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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 26, 1923)
f I 1 1 I, The MaiiDin M. Published Every Thursday at Maupin, Oregon, ' Jessiline E. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: One Year $1.50, Six Months 75cts, Three Months 50c Entered as second class mail mutter September 2, 1914, at the post office at Maupin, Oregon, under the Act of March 3, 1879. Smock Ne-WS Hnrvpst. tim is here. Wheat is not as heavy a yield as hereto - fore. I Mr. and Mrs. Sam Appling Mrs. Marjorie Ledford went to! spent the week end with Mr. White Salmon Wn last week to Sand Mrs. E. E. Wall, welcome the new grand daughter Elder A. D. Sprouse will preach the first in Walters family. D. M. Stancliff went to Mosier on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Arnett drove over Sunday to visit their We would appreciate your trade. We sell the best goods. Wc give the best .service for the least money in Maupin. Your dollar does double duty at the Harris Cash Store IT The Crandall The Dalies, Oregon Licensed Enbalmers ' Motor Equipment , II. F. WOODCOCK, MAUPIN E. C. PRATT, ' WAMIC mskM 3 MM HOTEL N. W. Flinn, Prop. Rooms 50c to Meals, family st SOMETHING NEW Harness, REPAIRING PRICES F. 15. Old Hank Building 9W1 mes I daughter Mrs. Mac Mayfield. I Mrs. W. IT. Mayfield and Veva ! have gone to Yakima to spend ; the summer with relatives. at the Smock church on August 5th. at 3 p. m. Ora Duncan visited at J. E. Woodcocks on Sunday. J. 0. Brad way made a trip to Undertaking Co. J is the inspiring roar ot Old Ocean mul (lie charm of its many beaches whcie those glorious VACATION haunts arc. It will be a gieut surprise and delight to nee the vast improvements that have been made to insure the pleasure of visitors to North Boach Clatsop Beach Tillamook Beaches or Newport where every concrivaUc foi m of restful health-giving recreation may he enjoyed. Ask our agent fur our "Outings ;n the Pacific Northwest" and "Oregon Outdoors." They tell the whole story in word and picture. Then purchase a Round-Trip Summer Excursion Ticket via which i;ive i that wonderful trip through the Columbian River tlni;;( . Our silent will be glad to arrange your itinerary and mate your reservation. II C. BELL, Agent WM.McMURRAY Gonnrnl Psjsfwser Agenl Portland, Oregon FL The Dalles CO 40c Saddle, She . fork Guaranteed K8GHT Tory Maupin, Oregon Maupin Thursday. George Gordon of Portland is visiting his father Uncle Johnnie Gorden and his sister Mrs. Mulvaney. Wm. Forman of Juniper Flat was here Tuesday looking for berries. Wapinitia Anna West spent Sunday with Eisie Lewis at Geo. Claymier's. Crystal Hartman is spending this week with Mrs. Fred Horn quist at Clackamas Lake. Mr. and Mrs. PerleEvick were Maupin visitors Monday. Ralph, Ernest and Frank Dodge are home for a time with their folks. Lou. McCoy returned from The Dalles Monday. Cal Burnside and Mrs. Geo. Bnrnside were in Maupin Friday P. W. Lloyd and Mr. Locke came down to Maupin from Clackamas Lake Friday. Grandma Davis was sick at the homo cf her son Herb Ham mer on Sundaj . Je-anctte Burnside spent the week end with her parents at Pino Grove. Tommy and Ruby Batty have been sick since Saturday. Mrs. Carrie Weberg was in Maupin on business Tuesday. Ed. Bothwell, wife and son Dewey went to Dufur Thursday. Albert ' Hammer and wife entertained company from Tygh Valley Sunday. Mr. Wood and wife of Tygh Valley are at Shipflins where Mr Wood is employed during harvest J. M. Fa well and family spent Sunday in Wamic with Mrs. Andrew Booth who returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brown have returned from East Lake where they went fishing. J. I. Parker made a trip to Maupin Tuesday taking Rev. Mc Donald to the train. Olge Abbott has been enter taining company from The Dal les. The Times i Charter No. 224 Reserve District No. 12 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MAUMN STATE BANK i At Maupin, in the state of Oregon, at the close of business, June CO 1923. I RESOURCES ' 1. Loans and discount's, including: rediscounts shown in j , item 2!) and CO, if any $149,919 68 j 2. Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 151-75 i 3. U. S povetnient securities owned, including .those shown in itema 30 and o5, if any 346.50 ' 1. Other bonds, warrants and securities, including for- ! ' eign povernment, state, municipal, corporation, I etc., including those shown in items 30, 35, if any : (1. Pankine: house lf5911. 57 furniture end fixtures j ?C(tM'rl :9. (ab) Cash on hand in vault and due from banks, I bankers, and trust companies, designated and ' ! approved reserve agents of this bank : 11. Checks on banks outside city or town of re- 1 porting bank and other cash items i Total cash' and due from banks, items 8, 9, 10,11, $21028.13 : Total :.'. i LIAB1LITIF.5 I HI. fnnilal stock naid in 117. Surplus fund 18. (a) Undivided profits...- (1) Less current expenses, ' j 10. Kesrrved for taxest, interest, L!0. I'lvnlentis unpaid Demand Dcptjsiif, other than Iwnks, subject to reserve: 2-1. Depo-MU due tiie.oLiie of Oregon, and deposits due etiimlv or lilies other public funds It ilivi'iual (ienosits subject Ca--hier cheeks of this bank Total of domand deptwits. other than bank deposits, suo ject to reserve, items 23. LM. 25, 2o. $113,004.12 Time and yavir.pj Deposits, aibit it to reserve and paya ble on demand and tuibject to notice: .17. Time ce'-'.iHi-Mles of deposits outstandinsr 17,792.05 rotal of time and savings deposits payable on demand or subject to notice, items 27. $17, 75)1 05 ,;0. Notes, ami hills tcdiscounted including bonds or other securities sold under repurchase a-'.ienici,ts with contingent liabilities 20,839 77 ;"2 I-'ilN pnyabl with federal reserve bank or with oth-'M- banks or trust com panic;-.. Total ,$182-22-1. t'o Stnteof Oregon, County of Wasco, ss. 1, F. D- b-tuart. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemn ly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. 1 F. D- Stuart, Cashier. Corrccl- Attest: F.S. Meming, L. C. Henueehan, Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before mc. this Uth day of July 102L!. James C. Pratt. Notary Public Jly commission cxircs October 29, 1023. The Parkers were in Maupin Sunday where they ate birthday dinner with Everett Richmond. Wamic News Mrs. Marjorie Harper return ed to Tygh Valley Monday from a weeks stay at the W. D. Har per home in The Dalles. She accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Har per to Portland while there. Irma Driver is home from a ffve weeks stay in The Dalles with her grandmother. Mrs. Ben Steed had ber leg broken Thursday by falling from a load of hay. Dr. Elwood at tended her. A picnic was given at the mid dle crossing of White river Sun day for Air. and Mrs. Lee Zum wait and their two small daugh ters Among the relatives who were Mr. and Mrs. L. B- Kelly, Floyd Kelly and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kistner, Elmer Snod grass and family and Willis Nor val and family. Mr. Zumwalt and family spent three weeks here. They left Sunday even ing for their home at Sanger California, going by way of the Sisters to visit relatives there. Mr. and Mrs. L- D. Kelly and Doris were guests at the Chas. Crofoot home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodcock and Cecil Woodcock visited at the A. E- Lake home Sunday. Mr. and Airs. Guy Brittain and baby Jack visited at the Percy Driver home Sunday going on to Smock 'where Mrs. Brittain will spend the week. Mr. Brittain went to Juniper Flat where he is running a header. Mr. Henry Muller spent last week in Portland taking medical treatment. She returned Friday Heading will begin here next week. The grain was not damajt- Several headers are running on Juniper Flat The tempeture got up to 08 Sunday, and was warm .weather for Printing 1,209.92 8,908.08 21,602.4: 25 65 .182,224 00 .