The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904, July 04, 1903, Image 2

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England baa placed three more Isl­
ands on the red.
When a railroad tries to steal its
way through a towu it is not larceny
but enterprise.
The reassuring information comes
from Colombia that President Marro-
quin has not resigned again.
One of the Important things In the
education of u boy is that he should
learn to keep bls lips together.
It does a man no good to give him a
dose of Ills own medicine. After be
swallows It be Is worse than before.
America may be the "land of the
dollar." but the cry of distress any
where In the world always loosens its
grasp ou the dollar.
Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis declares
that "we all go to tbe devil on $50,000
a year.” Glad to assure Dr. Hillis
that we are still In the Immune class.
Russia asks China to trust her Im­
plicitly. That Is exactly what the lion
said to the lamb. From the interior
of the lion tbe wall came: “I’m sorry
I trusted."
A Cambridge professor has discov­
ered a large lump on Mars. It may
have been induced by tbe amount of
attention we have been giving the
planet iu recent years.
With Herr Most advising anarchists
to uphold the ting and Constitution of
the United States mid to refrain from
acta of violence we may Imagine the
millennium Is not far away.
A Chattanooga paper remarks of a
lady In that towu who carved up her
husband some: “This 1» the first time
she has used a knife on him.” For
real strenuoslty Tennessee and Ken­
tucky lead the States.
The Nevada man who wants a di­
vorce beceuae his wife goes through
bls pockets ut night will tie disappoint­
ed. No court Is going to establish a
precedent that would endanger the do­
mestic life of the nation.
Ambassador Choate Is going to mar
ry one of bls daughters to a titled Eng
llshuian. It costs a good deal to be
ambassador to England, but the lady
members of the fu in 11 y will now be
likely to regard the Investment as a one.
Nearly 3,000 liiinilgrHiitR ranchiti
Halifax the other day bound for dif­
ferent parts of Canada. Ninety per
cent of them will settle In the rural
districts. Will our neighiiors kindly
ge to divert lin­
s- at«
I to the length
»orations Is re-
University. The
.rtlcles of lncor-
lty Clerk. The
in Is to further
stltutlon which
much reason to
ffectluu, it may
I I Ulti III.
1 tbe remlnla-
cense ul r.memon s love for pie. It
has been remarked that he liked hla
pie baked In deep, square tins, so that
like the real estate speculator he
could get a good corner. Rallhsl upon
hla fondness for this piece de resist­
ance of New England cookery, It Is
fondly recalled how the sage replied.
"What 1» pie made for If not to be
eaten" —a delightful lilt of Emersonian
Naval Ensign Hussner, the German
officer w ho celebrated Gotsl Friday by
funning ids «word through tbe back of
an artilleryman who had neglected to
salute, has been sentenced to spend
four years In prison and to l>e degraded
tn rank. In view of the system un­
der which Young llmwier's Ideas of
honor were developed It Is surprising
that he was punished nt all. This la
a severe shock to German militarism,
but unfortunately It does not revise
the “regulations.** They remain to da-
velop other lluasnera and to excuse
other murders.
On the order book« of the Women'«
Exchange In New York City. It up
pears. Is a worker known an "the
cheering up lady.” Rhe Is kept busy
all the time. It Is her function to visit
lonely homes, to play cards with ven­
erable widows or spinsters, to reati,
talk and “look pleasant.” Here should
be a laborer never falling to tie worth
more than her hire, Professional
mourners we no longer know, nor
to know,
cheerers up It should not tie pos-
alble to know too many. We be-
apeak serious rivalry for this old lady
who looks pleasnnt. Hers Is the hap-
pleat combination of business and
philanthropy. She exhibits an idea
worthy of Indefinite extension through
an infinite variety of clients, There Is
no culture more lm|»ortaiit or press
lug than that of tbe smile which
menus good cheer.
