The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, October 12, 1922, Image 3

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rVKI ft. MM IS
1WI TT T TT G A wl'l make
w w IW A M proor, Hutproor, uatproui ana nreprooi,
Buttonholing Buttons Plaiting Tucking and Chalnstltchlng
All Mull Orders given careful and prompt attention
ELITE SHOP, 128j Tenth near Washington.
Write for PriceB and Shipping Tugs
Page & Son
Portland, Oregon
We are in the market for Hides. Write for Prices and Shipping Tags, Tan
ners of Guaranteed "Columbia Oak" Harness Leather.
Established 1S89.
Special Offer for Quick Sale.
$5000.00 7 First Mortgage Bonds of Seaside
Hotel Co., Seaside, Ore., at par. No better in
vestment on the market than the bonds of this
prosperous hotel.
Advise us what securities you wish to buy or
U. S. National Bank Bldg.,
Manufacturers of all kinds of Tanks,
hard and soft wood Barrels and Kegs.
Write for prices. 2F4 Front. Portland. Ore
Guaranteed dental work. Crowns $5.00,
Plates $15.00, Brklgework $5.00 a tooth.
Teeth extracted by gas. Latest modern
methods. Dr. Henry Semler, Dentist, 3rd
Hid Morrison, 2nd floor Alisky Bldg., Port
land, Or. Write or phone for appointment.
If your RADIATOR heaU or
I leaks, send it to us,
Armstrong Auto Radiator Co.,
67 Burnsido street, Portland, Oregon
Expert advice on any
income tax problems.
Several years' actual
exDerience In Govern-
nnnni FMGment Bureaus is offered
r n U D L t III O those unable to visit our
oftice. State your troubles briefly and
send in with SI and we will give you hon
est to goodness advice. It will pay you to
get In touch with us now. E. J, Curtln,
Room 806 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Oregon.
Fire Proof and Modern
Depot Morrison Cars direct to Hotel. Popular
Price. Center Shopping and Theater district.
formerly with Clyde Hotel.
Master Trucks
lj Ton, $1400
2JTon. $1500
10th and Stark Sis., Portland, Ore
Hotel Hoyt
Located Sixth and Hoyt
Strictly Fireproof and Modern. Near
both depots and convenient car service
to all parts of city.
MY ausranteed non-urgical method of curing
Piles ha never failed, and I eliminate the
doubt in YOUR case by refunding your fee u
not cured.
Write or call today for free booklet.
. ; .
Wasps' Are by No Means Merely the
Annoying Stinging Creatures So
Commonly Supposed.
The human view of wasps seems to
be lacking in breadth, Because they
are given to stinging us we fail to do
justice to their virtues. One scientist
who has given much study to the mat
ter says that the main doctrines of the
wasp are: "If any wasp will not work,
neither shall he eat ;" and "Every wasp
to labor according to his capacity, and
receive according, to his needs in a
free community."
Division of labor, it is believed, goes
a long way In the nest. of the
workers seem to be specially employed
as foragers and soldiers; others appear
to be told off as nurses and guardians;
while yet others are engaged as paper
makers and masons.
Wasps are at all times particularly
fond of honey. Indeed they have a
very sweet tooth for sugar In any form,
toward the end of summer, therefore,
as beekeepers well know, they will
Reason opened Sun. Mat,, Sept. 10. f 16c to 60c
Three Mitts. Sun.. Mon., Tues. 15c to 41.00.
Three Nihhts. 8un.Mon.Tpei. J Eiccpt Sundays
Portland, Oregon
Complete Change Saturday. Adults, Matinee, 20c:
Evenings, 3!c. Continuous 1 to 11 p. m. Children
10 cents alt times.
Silos. Granaries, Basements, etc., Water-
Waterproofed White Portland Cement li
the best for Stucco Plaster on outside, for Bunga
lows Does not stain end dirt can be hosed off.
Write for Literature. Sold by A. McMILLAN & CO.,
340-U50 Eaat Ankeny Street, Corner Second. Portland.
