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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 1, 1907)
;,(. , NEWS OF COUNTY TOWNS. AlKLIb. vronrv Tarter e little girl has been mllWsiokBince Sunday. ' prof Tarter, of Corvallis, was in 1,19 vicinity on buslneaa, Saturday. ' i M Simpson is still feeding some jjjtyhend or cattlo for the spring market. s xnr F Wlllianiflftttiincled the funeral brother, tiouiuiimi, ui nmeiu ;,lSt Saturday, rr, ntmrlv. Harry wuuams and Will Baker went to Salem last week to see Bryan. t jjomor Link and Wallte Brown came in Tuesday and took out a part of their sawmill outfit. George Crowley lert this week for falls City, where he will work in one of tho camps, filing saws. Mr. Erickson and family, who havo been living Tar up the Lucklamute, took the tralu for Salem. Monday. Ed Pntras, who was in the store business for several years, is working at the same trade at Oakland, Oregon. Quite a number of the young folks enjoyed themselves until a late hour at the home of J. 0. Nendel last Friday night. j Mrs. J. D. Sevens, Florence Hudson, A. E. Winterstein and others attended a play In Independence, Saturday evening. j C. E. Staats visited the farm or S. E. Bealin Benton county, Tuesday and purchased a couplo of fine Leg horn cocks. , I Prof. J. W. Hooker came down from Eugene, Monday evening, to see his father, who Is very sick with pneumonia. f Mrs. W. W. Smith, of Lewisville, is going into the chicken business quite intensively, having secured E. W. Staats' Sure-hatch Incubator. B. Pickens, of Pedee, took the motor for Monmouth, Tuesday, where he inspected the herd of dairy cows of Mr. Wheelock, which is for sale. Mrs. John RItner, of Pedee, took the train here one day last week for Montesano, Wash., where she will spend a week or two with her sons, Frank and Fred. I Willie Robertson andRobbiePhillips killed 18 coons and a wildcat during the snow; George Conn and Andy Turner killed 11 coons, and two coyotes were killed from Everette Staats' hounds. t Monday was quite a busy day here. E, W. Staats and Bernlce Bruce were loading a car with hay; Mr. Hadley was puttiug In a car of staves, and Robert Story and Hugh Williams .were filling a car with axe-handle timber, j BALLSTON. A well-conducted dauceoccurs about once a week in the Woodman Hall I under the management of the Edwards brothers. I Joseph Davidson makes his head quarters hero while running an engine and buzz-saw In this neighbor hood for conversion of the tough oak grubs Into stirrup-timber blocks. which are shinned to Portland for .. K m ' completed manufacture. There is said to be only one other concern of the kind in the United States. Grubs of eight inches diameter and upwards are sawn off close to the ground and the first 4-foot cut onlv is used for j stirrups. I The dilatory tactics of Yamhill County in the matter or repairing the broken Yamhill bridge are liable to cost her taxpayers some thousands of dollars. All this long spell of low water has gone by and nothing has been done, save the few braces that William Carroll was able to apply, Warm rain, melted snow, high water and a well-directed log or two would make a combination that would bring down the main span and call for almost a new bridge and tho blocking r travel until next summer. BUENA VISTA. Mrs. McClaio Portland. has returned from Pearl Snyder has returned from Portland. The grain in this vicinity escaped injury during the cold snap. The loggers are busy dredging the Luckiamute, preparing for the spring Harry Neal's horse dropped dead while he was driving home from church last week. A large barge is here loading clay from the Buena Vista clay pit for the Pottery in Portland A. Anderson was recently appointed rad sunervianr nf this district to succeed Jacob Becker. Lark Hall, an old time resident of Buena Vista! visited friends and relatives here last week. Some enthusiastic meetings have held in town, concerning the prying of mail from this ifl rarker. ' "v The eighth c-rado reepnti,. 