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About The Maupin times. (Maupin, Or.) 1914-1930 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 9, 1914)
SHADOW OF 11 MAN Adventurer's Ancient Vigor, Li cited by a Glimpse of Heaven, Seeks Its Lost Might. By R. J. PEARSALL. It was a strange thing. Jonas Flint was cowing home from work, and the old, familiar treeB cast their familiar shadows far ahead of him, and the birds fang the same BongB, and the breeze fanned his fore head In the same comforting way, and there was the same little house at the end of the path, and the same Bmlllng face to meet him. Yet there was something altogether dlfforent, and when he came to con sider earnestly what It was, he found that, curiously, he was not himself; that ho was outside of himself, and re garding himself from a distance, and a very great distance, too. This real ization disturbed Jonas very much, and he strove to recover possession of himself, as It were, but could not. The effort caused him confusion and Indistinctness of vision, so lie desisted, and contented himself with watching this man who was, and yet who was not, himself. Thus resting, he was en abled to come closer, and, If not to regain his Identity, at least to enter Into Borne of the thoughts and feelings of his double. Jonas was a well setup man. some where around thirty. He had clean cut features and a square Jaw, and was dressed in the garb of the better class of American workmen. As he approached the houBe a pretty face appeared In the window and as quickly disappeared, and his wife, who had been the sweetheart of his school days, stood In the door. "What do you think?" she began, and then her Hps were checked by the wifely greeting that made Jonas Fllnt'B heart beat faster. "What do jrou think? See here." She led him through the house a Bhort enough passage It was and out through the back door; and there were a dozen fluffy little chickens presided over by an Important, Jealous-eyed old ben. "They Just hatched this after noon. Aren't they cute?" They' were cute, but far more at tractive to Flint's eyes was the lithe figure of hla young wife. "Hut you must be hungry," she Bald, "and tired. And supper's ready." And supper was ready the finest supper Bpread on a tea-table Just big enough for two In a pretty little dining-room Just big enough for the tea table. Jonas, sitting with his wife across the board, felt that he was the happiest man In all the wojid. "I was tired. But 1 couldn't stay tired here. Nelly, this Is home." "You like this place better than other places, then?" she Inquired naively, knowing his answer before hand. "Other places! Let me forget them. Here, in this house, with you, it Is Heaven. I have wandered for years, Nelly, but I never really knew a happy hour. No, nor a happy moment." Supper over, they sat on the porch, she sewing, he blowing great rings of amoko Into the air. He grew drowsy, his head fell for ward, his eyes cloBed, then opened, then closed again. He was asleep. He woke. The sun was shining fiercely In through the hole In the wall that served as a window for the miserable little room In which he had slept. His ears were vexed by the jabber ing of the uallve women. Through the half-open door he could see them pass And re-pass. They were almost black, their fea tures were those of negroeB; they were dressed In horrible deshabille. There was an indescribably dirty odor In the air. So vivid had been his dream that he could not for the moment realize that It had been a dream, and that this was reality. When he did, he rose, cursing volubly. He took a long draft from an evll imelllug vessel and made his short toilet. Dressed In white trousers and the thinnest of undershirts, he left the room, and, In company with half a dozen people, one negro, one "chlno" woman, and the rest natives, he ate breakfast. Dried fish and pot composed the meal. It was served In half-clean diBhes; Btlll, he ate heartily. Years of usage accustom one to anything, and t dream la but a dream. Still, Jonas could not get this out of his mind, though he tried hard. After breakfast, he went down-town, is was bis usual custom. He had not had the feeling for years, but when he walked through the rows of squalid shacks that formed the quarter in which be lived, all dirty, dilapidated, and suggestive of name less things, disgust filled him. He strove to quiet his memories, but could not. His old home In the States. Indian Bummer, the