Image provided by: Eugene Water & Electric Board; Eugene, OR
About The Eugene weekly guard. (Eugene, Or.) 1899-1904 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1900)
i Him dottai S.080. rbou. out »11». i waiit women a Z or children’" dífor SODAVILLE CORRESPONDENCE (f th. O You^an get them as long as the stock laits it MASSACRE OF CHRISTIANS CONTINUES. Snssial te the Guard. rat la result h and about Phone, ok hit o one were! rer. and county JULY 21 a y your old mower. bss the extra« for it. F L mu want your eyes correctly pair of g’I asses see Dr Lowe ■ ¡key’s. vut bicycles sold thiseeason- slieel for every duy work, ou them that last. F L bss them. Mi ace is ü-1 ■ the best teachsr. Use aglish Remedy in auy case colds or croup. Bbould it 'immediate relief money re- SK» 5 cts aud 50 cts. For sale by ano tiinv—; ■ L ondon , July 19.—Tlie governor of Shan Tung reports that the Pekin legations are safe, but that the danger is still great. His report from the imperial city bears date of July 9. From these various reports that the legations were all right at that date it is now generally conceded that the reported massacres of July 7 did not occur, but this does not by any means insure their safety, or mean that the massacres have not occurred by this time. The American battleship, Oregon, is docking at Kure. RUSSIA DECLARES WAR The Chinese minister at St Petersburg has been given his passports, which is the same as a formal declaration of war. Germany, England and France also propose to de de- clare war, and it is said, at once. It can be reasonably expected that the other civilized nations will at once fall in line, when a plan of campaign can be arranged for. IS RUSSIA IMPLICATED ? guaranteed to Bhow no rus Special to the Guard. at F L Chambera’. •> IE Kodoi Dyspepsia Cure in my t ba I ■ ¡th wonderful results. It B" uliale reile', is pleasant to ■I 1 truly the dyspeptic’s heat ya E Haitgeriuk, Overiael, p-sts what you eat. Cannot i. V ineent & Co., ( orner ■ t wagon and Rain buggy bi t> !b, V1 lehicles made—another car Mb vlesduejune 25. Always Itueut at F L Chambers. a . M E Hitzer, W. Caton, N. Y. fr:<: bad dyspepsia over twenty " El tried doctors ami medicines Kj petit. 1 was persuaded to Dyspepsia Cure and it belp- tbe start. I tielieve it t > be *• I d, thlt I »rail forms ot indigestion." .u ram I ibst you eat. Vincent A coIHlU I DrugBtore. lyew I lit not only a pelature hut t «va- I ktouiy neighbors to tell illy ci-1 Itinderful cure effected iu nicety I rlnLill I (be timely u«eofChamber- L Cholera and Diarrhoea ni-ment I IwHstxkeu very badly with ir tiui- knx'ured a bottle of this »-lima | 'rw doses of it effected « fti-ril I j-ure. 1 take pleasure iu Idem- j ■I it to others suffering lcppinf J I dreadful disease.—J. W. If they i V, W Va. This remedy is - sauce |> DrLaUO. be tint lef Manila binding twine deport- I, 14 een’s; buy now. At from l br>. lerwlm pparek I sprained my left hip while odi re blit- heavy boxes. The lei on said at first it was a ti iroH land would soon be well, imi ik perse atid the doctor said utwxrt Bxtisni. It coutinued to IsblUi Ikiid 1 could hardly get «ritto« prk. I went to a drug .nd tin p druggist recommended repre» fcutnlierlaiu’s Pain Balm t of the ■d one-half of a 50-cent I Hie entirely. I now recom- bwi my friends. F. a . ft*. Pa. It is for sale by W. .. Hi Cold in One Day, Uve Bromo Quinine Tab- iggiete refund the motley ire. E. W. Grove’s »Igno ti box. 25c. nly Guard, July 19. ter^- rf’. rod1- > «oil !1J «»* • OB *1 »r> *| L ondon , July 19.—It is stated in official circles that a rumor is gaining ground that Russia is believed to have secret negotiations with Prince Tuan, with the connivance of Li Hung Chang. This follows the rumor of yesterday that Li Hung was in league with the Boxers. A dispatch from Shanghai estimates that the losses of the Chinese army at Tein Tain when the city was le-taken by the allied foices at 3000. MASSACREING CHRISTIANS. Bpecial to the G uard . L ondon , July 19.