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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (July 7, 1916)
DAYOCE AN BUNGALOWS TWO HOTELS Oregon's finest beach resort. Ptved streets. mountain water, sewers, bathing, fishinc, dancing. Most scenic railroad trip in Oregon. Separate small residences, completely fur nished; plectric liffhts, water, fuel, laundry, janitor service free. Two beds. Rates $10.00. per week; $18.00 two weeks; $30.00 four weeks. All you need take it. your suitcase. BAYOCEAN ANNEX Splendid view of ocean ana bay. Near Natatorium. Excellent table. Kates $2.50 per day and up. BAYSIDE INN-Fine table, forty guesta, sea foods, use of baths. Rates $2.50 per day. The Natatorium is finest on Coast. Tank 50x160 feet. Warm Sea Water. Special Railroad Rates. For reservations and printed matter address CORBETT BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON BAYOCEAN PARK GOOD MARKET SQUABS AUTO WRECKING PARTS FOR 1-2 Parts over 50 makes and models, at half the reg ular price. Buy your UBed auto parts from an old-established and reputable dealer, who has a reputation to protect and conducts the largeet parts store and carries the largest complete as sortment of used auto parts of any company this side of Chicago. Our prices are less, and for this reason we outsell all others. All parts are guar anteed to be in first-class condition. MOTOR PARTS MFG. CO. Incorporated. 323-325-327 BURHSIDE ST., PORTUHO, OR. MJUKM f MtA -Oft quauty'w New and Second-hand New Houston Hotel SIXTH AND EVERETT STS. Four Blocks from Union Station. Under new management. All rooms newly decorated. SPECIAL RATES BY WEEK OR MONTH Rates 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50 Per Day. Best Breeding Stock Is an Es sential to Success. Burlap and Twine. Tell your dealer you want "WINKLE MAN'S QUALITY SECONDS," the Bags for Service. Have him write our nearest house. WINKLEMAN BAG & BURLAP CO., 171 Front St., Tacoma. Wash. Portland. Oregon. Oldest and Largest Second-hand Bag Dealers? in the Northwest, f you cannot come to Portland to get your eyes fitted, I wilt send you my method of test ing eyeB by mail. Not as desirable as person al service but much better than going with out glasses needed or trying to ht yourself. Outfit sent on application, STAPLES, the Jew-etcr-Optician. 26ti Morrison at,, Portland, Oregon Hunt Pigeon Is One of Largest, But Not as Prolific or as Good Breeder or Feeder as Homer Carneaux Is Popular. Prolific pigeons producing large squabs are commonly kept confined In pens, -which involves proper housing and a flyway, or outside yard, cov ered with wire. Common pigeons, al lowed their freedom, are less prolific and produce smaller squabs. A study of New York squab quotations shows that the price per dozen for dressed squabs fails rapidly as the weight goes down and the other departs from white. While prime white weighing ten pounds to the dozen brought $3.75 per dozen in March, last year, In New York, six-pound squabs were not quoted above $2 per dozen, while $1.60 was the high price per dozen for dark squabs, and culls brought only five or six cents apiece. Of the squab-raising varieties the Homer is considered the most popular Try Chiropractic If you have tried other methods, modes, cults or systems of healing and have not received relief, you have tried the wrong thing. Chiropractors have been successful in removing the causes of disease where other methods failed. If you are sick or ailing, have a trouble of lonff standing, I will be pleased to consult and give you a spinal analysis, which costs you nothing. DR. H. L. CHANDLER 502-3-4 Broadway Bldg., Portland, Ore. Dairymen and Poultryraen We guarantee absolutely correct returns. Send us your next shipment of Cream, Eggs, Poultry. Write for Shipping Tags and Premium List. Hazelwood Co., Portland Your Grocer IS RELIABLE He wants to hold your trade and tries to sell you brands Vip knows vou will like. He is always ready to recommend 6 Baring Powder -Ask Mm lip ' Granulated Eyelids, OaT 6 Ey inflamed by expo. quickly relieved by Marias neatly, no smarting, iust Eve Comfort. At Vour Dnifp'it'n 50c pet Bottle. MnrlM ty SalveinTubei25c. ForBeokellheEyefreeask Druggists or Hurlst Eye HemeJy Co., Chicago yes' This Trade Mark Meant The finest Violins, Mandolins, Guitars, Banjos and Banjo Mandolins, that can be made. Made in Oregon of Oregon wood, which is the finest in the world. Bad violins made into good ones. Write