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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1923)
E OF Brief Resume Most Important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU Eventsof .Noted people, Governments and Pacific Northwest, and Other Things Worth Knowing-. The village of Whatworth, Que., 1G miles from Klvlere do Loup, was wiped out Monday by forest fires. A general wage Increase of 3 to 5 cents an hour for skilled mechanics and reclassification of mechanics' work are announced by the Southern Pacific lines at Houston, Texas Tues day. Two thousand members of the bench and bar heard Secretary of State Hughes plead for America's entrance Into the world court Tuesday night at the Kent centennlul celobratlon at Columbia university. Eugene Meurer, millionaire paper manufacturer of Muskegon, Okla., has married Miss Margaret Washerman, "his $40,000 cook," whose especially prepared dishes Meurer repeatedly de clared meant "life Itself" to him. Woodrow Wilson was serenaded at his S-street home Wednesday by a Shrmcr patrol from Greenville, S. C, which sang "Dixie" under his window nnd then at his request followed It with "The Star-Spangled Banner." President Harding will make 14 ad dresses en route to the Pacific coast on his Alaskan trip and will speak In five coast cities after returning from Alaska, according to an official an nouncement of the executive's Itiner ary lute Tuesday at the White House. Increases in wages ranging from 1 to 2 cents an hour and from $6.84 to $10 a month, effective May 16 and aggregating approximately $458,800 an nually, have been granted to 8330 em ployes of the Northern Pacific rail road's maintenance of way depart ment. Newspaper reports to the effect that Sir Auckland Geddos was, retiring from the position of British ambassador to the United States was characterized as entirely unfounded by Ronald Mc Neill, under secretary of foreign af fairs, in the house of commons Mon day. Awarded $50,000, the amount she asked from Dr. Karl Connell for breach of promise, Miss Violet John stone of Brooklyn, arrived In New York Wednesday from Omaha, where the suit was tried. The case probably will be appealed, the doctor's attor neys said. The state department announced late Wednesday It had received a cablegram from Jacob Gould Schur- mail, American minister at Pekin, which said "there was no definite In dlcatlon of how long It would be be fore Americans and others still held by Chinese bandits are released." The United States air service dirig ible TC-1 was destroyed by fire short ly after it moored at Wilbur Wright field at 6 P, M. In Dayton, O., Wed nesday. The ship, the largest of its kind In this country, was destroyed during a sevore electrical storm. It came to Dayton from Scott field, 111- - Inois, on a teBt flight. Sofia. Profiteers will be subject to public beatings with lashes, confisca tion of their property and permanent dlsbarmont from business under a bill submitted to the Sobranje (national assembly) Wednesday. This Is the governments' answer to the many complaints that the cost of living has been unnecessarily Increased by specu lation. Army efficiency requires that atten tion be given to religious matters, Gen eral Terahlng Bald Wednesday at the opening session of the conference with churchmen and welfare workers, call ed by the war department. All mill tary training has in it certain elements of moral Instruction, General Pershing Bald, but he added that "religion con tains the secret of the impetus toward clean living." Authoritative denial was given Wed nesday to Moscow newspaper reports alleging British interference In soviet Asia. It was declared that the British govorment had never made any agree ment with the Emir of Turkestan In volving a protectorate of that region and that the statement in the Moscow papers relative to an alleged British promise to fluanco and arm antl-sovlet forces was untrue. WORLD HAPP CURRENT WEEK RAIL MERGER IS APPROVED Southern-Central Pacific Union Upheld by Court of Appeals. St. Paul. Approval of the Inter state commerce commission's action in authorizing the Southern Pacific railroad to acquire control of the Cen tral Pacific road was announced Mon day by the United States circuit court of appeals. Walter H. Sanborn, senior Judge of the court, announced that the court hud concluded that the Interstate commerce commission had the author ity to authorize and approve the con trol by lease and stock ownership of the Central Pacific railroad by the Southern Pacific company." This conclusion, In effect approv ing provisions of the transportation act of 1920, Is declared of far-reach ing importance, In that It tends to up hold the present railroad consolidation plan covered by the act. There will be no opinion filed now, but counsel for the department of Jus tice and for the Southern Pacific were notified to present arguments here on the form the court's decree shall take. Appeal to the supreme court still is open to the government. The court