Llv. Well.
at noon.
m Stark St
We Pay Highest Prices for
Address Department B
The Phonograph Known for Tone
A Rents wanted. Order direct from factory, 330 East
Morrison St., Portland, Oregon.
Write us for prices and market conditions on
Veal Hogs, Poultry, Fruits, Potatoes, Onions, etc.
Forty Years in the Same Location.
and Phonographs sold on Installment
Mccormick music co.
Oregon Distributors
Washington Street, Portland, Oregon
Jack Kfng Cures it. Ladies and Gents Exam
ination free, 207 Dekum bldg., Portland, Ore
Kite) $1.00 aid n. 128 It 6tfc St.. F.rtUiti On
Very Centrally Located. Convenient to ill
Depots, and one block from main Postoflke
1 to 5 ton GMC, Republics, Whites, etc
Send for our List.
Oregon Distributors for GMC Trucks
200 Second St., Cor. Taylor Portland, Oi
Cut, seam, hem and machine -ntfl
pleat skirts ready for band, CCilM
Hemstitching, 5 cents per yard.
85'4Fifth St Portland. Ore
Northwest Welding & Supply Co. 8 1st St
For reliable Cleaninr and
'jpTtjak Dyeing service send parcels to
"wmNpia us. We pay return postage.
Information and prices given
upon request.
Established 1890 Portland
Clarke Bros., Florists, 287 Morrison St.
Commercial Iron Works, 7th & Madison.
Featherweight Arch Supports made to
order. J. E, Tryzelaar, 618 Plttock Block,
Portland, Ore.
We tan deerskins properly fagged, also
pay highest prices for horsehides.
West Coast Tanning Co., 892 Tenlno St.,
Portland,. Ore,
Teaches trade in 8 weeks. Some pay while learn
ing. Positions secured. Write for catalogue.
234 Burnside street, Portland, Ore.
MONUMENTS E. 3d and Pine StsT
Otto Schumann Granite & Marble Work,
Marry if Lonely; most successful "Horn
Maker"; hundreds rich; confidential;
reliable; years experience; descriptions
free. "The Successful Club," Mrs. Nash,
Box 556, Oakland, California.
Cleaning, carding and mattresses. Crystal
Springs Woolen Mills. 760 Umatilla, Portland.
You will get higher returns for your
produce If you will use our new methods
before shipping any product to marked
Write Ua at Once.
We Will Be Pleased to Tell You How
We help the appearance -of women.
Twenty-two inch switch or transforma
tion, value (7.60, price (2.46.
400 to 412 Dekum Bldg.
Model. Shoe Repair. 272 Washington Bt
VETERINARIAN Cattle a Specialty
Ur. Chas. M. Anderson, Kenton. Portland.
Wedding Bouquets and Funeral Pisces
Lubliner Florists, 348 Morrison St.
force their way into beehives as open
robbers and carry off hy main force
as much as they can gorge of their
winged neighbors' honey.
The drones of the race, Instead of
being Idle and luxurious creatures, are
sober, Industrious and well behaved
members of the community. They
clean the streets of their own town
with exemplary diligence; they act as
public scavengers or sanitary officers,
And they have their reward; for, un
like the doomed bee drones, they live
their allotted life in peace and quiet
ness, till winter Involves both them
and their spinster sisters in one com
mon cataclysm of death and destruc
tion. Cabbage In the British Isles.
The Romans are credited with In
troducing cabbage Into England, and
the soldiers of Cromwell carried It to
Scotland, and made It popular there,
as they did also In Ireland, according
to tradition.
Tom Barrlnger's
Short Cut
(IS by MoClure Nswspaper Syndicate.)
When adverse circumstances made
It necessary for Grandmother Auden
to come back to the old Auden place
In Mlllvllle with her granddaughter
Laura, it was the grandmother whose
spirits ran high while Laura was de
pressed. , "Just when most girls are having a
good time I'll have to bury myself off
In an old factory village where I don't
suppose there are any young people
any regular people would want to as
sociate with. And it's Just because
Uncle Harry once lived there and
bought that house that no one wants
to buy."
