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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1906)
COURT HOUSE NOTES. PKOBATE Estate of M. L. Bobbins, de ceasedA. N. Holman appointed guardian ad litem lor Wayne, Jessie and Richard Tatora. Estate of T. P. Jack, deceased in ventory and appraisement filed. ' REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS United States to Chas K Spaulding, 5G0.C8 acres, 1 6 s, r 7 w, patent. United States to Chas K Spaulding, 320 acres, 1 6 s, r 8 w, patent M L Thompson et alto F L Hawk man, lota in Falls City, f 120. I M Butler and wife to Chas K Spaulding Logging Co, land in Inde pendence, $1. W H McKully to Chas K Spaulding Logging Co, land in Independence, $1. E J Sommerville et al to Chas K Spaulding Logging Co., land in Inde pendence, $1. Sarah A Kirkland et al to Chas K Spaulding Logging Co., land in Inde pendence, $1. C V Paul and wife to School Dist. No. 41, lot in Germantown, $85. Mary A Cook to A A B Morlan, lots in Monmouth, $600. George Rogers to S A Ball, land in 1 8 s, r 5 w, $1. George Rogers to Lloyd C Ball et al, land in 1 8 s, r 5 w, $1. Pfiter F DuceD to Michael Goetz, 20 acres, t 9 s, r 4 w, $1000. NOTES BY THE WAY length. A model of the Bastile is in the Banquet Hall. Three of Wash ington's swords were willed to three ol his nephews, with an injunction noiio un sheath them for the purpose of shedding blood, except in the defense of their country and its rights, and prefer falling with them in their hands to the relinquishment thereof." MRS. II . E. KOZER. Professor H. St. Helen, our expert ... . i I . - B piauo tuner, will be in .uauas a ie ays in the first and tbuci weeK oi each month. Personsdesiringtuning one will please leave orders at L. D. Daniel's store headqua iters ior Allen & Gilbert-RatnakerCo.'s piauos and organs. L. D. Dakiel. Ralph Carter, agent for Portland T,irnui orders at lieu a U U lil 1M11. Cherrington's drug store. Herbine Renders the bile more fluid and thus helps the Mood to flow ; Haffords prompt relief fioni hilioiiRnees, indigestion, eick .....i ., hPH(lm:hee. and over-in- nnu i" dulL'eiite in food and drink. G L. Caldwell, Apt. M. K. and T. 1? R.. Cheootah. Ind. Ter., writes, April 18 1903: "I was sick for over two years with enlargement of the liver and epleen. The doctors did me no good, and I pail given up all hope of being cured, when ., U,rrrlBf Oill'lHP 1 1.(1 IIEC lUTJUinv. pound and well." 50c. Sold hy Stafi in Drug Co. SEND THIS BOOK EAST O. R. & IN. and S. P. Book Tells About ThU Country. Mrs. Kozer Makes Pilgrimage to Mt Vernon and Tomb of Wash, ington. Continued from Last Week. Aftar leaving Arlington, our trip to Mt. Vernon by the all-rail route of the electric trains along the beautiful Virginia shores of the Potomac River was a most enjoyable and interesting manner of making this patriotic pilgrimage, for the associations of Washington with the place during his lifetime and the presence of his tomb here has made Mt. Vernon shrine of patriotism. The Mansion House or Mt. Vernon occupies a beautiful site overlooking the river. It is of wood, cut and painted to resemble stone. The building is 96 by 30 feet, two stories high, and has an attic with dormer windows. The roof is surmounted by a cupola, with an antique weather vane. In front ex tends a piazza 15 feet deep and 25 feet high, with square pillars and a floor tiled with flag-stones from the Isle of Wight. In front of the house are shaded lawns, and a deer park below; in the rear are lawns, gardens, and orchards, . and, disposed about the grounds, are the outbuildings of a Virginia farm. The house was built in 1743 by a half- brother, Lawrence, and was named in honor of Admiral Vernon, under whom Lawrence had served against Spain. On the death of Lawrence Washington inherited the estate, and here he lived, after his retirement, as a private citizen until his death in 1799. His nephew, John A. Washington succeeded him in possession of the estate, and, being without means to maintain the estate, offered it for sale. A patriotic daughter of South Carolina resolved to save the Washington home and with a high courage devoted her self to the task of raising the sum of $200,000 required for the purpose, Contributions