1...... taking the state examinations .,i OM now anxiously awaiting the returns- Mr. and Mra. J. m. Prut i.,.r i, return! from Portland, where Mrs. Prathor has been nmWin. treatment for her eyes. Fred IIall, a son of w. n tt,.ii this place, died recently in Stockton, California. The remni., J brougiit to Corvallis for burial. The revival meetincrs whil-h rs conducted by Rev. Naomi McDonald lu,1I8 have closed. These meetings were a bonellt to the community, and her leaving is regretted by the church tnembors and the nianv friemlo Bi made while here. BRIDGEPORT. The sick are reported improving. Stock or all kinds is looking well. Tom Foster will build a hop house this spring. Frank Laws has moved back to the Critchlow place. Mrs. J. T. Guthrio visited relatives in Falls City last week. Clarence McCalob has . sold his mountain place for $1300. Miss Corrigan's school will close this week. She will not accept another term. W. L. Gilson Is grubbing and other wise improving the place he bought of Mrs. Miller. The Doernbecker sawmill will be set up near William Bogynska's, instead or being moved back to Portland. Chester Guthrie mashed one of his fingers quite soverely one day last week while loading ship-knees at Tents Siding. BUTLER. D. T. Hodges was aSLeridan visitor last week. G. 0. Butler was a Sheridan visitor, Wednesday. Oscar Faulconer visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Rowell last week. The dance given by Ira Yocora on Friday evening was very much en joyed by the young people. Jim Shepard left Monday morning for his home in Washington, accom panied by his brother Dave. EOLA. Earl and Bryan Brunk havo taken the eighth grade examinations. Tho tulips, daffodils and violets remind us that spring is approaching. Little Elvin Schaffer sustained . I a. 4Ua fn nn an I severe onuses auom mo chest by falling from a barn loft. O. G. Savage has two cows from which he has made 21 pounus oi butter a week all winter. He feeds each cow four gallons of millfeed a day and all the good hay they can eat. An epidemic of lagrippe has hit this nnmmiinitv in a very severe iorm. Every person falling a victim to it is nrnstrated for a few clays. The ... t children seem to suffer almost as bad as the old folks. Arrangements have been completed fnr ft basket social juuicu proceeds to go toward paying for our new school organ. Ladies are invited a. l.inr txmll rtHfld baskets, and tne gentlemen well filled purses. wun Pipnr.meut suit brougnt oy Thmn Holman against his lessee, n- i urna tried berore jusmuo nvi TTnlmaniu West Salem last Saturday, and resulted in a veru.c UUIWJ lt . .u. .l.,faflnnt-. iniS WHS a oun ior in" utoii"" , ir i .. nftomntml a.horo n Mr. noiuiau gain possession or Ms nop yaiu, uFU wnnTehasa five-year lease, Mr Holman alleging a violation or contract. Fran nm -t for Mr. Holman, andtnaries imu.j ror Hop Lee. n,0nrimaPfau. who lives with her daughter, Mrs. Mark Capps is almost 7C years old and is very feeble, almos helpless. She nas -- sufferer nearly all her life from heart and stomach trouble, which has now Cached a critical stage. Her mind s quite clear yet, and she well remembers her old friends and Xhbors- One very striking fe about her is her almost coa black hair. Her daughter does that loving heart and willing hands can do to alleviate her suffering. IallTcity. F. L. Hawkman came nome ru" Portland, Friday. Alvin Robinson and family arrived ,mmrtland last Saturday. T M.W and his cruising party of six came out from the Siletz