Independence enterprise. (Independence, Or.) 1908-1969, November 12, 1908, Image 6

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    Farm and City Prptry
A Traceless Poison
I! itliij l"o mi.invu.--l II a ati ert
III li'int'lr Vi iii .VmJ.iii hi-, I i
,li.i,l iny l,i. i. i ul;U (tit ti iii.ii'..
"A I, t ! tli"l.'H U Llil tllKlllu' ! In iiiort -ilc'v til Mm' U m-!,iu !!! Imi 1" H In'.--
tlll I III' Mlilr : llit.'l H i Ufl.l
mi If tli.-iv v.; i iJ -'Mi. I Imv
!( S 1 1t Id n. lit' ltk.l
J I t ll.l !: I "J'?! Jll.l ,' forlt.'njl I! I'
U Ill 1 I'f I vliNt' ltl!tl, I I I
3 i- Jit!g' n J i rt I I' v .'.. 1
m, .rrn.; no Ui i.. ih .tl 'U'.y a
H I l!::. I .-ll! I l-.Ui' hit !-;!.
1 .Iinuili.iu '.. nflor l.i,. IfMlllii'i ; V r.-
,in!' I'cil w ili'iin: i wiiu i!i.
Ini'iiiriiix ttu iiittiii' if lin i.'ti that
left t. i lot it. M't f tts'm !!! It I,
n::n' from M t'!ii.lfy, l.tit I van n-Umlc-ti.M
at the liumU'r uf tlie v. li'.-ti
thiVNivl I'lal'i'y. from tin :': t!
htIiith look in oounnil tlii'lr i.!i !i;l:,v.
tli.-it ttirr wic ri!".",i for mi ur-
Iltn'il;i t ivi'ivnt a u-l from u Wo
lira Mill n I f r th Mvrt-t. Sin
Mil M.t ti:nl I;iit! a lrt wi'.u luT
Ico'lur, uli.t n M'li'tiiUt. of JJ ti
th:;t liter.' sin h iioN.ui. ntnl i!h'
.li'li'l t i provi' I: to M:u I y t. Ins 1:
on :i ! .i If I v. mi:.! k!v Inr tln it.inu
ir i!n p iiioii : ii! iln won lu woit'il
gli l)n l.ntf !'..' it unit.
1 ihic.i; u.-.i I. -i . t'.ii'ii, c-ilnj l;it mi
other rn:.i. re. ,.n. i nitii a liny
Tihlih I K-tve her. KijIiiS lh.1t If I'.
klile.1 the !.n niul left tut tr.oe kIic
mlc'it refer her hn-ther t.i l .e I"..r ev i
l!l'!te t'l:lt Well I lie U't. When
Kile left I elit II h Mi-iem.i il to follov.
her, who lrniIa me her mUhis.
Seinliii for it ih'ie."iive. ! iJire.-vd him !
lo establish fna.e Mrt of n u.uli on j
the hoiiKo v. here :n? hve.l. to : Imilow '
her v.lieu she xri'ut mit ;:n.l ri port to j
tne nti.v iae of Illness that n:!y!:t im ciii'
to nry one w ith wliom the ni!-r!it he
I'onne-teil. !
l.i :t few i!:tys my uiau rejioriei! that
the hhly's Imiian.l hail diej siiihlenly.
It h:el'ii vlven ov.t that he bail suf
fered nn iiit.iiiioetlc (itroke niul h iil uot
llveil en hour after.
I was thi!'i lri-stri:ek. 1 alone knew
' the nature ef t!ie pill I had glvon the
woiiitin, unci f eoiirse she wouhl keeji
the seeret. Nevertheless I was very
mucU troubletl at the result. I ilireetoil
the deteetive tl keep her umler strict
Burvelllaiiee. loiter he reporteil to inti
that she haj vlslteil the ollice of a
life Insurance company. Upon inquiry
he hail learned that her hnhand had
been lusnred for $."0.(X. I hurried to
the iusurauee olllee, calknl ou the pres
ident and advised him before paying
the claim to make sure that there vras
no trickery connected with it. But I
would answer no questions.
