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About The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1923)
o — T he H erald »Cr» t e r ed &» <*eeorwi-« 1 m * ■ m a t t e r S e p te m b e r * . \ X f i . n t h e i « a t g il ^ « a t M o n in 'iu O ^ O i u n d e r th e l e t <rf M a rc h iv i 9 Fight» White Man All Alone IS H E R E SPRING O u r n e w S t o c k of RICHARD B, SWENSON E d ito r A P u b lish er T e n n i s and B a se B all " MONMOUTH, OREGON ISSUED EVEI.Y l " ’.IO A T go od s has a r r iv e d . F R ID jX APRIL fi, jg g j S u b s c rip tio n When will the Emergency Arise? Some day you will need money and need it quickiv. When will that day arrive? Tomorrow? Next week? Next month? One nevei knows when adversity will strike but when it does strike, a Savings Account will be your best friend. Start now to build up a savings fund for the "rainy” days ahead. A Liberty Bell Bank will help you do it. $ 1 .0 0 opens a n ac co u n t and o b tain s a L iberty Bell B ank First National Bank M ONM OUTH, OREGON Officer* - IPA. C. POWfcLL, I’REB. J. B. V. BU1LER, V ice P k es . F. E. C H A M B E R S, C ashier ; C. C. PO W ELL. A sst C ashier D irector*—J . B. V. BUTLER , C hairman ; W M. R IDD ELL. I. M. SIM PSON, 0 . A. CONN, D. R. R IDD ELL, IR A C. POW ELL I'SSaSE5ÏS25'a5ESES2SÏ52S25ES2E- $ Q uality They Put The Clods On Top In tern ation al S pring Tooth H arrow s in a n d make y o u r selections ear ly. R a te * One year • Six m onths - * $1.00 months - - 75 cts T hree Come H o w is y o u r old tennis rac ket ? $2,00 Bring it in a n d let us h a ve it r e s t r u n g f o r y o u . OR LAN & M SO N Monmouth’s largest and most complete Confectionery ar*d Book Store Monmouth Meditations 30E ~t— Meet Your Friends 0 The Herald man listened in on the radio to an address by Mayor Rolf from San Francisco Tuesday evening which because of its pecul iar nature seems worthy of space here. The talk was as plainly heard as though the speaker were but a few feet away. The address was at the dedication of the first Rad o and Electrical Exposition to be held in this county and of course is held in “ San Francisco by the Golden Gate” . Of course the address was made in the California city also. Mr. Rolf said that as he talked into the little box, four inches square, he realized he was talking to an im mense audience because on a pre vious occasion he had asked each ported rwho heard his vqice to send him a telegram collect. He^had several hundred responses and the toll bill was over twelve hundred dollars. They came from such widely scattered points as San Juan, Porto’Rico, to a station on an island of the Samoan group. From Circle City, Alaska a lady sent him a stenographic report which except for a few lapeses for static causes, was perfect in every particular. Responses came from Alberta, White Horse in the Yjkon country, Tennessee, Wisconsin and Central America. The receiving sets varied from the costliest kind to one outfit which was made from pipes and tin cans. Hundreds sent him letters with photographs of their homes and outfits and he has filled a large scrap book with the =3 results of this single call upon his í) widely scattered audience. at m y n e w p lace of b u sin ess. One door west of bank. Light and roomy, clean and sanitary, w e are at your service. P. H. JOHNSON “The N orm al B ook S to re’ ! rHSE52SLSHS2SH5LS?StlSESESBSESHSESESESES2SESESESESE5ESZSESESZS25ZS2SZi?S^ MONMOUTH TRANSFER » Transferring by auto truck and by team , w ith in th e city or ou t of to w n . L eave order* a t G arag e Call Phone 2003 IQ C O F F IN 4 E G L E S T O N H lS2S2SE5S5HSE5E52525Z5ZSE5252S2S2S25252S25252S25ZraSE52S252SZ5ZS2SZSZS2.» Chief Groceries & Provisions 0 of the Piute Indians, Is. making his last stand ell alone against the v.hlte men In the hills of Utah. His small hand of tw enty-seven warriors v as cap tured. but he escaped. J Ray Ward, shown below, Is In charge of Unci* Barn’s men who captured the fol lowers anil w ill bring In the old Warrior. "Old Posey.” * f Good Goods and Fair Treatment C. C. M u l k e y m N T5 ' \ & Son ÆZSH£E5HS2S?S2SaSSS2SES2SH52S2S252SE5ESï52SÎSBS2S2£: a Fire an d A cciden t Insurance L ia b ility a n d S u re ty B o n d s WANTED—Men. women and to children in every community to send a post card for SUNSET'S big, interesting Gift Catalogue, just out. Hundreds of useful, valuable rewards in return fora little "spare Monmouth "Oregon t me” . Address Catalogue Dept , -cT5?5ESH5a£?S2SE£r2SHSE5E5cSiS?SHSHSESHSab'c5aSHSE5r5?SE5IlSHSZK?,,7HS'.' SUNSET MAGAZINE, San