Basin, Sunday. ' Ed. Inman went to tne uas.u outfits. Monday, ana the cruisers returned Tuesday. Dave Edgar Tuesday. He went to Portland. has been cruislno- timber in the Siletz Basin Edward Bancroft and W. B McKown have gone to the mountains to reside on their homesteads. N. A. Eramett has put up a neat and substantial awning over the front windows or the Falls City Bank. J.Cabe came over from the A. L Porter place in the Siletz Basin this week. He reports the mountain roads good. Walter Williams was a Falls City visitor, Tuesday. He reports that the new bank will open for business next Monday, Ira Mehrllng has the bents up for the bridgo across the Luckiamute on uayton street, and tho abutments nearly completed. are Marion Conrad, while falling timber at Voget's camp, was hit on tho forehead by a falling limb, but was not seriously hurt. Theodore Norria is suffering from blood poisoning in his hand, having recently cut it with a saw. Dr. Pfandhoefer is attending him. Jesse Norr had a narrow escape uomueatn wnuo railing timber at Voget's camp last Friday. A falling limbstruck him on the head, inflicting two severe wounds. He came to Falls City and had his injuries attended to, INDEPENDENCE. Mrs. P. M. Kirkland is visiting relatives in Portland. Mrs. H. H. Wagoner, or Portland, is visiting relatives here. Carl Percival and Kersey Eldridge were over rrora Salem over Sunday A. Jii. uorer, of Salem, was In town Tuesday in the Interest or the new bank. Elias Ferguson is quito ill at his home, having suffered a slight stroke or paralysis. Travis McDevitr, or Corvallis, visited relatives here and In Dallas over Sunday. Hon. B. F. Mulkey, or Ashland, will give a reading on "Hamlet" at the opera house, Saturday night. The Patton brothers, or Salem, attended the runeral or the late M. Stuart, Wednesday afternoon. The Corvallis and Independence second teams played a game of basket ball at the Auditorium, Friday eve ning. The score was 34 to 12 In favor of the home team. Independence's first auction Day attracted quite a crowd to town. Much interest was manifested in the sale, and livestock and Tarming implements or every description changed hands. Mrs. O. D. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. John Dickinson, G. W. Sharman and G. W. Riddle were among those attondlng the runeral or the late Rev. E. J. Thompson in Albany, Saturday. LEWISVILLE. Miss Flora Lewis and Ira Hooker are improving in health. Mrs. Dorsa Turner has returned from her trip to Portland. Mrs. Evans, who has beon suffering with lagrippe, is able to be about. Will Bronson and John White have returned from an extended stay In Lebanon. Mrs. Ida Gr,ant and Lydla Lewis were visitors in Dallas, Friday and Saturday. Mrs. IsaMattison ,of Independence, is here caring for her mother, Mrs. f . M. Lewis. William Hooker, or Eugene, is at thA hPdaldo of his rather, who is ill with pneumonia. Emmett Staats loaded 1 CO bales or havat Airlie, Monda', to bo shipped to parties in Portland. Mrs. A. Wing returned from Port land, Monday, where she had been called by the death of her sister. Ttev. W. L. Arnold made a trip to Portland to see after tickets ror his fumilv for their Eastern trip, iney will go to Ohio in about two weeks. F. M. Smith has grubbed up the greater part of his orchard and burned the trees. A good riddance to uj ...hv.iah when thev are alive UtU uw., with pests. ' Ahonttwentv young people enjoyed the hospitality of Miss Bertha Fuqua at her home last iriuay eveuiuB. They all report a splondid time, and rPt home until the wee small IliU 14 f hours. McCOY. Preaching at McCoy every Sunday hv Rev. Edmonson. Mr. and Mrs. George Kelty visited relatives at Bridgeport last weeK, Mr Boche and Miss Shore, teachers of the Bethel school, spent