American Medicine, In an ap|>eal
against overwork of children In the
public schools, «ays that In many cities
tbe nervous child Is moving parents
and physicians to api*eal for fewer
Lours of study and less pressure Eye
strain Is an evil that American M«dl-
cine bitterly protests against. Reboot
children In spectacle« are becoming
alarmingly common Mind strain may
not show Itself so plainly on the ex­
terior. but Is there any reason to doubt
that It is any lee« common than tbe
other? Certainly It Is mors serious In
its ultimata results
Education Is
highly Important, but It Is not as Im­
portant as mental and bodily health
Where tbe on« Is gained at the cost
•f the other the anbstance la thrown
away for tbe shadow. Parents can
net keep too constantly In mlud the
fart that a healthy hotly Is absolutely
essential to a happy life. And parent»
should learn to know, too. tbe differ­
ence between the child's smile of re»-
Ignation and Its hearty laugh of true
enjoyment. If a boy or girl should I*
made to work eighteen hours a day
and l>e denied time for proper eating
of meals the law would come to the
rescue But there Is no rescue for the
child who has a voracious appetite for
knowledge. There Is as much good
for a boy in a ball anil a bat once In a
while as there Is In a text book. Par­
ents should not forget that physical
development is as Important for suc­
cess in life as is mental development.
¿Science 1
Pack thread or cord 1» given extraor­
dinary strength, according to a Ger­
man authority, by laying In a strung
solution of alum, aud then carefully
Washington on pain of Inevitable mental <J*Pre«'on and
A tropical substitute for the potato,
Great Number of Divorcee«.
probably suicide. When tbe Washington strawberry rlpeua. already being tried in French colonies,
STATISTICAL paragraph in a paper which Is care­ however, any-old strawberry may be eaten by Washing­ is Coleus Copplni, a new edible of the
ful with Its figures «LÍer« the rather remarkable
tonians with entire safety.
.B.».tn Mint or I.abiate family. H* tubers,
Information that there are now 51.538 divorced peo­
Scientist Howard's advice to those who would abstain which average an inch and a half in
ple In the United States, of qrhoin over two third» from suicide Is that they refrain from eating strawberr ea length, closely resemble the potato in
At the next meeting of the Texas are women. Thia naturally rouses interest in the fate of until the fruit Is ripe at home. Wonderful are the discover­ flavor when prepared in tbe same way.
Federation of Women'» Club« this the men who were divorced, as originally there must have ies of the amateur man of science.—Philadelphia North
The cradle of the human race 1» «till
question will be solemnly diacuaned: been an equal number with the women. Did the husbands
sought, The widely accepted
"What Shall We Do With the Men?’ fade aud die under the blight of divorce? Are they more
of Max Muller, based on lau-
That sounds revolutionary and slightly ««nsltlve Ilian tbe wives and unable to thrive when the
Breach of Promise.
guage. teaches that man's early home
impudent: It gives the impression dinging vines are forcibly torn away by the county court?!
m <** some
------ -------
HE story of one action for breach of promise of mar- was In India; but
that In Texas man is on hls last leg», Or did the majority rush off and marry again, thus taking
riage is the story of all. Acquaintance ripens into are now inclined to agree with 1 rot.
and may soon rank with the great ' themselves out of the lists of tbe divorced? But does
_----------- The Hlrt that the Aryans first lived In the
friendship and friendship into an engagement,
auk and the dodo: that woman, in marriage really take one out of such list? When a man
Texas, at least, has learned to live k divorced Is be not always divorced, though be marry
engagement comes to an end, whether from
' the territory north of the Carpathian
within herself, and has found means again? If not, and a second marriage wipes tbe early fault of one of the parties, or of the other, or of both, If. Mountains, near the boundary line be­
of rounding out existence, nnd making matrimonial record quite off the slate, why 1» It that women however, tbe final breach Is not clearly the fault of the tween Austria Hungary and Russia,
it one grand, sweet song, without the do not seek the same way of escape? Why do more of lady she can If so disposed sue her late lover and obtain now occupied by Letts and Lithu­
nei-esalty of man's priwence. Let ’em | them not marry nnd cease to be divorcees? Why—but money damages, the amount of which depends on many anians.
