The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930, February 11, 1916, Image 5

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Thirty-Foot Water Wall Carries
Destruction Near San Diego.
Area Two Miles Wide Devastated
Bodies Washed to Sea Many
Marooned Without Food.
San Diego, Cal. At least 50 persons
. were believed to have been killed late
Thursday when the lower dam of the
San Diego water system in the Otay
valley, south of here, broke under the
heavy pressure of the flood waters. A
wall of water 30 feet high was re
leased. '
Sweeping down the valley the great
flood of water carried people, live
stock and valuable farm property to de
struction. Scores of residents are
missing. Houses on 25 ranches were
swept away.
The first news of the disaster
reached here late Saturday.
There had been no communication with
the district since the disaster occurred,
as wires were aown ana roaas were
At least 25 Japanese men, women
and children were reported to be
among those lost.
An area 15 miles long and two miles
wide is devastated.
Rescuers were unable to reach the
scene of the disaster, as all bridges
were washed out and the swollen
streams were so treacherous that it
was impossible to launch boats to go
to the rescue.
Several bodies have been seen float'
ing in the flood waters, according to
reports received here.
The coroner confirms etimatess that
place the loss of life in the flood at 60.
He said that many of the bodies had
been washed out to sea.
The breaking of the dam released
11,000,000,000 gallons of water, which
rushed down through the thickly popu
lated and narrow Otay valley.
The property loss will amount to at
least $1,000,000. Because of the fact
that they were isolated by the break
ing or the dam, which shut off any
means of reaching other communities,
hundreds of families in the vicinity
are facing a food famine.
Louis D. Brandeis, Boston lawyer,
Named for Supreme Court Bench
Washington, D. C President Wil
son Saturday sent to the Benate the
nomination of Louis D. Brandeis, law-
yer, of Boston, to be associate justice
of the Supreme court in succession to
the late Justice Lamar. The nomina-
tion was a complete surprise in official
circles. Mr. Brandeis' name had not
been mentioned publicly in connection
with the place.
Mr. Brandeis has been in the public
eye for some years as a prolific writer
on economic topicB and for his connec-
tion with labor and trust legislation.
He attained some prominence six
years ago as attorney for the interests
which sought the removal from office
of Secretary Ballinger in the noted
Pinchot Ballinger controversy. He
was conusel later on for the shippers
who opposed the general increases in
freight rates before the Interstate
commerce commission, and during the
same period he was at the forefront of
those who were demanding an investi
gation of the financial affairs of the
Mew Haven railroads.
Mr. Brandeis represented the Ore
gon Industrial Welfare commission
last year in the case of O'Hara vs.
Stettler, in the United States Supreme
court, giving the oral argument and
preparing one of the briefs. The case
is still pending in the court. Several
years ago Judge Brandeis appeared be
fore the Supreme court in the same
capacity in the interest of the Oregon
. 10-hour law. In this case he appeared
as counsel for Illinois and Ohio
well. He was, in 1910, chairman of
the board of arbitration which settled
the New York garment workers
War Is "Only Beginning." -
London "I think that for us the
war is only beginning," said David
Lloyd George, in an interview, "but
am absolutely confident of victory, be
cause, although we all have made mis
takes in the past, England and her
allies are now taking counsel together
and will be stronger, because they are
united. By next spring we shall have
for the first time more munitions than
the enemy, and our superiority in men
is unquestioned. Besides this, Ger
many's financial position is growing
worse daily."
Booty Given to Bulgaria.
Berlin, via London Emperor Wil
liam has presented to the Bulgarians
all war materials captured by German
troops in Serbia, according to an in
terview with the former Bulgarian
minister to Italy, M. Rizow, printed
in the DusBeldorf General Anzeiger,
Mr. Rizow said the booty comprised
more than 30 cannon, numerous ma
chine guns, tens of thousands of rifles,
quantities of ammunition, 127 baggage
and hospital wagons and sanitary ma
terial valued in all at "probably 80,
000,000 to 40,000,000 marks."
