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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1918)
Mail Orders Given Immediate Attention. F. FRIEDLANDER & CO. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry and Silverware. EBtab MKhwl 1871). Large,! Slock of Wriit Watchea in Portland. . Best Diamond Values In the Northwest. 810 Washington St., Between 6th and 6th. PORTLAND, OREGON. For Value Buy Our Special p5J $100 Diamond P"'?; I beautiful Stone and mmidHAmm profitable tnveatment. This store is Headquarter for Military Wriit Watches. Write us JAEGER BROS., M VALAIR CONSERVATORY For Music, Dramatic Art, Languages. MME. LUCIE VALAIR, Late of Paris, France, SOPRANO-SOLOIST, DIRECTOR, vif'f "'Artist teachers (or private and class lessons In Piano, Voice, Violin, til o, Harp, Danclnn, hlocutinn. Special advantanes. Kree class lessons Included in regular tuition. Kor Catalosue, address Secretary, 234 loth street, Portland, Oregon. CHARLES SWENSON, JULIA HELINE Teacheri of Piano and Voice. Local rep.resentilUves of the Royal Conservatory, Stockholm, Sweden 61a and 618 Hush & Lane lluildintf. Write ! for circular. Signor G. Taglieri Maestro of " La Voce Fostata" ArtiuIn Piniuh Pfin I i f i i j i" . m K1nnury Stages to High ... , ... .j,,. iva,.i. aim riKiinn urana upera companies. Of international reputation. Studio 304-6 Stearns Building. Phone Muin 3146. Edith L Phillips Optometrist and Optician ;4MM5l Pittock Block WnshinKton at West Park Phone Broadway 1305 Portland, Oregon, PAINT local dealer. Write us. We are manufacturers of all kinds of hmme hnn ...a.. nj .. mobile paints. Also, jobbers of all paint sundries and tools. Write ub the kind and amount of painting you need done and we will estimate quantity required and cost of same to you and arrancre easy delivery thrmio-h vnnr TIMM8-CKES9 & CO., 184-6 Second St. Authentic method of "Italian Bel Canto" from very beginning to "Grand Opera Repertoire" SignorCORRUCCINI Four Sermons Mimical Director-Conductor for the Portland Opera Association. 608 Bush & Lane Bldg., Portland $1.00 Without Bath $1.50 With Bath Weekly Rates Monthly Rates NORTONIA HOTEL PORTLAND, ORE. Central Location. Beautifully Furnished Excellent Cafe, 11th and Stark. VICTROLAS and RECORDS Style X $90.00 Other Styles $22.50 to $300 Mahogany or Oak. The Victrola will charm and delight you. It gives you the world s best music, in bong, Band, Orchestra and Violin. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS ' We lead records any where via Parcel Post. Fill in the blank below and receive catalog and prices and we will also send you free a 50c copy ot the song; lattie. Boy ' Blue." Name . "I. Aidrcss. .Please send machine catalogue .Please send record catalogue Technical and Practical Traininc Autoa. Trap- tors, Auto r.iectricai Systems, Gas Engines ADCOX AUTO AND JRACTOR SCHOOL Union Ave. and Wasco Si., PORTLAND, ORE. Clip out this advertisement aud mail it to ub. By return mail you will receive our Big 100 Page Catalog. CHIROPRACTOR DRUQLESS TREAT. MENT DR. RAYMOND E. WATTERS Accute and Chronic Cases. Chi ropractic il the moat Scientific method of treating diseaae. 806-ti Swetland Bldfr,, Corner 6th and Washington atreeta. FARM MACHINERY Ideal Hoists for unloading- hay. stretch ing fonces, driving fence posts, erecting buildings, building roads, clearing land and other purposes. FINANCIAL MORTGAGE LOANS For Mortgage Loans see OREGON IN VESTMENT & MORTGAGE CO., 220-22 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., 4th and Stark, Portland Oregon FOOT TROUBLES Dr. O. 0. Fletcher, 612 Morgan Bldg. C irns, Bunions, Ingrowlig toenails, and ch specialist. HIDES, WOOLS & CASCARA BARK Vepay quotation. MACHINERY BARGAINS Scrap iron and machinery bought and sold. Job lots sacks and metals. 8. Zidell & Co 208 Front St.LPortland MILL AND JUJ!GJSHhJEjW- TTSTfTfiiternal Fired Boiler. 16-ln. x 12-ft. Sebastian Q. C. Lathe. Crescent Wood workers Shaper. Sevear Swing Cut-off Saws. Large lino Engines, Boil ers, Hoists and nil kinds of Mine, Saw Mill and Wood Workers Machinery. US. IRON WORKS, SEATTLE, WASH. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN" Dr. H. B. Nurthrup 308 Morgan Build ing. Catarrh, Catarrhal deafness and Rheumatism. Nervous and chronic diseases. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN GLASSES AT A SAVING. Patronage solicited on basis of capable service and reason able charges. Thousands of sat isfied patrons. A trial will convince. Chas. W. Goodman, optometrist. 209 Morrison. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER Paints and Auto finishes. Wholesale and retail. Bowles Wall Paper Co., 229 Morrison St. Ko TEST FOR YOURSELF orKer Puncture Cure Drive nails in tires treated with KorKer Puncture Cure pull them out and with one revolu tion of the wheel you will find the puncture instantly, perma nently sealed. Stout slow kakt. Preserve! tires. Not a filler. Guaranteed. Write ui (fired for prices. STANDARD TIRE & AUTO SUPPLY, 84 Sixth St. Portland, Oregon EXPERTS. Electric Service Auto CO.. 391 Oak st. Bet. Park& 9th We repair", and replace all makes. Starting, Lighting and Ignition System. Write us for 'FREE tTrou ble Locating Chart. j EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE Office Furniture. & Appliances printing :; Engra ving .-: Bookbinding Marshall 6080 !i!r ffjfl FIFTH AK STREET PORTLAND. ORBOOr. COMPLETE LINE OF STEEL FILING DEVICES AND SYSTEMS THE BEST EATS IN THE CITY St. Nicholas Cafeteria 125 Sixth Street, Portland, Oregon. See what you want and pay for what you get. PHYSICAL THERAPEUTICS Dr. R. A. Phillips, 806 Broadway Bldg. bowels, goitre, high blood pressure and remaie disorders. 8ANITARIUMS MILK AND REST CURE Restores the nutritional balance so that one may get full food value out of the daily diet. The Moore sanitarium. ornee 808 Selling Building, Portland, Oregon. WORLD HAPPENINGS CURRENT WEEK Brief Resume Most important Daily News Items. COMPILED FOR YOU MORRIS BROS. MORRIS BUILDING, 309-311 Stark St. Government and PORTLAND, ORE. Established Over Municipal Bonds Phone Bdwy, 2151. Twenty-Five Years LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. Caah paid for any amount at the market price plua accrued intereBt. Send your bond by regit tered mail or through your bank, ELWOOD WILES COMPANY, U. S. National Bank Sulldinar, PORTLAND. ORE. WiNjTRJYEIJTJPALOR8 400 to 412 Dekum Bldg. Everything to help the appearance of Woman. Largest stock of Hair Goods. Three separate stem switch made of comblnga 1.60. Twenty two fhch switch or transformation to match your hair $2.45. SCHOOLS" AND COLLEGES Wants Men and Women to learn the trade; positions waiting; send for free catalogue. Portland. MISS DECKER'S Private Business Col lege. Allsky Bldg., 8d & Morrison Sta. Hawthorne Auto & Gas Engine School, 462 Hawthorne Ave. Practical experience In overhauling and repairing every make of auto and gas engine. Ozyacetylene welding. Established 1907. SCHOOL SUPPLIES ' oHnwelit1kh6OSmffi2 St Everything tor schools. Also theatre chairs, church furniture. Folding chairs and seats. SWEDISH MASSEUR Dr. Hasselstrom, 612 Dekum Bldg. Medical Gymnast Treats every kind of stomach trouble and nerve disorder C. R JOHNSON PIANO CO. 149 Sixth Street, PORTLAND, ORE. Pianos, Victrolas and Records. Violins, Guitars, Ukuleles We Pay Cash for CREAM, EGGS, POULTRY, VEAL and HOGS. PORTLAND, ORE Writ, for Price, ml T.gJ. Hazelwood Co., Front and Ankeny Sts. HOTEL ALDER RdomB $1 per day and up. Special monthly rates. Out-of-town visitors made to feel at home. Southern Pacific electric train depot in same building. J, W. BUSHONG, Manager. 285 Alder St., cor. 4th. - PORTLAND, ORE. SURGEON First class Surgical and Medical at tentionless than half the usual '1'R. N. CLAUDE HAMPTON, Third and Washington, 712 Dekum Building, Portland. 1Q1 ACCORDION PLEATING HEMSTiCHINGrOCENTS PERf ARB' Pleating, buttons and braiding. Mall orders promptly attended to. EASTERN novelty uo.jjiDifc 5tn Bt.,rortiana. K. Stephari, hemstitching, scalloping, braiding, accordion side pleat, buttons coveredjmail orders 219 Pittock block. AGATE CUTTERS 4 MFG. JEWELERS Jewelry and watch repairing. Miller's, 866 Wash. 8t.. Majestic Theater Bldg. AUCTIONEERS SECOND HAND Ford Auction Co. Auctioneers. We sell everything. 