—Large numbers of Boxers and Chinese troops are marching south from Pekin, massacre- ing Christians, and inflicting untold tortures, in many instances outraging the women before putting them to death. It is believed that several viceroys ami governors are assisting in the indignities. The rumor still grows that Li Hung Chang is cognizant of affairs, but merely winking at them. WILL FIGHT AGAIN. MOHAWK RAILROAD. It Is Nearly impossible to Get Tracklayers. The rtpaniah war veterans are ready for another fight. The boys of the Second Oregon, who performed such gallant deeds in the Philippines, are now anxious to get on the main land of the Orient. Captain R B Huston, of Company A, has received letters from a number of the Second Oregon boys, residing in various parts of Lane county, asking to be included if a call for volunteers from Oregon is issued. In addition to this many of the volunteers residing in Eugene have stated that they will again enlist. 1 here seems to be a peculiar fascina in army life to induce the tion boys to want another chance at it. Their trip to tne Philippine« with many hardship«, was filled l>ut there wis enough satisfaction iu it for co<»i>eneation. During the late enoamixueat at Halem many of the volunteer» in eanap stated freely that they were ready for enlietment if troupe are to be seat from this slats to Cbiua. The men from this state have a record to be proud of and if troops are to be seut they will bare a good ch ance. E l' Smith, of Livlng- who has been stopping in ieH' ftmsn Hoose, several keen on ths anxiowa «sac Vesuuius Has Lost Its Cone >»y. but was happily m- dternoon. Yesterday he *HUe Mery crater, now suddenly iepbone message that hi» gikat, was explored by seivalifio meu t*en lost in or near ths wtoo diesovewd tbot the sene had Park for three day«, and dMAR?*»eed. tervtewi tteeerwe aee I to be dead. Today hs propo anted aa to why the era*ttea •patch stating hie brother ceased, alse regarding the teen**siw- lund, after being lost for ance of the cone. Tt>e inawik b<dtW kl wa» well. le that it whs due to eaheidence, amd -öf) aeres excellent farm which is looked upo* a« providential Inquire of J ohn V an It wa« as unexpected as are the Y. Or. stomach disorders with which people 'frier and fork»; carriers suddenly find themselves afflicted. to »tick. All kind» Blight symptoms are neglected, until dyspepsia is chronic. The remedy to 1 I. < ham tiers. take is Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters. This valuable medicine 1» unequalled in all cases of constipation, indigestion, bilJioustiess, or malaria fever and ague. It brings about a healthy condition ef the bowels aid Improves the appetite, 11 Be sure te give it a trial. Call For County warrant». Mr Gillette,of Ban Francisco, of the B P R R, Is here looking after the Mohawk branch of the B P R R. He says it is nearly impossible to procure tracklayers, hence the delay iu putting down the rails on the branch line. The company base large fores of track layers on their coast extension but cannot get enough to send men here. The company is advertising for 40 men at *2 per day to help in the work, but have thus far been unable to procure them. The pile driving machine is now working full time east of the Mohawk btidge The Mobowk bridge Is now done ex oepting the painting, and a crew o painters are now at work on the same. A work train is now being employed on the branch, surfacing. Work will be commenced on the first Mohawk bridge sooa. All the timber« are wow framed. lenity Premiums. A batter frooi W D Mfledoua, secretary of tbe state fair, frost Portland under itale of Jely 2 and says: Please announce that tbe premium on county exhibit has been Inereassd te *21» on tirât, *K»l oa seeoRd, *75 on third ami f-owth. H..pi»y m see yaw aaMMty -teM as ttet Yeses Dtey, M D W isdom , b « c . ht* wk be «W*kt eewaties oompet- I ttes year. Teachers’ Institute. the teachers' annual county insti tute will commence Monday, July 30, 1900, and continue five days, viz: Joly 30, 31, August 1, 2 and 3. All teachers holding either state or county certifi cates are required by law te attend the institute, There will be three Instruct- or» In attendance and every possible — A* .—A aaatll — te —. » the 6. —. •»*»!