Image provided by: Independence Public Library; Independence, OR
About Independence enterprise. (Independence, Polk County, Or.) 189?-190? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1895)
POINUS OF CONHUKSS WOUTINE WORK Of THE FIFTY. FOURTH SESSION. ukttNe mt Ik Hill and Maaulutlon latrwduaed la Ilia Nannie unit IIuuk Mali. up ttf tha Verluua luu.mll t - Neaaie. Waahiugtou, Dim. 19. The preat- liut'i montagu Ilia Veutwuelau quo. ttoll UOOUplud tllo MtU'UtlllU of the win. ale during tlm brief ammioii Many memorial, ntinuorning me Cuban robolliou mid the Turkish ques tion wow proawuted. Call offered a resolution to luvoatlgate allogod elec tion Irregularltlm In Florida. Washington, Duo. HO. Though hm lian n doaon miuatura were preaent whim tlm aeaaiou opened today, the Yeiie.unU taauo at out oame Into liriJiuluimoa but uota.dlrootly aa la the house, tlm annate busiiioas taking tho f i ir til of measure for national dofouao. Chandler immediately followed with . i.. a i . . ., at... ...ill. a 1)111 to inuiguinu win military armament," tha reading uf the tlllo .ocaaioniug nimih whispered oouiiiioiit. It wm referred t tlm committee ou in i U tar affairs. Ou motion of Davis the aonate agreed to a resolution railing ou tho irtaidiut for Inforuutloii mid all orrespoudoiioa a. tu tha rwulilixh- : inent by Groat lirltalu of poatofllooa ; and MMt road In tlm United HUtoa tor- ; ntry of Alaska; also, aa to any liritlsh j ovupatlon, in 111 tar jr or civil, of that j i.-rritery; also roapootiug any attempt y Great Ilrltalu or Canada to aaanrt any claim to territory of tha UuiUul tyatea lu Alaak. Aunthor significant rnaolution was ottered by Galliugor, authorising the herniary of war to ooutract for tho purchase of nu Improved oouuterpolau a battery, me resolution went to the W ...i...... i I..- . .viuilllliw uu luiiiMi; suairs. Iu prose' itig a bill for tha repeal of the law impoaing disabilities ou those SUGAR BOUNTY LAWK f Ita I uaatltullonalltj NaaUlnad nde;e I'srdes, of Louliaae. Now Orleans. Deo. 0. TwIKar bounty oasea worn dooidod ly by Judga I'ardtMi, In tho United Htn 0jr. ouit court lhiy wurtmUiof loou stitutioiiauty 01 mo sugar-Dour got and wore nirnl by the Realty (naiiy and Andrew It. (lay. Judge Kl'a opinion waa forcible sgaluxt tpoal- tutu aaauiniwi vy i;oiuniUnr Kvlr The dualalou la agaluat thn uu niuum. 1 in noma tne augar-bnry act II ooiiatilutloiiul. In addition ithat, onngrttaa IihiI M)wr to air)rtttU iiiniiy lor any iurMHM) It aaw. la Mt oilulon, 110 iKiurt or ollloald tho pownr to nullify luoh an amirotttlou (ngrM la tlm moluHlre judyif tho iurHMHii to wliluli nionoy ahall up. uniiriMnn, ana aitor omigrita aimli au a)iroiriMtlon uooourtioflloe 11 n powiir U nvlBB ita action, Thn oa will Imi liniiiiidiuUl'taknii to tlm aupruiiit) court of tluluitixl Htat4-a. It la undnratiMKl tlnmilgna huve Hgrmid to glvo tho augur-putxra' oaan an IuiiiioiIIh Uj huariiig, il it la Jirolmblo that final judgmuiil 111 be ritauhiKl In the next two mouth t CHEAT STREET CAR STiKE- A bunt A.IHMI Man tnrulo.l -I'uln Nan. Ilmviit Halil la Ita With Mlira. riiUu(liil)hln, l)ua. 11). T) gruHt atrika of uiotornmu and amditora of the Uuion Traction lintt Ixvj early ) thU moruing. The axuttiaou of the imblia la clearly with ilio trikora. Tlm ooinpuiiy vuiployna auot , B.000 ; num. , Ura of the pmploya' aaaaclfltia. Tli , domum! of the mem la for a aorkiiv day of tvu houra with fla dif, a re ' aonablH tiiuu for uinala, piutoctiiu fr0' I the wtwthor and nwoxiition k B,'lr, organisation. i At U o'cliH-k the atio. iillwi'tr- llo all ovr the city, wuH tbP" tioii of a fow linna, la at h Ht-nHfill THE K CJIUIT rTS OPINIONS POLITICAL. aaya: That "' utrudtlve liiauo from othor thiiin aa are nart the ami) ... tlwuu. .lnfae a VTiKi wriw ... 