191 Second St., Portland. AUTO ACCESSORIES Motors, gears, beatings, wheels, axles, and trailers. We wreck all makes of cars and Bell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co.,NBroadway and Flanders. Motor Parts Mfg Co., S3B Burnslde St Parts for all cars at half price. TALKING MACHINE8 Forty to 60 per cent discount on Victor and Columbia records. New and used. Satisfaction guaranteed. Write for cata log. Vern L. Wenger. 142 Second St. VIAVI (Home Remedy) aluraTISystem of trelitment FeeTn formation; write or call. 422 Pittock Blk. WALL PAPER AND PAINTS Wall paper and paints. Wholesale and retail. Bowles Wall Paper Co., 229 Mor rison St. LONG & SILVA 462 Hawthorne Ave. Auto Wreckers. We wreck cars and sell good parts H Ust price. Bee us for En gines, Magnetos, Carburetors, etc. BILLIARDS, POOL AND LAVATORIES. MEET ME IN PORTLAND At one qf the most elegant Billiard Rooms on the Facihc Loast. Bowie & Caldwell's Second Floor Pittock Block The New Simplex Link Blade Separator For years others nave tnea to invpnt fuimethinir that would equal the Link Blade idea. It still holds the world's record for close skimming. The Link Blade is ail in one piece, making it easy to clean. We will ship this sep arator to you for TEN DAYS FREE TRIAL without any obli gation on your part. Write to Desk M for FREE SEPARA TOR BOOK, or call and ask for Mr. Jones of the:beparaur ue- ' partment MONROE & CR1SELL, 91 Front Street, Portland, Ore, CANADIAN FARM LANDS The Canadian Pacific Railway Is col onizing its land grant In Western Canada A great opportunity to get rich virgin prairie land very cheap, on exceptionally long and easy terms Farm land $11 to 3D, Irrigated land up to 160 per acre, with 20 years to pay $2000 loan for Im nrnvpmentH on Irrigated land Landseek- ers' Excursions with reduced rates. For further Information write or call L. C. Thornton-. District Representative, 208 Railway Exchange mag., rortiana, ure. CLEANING AND PRESSING BY MAIL Men's Suits Cleaned and Pressed, 11.00. Send Parcel Post. " ' UNIQUE TAILORING CO., 104 Fourth. Portland, Oregon Write us for prices. Pioneer Faint Co., 186 First St., Portland. Machine Works With Peat Gas. Danish inventors have perfected motors that are claimed to work well with peat gas as fuel instead of ben zine or gasoline. Cheerfulness-Requires Courage. It takes a good deal of courage to seem cheerful In wartime, yet It is a detail of one's self-respect to keep a smiling face in public. A display of hysteria indicates considerable indif ference to the rights and comforts of others, and Is not good form. No mat ter how hard life may be, one must keep from scolding and scowling and complaining and whining and indulge in tears and grief only in one's own room. Chicago Evening Post. Uncle Eben. "De man dat makes money too easy," said Uncle Eben, "takes his turn at de hard work when it comes to ex plainin' how he got it." Events of Noted People, Governments and Pacific Northwest and Other LThings Worth Knowing. William Hohenzollern and his wife Augusta Victoria, attended divine service in the castle at Amarongen Sunday morning. ' The Petit Journal says it is con vinced the associated powers will now demand the formal abdication of Fred erick William, the former German crown prince. Representative Mann, Of Illinois, Monday resumed active floor leader ship of the republicans in the house, after an absence of several months on account of Illness, The British steamship Mauretania, returning to the United States with the first large body of American over seas troops, anchored in Gravesend bay, N. Y., at 7:40 o'clock Sunday night. Herman Kauffman, formerly chan cellor of the German consulate at San Francisco, was paroled Saturday on account of ill health at the end of a six months' term In the Alameda .coun ty Jail. The central industrial committee of Belgium, after