Titanic Claim Settled. ,
New York Attorneys for the White
Star line announced Saturday that
agreements had been reached , with
more than 200 claimants whereby
about $600,000 will be paid in claims
arising out of the Titanic disaster. The
largest amount to be paid as a death
claim will be $50,000, which probably
will be received by Mrs. Irene W
Harris, widow of Henry B. Harris,
the theatrical producer, Mr. Harris1
claim was originally for $1,000,000.
(Assuming that a cow will produce S00 pounds
' fat per year, what acreage ia required in my
community Willamette valley to grow a bal
anced ration for her? Paper by M. S. Shrock. be
fore State Dairymen'! Association Conference,
January 7. 1916.)
Some years ago in the Willamette
valley there was a good deal of talk
about a cow to the acre. Dairymen
and farm papers conceded that the
Willamette valley ought some day to
support a cow per acre. I am not go
ing to talk on the minimum acreage
required, because I do not think that
the problem. I am going to talk
about the most economical and con
venient acreage, because there is such
thing as extravagance in over-inten
sity. I believe it is policy for the av
erage dairy man in the Willamette
valley to buy some of his concentrates.
doubt if it is the best method to at
tempt to produce all of his feed on the
farm. This will be true as long as
the big farmers in Eastern Oregon are
content to continue robbing their
farms of soil fertility and transferring
that value to us. I believe it is policy
on the average farm to grow some
cash crops along with the dairy prod
ucts. By investigation we find that the
better herds in the Willamette valley
we got records last year from six
herds scattered around through four or
five counties, comprising one hundred
and thirty cows the average feed was
4761 pounds of hay, 2647 pounds of
llage, 6554 pounds of green feed (or
9200 pounds of succulent feed), 1365
pounds of grain, and on the average
they were pastured a little less than
four months. The average price was
$3.60 per month. These cows pro
duced the average 307 pounds of fat.
If they fed hay for eight months, it
would amount to twenty pounds per
day, and green feed for ten months
would still amount to thirty pounds per
day; grain feed, five and two thirds
pounds. Granting that the average
farm in the Willamette valley that
has been fairly well kept will yield
two and one half, tons to the acre, of
green feed twelve tons per acre, and
fifty bushels of oats, or its equal in
weight in any other grain, from thoBe
yieldB it requires nearly two acres, or
.92 acres, to grow the feed per cow,
provided one-third of the concentrates
are bought, aa I believe on the aver
age they are. If all the grain is
bought, it only requires 1.37 acres.
My idea of the average dairy farm
in the Willamette valley would not be
to try to keep as many cows as possi
ble per acre, but to get a fairly good
sized herd and grow some cash crops.
Take an eighty-acre farm and divide it
into four divisions. One will grow
the hay for twenty cows, and probably
bull and a few head of calves or
heifers one division f twenty acres.
Another twenty-acre division in a
second crop of clover will furnish pas
ture for most of the summer. Another
twenty acres will grow the green feed
and silage, and vegetables for the f am-
ly, and six or eight acres of potatoes
for market if the dairy farm is so sit
uated that he can market potatoes
successfully. If you are too far from
the market to ship potatoes, that ad
ditional acreage can be put to corn.
It is well to put it to some cultivated
crop for the Bake of the rotation.
Grow corn and feed it to the hogs,
which go well with cows. Another
division can be put to grain, and will
supply grain to the herd and for the
horses on the farm and six or eight
acres for market.
Starting with one cow for every
four acres, in the course of four or
five years there will be no trouble at
all in increasing the yield to twice
these amounts keeping a cow for every
two acres, and still produce a cash
crop besides. We have asked the
dairy men this question : In your es
timation, how much have - you been
able to increase your yields as the re
sult of the growing of leguminous
crops and the application of manure?
Out of the six who were asked this
question, two said they had increased
their yields fifty per cent, two said
they had increased their yields of hay
and grain fifty per Cent, and increased
their yield of green feed one hundred
per cent,, and one had increased bis
yields two hundred per cent, and an
other four hundred per cent. It is a
fact there is no place where the soil
responds to the use of manure as it
does in the Willamette valley, no place
where so much depends on the man.
Averaging up increases, .these six rec
ords would be an increase of one hun
dred and forty per cent, so I feel the
dairy men in the Willamette valley are
able to do what these bix have done.