Saturday h Snndav In Monmouth, visiting ml atives. Th. erhool officer, patrons and ,nher will meet at McCoy, February for the discussion of 2. at 10 a. m School matters Ti.ia meetinff will SludetheHolmesdistriet,Perrydale, Bethel and Mctoj rhmfcerlain's Cough Rsmesfy k-UJ o MONMOUTH. T- r tt.,..i . . . l. iu. newut s new nouso is nearing in completion J. F. Geist has sold out and gone to Oklahoma. D. Eggleston, or Falls City, was In town Saturday. Frank Grounds was In Dallas on business, Friday. Mr. Cobb has rented and moved Into the Ttttom house. M. Mulkey has put a large amount or tiling under the streets. Quite a number went from here to Salem to hear Bryan speak. Mr. Gahart and family have moved to the Luckiamute flour mil. Uncle Tommy Lucas is no better, and he is not expected to live long. uataracts are growing on am Work's eyes, aud he is nearly blind. Jf'rank urounds is spraying nis rruit trees, uo tnou ana uo iiKewise. A. L. Chute is making considerable improvement about his place in the way of fencing. After suffering about three months with sciatic rheumatism, Mr. westrall is aDie to uo out again. Mr. Swearenger and family, of Suver, were guests or J. D. - House man's Tamily, Saturday. J. D. Houseman has rented the Barnes house, recently vacated by Mr. Geist, and is moving in. Fred Neal has sold his interest in the Lindsay & Neal store to S. Strlckler. and the new firm will be known as Lindsay & Co. Marshall Suver, one or Polk county's wide-awake rarmers, was in town Friday on business. He Bays rreeze did not injure the- grain. the PERRYDALE. Mr. and Mrs. Will Keyt recently visited relatives In Corvallis. Our road supervisor, Georgo Nelson, Is having a rdad drag made. John Lynn, or Dallas, visited his daughter, Mrs. Alton Vernon, and son, Frank, this week. The Ladies' Missionary Society will be entertained at the home of Mrs. E. Keyt this week. Frank Connor, tho popular and clever clerk in Keyt's store, will go to Corvallis, February 1, where he has secuieu a piraniou in o iuiH, mui.;. POLK. We enjoy the Oregon mist after the cold snap. Roller skating seems to be the craze at present. Some plowing and sowing is being done in this vicinity, D. D. Peters killed a fox in his pasture on the 18th inst. The Southern Pacific Company has surveyed for a switch at this place, Mrs. Burkhalter, or McCoy, visited rriends in this neighborhood week. last t Rev. P. A. Kllever has charge or the pulpit in the Mennonite church during the absence of Rev. Dj'ck. Gorman Sunday school in the Men- nonite church every Sunday at 10 a. m., and preaching at 11 a. m. Rev. Isaack Dyck, of this place, left for Sask. Canada, January 14. His object is to visit friends and help ofittie the estate of his father, who died The county road will be changed to .v ot.lo thn milrniid trunk tiilC? riLnb Diviv m rrom the corner at Polk to the I. Dyck place. It is a good change, for the narrow road at present Is a regular death trap. J. P. Neufeldt, from Texas, was looking at this and the Halt ureen country a few days ago, He is stay- ins with G. J. Rempel, at Rickreall. Tho country seems to suit him, and he tUlOKSOI locating uere. During the year 190C. G. J. Rempel of Rickreall made butter irom two cow3 to the amount of $162.75, and Tor January, 1907, he made rrom iour cows 124 pounds or butter In rour chuinings, amounting to $37.20, or i sn ner cow for the month, lie also sold in Salem two dressed hogs, which netted him $40. They weighed 250 pounds each. RICKREALL school at 10 o'clock next Sunday. Mr. Farmer has rented the Riggs hop yard. Mrs. Walter Eakin visited In Salem last week.' Miss Grace Burch has been quite sick in Portland. Mrs. B. F. Lucas visited rriends in Portland last week. tr And Mra. E. A. Stenson have a fine new