_ effort will be made »-* to an make insti tute profitable and interesting. W M M ii . i . hh County Bu perin tendent. BoDAVILLE, Or .July 18, UKJO. E ditor E aily G i ahd :— By some meatis I failed to ►*<- my letter, written to V u about twi> weeks ago. alter it aiq>e.tred in yout »h.ini - i>vt am «»- ► ured that an «rr- . Wiil -'i ."■ » nil m- juatice to the pe<ipl« -t t! « pisce was made al that Huie. There ie uo saloou ut this place, neither i* there any drugstore where alcoholic I'quors can l>e bad, and wl ile l>eriiip«, inurejuga demijohns, bottle», keg«, bucket«, etc , a'e seen on our street« than any other place in Ihe state. It is safe to «av that they con tain nothing n ore to* rm fol than | u soda w.ster.j i»t a- i--u ■- fr m ti e ground. I he • me'lieiiial quail ie« of 11 e-e »pi mg«, which are owned oy the slate, have been k' own tor tunny yeai«, aud some who are here now have made it a • Us'om to »pend at least a portion of the «uiuiiier hets- t n a quarter of aceu'urv >>:vt. J P Cheshire, » pioneer of Eu eue In 1853, brother of W P Cheshlr-, with his aged wife, hive made this place their home for the ls-t nine yea «, and It would uot be [xi-oili'e In make them believe that any other place 1« a« healthy as S.Miaviile. They have l>eeu regular paid-iu-ad*ance|sub»cribere f >r nearly 30 years to the G uard . The many friends of Bev J I- Clay- Oom h, pastor of tlie C. P. church of Eugene, who, with hi« wife, came here some weeks hgn for the bem-fit of his health, will regret to le-irn that lie ie not Improving to any great extent. Two wagope Imded with friend« from Eugene arrived today aud boueee are in demand. l'hat all who come here for h fe w weeks rest and rec cation, will return home greatly t»-m fitted, u I'bout doubi. The following ¡«-isons are here from Eugene At Bunny Cottage —M r« Chas Haines and two children, Mrs Ina M«yer, Misses Pari Park, Rebecca Haines. At Camp La Verne—Mrs M E Gil strap, Mr Orva Gil-trap, Miss Lula Gilstrap, Mies Jessie Gilstrap, MibN La Verue Long. Rev J F Claycmub and wife, Mrs John Bailey, Mrs Smith, Mr and Mrs W L, Bristow, Mrs 8 Haudsaker, and of course, •'U ncle H am ." Eor the Seashore. Newport ami Yaquira Bay vonlln- oes to offer for the summer vacation greater variety of attractions than can be found at any other North Pacific resort. Excellent is-aches and safe bathing, enticing rides and rambles good Ismting and fishing, clam», crabs and oyster» for the gathering, and un- eqnaled profusion of pebbles, »hells and •gat»». A4<l to thia cheerful and obliging hoHs, who are providing at very reasonable rates homelike quar tet«, and Rinat litieral fare. They won't let one get hungry at Newport. Hee Bouthern Pacific agent for tickets and time tables, or corre-pond with C H Markham, General Pa-senger Agent,, Portland, Oregon. — .. . . - • That Throbbing Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr King'» New Life PHI». Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for sick and ner vous boadaihs. They make pure blood and »iron/ nerves and build up your health. I Ea»y to lake. Try them Money bvk If not Only 'l"> cent», . cured, Bold by W I. I». Lan», drug- gist. Notice is hereby given that tbe G rand O fficer «.— a O U W grand following warrants will be paid on 18F< tax roll« will he closed August presentation at my office on and after offlaers, elected at Halem yesterday : ' 15, 1900. Grand Master Workman, Ralph W v*me July 10, 1900. Interest on W. W. WlTHBM. «■■Feeney, of Portland; grand foreman. ' will .vase July 10, 190": All L ads Hherlf! and Tax Collector -'C C Hogue, Albany; graod overseer, county warrants from registered num I Ans County, < »regori. Frank Davey, Balam; grand recorder, ber 7175to 7506, both incl Hive. fb'ewton Clark, Portland ra-elec'-d ; Dated, Eugene, Joly 9, IKK). grand receiver, R L Durham. I rt- R» t F rom D rill .—Tbe military A H P atterson , t0jnty Treasurer. I land re-elected i; grand geide, ( H I compares will have a r—t from drll Dyefyregon City; inside watch in, for a time. The encampment this year J E Mellinger. Dayton; outside w h- wa» fall of good hard work, and cap men, Wm ^ Clarke. Gervais; Q nd tains all over tbe »tale ere announcing Cavalry Horses Wanted. r 1,1 in all pure for-d itale» trusteee—W’m Armstrong, Ba m. ^at no drill» will tie tieid daring the 2 For tbs nAtt 20 days I^ply 1» Bang s three years J P ¡Esige. Ashland, one heated period, giving tbe men a well stable Eugene They shoald be from year. Supreme representatives— D C dew r veil rest. Orders will be issued R A MrFsddeo 1 to this effect by Captain Huston and 5 to 7 year» < <1, » Q’ t V25 to 1060 lbs. ¡Herrin, Portland; BTR wart A B4f(»a. Haiem. Ed Werlela, Portland. Williams of this city, in a day or two. f°d frs»b k.41 up... 1 bl«ing.,.................... .. 