Image provided by: Eugene Water & Electric Board; Eugene, OR
About Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 190?-1910 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 26, 1906)
ORDL’S NEWS IN BREIF orvallia. Or., Jan. 17.—Officers led a Chinese wash bouse in thia n st 2:30 yesterday. unearthing a iplute opium den with numerous jms ol the habit. One, au la-ilau , attempted to commit suicide, was prevented and later lodged all. Several Chinese were also ar id. All tbe parties will bare a ring late today. Other arrests are acted. Toe affair has created a istien, as such a condition was ir suspected. ssblugtoD, Jan. 18. - A delegation Jregon and Washington citizen", listing cf Senators Gearin and 10D. KeprescntatlveJones, Messrs. I, Scott aud J. N. Teal, bad an In- iew with Chairman Burtoa today etialf of tbe river anti harbor im- remeuls In tbe Northwest. Tbe Co- bia riv r bar improvement was jss“ i in detail. Burton said Is would hare to be confined to ming approbations to pr« tec* the is already commenced along tbe luibia b«r. mbroke, N. H-, Jan. 18. -Tbe re is o tire victims of tbe tragedy Is Lakeman homestead yesterday i Chas. H. Ayer murdered toe e family, were removed from the > this morning. Two were taken last night, making all we ven ra id. Authorities are of tbe opin- tbat Ayer cut the throats o( tbe os before iguitiug tbe bouse. ksonville, Or., Jau. 18.—WH- Brosd, Bert Coffman and Fred iou ware killed by tbe premature eioh of giant powder last night i Opp mine, Dear tbis city. Tbe we«-e literally blo'vn to pieces, luately they started several ruin before tLe rest of the gang was / for work, or tbe death list d bsve been greater. Tbe terrific ision occurred just as tbe rest s miners were about to enter tbe ii. Tbe noise of the explosion be plainly beard at Jacksoh- anii <t ebook toe mountainside many of tbe miners thought it d cave in. euiDg all kinds of damage. Two Brazil, will go to Mexico, and Lloyd steamers have been eent op to lie Griacom, formerly at Toaic. will go mouth of tbe Yuba river to Intercept to Brazil. the dredger before it reacbee Sacra mento. Chicago. Jan. IP.— Attorney Miiier, for the peckers, resumed tbe opeoiDg Sacramento, Jan. 19.—The sun is statement io tbe beef treat case thia ebiuiog from a clear sky today and morning. He maintained there could tbe storm is believed to be over. Tbe bo no prosecution tbat would not vi river stood at 23 feet 6 inches this olate the pledgee made by Gartleld. . morning and is slowly rising. A great volume of water Is coming down Chicago, Jan. 19.—Business was sus ! the American and Yuba, but no dan pended from 12 to 1 ’odar on account ger is apprehended,althuogh tbe leves of tbe tuneral cf Mareball Fi»'d. Tbe j is known to be weak at tbe site of tbe services we'e private and were beld Edwards break two yea's ago. rifty at bie late Uuie. O> ly a tew were ad men are working on the levee south of mitted to tbe cemttsry. Memorial tbe city, and feel certain they will eevricee were held at tbe Auditorium. prevent a break onlesi tbe river rices a foot higher. Tbe Yolo basin, cov er I tig 25,9(10 acres, is now full, but Birmingham, Jan 19.—Tbe Evening the river is believed to have reacbed Post today says it is strongly believed its highest point. Tbe total raintal) that Japao will eventually buy tbe from tbe storm Is over six iDcLei, and Philippine Islands from tbe United great benefit wll result therefrom. States, desDite tbe denials from Tokio and Washington. A Car of Canned Goods ¡ «• J ¡Banta Cruz, Cai., Jan. 19—Thu « Medford, Jan.20. — The famous Blue San Lorenzo river overflowed it« Ledge copper mioe on E'liott creek i banks last night and the yards near | i tbe river are Hooded to the depth ol wns sold to K. S. Towne, of New i York, today, who will Immediately several feet. develop the property. A railroad will be built iron, bere to tbe propeity. | Washington, Jan. 19.—Tbe bouse committee oi> interstate commerce has decided to vote Tuesday on the Washington, Jan. 20. -Tie house rite bills under consideration. today resumed the consideration of i th enrgent deficiency bill. Butte, Mont., Jan. 19.—The Drls- col saluju was eutere«! by two masked bindite early this morning, each car ylng a brace of guns. Twelve men were lined up and compelled tu thro» up their bands while tbe robbers fired several stmts over tbe r beads Tbe cash register was looted aud #109 was secured. Tbe outlaws escaped. 