"Cheer up," said Grandmother Au
den, a youthful young-old woman of
sixty-live. "There are some nice peo
ple. The Barrlngers "
"Pooh," sniffed Laura. "Don't I
know about the Barrlngers? It was
old Mr. Tom Barrlnger that Uncle
Harry had the quarrel with. They
swore to be mortal enemies or some
thing. I was introduced to that in
sufferable son of his, Tom Barrlnger,
at a college dance. I told him that an
uncle of mine had lived In Mlllvllle
that was enough. Mr. Barrlnger looked
at me as If I were a scorpion at least,
and never asked me for a single dance.
I guess his father passed on his hatred
of our family to his son along with
his money when he died. . The Bar
rlngers and their crowd are the only
decent people here, and the head of
the Barrlnger family hates us. So
that's that."
"Perhaps your Uncle Harry was
partly to blame," suggested the grand
mother. "For my part I have no
grudge against the Barrlngers only I
do wish they'd keep the smoke from
their old factory from sifting in the
back windows."
"That's the penalty we have to pay
for trying to live in a house that's
plumb up against the factory grounds,
No wonder we couldn't sell It. And
another thing," sputtered Laura, "I
wish his highness, Tom Barrlnger,
wouldnt cut across our property.
Every morning, noon and night he
walks across the end of our place to
and from his old factory. Of course
It cuts off three or four blocks, but If
he hasn't any use for us he ought to
keep off from our place."
"Perhaps he doesn't realize that that
field really Is part of our grounds,'
suggested Grandmother Auden.
"Well, he ought to find out," snapped
Laura. "If he wants to make a short
cut through our place he ought to ask
Grandmother Auden smiled. She
smiled so long and so merrily that
Laura asked her, rather abruptly,
what caused her amusement.
"I was Just thinking," was Mrs. An
den's only reply.
Two days later there were workmen
on the old Auden place. They were
driving stakes along the entire rear
and side of the Auden property. Later
it became evident that tills series of
stakes wass to support wire fencing
six feet high.
While this work was still In progress
the unexpected or at least unexpected
to Laura occurred. Claire Barrlnger
called at the Auden place. Claire Bar
ringer was Tom Barrlnger's elder
"Those Audens are putting up a
fence," her brother had announced.
"I wanted to get out an Injunction
against them, but my lawyer says
they've a perfect right to fence In
their own property. Now be an angel
and go over there and persuade them
to leave a space for my short cut. It
means precious minutes to me every
day. If I can't cut through their place
It will mean a good half mile's distance
to the factory. I'll have to use the
car. That's a nuisance. Just run
along and fix matters up."
"But you didn't want to have any
thing to do with those Audens," sug
gested Sister Claire.
'Of course I didn't and I don't.
Harry Auden offended father and I
don't Intend to forget It. But I can't
let a family feud stand In the way of
a necessary convenience. You can
make It quite obvious that your call Is
merely on business."
So Claire had consented. She used
tact and then persuasion, and finally
begged Grandmother Auden to leave
a gap In the fence for the convenience
of her brother.
"I am sorry," smiled Mrs. Auden,
hut our plan Is to have a continuous
fence. I have always prized privacy
above everything else. Iteally, I am
And that was all the satisfaction
Claire got out of Grandmother Auden.
Two days later the fence was com
plete, and then Tom Barrlnger stormed
more than ever against the Audens.
He lost precious minutes each day, and
every minute counted In the career of
an ambitious mill proprietor.
"You've got to go again," suggested
Tom, but Claire refused.
Then he decided that he would buy
the section of property through which
his short cut had run. He made an
offer through his lawyer, but to his
surprise Grandmother Auden refused.
"Those Barrlngers are Impossible,"
said Grandmother Auden to Laura one
day. "I am really glad that we have
not been forced to meet them socially.
I "
"I don't see how you can call them
Impossible," wag Laura's retort. Laura
was always fond of taking the de
fensive twhen her grandmother was
on the offensive. "They come of an
excellent family "
"But that Tom Barrlnger looks Im
possible," went on. Grandmother. "I
do hope If you ever meet him again
you won't encourage him."
