Pacific Christian messenger. (Monmouth, Or.) 1877-1881, July 06, 1878, Page 2, Image 2

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. expressed, and ordination is neither over those same cities for the setting i Jacob expressly prophesied,, of him I have enabled wicked men a-, free
” nr agent« to prevent its accomplishment,
expressed nor implied, because We in order the things that were wanting] under the appellation of r^W^h,
:—a -’I
” : when obviously directed against thenir
will nut infer ordination, we are told,
" ' ' ’ ‘
that such lothne.-s on our pait is mere* ing of elders. This assumption of ■ Gen. xlix. 10. Balam pronounced - selves.- The Jews not understanding
ve and jurisdictional j | him “ the star of Jacob, and the seep- what' Christ-meant by his “lifting
i subterfuge. And to illustrate us, you Supreme executive
powers, is t'ie very
•y quintessence of | ter of Israel.” Num. xxiv. 17. Moses I up,” John viii. 28; xii. 32, 33; and
Jiro. Walle'r :
. ."
clerical domination, and is the sub- ‘ spoke of liim as one greater than not knowing that he had foretold his
The M essenger of June 8th, con­
stance of Protestant Episcopacy, and liiit><elf.” D*-ut. xviii. 15, IS, 19; crucifixion to his apostles, Matt. x.x.
taining your three-fol<l argument in foiwdexts of Scripture, each of which
is also Metho list* Episcopacy. Seel Acts iii. 22;. an*l Daniel hailed his ar- 19,Instead" of finally stoning ,him-
favor of ordination by evangelists, is
which the wbrd trrier is n it mention- l)r. Bangs “ Original Church, ’ pager rival umb-r the name of “ Messiah the ’the death appointed by their law
before me.
1 K>, rvfering to Tim it’.iy and Titus. Prince," chip. ix. 25. It was foretold j Lev. xxiv. 1G, for blasphemV, Mstt.
Your positions tire: First. Choosing . ed, therefore* you m eke us say that it
was Holy Ghost baptism, or fire, or lie says that her*- was a proper itiner-| ihat he should be born of a virgin, j xxxi. G5 ; more than nnce menaced
and uruainmg are nut. the same,..
i ’
oil, or something else ; baptize is an ating E|iiscopiey, clotliu-<l with ample Isa: x ii. 14, in the city of Bethlehem, again.4t the Savior, John viii. 59 ; x-.
Evangelists are authorized to ordain.
powers to superintend the affairs of Micah v, 2; of the seed of Jesse, Ga. 33; /nd actually inflicted upon
3d. Fasting, prayer and the laying on anglicized Greek word, of a uniform
the church, to set things in order, and , xi. 1, 19; that he should lead a life of Stephen, Acts xii. 58, for that offence
of hands comprise the manner or mode.
' but one meaning; this is not true of to ordain elders in every city, not re-■ poverty and suffering, Psalm xxii; —unconsciously;delivered hi n to the
We will notice each of your posi­
i I sembling the restricted jurisdiction of i inflicted upon him, not for himself* predicted Roman cross. Again the
tions as we proceed. Ybur first item ordination, ordain and ordained come
from words with different meanings- either "the Congregational or Pres-I Dan. ix. 26, but for the sins of others, piercing of his side was no part of the
will be noticed iu our iltieet Scrip­
But let us test Bt'o. Wallers logic a , I bytcriail . * pastors. Now, our Bro. ! Isa. liii ; and after a Abort còntk.e- Roman sentence,"but merely to ascer­
tural argument. Your main proofs
1 little. John baptized -with water, , ¡ Waller cannot claim thè right of ex­ J mint in the grave should rise again, tain liis beln; dead, previously to
for the authority of evangelists to or­
Matt. iii. 11. John baptized in Jor­ clusive "ordination powers for evangel- I Psalm xvi. 10; Acts ii. 27, 31, and taking him down from the cross
dain are contained in two texts. Paul
iii. 6. Jesus being the greater, : ists, and admit of restricted jurisdic­ xiii. 35, 37 ; that he “ should sit upon “ that the body might not remain
to J lim. v. 22. Lay hands suddenly
commanded John to baptize him, iii. tional powers AVe hax*e read of the throne of David -forever,-”- and be there -on the Sabbath day,’ wlribh
on no man. Dr. Lee, in his theology
15. Jesus was baptized of John in ecclesiastical princes who exercised called “ the mighty God,” Isa. ix. G. 7 ; commenced that evening a few hours
art. ministry, sec. 2, page 519, ex­
Jordan. John was the administrator, jurisdictional powers over provinces " the Lord our righteousness,” Jer. after the crucifixion. From his early
presses our views on this passage j
Jesus was tfie subject, the water was comprising many towns and cities, xxxiii. 1G ; “Immanuel, that is, God giving up the ghost, however, it was
Better tlw.11 we can do it. He says':