Francisco. Æ5cSÎ525aS2SZSZSZSE5H5HSÏ5Z5252S252S1252S2SZS2S25252SES G. W. CHESEBRO M O N M O U T H M ARK ET For Sale—Good six hole kitchen range with hot water reservoir and a Suitable for a ranch or large IS . a Here is a choice bit to chew over coil. family. Good small range consid g a in trade. J. P. Bates, next a a for clean up week. “ A man's ered a a front or Lack yard will advertise door to Herald office. ki his wife’s ruling mood.” For Sale- 2 tons clover htv. a 3 T, J . Edwards. The beét is none too good for our customers a A feature not on th** program in a Baby ( hicks For Sale—Odds and 'SÏS^5ESLàH!i2ii2SZ£25E5Z£25ESH5E5HS2SE5H5 ££^SZS7152KS2SHSeSE5SSH525Z5 a the lyceum attraction at the Nor ends at 10 cents each and up J. mal Wednesday evening came in M. McCaleb. » the third and concluding play. For Sale—Pansy plants, blooming a Miss Young and Mr. Olson were size, In d ep en d en ce choice seed, 50 cents a a occupying the stage. Miss Young dozen from Mrs. A rant. ,’5?5E5?SMESiS2S2525i52525a52S25aS252S2S25SS2SESZii2SiSIiSH!iaS25aSZS2Sa£! was seated on a settee and Mr. Ol HA BY CHICKS -.nil HATCHING son, impersonating a man about to EGGS. Dr. Duganne’s trapnested O Q | abscond with a latge sum of mon White Leghorns and J. M. McCaleb’s Also the ey and telling his own story in|the pure Hollywood stock. Monmouth Ave. third person, was getting more ser best of O. A. C. Barred Plymouth- I YOUNG BROS. DAIRY PH O NE 503 Rock baby chicks. Catalogue on re ious each moment. He seated him quest. Mark A. Webster, Corvallis, self beside Miss Young on the set Oregon. T en n is sh o e s for la d ies, children and tee, which, with a creak, gave way m en, C hildren's sa n d a ls, C hild’s oxfords and the two dropped to the floor. L ad ies’ oxfords $ 2 .5 0 up They were up and ready to resume A full line of M en’s oxfords, all s ty le s the play in an instant, but the situ All k ind s of d ress and w ork sh o e s M en’s S u its, O vercoats, S w e a te r s ation was too funny and a ripple Oils, P o lish e s S h o e strin gs, etc. of suppressed laughter went through L ad ies’ S u its, D r e sse s, S w e a te r s the audience. Mr. Olson smiled G ive me an order and be convinced. appreciatively and said, "Well, let us have a good laugh and then go If you are thinking cf building or remodeling on with the play” . The series of T. J. W E D E K IN D M onm outh Ore. Post office bl oc k your home, let us figure on plays and the reading by Mr. Olson it. Cabinet and built in were very effectively presented and features a specialty. appreciated by the large audience ie£2SHS£5Z5252SH5«lS2SHS2525?!5,2SlSS5i!5H52SESci5H52S«lSH5Z5H5E5B5Z5ZSZ5ZSZ5; Better let us make your Jfl Qj present. door and window screens now. Shop on north side of Main street On e D o o r Ea s t of P o s t O ff ic e between Hotel and Telephone office. C h e le -A fr o s U s b For estimates drop in and s*e or fl&íSrt ACt <*H£Xr fßiBHCS'1 write to G A Nestler. Monmouth, Ore. * St f uo CbVT ÚV 0 * 'rue vALtie Hom e made C and y, Rre sh p o p c o r n <y i *lr For SVe — 2 Ispge in-ubators Peanuts Sanitarily w ra p p e d bread Sure Hatch and Old Trusty,, and a / í ve« I m p ro v e d e q u ip m e n t for lu n ch serving 500 capacity brooder. See C. E 00TA vy' W e ba ke e v e r y t h i n g w e sell. Stewart. are made for service by being built stout enough to stand the hard usage that clods and roots demand. The teeth seldom break on account of having the extra asfety bearing which takes the strain ofF the heel of the tooth where the break gen erally comes. They are wonders for preparing a seedbed and will also level off tfie high spots. Come in and look them over. Remember we deliver machinery to your ranch. Clean, wholesome and up-to-date i Thomas & Horton Milk and Cream of Q uality Spring Shoes Guaranteed work, Cleaning, Pressing Harness supplies of all kinds CHARLES M. ATW A TER , Good to be Sure Better to be Insured Best to be insured in the a A New Location \ New Features ¡j “Fresh Every Day” HARTFORD F ire In su ra n ce C om pany A cc id e n t and In d em n ity C om pany C h am b ers & P ow ell A g e n ts For Sale Pure Pr<*l R l. Red s t- ting hens; »Iso fggs, $1 00 for la. #5 00 per ICO. Mrs V E. Silrott. East Main St Monmouth. 20 The .\Ior.mcu»h Cooperative Ship ping Association w !l save farmer s money m the L ie of livestock. Ship with us ard cut out middleman's profit It you have stock to ship notify W. j . Stocaboim, Mgr. ti ‘The Sign of the Rose” 3 a k e r y E. B. and T ea Shop A R N O L D 5i-S ¿SLSLttL c 3 uj TL. LTij'ciTiH.i55i52S£5Za2SZ5r2Sc S2SES2 j 2S2SZ5S32525Z5 ^