talkl The men are discuaslng tbe wo­ what profits It to ask questions at random? The problem circumstances, apurt from the wrong she has suffered. The
Ozonizing apparatus for vitalizing
man question; tbe women are orating I» a fascinating one and worthy of serious Investigation by other side of the picture Is far different. The man may the atmosphere of the sick chamber
on the num question. There has been statistical experts. Why, oh. why. out of 51,(XM) divorced be treated ever so heartlessly, he has not the same remedy. may become a necesaary part of the
some talk about chopping the word persons are 34,000 of them women? Where are tbe miss­ Any claim he might prefer would be laughed out of court. physician's outfit Dr. J. E. 8. Barnes,
"otiey" out of the marriage service, ing ex-husbands of 17,000 of these sisters? The mystery The man who asked publicly for golden salve for Injuries an English medical man, reports hav­
and a lot of women have wasted deepens tbe more It Is considered.—Indianapolis Journal.
done to bls heart would never survive the world’s contempt. ing used the ozonizer In a severe case
breath shouting for recognition of the
The question arises whether now that women are claim­ of pneumonia complicated with pleu­
fact that they are as good as men,
ing equality In so many respects they ought not to submit risy, and the result was an Immediate
The Get-Rich-Quick Victim«.
when the world knows that they are
O community is Immune from the blandishments of to equality In this. It may. of course, be urged that the and Important change In tbe air of the
a mighty sight better. What of it? The
the "get rich-quick" swindlers. All that is required custom of proposal Involves an Important distinction be­ room, which was followed by rapid
status of men and women hasn't
to make a victim Is, Indeed, a willingness to believe tween tbe sexes, and that is undeniably so. The woman Improvement of tlie patient’s condition.
twanged, The average man wants to
that men havlng*an unusually good thing are In a who has been jilted cannot revenge herself by Instantly Ozonizers are being used also for bet­
be good and true and prosperous.
offering her band to the false one's friend. But, on the tering the air of factories.
fever to give It away, and a little of the blind Imlduess
Earthly Paradise for him Is a wife
other hand. It must not be forgotten the breach of promise
There abounds in Paraguay a tree,
who understands, loving children ami which leads certain people to try such a hazard and see
action is the resort not of those who really suffer, but of growing to tbe stature of an ordinary
a home. The average woman feels
The truth cannot be too often stated that when a tnnn [those who. by the very fact of exposing their broken hei.rts chestnut tree, from which a kind of
that she has played the fullest ¡»art In
for the gayety of nations, often suggest doubts as to wheth­ vegetable silk is obtained. Consul
life when she holds her own child to discovers a sure way of getting rich quick, the last thing
their sentiments are sincere.—Loudon Daily News.
Hurtin, at Asuncion, says he believes It
her breast and hears tluit grand word,
can be woven into threads, but the
"mother." She knows that while there there Is In It for himself and possibly for his close friends.
chief use at present suggested for It Is
may be fame and rewards In busine««, He communicates the discovery In a whisper; and never,
A Self-Made Man.
in stuffing cushions aud quilts, for
the crown she wears as a wife Is made never seeks partners In the odd corners of the country.
HERE are many men who are proud of being self-
But sometimes people are caught hy the plausible though
which purpdse it appears to be well
of pure gold, and there can be no high­
made men. They carry their beads high and claim
adapted ou account of Its extreme
er life In thia material existence. 80 cheap pretense that he needs money to carry through his
lightness. When removed from the
let humanity argue and puzzle and Idea that he has the scheme but has not the money, and
unaided efforts. They claim that no one can say that
talk of amending and revising the So is seeking th« contributions of small capitalists every­
bolls, which are six Inches In length
they were helped with loans of money, or that they were
race. It can do no harm, and It will where. If he cannot get capital from the men who are
and about four aud a half inches iu
never change nut lira I love and the at­ looking for money making opportunities. It is because they
diameter, the substance resembles a
traction of the sexes which has exist­ do not believe there Is anything In bls little plan; and they this Is all a mistake. No person ever made a success in glossy down.
ed since tbe days of tbe garden of are men of shrewdness and experience who are Infinitely life without being assisted by others. Think of the assist­
When a balloon passes over a forest
better Judges of any such plan than the average outsider ance given by the mother when the self-made man was it descends, and ballast must be
can possibly be. When they shy at It, It is time for all
Although much has lieen said and
mother, brothers and sisters, when the self-made man thrown out to keep it up. This is ex­
other people to take to cover.