phonograph. Mia Hallie Gibson was a Salem visitor one day last week. Mace Smith, or Hatton, Wash , wasj here visiting friends last week. The revival services being held here by Rev. Sager are well attended. Mr and Mrs. W. E. Goodell visited out at the Etna farm last Thursday. Miss Ada Longnecker, or Dallas, was here Saturday sod Sunday, call ing on friends. Messrs. Farmer and Middleton will VinvA mntiiiii tAtonhnnen in t.heirhomes r n short time L. C. Koserand Mr. Fritz were in Independence last week, working at the carpenter trade. Mrs. John Vaughn visited her mother, Mrs. Kirkland, in Indepen dence several days last week. Samuel Orr and son, Glenn, of Port land, are visiting frieuds and looking after business interests here. Ben Smith, of near Walla Walla, has been visiting the Aliens and his uncle, Mr. Kerns, north of town. F. M. Edgar says the roads are bad In some places since the freeze on his 28-mile drive on the rural mall route. ZENA AND SPRING VALLEY. Mi9- Lina phiiiips has gono to Salem to stay a fevv day9 wltll friends. j n Shepard has returned home f,.nm sntn fnr f.nv ,kvs' visit with his family. Mra w B Duncan has been visit- ln her dttUKhter, Mrs. W. U. Darby, for several days, 0ne is qu(t0 , stylo and in our precinct to havo a severe cold Colds are prevalent everywhere. Sam Barker has sold his fine herd or steers to Cross, the Salem butcher. There were 49 head of fine beer cattle. Miss Eva Starky. or Salem, spent a rew days the first or the week with her rrlend, Miss Mabel Bradrord, near Liucoln. Harvey Crawford, who has been attending the Capitol Business College i3 quite sick with lagrippe at his homo in Zena. A large number of young people gave Joshua Ruble a surprise party at Lincoln, Tuesday evening. All report a good time. Rev. W. W. Edmonson and son Willie, wont to Albany, Saturday, to attend the funeral of tho late Rev. Dr. Thompson. A basket social will be given at Mrs, C. C. Walker's residence tonight. It Is hoped a large number will bo out to help swell the fund which will go toward improving the parsonage. A meeting for school officers, teachers and natrons will be held at Lincoln on February 9 for tho three di8trlct8 of Spring Valley precinct.. A good program hasbeen arranged, and . . . . th t evervone nterested in the schools will attend. Teachers' Examination. Notice Is hereby Riven that the Oounty.Sehool Superintendent or Polk County will hold the regular exainlna tion or applicants ror state and county papers at Dallas as follows FOR STATE PAPERS, Commencing Wednesday, February 13, at 9 o'clock a. m and continuing until Saturday, February IB, at o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, , ni nhvalnnl nMinrrranliv rmi ,1 i II rr psychology. Thursday Written arithmetic, civil government, theory or teaching, book keeping, grammar, physics, Friday Physiology, geogr a p h y mental arithmetic, composition, algo bra. Saturday-Botany, plane geometry, creneiiil history. English literature, school law, a - w fok county papers Commencing Wednesday, February " at 9 o'clock m and contmu ng u"1 ' ""'Vi J i p. m FIRST. SECOND AND THIRD GRASE CEB TIFICATES. Wednesday Penmanship, reading, history, orthography. Thursday Theory of teaching, written arithmetic, grammar, physi ology. Friday Geography, mental aritn- schoo, ,ftW c,vll governmpnt PRIMARY CERTIFICATES, Wednesday Penmanship, reading, orthography, arithmetic. Thursday-Theory or teaching, art of q,10fitioning, physiology, C. L. STARR, County School Superintendent or Polk County, Oregon. LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. A Jennings Lodge, o. 9, communications, Second Nr Fourth Fridays of each l Jennings Lodge, o. 9, stated idavs of each month. U. L. Hawkins, W. M. J. U. II a ytjcr, bee. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R. A. M.. stated convocation, First First and third Friday! of each month. Oscar Matter. II. P. U. S. Urast, Sec. Chsnter. No. 22. 0. E. 8.. stated 4 meetine Second and Fourth Tues- dayi of each month. Mrs. Maogib Havtkr, W. M. Mas. Ijbbii Mcib, Sec. Woodmen of the World. f"Val!as Csmp, No. 200, meets in tlieir ball in the Woodman ItuiUlinte every Tuesday evenintr, B. M. JltC. C. W. G. Vassall, Clerk No. 33, W. 0. W., Vmeets in their Hall, in the Woodman building every Wednesday evening. Mrs. Helkn Greknwoou, G. N. B. M. Guv. Clerk EnigMs of the Ilaccabees. r. Pallas Tent, No. 3, meets Second 3i .'.-.- on.j Knnrth Th!,'"1M", of eseh O" month in I. O. 0. F.hall. Dr. Mark Haytkr, S. K. Com. I. N. Woods. R. K. Uuao ruve, eta. in, u. v. x. ., urciw on Second and Fourth Thursday after noon of each month. Mrs. Kittik if. MiU.En, L. C. Mrs. Ross, R. K. Knights of Pythias llllARMios Lodge, Mo. 9G, ft., or 1 . tl Meets every Monday evening in W. O. W. building. Visiting Knights are welcome. M. A. Ford, C. O. G. L. Hawkins, K. or It. S. Fraternal Union of America f Lodge No. 144 Meets Third Tuesday J-of each month. W.J, Waonkr, F. M. Mrs. S. E. Morrison, Sec. A. 0. U. W. "iv.. Union Lodge, No. 35 Meets Firet . mLi.l II' . 1 1 f I, 7 ana mini ueuueBuny ui ratu month. ' 11. L. Fknton.M. W. John E. Smith, Fin. Crystal Ixxlfire, No. 50, D. of It., meets First and Third Wednesday of each month. Mrs. F. J. Coad, C. of II. Mrs. Kd. F. Coad, Fin. I. 0. 0. F. ('''"v Friendship lxxlge, No. 6, meets i , f every Saturday evening in I. '-' o. O. F. Hall. W. L. Sokhrkn, N. G. W. A; Ayrks, Rec.Sec. f kaCreole Encampment, JNo. zu, meets "Second and Fourth Monday of each month. W. A. Ayrbs, C. P. A. W. Tbats, Scribe. irj Imira Lodge, No. 20, D. of R., meets "the first and third Wednesdays of each month. Miss Mabkl Holmes, N. U. Miss Howe, Sec. United Artisans. Assembly No. 40 meets First nnd Third Tuesday of each month. Willis Simonton, M. A. , , rhli glgnature Is on every box or the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tweu tba remedy tbat cures eold In o dny REPORT OF THE OF THE CONDITION Dallas National Bank At Dallas, In the. State or Oregon, at the close or business, January 20, 1907. KKHOURCBH. Loans and discounts $78.518 88 Overdrafts, secured and unswuml 9,216 S) U. 8. Ilonds lo Kccare circulation 0.2&0 00 Bonds, securities, etc 27,3:i8 fit! Hmiklng house, furniture and tixturcH., 4.S02 69 Hue Irom State Dunks and Bankers 1,818 47 Due from approved reserve agents 4.1,5.(4 08 Checks snd otuer cash items , 1,271 5ft Notes of other National Banks l.uliOOO Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 27 w Lawful Monky IUhkrvr in Hpecle $12,Sil Legal-teiider notes.... lioeu ij.h.hj Redemption fund with U. H. Treasurer, 6 per cent of circulation m bo Total I1H8,022( LIABIMTlRS. Capital stock paid In ir,0 U0 Undivided prollts, leK expense aim taxes paid 2,514 19 National Bank notes outntamlluK 0,1(10 00 Individual deposits subject to check. . .1:17,879 00 Demand certificates of deposit 728 41 Time certificates of Deptwit 15.801 01) Total 1188,022 (SO State of Oregon, I County oi folk.) I K. Ilayter, Cashier of tho above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state ment Is true to the best of my knowledge and hellef. ...,. ,. ... X.. 11 A 1 1 E.IV, V BBiiirr, Bubscrilied and sworn to before me this Hist day of January, 1U07. OHCA R HAYTKR. otary ruoiin. Cob a KIT Attest: N. I.. Buti.k', ) Sreclors f8" KILLthc COUCH AND CURE the LUNGS Dr. ling' WITH lev Discovery F0RC rONSUMPTION Prict 0UGHS and EOcMI.CO Fre Trial. OLDS burest and Uuickest Cure tor all THROAT ftnd LUKO TEOUB- UE3, or MONEY BACK. plos itx cag(H and bcstls lung Iff istletoe Circle,