for illustrat ed circulars and details to THE COULTER CO.. 227V4 Wuhingtoi St. Pwtlud, Ore. DESERVES WELL OF FARMER Phoebe's Voice la Faint and She Cer tainly Is Not Pretty, but She Hates All Beetles. HIDES, PELTS, CASCARA BARK, WOOL AND MOHAIR. We want all you have. Write for prices ana shippings THE H. F. NORTON CO. Portland, Ore, Seattle, Wn One Result of the War. A delightful old lady of a little town In Nebraska was discovered one mora ine in the act of killing a chicken. "Why, Mrs. Brown, I thought that you were afraid to kill a chicken," said a neighbor in surprise. "Yes, dearie, I did uster be; bat since the war broke out I've done it right smart "Well, you see, It's this way: I uster think that bloodshed was an awful thing, but since I've been readin' about all them men-killtn's in Europe I just get a rooster by the feet, lay his head on the block and say to myself: 'Now, Sarah, 'taln't near so bad as killin' a man. Where's your nerve?' And then I just shut my eyes and whack.' Youth's Companion. White Runt Female. Doable Tread Puncture Proof Tires Made from your old ones. L&at long u Brand New TIKES Write ua. OREGON VULCANIZING CO., 660 Washinirton St.. Portland. On. TYPHOID b no more necenaar than Smallpox. Array experience baa demonstrate. the almost miraculous effi cacy, and harmlessness, of Antityphoid Vacclnatioo. Be vaccinated NOW by your physician, you and tour family. It la more TiUl than bouae Insurance. Ask your physician, druBBtit, or send for Have you had Typhoid?" telling- of Typhoid Vaccine, 1 resttlta from uae, and danger from Typhoid Carriers. IHC CUTTE LABORATORY, PCRRtlCY, CAL, raoauciKS vaccinas a mull uhbib u. s. aov. ucaasi Considerate. "I've been thinking it all over and I've come to the conclusion that per haps after all we ought to have a standing army." "Well?" "But I don't think it is fair to keep all those men' standing all the time. The least we can do is to furnish each man a camp stool." Detroit ree Press. Not a Garden. "Are you going to make a garden this year?" "No," replied Mr. Growcher. "I'm going to dig up a place in the back yard and put some seeds into it, and then turn it over to the chickens for a picnic ground, wasmusiuu ouu. Hi3 Luck. She (bitterly) I only wish I'd known as much about you before I married you. He Well, it was just my confound ed luck that you didn't Boston Tran script. r i Information Sought "Brown Is a good mixer." "Drinks, metaphors or socially? Detroit Free Press. Young Lady (kindly) "I hope you brush your teeth regularly, Maggie?" Moo-p-io flnrlienantlv) "Brush me teeth'? Wot would I do that forT There ain't no hair on me teeth." Why He Lost HI Job. Tommy Out of a job? Jimmv Yes. The boss said he was losing money on the things I was mak in'. Tommy Wasn't there anything else you could do in the place? Jimmy I guess not. Anyhow he said I didn't Beem afile to do anything else. Tommy And what was you makln'? Jimmy Mistakes. Utica Herald Dispatch. Unprepared. Representative Augustus P. Gard ner said in a preparedness address in New York: "The unprepared man is always at a disadvantage. It's like a dialogue 1 once heard: . " 'Can you fight? shouted one man. " 'N no,' another, answered. "'Then,' shouted the first man 'then come on, you coward! "' Domestic Finesse. "These are unusually fine cigars, Mrs. Jiggers. Your husband is lucky to have you select for him." "Oh, he doesn't smoke that kind reg ularly. I use them to slip one in his pocket whenever I give him a letter to post" Baltimore American. Ship Veal, Pork, Beef, Poultry, Butter, Eggs & Farm Produce To the Old Reliable Everdlnor limine with a record of 45 years of Square Dealings and be Mured of Top Market Prices. F. M. CRONKHITE, 4547 From St, PORTLAND, ORE Von Can Get Allen'? foot-Ease FREE. Write Aliens. Olmsted, I. Roy, N. Y., for. Irue sample of Alleu'a Foot-Ease. It eurva jvtfating, h.vt swoUi'ii, aching feet. It makes new or tight ahos easy. A certain cure for ?orns. iiiifiowlng nalla and bunions. All drug gists seine. 