plained by Prof. Moulllefert, of the
written about the servant girl problem,
A good rule for the average man Is to button hls pocket was Immature; think of tbe Inheritance from father, moth­ French National Agricultural College
few families in comparison to the
up tight when the insinuating stranger comes to him with
total number In tbe country are trou­
all of whom have bequeathed to this so-called self-made of Grignon, as being due to tbe exist­
bled by It. This fact would be estab the story that. If he will only let the said stranger bold man peculiarities which have aided him on the road to ence above every forest of a prism of
llshed by the census reports If the hls money for a little while, he will get It back doubled or success. These ancestors have bequeathed health and vigor cool, moist air, produced by the abun­
average cltixen had not noted It In ills quadrupled. And It Is Just as good a rule when the Insin­ of body, strength of mind, common sense and tbe Inclina­ dant transpiration of the trees, and ex­
experience. The rule Is that the Amer­ uating stranger approaches one through the postoffice as on tion to virtue, but further than this, the self-made man has tending to a height of from 3.U00 to
ican family Is Independent of outside the street Montreal Star.
been assisted by those who have labored for him. What 5,000 feet above the treetops. Prof.
help. There are less than two million
manufacturer, farmer, nurseryman, editor, physician, law­ Moulllefert also says that while for­
Ihc Bacillus of Suicide.
women employed ns housekeepers,
yer or minister has not been aided by others almost dally ests drain tbe soil underneath them,
stewardess»«, lanndreaaea, nurse«, gen­
HE prevalence of suicidal mauia In Washington Is throughout hls life? No, we may do much to Improve our they keep the upper layer, to a depth
eral servants nnd waitress««, whereas
accounted for by a hitherto unknown scientist, w-ho conditions in life, but we are never entirely Independent of of four or five miles, moist
there nre mor« then sixteen million
has studied the subject deeply and trailed the microbe the helpfulness of others.—Green's Fruit Grower.
From seven diamonds—weighing
families In the country. Mnny of tlio
of suicide to Its native lair, In tbe unseasonable
from two to twenty-one carats—that
women are employed In hotels and res­
strawberry. Clifford Howard la the name of the discoverer
have been picked up In Wisconsin and
taurants, public laundries and hosplt- of the bacillus of self destruction. He is an assistant* sec
Useless Polar Expeditions.
adjoining States, Prof. William JI.
als. But nxsumlng that they nre all retary to the District Commissioners.
HE promised submarine expedition to the North Pols Hobbs traces the diamond fields of
employed In families, there Is less than
Mr. Howard'» methods of scientific Investigation are no
is surprisingly unscientific for Its German source. North America to the volcanic region
one servant for every eight homes. Or, less unique than his conclusions, and Ills process of rea­
Sir Clements Markham has already laid down the of the Canadian wilderness, south of
If the inline», laundress»« nnd house­ soning is admirably simple. Suicides are most frequent
reasonable and accepted attitude on this matter. The Hudson bay. The only known matrix
keepers nre omitted, there Is one ser­ In the spring. Strawberries are out of season In the lati­
tale of three centuries' effort Is, as he says, complete. of We tbe diamond is the black shale—or
vant for every twelve and a half fami­ tude of Washington in early spring. Unseasonable straw­
already know all that Is to be known about the Arctic re­ "blue ground”—around tbe necks of
ne«. The proisirtatlon of servanls to berries are eaten In Washington. Strawberries eaten out
gions. No one Is more vigorous than Sir Clements in de­ burned out volcanoes. The loose stones
the number of famllh-s Is fairly uni­ of season invariably produce mental depression. (Proof
form throught the whole country. The of fact not given.) Mental depression causes suicidal nouncing those who question the utility of Polar explora­ found seem to have been transported
Staten 111 which there are large cities, thoughts. Therefore the bacillus of suicide Is tracked to tion. Since hls voyage half a century ago he has steadily by glaciers, and on following up the
supported the work and aided it by the soundness of hls probable courses of these ancient Ice
however, have a larger proportion of bls lair In the strawberry.