which, in addition to Judge Sanborn, Includes Judges Wil liam S. Kenyon, Fort Dodge, la., and Robert S. Lewis, Denver, has before It the proposed decree of the railroad company, permitting the control under the conditions laid down by the Inter state commerce commission. Counsel for the railroad on Monday will move acceptance of this form for the decree and the government will have an opportunity to suggest such amendments as it wishes, or may serve notice of intention to appeal to the supreme court. The court's decree will be under the mundate of the supreme court, Issued October 17, 1922, directing the circuit court of appeals to enter a final decree requiring the Southern Pacific to dl- a decree entered carrying out the terms of this decision. The supreme court had held the Southern Pacific control of the Central Pacific as in restraint of competition and in violation of the Sherman anti trust act, and the government sought vest Itself of any control of the Cen tral Pacific company. 30 TRAINS CAUGHT IN FLAMING SHED Philadelphia. Passengers occupy ing sleeping cars In the train shed at the Broad Street station of the Pennsylvania railroad were routed out of their berths early Monday by a fire. The shed burst Into flames In two or three places. Five alarms were sounded summoning all the fire fight ing forces in the center of the city. Approximately 30 trains were In the shed and several caught fire before they could be moved to safety. Great excitement prevailed among passen gers waiting to board outgoing tralnB until they were ordered from the build ing by the firemen. The bluze started shortly after 1 A. M. An hour later the entire train shed was In flames and the baggage room, Just outside the waiting room on the second floor, also was burn lug. One passenger, overcome by the smoke, was taken to a hospital. A number of firemen also have been overcome. The fire spread to the mail room, under the train shed, between 15th and lGth streets. Scores of men with trucks worked to remove the mall but the blaze drove them out. The flames spread westward, away from the statisn proper which is lo cated opposite the city hall, one of the largest municipal buildings lu the world. Entrance to the station for trains Is on an elevated structure from the Schuylkill river, approximate ly eight blocks. Under the tracks for about three blocks are express stations uud mail room. All fire apparatus In the city was brought to the scene. Hundreds of streams of water were poured on the flames which shot high Into the air. Fire Chief Davis said that he feared the roof, of metal and glass and cov ering nearly a city block, would col lapse. Hood River, Or. Monday a valve In a pressure Irrigation syste In the garden of Mrs. W. L. Smith failed to work. The valve was unscrewed, Mrs. Smith supposing It was clogged by silt. She was surprised when an eight- Inch mountain trout shot from the pipe. The system worked well for an hour and again stopped. A wrench was again applied and this time Mrs. Smith discovered a large rainbow trout. It measured 18 Inches and weighed 3 pounds. FOREIGN NATIONS OBEY LIQUOR U. S. Government Gratified by Favorable Attitude. NEW RULES IN EFFECT Congress May Be Asked to Remove Dan Against Foreign Ships Carrying Beverages. Washington, D. C With the ship liquor regulations effective Sunday, government officials are gratified at the attitude taken toward compliance with the rules by foreign nations. Announcements coming from Great Britain, France and other important maritime nations that vessels flying their flags will carry only enough liquor to meet requirements for bev erage up to the American three-mile limit and that they will return "dry" In this respect have been favorably received. The position of these coun tries accords with views repeatedly ex pressed by Secretary of the Treasury Mellon that he did not anticipate dif ficulty regarding observance of the regulations by important lines. It is recognized by officials that the regulations are rigid and that they will be a source of Inconvenience to foreign lines and will even require suspension of domestic laws of such nations as France and Spain calling for adequate supplies of wines for beverage purposes for ships' crews at all times. Protests from these coun tries, Great Britain and other nations were conceded to be natural. At the same time, it Is pointed out, the treasury department had no al ternative but to obey strictly the de cision of the supreme court and ad minister It as the law of the land. To do otherwise, It is maintained, act ually would Involve violation by treas ury officials of their oath of office and lay them open to Impeachment. It was stated that they had nothing to do with the making of the law and are not seeking to pass one way or the other upon its merits or its effect in International relations. Nor, it was added, did the supreme court have any authority other than Interpreting the law. Making of the law, it has been emphasized, rests entirely with