the element. John whelmed him, this and of a college of Cardinals, from with us,” Isa. vii. 14 ; Matt. i. 23 ; and not necessary that “ a bone of him
This text does not "require the laying [
was the bapti'in. Water baptism is among whom and by whom a Pope by David himself, whose son he was should be broken,” Exod. xii. 4G :
on of bauds a"s essential for any pur­
i one of command, Matt, xxviii. 19, and was elected, "all of which was the according to the flesh, “ Lord,” Psalm Num. ix. 12; Psalm xxxix. 20; like
pose, but only forbids, it to be jione
suddenly. And «aysfuither, that tl^‘ see Acts viii. 38, 39, in this example : legitimate consequence of clerical as­ cxi; applied to Christ by himself, those of the two thieves, his fellow­
' “ Both Philip and the eunuch went sumption, is that system gone to seed, Matt. xxii. 44,and by Peter, Acts ii.34. sufferers, John xix. 32, 36. Thus do
text itself, nor the Connection in which
down into the water, and Philip and is complete when the idea of
The time of his incarnation was to the prophecies of the Old Testament,
it stands, does not prove that it. has
whelmed him.” Here is the adminis­ apostolic succession, is tacked on, be before the scepter should depart without variation, or ambigity, refer
any allusion to.the setting apart oi
trator, the subject, the clement, and which is always thè case) ' The elec­ from Judah, (Jen. xlix. 10 ; during the to the person and character uf Christ
persons' to the ministry. Now, this
the action of baptism, all complete. tric fluid of apostolic virtue that has continuance of the second temple, His own predictions in the New de- .
■is a correct view. Yet you say that
Now, therefore, we conclude that-all come down through the dark centur­ Hag. ii. 7, 9f and within seventy mand a brief notice. Those relating
this-must have reference to ordination.
other baptisms of" command are just ies, through a channel reeking with weeks, or 490 days, that^is, according to the destruction of Jerusalem, which
If your views- of ordination are cor­
like this one. Now, is this logical ? | corruption, licentiousness ami blood, to the constant of prophecy, 490-years specified that it should be “ laid even
rect, it could not refer to it, since iu
And can Bro. Waller produce as full, J made up by" an unbroken series of from its erection, Dan. ix. 24.
with the ground ” and “ not one stone
thal*l?!lse, it could not be done sud­
clear, and complete an example of or- i I physical contacts l*y the imposition of
left upon another,” Luke ix. 44
denly. This Scripture has' a iron oral
di nation,'with all his-elements pres* nt, hands] in wlratois called? ordination, is i dictions, the coming of Christ was at .“before that generation passed",’'
significance, and to give it a specific
where the whole are called ordain or ru*t consistent with the Supreme moral all times the general expectation of JfiBffi'Xxivl 35, were fulfilled in a most
one, shews upon what slender grounds
ordained. You say that Paul was government of God, and where there the Jews, and fully matured at' the« -st
surprisingly literal manner, the very
your proof stands, so far as this text
ordained in Acts. xiii. 3; what wits 1 is an agrégation óf power, either exe­ time of his actual advent. All over P foundation of the temple being plowed
is concerned'. Your main, reliance
done to Saul in Acts ix 4 Here was cutive or jurisdictional, in the hands the east, indeed, it was a general tra­ up by Turnus Rufus.
seems to rest upon Paul to Titus i. 5:
I valid choosing, here ^as a man doing of men, the tendency is alwaj’s to ac- dition tl at about that time a Kin*; of
In another remarkable prophecy li^
“ For this cause left I thee in JL’rcte
j evangelical" work, here. was fasting, ' cumulation, no matter whether they the Jews would be burn, who should announced the many false messialis
that thoq shouldest set nCorder the
i.SáuTwas three days without food or ! ale culled evangelists, preachers in govern the whole earth.. This pre­ that should come after hiiS, and the
things that are wanting, end ordain
drink, Acts ix. 9, here was juaying ; ! ¡charge, presiding elders, bishops or vailed so strongly at Rome a few ruin in which their followers should
ciders in <v* ry city, as I had a]*point-
-Act* iXjil 1, for'behold he. prayéth : cardinals, the principle is‘the same months before the birth of-Augustus, be-in vol ve*l Matt; xxvi. 25 2G. That r
cd -thee;” The word-ordain in this
..aad here was the laying
on of hands, ’ ] Always.
that the striate made a decree -to ex­ great numbers actually assumed that
- ■—-
passa.e signifies to fix, settle, cs- j I ix. 17.