theoretical advice. Now be declares that further expedi­ rivers the lines converge In the bar-
servants than those having small
Most remarkable, however. Is Scientist Clifford How­
cities only; nnd the Southern States, ard's discovery that the deadly microbe enters or develops tions are useless. Any attempt to reach the pole Is now a ren territory stated.
which have a large negro population, In the strawberry only when the fruit Is transported from foolhardy enterprise which is the personal aff»lr of the
The Carnegie Institution ha» located
mnke use of more domestic help than Its proper habitat to a higher latitude. The April straw explorer, and no more entitled to our support than the cross­ Its "Desert Botanical Laboratory” on
the Western State«. Tlie number of berry Is Innocuous In Georgia, but may not tie eaten In
the shoulder of a mountain two miles
ing man.”—London Chronicle.
launilreaaes in the South Is notable,
west of Tucson. Arizona. The Tucson
Georgia hns four thousand more of
Chamber of Commerce has given the
them than New York The problem of ■ +++++-*-++4-4-+++4-+++++-i-++4-+-F
According to common law there Is Alps or cycle fifty miles a day, to an­ site, and will Install a water supply
no legal obligation resting upon a child other to lie under a tree or on the and an electric plant for the labora­
dome«ttc service become« acute with
the Increasing prosperity of the family
to supjiort a parent, In case of either a beach. But In some form the rest is
tory. The object of the undertaking
and the growing complexity of its life,
minor or adult. In some States stat­ inevitable, unless the breakdown is to
utes have been enacted to enforce this come. The hours from which business is to study the plants characteristic of
The Independence of modetit means
duty, with the result that the State Is entirely excluded every day, the arid regions. The mountain on which
ami mod eat taste« then gives way to
the lalioratory is to stand and tbe ad­
dependence on the asnlstanee of out-
A very Interesting (taper ou tlie has been greatly relieved from the weeks from which It is entirely excluil- joining mesas isissesB a splendid rep­
aiders for the gratification of new above topic was given In a number
pastures near them. The houses are resentation of these forms of vegeta­
A father has a right to the services by the man who means to last.
w lakes. The millions of families that of Harper's Bazar, which nets forth
tion. Proposed sites in Texas, New
are still sufficient unto themselves •ome little known points of law, re­ nnd earnings of the child while the
Mexico. Arizona. California. Chihua­
Vu'T» F. hm I Piant«.
have little to complain of when they lating to the obligations of father and child lives with him. and is main
In the department of agriculture at hua am! Sonora were exnmlned before
talned by him-a right resting on the
consider the trials of those who are de­ mother to a child.
the location was finally chosen.
pendent on others for the management
The father of an Infant is bound to parental duty of maintenance and fur­ Washington, hidden away in e.u ob­
of their homes.
provide him with necessaries, in­
cluding food. clothing and medical at service he renders the child. How of queer foods eaten by out of the way
tendance. If he does uot provide such long this right contlnm-s Is open to people.
Tinged by Rugged ne.« When Dealing
There is a loaf of bread made from
with the World.
AS 1HF RtSUlI OF A BH necessaries, a stranger who furnishes question, but certainly until the child
them can bold the father Hable. The reaches the age of 14. and usually dur­ the roasted leaves of a plant allied on
The vein of rugged humor which ap­
James Clawson, one of the promi­ obligation on the part of the parent ing the entire ¡ ht I. h I of minority. But the century plant. Another kind of peared so frequently in the pulpit ut­
nent men of Southern Illinois, has not to malutaln tbe child continues until where a father refuses or neglects to bread is from dough of Juniper ber­ terances of the late Rev. Dr. Joseph
had lile hair cut since Cleveland made th« latter Is In a condition to provide support the child or compels him to ries. These are relished by some Parker, of Ixmdon, continually cropped
bis second race for for bls own maintenance- -generally sup|iort himself, the right to ills earn trllH’« of Indians, while others manu­ out In the everyday clerical affairs of
the I'reMldeliey and »¡waking, as long as he remains a Ings ceases. At common law a mother facture cake« out of different kinds of his life. He was once approached In
was defeated. "Un­ minor. But by the statute law of the has no Implied right to the service and bulbs.
