'» 2----- « PACIFIC CHRISTIAN MESSENGER, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 4878. 4- . expressed, and ordination is neither over those same cities for the setting i Jacob expressly prophesied,, of him I have enabled wicked men a-, free ” nr agent« to prevent its accomplishment, expressed nor implied, because We in order the things that were wanting] under the appellation of r^W^h, ’"’? :—a -’I .‘.ry was as im pera tive as was the ordain- I “ him that was to come, or to be sent. ” : when obviously directed against thenir will nut infer ordination, we are told, ’ " ' ' ’ ‘ ” Ordination. that such lothne.-s on our pait is mere* ing of elders. This assumption of ■ Gen. xlix. 10. Balam pronounced - selves.- The Jews not understanding BRO, MIXTON TU BEO. VALLEE. ve and jurisdictional j | him “ the star of Jacob, and the seep- what' Christ-meant by his “lifting i subterfuge. And to illustrate us, you Supreme executive powers, is t'ie very •y quintessence of | ter of Israel.” Num. xxiv. 17. Moses I up,” John viii. 28; xii. 32, 33; and r say you will try our reasoning and see Jiro. Walle'r : - . ." clerical domination, and is the sub- ‘ spoke of liim as one greater than not knowing that he had foretold his ; what it is worth. You then quote The M essenger of June 8th, con­ stance of Protestant Episcopacy, and liiit>, rvfering to Tim it’.iy and Titus. Prince," chip. ix. 25. It was foretold j Lev. xxiv. 1G, for blasphemV, Mstt. Your positions tire: First. Choosing . ed, therefore* you m eke us say that it was Holy Ghost baptism, or fire, or lie says that her*- was a proper itiner-| ihat he should be born of a virgin, j xxxi. G5 ; more than nnce menaced and uruainmg are nut. the same,.. s i ’ oil, or something else ; baptize is an ating E|iiscopiey, clotliu-