25u. Don't accent any substitute Right in Line. "I e," said his wife, "that these basDall players have progressive ideas on sanitation. "How so." "The paper states that they spent the afternoon swatting flies." Louis ville Courier-Journal. variety. The habit of this bird of returning home if allowed freedom makes it necessary to confine pigeons purchased from other lofts. The Carneaux pigeon has recently become popular as a squab producer. This variety 1b somewhat larger than the Homer and it is stated is about as prolific. Several other varieties of pigeons larger than the Homer are used on a small scale in squab raising, especially in crossing with the Homer and Carneaux to increase the size of squabs. The Runt Is one of the largest but Is not as prolific or as good a breeder or feeder as the Homer. Some of the other varieties reported used as squab breeders are the Dra goon, White Maltese or hen pigeon, the White King and common pigeon. Good breeding stock is an essential of success in squab raising, but as it Is difficult to tell the age and sex of pigeons, and age Is very important, It Is necessary to buy from reliable breeders and preferably those who guarantee their product. Variety alone does not insure successful squab production. The birds differ indl vidually and they should be selected for their productive power and vitality, for quality and size of their squabs and their ability to feed and rear offspring. Dark-colored skins, legs or beak Indicate poor quality of flesh, bringing lower prices on markets. Care should be taken to select breed lng birds which have -white or pinkish white skin and light-colored legs. Pigeons are most valuable as squab producers when from two to six years of age, although many will breed un til they are about eight years old. The small varieties mate and breed at five to six months, and the large varieties at eight to nine months. It is advis able, therefore, to buy mated pigeons from two to three years old, or to se cure young birds six to eight weeks old and tamo them at the proper age. All squabs which are to be saved for breeding should be banded before they leave the nest and a careful record kept of their breeding. Squabs hatched After you're well acquainted with the phoebe and catch some of her spir it of friendliness and companionship, you won't care a snap of the finger that she can't sing very well, nor that she Isn't good looking. You'll wel come her in spring jUBt as if she were a Venus for looks and Melba for voice. You'll listen for her first notes and say: "There's Phoebe back again." She's the earliest arrival among the flycatchers, reaching here about March 21, even before tha flies. She seeks out her last year's home under the bridge, or beneath the rafters of the barn, and starts renovating her nest. Often when an unscrupulous cowblrd usurps the nest to lay eggs of her own, the phoebe will build another nest atop the old one and start house keeping over again as it nothing had Interrupted. We've remarked that she couldn't sing, yet her little "phe-bee" note Is one of the cheeriest of springtime. We've said she wasn't beautiful, yet her dull olive-brown coat, with a yellowish-white breast are far more at tractive than some birds of gay plu mage. The phoebe Is beautiful be cause Bhe is useful. From the time of her arrival until she leaves late in tha fall she's busy warring on the farmer's enemies. She'll sit on a mullein stalk and watch for a beetle. Suddenly she will dart into the air and her bills go shut with a snap good-by beetle. She Is a lor ot conservationist, because she eats the elm leaf beetle. She is the farm er's friend, because Bhe eats the May beetles and click beetles, which In jure crops. Bhe 1b the gardener's friend because she eats the squash beetle. In fact, she is the friend of everyone except the beetles. Philadelphia North American. Foot-and-Mouth In the Philippines. Officials of the Philippines reported to Washington last week that the foot-and-mouth disease has again laid it3 grip on the islands. The scourge is called rinderpest over there, and has been the bugbear or all cattle dealers and dairies, the few that there are, almost from the beginning of Ameri can occupation in 1898. It is estimated that 260,000 carabaos have died of rinderpest in the last year. There were BOO deaths in the last week of April, when the last mail report was sent to Washington. The loss is about $5,000,000. The Philippine bureau of agriculture asked for $250,000 to fight the scourge, but the legislature only appropriatsd $12,500 and this is held responsible to a great extent for the spread of the disease. If conditions continue as thoy are In the islands it is feared that the loss the coming year will be fully as great. For Thrush and Foot Diseases Antiseptic, Cseanaiag and Healing Sao Your Stock HAN FORD'S Balsam of Myrrh A LINIMENT Not Impressed. "Want some stock in my concern?" "Nope." "It's a gold mine." "That's no inducement. I've Invest ed in gold mines more than once." Louisville Courier-Journal. CASH Paid for But terflies, In sects. I buy hundreds for museums, art-work, study purposes and private collections. 