walks with Nelly In the quiet, tweet-smelling lane, the kiss. A virgin kiss he had known It to be, filled with the matchless splendor of a young girl's first love. The next day he had left her.. He had iwakened a great love, and then left It to die. And bo, wronging her, he had ruined himself. He saw It now gulte plainly. He thought of the dream again or, as it a dream? He had not lived for fears in the East for nothing. "So that was what I might have beenl" He stumbled blindly over a naked child, who cried shrill-toned curses after him. "Another chance!" And at moment, so strange In thl world, ho eaw her. He was Just on the margin of the Chlneso business district, and the car riage In which she was seated, in com pany with another and older woman. passed1 swiftly In front of him, across the street, and was gone, liut he rec ognized her In that glance. True, she, had changed much. When he had seen her lust she was a girl of nineteen, now she was a woman of twenty-five. She had de veloped with the years, grown more beautiful. That was to have been ex pected, but what surprised him was this, that, though she was not the Nelly of his remembrance, she was so unmistakably the Nolly of his dream. Then it may have been a halluci nation there appeared in front of him the image of the man of whom ho had dreamed. The figure his own ap proached rapidly. Its eyes were fixed on Flint's. They searched hla soul, they questioned, they pleaded, The Thing seemed to make an ef fort to speak. It spread out Us hands with an Imploring gesture, and then passed on. When Jonas turned to look at It, It was gone. "It wasn't a man," he said half aloud. "The Bhadow of a man of my self? No, It wasn't even that. I im agined it. That was all." But he couldn't make himself be lieve that. ' The dream, the unexpected glimpse of Nelly, and the apparition teemed all too closely connected for any one to be lightly explained away. An explanation flashed upon him. lie had prayed for another chance. Was he to have It? Had the dream been meant to show him, not what might have been but what might still be? He straightened hlmBelf, and his step quickened. Then he relapsed In-' to his old, slouching gait. Then the roused white that still remained in him asserted ItBelf. His Jaw set firmly, and there came a light Into his eyes that had not been there for years. He saw Ah Poo, a wealthy Chinaman who owned a large macaroni factory, approaching. The Oriental was about to pass with a bland nod of recognition; but Flint acting upon the spur of the moment, stopped. "Nice day." "Belly nice." "Ah Poo, I want Job. Understand? I want trabajar. Sabe? You give me Job?" The Chinaman's smile grew more bland, even cheerful. He recalled sev eral friendly little games he had had with Flint In which Chinese duplicity had not availed against white shrewd ness. "Wantee work? You bloke? Boosted, eh?" He passed on, every feature express ing his enjoyment of the situation. Flint glared after the slipshod fig ure, but after a moment turned to go on his way. But a white man, who had overheard the conversation, stopped him. "Hey, there; wait a minute. I heard what you asked of that heathen. What can you do?" "WorU." "Well, It's a hard graft, working with these gugus. But a white man for me every time, if I can get one. My name Is Hawkins. I run the Hon olulu steel mills. Come down tomor row morning at seven o'clock, and I'll give you a Job, If I have to Are a dozen Kanakas. You know where It Is?" "Yes, Blr." Jonas Flint walked on unseeing. All that day he struggled with himself. Was it worth while? he asked a thou sand times. But he slept In a strange bed that night, and at seven reported to the mills for work. Whey the quitting hour came, he asked for and received his pay two dollars for the day's work. He walked out of the mills as though he were es caping from an inferno. Work is the real teBt of a man. A voice hailed him. "Why, Flint, where's you been? And what've you been doing? You sure look done up. Come, lot's have a drink." Flint drank once. Then he drank again and again. Then, arm In arm with his friend, ha Btarted homeward, toward un washed Palama. A couple of women were walking ahead. Passing on the outside, Flint brushed against one of them, and, leaning over, leered drunkenly at her. She shrank away with a frightened face, and the leer froze upon his fea tures, for It was Nelly. There was a noise behind him, and a vigorous fist knocked him from the sidewalk