11.0 wr ui win nuoimiii, .,.,, ,,.,,., .i,,,.. , b .. anra aing the minor outbrtW of rloleuoe niucR SECRETARY TONNE8P VALUABLE INFORJ'ON 4t ll la A tl lalrurll l'ar . molal Hull rartl In Oallfornl.' .oHIcullurUla tlna and Warnlnta t . - atliin. -Uanaral Wmrm In ITo eaaor C. V. hM man, waan., exixur . . . 0f inmwt wwU of the ..,, ,.. chard. Tt- --u.hruln..- u the aurvera extreme .,,;, ....iu,!,, all our ooiiimon die jflave bouii lntrmluoed m ami that auoh of live are for the moat f oloatdy relafoid Njieoiea long bi)U atudlcil : , , in othor atHta. ml oombai , ....,,,, tjl . ilie ln ti.ihm. inaunta wilt l MUI . mwia i a ,. . 4Urliiii that dmn- !!SlIMl..r atoredproducU HgepIUlf ,,,t, ..thur hand. v niiiiii v 11 SioU that tend to d.mtroy wi'da W,,M7L- ...i...Rla are indirectly bt-no- or nfti"- in. Ileal. Among " rfjre tne lauyuuga. -rTnA larval atagoa. ladybuga do !, great numtx.r of plant Hoe, " 7g a.e inancta aud other aoft Mi.d forma. Koacrely low. ellloaoioua i ihe goldtm-eye, or lace-wing fly, a wutiful pale groeu iuaoot, that de- Mino'd by low fungua planta alao d- Two-thlrda of tb-tn mmn W mmlL ' " "L' r J.a a, airaona. v 11 1 10 inwuw.. rtJacaaoa do much to kop down tho num of the ptwta, yet they are not equal ,io the tank aot K'fore thorn. Hence the uoooHHity aud value of insecticides. The bulletin is fully muairaiw. u. tho life and hlatonta 01 tne iuju..Uu. inaecU are given, aa well as the moat approved uiothod of fighting them. Tha Cumin right !lc.d bjf tha Landing I'aHjr Organ. 0nHiinll Kiiqulnr. There la one xaibllity for a onlted delegation from Ohio, aud that would be for the friends of MoKinloy to unite with their opponent to make the delegation aolid for Joph lUtnaon Forakur for president If thla ahould auooced aud Koraker be elected MoKin ley could enter the field for the va cancy iu the aenat thus created. I'resideut Koraker might be more will lug to help MoKinley to the seuat than Henator Koraker would be to help MoKiuley into the White House. Hrvd m Hanurd Hrkr, (Waahliigum l'ol ) It is true that a long record must be if a sneaker beoomea preaident Hut Mr. Hoed la a record breaker. He broke the record of a hundred year uhn h Introduced his Quorum count ing device. He not only enraged his political oppoueiita, but ho atartled his frieuda by that ruling. STRONG ON FIOUItES. WERE LIGHTNING CALCULATORS BY A GIFT OF NATURE. HlU apoka briefly. The main purpoae, ho mid. was to wipe out the fuature of the aUtuM which prevented ex-Con-(li-raUa fruin aurvlug In the I'uiuxl Sta(' navy aud army. Hon. Waahiugtou, I)o. !. The house iltirotod llwtlf to-day to dianuaaiug ill" proKwitn to have two election oouunittn iiiNtfad of one, the Vene iui'Uii tneaaage uioanwhio lying un up. nixl. Waahiugtou, Ihw. 30. Mr. Hitt re- ng as er, and J irtd lu the houae this moruiii aa It bad Imu calltxl to order '"Y"'! '"r uiiaiilmoua oouaeut, fo . uiiiKidratiou nf a lull to emiMiwn Nvcsulty of Hprnylng. At the reoent meeting in Walla Walla of the Northeastern Kruit Grow- A-miHtiou. O. A. TouuBaon, sec retary of the State uoaraoi uoruuu. .r f Waahinifton. read an import in which he said m 1 m a "To be a suooessiui jruiiK""""' spraying and other meaua of prevent l.., n, attack of fruit poaU must be 11)1 lUU wwn. - work must be begun in the nursery. 1 . i it tr knfnrn the Kdur.tloro Ala.lia. With tne grunt l"""V " and iiiiiu are locked go at ror (Utiou. Jloapite the elTorU uf tholtrie loaoora to roaerve order, tliere Uh bta muon violeuoe. altliouuh none J ;jkri"11a- ture. At CumlMTlauiiUa Aiuoer strtMtU about 100 wonii(pl"KKd the switches. Tho ouuduuuf tried to re uneu the switches but vf'lriven away 1 the women. Hoorwtf men have been arrested for outig wire. " . . . . ..... " u..ifl Nnrt.hwoHt. .. . ... ... tu 1 T.ii .Art rrmr. crriiwHrii n .uv nan r ruuciaco, miv. .,.iiur uhnnt u. j ..... f ..,i,,,mion has we canuot be too particular about or U,e ! Z t " in Alaska, guarding againHt the .introduction o ,H.wer the ; frum whloh it ..ear. that duriug the infected plants, tree. , ;-, iidiii to a oommiaaiou to ,mi,t year the have been maintaiucd tunal in oounocuou ui.i 'lil'r the Veneauelau boumlury i t,re ixt-u day schools with twenty- outHide sootions. Oregon lu.tion, aud an appropriation of four u,,,,,, There have brnui alao "In each of th 0 atate s o 1 "'eg ; (1 00.000 for Ui epicnae thereof. The umiptud aeveu contract schools with Washington and Idaho ann line pr 1 v -!.''' ' 1" , ! "MTtatt h. been con jmi n rmumi uy w m unw joiiimlaHtomir rowiniuuiuua , , the direc of r..i.rtcntativ of the U.