congress. Consequently, it is pointed out, if any relief is to come to foreign ship ping interests, the source of appeal Is congress, which cannot be taken until it meets next December. Mean while It will be the purpose of the treasury department to enforce its regulations through the public health office. It has been suggested, though not plainly stated, that the treasury department may take the Initiative and ask congress when It convenes to remove the ban against foreign ships carrying liquor for beverage pur poses. It Is reported that the pos sibility of such a proposal has been one reason why foreign lines have in dicated their purpose to comply strict ly with the regulations. Poincare's Note Sent. Paris. Premier Poincare's note on the subject of German reparations was delivered in London Sunday for pre sentation to the British cabinet to morrow. It expressed the hope that Great Britain would Join France and Belgium in telling Germany that pas sive resistance in the Ruhr must cease. It says if Germany complies, France will be disposed to consider with her allies a solution of the reparations question, provided the discussion keeps within the limits of the French proposals of January. Georgia Hat Big Storm. . Macon, Ga. Damage estimated at $1,000,000 was caused to Macon prop erty by a storm that broke over this city at 12:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. More than six Inches of water fell in less than an hour and a half, the weather'bureau announced. All of the storm sewers of the city were over loaded. Many of them gave way. The storm was local, extending about 20 miles from this city in any direction. Wage Agreement Made. Chicago. The Chicago, Burlington & Qulncy railroad notified the rail road labor board Saturday that it had made an agreement with its main tenance of way employes affecting 10,- 000 men. The agreement grants fore men Increases In wages of from $4 to $10 a month and 1 cent an hour to other employes. MISS "MY WEDDED WIFE" BVNOPSIS.-Oeneral factotum In the house of her slater Ina, wife of Herbert Deacon, in the email town of Warbleton, Lulu Bett leads a dull, cramped existence, with which she Is constantly at enmity, though apparently satlstled with her lot Bobby La$ln, recently graduated high-school youth, Is secretly en amored of Deacon's elder daughter, Diana. The family is excited over the news of an approaching visit from Deacon's brother Nlnian, whom he had not seen for many years. Unexpectedly, Nlnian ar rives. Thus he becomes acquainted with Lulu first and understands her position in the house. To Lulu, Nlnian is a much-traveled man of the world, and even the slight in terest which he takes in her is appreciated, because It Is something new In her life. At an outing which the family takes, Nlnian and Lulu become confidential. He ex presses his disapproval of her treatment as a sort of dependent in the Deacon home. Diana and Bobby, in the course of "soft noth ings," discuss the possibility of eloping and "surprising the whole school." Lulu has awakened to pleasant possibilities concerning Ninlan's Intentions toward herself. IV July. When, on a warm evening a fort night later, Lulu descended the stairs dressed for her Incredible trip to the city, she wore the white waist which she had often thought they would "use" for her If she died. And really, the waist looked as If It had been planned for the purpose, and Its wide, upstanding plaited lace at throat and wrist made her neck look thinner, her forearm sharp and veined. Her hair she had "crimped" and parted In the middle, puffed high It was so that hair had been worn In Lulu's girlhood. "Well 1" said Ina, when she saw this coiffure, and frankly examined It, head well back, tongue meditatively teasing at her lower lip. For travel Lulu was again wearing Ina's linen duster the old one. Nlnian appeared, In a sack coat and his diamond. His distinctly con vex face, Its thick, rosy flesh, thick mouth and cleft chin gave Lulu once more that bold sense of looking not at him, for then she was shy and averted her eyes but at his photo graph nt which she could gaze as much as she would. She looked up at him openly, fell In step beside him. Was he not taking her to the city? Ina and Dwlght themselves were go ing because she, Lulu, had brought about this party. "Act as good as you look, Lulie," Mrs. Bett called after them. She gave no Instructions to Ina, who was mar ried and able to shine In her conduct, It seemed. ; Dwlght was cross. On the way to the station he might have been heard to take It up again, whatever it was, and his Iria unmistakably said : "Well, now, don't keep It going all the way there"; and turned back to the others with some elaborate comment about the dust, thus cutting oft her so-called lord from his legitimate retort . A mean advantage. The city was two hours distant, and they were to spend the night. On the train, in the double seat, Nlnian be side her among the bags, Lulu sat In the simple consciousness that the people