into the ditch. Lying flat on his back, he met the Irate eyes of his late employer. "You puppy!" Hawkins cried. Then he turned to the two ladles. "Let us go on," said he. "This dog Isn't worth noticing." Another and younger man, who had come up with Hawkins, gave Nelly his arm, and the two couples walked off. Jonas Flint got up his companion had vanished and tottered up the street alone. The mixed crowd that had gathered round Jeered him in all languages, but he did not hear It. The shadow of a man or himself floated before him. For the moment it seemed as If It were the real man he, the shadow, the remnant, the ruin and he under stood. He tried to avoid its burning eyes, but he could not. "Murderer," It whispered; then that which might have been disappeared forever. But that night he drank heavily of "swipes," and by morning had forgotten. Party Frocks 1'' V . d J v ' if 's & f s THE3 three simple dresses pictured here, worn by little maids from six to nine years old, set forth the most approved lines on which frocks for children are made. Thev nre nf fabrics most in demand for occasional wear. They are made in the same de signs as the simple clothes for dally wear, but show more latitude In the matter of decoration. At the left of the picture the little miss is arranged in a oarty frock of messaline. It could hardly be more simply cut if it were a gingham school dress. It Is a plain bHd with parallel tucks running lengthwise at the front and back. They, with the shaping of the underarm seams, provide the scant fullness of the skirt. At the termination of the tucks small ros ettes of velvet ribbon are used as a finishing touch. The neck and sleeves are ornamented with an applique of heavy lace. At the right a plain close-fitting slip fastens at the left side. It is made of a figured crepe, in white, finished with a sailor collar and bow in black sat in and a sash of black Batln ribbon. The sleeves are very short and orna mented with four narrow tucks at the bottom and finished with a piping of black satin. The fastening Is man aged with small crochet buttons and buttonholes above the waist line. Be low this the hem in the material is stitched down. Very long black stock ings and low slippers with straps ONE of the loveliest of the new coif fures is pictured here. It is shown decorated with an extravagant orna ment of paradise feathers, for eve ning wear. The style 1b not elaborate and might be adopted as one suited to nil occasions. There is a small pompadour of un waved but fluffy hair extending from temple to temple across the forehead, with a very light fringe aa a finish. The mass of the hair ia parted in the middle of the back and combed for ward at each side. It is held loosely ind braided in two braids, which be gin at a point just above the ears. These two braids require all the hair sxceptlng the ends of that portidn which covers the pompadour. These snda are spread over the crown of lie head at the back, concealing the )nrt, and pinned down to be concealed y the braids. The braids are brought across the ack of the head and are pinned to Uace. Is hair of average length the Simple Coiffure for Any Occasion jm for Little Girls are worn with this somewhat abbrevi ated garment. A little greater length and amplitude would improve the skirt. Fine plain organdie or dimity or the best grades in lawn are suited to the dress shown In the middle of the picture. It Is also a one-piece Blip, with the fullness provided for by deep plaits laid over the shoulders In the back and front. The skirt Is bor dered with a wide band at the bot tom, of printed organdie, showing plain and figured stripes alternating, and the sleeves are finished with one plain and one figured stripe of the Bame material. The figures appearing in the border are calculated to capti vate the childish fancy. Conventional figures, like snow crystals and much conventionalized little dogs and birds interspersed among them character ize this bit of decoration, only suited to a young child. The sleeves In this dress are elbow length. The neck is finished with a band of the figured fab ric. A round collar of princess lace forms the finishing" touch for this lit tle dress-up affair. Half-length socks and low canvas shoes are worn with this as with almost all other summer dresses. In adapting these designs to Ameri can children they are improved by cutting them knee length and allow ing slightly more fullness at the bot tom of the