-uk nriation of 150.000 for the ensuing detuned and destroyed under tne mrao -biNa of America, in cxiuureaa iHum-1 f..r ilnnatiou in Alaska. One of tion I11I, that the sum of flUO.OJ" or so the oddest recommendations of the re sum 01 aiuu.oi or so ti ixlilest reoomuieuiiHuuuB ui m L.u....n . Meh thereof aa may 1 nery, be ! V()Tt 1, that the government increase iu negligent ore bra navu - ,n.l tho mih is hereby apprifi.wd for ! appropriation for the introduction o by ""j, " rtoin limit D tttMtllMts 01 a ooiniiuayn to DO ap- domestic reincuwr aa a yvj " - . peiuUMl by the president t investigate the people. Nearly 400 were luiro Jul report upou tho true (Vtnional line i dnoad last year, ftwwm tho republic of Vuexuda aud j kc4 iu :hf Mtt" rt' T! 31111 ng ami 1 ml Irltiali (iulnna. The bill phsmhI the hum'. Waahiugtou, Deo . .When the ate Journal had bn raad and ap- ved the clerk the house an mood tho paasae i,y the noose a bill approprit'iU( $100,000 fur 11 exiHinsea of tlio,H,mmlmiion to iu- T" twtigate the bouaary between Hrlt H -h Ouiana and Veneauela, retxmi w wndod by the jdidcut. The vioe w resideut immwldy laid it before 10" he senate. Ob.tlon was made to k: lie second readiijj Cr referenoe of the nil ill nntil tomorow. Morgan said K'fliere waa a reaoltiou relating to this neral subject tufore the oommitteei f foreign relatioH Bd he inteuded to ill a iiieeting the committee to nmorow to ooiiHilir not only this bill, at also tho resijution. As the roat r now stands nv action can be takeu o tha bill until morrow. Washington, W 24. The house kIiiv roHiionded; to the president s iii saage by plgol)holiug tho resolution r a holiday r0Bs, aud preparing w ') to work to provide some means for lie relief of thi treasury. The speaker iinounoced themnmittea. ineonair ion of tho mini important ones are; Foreign AffMirtHitt of Illinois, iepublican. Way and MuaDlngley of Maine, publican. Kulos Spoaier Heed, Republican. Appropiratiiulg Cannon of Illinois, hi(:'publioau. j LI Hanking ana Currency Walker of hl....,....l...u...tu 1. .i;,.un v6rif i lu'jiuuimii". uoin, woiKhts ana iii""" of time. In ;ne oounty 01 hid of Washiugton 130 notices have been served, requiring oronaraa w sprayed before January 1, 180C. "Clean and thrifty trees can be pur chased at as low rates aa those infested nv fruit Beats. Tne coat ot tauur Uapanda tipon Iha Noinlnaa. Ilariwr's Wel.) We beliove, If tho Kepublioaua nomi nate for presldeut a trimmer, or a man either tainted with the evil of bossism or posessed of unsound ourrency viewa, and if tho Douioerata nominate a can didate of good character and ability, that many of those who voted the Re nublioan ticket at the last election Will . l .. vote for the Democrats, wnuo mo army of tbia year's atay-at-homes will go to the polls. Three Might? Man. HI. lxul Itvpabllt. William R. Morrison, of Illinois; Roger tj. Mills, of Texas, and John O. Carlisle, of Kentucky, gave tho Demo cratic party the inspiration of a prin ciple of aoton and a policy of oohereBoe -n,i ii7ruuion. There were other -no-- - . men, valiant in service counsel, but arouud these three ragea the battle which waa lougnt againai foes without and foes within the party. There waa a host of Israel before the walla of Bethlehem, but only three mighty men of valor who braved the Philistines to bring back the life-giving water from the well at the gate. s- On Prlvnta Bualneia." Col urn bun, 0 , Kxiirewi.J Benjamin