Now, here arc all the clf-
Yours respectfully,
¡i'll the children born that year ; holy character before the final fall of
tablish, and to set in order, is to re- 1
I inents fur a first class ordination ac-
r •
■ S. B. D unton .
but the execution of it was eluded by the city, and led the people into the
duce to system .and method; this was
t edrding-to Bro. Waller's theory; It is
trick of some of the senators, who wilderness to their destruction, wi
, done "by the, teaching of Titus, and not
Divine Origin of Christianity
I true that the word ordination does
the pregnancy of their wives, learn from Josephus, Antiq, Jud.
by the exercise of executive, powers
! not occur, an 1 it is al»u true that
to hope that they might be xxiii. 12; xx. 6 ; and B. J. viii. 31
V c will refer tothis text again, Acts 1
Ananias did not come-tu ordain Saul,
of the promised Prince.
Nay,<£jich was their wretched infatua-
vi. 3, G, in this example, the congrega­
i but that he might receive his sight*
tion did the choosing, and ytju say that
and be filled with the .Holy Ghost.
predictions of the coming, life, death, jected the offers of Titus who courted .
the apostles did tlieordaining; lrowdo
Singular that our brother overlooked
resurrection of Christ, there are them to peace. It will be sufficient
you know that, the record does not this example.
which tell more strikingly barely to mention his foretelling the
say so, one of your . elements are
Bró. Waller tolls us that he has
particular incidents of the dispersion of that unhappy people and
ftii.ssing tiere. True, thr-y prayed and ■ given us tiltee’examples where the
s unparalled the triumph* of the Gospel over the
layed on hands ; does ordain and 01- I manner or mode of ordination is as human invention, blit rests upon the
and gates of hell under every possible dis­
dained come from words which mean clearly set forth as language can ex­ sure foundation of divine truth. But
to fast, to ¡cay, to lay on hands by an press it, an*I that in our long article in order to make "assurance doubly which coni*) have b*‘-n foreseen by advantage,—himself low an*l despired,
evangelist. Acts xiii. 1, in this ex­ we never gave one example, but we sure I proceed to subjoin three addi­ God alone, tb-y were eeitainly not his immediate associates only twelve,
ample fasting, prayer, and -the laying j did, we gave the first example of the tional marks, which no matter of fact, foresee" l*y the human agents con- and those illiterate and unpolished,
on of hands were done ; but does the ordination of an officer after the as­ how true soever, either has had; or .cerned in their execution, or they and his adversaries the allied powers
, record say that it was an act of or­ cension of Christ. See Acts i. 15, 2G. can have, except that of Christ, which would never have contribute*! to the prejudices, habits, interests, and ap­
dination , was not the sending away This example is full, clear end com­ will establish the truth of the divine fulfillment of the prophecies referred petites of mankind.
So much for our first mark under
the separating act. Acts xiv. 23, in plete, the record is full and unmistak­ origin of Christianity beyond a doubt- even by themselves to the Messiah,
and therefore verifying the divine this head, that of the prophecies an
this .example the ordaining is one able, both- as to the necessity, nature, As follows:
1. Christ was previously announced mission of him whom they crucified as pouncing the coming of Messiah.
thing, and the prayer with fasting is fact and manner, therefore we con­
the very period that he appeared an imposter.
And now as to our second mark
another. We will revert to this again clude that all other ordinations, in
Behold how literally many of these under this head, the types and figures
asNvi- proceed. In our reference to principle and manner are like this
predictions were fulfilled. Read of the Bible foreshowing Christ and
the practice, of the inspired founders one. In Acts xiv. 23, the very word back 4000 years before "Christ.
