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About Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1910)
1? ioht PAI TWO Aurvi4o!f Pure Tfc ony baking poy Cream of Tartar YiLL SUPPORT PEOPLE'S LIS Portland. Ore.-(To the Edltor.) ln the Portland evening papers of September 30 there appeared an In terview credited to Senator Bourne, in which he endeavors to deceive the people Into the belief that i am a re actionary and am not in lavor 01 grecslve legislation and favor return ing to the old system of electing Unit ed States senators. In answer to this communication and other false and misleading arti cles recently published. I wish to say: Statement No. a is a part of the direct primary law and I have heretofore ..k,(i oKitAd. and now state again. that I will oppose by every means within my power any effort to amend, modify or repeal, or In nay other manner render less useful or less sa ls factory, any part of the direct pri mary law, including Statement No. 1, or any other law written on the stat ute books by the people of this state under ths InKUtlTS and wf.rt.nd urn. If I mu eJecti sne I wiu w tempi or uiwJrt w chan or repeal Uw Statsuu-nt No. i. or ny other Uv Routed by tbs pU. ' part of ny of tneiu. a- - " the kw nl pre-Went of ttu body. I have nev-T .onTorwi " ?.. induce any other rnunner or i - i,,ut hli obllitiitton or nienmor in - . . , i-, emollient No. 1. and i .m elected governor I .h.H pursue .,., nJ ihall cot In uny manner or by W mean- interfere or attempt to Intorfer. with the conJu-.t ny member In this particular, or Induce him u v'ol.ue " I. iu:--oslblo for the r-,vrnor to "... ' . ol eiy iuw for . . h. it within IU me nt1' - , ,,, ,o a Mil over the veo of the goven.or. In older to prevent t..e w,ssit.l !ty ol any af.expt bein ui-e to am.nd. mod.iy or repeal any o those I would finest that ... .,..... f.,r tne legislature be Invited to subscribe to the win- Mi- gatlon I have heretofore iake -now taw. namely, thai they will jv e in every way any attempt to ' , rnnl any law amomi, uiouu v.. -. nm,le. This will be an effectual guaranty to the people that these men. when elected, will not un dertake to tamper with these laws, and I respectfully call upon the nom jnces to define their position upon this question. I do not anticipate that Senator Bourne has any fear "wt" Statement No. 1 will be repealed or . , , thnt I will violate any ol li r obligations I would owe to the people as governor of this state, but I do Dene ' - indulging in a few cneap -the two-fold purpose: first, of ondeav oring to induce the people to forge hl3 own shortcomings in the reoeot past as a senator, and second, in the further hope that he may create a false issue under which he m ght be returned to his high o nee. -oently feels that he will need the of flee of governor to assist -primary campaign two years henc ,, mnv doubts as to ana peruana bis ability to coerce, or otherwise to- duce me to favor hWn over didates in that p-1mary nomination. JAT BOWERMAH mm Coun. MulliuuuaU. 3X1 A DIU to Ann! a Portion of Wmb Ington Cour to MUinomn. 83S Y. 339 X N A Bill to CU the County of Ne tnlth. 816 Yet. 317 X No. A DIU to Create Orchard County. 332 Ye. 333 X No. A Ulll to Create the County of OtU. 320 Yes. 321 X No. A mil to Create the County of Wil liam. 32 Yes. 32'. X No A mil for uu Art providing for thi Creation of New Counties, iowuc tc . and changing boundarle of istlni? count to, etc 352 X Yes. 3".:i No You are asked to consider welt i above measures and by voting "So on all division measures, and "Yes" on the bill giving the counties full ontrol of all local matters, you will !). relieved of such duties at future ..motions. Your careful, conscientious consideration Is asked. Respectfully. STATE ANTl-m laiuiN COMMITTHH. It'a the World'a Beat No one has ever made a salve, olnt ment or balm to compare wlili Hu k len's Arnica Salve. Ifa the one per u..r nf Cuts. Corns, llurns Bruises, Sores, Scalds, IKl!s, I'K'er.. Eczema, Salt Rheum. For Sore Kyes, ... cr.r.a rhanned Hands, or cum . . - Sprains. It's supreme. Infallible tor Plies. Only 25c at all drugnisis- i if v.. winklo of Salem, rcpub- i. ii. 1 llcan candidate for Circuit Judge. Ho has practiced In all the couns haa had seven years Judicial experl- oooiotnnt tn Attorney-General 3 1 - - Crawford. (Paid advertisement.) 21-23 1 Spend the Summer at NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY can bo found. Outdoor Sports, all Kinds ..tcluding l.untln, KUhlu, dicing JZ a..,.ng. HMUK. Au.olug. Cai.o.. and U 1 ur. ter and the boat of rooa at Vr ,!KOi:SI. Fl.h and Vegetables of all klm. daily. DhAL ( AMI IN.. with Btrl. t eantiary regulation- at n.n,U.I t. Ixw ltound-trip Bea-on Ticket, fro... all K,!nt. In OreMn. E. atntlons Albany and west. Good going on Saturday and for return Sunday or Monday. A Sunday Excursion Rate of $1.50 n r .,,,.. for full particulars as to rat.