Harrison is again dowo in New York on "purely private busi ness." There are also a large number of presidential candidates and boss politicians down there on the same errand. If the New York artist who u niuinff Air. Harrison'a picture could oatoh the expression of his face at the moment he read Sherman's Keconeo- tioua" of him, the artist's iortune would be made. At Much a I)ipl aa Kver. (Uelroit Free Pre. . The oountrv is sufficiently aoquaitued with Speaker Reed to know in advance that nothing wi'l be done in tho houBe bearing upon the problem 01 raising revenue, that will oommit the party to McKinleyism or enhance the provi dential prospects of the redoubtable major from Ohio. Mr? Reed ia just as shrewd aud just aa muon 01 a uoBpui as ho ever was and is in a position to have thinirs very much bis own way. fwa ltr WhM P-nllar Talanta Attraet d ltanfl AMloa-oeef tha IMnV oll TaaU Throngb Wblh n-T raaaad flaiMMMMrullj. (Jeorg Parker Bidder waa born In 1800 at Morton Haiupatead, in Devon shire, wln-ro hla father carried on a small buaiiieas as a atoiieniuaon. At the eurly age of 4 ho allowed a moat rx traordiuary ability for calculation, v. hirh with flight anHiMtance from an elder brother uaHumed ijuite phenomenal pro portions. His peculiar talents soon at tracted general alteutiou, and his futher found It 11 much more profitable employ ment to curry his sou about the country and exhibit 111 111 s the "Calculating Phenomenon" tliun following his trudo. In this way yonng Bidder visited many parts of KiigluiHl, ai-tohh-hing the differ ent jioople who canio to question him by the wonderful rapidity with which be was nblo to answer, without external aid of any description, the most difficult questions. Of these the following are a few of the most extraordinary examples: If a fta spring 3 feet and 8 Inches in every hop. how many hop must it take to go around the world, the circum ference being 2!i,020 miles, and how loiiK would it he performing the journey llowiug it to take oU HORSE TORTUrti. glltUng Uh lirlui Mill rnU la ajaaaaa VmrXa mt tba wario. uiinin n honai's miatrlU Is still praetlo- fd In arnnt arta of the world, aa in MonaHilla ami even in nonnm-n . muA with silt noatrlli are ofUm sea In tho nimalAyaa and In AfghanlaUn. This mint Hal Ion la renorted to In theeno Deoua belief that the horaecan Inhale mea-a nir when going at a fat pw, and "too that It prevents neighing, a dlaqualSrloay tion of much liiiartaiioe during war, or when It la rtiwlmblo to travel as silently txaxlhl. It waa pnwllced In Hunary do Urn ai. " we are to adi-p' as evident the copy of a Unlnlied skirtih of a boras ra head, by the celebrated Koflanl, given In Colonel Hamllu.n'a work on bomea. I W rather anri.rlMliig that tha fashion waa mi renewed in Kngland, for two or three em turlea ao, to prevent a horae neighing. It waa nmn mended to tie a woolen hand, around the tongue. Murkham says: "If either when you are In aorvioa In um wars and would not be discovered, or when upon any other cKJCiaalon you would no have your horae to nelgb or make a notae. you shall take a lyste (band) of woolen ehrth and tye It faat in many folds about tha middle of your horse's tongue, and be lieve It, ao long aa the tongue la so tyed. aolong the horse can by no mean neigh or make any extrao rdinary noise with bt voice, aa hath often ien tried and approv- "''vcry Imrlmnros and naeloM operation for the prevention of stumbling In horsea ....v. (..,.,. 