That fully agrees with my other state
ment that the yield can be doubled.
I believe it is policy to try to run a
dairy to a little more full capacity
than we have been doing in the past.
A great many men in the Willamette
valley are keeping six or seven cows
when they ought to keep twenty. It
takes almost as much time and equip
ment for six or seven as it does for
twenty. You have to have the equip
ment, do so much looking after the
cows, haul the cream to market. But
I also believe there is extravagance in
over-intensity, as when a man tries to
keep a cow per acre.
, May Enlarge University.'
University of Oregon, Eugene The
State University may be still further
enlarged by the early addition of two
more professional schools. . The board
of regents has taken under considera
tion the foundation of a school of op
tometry. The North Pacific College
of Dentistry at Portland has petitioned
for affiliation. The departments of
architecture and journalism have been
raised to schools, in addition to which
the University now conducts schools
of commerce, education, law, medicine
and music.
4,000,000 Fry in Danger.
Astoria During the recent storm
and cold spell 150 feet of the flume
which carries the water to the Klats-
kanie River hatchery was smashed by
falling trees, shutting off the water
supply to the troughs in which 4,000,
000 Chinook Salmon fry are kept. The
troughs also froze over and it was only
by working all night in making repairs
and removing the ice that the em
pioyes of the plant were able to save
the fish from destruction.
The work was completed, however,
in time to prevent any loss of fry.
, Of General Interest
About Oregon
Membership of Eugene Cannery
Association Makes Rapid Growth
Eugene The volume of the canned
goods business of the Eugene Fruit
Growers' association, an organization
in which 541 Lane county farmers are
stockholders, increased 25 per cent
during the past year, according to an
announcement made in the annual , re
port of the manager, J. O. Holt, read
at a meeting held in the Eugene cham
ber of commerce.
More extensive operations of the
cannery are owned by the association
are planned for -1916, when depart
ments for the manufacture of jams and
preserves, in both glass and tin, will
be added.
Mr. Holt reported that there had
been Borne decrease in . the volume of
green fruit shipments on account of a
short apple crop during the past year,
and that the dried fruit output had
been about the same as for the 1914
In detail the report shows that the
total amount of fruit and vegetables
handled in all departments was 2,360,
000 pounds, an increase of 10 per cent.
The varieties of products canned num
bered 37.
The cannery this year has handled a
number of orders for the War depart
ment, some of the Lane county prod
ucts being shipped to the Mexican
Rabies Is Investigated.
Klamath Falls Field Agent E. T.
Averhill, of the United States Biolog
ical Survey, who was sent into Kamath
county to investigate the rabies epi
demic situation here, has returned
from the Bly country. He declared
the two head of. cattle that died of
rabies on the Givens ranch on Sprague
river were brought in from Harney
county last fall, but that some of the
number had grown on the ranch, and
had therefore been bitten there.
Mr. Averhill Baia: While 1 was
at Bly, Clarence Taylor, living near
by, killed a coyote which Bhowed
symptoms of rabies strongly. I sent
the brain to Dr. Roberg for examina
tion. 1 also sent in the brain of a
cow which had been allowed to die of
peculiar symptoms resembling rabies."
Pay No Delegate Expense.
Salem No provision now exists in
the election laws for the payment of
expenses of delegates to the National
conventions, according to an opinion
given by Attorney General Brown.
This opinion was in reply to an inquiry
by I. S. Smith, senator from Coos
county, and sponser for the repealing
measure passed by the last legislature,
Under this opinion Secretary of State
Olcott announced that he would not
audit any claims for delegates' expen
ses which might be made.
While the new law does not specifl
cally repeal the section of the 1911
laws relating to the payment of dele
gates' expenses, it obliterates it from
consideration by implication, the attor
ney general holds.
Cold Kills Range Cattle.
Baker Cattle in the interior are
suffering from the cold, and several
deaths have been reported. W. H
Orhcer, lzee, Grant county, lOBt sev
eral calves and others were badly froz
en in the ears and noses. In the vi
cinity of Ironsides, Malheur county,
several cattle also are reported lost,
while the ranges near Durkee have
. In other parts of Grant and Malheur
counties the snow is bo deep that roads
have been abandoned and travelers are
compelled to go through the fields.