were solicited and popular support was enlisted. Edward Everett gave the proceeds of his lecture on Washington and of certain writings, and put into the Association treasury the handsome sum of $G9,000 us his personal contribution Washington Irving contributed $500, Thousands upon thousands of school children gave five cents each. The full amouut was in hand in I860, and Mt. Vernon became the property of the Mt. Vernon Ladies' Association and so, of the Nation. Portions of the original estate which had been sold have been acquired again ; buildings which had fallen in to ruins have been restored ; the Man sion has been repaired, and man artloles of furniture, and adornment have been restored to the rooms to which they formerly belonged. So the privilege of visiting Mt. Vernon and the satisfaction of knowing that it is a possession to be cherished for all time, we owe to this Ladies' Associ ation. The home and tomb of Wash ington have for us added interest, as we recognize in them a monument to the patriotic impulse, courage an achievement of the women of America I wish I had the time, and you the patience, to note the objects of interest and detail of the different rooms, but will try to briefly review them from my notes. The several rooms hav been assigned to the particular care of the different members of the Asso ciation : Virginia room in which Washington died; Wisconsin room in which Mrs. Washington died; New York banquet hall; District of Columbia, Maine, Connecticut and Delaware guest chambers ; Alabama maiu hall; South Carolina family dining room ; Maryland Miss Custis' room; Massachusetts library ; Geor giaMrs. Washington's sitting room, etc. The arms of the States are dis played in the respective rooms. Iu the main hall is tho Key of the Bubtile (sent by Lafayette to Wash ington after the capture of the prison). It is of wrought iron, seven inches in Don't drag along with a dull, bilious, heavv feeling, iou neeu a pin. uec loU'itt'M Little Ear v Risers, me lamous r;iia Un nut sicken or uriDe. !ui iiiui win..-. . . results are sure. Sold by all druggists. Ideal weather for harvesting. A word of truth in a few words: Nearly all other cough cures are con stipating, especially most; cuniHimug nniatea. ' Kennedy's Laxative Honey win! Tar moves the bowels. Contains no opiates." You can get it at all druggists The Oregon peach crop is light this year. Why does the sun burn? Why does a mnamlitn Btilli!? WllV lio We teel till lintini' in the Good Old Summer Tune? -rr. ,. ... r,..iu:..) Answer: we clout, we use uevnun Witch Hazel Salve, and these little ills don't bother us, Learn to look tor tne name on the box to get ttie genuine. Sold bv all druggists. The reapers are running, (ialveston's Sea Wall makes li( now as eafe in that city as on the hightr uplands. E. W. Gomiloe, who resides on Dutton St, in Ya:, Tex., needs no sea wall for safety. He writes: "I have used Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption the past hye vearsand it keeps me well and sate Before that time I had a cough winch for years had been growing worse. Now it's gone." Cures chronic Coughs, La Grippe, Croup, Whooping Cough and prevents pneumonia. Pleasant to take. Kvery bottle guaranted at Belt & Cher rington's drug store. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Great crops, after all. as usual. Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold. A. J. Nusbaum, Bateeville, Indiana, writes: "Last year I suffered for three months with a summer coiu so distress ing that it interfered with my business. I had many symptors of hay fever, and a doctor's prescription did not reach my case, and I took several medicines which seemed to only aggravate my case. Fortunately I insisted upon 'hav ing Folev's Honey and Tur and it quickly cured me. My wife has since used Foley's Honey anil Tar with the same success." Belt & Cherrington. Tho demand strong. for hops continues Prof. Tyler, of Amherst college, said recently: "A man can live comtonaoiy without brains ; no man ever existed without a digestive system. The dys-' peptic has neither faith, hope nor charity." Day by day people realize me importance ot caring tor their digestion ; realize the need of the use of