1,1,. biwnrd the end of the aer- enteenth and Winning of the eighteenth c-nturiw. Tills waa the exposure o tba ..t . n.nMiln that assbrta In di latins; bops every minute the ncwtrlls and twisting It r4nd1,tw" 8110W1UK V . IT. " Z -h..n It. waa divided. without intermiBiuonr Answer, 00,1 inra"-i " i,hrinjrbJ WO bop. and 1 ,L. 814 days, 13 hour. Ing this you .shall s h ho bri ng ud 20 minutes. ba"thlIll pUnd Bnd turned the sinew The following question waa solved by 'or tbre0 Unie. Such a statement in jo iiwriiids : 8nDDOse the ball at . . ,m. t the nain the anunal the top of Ht. Paul'a cathedral to be 8 expw.i(.nct,d during thosenaeleas operation. feet ill dianiHtcr, what am me rmuiuk Kineteentn tjniurj. I'rnuoiad Hawaiian Cable. New York. Doc. 19. The govern nint fix Hawaii has granted to Col Hnauldinir. a well known planter matMria neoeHsary to keep a clean f ti,a Hawaiian islands, a concession rnhard free from the attack r :. .L-ti..u ith a v DU""" . lor a caoie 10 nio umwu .v.., - Qj gerioua onemiea .n toj .,i-M of HO.OOO a year. Colonel . . th Bxnenae of fruit rais- Hnanldinir'i idea is to apply to the gov- . . (;., we must make 11 Hi ru'4 brii 11 Rrnment of the United States for a .,. of our duty to buy only those sufficient subsidy to warant the laying w and treeg v.hich beBr suffloient of the cable and for ita maintenance. iirantee by 0moial inspectors after ti. M,4.w,t. ts to secure to the United f ,i.mtd that they are free states the advantage of a oahle oom- gerious pests or plaut diseases. lnutinn from tho Hawiaiiau the work of spraying Hi u .1 . ...! ... l"nv . ,7. islands, in the hope that me oau.o n,KUiar pftrt of orchard cultivation some future time may be extended to rul()g all(l regniations of our Australia and China, with which ooun- flg of hortioniture refusing to lot trios we have larga ana growm . it or poicages ouoo uaou moroal rolationa" for fruit to come on our premises un- . jj.n iaM .he same has been inorougmj' u.o aud.i.n . ' thariaa h. sb.ttoch. in(eotedt aIld we must make it our Hau Francisco, Doo. 19. -New. has duty t0 notify any fruit pest iPr niti. nr tne sunoeu uwu hio rtenntv 01 uj .iuia... " . . ... . v.... r.-- ,.. A nn Shattuok at nis nuiuu, jftW or 0j estuonsneu iui -e- Almeda. Mr. llltiong whioh may come wunin ou the western part has reported to the horticulture that on a single reached this of Charles H, 1-729 Central avenue, lutions uu... v w the Dioneer ink manufao- r nf the ooast. although but 88 ..An orohardist in rears of age. He supplied most of the , Waghington years 01 k their a hnrtin, dally pap manufactured a xt.,..w Snv aode tree was produced KESriST inks for the .fiVe bushels of apples that sold S ing of posters and display ad ver- readny at i per box as a result of I " .7 He was a native of Massa- uginK the Bordeaux mixture as di- nhnsetts. The cause of hia death was reoted for the scab. Ohuseus. , , j .ni.ial.ri n. .. tha rliftnrtuioe in the .l,0,init Hill. WhlCn Hyreau Bonilun. le had only been ill for a week, and yftlue of gpraying and not spraying i Ile . . . ' j tarmination was K. ,a follows: Average cost of thewaow su-. - .,,. -"- . . iududing IOOKUU iu j .u nr .h at C. IW. Ktona of P.....Mvlvania. Republican. j Rivers aud llarbora Hooker of New JV'ork, Republican. J Kailway. aijd Canals Chickonug of ltj,Jw York, Rbpublioan ih riu!rtholdt of lissouri, Republican, 'Wepublican. re rig el4 leg a tli Vol: d. isk ns tiof it efoi Immigration and Naturalisation nnltn nu . -: - nhm nmn. f" J . Zl wife, also a native of - - litt, Kirl s Masaacnuaoii". - -year. old. . Indian A ffuira Sherman ol ew of Ver- inrk, Republican. I'aoiUo Rakwds Power. inont, ReputHoan. . . Naval Affa'irgBoutelle 01 mamo, Interstate aL,d Foreign Commerce 'eIepbnrn of Ioiy,, Republican. Judiciary rjendorson 01 iown, Public Landfc-Laoey of Iowa, Re- ablioan. f Ubor Phill jpps of Pennsylvania. innublicHU. I n8l Agriculture -L Wadsworth 0''...l. t -Kl 1.1 Mine, and Miine AitKen o n, Republican. Irrigation anVl Arid Lands nerr ian of Oregon, Republican. Pension. LKVidenslager ersey, RepubUcafD. of New of New v..i Klcvcla Ride. ' rw. in A special to the Rnnnblioan from uneyeuuo ---Smile ever ridden on a scale or i90iir tree, or eigniy m -.t a r era n no Increasea vaiuo frnit croo protected from oondlin moth scab. I per tree or tou 1 ana a net luuivn viw 1 CU. v, . . ma i.r otr.irri not 10 bpirj, " . - tha mnat bo at wora mm, api'Va lime, sulphur ana sau, aumt. thm-onuhlv compounded, as hot and Thtmuound ninety-six inch gear tan- idl, aa opportunities will permit eight pounJ. n,,m,a and jiin ... Dnrciiaging our pumps we doro by wr " .. -, atMTt " ,, v.