The prairie Indians relish a dish of the City Temple by a country clergy­
cle Jimmy,” as ev­ country this obligation only ends with earnings of a child, as she was not
turnips, which civilized people man. whose church was in an embar­
erybody in Coles death In the case of children who are
would uot be likely to enjoy at all. In rassed financial condition, and asked
county calls him. Is blind, lame or physically or morally nance.
the great American desert the beans to preach there on any day. at any
73 years old. but Incapable of providing their on n sup-
which grow on mesquite bushes are hour, that might suit his convenience.
the fire of youth Is
“It is Impossible." replied Dr. Par­
In bls eyes and hl» law not to coni|iel a father to main­ Relaxation from Work Will Make ■ utillzisl for food.
Man Enjoy Life Longer,
Soap berrh-s furnish an agreeable ker. “I have already more engage­
step la quick and tain Idle and lacy children In ease
There are men, and plenty of them, diet for some savages in thia country, ments than I can fulfill.”
He Is ax and Indolence, but to provide the
Mrs. Parker, who was present, saw
start the business of the day, or I while In California the copper colored
straight as a West young and luexperlenced with tbe nur­
Point cadet and ture and sustenance to which they are | thinking about tbe business of the aborigines do not disdain tbe seeds of the minister's look of disappointment.
"My dear,” she said to her husband
active properly eutitled from those who »lay, almost a« soon as they are out of salt gra«s
Also In California the Digger In­ "you must go. Thia gentleman has
part In publie af- brought them Into the world; th!» to 1 bed, and keep It up with scarcely an
con tin tie until they have gained I Interval until they turn In at night, dians collect pine nuts, aometlm.w come a long distance to see you, and
"Uncle Jimmy' was a firm believer In strength and ability to care for tbem- says the Ix>ndon Expreaa. The bu»l- csll.d plnon. s. by kindling fires against you must make It possible."
1 ne«s telegrams and letter« brought to the trees, thus causing the nuts to
the success of Cleveland each time •elven.
"Well." said be, looking into the
that the New York man ran for the
It Is doubtful to what extent a [ the Itednsnu In the morning and the fall out of the cones. At the same face of his rural brother, "you see I
Presidency. After the second nom lua mother Is bound to support her child, ‘*onttnuatlon of mental labor and wor- time a sweet gum exudes from the must go. Fix your day. and 1 will be
tlon I'lawson made a lx*t with some of In general, she would not be bound ! ry Into the small hours of the next bark, serving the pnrpo«« of sugar. there at 12 o'clock.”
hla Republican neighbors to the effect to do so during the life of Its father. morning, until sheer Inability to go on The sevsts of gourds are consumed by
The village pastor returned hla
that lie never would have his hair cut Under some statute« an adult son Is compels a reluctant halt for sleep, are Indians In Arizona.
thanks, and went hla way with a radi­
until Cleveland should l>e elected.
ant countenance. The day came, the
compelled to support bls mother. A evil modern phenomena that occur too
The lle.ert Bl......,,,.
The Democratic candidate was beat fattier cannot avoid hls responsibility often. And the hurried midday lunch
church was crowded.
Dr. Parker
en that time and "Uncle Jimmy" let for the support of hls child, even Is not worse for the digestion than It
sho. is one of the m.»« Interesting
his hair grow, as he had promisnl though be may agree with the mother 1» for the mind, which Is thus cheated
and pleaded for a generous offering
He was pleased with the result. t»o to do so; and although a wife, by her of Its due pause for rest.
aa he alone could plead. At the
the con
con- ­
much «o. that when Cleveland wax •wn fault may forfeit her own claim
This Is certainly not the way to get slats of Ski acre« in fruit and or­ clusion of the service the pastor came
elect««! again four year» later be did to support she cannot forfeit that of most work done in the long run. Tbe chards. The ground Is covered with Into the vestry, and expressed hla in­
not «acrtfice hla locks, but let theni the children.
pien who have put most work Into rock sad It »as n««,«wiry t0 fomwa debtedness to Dr Parker and the grat­
lives and been able to keep on It with dynamite before trees c6uld itude of the church for his valuable
A stepfather Is not bound to support
be plant«!. And yet on th!» stem«
his stepchild unless he practically longest at It have been men. like Mr. soli rich, luscious fruit Is rnis.s! every services, asking at tbe end:
Pat Hutwlia tbe Devil.