6c to $7 each paid. 8-pp. folder FREE. Easy outdoor employment. SINCLAIR Box 244, D 108. Los Angeles, Cat. For Galls, Wire Cuts. Lameness. Strains, Bunches, Thrush, Old Sores, Nail Wounds, Foot Rot, Fistula. Bleeding, Etc., Etc. Made Since 1846. ''jffi Prico 25c, 50c and $1.00 , OR WRITS! AH Dea!ers SiSS8$lW DAISY FLY KILLER Totem Pole Must Don Some Clothes. Clothes make the totem pole, ac cording to John Oscar Davis, collector of the port, at San Francisco. Horrified at what he saw when a Burmese specimen consigned to the Rev. J. H. East of Portland was un covered at the customhouse early in February, Collector Davis has now recovered sufficiently from the shock to announce that when the proper ha biliments have been placed on the relic it may be allowed to proceed on its way to the Indignant consignee. Painting, the collector said, had been considered, but clothing would be better. His plan now is to arrange for a proper costuming of the mooted totem pole at the .expense of Doctor East and that then the curio, decor ously accoutered for appearance among the most select circles, might, be allowed admission to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Biased anywhere,, attracts and kills alllllee.Ncat. clean. oriunieDtal, conven ient, cheap. Lam all aenson. Mailed metal, can'tapill or tic, oven will not loll or (n)ure any th Inrr Guaranteed eftectivo. Sold by dealers, or 6 lent tiy express pre paid lor 1. HAEULD 80MEBS, U0 SsXalb An.. Braollvo, H. T. mm . ll laMIM II I It His Register. "Well, landlord, how's business now adays?" "Oh, purty good, purty good. Had a whole passel of people register yis- te'day. They were rive gentlemen, three ladies and four musicians." No Difficulty on That Score. An old negro mammy who was ad dicted to the pipe was being lectured on the habit by a Sunday school teach er. Finally the latter said: "Do you expect to go to heaven T" "Yes. indeedyl" "But the Bible says nothing unclean shall enter there. Now the breath ol the smoker Is unclean. What do you say to that?" "Well, I reckon I leave ma bref be hin' when I enter dar," was old mam my's response. Boston Transcript. Pimples, boilB, carbuncles, dry up and disappear with Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. In tablets or liquid. Fearless of Consequence. Grubbs I never realized until now what a convinced optimist Binks Is. Stubbs What made you form your new estimate of him? Grubbs The fact that he Is trying to raise chickens, roses and two bull pups all on the same lot Richmond Times-Dispatch. A Variation. Polly Did he propose to you In tha orthodox manner? Dolly Hardly. He asked me how I would like to wear his neoktles. Judge. A Bad Picker. "She's been divorced twice." "Had bad luck, eh?" "No, good luck, but mighty bad Judg ment" Detroit Free Press. Believed In It. "Do you believe In the observance of the Golden Rule?" "I do. I always like to have other people keep it in mind when they're dealing with me." BoBton Transcript. Sounded Like It "My masquerade costume will be white with a yellow yoke. "And what do you represent an egg?" Louisville Courier-Journal. IMS id tOTw ; P. N. U. No. 27, 1916 Do Ycur Own Plumbing By buyinr dirt from na at wholMtvle price and save the plumber's profit!. Writ) na to day your necda. W will give yoa our rock bottom "direct-to-you" prleea, f. o. b. rail or boat We actually save yoa from 10 to W per cent. All (rooda miaranteed. Northwest headquarter! for Leader Water Systems and Fuller A Johnaon Engines. STARK-DAVIS CO. 212 Than. StrtM. PortUavd, Oratoa Expensive Buildings Not Necessary. tn April, May and June, when their value on the market Is comparatively email, make good breeders. It a breeding pigeon dies Its mate should be removed from the pen and a new mating made. It Is not necessary to put up an ex pensive building to start squab rais ing. The Illustration shows how an old outbuilding may be utilized for pigeons by a beginner at trifling ex pense. The wire netting to form the flying pen In above picture cost $1.25. Wind Imprisons Woman. Imprisoned In a closet by the wind slamming a door fast, Mrs. Mollie Cor dery, who lives near Bridgevtlle, Del., had a narrow escape from death, and when discovered was nearly overcome