- ru.rd for oodlin moth Green, wno course in l ..,1 nnah in the spri cost at 8d. per square inch? Auswer, 237 10s. Id. The following in 1 minute and 20 seconds : Snr-iHe a city to be illuminat ed with 9,WH lim-ip", eacn lamp o wu suroe one pint of oil every four hour, iu guccessimi, how many gallons would they '-consume in 40 years? Answer, mo iNll.d.KI aalloDH. Another curious question was: Sup pose the earth to consist of 971,000,000 inhabitant, and suppoae they die in 80 years and 4 mouths, bow many nave -turucd to dutit since the time of Adam, computing it to be 5,850 years.' mom tiIt the ausweikby 99. Dnrina one of hi. exhibition tour.. fortunately for the lad. bis performances attracted the attention of eminent schol nftf.r uittkhiB inquiries subse quently undertook hia education. He was attached to the ordnance survey for a short time aud afterward was as sociated with Stephenson, the great en gineer. KnniB veurs after, he entered parlia ment, und numerous stories are extant ,.i ,.-,m,wfnl kill in detecting a fl,.n- in some elaborate seta of calcula- . , . r . .... . 1. 1 .if! tn tions, wlieryny ne waa oncu upset an opponent's case. Or, at other ti,0 i. would establish his own case TROLLOPE'3 RAPID WRITING. . nri.k lilMilBhlM. Bia Work itooumo " - Speed BegardleM or nia nur - harncteristio discuwdon X niiiKiiiu.. m about their inle of writing belt1wtf,n.1T' lopa and George jcuoi . riartv at her house. , "Why." said Anthony, "I alt down ev ery moruing at 6:80, with mywateh a niv desk, and for three houra I regularly produce 250 words every quarter or no. hour." , . , Georgo EUot positively q"-" horror at the thought shewhooould write only when she felt in the vein, who wra, rewrote and destroyed her manuscript two or three times, and as often as not sat at her table without writing an an. ( "There are days ana uuys groaned out, "when I cannot write a too. e ..-.- .. m TVnlkme. "with Imagina tive work like yours that Is quite natural, but with my mechanical stuff it's a sheer matter of industry. K'l not tne u does it. It 'a the cobbler's wax on tho Beat and the sticking to my chair." . In hia "Autobiography" he has elabo rately explained this process how he wrot duy by day, including Sundays, whatever his duties, his amusements or the plana, measuring out every page, counting v words and exacting the given quantity hour by hour. Ho wrote continuoualy n kha ,.,i u in nanh davand at times mora ,uw . - . TT by arguments based upon themUcal J .1.... lii li lxy nil IV ill l LIB uiuujcu wi uccuko " r . - , ery, whUe hunting thrice a wee ana .k i,iri Tendon society. He wrote tn 1 X. . railway trains, on a sea voyage -town clubroom. Whether he waa on a joor- nev, or preasca wuu uiu - hi,.nH he wrote just the same. Frederick Harrison ia tuium, Harrlnon a PromUlug Candidate. t BuM'hIo Commercial. The most oareful observers of the po litical situation and those who are not afraid to report things as they think they see them regard Harirson a. the most promising of the presidential boomers, with Allison as an excellent second in the race. Whitney's Statement. New York Suu.J Mr. Whitney has put forth a positive statement with regard to tne uomo- oratio nomination lor tne presiaenoy. I am not a oandidate and nave noj been a candidate and must not be con- sidered a oandidate," say. Mr. wnit ney. Yet if the Democratic national convention should iusiBt upon nomina ting him, there is nothing in thi. dep oleusion to prevent the honor being forced upon him; and a very handsome and popular oandidate he would make, notwithstanding his present; reiusHi. Ohio's Governor Favored. Cleveland Leader.) MoKinley ia the first choice