I . I England baa placed three more Isl­ ands on the red. When a railroad tries to steal its way through a towu it is not larceny but enterprise. The reassuring information comes from Colombia that President Marro- quin has not resigned again. One of the Important things In the education of u boy is that he should learn to keep bls lips together. It does a man no good to give him a dose of Ills own medicine. After be swallows It be Is worse than before. America may be the "land of the dollar." but the cry of distress any where In the world always loosens its grasp ou the dollar. Rev. Newell Dwight Hillis declares that "we all go to tbe devil on $50,000 a year.” Glad to assure Dr. Hillis that we are still In the Immune class. Russia asks China to trust her Im­ plicitly. That Is exactly what the lion said to the lamb. From the interior of the lion tbe wall came: “I’m sorry I trusted." A Cambridge professor has discov­ ered a large lump on Mars. It may have been induced by tbe amount of attention we have been giving the planet iu recent years. With Herr Most advising anarchists to uphold the ting and Constitution of the United States mid to refrain from acta of violence we may Imagine the millennium Is not far away. A Chattanooga paper remarks of a lady In that towu who carved up her husband some: “This 1» the first time she has used a knife on him.” For real strenuoslty Tennessee and Ken­ tucky lead the States. The Nevada man who wants a di­ vorce beceuae his wife goes through bls pockets ut night will tie disappoint­ ed. No court Is going to establish a precedent that would endanger the do­ mestic life of the nation. Ambassador Choate Is going to mar ry one of bls daughters to a titled Eng llshuian. It costs a good deal to be ambassador to England, but the lady members of the fu in 11 y will now be likely to regard the Investment as a g.md one. Nearly 3,000 liiinilgrHiitR ranchiti Halifax the other day bound for dif­ ferent parts of Canada. Ninety per cent of them will settle In the rural districts. Will our neighiiors kindly ge to divert lin­ es? s- at« I to the length »orations Is re- University. The .rtlcles of lncor- lty Clerk. The in Is to further stltutlon which much reason to ffectluu, it may A po’tt OSI» I I Ulti III. 1 tbe remlnla- cense ul r.memon s love for pie. It has been remarked that he liked hla pie baked In deep, square tins, so that like the real estate speculator he could get a good corner. Rallhsl upon hla fondness for this piece de resist­ ance of New England cookery, It Is fondly recalled how the sage replied. "What 1» pie made for If not to be eaten" —a delightful lilt of Emersonian philosophy. Naval Ensign Hussner, the German officer w ho celebrated Gotsl Friday by funning ids «word through tbe back of an artilleryman who had neglected to salute, has been sentenced to spend four years In prison and to l>e degraded tn rank. In view of the system un­ der which Young llmwier's Ideas of honor were developed It Is surprising that he was punished nt all. This la a severe shock to German militarism, but unfortunately It does not revise the “regulations.** They remain to da- velop other lluasnera and to excuse other murders. On the order book« of the Women'« Exchange In New York City. It up pears. Is a worker known an "the cheering up lady.” Rhe Is kept busy all the time. It Is her function to visit lonely homes, to play cards with ven­ erable widows or spinsters, to reati, talk and “look pleasant.” Here should be a laborer never falling to tie worth more than her hire, Professional mourners we no longer know, nor wish to know, of professional cheerers up It should not tie pos- alble to know too many. We be- apeak serious rivalry for this old lady who looks pleasnnt. Hers Is the hap- pleat combination of business and philanthropy. She exhibits an idea worthy of Indefinite extension through an infinite variety of clients, There Is no culture more lm|»ortaiit or press lug than that of tbe smile which menus good cheer. f 4 American Medicine, In an ap|>eal against overwork of children In the public schools, «ays that In many cities tbe nervous child Is moving parents and physicians to api*eal for fewer Lours of study and less pressure Eye strain Is an evil that American M«dl- cine bitterly protests against. Reboot children In spectacle« are becoming alarmingly common Mind strain may not show Itself so plainly on the ex­ terior. but Is there any reason to doubt that It is any lee« common than tbe other? Certainly It Is mors serious In its ultimata results Education Is highly Important, but It Is not as Im­ portant as mental and bodily health Where tbe on« Is gained at the cost •f the other the anbstance la thrown away for tbe shadow. Parents can net keep too constantly In mlud the fart that a healthy hotly Is absolutely essential to a happy life. And parent» should learn to know, too. tbe differ­ ence between the child's smile of re»- Ignation and Its hearty laugh of true enjoyment. If a boy or girl should I* made to work eighteen hours a day and l>e denied time for proper eating of meals the law would come to the rescue But there Is no rescue for the child who has a voracious appetite for knowledge. There Is as much good for a boy in a ball anil a bat once In a while as there Is In a text book. Par­ ents should not forget that physical development is as Important for suc­ cess in life as is mental development. tat DITORIALS ¿Science 1 invention Pack thread or cord 1» given extraor­ dinary strength, according to a Ger­ man authority, by laying In a strung solution of alum, aud then carefully drying. Washington on pain of Inevitable mental