by the shock. Mrs. Cordery was cleaning the attic .nd while Bhe was looking In' an old closet a gust of wind slammed tin door and locked it from the outside. There was no one but herself in the house, and It was nearly an hour be fore Mrs. Cordery's screams happened to be heard by a gang of men who were repairing the road. With all the doors locked downstairs, Harry Rickards climbed to the second floor and got through by a window. When Mrs. Cordery was found she was In a pitiable state. Bhe Is still serious ly til from the shock. to stops itdhing and burning f iV y00 are sucnn? w,m eczema, ringworm, I 8 3k"'JV rash or other tormentinurkin-eruption, try Res- t inol Ointment and ResinolSoap. You will te sur- 5 "V'-'f;,C" a Pr'sec' now quickly the itching and burning top W .'' and the skin becomes clear and healthy again. I i Resinol Ointment and Reslnol Sos A yvjJ have been prescribed by physicians lor ifV A r "J 0viir twenty ye- Sold by til drug- v -Ba. S J J tits, lur free trial liie of each write to V aaVaav . Ke&lrinl ChPm. Co . Baltimore. M!, Q Sji J&ar Stiinal SliavinX Stick imkn fc - h ' tkaviiis myar UiuUr-factd mi Slight Misunderstanding. "Was bis crime premeditated V "I don't think so. He thought It all out beforehand, you know." Life. Gives Power of Choice. "You must remember, my boy, that wealth does not bring happiness." "I don't expect it to. I merely want it so that I may be able to choose the kind of misery that is most agreeable to me." Boston Transcript. A Queer Critter. Impassioned Orator The American eagle, whether soaring over the duaty deserts of Mexico or skimming the broad Atlantic, will never draw in Its honiB or retire Into Us shell. Boston Transcript. Are You Past 30 Years ? Take Hot Water and "Anuric." DAMPNESS MUST BE AVOIDED Dry Quarters Are Essential to Health and Growth of Little Duckling and Chicks. Dampness Is sure to cause trouble among little chicks and little duck lings. They should not be allowed to get Into or tip over their drinking wa ter, or to sit down on a damp place In their brooder or yard. Dry quarters axe essential to health and growth. War Cuts Phone List. There are at least 10,000 fewor tele phones In London as a result of the war, business Arms In hundreds of in stances discontinuing the service In the Interest of retrenchment The government which operates the sys tem, announces that although tele phone! have been discontinued by the wholesale there has been an Increase in the use of eleotrophonea the in strument which connects the subscrib er with the theater and enables peo ple who prefer to remain indoors these gloomy nights of black streets to hare amuaemont brought to their firesides. ' Teuton Trimmings. Ad In Mexican Herald Nice room to let beautifully decorated with Ger uan people. Boston Transcript People are realizing more and more every day that the kidneys, Just as do the bowels, need to De nusneu occa sionally. The kidneys are an climina tlve organ and are constantly working, separating the polBons from the blood. Under this continual and perpetual action they are apt to congest, and then trouble starts. Uric acid backs up Into the system, causing rheuma tism, neuralgia, dropsy and many oth er serious disturbances. Doctor Pierce of Buffalo, New York, advocates that every one should drink plenty of pure water between meals. Every day should exercise in the outdoor air suf ficiently to sweat profusely, and from time to time stimulate the kidney ac tion by means of "Anuric." This prep aration has been thoroughly tried out at his Sanitarium, In the same way as his "Favorite Prescription" lor wean women and "Golden Medical Discov ery," the standard herbal system tonlo (both of which now come in tablet form for convenience of carrying and taking). "Anuric" is now being intro duced here, and many local people are daily testifying to its perfectness. When you have backache, dizzy spells or rheumatism, heed nature's warning. It means that you are a vic tim to uric acid poisoning. Then ask your druggist for "Anuric" and you will very soon become one of hun dreds who daily give their thankful indorsement to this powerful enemy to uric acid. If you have that tired, worn-out feel ing, backache, rheumatism, neuralgia, or If your sleep is disturbed by. too fre quent urination, get Dr. Pierce's An uric Tablets at drug store, full treat ment $1.00, or send 10c. for trial pack age to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buf falo, N. Y. s