$ 25,000.(10 2,000.00 iDo.urial interest and taxes paid $1,13-119 or depreciation 583-12 to eheek .111.S23.52 outstanding, payable 1,67-1.60 for several days last week. j floyd Johnson and Joe Wing went to The Dalles Friday. Mrs. Emmett and Miss Claris Zumwalt went to the II. F. Both well home Saturday where Claris is taking music lessons from Mrs. Bothwell. Mrs. Joe and Verda Wing visit ed in Tygh Valley Saturday. Mrs. Lois McCown and child ren came up from Tygh Friday to pick black berries on the Stenb Wing place. There is an abundance of all kinds of fruit here. Percy Driver went to The Dalles Saturday. Family washing done, 45 and 75 cents dozen. Mens washing also done cheap Mrs. L. E. Sockton, Cook Apartment, For Sale 12 ft. McCormicnk header and 6 ft. Deering Binder, both in running order. A. L. Gutzler. Dr. T. DeLarhue EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Glasses Properly Fitted Exclusively Optical Iujutns 17-18 Vogt Block, oyer Crosby's Drug store, The Dalles, Ore Phone Black 1111 Notice A representative and student oMhe Chicago Engineer ing Works school of electricity, is in Maupin. Any man wishing to get better pay from $10 to O per day should correspond with mm. t costs nothing to investi gate. Address Box 85, Maupin. James Chalmers Horse Shoeing and General Blacksmithing Plow Share Grinding Maupin, Ore. ana aauress on a postcard orinalet tai and we will mail free ard rnRtpaitl, a pampft ;opy of flic mwt wonderful magazine pub lished 160 pnges nnd 400 pictures every month, that will entertain every member of the family. It contains interesting ni) instructive arfi ana on th Home, F ann. Sitop and Otli:e ttie nwt14?( developments in R?dio, Avia t'ort. Antpmohfle anrl Garage. Each issue amt.airs something to interest everybody. We do not employ subscription solicitors so you wll not be urfced to subscribe and yo-j are not obligating yourself in the least in aikinqr tor a free sample copy. We k::kHv vmi it to prcspertive readers. It you like tt ypii can buy a copy eveiy ..tnonth from znf newsrlealer or send us your UttbGcription 53,00 for one year. Vepntar Mechanics Company aWLSia i, Vnlerto Street, CHICAGO, ILL. Wivvtnr HfirHwlcs butMlna Is detotetl trrLmiiHlH ta iOA ETfirivctl'in nT thtl 5"- ' I iiUjti. liariiiiiiiiTnra)rirWMTry-Jgjia MAKE A. C. Your Next Goal Yon have hn!;-lied Wnh school and like all wide-awake rraau atea, are looking to college. Tlie State of Oregon ofiVrs you the best cf Iraininp and a colli R'i.ite ilcurce in tho leading' I'Ui'siuts and pruftuiiona. as fol lows; Ilnineerinp. culture, Commerce, Forestry. Home Fconomics, Military Science j andTaetietics, Jlit-in.Phar ' maey, Vocational Education and Music ' Studi'iit life tit t lie Coliejre is rich in oiiportui ities for leader eliii; ar.d for? culture. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 28, 1223 ' Vox information write to THE REGISTRAR Oregon 'Agricultural Ccllrge Corvallis dBSfiT 3 Very cloudy. Looks like rain. I.O. O.F. Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon. meets every baturday night in I. Q. O. F. hall. Visiting nieru. oers always welcome. F. D. Stuarr, Secretary . B. D. Fraley, N. G. UiNWERSITYofOREGON in r3 nf -Sn, - JSL i The UNIVERSITY of OREGON contains: The College of Literature, Science and the Arts with 22 departments. The professional schools of Archi tecture mid Allied Arts-Dusiness Administration Education Grad uate Study Journalism Lw Modi'.ine Musk Physical Edu cntion Sr-i'-!"Sy tension. For a vnlah'f'w or mj) information Wrile The Rciithar, Unh'crMt'J of Qirjon, Eu(cnr, Oregon. The 48th Yew Opens September 25, 1923 Call for Bids Bids will-be received by the Maupin Council on construction of sidewalk between 4th and 5th i street on the east side of De Ischuts avenue. Specifications may be secured from the recorder. The Council reserves tne right to reject any or all bids. noticf; for publication Department of the Interior U. S, Land Office at The Dalles, Ore gon, Jun 28th. 1923. Notice is hereby eriven that Phyllis Fischer of Maupin, Oregon, who on April 25. UU9, made Homestead Entry No. 020620 and on June 14, 1921, made Additional Homestead entry No. 020021, for Lots 2, 3, , section 19, Lots 1, 2, 3, SEl-4nw1-4, section 30, T. 5 s, R 14 E, sEl-4st-;l-4, sec. 13, E1-2NE1-4, w1-2se1-4, sec 24, KEl-4, sec. 25, Township 5 south Kanire 13 east. Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the kind above described, before F. D. I Stuart United States Commissioner, ; at Maupin, Oregon? on the 14th day of i August, 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: G. C. 'Allen, John Foley, A. E. Troutman, 1 . A, Coale, all ot Maupin, Oregon. J. W. Dnnnolly, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ' Department of the Interior U: s. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore eon, June IB, W2.1. Notice is hereby given that Chester Crabtree, of Maupin, Oregon, who on September 5, 1018, made Homestead Entry No. 020U5lJ and on June 7, 1922 made Additional boniest cad entry No. 022421) siil-4swl-4. Nl-2sEl-l, Sec. 33, Nwl-lswl-4, Sec 34, T 5 south, R 15 east, Lota 3, 4, and swl-lNwl-4, Section 4. Township C suutb, Range 15 east, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. O.Sluart,, Unittd states Commissioner, at Maupin, Ore gon, on the 24th day of July 1923. Claimant naineB as witnesses: "II. F. Sinclair of Criterion, Oregon, Floyd McLeod. of Maupin, Oregon, M. S. Miller of Maupin, Oregon, It. R. Crab tree of Maupin, Oregon. J. W. Donnelly, Register. REPUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore hon, May 10, 1923. Notice is hereby given that Benjamin F. Herrlingf of Criterion, Oregon, who on February J, 11)20. made Homestead Entry No. 021387, and on Nov. ID, 1920 made ad ditional homestead entry No. 021383 for Lot 1, SE1-4NF.1-4, E1-2SE1-4, sec. 1 neI-4ne1-4, section 12, T 7 south, R. 14 east, Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, se1-4nw!-4, El-2svvl-4, section 6, me1-4nw1-4, Sec tion 7, T. 7 south, R. 15 east, Lot 4, sEl-4swl-4, swl-4SEl-4, Sec. 31 Tp. ti south, Range 15 east, Willamette Me- ritiian, has filed notice of intention to make three year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, be fore F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commission' tit, Oregon, on the 7th day of July, 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: P. J. Kirsch, C. A. Duus, D. B: Appling-, Malcolm McDonald, all of Criterir. 'jrpjrori. J. W. ponnelly. Register. NOTICE. FOR PUBLICATION Department of tlie Interior U. S. Land Office, at The Dalles, Oro on, Miy ol, 192J. Notice is hereby given that ' . Henry C. Dake of 793 1-2 St., Portland, Ore ion, who on January 2, 1919, made Homestead Entry No. 020256 tor Rt-2NK1-4, Section 23 Township b sout Range Vi east. Willamette Meridia.. has tiled notice of intention to make, threo year proof to establish claim to the land above described, before F. J. Gtuart. United states Commissioner at Maupin, Oregon, on the 24th day of Juiy, 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank McCoy. A. R. Wilcox, Thos. Kienzle, Lo'iis "llcCov, all of Wapinitia Oregon, . W. Donnelly, Rcgistci.