"How much, doctor, are we in your
An Englishman, a 8c< tehman and an
year. Mr Upeakman has 10») ,Cres of debt
Irishman fell under the power of the his family and providing for him. absolutely banishing work from their strawt.-rrtes
Forty nine pounds, nine shillings
Evil One. who condemned all three to thus giving him tbe same status as minds for some time every day. In
Hh I hanct,
and sixpence.” promptly returned Dr.
tie hung, but allowed them to select a natural child. An adopt««! child ami the height of political excitement Mr
Father -Wouldn't It be funny tf t Parker.
the tree on which the suspension w»« the ¡»eraon legally adopting have all Gladstone could always contrive to
This staggered the minister, who
to be effected While the Englishman the rights and are subject to all th« shut out politic« and official buaine«« should become a little boy agamí
Bobble- Maybe It wouldn t lie so fun­ managed to stammer out: "It will take
c hose an oak and the Rcotehuian a duties of the relation of parent and for an hour or two while be read
ny for you. pa If you wui to be llttler a little time to pay it all.”
pine, the Irishman selected a goose child, Including the right of Inhertt- Greek or « novel.
One man may seek hla relaxation ‘n me I think I'd square up a few
berry bush. On the devil waving his atice.
Well. I will not take leas," said Dr.
Th« duty of a child la.
with a tennis racket or a blcycl«, an­ things -Philadelphia l*ress
band, the three selected objects duly
' >rk>r "And meantime, as yon bare
other with a book, another In talk (not
appeared and tbe reprveeutatlvee of honor and obedience. Fa
Mr Stubb-Maria, do you know what *’*” out of pocket through coming
England and Rcotland were forthwith der these, or Ingratitude, may be pun ■ bout buaineM); but complete relaxa­
P to see me tn Ixmdon. take this”-*
caused men to read tbe new«, ”
strung up When It came to the Irish­ Ished by disinheritance. The fath«r tion In NM form «very man should
Placing two sovereigns In tbe minis,
And an enttr« and
man's turn bis Mstan'c Majeaty walked may cut hls children off entirely, but I bar« every day
•ers hand—"to cover yonr onuUar
Mra Stubb- Yc. John; wome. M.nd. not a halfpenny less to me than
around the bush and said; “I'm afraid be cannot leave more than half hls aboolut« holiday, long enough to count
,t la not tall enough,” <ig which Pat property to charitabl« Institutions If be la no less indispensable every year standing up tn the street cam.
he «am named but you can take eter-
exclaimed. “Oh. bedad I'm In no burry has a wife and child»« living. ¡Thia The meaning of “Teat" varies with th«®
Tbe world la but a r1ng~m> wfiu:b mty to pay it"
1 can Just wait till It grown”
la true tn New IrocfcJ
individual, to < mm it la rest to climb, m«n cut their «ys teetX
.J.J. 1 i*rk*LWA’”d ■CC*P* nothing but
tklrd-cfam fare, when be vial ted poor
| parishes, but woe to thejr^^
had a reputation for me
' ■onej’ matters.
vkit J ** a
where, after service, the
I "Well. Dr. Parker, a. to 2?!
"It 1« fifty pounds."
} W
The deacon demurred Dr n .