in most of the states aud aeoonu cnoioe iu others. Even in New kngland unio a governor is favored by members of the Grange after Reed. That is the case in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Connecticut In New York the Grangers like Governor Morton, but if he cannot be nominated they want Mo Kinley. In Delwaware, West Vir ginia, Michigan, Illinois, Kansas and Mississippi MoKinley was the first choice over all the other candidates. - . aa K wind blowing thirty miles hour, noun 1 1 . , i. OT, t... course in 1 ai in the SDrinn wneu mo P"-on . rnade before a ""retinue, We are watching llie , a..r - ...... Uwnrlr ...1 Vi trrPBl. liiimcDii wa plished by our ladybirds. They are destroiyng many of our nj" sects, but as yet are not multiplying Adam, express agent. George vv . An8traliall bug. are Mr.fammon. nas iw" -.-- - , .rt.j to have cieaneu mnuj - "f'r d the police have :we ..e Wack e. but they ""-" '.. u I,., lnft tliere iur ' . ,k. ...i.ini tnai no . . j u?rir sumoieuiij uu Terro ing ather Defaulter tor M,aleo. Haute. Deal 9.-Theatoona- Natobei. roach New He is probably trying " 'lfitoextornlillateit. Investiga- n. .re being made to dis Orleans, go a. Maxioa It i hi 'to1 WI" :tn " enemy which ahall prove ade ot to fully 18.000. Tbeaafeuld f "destruction of thi. Kla. amount w j . shipped to quaw ior w jiaai,i fr fliscover .ome the manufactory, gain. h oneneo ooro . . ... ntil found, it is U., . . r'.nKlnnRtL Ulllll - ... , t ..n. .mount cannot to oontiuno I ,et beea imposed. W"! "I t V O - - Keed and McKlnley. Boston Hrald. We see nothing in the record of 'Mr. Keed to endanger hia popularity a. a Republican candidate if nominated. There are tame points about the two men which make him a new oaudidate in nnmnarison with MoKinley. We do not think there will be tne neeo 01 passing over better-known men as presi dential candidate, this year that there ho hii in previous campatgus, ano if thnre were we fail to see where Mr. RoH baa made a record that would render him more dangerous to the party than any new candidate likely to be selected. They must all declare for protection in the abstract, and Air. Reed ia comimtted to nothing more. K-Treurer Bogga Convicted, Taooma, Dec. 20. A verdict of guilty was brought in by the jury this morning against George W. Boggs, ex city treasuer, charged with fraudulent ly using the public fund, for personal The maximum peuaiij the penitentiary. Sentence data, poKBiblv ouiy at mc placed before him. It is said that on one occasion au opposing counsel asked that he might not be allowed to remain ... ik. ..ntiAnittpa room on the ground that "nature had endowed bini with qualities Hint did uot place his oppo- lieuts on a iuir After taking a leading part in many important engineering works, he died at Dartmouth, Sept. 20, 1878. Another -of these extraordinary chil dren, betweeu whom and Bidder honors were almost equally divided, was Zerah Colburn, bora at Cabot, "Vt, Sept. 1, 1804. Signs of his wonder ful power appeared at a very tender age. The discovery was accidentally made by tiis father, who waa much sur prised one day to hear him repeating the product of several numbers, al though at the time he had received no other instruction than such as could be obtained at a small country school whose curriculum did not include writ ing or cyphering. He thereupon proposed a variety of arithmetical questions to his sou, all of which the child answered with remarkable facility and correct ness. At the age of 8 the boy was able to solve most difficult questions by the mere operation of his mind. Many per sons of the first eminence for their kuowledgo iu mathematics made a point of seeing and conversing with him, and they proposed to bim a great variety of questions to test his marvelous powers. Among them were the following: Give the square root 01 ,!. . . . I.- -i; QOQ OQQ. tillUI r H T 1 Tl 17 H III LID HO 1 H A 1 V v. ....... . v. .