2. Prefigured by types, both of a Psalm lxix, 21. “ They gave me gall his church. These types were of a
and advisers of the early churches, we ordained means the same thing done
to eat. and vinegar to drinkand two fold nature, circumstantial and
referred to it as peculiar to those who in Acts i. 15, 1G. Paul to Titus i. 5, circumstantial and personal nature,
compare Matt, xxvii. 34, “ They gave personal. Of .those that were circum­
were specially inspire«!. They laid we conclude that Titus ordained the
3. That the facts of Christianity him vinegar mingled with gall.’’ stantial may lie mentioned: The
©n hands to impart gifts, and did same way tliat Peter did in Acts i.
such as to make it imjiossible for Again it is said, Pt-alm xxii. 1C-18, passover, instituted in memory of the
things which we cannot? do, hence it 15, 2G, viz.: he taught the brethren
their relaters or hearers to be­ ” They pierced my hands and my feet. great night when the destroying
is a great leap of logic to infer from to do it. Our brother says that he
if false, without supposing They pa»t my garments among them, angel, who slew all the first born of
their practice, rules, that other ajres has given us three clear cases, where
deception of the senses of and cast lots for my vestureas if Egypt, passed over those houses upon
should follow. We never said that the mode of ordaining is as clearly set
first of the prophecies it had been -written alter, John xix. whose door-posts the blood of the
their teaching was not binding on us. forth as the mode of baptism, or any
ami it is not fair to represent us as other command. Then why is it that which 1 beg the skeptic to duly con­ 23, 24. It is predicted likewise Zech, paschal lamb was sprinkled and direct­
saying »6. It is also erroneous to many of our most learned brethren sider. For, surely no reasonable mind xii, 10, " They shall look upon me ed to be eaten with what the apostle
deduce from our premises conclusions who have made this matter a special would condemn Christianity, and risk whom they have pierced,” and we are call«, 1 Cor. v. 7, 8, “the one leavened
that make us say that congregations study can’t see it as clear as Bro. his future state on such a condemna­ told, John xix. 34, that "one of tlie bread of sincerity and truth.” And
can ordain their officers in any manner Waller sees it. Bro. Waller’s theory tion until he had thoroughly investi­ soldiers with a spear pierced his side.” j the annual expiation, in two respects ;
they please, an*l can also make such is mainly based upon one text, that gated the main proofs upon which The soldiers did not tear bis coat, be- j j first as the high priest entered into
laVs for their own government as they carries with it grave - consequences. i rests the system. The great fact of cause it was without seam, woven the holy of holiea(represehting heaven.
please, and to substitute the word The assumption that our modern I Christ’s coming was previously an. front the top throughout; and there­ Exod xxv. 40; Heb. ix. 24), with the
ttJiehintj for the word practice which i evangelists are invested with Supreme nounced to the Jews in the Old Tes­ fore thev cast lots for it. But this blood of the sacrifice, whose body was
we used, represents us as saying that I executive ordination powers is also tament "by all the holy prophets was entirely accidental With the burned without ti e camp ; “ where­
which we did not say. I do not think 1 necessarily, and indissolubly connect- which have been since the world be­ passage in the Psalms, as Romans, fore Jesus also, that he might sanctify
that there is a 'Sufficient analogy be­ j ed with the assumption that they are gan.” Luke i. 70. The first promise they were not likely to be acquainted. the people with his own bloocl, suffer­
tween baptism and ordination to war­ 1 also.invested with Supreme jurisdic- upon the subject was made to Adam The same remark applies to the next ed without the gate',”’ Heb. xiii. 12.
rant its introduction into this dis­ * tioidd . prerogatives. There is no immediately after the fall, 4000 years instance from Zechariah. And here and “ after he had offered one sacri?
cussion, but we will not object
logical escape from these conclusions. I B.C. Gen. iiiAlS. Compare Col. ii. let it be observed (in reply to those fice for sin, forever sat down at the
Now, because wc will not consent We make our appeal to the tlioughfijj I 15, and Heb. ii. 14. He was again whojnagnify “ the power of chance, right hand of God,” Heb. x. 12. And
to infer the laying of hands, where it reader, and ask if Titus had full ex- i repeatedly promised to Abraham. the’ingenuity of accommodation, and secondly, as all the Iniquity of the
i chiefly children of Israel was put upon the ,
is neither expressed imr implied, and ecutive ordination powers in those Gen. xii, 3; xviii. 18; and xxii. 18; the industry of research,” as,
____ —
-J of the scape goat - Lev iii oi
pro- I 1 x head
call it ordination, and where, fasting, cities in (,’rete; had he not also full
s *_z * —A»
I l*hecy) that greater plainness would I The brazen serpent, by looking up to
j) ray er and the laying on of hands are jurisdictional or governmental powers 1 and to Jacob, Gen. xxviii. 14.
*1 •