1350 Dozen Cans of Fruits and Vegetables Indlanapolip, Jan. 20. —The Mine Workers adopted a resolution this morning advocating tbe employment of convict labor iu tbe construction of national trans continental railloads It wee voted tu send a mamorial to congress expressing the belisf that tbe ex-luaiuo act should be ex tended so as to keep out all Japanese and Korean laborers other thau those Washington, Jan. 19. —The senate exempted by tbe ptesent act. committee on canals this morning met to consider Bigelow's refusal to Grant’a Pass, Jan. 20.—In tbe Jen answer tbe question is to hie inform nings murder trial today Dora listen ants on the canal charges. The boure today considered tbe ur ed perfectly compose«! while her lit gent deficiency bill, a total of Dearly tie sister and brother told tbe story •15,250,909, •5,250,000 being for tbe of tbe crime. W. L. Chapin stated tbe girl seemed composed ‘.be day of P «inuma canal. tbe murder, when she ate watermelon with him while tbe inquest was being Washington, Jan 19 —According to held. a cablegram from Manila tbe contract for a senerage system for that city was Washington, Jan. 20.—The Ameri awarded to ibe Atlantic Gnif and Pa can delegates to The Hague will be cido Co., of New York and Sau Eran Joseph Choate, General Porter and cisco, at a bid of 91,631,053. of Little Rock, Ark. I Judge Rose, I The Largest Single Order Ever Shipped to I Eugene. I This means we bought right, secured advantages on freight rates, and propose to give you the benefit. 7 cans 15c. Standard Iowa corn, Per dozen 85c * Standard California Tomatoes, 2 cans 15c. 85c fe fe Baltimore peas, 2 cans 15c. 85c fe fe Blue Ribbon Extra Standard Corn, 3 cans 25c. 95c fe fe Blue Ribbon Ex. Standard Tomatoes 3 cans 25c. 95c fe fe Blue Ribbon beans, 3 cans 25c. 95c Blue Ribbon Early June peas............ Per can 10c fe fe Blue Ribbon Yellow Free Peaches.... 15c Blue Ribbon Lemon Cling Peaches... 2 cans 35c fe fe * I I Our Red Ribbon Line we guarantee to be equal to any on the market. I a trial and be convinced. Red ribbon Solid pack tomatoes.. fe fe Fancy Maine corn...... fe fe Sifted peas................ fe fe Stringless cut beans. fe fe Yellow free peaches... fe fe Lemon cling peaches Per can fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe fe I I 12c I Give us 12c 12c 12c 20c 22c a full line of berries, cherries, apricots, pears, grapes, plums and aspar- 1 I agus, We on carry which we will allow the same cuts as above. Eugene Perfection Tomatoes, 2 Cans 15c Ax Billy Department Store, The Store That Keeps Prices Down Charleston, W. Va., Jan. 19.—Tbe Savannah, Ga.. J sd . 20.—The gov bodies of 18 miners killed in tbe ex plosion yesterday were recovered to ernment attorneys outlined the case nf the government in the Green-Gay bl', (Jr., Jan. ¡8.—By the blow- day. nor cas« bstcre the jury this morning p uf tbe pipes in tbe Ore -ox of I and sal ’ tbat Green and Gaynor •thevu Pacific eoutbboui d l' co- Mlcblg-iu City, Ind., J m 19.—Kob- potf-ii tip Captain Carter, the young is tbis morning Engineer Vort bere this morning enterea tin «tore ol officer fresh from West Point, until | Nieman Larsen and David Weise tbe Staiger Hardware Co. and stole he believed he was equalled in ability frightfully burned. Tbe two foi- N. W. Coffey, the young man nbo #1100 tn money and silverware. by noue in lbs country. He listened rete takeu to their homes at la- wav pretty badly hurt in the Foes log to tbeir schemes and borrowed their , aud tbe litter to Portland. ging camp the otter day, Is now in money until be was owned by them Washington, Jan. 19.-The depart I the Eugen« hospital, having arrived body and soul. The two scoured an last evening. 'saw. Jan. 18 Six Jews, mem- ure of l'aigtiy from Venezuela is con enormous appropriation for tbe har >f tbe local auarebists’ cummit- firmed. Much excitement attende«« bor and had bigger suns from which C. P. Barnard has purchased the A. ih«i were tried by courtmartial tbe embarkation. to filter. They were able to do sc Lombard residence at West Eighth atidemued, were executed today. New York. Jan. 29 Tbe liner Maine by the aid of their tool, Carter. It le Un account of tbe increasing popu an«! Charnelton r*'»»fa, and will mare were convicted of engaging lu said they got the contract by Carter's today brought an Hooonut of the res it to his lot cn West Ninth street. lation of Springfield It Is found tbht Grant’s Pise, (Jr., Jan. 18 —Nearly itiouary propoganda, mnaufac- cue at sea of tbe captain and crew of unfair aid. Clem Bodes and son. William, own the present schorl building is entire one-half of tbe retjuired #50.990 ot the schooner Kipling, on January 11. ! bombs and extorting money. tbe lot where tbe now stands, ly too small to accommodate the pu stock in ibe corporation that piopusee The Kipling left Liverpool for New pils, which now number considera Washington, Jan. 29.