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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 30, 1914)
Maupim e Devoted to the Interests of Southern Wasco County VOL. I, NO. 5, MAUPIN, SOUTHERN WASCO COUNTY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 30, 1914 THE YEAR $1.50 Tin TO RODEO IS IN FMII Crowds From Southern Wasco County Are In Attendance at the County Fair Final arrangements have been completed for the Dalles' big an nual event, The Rodeo and Wasco County Fair. Already the city is assuming the appearance of an early day town in the cow country. Big cowpuncher hats, bright colored shirts and hand kercheifs are very much in evi dence.and the whole city is work ing together to make the 1914 Show the biggest and best ever. The Dalles is realley the home of the Rodeo, and although others have taken up the idea, all per formers in this line look toward The Dalles as the original Wild West Show town. Wild West per formers always like to come to The Dalles, and a large number of the stars in this line have al ready been contracted with. The Famous Spain Brothers, John and Fred, Baldwin, the champ ion roper of the World, Cuba Cruthfield fancy nd trick roper, the Roach Brothers, experts at tieing' and in others Wild West performances, Darrel Cannon, and Max Gaunt, exhibition riders, James Massey, Buffalo Vernon and Frank McCsrrol.bulid gj?ers, Lee Caldwell roper and rider, Johnnie Tvacke, CharleBolinand Smithly Corbett will be at the Rodeo, as well as many other prominent performers, the fair sex will have its representation in Babe Lee, Hazel Moxie, Hazel . NOT W.H Walker, Maude Bolin, and others. Jim Crouch, who last year was the prize winner here in a buck ing contest, was to appear, but he received injuries at Top penish.from which he died a few days ago. Many famous horses will appear at this Show. A few of them are Introduction, Snow Storm Mollie, Handsome Harry, Lookout, Morgue, the Jew, Sun fish Mollie, Snake, Rambler, Maggie, Twister, Bald Hornet, fete Arrangment have been made to secure horses that have never been ridden before, and efforts to ride them will provide much amusement for the crowd. Liberal prizes have been arrang edfor in all events, the total aggregating in the neighborhood of $5,000.00 and as the very most expert person in al lines have been engaged as judges, fair tr eatment is assured every one. The committee in charge has arranged for one continous round of pleasure and profit. The mornings will be given over the agriculturl, Live stock, and other exhibits, and no aduission to the grouds mill be charged in tha forenoons. In the afternoons the Rodeo- the amusement feature, will hold the boards. There will be races Of all kinds, such as runn. ing, relay, pony express, Indain, squaw etc. There will be bull rideing, fancy roping, bucking contests, wild horses ' races, in fact, every moment of the time will be taken up with thrilling Wild West feature; A -cow boy parade will be held each morn ing at 10 o, clock. Have you sampled those salted nuts just received at Styer's? Try them and you'll want more. Claud Wilson, of Shaniko, was here last week to meet E. C. Dunning and wife, of Portland, who were comeing out for a visit. ICE Mothers, see that your Boy gets one of those fine cordu roy suits for school, none better, prices right. Our stock of school shoes are all NEW let us show them to you. A fine line of domestic and imported fruits, also fresh cabbage and beets STAATS GREAT 01 In III Him Agent A. C. Eagen of the O-W. R. & N. Co. reports that the month just past shows the biggest cash receipts of any like period in the history of the O-W. R. & Co's. station at this place. The increase over the best previ ous month was three hundred dollars, or twenty-five per cent. The cash receipts for the month were $1,500.00 in round numbers, a sure indication of prosperity in Southern Wasco County Smoks Talk, "Father, what are smoke talks?" "Conversations in Fittsburgn, mj son." A 8landr. Man was made to mourn, And woman was made to see that he keeps everlast ingly at It Chicago News. Damage. "What's the age of your youngest boy?" "Break-age." Boston Transcript An Old Cuitom. Teacher Now, Willie, name one ot the customs at Christmas time. Pupil Running In debt Life. Lots of Pie. "This speaking of my mind Is pie to me." "You certainly don't mince mat ters," Baltimore American. Not Good at Thai "He Is as good as his word." "Yes, but he uses such shocking bad language." St. Louis Post Dispatch. Below His Standard. f Hto Hww-Well, sir, drunk as usual? Bum No, your honor, not quite. Buf falo Express. Broad and Narrow. 