It isn't likely I'll have a chance,"
remarked Laura.
But the next day Laura had an op
portunity and in a way most unex
pected, at least to Laura.
She was out prospecting for possi
ble flower beds In the newly-fenced
portion of their property at her
grandmother's suggestion, of course
when she heard the full of feet behind
her. She glanced up and there was
Tom Barrlnger who had Just managed
to swing himself over the six-foot
Laura looked up in surprise. She
was very anxious to see what In Tom
Barrlnger's appearance struck her
grandmother as "impossible."
'I owe you an apology," said 'Tom
as soon as he had straightened himself
out after his leap from the top of the
fence post. "But I was anxious to get
home without going through the
streets, past all those houses. I didn't
expect to be caught "
Laura giggled. "I guess it doesn't
matter as long as It was I who caught
you. I really don't see that you have
done anything so very dreadful."
'But Mrs. Auden, your grandmother,
would," suggested Tom Barrlnger.
"But she's In the house. Besides,
rd plead your cause. I could say I
asked you to come over the fence "
Laura had looked in vain to And any
thing Impossible In Tom Barrlnger's
uppearance. She added: "You know
I think if you called to see my grand
mother and she had a chance really I
to know you she would be glad to nave
you use your old short cut. We could
have a gate with a lock and you could
have one key and we the other "
"I would like to call," said Tom,
wondering how his father had ever
found the Audens Insufferable, "but
I want to call on you as well as on
your grandmother. I've been wanting
to. You know we met once at a col
lege dance. It's rather dull here. Per
haps if I call and show your grand
mother I'm not quite the bore she
seems to think me I might get her
permission to take you out to the
country club."
So Tom Barrlnger called and Laura
giggled and gave him knowing little
glances when he sat1 talking to her
grandmother. She was doing her best
to get her grandmother to approve.
But grandmother's manner was polite,
but not cordial. She was careful not
to give too much encouragement.
Six months later when there was a
marriage In Mlllvllle that united the
houses of Auden and Barrlnger the
general opinion was that there had
been strong opposition on the part of
Grandma Auden, and that wise young-
old woman never suggested that the
little romance was all of her maneu
Species of Shark Are Said to Illumin
ate the Under Side of
Their Bodies.
Some forms of black sharks living
In the deepest portions of the seas are
studded with thousands of tiny cells
from which light Is given out con
stantly. So numerous are these light-
giving cells that the entire under
surface of the fish seems to be bright
ly Illuminated. Generation of the
light occurs In Interior cells. The
light rays are prevented from pene
trating the body tissues by black pig
ment cells bthind reflectors. These
sharks are found in depths of from
500 to 1,500 fathoms.
Ten small light sources scattered
over its tiny body turn the deep-sea
shrimp Into a swimming lighting plant,
The Intensity of the light from these
sea animals Is due to a very com
plete lens system that covers each
light cell and through which the light
rays are sent after being reflected by
Inner reflectors. These mirrors pro
tect the body tissues from light. The
light . from these shrimps does not
flash, but burns for several seconds
with a stendy glow.
Real Self-Sacrifice.
Eleanor and Dora are sisters. They
went to school side by side, sot next
each other In Sunday school and now
have Jobs In the same office. As they
have the same friends and know the
same data, you Just send for one or
the other when you want to know any
thing, it doesn't matter whnt. If the
boss sends for Dora and she Is busy,
Eleanor snys: "I'll go." If some one
culls up Eleanor when she Is out of
the room, Dora makes the engagement
for her, knowing full well whether
Eleanor would turn down Jnck or
smile upon Harold.
But the other day sisterly co-operation
went the limit. Dora was called
up on the telephone and asked to go
to a Saturday matinee. And the sur
prised office saw her turn from the
telephone to, her sister and ask In the
most matter-of-fact sort of way:
"Eleanor, will you take my dentist ap
pointment for me this afternoon? I'm
asked to the theater."
"Certainly," replied Eleanor In the
most obliging tone, and went on with
her work. New York Sun.