stated. Finally the officki/~J*
church got together aUd D.iH of *
fifty pounds. Then Dr p J'L. °’*tN
"Now. thi. 1. not for myS*4
time ago you had So-ands»-
tloning a somewhat obscure mJ“’*-
"to preach here. You know
church is a struggling one aJ^'
is a poor man with a iar,
I You refused to pay him morTth!“11
bare railway fares. To req
I Iniquity ou your ¡»art 1 have**»
you fifty pound», and I shall
ou to him as hls fee for the
he preached here.’-Youth'. <■ rkj“‘
Syetern of Ire.tin»
Practiced in Hilo, H»w,ll>,*‘c*
"Tbe most unique method for b»»>
Ing petty violators of the Uw,
marked a gentleman at the
last evening, "is in dally
Hilo, tbe capital of the Island of a
wall. 1 was seated ou tbe porch of a
Hilo Hotel one day last winter try
to evade the mosquitoes sud the
■bine, when I noticed a score of
tives in striped canvas uniform» bra
into a dead run In the direction
jail. The heavy iron doors BWUa. 0IZ
to admit them, aud they filed |a
one to become prisoners for the birj
I learned later that three men
•short-term’ convicts, and that th«
hurry was Inspired by the fear tu
they might be 'locked out of Jail.' »
“But how did they escape?" ba
"Escape?” repeated the narrator
“They did not escape; they were timi
ed loose at 7 In tbe morning and ¡t.
structed to report behind the bars at
5 In the afternoon. Let me explain
An alleged crlmnal is tried, convielei
aud sentence passed upou him. 8b<)04
hls term exceed one year he is confc.
ed In a cell an the third floor of tbt
Jail, from which escape is practically
Impossible. If he is a ''short-term''
man, however, he Is fitted up with 1
blue aud white striped canvas suit »nd
hired out by the day to contractor» or
the managers pf neighboring planta­
tions. Hls wages, usually 25 cent» per
day, are paid to the city. These fa.
tunate convicts are both ted and lodg­
ed iu jail, and In addition to tbelr
clothe« are allowed a small ration of
tobacco. Every morning, after break­
fast, they may be seen embarking 01
their duties. They are not guarded la
any manner, shape, or form; In fart, it
resolves Itself Into an extreme caie tf
‘honor among thieves.’
"It isn’t once In a year that escape!»
even attempted, and the record» In tbe
county jail show but one instance
where such an attempt has been me-
cessful. It Is amusing to see these be­
lated culprits running at the top of
their speed for fear the doors of tbs
novel Institution will he closed agsimt
them. Those that may arrive later are
admitted through another entrant
and an additional three or four dijt
are added to their term as punishment
for their tardiness.”
“How do you account for thio pe-
cullar system being still in vogue?"
was asked.
“It exists merely because of It» ef­
ficiency. Hilo is a coast town: the Pa­
cific Ocean guards It safely on thee»«,
while to the west ward there II noth-
Ing but the high road and the Jungle.
The Jungle and .the sea mean death,
and the high road capture; so yon m
there Is a stronger force than honor
which Impels the return of the conv.ct
to bis prison home.”
The British are having trouble» <i
their own iu Somaliland, although tbff
are said to be gradually bringing th«
recalcitrants to terms. One of En­
gland's greatest difficulties lias teen
the provisioning of her army. Si*
has been obliged to resort to a systen
of foraging which is most •ffw'tlr*'
though not just what the natives
would prefer. Tbe Illustration »!> *
a flock of sheep rounded up for ’•
English army by the „..tir?
native scout» ta*
of the BrV
hangers on. To the
Ish officers It should be mentioned t*
they never fail to pay for
mals they may feel obliged to
this unceremonious manner, t”'”*1
t » long per1*1 *
the owners suffer
wailing their supj-v
—- 111-forf®®^ r
It is Impossible for the average
lllander to understand why « ■
who is not required to p«J ’
should be foolish enough to do
“Father.” »aid the youth.
your understanding of tb* * r,
race la not always to tbe.’w'n,ied
“Practically, my son- that I« —
wise initier»
father. “ ••
It mt«”’
race Of
c life th. fast
out ahead- — 1 u
come i
A Dream of
- tf •»
Dora-Wouldn't » «*
bad »35.000.WUT
Clara - Of course.
l>ora-Perfectly beaeeolr ‘ w 4
on "Facta and Figure«
diamonds can b« bought for u»
York Weekly.
Tbe Candid
“You ask me to critic!** -T
wrote the editor. *n
iB n Sd
to «r that 1 found not <
•lx «tamp«."—Atlan <
It 1« up to the opera *”
needs a chang« of
church choir.
Political whitewash ';,u**
multitude of rotten fen^**-