skirt. JULIA BOTTOM LEY. end of one braid will extend to the beginning of the other, the two form ing a double braid across the back of the head. But the arrangement of the braids must depend upon the length of the hair. If It la very long they will be colled and pinned down at the back of the head or wrapped about it. The feature to be noted in this coiffure especially la the fact that the hair Is brought forward bo tbat the bralda begin above the ears. To dress the hair In this way suc cessfully requires that it be first made fluffy. A small support is needed to keep the pompadour In place. A scant supply of natural hair may be dressed In this way by using two Bhort switches in the braids at the' aides. JULIA BOTTCMLEY. Bridle of Pearls. One of the dainty new evening capes ia made of lace, wired to stand out about the face and fastened under the chin with a bridle of pearls. OLIVE TREE AN INSTITUTION Ae Important In Syria as Is the Cow to People of the Countrlei of the West The trees In a Syrian gardun ar an Important and practically neceS' eary part of the nutrition of the peo ple. Combined with grain in the form of coarse bread, the tree-products make a balanced and wholesome ration. For large elements of the population, at least one meal a duy la commonly composed of bread and walnuts. The walnut is rich In both protein and fat, so that this combina tion virtually duplicates in nutrition our occidental sandwich of bread, but tor and meat. The oil to which the scriptural writers bo lovingly referred la still important In that land, and the olive tree that produces it la almost aa useful to the Syrian as the cow la to the American. The cow gives but ter and drink, and the olive tree glvea butter and food. When the workman on the Mediterranean goes from home for a day's labor, he often takes a pocketful of olives and a piece of bread for his lunch. Remove butter, breakfast bacon, and fat meat from our vocabulary, put olive oil in their place, and we shall begin to think the thoughts of Mediterranean cooks. Once cooks and palates are educated, the blood does not know the differ ence between the rich globules of fal that come to it. It Is fat that tht human system wants, and It makes no final difference whether it comes from butter, bacon, lard, olive, cocoanut, gooso, or bear. Fat Is fat, once It Is In our blood. The source from which we shall get this fundamental of nu. trltlon depends In part upon our bring-ing-up, but eventually our getting it depends upon the eaBe of winning It from our environment. J. Russell Smith, in the Atlantic. Who Discovered the Kangaroo? Mr. W. B. Alexander of the Western Australian museum at Perth, W. A. has recently corrected a popular mis take in the history of natural history. The discovery of the kangaroo family is generally credited to Sir Joseph Banks, and is supposed to have oc curred during Captain Cook's first voy age in 1770. This date, it appears, is nearly one hundred and fifty yeara too late. When the Dutch East India company's ship, the Batavla, under command of Captain Pelsart, wae wrecked on the Abrolhos islands in 1629, the survivors encountered among other strange things the Dama Walla by, the first member of the kangaroo family known to Europeans. Captain Pelsart described it as a species of cat about the size of a hare, notpfl ft m. markable hind legs, and described in considerable detail the abdominal pouch for the young and the use of it. Service on the Roof. Efforts to maintain rniiirimia r,,-. ship through the Bummer months on me plane of comfort and freedom from oppressive heat havn roanito t . churches here holding Sunday evening boi vu:es on me roof gardens of their parish hcuses. In both cases the ex periment was a Buccesa, and it was de termined to continue the Innovation during the hot weather. We hear other towns comDlalnln that havo no church roof gardens; but serv ices in some places have been held with success and in comfort on church lawns, and very impressive and beau tiful many of them must ho t, Whether the roof or the lawn is the place, the plan to surround worshipers with more comfort thnn tha i,,i. Jtself admits la an excellent one, de serving of emulation. New York rress. Romance of Old Clothes. Florence Hull Wl of the recently nnhHshci "t,iii. cf Correct Dress," believes that the American woman who does not care lor oxess is not only unfeminlne but "unpatriotic." A narHr-iiW . .tuwciiicoa ror old gowns is shown i Uon of life, declares