an investigation,' esti mates that Belgium's losses through military occupation and seizures of machines and raw material are 6,000, 560,000 francs ($1,140,106,400). Francisco Villa, again Is playing a hide-and-seek game with the Mexican federal forces under General Francis co Murguia. On November 24 he cap tured Villa Ahumada, on the Mexican Central railroad, abandoning the town for the northwest. It is reported from Berlin that the surrender of German warships under the terms of the armistice was carried out with the exception of the battle ship Koenlg, the cruiser Dresden and a. torpedo-boat, which will be taken to England early this month. Sir Frederick E. Smith, attorney general, interviewed Monday by the Liverpool Echo, said that the British war cabinet, Including the colonial representatives, has unanimously de cided to press Holland to extradite the former German emperor. Nat C. Goodwin submitted to an op eratiori Monday for the removal of one of his eyes at a hospital in New York. Damage to the actor's eye caused by Tiis mixing, through an error, the wrong ingredients in an eye wash made the operation necessary. A new wireless apparatus, said to be the most powerful carried by any vessel, was Installed Sunday on the American transport George Washing ton so that President Wilson can keep in constant communication with America during his voyage to Brest. The Sixty-fifth Congress began its third aud final session Monday with many important matters before it. These include solution of the railroad problem, the army and navy programs, reconstruction legislation, retrench ment in government expenditures, war revenue legislation, woman suf frage and the Colombian treaty. The German government will invite President Wilson to visit Germany while he is in Europe, says the Berlin Lokal Anzelger. Twenty-seven German submarines were surrendered Friday to the allies. This brings to 114 the total of German U-boats turned over. Wm HOT WATISil IDMMII IF TOD D0KTFEELE1I1T 8ayt glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast washes out poisons. If you wake up with a bad taste, bad breath and tongue is coated; If your bead is dull or aching; if what you eat sours and forms gas and acid in stom ach, or you are bilious, constipated, nervous, sallow and can't get feeling just right, begin inside bathing. Drink before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a toaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it. This will flush the poiBons and toxins from stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels and cleanse, sweeten and purify the entire alimen tary tract. Do your inside bathing Im mediately upon arising in the morning to wash out of the system all the pre vious day's poisonous waste, gases and sour bile before putting more food into the stomach. To feel like young folks feel; like you felt before your blood, nerves and muscles became loaded with body im purities, get from your pharmacist a quarter pound of limestone phosphate which is Inexpensive and almost taste less, except for a sourish twinge which is not unpleasant. 1 Men and women who are usually constipated, bilious, headachy or have any stomach disorder should begin this inside bathing before breakfast Adv. - 1 MT JSf Xf M LetCiiticuraBe YourBeautyDoctor 28 TYPHOID Is no more necennary thanSmallpox, iumf experience haidemonrtrttci the almost mlraculoui efU- Cacy, and harmlessness, of Antityphoid Vaccination. Be vaccinated NOW by your piiyilclan, you lut your family. It Is more vital than boute Insurant. Ask your physician, druggist 101 tend fof 'Hare you had Typhoid?" telling of Typhoid Vaccine, results from us , and dangor from Typhoid Carriers. THE CUTTER LABORATORY. BERKELEY, CAU MOBUCINe VACCIMSS SISUM UN DBS U. f. OV. UCiatl YOUR HERD STOP LOSING CALVES You can Stamp Abortion Out and Keep It Out By the use ofj Dr. David Roberta' "ANTI-ABORTION" Small Expense. Easily Applied. Sure Results, Used successfully for 30 years. Consult Dr. David Roberta about all animal ailment. Information free. Send