A township trustee sent a physician
to render service to an Indigent fam
ily. The physician noticed an emaci
ated horse In a ramshackle shed and
Inquired" "What use have you for
horse V
"Oh, we use him to go out In the
country and haul hay for himself,"
was the reply. Boston Transcript.
L U1 BAUSsfi
ffTTfWffff www www fjwv
Chehalls. Eggs have advanced to
44 cents a dozen In the Chehalls
market and whole milk Is now worth
$2.10 a hundred, a gain of 10 cents a
hundred. Butterfut still holds at 50
cents a pound at the local croamery.
Olympla. Highway contracts aggre
gating $1,000,096.34 were awarded by
the state highway committee Friday,
one of the three contracts calling for
the greatest mileage of construction
ever awarded by the state In a single
White Salmon. A 500-pound black
bear, which had been treed by dogs
in the Trout lake district, was killed
by W. Wood, Frank Corey, John Ferry
and Rufe Ordway. Bears are unusual
ly numerous this year and are feast
ing on fruit In orchards.
Tacoma. Every Btate In the union,
four territorial possessions and 12
foreign countries were represented
among the 70,376" persons who vis
ited Rainier national park during the
1922 season, and established a new
high record for the national park.
Tacoma. Mrs. Johanna Ryan Sat
urday began her third week In the city
lull, where she was placed September
23 when she refused to Blgn certain
papers, as ordered by Superior Judge
Card, that would effect a property dis
tribution between herself and her
former husband, from whom she was
divorced in July.
Spokane. The system whereby a
switch engine was on the main line of
the Northern Pacific track at Yardley,
near here, on the night of September 7
last, when through passenger train No.
41 collided with it and was wrecked
with a loss of six lives of company
employes, is blamed in a report of
state investigators received from
Walla Walla. The first automobile
to cross the completed bridge over the
Columbia river between Pasco and
Kennewick made the trip Thursday,
and Saturday the bridge was open for
regular traffic, with tolls being charg
ed. The dedication of the bridge, to
be participated In by Governor Hart
and a party of Seattle people, will take
place October 21.
Olympia. While a number of pa
trons seated In boxes partook of their
meals In ignorance of what was oc
curring in the same room a bold hold
up man robbed the cash register of the
Pekin cafe on Main street near Fourth
about 1 o'clock Sunday morning, hold
ing at bay with a revolver the Chinese
waiter who had opened the cash regis
ter to make change.
Olympia. Application for return of
evidence seized without a search war
rant must be timely and cannot' be
made after trial of the case has be
gun, the supreme court held Saturday,
affirming convictions of four persons
in two different cases on liquor
charges on the ground that applica
tions for suppression of evidence wer
not made at the proper time.
Seattle. James J. Davis, secretary
of labor In the cabinet of President
Harding, will make two speeches in
this state prior to the election In be
half of Senator Polndexter, republican
nominee to succeed himself, Senator
Poindexter's headquarters here an
nounced Saturday. It was said that
Mr. Davis would be the only cabinet
member heard in this state In this
Chehalls. John ' P. Winkler's clos
ing out sale of Holsteln grade milch
cows Friday at Adna brought fair
prices only, 35 animals making an
average of nearly $62. The highest
priced cow brought $112.50. Six 2-
year-old heifers sold for $40 each, six
young heifers $30 each, and seven
calves $12.50 each. A horse and a
mare sold for $107.50, while another
team brought but $50.
Aberdeen. The announcement that
the down and standing timber in the
Olympic peninsula is to be logged by
way of the Spruce division railway
recently sold by the government to
timber Interests has arou.sed much
interest here and it is predicted will
be the means of stimulating harbor
business interests to put through the
plan which was put forward some time
ago for the extension of the Northern
Pacific road into the peninsula.
