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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1917)
The Maupin Times Published every Friday at Maupin, Oregon Mrs. W. L. Morrison, Publisher Subscription: One year, $1.50; six months, 75 cents; three months, 50 Entered as second class mail matter September 2. iqu. at the postoffice at Maupin, Oregon, uu der the Act of March 3, 1879. Obituary . (Wapmitia) Gideon B. Raines was born in Palmira, Illinois, September 11, about the year 1826. When boy he moved to Missouri where ha lived until middle age. Here he married Miss Elizabeth Lowe to them were born eight children, four dying in infancy. One dangh ter, Mrs. Sadie Doynes of Idaho, passed away about a yer ago ,The following children mill pur Vive: Mrs. Mulla Miller of Silver- ton, Ore., Mrs. Jennie Freeman, Mrs. Minnie Dukes and Edward Rains, ill of California. His first companion died in middle life, Mr. Rains then moved west and settled near Silverton In 1880 he married Miss Rebecca Miller. By this marriage were born four children who all survive him. Mrs. Duisy Brunner of this ulace. Mrs. Felicia Engrain of Lents, Mrs. Erma Beebe of Silver ton and Arch Rains, who moved from here to California about a year ago, . Mr. RaiiiB has lived in this com munity about 19 years and is known by everyone, and was a bald worker and good citizen. He bind hewn failing for several month but was taken worse and haw fveew ctxiftned tn his bed most of the time since November 1st. Mr, Rains Was neailv 90 years old and his mind was clear and active as a young person's up until the fast, though his last week's were filled with much suiTeriog, yet throtiflto in all1 he' remained patient and cheerful. lie was a good neighbor, a kind- father, and a friead to all. He leaves a wife and seven children, 3 grandchil dren, four' groat grandchildren, besides many friends and neigh bors who will greatly miss him If the othtt fellow could not fix jour wakfi bring it to Emmons She jeweler: worrr vvmiL IS CHEAPER Think Before Buying' Don't be fooled into buying low priced flour think ing you are getting., something cheaper than "White River" flour.. Lower priced' flour will only make from 270 to 280 loaves of bread to the barrel. "White River" flour is-guaranteed to make 300; therefore, at 5c a loaf. "Wlrit River" is wortb $1.00 to $150 per battel more than the ordinary lower priced flour. Every Sack Guaranteed Bring" Back to us an part of an unsatisfactory sack of White River Flour and we will give you a good satk in exchange. Hunts Ferry Warehouse Company' Local Distributors - j No wick. Smoke or mantle trouble, the safest lamp made, burns common coal oil, 60, to 80, hours on 1 gallon, fifteen times brighter than the common Elect ric light Price $7.00 Prepaid, if for any reason or r.o reason you are dissatisfied return the lamp within 10 days and your money will be returned, order from this add, Geo. Foster Lamont Wn. Chicken dinners will be served at the Hotel Kelly every Sunday also Ice Cream and cake will be served in the dining room begin ning next Sunday. Portland Painless Dentist. We Extract, Crown and Bridge your teeth absolutely Painless we employ only Experiencd and Reg istered men, fifteen years guar entee on all work. Seventeen years continual practice in Port land Ore- Bring this card with you it is worth money. Portland Prices. Portland Painless Dentist 305. Second St. The Dalles Ore. oposit A. M. Willams Co. Phone Main 383L . Seed Potatoes. Early Dawnings and Late Rural New Yorker. Gaown on my farm Price $3-25 per hundred. H. A. Mu Her Tygh Valley Oregon.,, . : For Sale Field Pea Seed Carlton Variety. Best for pasture or seed product ion. About 40 per cent of these peas are cracked and should be sown at rate of 100 pounds per acre. . PridB at Maupin 3c per pound. J. ft. Fleming Bakeoven Oregon. Card of Thanks We, desire to eiprefig our heart felt appreciation and gratitude of the true sympathy and kind ser vice rendered by our many friends and neighbors, in the hour of our trying sorrow occasioned by the loss of our beloved husband and father,. Gideon U. Rain. Mrs. Rebecca Ruins, Mrs. Daisy Brunner, Mrs. Felicia Ingram. "There's a Reason" of run iivei AY AsKm jvii 1 " btdme " your clock It needs cleaning, amnions utit do it for you and guarantee it. 00000000000000 0 000000000000000 L. B. Fox WASCO R. T. Yates . O 0 COUNTY ABSTRACT CO. Makers of Abstracts That Protect. Books Posted to Date Daily Plant Second to None In The State. Condon Building Phone Black 3691 The Dalles, Oregon 00000000000000 0 000000000000000 Report of the Condition of the Maupin State Bank No. 224 at Maupin, in the state of Ore' gon, at the close of business March 5th, 1917 RESOURCES Loans and discounts $55,221.34 Overdrafts, secured and unrc?nred Bonds ana Banking house Furniture and fixtures 19.05 31315 2,000.00 2,032.89 Due from approved re serve banks Checks and other cash items Cash on hand Total 34,265.29 526.97 3,812.40 98,191.09 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in S 15,000 00 Surplus fund 1,500.00 Undivided profits 491.76 Dividends unpaid 100.00 Individual deposits sub ject to check Demand certificates of deposit Cashier checks out standing Total State of Oregon, ) 76,095.14 "4,948-69 55.60 98,191.09 I, F. D. Stuart. Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowl edge and belief. F. D. Stuart, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to be fore me,, this 13th day of March 1917. L). M. Shattuck, Notary Public My commission expires July 11, 1919. Correct -Attest: F. S- Fleming D. M. Shattuck, Directors. Wapinitla Auto Stage Leaves Maupin, 8 a. m. Leaves wapimtta, 1.3U p m. If. ROBERTS, Prop. t?i ai td rLUUi A VvSlXJQ W. B. BROWN AUCTIONEER Shaniko, Ore. Dr. Lawrence S. St0v9.ll VETERINARY Medicine Surgery and Dentistry Charges Reasonable Satisfaction Guaranteed Call Drug store or residence Maupin, Oregon DR. F. E. BURGESS I Eye Specialist will make regular monthly visits to Maupin and Tygh Valley watch this paper for dates I.O. O F. WAPlNITIA Lodge No. 209, Maupin, Oregon, meets every Saturday night in Donaldson's hall. Visiting mem bers always welcome. ; Job Crabtree, N. G. W. H. Talcott. Secretary. SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Sfate of Oregon for Wvsco County. VV. A. Dalrymple, Plaintiff, . -vs-R. P. Taylor, Defendant,. To R. P. Taylor, the above, named defendant, Irt the name of the State of Ore gon you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed herein on or before six weeks from the date of the first publica tiou of this summons htreinafter tated and if yon fail to so appear and answer said complaint, plain tin will take judgement against vou for the sum of $r5.oo, together with interest thereon at the legal rate from January 17th, 1911, 1111 tif paid and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements of action made and expended herein. You are hereby notified that this summons is served upon you by publication thereof in the Maupin limes, - a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published in Maupiu, Wasco County, Oregon, by order of the above entitled ourt,- Made the 22'nd day of Jan uary, rgr;. , 1 he date of the first publication of this suhimons is February 1st, 1917,. arid1 the date of the last pub. licatiou thereof wiil be March 15th, '917. I. W. Alien, Justice of the Peace. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher11 Department of the Interior, U.S. Land Office at The Dalles Orcpm, Feb., 8th, 1917. NOTICE is hereby given that Mary A. Harvid, of Tygh Valley, Oregon, who on Julv 10th, 191 1, made Homestead Kntry No 09250 and 011 June 14th, 1917, made iidditional Homestead Entry No. 016200, for SWI-4SWI-4, Sec. 13, UI-2UWI-4, ni-2iiei-4, Sec tion 24, Township 3 South, Range 14 East, Willamette Meridian, has tiled notice of intPrttion 10 make three year Proof, to estab lish claim to the laud, above dew. cribed, before F. D. Stiiart, U fated Stales Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 17th day of March, '917- . Claimant names as witnesses: Robert E. Stow, of Tyjrh Valley, Oregon, Richard D. Williams, of l ych Valley, Oregon.- Edward W. Hollenheck, of Tvgh Valley, Ore. Ron, El mar Whitlock of Grass Valley, Oregon. H Frank Woodcock, ' Register. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLE MENT. ' Notice is hereby glyei that the iinersigned Caroline Harvev. ' 1 Executrix of the Estate and last Will and Testament of George Harvey, deceased, has filed her Pinal Account of the aduiinistra tiou upon said Estate in the Coun ty Court of Wasco County, Oreiron and said Court has fixed the 7th day of April, A. I)., 1917, at tSe hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day at the County Court- room at tlie Louuty Courthouse at the Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon, a the time aild place for the f.tial hearing of said Final Account and for the Final Settlement of taid Estate. , ; NOW niKRTJFORE, ' nil per om interested iu sold;e tif'e hereby notilitj and required t-o te and appear at said time aud place so appointed for the' Rearing of said Final Account and t'ten and there ihow cause, if any exist, why 1(J Final Account shon' t not be alioWed aud approved. su:d Estate forever and finally settled and said Executrix discharged and' Ler bondsmen exonerated. ' Dated this jud day of Febrnarv CAROU.H Uaiviv, 1 ,., , Executrix of said Estate. Francis V. Galloway, Attorney for said Estate. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (publisher) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 1st, 191 7. NOTICE is hereby givfeti tat, MOSES F. GOODENOTJGH. of Wapinitla, Oregon, who on De cember 1 6th, 1015, made Home stead Entry, no. 015669, for swi-4 swi-4, NWt-4Swi-d, Stction 5 Township 6 South, Range li-East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Com mutation Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U, S Commissioner, at Manpin, Oregon, oh the nth day of April, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: S. H. Goodenough, L. D. Wood side, C. B. Doyle, J. P. Abbott, all of VVapinitia, Oregon. H. Frank woodcock, np Register" NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (publisher) Department of the Interior, Uuited Stattes Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, February 24, I917. NOTICE is hereby given that DANIKt tXstrt'iNGER, ot Wapiuitiaj Uregon, who on January 8th, made Home stead Entry, no 012394. for Ei-2 SR1-4, Sec 6, N1-2NE1-4, Section 7, township 6 bouth, Kange 12 Hast, Willamette Meridian, his filed no tice of intention to' make inal three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. 8. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, oh the 6th day of April, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: L. D. Woodside, E. L. Nelson, J. P'. Abbott, Frank McCoy, all of VVapinitia,' Oregon. H. Frank W60DCOC.K, p Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION "S Publisher) Departmenfof" the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 5th, 1917.' Notice is hereby given that Isaac N". Winfree, of Criterion. Oregon, who 011 January 12th, 1914 made Homestead Entry no, 012401 and on July 2nd, 1914',' Made ad ditional Homestead Entry No. 013569.' for E1-2NW1-4 & NEt 4, Sec. 20, SWI-4NWI-4. Section 58. Towuship 6-South, Range. I5 East, Willamette Meridian, has ,tiled notice of intention to" riiake Final three year Pfobf to Eatabliijh claim to the land above described, before P. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon.' oh the 16th day of April, 1917 Claimant names as witnesses. J. E. Miller, B. p. NostfefD. B. Appling.. P. J. Klrsch. all of Cri terion. Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, p Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (publisher) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, regon, March 5th, 1917. NOTICE i?. hereby given that BURTLB O. NOSKKR, . of Criterion, Oregon, who ou Janu ary 26th - 1914; made Homestead eutry no. 012402 and on July and, 1914 made additional Homestead entry no. 013570 for wi-2sEi-4 EI-2SWI-4, NWI-4SWI-4, WI-2NWI-4 Sec. 29, NKI.4NB1-4 Section, jo, lownsbip 6 south, Range 15 East, Willamette. Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final three year Procf, to establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. Commissioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 16th dav of April, 1917. Claimant names .as witnesses J. H. Miller, I. N. Winifree, D. B. LApplarg, P. J Kirsch, all of Cri terion, Oregon... H. Frank Woodcock, P Register, NOTrCS FOR PUBLICATION (publishkk) department of the Interior. U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, drftnn HI .V. 101. .O.A - Notick is hereby giyeu that Hkrbkrt M. Green of Criterion, Oregon, who on Oct. 3rd, 1910, made Homestead Entry .10. vi ouo anu nu jmy znu, im4, made additional Homeoteftd Entrv No. 01357S, for FSl-4, rl-2Xwl-4. kkMswM, Sffl-4sF.l.4, Sectioo lj Hwntiip 0 Ninth, Range 14 taut, Willamftte Meridian, ha filed notice of intention, to .make. Final five y.