-".- O - . j J 000,001 and observed that ne proauceu this result bv multiplying the square 01 R7.037 bv the square 01 i ho.. Bl.-d tn niultinlv the answer twice bf 49 aud once by 25, a task which he accomplished successfully, though the answer consists of 1 i ngures. Name the cube root ol 4ia,wo,oo, 677. To this he gave the correct answer fi'v Rficnmla. How many times would a coach wheel 13 feet in circumference turu round iu 856 miles, aud how many ,;nt i.. vears. To the first he re plied in two seconds 112,640, and to the second, before the question could be , - mm nnrt oHrlOil i7tle7ame .. l':rr, ' , n s t9S. What are tho fac- the support of tw"" " . . liJ Ql A Wonder of Relationship. in an old scraubook which contains a number of clipping without date I find tho following: "William Harman, who committed suicide at Titusville, Pa., a short time since, did so because soma n had convinced him that he was his own grandfather 1 Here is a copy ui mo lar letter he left: 'I married a widow who, had a grownup daughter. My father vis ited us often, fell in love with my step daughter and married her. Thus he be came my sorUn-law, and my stepdaughter became my mother, because she waa my father's wife. Soon alter uu rave birth to a son, which, of course, waa my father's brother-in-law, and my uncle. for he was mo oruuier ui - My father's wifo also became the mother of a son. He was, or course, mjr and also my grandchild, for he was the son. of my daughter. Accordingly my wifo waa granumotner, oocuubd , . mother's mother. 1 was my . n -band and grandchUd at one and the sam time. And, as the husband of a person a grandmother ia his grandfather, I was mr own grandfather!' " Was it any wondr that the poor man rid himself of such tan- gled relationshlpr -St. uouia P""""- The SHU, Small Volee. The mother and grandmother of small Susan were "taimng ner over, emall Susan's presence. "Have you taugb her anything yet auput Z1 voice?" asked the grandmother. ISO, re n. thor "she is too young. 1 U- He was ach hpr about still, small voice when n fwin. I . . ... j ...... I ft. " A day off she 8 aoie to umiw."".- - two after this small Susan s m the most dreadful how U and yells coming from the nursery. Rushing there sb (ound small Susan prone upon he flo "What is tne matwir, mj the affrighted mother. Whereat small bo san picked herself up deliberately and re plied, serenely enough, "That, mamma, ta . . i . . , vrw Vnrtr Sun. the stui, smaii voiiw. tunall and Ferry On one occasion, the late Ismail Pasha- vnu aiivisea uv iuiot - tn it is opened th exact b given. t.n-a ..f 247. 4X8? To this he replied an and 203, which are the only factors. Strand Magazine. Aa Women See) Woman- Alice Stone Blackwell, in answer to . ...,DJ.i,. Viva Rostou naper, wrote: "The nuestiou. Are women more char- ithi t.rH the faults of other women than men are? must be answered in the m the faults ol women "H""" ' 1. t throuch a certain soneuiug tfiu ..... wnmm infik at tlieni clear sightea- ly and with an impartiality that is of ten pitiless.' Th mnst nxtravasant instance of lit erary relic worship on record ia said to be that of a well known Englishman who constantly wears, ia a small locket attached to a chain around tne ueca. a portion of tbe charred skull or sneiiey. his scheme to oust nisson ui T He showed a new high hat to a friend, with the remark: "Ferry says I should not go to Iudon In afex j it's tooorientel He rwxmimonueu me kj ui h.w(l mo o rrauta u I suspect Ferry has a commission; pig thing. on it." Intimation. "So the Insolent feUow refused to par his rent?" , . . . . He did not say so m wurus, uu. timated it." How so? "Ho kicked me down stairs." Figaro, in,, .nonliiw. nlant is native to Europe. It grows wild in most of tho northern parte of that continent being also found in tba Alps, the Carpathian and the Ural moun tj .iitttniinir it at Tory high heat woo may be made to yieiu agwu " s