The next I heard of the ease was
that upon examination of the body
xbumed for the purpose It was dis
covered that It was the remains of the
brother of the man Jnsured. The In
sured himself had disapiieared. Pay
ment was refused, and the woman was
arrested on a charge of fraud, to which
was added a charge of murder.
The body of the deceased was given
over to physicians with n view to dis
loverlng If the man had died a natural
Jeath. One reported apoplexy as the
.ause, another heart trouble and an
ither kidney disease. Three different
cperts reported three different poisons
jund In the body. There was opium,
rsenic and one other, the name of
jrhlch I have forgotten. I was sum
moned as a witness for the prosecution
and produced a sensation by refusing
to testify on the ground of self Incrim
ination. Afterward I consented to give my
evidence. I Informed the court of the
woman's visit to me. of her request for
a poison that would leave no trace and
the use she proposed to make of It.
Then I told them that I had given her
the pill. At this point a technical ob
jection was Interposed by the defend
ant's counsel, and the Judge sustained
him. I was forbidden to tell what was
in the pill, the reason being that It had
not been proved that the pill had been
used. This left me in a very unfortu
nate position.
After a long trial the woman was ac
quitted of the charge of murder, and
the charge of fraud was never pressed.
The prosecution had failed to prove
she knew that the man who was buried
was ber husband's brother or that she
had poisoned him. Her counsel con
trived to throw ali the blame on her
husband, who had disappeared.
After her acquittal the woman came
to see me. She was curious to know If
I had been deceived by her story about
the bet and If I had really given her a
traceless pill. Before replying I asked
her to explain the case to me, and, aft
er a solemn promise on my part to
keep her secret, she did so.
Her husband's life was largely in
sured, and since they were an ill mated
couple she resolved to poison him.
Just as she was about to give him the
pill I had furnished her her husband's
brother came to the house for a visit.
His health had been broken down by
excesses, especially drugs that he had
taken In large quantities. While at
their house he suddenly died, probably
of heart failure. The woman proposed
to her husband that he disappear and
ols brother, who resembled him close
ly, be burled In his stead. This was
I told her she would find an explana
tion ot my part In the matter In the
ftaper the next morning.
My explanation recited my experi
ences as to a traceless poison and my
.desire to make a test case. The whole
filled two columns, at the end of which
I gave the contents of the pill I bad
given the woma,n.
It was made of bread.
Lit us help you out with your
Bedding Proposition
We have a limited number if pure
Mlk fUfs .ui lb. muUrn''i at
- . . $$.$5
Wo also have js.isi.l warm n.-rvlee.
aMo blanket In cotton ami wixt nut!
fluffy l.imimiied coiion comfort, r.
They are JUlit and warm niu! biaull
fill Ifi l.'oi: at. .Vol nn ounce of shod-
l'V ill III" lot.
We have an nil ire new lino of the
latest creations and effects In lace
curtains. The Arabians are especi
ally worthy of careful consideration
by discriminating buyers.
We are out for business in all
The House Furnishing Co.
177 Court St., Salem, Or.
PAID CAPITAL, $30,000.00
Transacts a general banking and
exchange business.
J. H. Hawley, Pres. J. B. V. Butler, Vice Pres. Ira C. Powell, Cash.
F. S. Powell. J. B. clump. I. M. Simpson.
O. C. Bostwicii, Proprietor
Independence, Oregon -:- Opposite Little Palace Hotel
Citile Palace fiotel
rm w IVWW
T. m. Creanor, Proprietor
earcfnlly Supplied Cables. Special Attention to Commercial cradu
"Dixie Land" Delightful Play.
"In Dixie Land" was enjoyed by
a medium sized audience at the bp
era house in this city Tuesday night.
The play was well rendered by the
Alcazar Stock Company, the ability
of the company being demonstrated
to be superior in. this play. The
house did not hold expenses for the
company, notwithstanding the Enter
prise has tried very hard to get up
enthusiasm for the Alcazar Stock
Company among theatre goers in In
dependence. It is not likely that In
dependence will be Included in the
circuit of the company on account of
the poor attendance at a superior
Patronize our advertisers.