—The Massa foundland for a cargo cf fish and tried baring reueutl} purchased it from Mr. bly over 300. lu boil I a railroad from Grant’s Pas In »lew of this fact Lombard. Kitas, Jan. 19 —The second elt- co tbs copper mines of southern Jo chusetts petition tor tbe preservation to put back when a storm broke the citizens of Springtidri have pre f the Moroccan conference be sephiu" oouuty has been subset ibe«< cf tbe Coustitutiou was exhibted to which tbe little vessel was unable to _____ _ J. H. ______ Henn, _ an empi -ye _ of __ a Jog- sented h petlclon to the school hoard ds afternoon Spooner sal • withstand Wbeu the Maine appeared 6lng camp on Fall Creek.Is in th« En. to cal) a special election to vote oa by local people. Minina and busines«- the preirdent today. i men are taking bold nt the proposi. tbe navy should have a new Constitu tbe first boat had been crushed, all gene hospital, suffering y Ith a badly i 1 the <|uestlon of bonding the district tloD with a vim and are determine < tion which should be the strongest tbe boat’s ¡crew going into the ata, cut kree. lu the sum of •10,090 for tbe piirnoe« sole, Neb., Jan. 18.—Chinese to make it a go. Over #18,900 wort warships in tbe world. Roosevelt slap but reached wreckage until tbe sec of building a new school b;use. While IdBionere Loan Fang and Hung of stock was subscribed in one day. ped Spooner on ttie back and eaid Fred H. Hellman, formerly of Eu- tbe board baa not acted on tbe peti ond boa' appeared The Kipling spent ceotnpauied by sixty followers and yesterJay the committee in “bully.” twenty days In a crippled condition ghue, has secured the coatra’t for ths tion it is presumed tbat they will call China, are guests in thia city charge secured nearly enough mor- erection of a new 820,000 high schorl Ibe election io the near future. The at sea before rescue was made. I'bey were met at tbe station to pass the #25,000 mark. When 850,- at San Pe«lro, Csl Mr Belitrsn and building will be put tn the northeast I noruiog by Goveruor Mickey, 000 worth ef stock baa been ¿ntscrih- Trenton, N'. J., Jan. 2«'. Mr-, Lll- family are now resi ling there and do part of town on block 89, between «•Hur Anarewe, of the elate unf- ed hy local people, the promoters uf ain Outre Hied anwser in divorce suit ing well. Bizth aii l Seventh on North E street f. Mayor Brown and other offi- tbe proposition bslieve «bey will have today. She denied the chargee aud the block being donated by B. A. The party who took tbe bicycle no difetiulty In eeccrlug capital to Maims of James B. Duke, charging Washburn«. lamp from In front nf tbe Prrsbjte take bold aDd push the road to a Ir her with cruelty and desertion, us Tbe building will contain eight rlan ebnreb Friday nigh: is known. malicious slander, She charges Duke ish. rooms wltb a large assembly hall and If be will leave tbe same at tbe Guard Ilo, Jan 18.—Published statis- witn infidelii y. I Albany, Or., Jan. 19.—George office or at 809 Ferry street no qura tbe heating apfaratus that will be boe 1,960,000 famine stricken E. Pusey, who la belelved to act for lions • 111 be asked aud trouble will used will cost In tbe neighborhood of li" io northern Japan. Farts, Jan. 19. —The council of min 81500. Arcoitect John Huozloker Tacoma, Jan. 20.—F. T. Sherman tbe Portlard General Flee trio Com be avoided. isters tula mornlug discuerad tbe ac «if Eugene, has been engaged to draw pany, baa filed a claim iu tbe county was today arrested, accused cf paying k»oe, Jan. 18.—J. H. Graves tion France is to take toward Ven At a meeting of the athletlo eonr- the plans for the bnilding end has Mayor IVrlgbt a ftlSOt bribe to secure recorder’s offi ‘e for 100,900 miners’ ils associates haze formed an ezuela. Boov'.er advocated snergetU ' ell of the University of Oregon this already submitted two or three differ a paving contract. It is alleged tbat inches of tbe waters ot tbe North San- forenoon Gnv Mount, '07, was elected •nt ones to tbe board. Special atten I Empire Railway Company, m-aeures Toe government will con graft flourished bere in connection tiam river, above Mill City, wke e Le a -apital stock of #20,000.000. sult tbe national assembly. football manager to succeed Fred tion will ba given to beet, ligut and wltb a million dollar paving coutract owns land Along that stream. Steiwer. rime purpose of the corporation ventilation. He proposes to run five ditches out let last year. ousolldate tbe present electiro At present the school is very crowd of the stream, the ditches to be 10 Des Moines, Iowa, Jan. 19.