a little corrective after overeating. A corrective ike Kodol for I)yepep6ia. It dlgestB what you eat. Sold by all druggists. Two Pendleton homes stroyed by fire Sunday. were de- The intense itching characteristic of salt rheum and eczema is instantly allaved by applying Chamberlain's Salve. As x cure for skin diseases this salve is unequalled. For sale by Stafnn Drug Uo. Grain is cut with an old-fashioned header on the Broadmeads farm. Another Good Man Gone Wrong. He neglected to take Foley's Kidney Cure at the flrst siuns of kidney trouble, hoping it would wear away, and he was soon a victim of Bright's disease. There is danger in delay, but if boley 8 Kinney Cure is taken at once the symptoms will disappear, the kidneys are strengthened and you are soon sound ana wen. a. it. Bass of Morgantown, ind., Had to get up ten or twelve times in the night, and had a severe backache and pains in the kidneys, and was cured by Foley 8 Kid ney Cure. Belt & Cherrington. Big hop-picking business soon. In this state it is not necessary to serve a five days' notice for eviction of a cold. Use tne original laxative cough svrup, Kennedy's Laxative Honey and Tar.' No opiates. Sold by all druggists. If possible, the Passenger Denart . ..... -noiirnflfl .t Navi- ment oi ine oichuu gation Company and Southern Pacific (Lines in Oregon) has surpassed itseir in the 1906 issue of its new publication, "Oregon, Washington, Idaho and their resources." The purpose of the publication is to attract hoineseekers and investors to the Pacific Northwest and this publi cation is undoubtedly the best mcs- , .,l- l.v ruidl'ntS senger tnat coum uc oi-uu j of Oregon, Washington and Idaho to their friends in the East and Middle West. Beautiful half tones, printed on superb book paper, make the publica tion, which contains 88 pages and a map of the section, a work of art, but far superior to the typographical make-up is the contents of the booic. Under many heads covering practi cally all the resources of the states are short, pithy stories of what has ben accomplished, not what might be done, but actual facts and figures ac companied by names and addresses of well known farmers, who are daily laving aside an income that would be a fortune to an Eastern Agriculturist. Wm. McMurray, General Passenger Asent of the O. R. & N. Co. and S. P. Lines in Oregon has favored the editor with a copy of this publication and informed him that readers of this paper by sending the names and addresses of friends in the East and four cents in postage for each address, may have the book promptly mailed to the address given. FOR COUGHS FOR THROAT mm THE ABO u vyn um WONDER WORKER V AMD Lurjcs u mm u u J R i rr-Uf ir i n I v-m i i I i i i m n. t i i i ii I T l ! till! 1 ,. I 1 . t It It It U C ft ujMiyULHM i ... . il a-tlrl rn nvnr MRr . j.. n:-ai-im in., wi ilea. tycuu w . . t . iuuw nnv. CHAb. t. by, , ., u. kri ppe without giving me any relief. I afterward aW$ 1 bSS."3 DR. K.NgIVw DISCOVERY, and after taking contents of this on bottle I was entirely cured. Dr,.,ninn APQni IITELY CUARAuTEbDI Trial Battle Frw I live www zzzzzzr SOLD MB BEGOHIOED OY BELT & CHERRINGTON Administratrix Notice. No better summer resort than New port. Given Up to Die. B. Spiegal, 1204 N. Virginia St., Evans ville, Ind., writes: "For over five years I was troubled with kidney and bladder affections which caused me much pain and worry. I lost flesh and was all run down, and a year ago had to abandon work entirely. I had three of the beet physicians who did me no good and I was practically given up to die. Foleys Kidnev Cure was recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief, and after taking the second bottle I was en tirely cured." Belt & Cherrington. Notice is hereby iven that the undersigned has been by the County Court for Polk County, Oregon, appointed adminiiitn.trix of the estate of T. f. Jack, deceased, and that letters of ad ministration have been duly issued to her. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same with proper i, ,.rU tn ivib nt the residence of K. N. Hall, Dallas, Oregon, within six months from this date. Dated July 27, 100G. , SARAH F. JACK, Administratrix of the estate of T. P. Jack, deceased. Notice For Publication. Depaitmenl of the Interior, Land Olliee at Portland, Orejoii. June .0, l'.KH. Notice is hereby Riven that the followin!,' S Uler hMflfcl uoU; of his . n.lentton to make final proof in support of Ins dm , a U that said proo will be made be ore he L m y Clerk of Polk County, at Dallas, Oi won, on Aliens! lf, WW, viz: Horace S. Chase 11. h. No. i:r4 for the Kastjji of Kast ol bee. .h, l. S"lienames thV following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation sai.l land, viz: T. H. Wo. of Salem Ore i. icow Vick, of Kails City, Oregon, Hank H-ibbard, of Dallas, Oregon; James boss, ol Dallas. Oregon. AU;EBNuN s. db1,:ss;r, Register. Visiting automobiles are becoming quite common in Tillamook county. A Mystery Solved. "How to keep off periodic attacks of biliousness and habitual constipation was a mvstery that Dr. King's New Life Tills solved for me," writes John N. Pleasant, of Magnolia, Ind. The only pills that, are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to everybody or money re funded. Only 25c at Belt & Cherrington's drug store. Samples of alfalfa grown Harrisburg are 8J feet high. near The Lawler gold mines in the Quartzville district have been sold for $200,000. Unnecessary Expense. Acute attacks of colic and diarrhoea come on without warning and prompt relief must he obtained. There is no necessity of incurring the expense of a physician's service in such flises if Chauiberluin'B Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy is at hand. A dose of t his remedy will relieve the patient be fore n doctor could arrive. It lias never been known to fail, even iu the most severe and dangerous eases and no family should he without it. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. Tho trial of Charles Watson for perjury is on in the Federal Court in Portland. How to Avoid Appendicitis. Most victims of appendicitis are those who are habitually constipated. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic con stipation hy stimulating the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels. Orino Laxative Fruit lvrup does not nauseate or gripe and mild and pleasant to take. Refuse sub stitutes. Kelt oi Chtrriugton. Forest fires are raging near Hood river, and hundreds of men are right ing the fires. i. i . f ip m a t .-""V. " S A There is nothing so pleasant as that bright, cheerful, at-peace-witn-tne world feeling when you sit down to your breakfast. There is nothing so con dncive to good work and good results. The healthy man with a healthy mind and body is a better fellow, a better workman, a better citizen than the man or woman who is handicapped by some disability, however slight. A slight uiS' order of the stomach will derange your body, vour thoughts and your Uisposi tion. Uet awav from the morbidness and the blues. Keep your stomach in tune and both your brain and body will respond. Little indiscretions ot over eating can he easily corrected and you will be surprised to see how much better man vou are. Trv a little Kodol For Dyspepsia after your meals. Sold by all druggists. The Oregon state troops are pre rarina for their annual journey to American Lake. You buy from Factory Direct. Therefore our prices are lowest. f &. L04.K ca 3"" SL. FORTLAHfcOKC Make Hay While the Sun Shines." There is a lesson in the work of the thrifty farmer. He knows that the bright sunshine may last but a day ami he prepares for the showers which are so liable to follow. So it should be with every household. Dysentery, diarrhoea and "cholera morbus may attack some member of the home without warning. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedo, which is the best known medicine for these diseases, should alu-ttvB ha L-pnt nt hunt? mr i mmpil ia fp j trPHtment is neeessarv. and delav may prove fatal. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. Rheumatism. When pains or irritation exist on any part of the body, the application of Ballard's Snow Liniment gives prompt relief. E. W. Sullivan, Prop. Sullivan House, Kl Reno, O.' T., writes, June (i, 1902: "I take pleasure in recommending Ballard's Snow Liniment to all who are afflicted with rheumatism. It is the only remedy I have found that gives immediate relief." 