:nt hiTihi thre mile from liiilepett
ilenee; Kit) Here lit iulllitloii;
Ehm1 fir Hlt iniilmr tut Uei;
liniike, bant, granary, muull on hard
Mint two iiiHitl ttelU mid aprltiK In
paftiure. vr aero ;.ooo
17;' acrca time mile from liulipen
leiiee; all lit rutdvatliMi; K't alien
lit i lover, rem In iiralu; all cleared
and feiieed wllh woven wire, hoiiae
with aix rootua below; barn, granary
and a iIuk well and aprltiK, Hem
buy. I'rlev per aire fMi.oo
'..! arrea one mile front Imlepeit
itiliee; all (Ullllvuleil Mini fenced,
tut Improvement. Tin pluee will
be anht for l.luoO
r."0 uerert four iiiile from lnll;i;
.'.il iieim In i nliluiHoii; (jnarii r
mile from rail rou.l; enouiili x.
Inimlle K'uh ouk til pity fur the
pluee; ix Tikuii liotlxe; bleiil ilnlry
iiml Rout raiuh. Per ttcre .. Initio
:'S lull HilJotniiiK iity limit of In
depeiulenee; all ill cull ivitl lull, one
third it i re In Htrawberrle mid cith
er fruit on phice; twohtmy huuse.
five rooiiiH below; ilun well with
abundance of whIit; larRe barn
anil chicken house; woxiii wire
iiroiiinl Jihice. bImi cross fences.
;i0titt. Itu lulling; h nisi liiil I furniture
and farm Impli'inc nt. A baii,aln
'iij aen one mile from liiilrpi ii
deuce; feiieed with woken k l ie
mid well iniprofed: cro:.s fein i k
of woven wire. This Is u r n 1
farm. All in cultivation except I".
acres In limber and pasture; ;ir;e
S room house; barn -lnxfitl; other
outbuildings. hiicIi ns machine
ulieils, chicken houses, etc.; Ihitiii
water on place and Kiod d.u well,
l'. r acre $KH.
Jl.'i acres, two miles from Indepen
dence is another of the kooiI farnm
m ar Independence; level, but with
17 feet drainage In hall mile; nn,",
acres in cultivation, rest In I'liml
oak timber; new burn 4nx-"t', hick
en houses an J other buildlUKs; a
youns orchard of il.i trees jimi
coining into bearliiK, ulso old or
cliard; has good well, windmill and
tower, with water piped to house;
good fences and cross fences, cow
barn 40x41, granary, etc. Can be
bought for ItiO.OO an acre.
101' ucres, seven miles soutli of In
deeiidenee, one mile from tw
school houses; 45 acres In cultlva
tlon; young orchard of 100 tres,
eight years old; 23 acres of. oa
and fir timber on fclacp; living wa
ter runs through corner of place
7-room cottage built last year, good
barn 50x34,' pluee fenced with wo
ou wiro; telephone goes 7ith
place; after October 1st will have
to buy crop that Is seeded to get
possession. Price for this place,
22 acres, two and one-half miles from
Independence; rolling, good land;
14 acres In cultivation;' house has
three rooms below, upper rooms
not finished; barn 20x30; good well
with plenty of water; fenced with
barbed wire and woven wire; good
spring on place. Place cost $50
Id grubs and stumps. Can be
bought for 11300.
33 1-3 acres, one and one-half miles
fro iii independence, bottom land;
has hop yard of 10 acres on it;
best quality onion land; 30 acres In
cultivation; all fenced; old build
ings. A good buy. Place can be
bought for 1 4000.
53 acres, one and one-half miles from
Albany, in highest state of cultiva
tion; 27 acres in Baldwin and
Johnathan apples; young orchard
in ail kinds if fruit and' two acres
in berries; orchard is In first-class
shape; Baldwins had seven boxes
appies to tree this season; six
acres In clover pasture; barn
40x45; dwelling is 8-room house;
good well with water in house;
three crops would pay for place.