Several cattle are reported snowbound
in Eagle Valley, Baker county, and
hope of saving them has been given
up. .
Malheur Corn Tract Big.
Ontario Malheur county is doing
its share in tugging the corn belt into
the Northwest and stretching it across
Oregon) Estimates by County Agri
culturist W. W. Howard and the corn
committee of the county grange place
last year's acreage planted to corn in
the Malheur and Willow Creek valleys
at 3000 acreB, with an average yield
40 bushels. Exhibits from this crop
were displayed at the State fair, the
Manufacturers and Land Products
show, the Panama-Pacific exposition
and the corn show at Walla Walla.
Blind Slough Camp Busy.
Astoria After a shutdown of ap-
proximately one and a half years the
Larkin Green Logging company'
camp at Blind Slough is preparing to
resume operations this Bpring. Six
sets of timber fellers and about 20
buckers already are at work.
Ab soon as the weather conditions
are favorable, the company will begin
dumping about 300,000 feet of logs in
to the water daily. A short time ago
the company's railroad was extended
into a tract of about 100,000,000 feet
of timber.
Blue Law Injunction Dies.
Hillsboro Circuit Judge Bagley has
dissolved the temporary injunction re
straining enforcement of the Sunday
closing law. Upon the announcement
of the opinion of the United States
District court, which automatically
dissolved the restraining order, coun
sel for the affected dealers sought and
procured a continuance pending ap
peal of the Brunswick-Balke-Collender
company case to the United States Su
preme court.
Further continuance is denied in the
opinion given this week.
Tax Ad Rate Put Up to Counties,
Salem It is the duty of the various
county courts to fix the rate to be paid
newspapers for publishing delinqent
tax lists, Attorney General Brown
ruled in response to an inquiry from
E. B. Tongue, district attorney of
Washington county. The attorney
general also held that newpapers that
have been designated by County courts
as official organs cannot be compelled
to publish the lists, unless a specific
agreement to do so has been made by
Portland Wheat Bluestem, $1.15:
fortyfold, $1.09; club, $1.07; red Fife,
$1.04; red Russian, $1.04.
Millfeed Spot prices: Bran, $23.60
per ton; shorts, $25.60; rolled barley,
$3132. y
Corn Whole, $37 per ton; cracked,
Vegetables Artichokes, $1.251.60
per dozen; tomatoes, California, $1.50
.76 crate; cabbage, $1.602 per
cwt. ; garlic, 15c pound; peppers, 20
30c; eggplant, 1517c; sprouts, 8
9c; horseradish, , 10c; cauliflower,
$2.25 dozen; celery, $4.75 5. crate;
beans, 10 13 Jc pound; cucumbers,
$1.752 dozen.
Green Fruits Pears, $11.50 box;
grapes, $4 5 barrel; cranberries,
$12.50. .
Potatoes Oregon, $1.65(3)1.75 sack;
Yakimas, $1.651.75; sweets, $2.75
3 cwt.
Onions Oregon buying price, $2 f.
b. shipping point.
Apples Spitzenbergs, extra fancy,
$2.25; fancy, $2; choice, $1.251.50;
Jonathans, extra fancy, $1.60; fancy,
$1.25; choice, $1; Yellow Newtowns,
extra fancy, $2; fancy, $1.75; choice,
$11.25; Baldwins, extra fancy,
$i.ou; fancy, $1.Z5; choice, $1; rus
sets,' orchard run, $1,
eggs Buying prices: uregon
ranch, premium, 33c dozen; No. 1,
30c; No. 2, 27c; No. 3, 20c. Jobbing
prices: Oregon ranch, candled, 36c
Poultry Hens, small, 14c; large,
15c; small springs, 1415c; turkeys,
live, 20c; turkeys, dressed, choice,
26c; ducks, 1216c; geese, 1213c.
Butter Cubes, extras, 31c pound;
firsts, 29c; seconds, 27c; prints and
cartons, 3c extra; butterfat, No, 1,
32c; No. 2, 29c.