all knew that she too had been chosen. A man and a woman were opposite, with their little boy between them. Lulu felt this woman's supe riority of experience over her own, and smiled at her from a world of fel lowship. But the woman lifted her eyebrows and stared and turned away, with slow and Insolent winking. Nlnian had a boyish pride In his knowledge of places to eat In many cities as If he were lending certain of the tribe to a deer-run in a strange wood. Nlnian took his party to a downtown cafe, then popular among business and newspaper men. The place was below the sidewalk, was reached by a dozen marble steps, and the odor of Its griddle-cakes took the air of the street. Nlnian made a great show of selecting a table, changed once, called the waiter "my man" and rubbed soft hands on "What do you say? Shall It be lobster?" He ordered the dinner, Instructing the waiter with painstaking gruffness. "Not that they can touch your cook ing here, Miss Lulu," he said, settling himself to wait, and crumbling a crust. ' Dwlght, expanding a bit In the aura of the food, observed that Lulu was a regular chef, that was what Lulu was. He still would not look at his wife, who now remarked: "Sheff, Dwlghtle. . Not cheff." This was a mean alvantage, which he pretended not to hear another mean advantage. "Ina," said Lulu, "your hat's Just a little mite no, over the other way." "Was there anything to prevent your speaking of that before?" Ina Inquired acidly. "I started to and then somebody always said something," said Lulu humbly. Nothing could so much as cloud Lulu's hour. She was proof against any shadow. ' "Say, but you look tremendous to night," Dwlght observed to her. Understanding perfectly that this was said to tease his wife. Lulu yet flushed with pleasure. She saw two women watching, and she thought: "They're feeling sorry for Ina no body talking to her." She laughed at everything that the men said. She passionately wanted to talk herself. "How many folks keep going past," the said, many times. LULU By ZONA GALE Copyright by D. Aypleton A Company At length, having noted the detail? of all the clothes In range, Ina's Iso lation palled upon her and she set herself to take Ninlan's attention. She therefore talked with him about himself. "Curious you've never married, NIn," she said. "Don't sny it like that," he begged. "I might yet." Ina laughed enjoyably. "Yes, you might 1" she met this. "She wants everybody to get mar ried, but she wishes I hadn't," Dwlght threw In with exceeding ran cor. They developed this theme exhaus tively, Dwlght usually spenklng In the third person and always with his shoulder turned a bit from his wife. It was Inconceivable, the gusto with which they proceeded. Ina had as sumed for the purpose an air distrait, casual, attentive to the scene about them. But gradually her cheeks be gan to burn. "She'll cry," Lnlu thought In alarm, and said at random: "Ina, that hat is so pretty ever so much prettier than the old one." But Ina said frostily that she never saw anything the mat ter with the old one. "Let us talk," said Nlnian low, to Lulu. "Then they'll simmer down. He went on, In an undertone, about nothing In particular. Lulu hardly heard what ne said, It was so pleasant to have him talking to her in this confidential fashion; and she was pleasantly aware that his manner was open to misinterpretation. In the nick of time the lobster was served. ' i Dinner and the play the show, as Nlnian called It. This show was "Peter Pan," chosen by Nlnian be cause the seats cost the most of those at any theater. It was almost Inde cent to see how Dwlght Herbert, the Immortal soul, had warmed and melt ed at these contacts. By the time that all was over, and they. were at the hotel for supper, such was his pleasurable excitation that he was once more playful, teasing, once more the Irrepressible. But now his Ina was to be won back, made It evident that she was not one lightly to over look, and a fine firmness sat upon the little doubling chin. They discussed the play. Not one of them had understood the story. "Why Not Say. the Wedding Service?" Asked Ninlan. The dog-kennel part wasn't that the queerest thing? Nothing to do with the rest of the play. "I was for the pirates. The one with the hook-i-he was my style," said Dwlght. "Well, there It is again," Ina cried. "They didn't belong to the real play, either." "Oh, well," Ninlan said, "they have to put in parts, I suppose, to catch everybody. Instead of a ,song and dance, they do that." "And I didn't understand," said Ina, "why they all clapped when the prin cipal character ran down front and said something to the audience that time. But they all did." Ninlan thought this might have been out of compliment. Ina wished that Monona might have seen, con fessed that the last part was so pretty that she herself would not look; and Into Ina's eyes came their loveliest light Lulu sat there, hearing the talk about the play. "Why couldn't I have said that?" she thought as the others spoke. All