for FREE copy of "The Cattle Specialist" with full information on Abortion in Cowi. Dr. Datld Roberts' Vet. Co., Grind Ave., Waukesha Wit. OF What He Was There For. I was visiting a few days in the home of some friends. One morning the little son of the family came into my room. I pretended to be asleep. He approached the bed and stood for several moments looking me over from head to foot as if taking my measure ments. Then he said in a matter-of-fact tone, "I come up to pull you out of bed." Chicago Tribune. Filipinos Play Flute with Nose. It is not an uncommon spectacle to see a negro play a harmonica with his nostrils. Among the Filipinos a flute is never played in any other way, and it would create much surprise in that country to see a man play a flute with the mouth. These nose-flutists can play the ordinary music with ease, but fast ragtime is too much for them. fV WW WW JNew Houston Hotel Sixth and Everett St., Portland, Ore. Four blocks from Union Depot. Two blockl from New Fostoftice, Modern and fireproof' Over 100 outside rooms. Kates 76c to COO, CHAS. C. HOPKINS, Manager. Are You Satisfied? BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE Is the bigpest, most perfectly equipped Business Training School in the North west. Pit yourself for a higher position with more money. Permanent positions assured our Graduates. Write for catalog Fourth4 and Yamhill, Portland. Your Eyes1 Granulated Eyelids, Eyes inllamed by expo sure to Sun, Dust and Wins quickly relieved by Murine Eycftcmedy. No Smarting, lust Eye Comfort. At Your Druggy's or by mail 60c per Bottle. For Book ol the Eye free write his Murine f ye Remedy Co., Chicago. A Puzzler. A Frenchman, boasting In company that he had thoroughly mastered the Englfsh language, was asked to write the following from dictation: "As Hugh Hughes was hewing a yulelog fiom a yew-tree, a man dressed in clothes of a dark hue came up to Hugh and said, 'Have you seen my ewes?' 'If you will wait until I hew this yew, I will go with you anywhere In Europe to look for your ewes,' said Hugh." Tit-Bits. DOGlNDCAjrHOST Dr. G. H. Huthman, Veterinarian Hos pital, 41E East 7th St Phone East 1847, DRUGLJSSJJHYJCIA Rheumatism, Constipation, Nerve and Stomach trouhle. Dr. Eln Sorenson, 608 Panama Bldg. Why Crescent is Turkish Symbol. When Constantinople was a Byzan tine city, Philip, the father of Alexan der the Great, tried to reduce it by siege. He was unsuccessful by day, and when he thought to take the city by surprise in the dark the crescent moon and stars appeared and exposed his warriors to the citizens. In honor of her protection of the city the By zantians built a Btatute to Diana and made the crescent the symbol of the city. Ability of the Aged. It has often been said that a man cannot learn a new trade after he is forty, but this statement has frequent ly been disproved. Peter S. Du Pon ceau was eighty when he wrote his valuable treatise on the Cochin Chi nese language, and had only then re cently taken up the study; and the late John Blgelow was still an author turn ing out a 3ok when he passed his ninety fifth birthday. Philadelphia Public Ledger. SHIP Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs and Farm Produce, to the Old Reliable Everding house with a record of 46 years of Square Dealinga, and be assured of TOP MARKET PRICES. F. M CRONKHITE, 45-47 Front Street, , Portland, Oreon When Rabbits Were Scarce. The first mention of a rabbit war ren in England is in 1290 A. D., and we have evidence that rabbits were a great rarity and very expensive, three being worth a sheep. They were cheap er, of course, but they were worth a goose even at the end of that century, and often had to be sought at Immense distances. Hides, Pelts, cc,r Wool & Mohaii W, wia) iH r km. Wrt ( fnm id Skim Tic THE H. F. NORTON COMPANY, 15th and Johnson Sts.. Portland, Ore Seattle, Wash. BellinRham. Waah. Up to the Standard. Brevet is a French word, meaning commission or warrant. In military usage it gives an officer higher nomt nnl rank than the one for