities and when the sun came up it was accompanied by a heavy snowstorm Eight inches was reported from the tapper Flat, while the Criterion section had nearly as much as that of the beautiful. Visited at Tht Dallei Mrs. Jean Wray accompanied the Tillotsons as far as The Dalles last Friday and visited with friends there during the day. Mrs.' Wray will give up her employment at the Shat tuck store the firt of April, this being done because of a change in personnel in the store's conduct. The Cop: "Say I almost broke my neck following you around them curves." She: "Well, I hope this teaches you not to chase after every pretty girl you see." Judge: "What have you to say for yourself?" Prisoner: "I Ray I vish I was in a place where there are no traffic cops," Judge: "Granted';" SO 'days." " OREGON NEWS NOTES PERTAINING TO AUTOMOBILES Terse Paragraphs Copied From A. A. A. Newt Letter The only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth. In a certain province liable to floods there is a notice on a low lying road which read: "When this notice is under water this road is impassable." Willamette Valley is fast becoming world-famous for flower bulbs. O.wego Construction of many new homes in progress. In right years, Yamhill county spent $49l,108 on 20 market roads. Crown Willamette Taper com pany has 60 men planting trees on cutover forest lands in Clatsop coun ty. Marshfield State will be asked for permit to build Coos Bay bridge. Promised fire insurance reduc tions will save Oregon $1,000,000 a year. 0. W. R. & N. railroad taxes in ber of Commerce has settled 3237 settlers on Oregon farms, with $12, 811,467 investments. K3 63 re 9 One way of lengthening a child's dre:s is to put a tuck under the hem at the time the dress i3 made. When let out this will be folded evenly with the rest of the dress. Next week we are going to send a statement of subscription to each of our subscribers who is de linquent on our books. We do not like to tlo this, but there is a limit to all things and we have about reached the limit of carrying a list of people on our cards who make no effort to come in and pay up. ..It takes money to run a newspaper, and that is what we are in business for. One delinquent does not cut much figure, but when there are numbers who are in arrears the aggregate amounts to quite a snug sum. ..There are several hundreds of dolars owing to us and we shall now insist that they be paid. You take the paper and enjoy reading it, otherwist you would order it discontinued. We ask that you be as square with us as you are with your grocer. All we watn is an even break will you do your part in seeing that we get it? Mmpini Times l!!llll!i!llll!llllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllll!lll!l!H I Hampton Furniture Co. I Special Volume Sale! j Starts Friday, March 30, 9 a.m. j Another Chance to Make a Good Saving 1 I on Your Investment j I BACKWARD SEASON J s has left us with a lot of U ' S3 Surplus Merchandise on Hand I THIS MUST BE SOLD! J therefore for a few days only we will offer this Sur- g plus at Special Reduced Prices. 1 I FREE : 1 Card Tables I Lamp Stands with every Lamp Shad yon buy your choice of any lamp hade in the store. $8-95 Hampton Furniture Co. THE DALLES OREGON 1 WITH EVERY PURCHASE t OF $3.00 OR OVER ii!ll:lll!HIIIIIIIill!lllllliil!!IIM REGISTRATION OF VOTERS All citizens must be r-iffiimr ! I in order to vote at Primary Elections to be held on May 18., 1928. Voters cannot be sworn in on Election Day. Registration closes at 6 p. m., April 17th. Voters who have moved ilnce last election should call at County Clerk's office and have registration transferred. Registrations can be made at County Ckrk'a office or with the following Registrar.-: H. C. Rooper, Antelope; A. A. Marvel, Boyd; D. C. Evans, Dufur; T. C. Murray, Friend; S. J. Farrc, Jersey: R. E. Wilson, Maupin; R. J. Scearce Mosicr; A. R. Altermatt, Shaniko; Willis Norval, Tygh Valley; A. E. Lake, Wamic, E. M. Hartman, Wap initia. W. L. CRICHTON, County Clerk. ZELL'S FUNERAL SERVICE Undertaking and Embalming AMBULANCE SERVICE Call Maupin Drug Store Phone-345 of WlH"II J IIUVI Itiilbii -af- ! 11M.700 young salmon on March 1 i Falls City Establishment cheese factory here In nrospoet. Fulls City Local capital plans to finnnco goat' milk cheese factory. Dufur Heaviest farm implement ' sale in year ; is reported here. S. lU JGL8. SJ? .3.3. eas.nre If J Wilson Painting Co. House and Sign P-A-LN-T-E-ll-S-! PAPER HANGERS and DECORATORS Call, Write or phone, Times Office. Maupin, Oregon. If button holes are made with soft mercerized cotton they will be more durable and will be ea..ier to make. If window shades have become soiled at the bottom remove from the roller and re ; hem the top, tack the bottom on the roller and use again. Went Back 100 Years In our advertisement of the sale at Cervin'g rach which is s.'hedlued for Saturday of this week, we said that notes, "payable October 1 1828," would be accepted. The "8" got into the "9" box and in reading proof on the ad, the error escaped our eagle eye. If you attend the sale and buy something and de&ire to give a note therefor, make it payable October 1, 1028, and it will be accepted Lion-Like March Weather March came in with a meekness surprising to old settler? of this sec tion. Many days of fine weather tended to cause the wheat to sprout and take on substantial life, but Monday morning of this week the -4 Si i ff WtfiUM v here it is taste, rich fragrance and mellow mildness. Camel is the cigarette that intro duced the world to "smoking for pleasure." Dr. WM. KENNEDY DENTIST DENTAL X-RAY First National Bank Bldg. The Dallei, Oregon Phone 391 WAPLNti'iA I. 0. 0. F. Lodgn No. 200, Maupin, Oregon nieots every Saturday night In I. 0. 0. F. hall. VWting members always welcome. James Chalmers, N. G. 0. F. Renick, Sec'y. WERNMARK SHOE STORE Shoes and Repairing Wasco County 's Exclusive Shoe Store hoos for th vhoU Kaf"' t;nral Repairing The Dalles, Ore. Td walk a mile for a Camel" 1928, R. I. Reynoldi Tofcam Coaipioj, Winston-Salem, N. C "SOPREKIE AUTHORITY" WEBSTER'S D3CTKCNARY -Tin! MIRIAM WEBSTER Because Hundreds of Supreme Court Judges concur In highest pralie of the work as their Authority. The Presidents of all leading Uni versities, Colleges, nd Normal Schools give their hearty indorse ment. All States that hnvc adopfed a lartje dictionary as standard have selected Webster's New Ii.urna tlonaL The SchoolbooK-8 of the Country adhere to the Merriam-Webstcr system of diacritical marks. The Government Printing Office at Washington uses it as authority. WRITE for Mmpte pate of thtJvfnv Worii, ipfc(fnn of EUtfjIar and India I'jpcn, 1 lU.fc. 1 KMfc mWrk Your Watch Haywire? If it is nut doing its work bring it to The Times and Mr. Semmes will send it to GUY A. POUND manu'if'uripif Jeweler id Watchmaker buccoawur hi U. Llndquint THE DA W - ORKGON Suite 15-16 Vogt Block Telepone 111-W Dr. Fred H. Pageler OPTOMETRIST Strictly Optical DeLARHUE OPTICAL CO. Th. Dallas, . . Or.goa CRANDALL UNDERTAKING CO. QUIET SERVICE LADY ASS1TANTS The Dalles, Oregon. Pltont 35-J 1 ' 'Ui, y i