Mrs. Howe. "From the daughter of the million aire, who has a sentiment for the Doucet gown she wore whon Tohr, . admired her, down through the social scaie 10 me old West Virginian moun taineer who musingly whispered, as she hung the mate to her one other calico frock on the dnthoo.Hno t i ,iUU A ni lers liked this un better'n any frock I have' that undercurrent of esteem for garments, as intimate partakers ut one s nre, obtains In the minds of our woman." Her Only Fear, Sir Thnmna toll ui- i .rwu uio mm story of a lady and her husband who were crossintt the Atlantic inr th i - - " mo Ul ot UU1U. Their steamer encountered terribly rough weather, and they were both very unwell. As they lay in their . waning we luggage rolling BboUt on the flnnr nt ha j - - v-auiu mm listening to the bangs and bumps and the shouted orders on deck, they thought their last hour had come. Sud- ilnnln it ae.,, jium lue wues corner, came a feeble voice lust miiihu .I,, iv. - . nuuia mo noise John," she Bald, "John, do you mm iue people at home know where our life insurance policies are?" To Get Benefit From Vacation. Good health begins in th he The ozone of the sea may make the blood tingle with new life, hut th. lurt never reaches the spirit except as a transient stimulant. The peaceful mind, like a sIiId swlnirino- in n nchor dropped into the deeper sea. is immune rrom the greater dangers. When you go away on votir nK lake that feverish mind with you. and me spirit mat needs the divine sun ibina. , and WMM START OF ARKANSAS FIGHT Fort Scott Man Resents the Remark of Stranger That He Wat Raised In a Barn, A Fort Scott man walked out of "a building the other day and left the screen door open. A stranger sat In side and he looked at the open door with a Bwarm of flies coming In. "Shut the door," he shouted In his loudest and roughest tones. "Were you raised In a barn?" The Fort Scotter meekly closed the door, then a tear trickled down his cheek. The man on the Inside felt sorry. He walked up to the local man and put lila hand on his shoulder. "What's the matter, brother?" he asked In sympathetic tones. "Did T hurt your feelings?" The Fort Scott man wiped his eyes gently. "No," he replied. "I was raised In a barn and every time I hear a mule brny I always think of home." It was right there that a little boy yelled "Fight!" Fort Scott Tribune. OUR ILLS. "Most of our Ills are purely Imagin ary." "Yes. But when you eat mushroom and develop toadstool symptoms there is usually something more than im agination to be reckoned with." A Rural Solomon. "The court has taken your case Into consideration, Mr. Slithers," Bald the Judge at Slithers' trial for violating the motor ordinances at Crickett's Cor ners, "and in view of what ye've said, and with tome truth, about the bad ness of our roads hereabouts in your sworn testimony, I've decided not to fine ye $50, as the law permits." "That's very square of you, Judge," said Slithers. "We try to be sauare. Mr HliHiora " said the Judge; "and, Instead of the ?uu fine, we re goln' to sentence ye to work on them roads for ten days, in the hope that your sooperior wisdom as a" road expert will make 'em pnn. sld'rably better." Harper's Weekly. Political Laurels. A palatial touring car had attract ed the attention of a visitor to Boston, and he asked his friend: "Who is the man seated in that large car?" The Bostonian glanced In the direc tion indicated and replied: "That la the poet-laureate of a well-knnun hio. cult factory." Everybody's. An Unwarrantable Insult. 'T call it an unwarrantable insult said the company promoter, angrily. wny, wnais wrong?" asked his partner, in surprise. "Did you see what that old scoun drel did?" roared the company pro moter. "He carefully counted each of his fingers after I shook hands with him." Nothing to Send. The steamer rolled and pitched la the mountainous waves, and Algy was very seasick. "Dean boy," he groaned, "promise me you will send my re mains to my people." An hour passed. "Deah boy," feebly moaned Algy, "yo1 needn't bother about sending my re mains home there won't be any." Proof Positive. Patience They say she's an awful flirt Patrice So I've heard. I don't think she's capable of loving. "Oh, yes she is. She's got a dog, you know!" Between Hugs. "Oh, Clara!" exclaimed the young man on the sofa, "you have broken those two cigars I had in my vest pocket" "Too bad, George," said the sweet young thing, "but why don't you buy stronger cigars?"