-ar Proof, to eUbliih claim to the land abo dcribed, bWor K U. Staart. U..S. Com nrwoner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the lC.b day of April, 1017. t . ' Claimant names as witnMn: Jatn Baxter, H, II. Camp, C. A. Ouu4, D. L. Rutherford, all of Criterion, Oregon. H. FRANK WOOIXJUUK., p Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, March 13, lgi7. NOTICB is hereby given that James Baxter of Criterion, Oregon, who on Oct ober 10th. 1910, made Homestead Entry No. 07543 and oil July 2nd, 19i4, made additional Homeatead Entry, No. 0135(31, for swl-4sl-4 Sec. 19, wl-2NEl-4j ' se1-4ne1-4, id-2sEl.4, swl-4aEi-4, Bection 30, Township 6 South, Range 15 East Willamette JVleridUiii has nieo notice of intention to make Final Ave year Proof; to1 , establish claim to the land above described, before F. D. Stuart, U. S. CotrN miemonerj at Maupin, Oregon, od the 16th day of April, 1917. Claimant names as witneiiee: 0. A. Duua, R. H. DeCamp, H. M. Greeny D L. Rutherford, alt Criterion, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, p Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (IUBUSPER) Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles; Oregon, March 13th, igi7. notice is hereby given that Rufus H. DeCamp of Criterion, Oregon, who on May' 7th, 1910, made Homestead Entry No. 06707 and on July 2nd, 1914, made additional Homestead Entry No. 013566, for E1-2NE1-4, ne1-4- se1-4, See 19, w1-2nw1-4, Section 20, Townsbfp (J South, Range 15 East, Willamette Meridian, ha filed notice of intention to make Final fiva year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before f . D. Stuart U. 8. Com- missioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 16th day of April, 1917. Claimant names a witnesses: H. M1. Green, James Baxter, C. A., Duua, D. L. Rutherford, all of Criterion, Oregon. H, Frank Woocock, p Regiser. 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Publisher) Department of the Interior U. S. Land Office at Th Dalles; Oregon, March 13th, igi7. Noiic is hereby given that, Chester A.' BARGEiHof-T, of Wamic, Oregon, who on June 26th, 1911, made Homesteai JSntry No. TO170, for l-2NEl-4, gEl-4N-1-4, n'w1-4seI-4, Section 1: Town- ahip 6 South, Range 12 East, Wil- amette Meridian, has hied notice of intention to make Final five year Proof, to, establish claim to' the land above described, before F. D, Stuart, U. S. Conimitsioner, at Maupin, Oregon, on the 17th day orApril,' 1917. Claimant names as witnesses:' S. G'. Ledford, J. W. Ayres, F. E,. Spoor, I. T. Courtright,' all of Wamic, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, ' P Register. In the County Court of the State, of Oregon for the County. of Wasco!- In the matter of the estate of John Koitfr,' Deceased Citation. To the h eirs of John Kotter, de ceuHed, names and residences ' unknown, greeting. Iu the name of the State of Ore, gon, You are hereby cited aud re quired to appear, in the County Court, of .the tftie of Oregon, for the Coun,ty of Wasco at the April, 1917,'terni'of said Court, at the Court room thereof, at palles City . in said County, on Wednesday the, 18th day of April, 1917, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then aud there to show cause, if any you have, why an Order of Sa'e of the real property belonging, to taid estate should not be grant ed as prayed for in the Petition of Emil Mertx,, AdminUtrater of eaid Estate, on file herein, whiell nld real property, in described as follow, South half of the Southwest quarter, the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter, and the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Kiirht in Towubhiu Four. South of U Fourteen, Fait pf. Willamette Me ridian, W.aBoe .County, Oregon, containing 160 acres more or )es, save and eieept . therefrom a strip of land one hundred feet wide, be inu fifty feet on each side of tbt) center Jine,of the railway of the Oregon .Trunk Line acrota and npop the f5uthwet quarter of the Southeast quriet of Section Eight in Township Four, South of Range Fourteen. Eait ct Willamette Me ridian,' Waico Couoty, Oregon, which was conveyed by decedent to Oregon Trunk. Line by.desd re o.uxled in Vol. 49 of Deeds, page 53, deed record! of said county. Witnois, the Hon, F. 8. Gun. n-'-.g. Judge of the Mid Onnnty Coi:rt, with the Seal of said Court emx.t.1, tin ith day of March A D. 1917. Attest: I. B. fox, Clerk." t