—The Ed E. MoClanahau writes that fils of the Graves group into an ed, there being but six rooms aud fest deep, 40 feet wide at tbe bottom ••oiri Truer} ” Inc'ibators won flrat Iowa senate thls’moralng petitioned ot Item radiating in all dl Cbieagu, Jan. 20.—Chinese commis and 70 feet at tbe top; iu lieu of part of lbs teachers are iuatiucting tbe governor of New Jersey to pardon premium at the California state poul Wppokane. sioners tbe visited around this city ditebea be may use flumes 10 feet deep between 70 and 80 pupils, "i he at Mrs. Tolls, sentenced tu bang for try sbow at Lie Angeles over a large today and will be banqueted tonight aDd 4i feet wide, or pipe lines, the tendance is fsr greater than any pre number of competitors. murder. vious year and tbe school board antic ■ ~~~ pipe to be 11 feet in diameter, The 1, Jan. 18 —Tillman la Dr. C. W. Lowe, of Eugene, and lyates a far greater growth this year purpose la to secure power for tiro utlos in tbe senate ■H»t' Chicago, Jan. 29.—Citizens met pur| oee of generating electricity for Attorney C A. Dolph, of Portland, than any previous year during lbs Denver, Jan. 19. Tbe Peabody fam V for a committee to will be given toe 33d degree of tbe history uf Springfield.— The ? ewe. ily are recovering from ptomaine poi this sfternoon to formulate plane for light and power. lent expulsion of Maaotio order at Purdand «ome time soning. The ex-goveruor ridicules the 1 a vigilance cjinmittee in Cbixego to _ jm the White Hou-«■- tbe latter part of this month. Thia stories tn which it was said tbat be I suppress crime. to 8 tbe senate tabled will le the first time In three years bad been poisoned by Intent. Tie negative vote the degree Is conferred upon any one Salem Jan. 29.—Tbe proclamation I tn Oregon. It le tbe highest possible New York, Jan. 19 —A train on tbe of Governor Chamberlain dissolving | honor st the disposal of tbe mystic The Lino-Alexander concert at tbe Kings Coonty Elevate! plunged Into ovar 500 i fregón corporation» frr fail order theatre last night lacked only in tbe , Jan. 19.—The La tbe street at Cheetnnt street anti Ful ing for two years to pay llceuen fees >t. Petersburg, Jan. 2u —The rebels' Four ' carloads of 80-pound steel point of attendance. Mrs. Fletcher •tag«, a nampe 1 and the ton avenue about noon today end four • as filed bere ibis mowing. are in control of the Batoom, Garia, rails are on the sidetrack at the Eu Lion le ao artist iu every sense ot tbe and one , senger drowned in were killed. Hot* and Imeretia districts. Th«gov gene depot and will at once be die- word. She baa a wonderfully rick t creek, near here, today. The trlbnted along the main track in read- soprano voice of great power and the as lost. Portland, Jan. 2«».—Judge Sears ernment 1« sending troop» and war Washington, Jan. 19. —It wav an lnets for ti e track layers who ere en audience fairly fell in love with bet ships. Sailors are being replaced today upheld the constotiormlity of nounced at tbe state department to with soldiers, ae tbe eesmeo are con- ‘ gage«) io snletltnting the 90-poondeni interpretation of song». She ana es- tbs state law of '93 limiting knurs of as tel ng nntrnatwortby. for the 62-ponnd rails The dlstrlh- fteclelly good in “Kveoneits I’Armo- . Cal,, JaD. 18.--A miti- day tbat tbe flr»t Vrited S(ates am- females In any mechanical or mer sllerrd oo the upper Feather baesador to Japan will be Luke E. cantile establishment,iDclnd'Bg Isnn- ! General Llnfevitch is coming to die-' n»1« g crew I, working between Cree- rta." Mr. Alexander »• also ,n artist away last night on ac-oout Wright, of Tennessee, now governor driea, to '.0 boors a day. Tbe laundry '<n»» th« adv's»t«li;ty of keeping the well and Cottage Grove 1-1,y and end wee •«tpvolally good Io ’he re - iruiy iu Manchuria .mil next year. I will be here Monday. ditlon of tbe Spanish love tong. »nd Is now mehing down general nf the rb' jpplne«. Ilneid F. association will appeal. ariug out bridges aud threat- Thompson, fermer amba salar to HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE AT SEA Brevities SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL BUILDING FILES ON WATERS OF SANTIAM RUSSIA’S DES PERATE SITUATION; — r The Concert