The Monmouth herald. (Monmouth, Or.) 1908-1969, January 05, 1923, Image 4

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Would You Be a Human Tee for Golf Ball?
First Seaplane Flight’From Battleship
In a blind n. rain this seaplane was catapulted into flight from the
deck of the U. S. S. Oklahoma off Los Angeles last week, the fust in
aviation history.
Sm allest E lep h an t A rrives in U . S.
It it with pridr that this ntwi-
f>«l>er publish«» tin* first picture of
the former Kais-r and his new
bnd« Through the Publishers
Autocaster Service of New York.
* hich serves this pewspaper, this
( • tare »as obtained from a tireless
i botoi-rapher in Holland, who after
four weeks snapped this picture
f'om the tup of a tree without being
brushed camel’s hair is appropriate
for ail Wind of winter and spring
sport wear. It is the new year
showing of the Style Service de­
signers in New York. The hat and
scarf are soft and warm and are
obtainable in varying shades from
burned desert sand to tropical blues.
They arc comfortable—and flatter­
ing—as you can see.
Harvester King Bringing Bride Home
“Big Six” Matty Sells
Christmas Seals.
Captain E. A. Cunningham went into the African French Congo
tnd captured this pigmy elephant which he brought to the New
Fork zoo "Miaraba" weighs 3CC pounds, is now three years old and
uily grown.
Where Klan Is
"Pig Six* Christy Mathew son, base-
balTt greatest hero, who for two
years has fought a winning tight
against the hrhite plague, is this
Oiristmas season ghrinft his tune to-
helping sell Christmas Seals.
Harold F. McCormick, the Harvester King, is soon to britig his
Operatic bride. Ganna VYalska, back to America when the McCormick
millions will be spent trying to make her vocal dreams come true.
This is an exclusive photo of Uac hooey mountrs taken is Faria.
Farm Bureau’s New President
Louisiana is all astir in the re­
covery of the bodies of F W
Daniels and T F Richards from a
4 ’
Pierce Butler
With Murder
take near Mur Rouge. The murder
has been charged against the Ku
Klux Klan ihetore shows divers
searching for the bodies.
Whose nomination to the U S
Supreme bench by President Hard­
ing has aroused a storm of criticism.
Mr Futlur is from St. Paul. He
was formerly a corporation attor­
Another dirt farmer ia the
choice of the American Farm Bur­
eau Federation for its second presi­
dent. Oscar E. Bradfute. of Ohio,
talkes up the work where the Fed­
eration's first president, “Jim” How
nrd. of Iowa, leaves o f f He wii
have as kit vire-prrsident. Dr , W
Oscar avxki**
ha annual
T—aiuti un
IVT«C« 9 T11
H. VI ilktr, of California. Mr.
Bradfute it a stockman and farmer,
living on ‘ the old Someplace his
grandfather settled on near Xenia,
Ohio He specializes in pure bred
* lie is ii.o o n t of the trustees
of the Ohio .State University
41. ’
.<,0W fi* Ofi
DUCATION is a m atter of experience not of observation doing a dinky little business. H e’s the fellow who always
Thirty years ago a professior of economics in one of our offers you “something just as good.’’
leading universities made the statement that OO' of all the Just as the local merchant will always remain the little
money invested in advertising was lost, and attempted to pr-oe merchant, if he does not advertise honestly, so does the manu­
facturer remain a little manufacturer, conducting a little busi-
his observation by the statistics of commercial failures.
That professor is today one of the most famous educators : ess, if he attem pts to distribute a commodity w ithout adver­
in the country. He is famous because he grew by experience t-ring. Advertising w ill build his business in proportion to the
to repudiate his youthful observation. He now re^er-e- tl-e j uhlic need w hich he meets and the reliability of his own state­
faulty findings of his youth and today declares that 90% of ment ah ut that which he has to sell. No business can grow
the commercial failures are due either to the failure to advertise g e a t w ithout advertising and it will grow great only in propor-
t. n to the a n unt and character of the advertising which it
or to false or faulty advertising.
If your advertisement says you have all wool goods and d cs. No business can grow great without honest advertising.
YOU—you and me. just average buyers. W hat shall we
you've' only 68?« wool, the time will come when you will he
found out.* \ \ hen that time comes all the advertising in the 1 uy? S' all we buy of the Bagdad merchant and take the stutf
World won’t save yon. The public will call yonr middle name without the sterling stamp?
The intelligent purchaser buvs through his merchant the
-f> > c” and view you with mi-trust.
The stteets of Bagdad are lined with beggars, men who o-minodities that are NATIONALLY A D V ERTISED be­
he knows that experience has taught the business
tiled to live by trick and failed. Back of these beggars wh . cause
crowd the curb are long lines of little stalls where tricksters udders that a faUe statement about their goods means death
plv all the arts of trade. Everyone views the other with «us- to their business.
Y :r i : lad merchant will size you up and charge you
pic’on ar.d every customer looks upon the tradesman with vus-
tv v hat he thinks he can get. You can dicker and barter with hyn. *
'picion. There is no such thing as a stabilized mm-
> a many priced man. He begins on a high price arid
among them. There are no great dejiartment stores n .. id r He hictantly
comes d nvn step hv step to meet*you.
no great clothing merchants, no hardware houses that c ,fl
That's v hat your little shop keeper who does not advertise
the trademark stamp that assures you that what you get i
v ill d . He is not a fixed price man. That is w hat he does
it is claimed to be.
Here in this country, our manufacturers, men of character, v. ;th the substitute, the “just as good" article.
G to the reputable merchant, ask for the nationally adver-
put integrity into their product. They advertise the product
for just w ha^it is— th at, no le«-and no more. So j iu go into a t ! c *i : -dity. the manufacturer has stamped the price
can see it. and there you get PROTECTION.
store here or a thousand miles from, here ard ask for the com­ \. v- If y y u i are
an intelligent buyer you will buy of the local
modity that YOU KNOW . You know about it. You don't
even have to have it unwrapped: you are willing to take it in merchant that advertises because he is the fellow who is
to stand or fall by the public printed statement he
its original package with the seal unbroken: trade unsight, w r? illirg
unseen. This you do because it has keen advertised.
VISE n- 1 btty the nationally advertised commodity
Every merchant who does not advertise or who cannot _ ’
• • the 1 -cal advertising merchant and leave it to the foolish
vertise honestly will always conduct a bn «'ness of Bag-
g id. — B y R tc k a r d L lo y d font» .
Ibooth proportions. He will always he a little shop k< p
u re e a
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