Veal Fancy, 12Jc pound.
Pork Fancy, 9c pound.
Hops 1915 crop, 1012c pound.
Wool Eastern Oregon, 1825c
pound; valley, 2526c; fall lambs
wool, 26c; mohair, Oregon, 28c.
Cascara bark Old and new, 8i4c
Cattle Choice steers, $7.257.75;
good, $6.757; medium, $6.606.75;
choice cows, $5.606 medium, $4.75
(oi5.25 heifers, $46.40 bulls, $2.50
(a)4.60: stars. $3(0)5.25.
Hogs Light, $6.757.40; heavy,
Sheep Wethers, $67.75; ewes,
$4.256.56; lambs, $78.26.
Reaction in Wheat Market Feared.
The recent swift upward movement
in the wheat markets of the United
States is causing grain men at Port
iaid to proceed with caution. They are
asking whether or not the top has been
reached. Sooner or later the high
limit is going to be attained and the
turning point will come without warn
ing. It IB true that prices are 30
cents cheaper in the local market than
they were one year ago, but it is just
about a year ago that the crest of the
1914-15 market was reached, and
slump disastrous to many set in,
While there may or may not be a per
manent check to the rise, a reaction,
at any rate, is looked for, and for that
reason there has pot been the keenness
to buy this week that was witnessed in
the preceding week. It is also this
uncertainty that is causing millers to
refrain from advancing flour prices at
this time.
Country wheat bids were unchanged
but at the local exchange offers were
raised from i to 1 cents. Coarse
grains were about steady.
Bradstreets estimates the world b
visible wheat increase at 960,000 bush
els, the corn increase at 1,172,000
bushels, and the oats increase at 979,
000 bushels.
The European visible wheat supply
is 79,840,000 bushels, an increase of
3,456,000 bushels for the week; a year
ago it was 72, 30), 000 buBhels, a de
crease of 4,400,000 bushels.
Boom in Hop Trade.
A buying movement of unusually
large proportions has struck tbe Pacific
Coast hop market. In the three states
trading has become extremely active
and prices are on a firmer basis than
any time this year. A large part of
the buying appears to be for export
account. There are also indications of
urgent short covering. That some of
the purchases represent new business
with Eastern brewers is also certain.
Hop men are at" a loss to explain the
sudden boom in trade. It may be
partly in consequence of the clearing
off of pooled hops from the market,
but it is more than likely that the de
mand for association hops is an effect
rather than a cause of the flurry. A
place abroad for a large quantity of
American hops has evidently been
found. Whether the stocking up is in
anticipation of a small foreign crop or
is to avoid the import duty that Eng
land is likely to impose is not clear.
At any rate, the buying haB become
urgent and supplies in the hands of
Coast growers are sharply reduced,
Oregon holdings in first hands, outside
the association, are now estimated at
10,500 bales.
Grant to Use Stock Tax.
Baker For the first time since the
state law was passed allowing counties
to tax stock from other counties sum
mering within their own boundaries,
Grant county is taking advantage of
the new law and has employed George
H. Cattanach and J. M. Blank to
gather data from the forestry office, to
enable it to collect the amounts due.
It is thought that the entire sum will
run well into the thousands. Collec
tions will be made from Baker, Har
ney, Morrow, Gilliam, Crook, Uma
tilla, Wheeler and Malheur.
Fruit Men Await Government Report.
North Yakima Members of the
Yakima Valley Fruit Growers' associ
ation adopted at a meeting here a reso
lution recommending that the question
of affiliation with the North Pacific
Fruit Distributors be deferred until
after government experts have sub
mitted a report on a new system of
fruit marketing. The report now is
being formulated as the result of re
cent conferences with fruit growers in
various parts of the state. The trus
tees of the Yakima Valley association
are expected to act on the resolution,
May Be Made the Chief Part of Meal
or Only a Course of the Menu
at May Be Desired for
the Meal.