1 Hcklrs.............. ' ‘ ’ Kv 10c 10c P'brr»............................... 5e j»r cap« and robbers 25c ►»» raisin*.................... 25c •(RRiooia........... 10c r»*-made Baking Powder ' ' be»t, per r*- P’J K C Baking Powder k Billy TWINE 14C NOW t’KKNT, July 1, 1900. E ditor G vahd :—In order to correct some errors appearing In the G vahd of June 30. I ask for a small »pace in you: I »!•« to correct said errors p am • in an article headed. •'M Early History. *t The tirst error was made as to the date of the net tiemen t of [¿»it Valley by giving it as 1653, by Wm Johnathan and Patsy Morgan, Then tlie writer submits what he says 1» a correction by saying tiie eettlemeut was beguu In 1852, not 1853, by V\ i ihain, .1 mat b in and P itsv Morgan, hi e brothers, aud not "Wm Jotiua- thaii and Paley M >rglr," Now the facts are Palsy Morgan was a widowed daughter of Johnathan Morgan, and William Morgan was a son-in-law ot Johnathan, and the three took the land named, and Me Dowt | traded tlie laud now owned by B H Friendly, In llattleHuake valley tn Johnathan Morgan for his L< at v I ley ranch. i’lie othets parted with their land as «tateil In the article As to the Gosset man, lie held bis land until tlie fall of 1853and sold |lt Io J It Hanna. About thia time L B Howland located tlie place now owned by Wm and Naucy Griffith. Also one John Harden took tlie land now owned by J Vincent and iu 1858 Thomas Matthes» and Thomas Williams, with their families, located in Lost valley, aud John Bloops bought of Wm Wish erd and located on land now owned by 8 Hand-aker, and some time in tlie winter of 1853 and 1854 James Parvin settled on land In upper Lost Valley, but later abandoned it and located the land now owned by H Vincent. The next error in tht* above men- tinned is in regard to the flag pole raising, orations, etc As I was there in persou I know who did the speak ng. Campiiell < hrisman, of t'otlage Grove, Captain Buoy, of Creswell, and Gilmore Callison, of Pleasant Hill, were the gentlemen wiio made the addreHses. McCarty was uot present. Honor to whom honoris due. The next blunder is in the statement of the building of the first saw mill by Messrs Rutledge, Estep and Bloops. It was built by the first two named gentlemen. Btoops had no hand in it. This we know, as we helped to build the mill, and it was in 1858,aud not in 1855, as stated In Hie article. Court House Items. As to the 1863 Indian scare, the Hou T G Hendricks, of Eugene, wa» In the REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. fracas. T A Milliorn to Wm Humphrey, At tie flag pole raising, Mrs L J 2854 acres in ip 16 « r 4 w, *7395. Dunten had tlie honor of presenting W H Hotl'inan et ux to Wm Hum the flag. A ’53 S ettler , phrey, 43j acres ill sec 28 tp 16 B r 4 w; A Thousand Tongues *1305. Allie East ham io D A Paine, 6.77 acre» iu eec 36 tp 17 » r 4 w; *660 Could uot express the rapture of An Herman Delto to R R ( oleumn, un nie E Springer, of 1126 Howard street, divided j int in mining claim iu Philadelphia, Pa., when she found Bohemia district, quit claim; *250. that Dr King’s New Discovery for Consumption had completely cured MAKK1AOE LICENSE. her of a hacking cough that for many R V Blair mid Tilley Riekel. years had made life a burden. All CIRCUIT COURT. other remedies and doctors could give JainesH Honig vs B I* Bladden, tier no help, but site says of the Royal Plaintiff asks for judgment for *100 for Cure, "it soon removed tiiepalu In my loss of one bay horse, *50 for Injury to chest and I can now sleep soundly one gray horse, for *86 for medical eomethliig I can scarcely remember services and lose of use of said animalB, doing before. I feel like sounding it» a total of *236, and lor costs and dis praise throughout the universe ” b <> bursement« of suit. Harbaugh & Kis- will everyone who tries Dr King’s New senger appear as attorneys for plain Discovery for any trouble of the throat, tiffs. Chester lungs. Price 50c and *1.00. [This suit grows out of a runaway Trial bottles free at W L DeLauo’s which occurred April 8, tlie team of drug store; every bottle guaranteed. Mr Honig running into a barbed wire fence enclosing the HladUeu fruit farm Eamine Eund Statement. weet of this city. —E d .] Notice to Tax Pavers. o *”* rte* CORRECTED A List ot Funere People at This A '5; Settler Writes a Letter Popular Resort. Correction •lock lfh, -' tel _ 1 that * teller f th, firths, etell, net a M th. ■* he •rite ■end >a the t one. UM Of HISTORY Mowers Rakes Binders longest and pu'l the lightest. See there at F L Chambers The Season's Delicacies for breakfast, dinner or luncheon, in ail kind» »(hot weather food» in erreal», potted and ■ mined meat», board turkey and chicken can ne I aal mon, oyatera anil chip iieef we keep at all time« in atock of fancy gr. eerie», freali, hish giwle and apiietiains. We have every thing .lelicito on tempt the |u>late in hot weather, and our butter ie choice and »weet a» a nut aa well aa our fine ham» ami bacon. Yours to please, STERNER & WRIGHT An Important Ruling. Snap Shots. On Monday the «upreme oouit ren dered a decision on tbe constitution ality of the law pmuied by the last leg- ' ialature ; eruiltting district attorneys to present information In criminal case« without a grand |m v tilngi called or an Indictment being mol, and proceed to try a criminal case upon «Udi an information. The case just decided w a« that of the | Btate i f Oregon vm Harry Tucker, who | "How long doea It take you to do up a «hltt, iiny way?" said an impatient man at a Bieund «tree! Chinese laun dry. "(Ill, atilout flee waaliltigs, r« »ponded the celestial. « » • I he Balt-m Mell oili«t minister upon remarking that what lie needed was more exercise, was told to make hla sermona longer, • a a was indicted III Union county fi r the I crime of "burglary not In a d»> lllng." ( A Portland woman for Ihe eighth He whs tried before Judge 11 .t; it Ea- time tills year asked her husband klu, found guilty, anil having been wliat kind of a dree» tie thought would «enteiiced, appealed to the supreni I become her lieet. "You need muzzlln," court. Inaffirmiug the judgment ofi was (lie res (si rise. the lower court Justice Wolverton • ( * * writing Ihe opinion, gives an exhaus Wheti a man makes money In a tive diacu»»lou of the question as It re lates to both the «tale and federal con bowling game it is pm money and bls wife Is entitled to it. stitutions • » The opinion sets up the f«ct ’hat it I Is no violation of tne con- i u'oin tn A light bill is a heavy oue when It deprive a defend lit ot an ex i . i Jiou 1« an electric bill against the state of bv a grand Jury and ilia! lli ie(iy uo Oregon. • • • rights of the defendant arejeof" rdlxed provided a trial 1» hail la-fiue ajuiy iu A Eugene man stopped bls bad op-n court. This decision e»ia ii«he« habitsand In a week was able to buy the validity of tlie l»w. bls wife a new bat. • • • What are the wild waves of Yaquiaa saying these day»? They are rnaklag A startling incident, of which Mr. current remarks. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subject, is narrated by him us follows; Itching for office I« best cured by *1 wss in a most dreadful condition At our last statement the amount My »kin whs almost yellow, eyes some good live scratching at the polla. deposited in the Firat National bank sunken, longue coated, pain continually to the credit of the India Famine In back and aide»; no appetite—gradu Wants Prunes and Pears. Fund whs .......... .. ................................. *223 03 ally growing wenker day by day. Deposited since—Bushnell........... 2 00 I Three physicians had given me up T N Hegar will buy a few cars of Dexter church 1 00 Fortunately a friend advised trying Name not given 10 25 ‘Electric Bitter»,' and to my great green Italian prunes and Bartlett pear» for hl» Eastern bouse at from *12 M joy and aurpriae, the first bottle marie by Mrs Hoff ... It Is safe to say it Is a decided Improvement. I continued to *16 per ton. better than to dry. Making a total of....... ................ ..*216 78 their use for three week», an<l am now Two drafts (for *28.0(1 and *13.75) a well man. I know they »avert my Dally Guard JulyJl'J were recently forwarded to the Cbrie- life and robbed the grave of another O peration P erform rd .—Dr* Pren vletlm." No one should fall to try tlan Herald for distribution. them. Only 60ct», guaranteed at W tice and TW Harils perforated a sur gical operation upon Bam Thurston Whale Oil Soap. L DeLauo's drug »tore. this forenoon. It will be remembered that tie was very III with pneumonia Hopgrower« are invited to call on last winter and his life was despaired Farm For Sale. the Eugene Boap Uo, Sth street near Olive, for »ample» and price« of whale of. As a last hope an opening wae oil soap. E uoene B oap C o 628 acres of land within one rulle made and a puss cavity in bls side Gradually be Improved. of Harrisburg, 200 sores In cultivation Upped. No Cure No Pay. two old liouHos, two barna; nearly all HtlllthepUM has ever since bothered river bottom land. A large quantity him. Today a portion of a rib was That in ths way all ilrugvista »ell Grove» 'I'MtelnrM ('hill Tonic for Chill», Malaria and of balm, niapl« and a«t> timber. Ash removed so the doctors con Id cleanse Billiousnas». It is a» pleasant to take aa aud maple aultatile for lumber. Two the oavlty perfectly, which was done. Lesson Nyrnp. He »food the operation manfully, and old orchards on the place. Dally Guard July 1*. This 1» a bargain. Price, >14, per It Is now believed he will entirely recover. BUGEMFUL OPER1TION.— Hon H H acre. Address, Friendly thl» foren<»»n telegraphed to A T Cockerllne, from Portland, that the o[>»ratlon for appetiJIcitis upon his daughter, Mias Rosalie, had been per formed. and she had stood the same heroically and from all appearance* she would recover rapidly. The many friends of Miss Rosalie, and the family in Eugene, will tie glad to learn the operation ha* been so favorably per- formed and tru»t she will regain her usual health quickly I ml I j Guanl, Jal* 1». COT WoRMR.—B»v Wilson Informed a G uard rep >rter today that Wit i worms are playing havoc with toma toes, potatoes anWother vegetable». He took over 240 worms off one tomato vine, and the pe»ta had even eaten into the fruit Iteeli. Everyone should ex amine their garden. Ixerr R eward .—P E Peterson, of E»trup lias lost 21 goa's from hie term 8 miles wist ot Junction City. A re ward of *1.00 each will he [mid for their return; mark a round hole In «vUCar Addie»- p E Pet»rs -n, E-'rup.Or, Robbed the Grave. R F B aker A Uo. Junction City Hotel, A H uit .—Today's Halem Htatssman: John Htorms, of Lane naiuty, sues J A and Nettis McFadden for judgment List of Letters. for judgment for *188.71 with 10 per cent Intereet and *25 attorneys fees. It Remaining in the poetoffice at Kugene. Ore* I« claimed the amount I» due on a •itily IR, I Ml promissory note for *309 executed on Andrew Davie, Bob Grove», September 23, 1892, by the defendant J 1 •' 1 J C Rsfterly In favor of J L itennls, who afterward* Wm -turgls, Jessie Wilkin transferred It Io th« plaintiff. E O Dora A Lyon* ( J Miller Potter, an attorney of I-ane county Ml»« An ella Miller. A chérir»* of one c»*nl will be made nn all lit. repreeents tbe plaintiff In the tult. ter» givo n «»ut. Per*»«« when ealllag for lettera will »»n «tüt*- when advertised. Il F Me oraac K, P M T hb B est CITY.—B H Colile, who wi» for year» manager < f thè Btate Insurance Company, ot Baleni, ie now Editor i Aw lui Plight. doing thè Northwest. He-ava Fugane Is thè Uvei test town on thè coaat, ex- F M Higgle», editor Minw, (Illa I l'eptiiig Portland. He seemsd much New», waasffi ctcd f ir yearn ■ Ith pl'es Intareeied In thè upnailding of thia that no dor»or or remedy bellied until city au<i thè volume of basinree belng h- tried Bweklen*» Arnica Halva. He dose. writ»» two tmxe« wholly ««red him. It’» the surest pile <v re on esrth ai d CxnaB M aker W anted .—A th» best salve in 'he world < ure gssr- rb—»<* maker wanted. Addrewt or »n'eed Only 26 cent». Hold by W L <«•11 on H H Hiephens, Crow poet office DeLaiin, druggi-l. Laus coati ty, Oregon. !