which he re ceives pay. It is an honorary promo tion. The first time it was used In the United States army was in 1812, when Capt.' Zachary Taylor, who afterward became president, was made major by brevet for his brave defense of Fort Harrison against the Indians, near Terra Haute. SALTS TO FLUSH KIDNEYS Ancient Paragrapher. ' Doctor Johnson, in writing a poem, from time to time would run his fin ger down the page, counting the verses to see how many more he had to write. The doctor had his resemblances to a paragrapher. St. Louis Globe-Democrat. TA GRIPPE IcobU! tongue WEEKS' Avatar. PEF IMtlni! (over Hi ' I IIAK-UP-A-OOLD TABLETS TUv.y will oflon prevent mtI ORn vus auiu uruiuuituu uuws, at alt ilruK aturtM, Eat less meat if you feci Back achy or have Bladder trouble. FRED DUNDEE MOTOR CAR REPAIRING MACHINE WORK MAGNETO SERVICE STATION ALL KINDS OF WELDING CYLINDER GRINDING PROMPT (ATTENTION TO ALL ORDERS! Broadway at Flandera, Portland, Or. P. N. U. No. 49, 1913 Cuba's delegation to the world peace conference arrived at New York Fri day by steamship on its way- to France whither they will sail shortly. Sixteen vessels, totaling 94,825 dead weight tons, were completed and de livered to the Shipping board by Amer ican shipyards during the week end ing November 22. All but one of these ships were steel. An extraordinary credit of 1,000,000 francs was voted by the French cham ber of deputies Friday In connection with the coming visits to France of royal personages and heads of other states. Senator Phelan, of California, pre sented to President Wilson a petition from the priests of the Roman Cath olic Archdiocese, of San Francisco, asking the president's support for the claims of Ireland to be a free and Independent nation. Meat forms uric acid which excites and overworks the kidneys In their efforts to filter it from the system. Regular eaters of meat must flush the kidneys occasionally. You must re lieve them like you relieve your bowels; removing all the acids, waste and poison, else you feel a dull misery in the kidney region, sharp pains in the back or sick headache, dizzinesi your stomach sours, tongue is coated and when the weather is bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment; the channels often get Irritated, obliging you to get up two or three times during the Eight. To neutralize these irritating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any pharmacy; take a tablespoon ful in a glass of water before break fast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine and bladder disordors disappear. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithla, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder irritation. Jad Salts Is Inex pensive; harmless and makes a de lightful effervescent lithia-water drink which millions of men and women take now and then, thus avoiding serious kidney and lladder diseases. Adv. THE JOY OF MOTHERHOOD Came to this Woman after Taking Lyclia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to Restore Her Health mm Ellensburg, Wash. " After I wna married 1 was not well for a lone time end a good deal of time was not able to go nbout. Our greatest dosire was to have a child in our home and one day my husband came back from town with a bottle of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and wanted me to try it. It brought relief from my troubles. I improved in health so I could do my housi-work; we now have a little one, all nf which I owe to Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vcfutable Compound." Mrs. O. S. Johnson, R. No. 3, Ellensburg, Wash, There are women everywhere who long for children in their homes yet are denied this happiness on account of some functional disorder which in moHt cases would readily yield to Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Huch women should not give up hone until they have given this wonderful medicine a trial, and for special advice write Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass. The result of 40 years ::; Hence is at your service.