Chicken Dumplings. Mix and slfi
three level teaspoon! uls of baking pow
der and one-halt a level teaspoonful of
salt with two cups of flour. Add suf
ficient milk to make a soft dough. Roll
lightly on a floured board and cut into
small biscuits. Place on a greased pie
plate In a steamer and cook 20 min
utes. Do not move or uncover the
steamer while the dumplings are cook
ing. Do not start to make the dum
plings until the chicken is tender. It
can wait, but not the dumplings.
Soft Dumplings. One cupful of fine
ly chopped beef suet, one generous
pint of flour; one teaspoonful of black
pepper, 1 teaspoonfuls of salt. Mix
well together and add enough cold wa
ter to make as thick as biscuit dough.
Roll out and cut with a biscuit cut
ter or knife, drop into boiling water
and cook tor one-half hour, drain and
serve hot. -Serve with roast meat, oi
the dumplings may be slightly browned
in the oven after boiling. They are
also good added to a meat stew.
Liver Dumplings. Chop one-half
pound of liver and one-fourth pound of
bacon, uncooked, as fine as possible.
Beat two eggs lightly and add one
fourth cupful of butter to them. Then
add the meat, the seasonings of
chopped parsley, white herbs, salt and
pepper, and 1 cupfuls of bread
crumbs, adding more bread crumbs it
necessary. This will depend on the
softness or dryness of the crumbs and
on the size of the eggs. The mixture
should be just stiff enough to make
a paste which can be formed Into balls.
Divide into portions, roll smoothly In
the hands and poach in boiling water
before boiling, cooking about fifteen
Potato Dumplings. Grate four cold
boiled potatoes and add to them one
cupful of stale bread crumbs soaked in
a little milk, just enough to moisten,
also one cupful of bread crumbs
crisped In a little butter or drippings.
Add two eggs, two tablespoonfuls of
flour and seasoning of salt, pepper and
nutmeg. Form into medium-sized
balls and steam or boll 20 minutes.
Turn on to a serving dish and sprinkle
with the remaining fried bread crumbs.
Drip Dumplings. Three eggs, one-
half cupful of milk, two tablespoonfuls
of butter, one cupful of flour, one-half
teaspoonful of salt, one-Blxteenth tea
spoonful of pepper and a grating of
nutmeg. Break the whites of the eggs
into a cup and add enough milk to fill
the cup. Mix with the butter and
flour in a spider and stir as it bolls
until it leaves the spider clean. When
cool, stir In the yolks well and season
to taste. Drop from a teaspoon into
boiling soup Ave minutes before serv
ing. Cornmeal Dumplings. Scald four
cupfuls of cornmeal with a sufficient
quantity of hot liquid in which ham
has been boiled, add a dash of salt,
stir together well, make Into balls and
dip into the ham liquor when it Is very
hot. Boil for twenty or twenty-five
minutes, occasionally stirring to keep
from Bticking to the kettle.
Turkish Loaf Candy.
Toast one-fourth pound shelled
almonds (blanched) and one-half
pound shelled walnuts in the oven un
til a delicate brown. Cut one-eighth
pound figs and one-eighth pound can
died pineapple into strips. Work these
ingredients together with one-fourth
pound seeded raising, into the fondant,
which has been flavored with vanilla.
Shape into a loaf and cover on all
sides with melted chocolate. When
hard and ready for use, cut in slices,
-Mother's Magazine.
Prunes and Chestnuts.
Soak three-fourths pound of prunes
over night in just enough water to
cover; then stew until tender. Shell
and blanch one pound chestnuts and
cook In boiling, salted water until ten
der. Drain, then add them to the
prunes; add one slice ot lemon and
slowly cook both until the prunes and
chestnuts are very tender and the julco
of the prunes has become thick.
Queen Cake.
One cupful sugar, one-halt cupful'
butter, one-half cupful milk, three
eggs, one cupful flour; stir sugar and
butter to a cream, add the yolk of the
eggs with milk, then flour Into which
has been stirred two heaping tea
spoonfuls baking powder and corn
starch; beat thoroughly together; add
whites of eggs beaten last.
Potato Rissoles.
Season a pint of hot mashed pota
toes to taste with salt, pepper, butter
and a little hot cream. Add a well-
beaten egg and mix in a cupful ot fine
ly minced cold lamb. Form into balls,
roll In egg and fine bread crumbs and
fry in deep fat. Serve at once, gar.
nlBhed with crisp lettuce leaves.