Situated on slope Place can be
bought for $2000 and balance on
long time at six per cent. Price
8 lots, beautifully situated in Indepen
dence. All or part of them will be
sold cheap. ,
9-room house and three lots in Inde
pendence; large septic tank; hot
and cold water and bath; electric
lights and telephone; barn, fruit
and berries; range and linoleum
will go with place, $2200.
Good 7-room house and 8 lots; barn,
chicken house and wood house,
fruit trees, strawberries and small
fruits. Ib. Independence. $850.
10-room house and two desirable lots
in Hill's addition to Independence.
Barn 12x16, shed on two sides, good
chicken bouse' and wood shed; full
grown hedge fence in front. Splen
did buy. Terms. $1500.
7-room house, with closets and two
lots, in Damon & Haley's addition
to Monmouth. Outside city limits.
Best well water in Monmouth;
chicken house, wood house, fruit
trees; hxuse is old b-t is very
comfortable. $400.
T" '!L i
AlMUItU, 1 ft x I-.
WctfrluHr ftvnyiiEr,li
Promoles Pith'stltmfltrfrf J
( ijmiiii .Mitrphinf niirflnHtd
Nor Nine otic
Wo "
Mr4, ft.
ltsmmt -
I'rm W
AtvrlVf I IVtwdv forrtmslipi
l ion . Sour Stnnwh.Dlarrho
Worms .roiivulsHiiivriW'nsn
rj:.Sui Sijuaturr of
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
hP Use
i - 1 1. ., i p
For Over
Thirty Yean;
Exact Corv of Wrapjwr.
Tlie Willamette Valley Company
Light, Power & Water at Very Reasonable Rates
WATER RATE5(Wat(;r ly meter upilies to rei
dencei only.) J(eiileito rate on muter ujiplies to cus
tomer.'! only who jmy 2.(X) ami over at tlio rule of 20o
per 1,(XN) galloiiii; iniiiiiiuini $1.00 per month.
HeeiJcnce, 15 cents per K. W.
lSiixinotis liouxeH, 2iri cent per drop and 5 cent per K. W.
Tower, rates ou nplicution.
She Court Resort arpd
Gepnpan Lu9cb Place
KHAN K II :OIJ.lNS, Proprietor
357 State St. Salem, Oregon Phor?e 117
CO l,UNti, Proprietor
All Kinds of Freh and Cured Meats
Game fid Fish in Season
Real Estate Broker,
Independence, Oregon.
Crush and mix In feed or alt Proper dote In tablets
Makes Your Stock Look Like the Tod Price
Foi Horu, Cattle, Sheep, Swine and Fowli. They are made from the active crlndDle or the
condenned essence of the drug. They don't contain Sawdust, Ashes, Chop Feed or Bran. Are Just
as food when 10 years old as when 10 days old, Tbey comply with all pure drug laws. Ask for
and try once SKIDOO Condition Tablets, or SKIOOO Worm, Kidney, Chicken Cholera,
Blister, Cathartic, Heave. Fever, Hoi Cholera, Distemper, Pink Eye, Colic tabletsor Louse Powder,
Epsvin Cure or Barb Wire Liniment. Distributed by THE BLUE BELL MEDICINK CO.,
incorporated; Capital Stock $300,000.00; WatertOWn, South Dakota. U. S. A'
For sale by HANNA & IRVINE, Independence, Oregon
Day or Sight Calls Promptly attend- -ed
to. Flue Parlor In Connection.
An Experienced Lady Assistant.
Phone, main 271 - Res. 73
W. L. BICE, Knibainier and Funeral Director.
Licensed by Oregon State Board of Healtn.
Pneumonia Follows a Cold
but never follows the use of Foley's
Honey and Tar. It stops the cough,
heals and strengthens the lungs and
prevents pneumonia. D. O. Dove.
DeWitfs Kidney and Bladder Pills
are unequalled In cases of weak back
0 backache. Inflammation of the blad
der, rheumatic pains. Antiseptic and
act promptly. Sold by D. G. Dove.