that they said seemed to her apropos, but she could think of nothing to add. The evening had been to her a light . from heaven how could she find anything to say? She sat In a daze of happiness, her mind hardly operative, her look moving from one to another. At last Ninlan looked at her. "Sure you liked it. Miss Lulu?" "Oh, yesl I think they all took their parts real well." It was not enough. She looked at them appeallngly, knowing that she had not said enough. "You could hear everything they said," she added. "It was" the dwindled to silence. BETT - Dwlght Herbert savored lils rarebit with a great show of long wrinkled dimples. "Excellent sauces they make here excellent," he said, with the frown of an epicure. "A tiny wee bit mora Athabasca," he added, and they all laughed and told him that Athabasca was a lake, of course. Of course be -meant tabasco, Ina said. Their en tertainment nnd their talk wag of 'his sort, .for an hour. "Well, now," said Dwlght Herbert when it was finished, "somebody dance on the table." "Dwlghtle 1" "Got to amuse ourselves somehow. Come, liven up. They'll begin to read the funeral service over us." "Why not say the wedding service?" usked Nlnian. In the mention of wedlock there was alwnys something stimulating to Dwlght, something of overwhelming humor. He shouted a derisive en dorsement of this proposal. "I shouldn't object," suld Nlnian. "Should you, Miss Lulu?" Lulu now, burned the slow red of her torture. They were all looking at ner. sue made an anguished effort tq defend herself. "I don't know It," she said, "so I can't say It." Ninlan leaned toward her. "I, Ninlan, take thee, Lulu, to be my wedded wife," he pronounced. "That's the way It goes !" "Lulu daren't suy It 1" cried Dwlght. He laughed so loudly that those at the near tables turned. And, from the fastness of her wifehood and moth- . ernooa ina luughed. Iteally, it was ridiculous to think or Lulu that vnv Nlnian laughed, too. "Course she don't dare say It," he challenged. From within Lulu, that strange Lulu, that other Lulu who sometimes fought her battles, suddenly spoke out : "I, Lnlu, take thee, Ninlan, to be my wedded husband." "You will?" Ninlan cried. "I will," she said, laughing tremu lously, to prove that she, too, could Join In, could be as merry as the rest. "And I will. There, by Jove, now have we entertained you, or haven't we?" Ninlan laughed and pounded his soft fist on the table. "Oh, say, honestly 1" Ina was shocked. "I don't think you ought to holy things what's the matter, Dwlghtle?" Dwlght nerbert Deacon's eyes were staring and his face was scarlet. "Say, by George," he said, "a civil wedding Is binding in this state." "A civil wedding? Oh, well" Nin lan dismissed It. "But I," said Dwlght, "happen to be a magistrate." They looked at one another fool ishly. Dwlght sprang up with the in determinate idea of Inquiring some thing of gome one, circled about and returned. Ina had taken his chair and sat clasping Lulu's hand. Ninlan continued to laugh. "I never saw one done so offhand," said Dwlght. "But what you've, said Is all you have to say according to law. And there don't have to be wit nesses ... say p; he said, and sat down again. Above that shroud-Uke plaited lace, the veins of Lulu's throat showed dark as she swallowed, cleared her throat, swallowed again. "Don't you let Dwlght scare you," she besought Nlnian. "Scare me!" cried Ninlan. "Why, I think It's a good Job done, If you ask me." Lulu's eyes flew to his face. As he laughed, he was looking at her, and; now he nodded and shut and opened his eyes several times very fast. Their points of light flickered. With a pang of wonder which pierced her and left her shaken, Lulu looked. His eyes continued to meet' her own. It was exactly like looking at his photograph. Dwlght had recovered his authentic air. , "Oh, well," he said, "we can Inquire at our leisure. If it Is necessary, I should say we can have It set aside quietly up here in the city no one'U be the wiser." "Set aside nothing!" said Nlnian. "I'd like to see It stand." "Are you serious, Nin?" "Sure I'm serious." 'Ina Jerked gently at her sister's arm. , . "Lulu! Ton hear him? What yon going to say to that?" Lulu shook her head. "He Isn't In earnest," she said. "I am In earnest hope to die," Nln ian declared. He was on two legs of his chair and was slightly tilting, so that the effect of his earnestness was Impaired. But he was obviously In earnest. They were looking at Lulu again. And now she looked at Ninlan, and there was something terrible In that look which tried to ask him, alone, about this thing. Dwlght exploded. "There was a fel low I know there In the theater," he cried. "I'll get him on the line. He could tell me If there's any way " and was off. "I don't know what to make of Lulu's letters. They art so (TO BE CONTINUED.) Has Had Long Vacation. One of the national standard weights of the United States has not been used for actual weighing since It was received from the international bu reau In 1889.