Warming Over Meat.
The best way to warm up a roast of
meat 1b to wrap it in thickly greased
paper, and keep it covered while in
the oven. By having It covered the
steam will prevent the meat from be
coming hard and dry, and it will be
some heated through in less time.
Christmas Pound Cakes.
One pound butter, one pound sugar,
one pound ot flour, one pound of eggs
(usually eight), salt, one pound of
raisins, a little nutmeg. Put In just a
little baking powder. Bake this In a
large tin and cut it into four small
cakes when done.
German Pancakes.
To each egg take one tablespoonful
ot flour, a pinch of salt, a pinch of
baking powder and add enough milk
so It will pour eaBlly into the pan.
Make about as thick as griddlecakes.
To Clean Raincoat
Sponge with a mixture ot ether and
alcohol to which has been added a
Uttle ammonia.
Easy Matter to Determine Which Ani
mal Are Worth Keeping by Keep
ing Record of Feed Given.
The Babcock tester can be used by
a farmer to determine the amount of
butterfat produced by each cow of his
herd. If a record Is kept of the
amount of feed given each cow, it Is
an easy matter to decide which ani
mals are worth keeping.
A cow may give a large flow of
thin milk for three or four months.
Pipette, Holding 17.5cc. Milk and a
Test Bottle for Milk, Used In Bab
cock Test.
For the remainder of her lactation
period she may give only a small flow,
Another cow may give a fairly small
amount of rich milk during her en
tire lactation period. The first cow
will likely be given credit by the
farmer for being a very good producer,
when, as a matter of fact, she may
not be nearly as profitable to keep
as the second cow. Three things are
necessary to enable a farmer to de
termine whether or not a cow Is
profitable. Total pounds of milk given
In a year; the percentage of butter-
tat In the milk; and the value ot teed
Animals Used for Purpose Should Be
as Near Perfect as Is Possible
Watch Hogs Closely.
(By DR. R. H. WILLIAMS, Animal Hui
bandman, Arizona Experlmunt Station.)
It makes a difference in inbreeding
whether one is handling purebred or
grade stock. By inbreeding we mean
the breeding together of animals ot a
common blood. I would advise you to
use animals for inbreeding that are as
nearly perfect as poBSlblo. Tboruti-
cally, if you have perfect animals, the
only logical thing to do Is to inbreed,
because it is simply impossible to se
cure evil results from InceBt with such
Perfect animals are a rarity. Ordi
narily It Is wise to inbreed the off
spring on the siVe where the sire Is
a good registered animal and the dam
an ordinary scrub. Care should b
exercised, however, not to follow this
more than once, as Inbreeding is a two
edged sword which must be handled
with the greatest care. Tbe sire may
be bred to a second generation ot his
get with good results, but this is not
It would not be as much inbreeding
to use a sire on his granddaughter or
brother and sister as to use a sire on
his daughter, but breeders have used
both methods with good and evil re
Hogs will stand inbreeding less than
any other kind of farm animal, and on
this account must be watched closely
8avlng of Labor Is Only One of Many
Advantages Offered by the Use
of the Implement.
Most farmers believe that the great
est value to be derived from a ma
nure spreader Is In the saving of labor.
As a matter of fact, this is only one
of the advantages offered by the use
of such an implement.
Another advantage which is even
more important in many ways, is the
tact that manure scattered evenly and
rather thinly over a wide area will
give very much more return per ton
than where scattered Irregularly and
on the thinner places, as is usually
done when distributed from a wagon.
This Increased return is due to the
fact that there Is less loss In fermenta
tion when put on thinly, and also to
the fact that a considerable share ot
the value of manure comes from the
addition of beneficial bacteria to the
soil, so that when this takes place
over a wide area it is much more bene
ficial than when limited to a small
, Essentl&ls of Plgt-on House.
The essentials of a pigeon house
are fresh air, dryness and good drain
age, sunlight, and space enough for
the comfort of the pigeons. A south
ern or southeastern exposure is best.
Buckwheat and Rye Together.