-s. train s.n 'lui.s. v LErC o;ouri:ea,1t.fu..y...ustrated booatet. 'Outings Ore- gon." or write to Wm. McMurray, GENERAL PASSENGER AGENT PORTLAND. OREGON i All Who Love Si-Jittle Ones Jpixrest of the llpe in irCandy Look to v a"" " b-4 ( th "Modem Dealer" A www""- CASH PAID FOR FARM PRODUCE BY THE - BUTLER PRODUCE CO. FOLK'S f"55 A Daslness Directory of eo Cltj, T.-. nnil Village hi Oregon and WnKlilnKton, glvliin a Uei:riitlve Hketrh of each iihui. Location, Klilpping Facilities and a Clari fied Directory of each BualneM on.l PntfMUll,.ll. R. POLK & CO., In. MR. VOTER. fhint tt rieht to vote to create new counties and double their v, nan not Know eXPeUr'.';;o counties and should uons in -- A ... vote against all dWaicn auu the law allowing counties to settle their local matters among w""- Thanks for the Pool. uv.nn thA middle of the I ... h the dividing ! Umatilla ravci l.ine between Umatilla county and the proposed new cbunty. u- yet been christened. Under thie ar-gemantti-W-abaSpr.- will be in the new coum.,. ing the pool. Thanks ror u , . .nnnt he Cured . , it,.tinna as they cannot Dy local ovli. ' . reach the diseased portions of the ear. .There is only one way to cure , that is by constltution- ueaiucaa, ..DQ y,. al remedies. Deafness is -an laflamed condition of the mucous ntRp.hlan Tube. When HUlUg Ul L" " this tube is Inflamed you have a rum t ,i imTiprfect hearing, and D1IUE BUUUU - when it is entirely ciosea, u .,, nH unless the inflamma- iue icouii. . o v, tnkfn, out and this tube restored to its normal condition, cas ing will be destroyed forever; nine cases in ten are caused by catarrh which Is nothing but an innamu dition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of deafness (caused by catarrh) that can't be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., xoieuo, u.uu. Sold by druggists, 7oc. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. Bitters Succeed when everything else fail. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they ar the opreme remedy, ae thousands have testified, FOR KIDNEY .LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE b ia the best medicine ever sold NEW COUNTIES. When alone In the election booth on November 8th, when scanning your ballot you will read substantially the following: A Bill to Create the County of Clarke. 334 Tes. 335 X No. A Bill to Create the County at Des chutes. 350 Yes. 351 X No. A Bill to Anne a Portion of Clacka- BALDWIN PIANO IS THE BEST After . flreat many year, of pract,ca. experience In the piano , we are convinced that In many respect, the Baldw,n I. the best .n.tru met on the marKet. The Ba.dwln peop.e make the best piano that men ey and .kill can produce. No other instrument w. .tand the te. of .ike the maflnif.cent Ba,dwin. Some of the most renowned artist, in the world use the Baldwin and cannot praise It too highly. The greatest academ.c musician of France, Raoul Pugno, Honorary Pressor of the Conservatoire, Pads, celebrated and composer, uses and prefers the Ba.dwin piano at home and abroad. He writes. -It satisfies me completely! A great planol" , the same esteem instruments -of Baldwin manufacture are held by artists and connoisseur, without number In a,, parts of the wor.d. Vol untary testimonials of such celebrities as Madame Schuman-Helnk, Emma Eames, Natalie Ourazorf, Marie de Verfllny, Jeanne Jome.M, Blanche Marches,, Ceiestie, Liza Delhaze Wickes. Kar. Breitner, Germaine Schn.tzer. Edouard Coionne, Edouard Ze.denrust, William l.b.rt. 8.. -mond de Seyfried, k. Bev.gnanl, M. Bensaude, Pletro de Lara, Dr. John Gower, Ganz, Ramon Aquabe.-a, Theodore Neuman-Cordua, Fank Van der Stucken, Brahm Van den Ber, Mischa Elman, and many others are In the Baldwin files. . But not only the artists and connoisseurs delight in the praise of the Bad-win instrument, It is a significant fact there are today over two hundred and fifty thousand (250,000) piano players and organs of Baldw.n manufacture In dai.y use in the homesof the United States. The reputation of the manufacturer is a powerfu. force to, the dealer. The reputationof the House ofBaidwin is wor.d wide and every where the name of Ba.dwin inspires confidence-the porta, to success in business. SEND US octm CARD AND WE WILL TELL YOU MORE ABOUT THE GREAT BALD A POSTAL CARD AND wtwN pANQ Salea Music Company W1 CTnBir. 135 NORTH LIBERTY STREET, NEAR STATE mpw STORE. 135 NORTh NOW IN OUK rn Salem, Oregon over a druggist's counter.