'Mips is a man of broad views." "El nctly, but in narrow circumstances." Baltimore American. Not Guilty. "Do you give money to your wife?" "No, sir. I have no bad habits what ever." Minneapolis Journal. Growlers. Too many men seem to think the way to show their colors is to show their teeth. Omaha Bee. & CO. Watch our window For display of the wonderful AEROLITE LAMP Brilliant, Safe, Beautifd Twice the Light at Half the cost Ask for Demonstration Sfi ATTUCK BROS. The Store of Better Service L Harvey and Brinton Slusher.of Duf ur were in our town Friday. Mrs. Delia Thornton and child ren, who have been at Grange ville for some time, spent Wed nesday night in Maupin, being enroute to their homestead on Smock Prairie. Mrs. Piercy and daughters, Lucile and Violet and son T. D., of Mosier, are here visiting at the Stuart home. A, F. Russell and wife were here this week from Smock. Mike Crager is helping Jack Donaldson build a chimney in the latter's residence. Willard Houston waa doing repair work on E. A. Mayhew's car Tuesday. Dr. Frnacis is putting in a stock of drugs. Wesley Ray and Henry Rich ardson have completed excivat ing for the Fischer Garage. William Fischer and Harold Moad nave started a farm within the limits of our beautiful and growing city, its dimensions are thirty by forty feet; it will be a modern institution in every way, the work all being performed without horses or mules. Jerome Buzan was a returning passenger on the south bound train Wednesday afternoon. Grandma Harpham is reported better. Dr. Francis was called out to Criterian Tuesday evening to at tend one of the Canfield children who had swollowed a quantity of kerosene. W. H. Staats and Co. are have- ing their warehouse painted. The Maupin school house is looming up. E. A. Mayhew toOk a ear full of men to Keeps Mill. Dr. Hatfield came hame Mon day f ram a trip to Portland. C A All Around Town Geo. S, Gray takes orders for harness at rock bottom prices, L. D. Kelly and family are in The Dalles enjoying the Rodeo. Forty-nine cars of stock have passed thru here over the two railroads from Central Oregon to the Portland market within the past ten days. The Times has been establish ed one month and now has a subscription list of more than one hundred pretty good for one month, isn't it? Most of these have been cash' subscrip tions, paid in advance. In a few instances we have extended to reliable people a brief credit, i convenience which we will al ways be glad to offer. The ex pense of getting the paper going has been heavy and we are in greater need of your assistance at this time than we will be later Do it now, get on the bandwagon, subscribe today, pay today if you can. TIMES Kill SUBSCRIBERS MEAL& That Art Meals The Kind We Always Serve At Reasonable Prices When in Town MAke our ; Hotel Your Headquarters A Cordial Welcome to All HOTEL MOAD D. A. MOAD, Prop. BOARD AND ROOM BY THE DAY, WEEK OR MONTH 0 Geo. Woodruff came back from the county seat Saturday. E. J. Fischer planned a trip to the mountains but the rush of automobile business kas prevent ed him from taking this well earned vacation. W.H. and John Williams re. turned from a hunting trip to the mountains Sunday, They report killing two deer. Clem Mathews and Bert Mc Clure departed for The Dalles Monday. Bring your watches and clocks to Emmons the Jewler. Mesdames Johnson and Welter were Dalles bound passengers Wednesday going as delegates to the state W.C.T.U convention. The farmers' Warehouse has this season shipped thirty-six cars of wheat; with 22,000 sacks still in storage. The greater part of this latter amount is in the hands of farmers who are holding for higher prices Services held at Shorty Town- sen d's 6 P. M., A. P. Martin's 11 A. M. Ererybedy invited. communicated. Mrs. Wright and grandaugh ter, Miss Green are visiting rela tives in tkis city.