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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 15, 1916)
r: MAUPIN TfiME Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL 2, NO. 49 MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1916 THE YEAR $1.50 TT T7TTN 11 ii i i i i I Km TheState Commerce Commission Jiai issued circulars " requesting .shippers of carload freight to load ttnd unload oars promptly on ac oount of heavy movement' of grain dud lumber. Cars are very much jn demand and railway companies are unable to furnish a sufficient uumber. A dog enraged with porcupine quills caused considerable dis turbance Tuesday night on the east side of the river. The animal was shot. FISCHER'S GARAGE Auto Passenger Service Auto Delivery Truck Prepared for Long Trips or Outing Parties A Complete Line of Automobile Accessories Local Items MAUPIN, OREGON STOP 4 that big' credit ex pense. Pay cash, get more, and pay less. flurry people, join those who are getting' big, hon est, dollar, values. Your dollar is just as good as any body's, if not, make it be at LAKE'S CASH STORE $6 BUYS $1000 Field grain Insurance for 3 months You eannot afford to take the chances against wild fires, cigarette smokers and thresher engines. Insurance eovers the grain standing, or cut, in stack, in sack, in bulk, in bin, warehouse or elevator. MAUPIN STATE BANK iff Biggest & Best Line s o s o OF School Supplies AT .SHATTUCKS Also School Shoes, Dresses, Hats and Caps for the little ones SHATTUCK BROS. 4 4 4 4 4 Quincy Morrow was in from Tygh Tuesday. Magazines and periodicals new each month at Talcott'B. . The Delco family and 8. R. Kay go to the mountains soon. Wallaoe Fargher was a Monday business visitor in the county seat. G. K. Ellis returned home Sat day from campmeeting in The Dalles. Miss Emerson is in the ice cream parlor again after several days' illness, George Magill shipped his thresh ing outfit to Madras Monday, where he expects a 30 day run. Mr. Davis died yesterday after noon at the home of his son, Bert Davis, of Bakeoven. F. A. Covey has so far recovered from an attack of typhoid as to be out again. The nurse returned home Tuesday. E. A. Ma.vhew and family and Miss Naomi Smith returned from the mountains a few days ago. Mrs. N. Williams and daughter Mrs. H. D. Hollis returned Mon day after a week's visit with relatives in Portland. The warehiuser elevator building is being painted; the "job is well underway, the first coat having been applied. Most of the maupin people are in attendance attneTygh fair this wtiek, except a few who are unable to leave business duties. ' Dr. Stovall has purchased a handsome little Cheverlet car which is attracting much admira tion. - - . Miss lea Derthick returned the latter part of last week after spending a few days with friends in The Dalles. Art Fargher and Miss Thrall motored to The Dalles Saturday, the latter remaining to take charge of a school near there. Mrs. M. E, Morrison of The Dalles has spent the past week in Maupin the guest ot her son V. L. Morrison. O, M. Fraley of Tygh is leaving his present location and preparing to move after the fair to Gr8s Valley to take charge of a shop there. It is not known who will take his place. A fresh essortment' of candies just in this week largest ship ment yet received in Maupin, at Talcott's. Shattuck Bros, are moving theil machine shed to the west side of their store building where it will be rebuilt on a good foundation which has alyaady been prepared. Henry Holland will move his drill to the Criterion school house, where he will drill' a well for the school1. The little child of Mr. and V&n. ikidy Vndetta who has been iH with typhoid fever the past two weeks, was moved to Wasco Tues day. Henry Holland has found it nec essary to haye a car in his Well drilling business and has purch ased the Ford of Bates Shattuck. S, L. Wiggfns, T. F. & P. A. on this branch of the G. W. R. &N., having taken A. C. Egan's place, was a pleasant caller in Maupin Wednesday. Mr. Egan has been to Idaho- with an advance in salary Ben Fraley the blacksmith of Maupin almost lost a finger last 3'iturd'ay while rolling some tires. His hand slipped and the right second finger was caught in the roll ane almost torn off. He has b'jen unable to do much this week except oversee bis hired help in the shop, but is getting 'along fine and will be able to fill bis old place again shortly. The shop is very busy and the rush of work is now on. Mr. Fraley says be is having the best season in his shop of any since his basinet in -Manpin. Wapinitia Items G. E, McDonald, conference superintendent of the United Breth em cliurch will hold quarterly conference Sunday, September 24, preaching morning and evening. School begins the 18th with Miss lea Derthick teacher of primary department, and M. H. Staines principal. Earl Mason left this week for Oregon City to attend high school Leonard Wilson, returned last Wednesday. After spending the week end at home, he left Sunday for Warm Springs to to take up work iu the government telephone service. Harold was at The Dalles Tues day. Robert, Vincent and Miss Win nie Tapp will start to school at Dufur next week.' Sidney, Donald, Miss Ruby and Mrs. Wilson motored to The Dalles Tuesday completing arrange meats for Ruby to attend high school. We will greatly miss our young people who leave for school yet are glad to see them preparing for future work. Everybody is off for the Tygh fair this week. B- V. Tapp is run ning his swing; Hartman has a stand and Mr. Sears a lunch counter. SIXTH ANNUAL WASCO GO. FAIR, THE DALLES, OREGON September 20, 21, 22, 23 A Regular old fashioned county fair, One the children will enjoy and the older ones talk about. A fine display of farm products and a first clasa livestock exhibit. Automobile and Motorcycle races, horse races and new track stunts. ? Street sports and amusements with something doing all the time. Good music and a good time R. W. KING Pres ident J. W. BREWER Secretary The crew at the warehouse are"erain arrivioar dailv. very busy now receiving and stor-f Levi Dyer is visiting relatives ing the immense quantities of south of Maupin, Smock Items Orrion Farlow returned home Sunday after several weeks har vesting near Kent, and will take up ninth grade studies. -C, ..H. Yockey took a load of fruit and produoe to the Tygh fair grounds Tuesday. Miss Lillian has a fine display of garden truck. J. W. Farlow and sons motor d to The Dalles Tuesday. The infant daughter of Mr. and MrB. J. W. Farlow . was buried Thursday in the , Four Corners cemetery. C, A, Bargainholt, Walter Led ford and Callie Duncan cams horns from Sherman county Saturday for teams. N. E. Whieomb went Monday to Sherman county. Wayne Spoor came home Satur day from Bakeoven for a couplt men. Help is short there for har vest. Edward Disbrow returned with him and will drive derick. The Driver and Bargainholt threshers have completed work in tli is section and put under shed. Cbas, Ross and wife Visiter Mrs. Ross' parents at friend Sunday, returning Monday. T. J. Whitcomb is working on F. E. Spoor's new residence. S. H. Mulvaney and family re turned feunday evening from a trip m the Willamette Valley. Miss Olive" Howard,' a niice,. accompa nied them home. T,E. Farlow and D.-W. Oglesby were Wapinitia bmuness visitors Saturday. E. V. Parrish and Miss Lou Jones were Sunday visitors at C. S. McCorkle's. Mrs. McCorkle recently returned from a visit with her father,-D'. A. Wilson of Saw- tell, Calif. The leading topic, going to the fair; Smock will be quite deserted during the three day fair at Tygh Valley. T.- E. Farlow and Jno: Gorden were Wamic business visitors Friday. L F. G. Butlor of Tygh was in Maupin- Monday last and got the last of his printing for the fair. Mr. Bntler stated that all the ar rangements for the fair were com pleted and the grounds in proper shape; the prizes given would be many; the dancing floor in proper shape and the Manpin band to furnish music for the dancing and the Wapinitia band music for the dT. GENERAL STORAGE Flour, Feed, Sal! and Supplies agents for Kerr Gifford & Go. ALSO FOR Phoenix Assurance Go., London Hunts Ferry Warehouse Go. 1 J SCHOOL DAY NEEDS Beaver Blackboard, Guaranteed 10 years Latest improvement in blackboards costs leas, and is better board Moulding 'for Blackboard A New Exhibit Board Flower Boxes-Manual Train ing Benches-ADorrjesti; Science Tables-- Shelves for Library of CdA Kctrss A New Door or" Wiffdow Playground Aprmrttitf a$(l-W, $22.El0, and $42.50 buys all lumber, m'illwork and cement for three different designs, including teeter boards, swinging ladders, swings, rings,' climbing ladder, and ro"pe, sliding rods, horiotitar bar, giant stride, basketball apparatus, playground slides,- New Teachers cottageS-now being built by many districts. Drop in and Sfiff plans. New School or Addition to old building-our Archi tects will help; "See Peter Kilburg about it" TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO FISCHER the FOIP man Is also agent for the follow ing Popular Cars: STUDEBAH DO D G Let kirn tefl you about terms