There is more profit in growing
a crop of buckwheat and rye sown to
gether, which gets the crop ot rye
without tillage, than there Is in grow.
Ing three crops ot buckwheat alone.
Alfalfa Is Spreading.
Alfalfa Is slowly but surely spread
ing. Where a few years ago this good
stuff could not be found, now many
patches are visible from the road
Soon there will be fields.
Bad Luck Howler.
If you see a low class, nondescript
buck running with a flock of sheep,
you know at once that the owner Is
behind the times, and a "bad luck
bowler." ,;
Young Animals Must Have Liberal
Supply of Right Feed.
Grain End of Ration Will Need to Ba
Increased Steadily During Late
Winter There Is No Better
Feed Than Corn.
Suppose "baby beeves" are to be
finished for the market next fall. This
means that they must have a liberal
supply of the right kind of feed all
winter long, feed that will keep them
growing in bone and frame and at
the same time developing in an all
round manner. The grain end of the
ration will need to be Increased Btead
ily during the winter, writes L. Hunt
of Kansas in Farm Progress. There
is no better feed than corn for this pur
pose, and it should be fed liberally,
using, say-, from one-half to three
quarters corn in the grain ration. Use
bran and oil meal for the remainder.
Where there is plenty of clover
or alfalfa the corn part of the grain
ration may be even larger, as th-
hay will take care of the protein part
of tbe ration. Where you are feed-
A Good Type of Feeder.
ing redtop or timothy hay let about
one-fifth of the ration be oil meal or
cake. Watch the calves and Increase
the ration as they take on size and
weight. If they come along all right
during the winter they ought to weigh
around 800 or 900 pounds by spring,
and on a good pasture they are soon
ready for the market. It is really a
better plan, however, to put them on
a fattening ration early In the spring
and finish them on dry feeds.
When they are to be finished on
the pasture It is possible to limit the
grain ration considerably during the
winter, and finish on a few weeks of
grass. However, it will be necessary
to give an ample grain ration while
they are on the pasture. On clover
Feeding on Alfalfa.
and alfalfa ten per cent concentrates
In the grain ration will be plenty,
but from 15 to 20 per cent is needed
when the calves are on bluegrass or
timothy. The calves ought to be
ready for market by the middle of
June and weigh around 1,100 pounds.
Calves to be finished as two-year-
olds should be grown more Blowly.
Roughage and a little grain will see
them through their first winter, and
they should make their way on the
pasture the next summer. The sec
ond winter they should be fed hay
or silage and some grain. Give them
all the roughage they can eat. Where
there is no legume hay feed them
some oil meal along with the grain.
Give Hens Physio When Systems Need
Cleaning Out Give Epsom Salts
In Their Mash.
When hens go off their feed and you
suspect that their systems need clean
ing out, give them a physic, as you
would a person. If It Is a single fowl
a half teaspoonful of epBom salts may
be dissolved in water and poured
down its neck. For the flock or a pen
the salts solution may be used to wet
a mash.
It won't hurt the flock to have a
physic once in two months anyway,
whether they show special signs ot
needing it or not.
For chicks under three weeks ot
age a nall-pouna ot epsom salts is
enough for 300 of them. Proportional
amounts should be given for older,
Little Profit In Squabs Unless Through
Cleanliness Pigeons Are Kept
Free From Vermin.
There Is very little chance of mak
ing money from squabs unless through
cleanliness pigeons can be kept com
paratively free from disease and in
sect parasites.
The stock should be carefully
watched and any sick birds removed
from the breeding pens. The house
should be kept dry, clean, well ven
tilated, and free from drafts.
Tbe yards should be kept clean ei
ther by scraping the surface and add
ing fresh sand or gravel or by culti
vating the land and planting it to grain
It possible.
Only good, sound grain should be
Paint Improves Appearances.
A few dollars' worth of paint will
add many dollars to the actual value
of the farm buildings, besides the
great satisfaction ot improving the ap
pearance ot the farmstead so man
- Insurance Against Hessian Fly.
Tbe man who cleans up the weeds
and volunteer wheat In his fields this
tall will provide some good Insurance
against trouble with Hessian fly next