Olympia. The balance In the state
treasury at the close of business Sep
tember 30 was $8,309,133.45, a decrease
of approximately $118,000 from the
preceding week, according to t) week
ly report of the state treasurer to the
state auditor. The balance at the
close of business September 23 was
$8,427,445.22. Receipts from the week
totaled $156,688.41 and warrants paid
and checks drawn on the suspense ac
count totalled $275,000.18. The bal
ance in the general fund was $2,830,-
Nervous and Dizzy, Every
thing Seemed to Worry Me.
How I Got Well
Larwill, Indiana. "My back was bo
bad I could not do my washing. I was al
ways tired out and
had no ambition, was
nervous and dizzy
and everything
seemed to worry me
and I had awful pains
in my right side. I
felt badly about four
years and could not
do my work as it
should have been
done. I saw Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vege
table Compound ad
vertised so much and it did so many peo-
pie good that I began to take it myself.
I am feeling fine now and everyone tells
me they never saw me looking so well. I
live on a farm, do all my work, and have
three little girls to take care of. I am
recommending this medicine to my
friends and know it will help them if
they use it like I do." Mrs. Herbert
Long, R. R. 3, Box 7, Larwill, Indiana.
Many women keep about their work
when it is a great effort. They are al
ways tired out and have no ambition.
When you are in this condition give it
prompt attention.,
Take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound, for it is especially adapted
to correct such troubles, as it did for
Mrs. Lone?.
Cuticura Soap
Clear the Skin
SMp,0tatimint.Tlmm.c.r7whe. PofflsnrnlM
siiiire..: Cutler Ubor.torlti,DBpt.l.Mnldn,Mi.
But , It's Not Mahogany.
The Spanish or cigar box cedar,
known locally as cedro, Ib not a co
niferous wood but belongs to the ma
hogany family, says the American For
estry Magazine. In fact it finds Its
way into the market as mahogany
and may npt be readily distinguished
from that wood except by Its odor.
Crackless Porcelain.
Porcelain cracks because the glaze
with which It Is coated expands at
a different rate from the clay of
which it is composed. A manufactur
er in Europe is now making a glaze
that has the same coefficient of ex
pansion as porcelain.
Cuticura for Pimply Faces.
fo remove pimples and blackheads
smear them with Cuticura Ointment.
Wasn off in five minutes with Cuti
cura Soap and hot water. Once clear
keep your skin clear by using them for
dally toilet purposes. Don't foil to In
clude Cuticura Talcum. Adv. '
Jud Living In Hopes.
Jud Tunkins says he's lo'okln' for
ward to something original and novel
In a parade whose Importance won't
be estimated by the number of hours
It takes to pass a given point.
On Fertile Soli.
How a thing grows in the human
memory, in the human imagination,
when love, worship and all that lies
in the human heart Is there to en
courage It. Carlyle.
With a Proviso.
"Dodging automobiles Is a health
ful exercise," says a physician. If
you are successful in the dodging.
Boston Transcript.
And There You Have It.
Elizabeth, when asked the ages ot
her two brothers, answered, "I am big
ger than the littlest ono and littler
than the biggest one."
Getting Something for It.
It you have a lot ot old junk, don't
throw it away and feel wasteful ; give
It away and feel charitable. Boston
Much Better. ,
Better to put your best foot forward
than to depend on the left hind foot
of a rabbit. Boston Transcript,
Another Revision.
When fashion enters the door, bills
fly In the window. Boston Transcript.
Insurance Is offered to Men nnd "Women
under Aye 05 In strong old reliable Insur
ance Coin puny.
$2,000.00 Death Benefit
Policy with Weekly Hick and Kmergenov
Belief Benefits. Cost is only 1 0,00 pet
Year. No other dues. No Assessments.
If you wiHh further free Information send
your Name, Ago, Occupation and Andrews
to American Registry Company, llox 402,
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
I used for baby's clothes, will keep them
tweet and snowy-white until worn out.
Try It and see for yourself. Atgroetn
Are Yoa Satisfied? gSK
Is the biggest, most perfectly equipped
Business Training Hcbool In the North
west. Fit yourself for a blither position
with more money. Permanent positions
assured our Graduates.
Write for catalog- Fourth and YamhlU,
P. N. U.
No. 41, 1922
I" I
' 1 1 '
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