25c, !0u and $1.00. Sold by Stafrin Drug Co. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Polk County, Department No. 2. Sophie Ellen Eiehard, plaintill vs James Kd wara Richard, defendant. To James Edward Richard, the above-named defendant: Iu the Name of the State of Oregon : ou are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above-entitled Court and suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to wit: On or before the 2ftth day of August, 11)00; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court tor a decree as praved for iu said complaint, to-wit: That the marriage contract now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant be dissolved and annulled; that plaintiff may have the future care, custody and possession of the minor child of the marriage of the plaintiff' and de fendant, viz: Oladys May Klchard; and i hat plaintiff' may have such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet with equity and good conscience. This summons, by an order of tho Hon. Kd F, Coad, Judge of the Countv Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, made at Chambers at Dallas, Oregon, on the 0th dav of July, W08, is served upon you by the publication thereof for a period of six consecutive and successive weeks immediately prior to the -tilth day of August, l!)t)(i, in the "Polk County Observer," a news paper of general circulation, published weekly at Delias, in said County. The date of the first publication of this summons is July 1:1, WOO. OSCAR HAYTEH, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice For Publication. Many Oregon streams now afford floe trout fishing. The End of the World of troubles that robbed E. II. Wolfe, of Hear Grove, la., of all usefulness, came when he began taking Electric Bitters, lie writes: "Two years ago Kidney trouble caused me ?reat suffering, which 1 would never have survived had I not taken Electric Bitters. They also cured me of General Debility." Sure cure for all Stomach, Liver ard Kidney com plaints, Blood diseases, Headache, Diz ziness and Weakness or bodily decline. Price 60c. Guaranteed by Belt & Cher rington's drug store. A fierce forest fire is raging Indian Creek canyon, near Elgin. in Stomach Troubles and Constipation. No one can reasonably hope for good digestion when the bowels are consti pated. Mr. Chas. Baldwin, of Ed wards- viile. III., says: "I Buttered from chronic constipation and stomach trou bles for many vears, but, thanks to Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets, am almost cured '!" hy not get a nackage of these tablets and get well and stay well? Price 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. Lightning struck a tree on John Simon's place four miles north of Independence Friday. In Self Defense. Major Hanim, editor and manager of the Constitutionalist. Eminence, Ky when he was fiercely attacked, four years ago, by Piles, bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of which he says: "It cured me in ten days and no trouble since." Ouickest healer of Burns, Soies, Cots and Wounds. 25c at Belt A-Cherrington's drug store. Three men were arrested and fined $50 each for killing fish with dyna mite in tho Wallowa river. THE ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SVRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE H0NEYTAB tUi CloTtr Elm ma toj fltaey it m Inrj betd Summer Diarrhoea in Children. During the hot weather of thesummer months the first unnatural looseness of a child's bowels should have immediate attention, so as to check any disease lie iore it becomes serious. All that is necessary is a few doses of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose of castor oil to cleanse the svstem. Kev. M. O. Stockland, Pastor of the first M. E. Church, Little Falls, Minn., writes: "We have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Kemedy for several years and find it a very valuable remedy, especially for summer disorders in children. Sold by Stafrin DrosCo. TTORNEY AT LAW. Oscar Hayter, Upstairs In Campbell building, Mill 8i Salem, Falls City & Wes- ern Railway Co. TIME-TAUI.E Ellective Miiy 1. Dnilj fxeept Sunday, West-Bornd: A.M. P.M. Lv. DALLAS 7:M 1:20 Teats' Siding 7: 111 1:30 i.Ulliams ;.7:4U 1:39 Bridgeport .7:55 1:45 Ar. FALLS CITY 8:05 1:55 Kast-Uound: A.M. P.M. Lv. FALLS CITY 10:00 4:00 Teats' Siding no stops tiilliams 10:10 4:10 Bridgeport 10:16 4:17 Ar. DALLAS 10:l 4:35 Trains Stop on .Signal only. L. GERLINtlEll, Jr., General Manager, - DALLAS, OREGON I DELIGHTFUL ROUTE ' A Y LIGHT It IDE IZY CUAGH A TTORNKYB AT LAW. EEP CANONS Sibley & Eakin, MORE SCENIC ATTRRACT10NS PoT uXmcVo" 1ST" Than Any Other Line in tho Worla DALLAS, OREGOfc Tho Only Line Passing Through " - SALT LAKE CIT Y ATT0RNEY AT LMV . Enrouto to or from tho Kast jgD Qqq Choice Of 2 Routes Through Office in Courthouse the Heart of the RocKies Dallas, obegoi Equipment and Service Unsurpassed ttornky at law. ! Write or call on tno undersigned for N. L. BuTLEK, information and descriptive literature. Office over Dallas City Bank. W. C. McBItlDK, General Agent DALLAS, OREGON, 124 Third St. POKTLAND, - - OREGON ttorney at law CO 00 rays tor the OBSERVER 3. 11. FLOWER, J)t and tho Weekly Oregonian Office next door to Postofflce. one year. In order to take DALLAS. OEEGOX advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Oiiserveh must be ttorney at law paid up to date. Subscribe now. g p JQyjpg IF ALL LINIMENTS CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 8, 1878. United States Land Olliee, Portland, Oregon. July Hi, l'.KHi. Notice la hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the net ol congress oi June 3. 1878. entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the-Stntes of California Ore- iron. Nevada, and Washington Territory," a: ex ended to all the Public Land States by aci of August 4, 1802, Mnhala E. llinsnaw, ot fulls City, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this dav tiled in this olhce her sworn statement ISO fill!), for the purchase of the S. W. ii of N V. V. of Sec. No. 4 in Township No. 8 S., Kauge No. 7 W., and will otter proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land bofore the Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on Friday, the 5th day of October, 19iM. She names as witnesses: Lee Humphrey, of Dallas, Oregon; George P. Coulee, of Dallas, Oregon; E. VV. Hinxhaw, of Dallas, Oregon; James Magers, of Dallas, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to lile their claims in this olliee on or before said oth day ol October, l'JUfl. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. cu E4. NEURALGIA. SPRAINS, CUTS, BRUISES. BURNS, SCALDS, Kfe? OLO SORES, CRICK IN BACK, BACKACHE, LUMBAGO, 3 STIFF JOINTS, CONTRACTED MUSCELS, SPRAINED ANKELS. CORN HUSKIR'S SPRAINED WRISTS. FROSTED FEET, CORNS, BUNIONS. CHILBLAINS, AMD ALL INFLAMMATIONS OF MAM OR BEAST., Citation. the State of Oregon L. In the County Court of for Polk county. In the matter of the estate of Marquis Bobbins, deceased. To Lucy A. Rubbins, John R. Robbing, G. II. Robbins, Mary Dennis, Ollie Farley. Carrie Skip ton, Ralph Casey, Maud Muhlig, William Tatom, Georgie Walker, May Campbell, Ella Kraber, V. R. Ellis, bertha Ellis, Cora Miser, Kate Elliott, Fred Tatom, Thomas Tatom, Mark Tatom, Wajne Tatom, Jessie Tatom, liiehanl D Tatom, the next of kin and all persons interested in said estate, known and unknown, Greeting: In the Nameol the State of Oregon : You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Polk, at the Court room thereof, at Dallas, in the County of Polk, on Thursday, August Hi, liiOfi, at lOo'eloek in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause if any you have why the prayer of the petition of administrator of the above named estate asking that an order be made authorizing hiin to sell the hereinafter described real property belong ing to said estate be not granted, to-wit: Be ginning at a point ;H) links East and 2.01 ehs. North of the S. W. corner of the D. L. C. of Asa Shreve, N,ot. No. 2J5J, Claim No. 62. in T. 7 S., R. 5 W. of the Will. Mer. thence East 13.85 chs. thence South 11.82 chs. thence North 78 degrees 15 minutes East 26.52 chs. thence South 8.80 chs. thence West H!U:i chs. thence North 15.:7 ehs. to place of beginning, excepting therefrom the cemetery and road thereto, described as begin ning al a point 2.09 ehs. South and 6.00 chs. East of the Southwest corner of said Shreve D. L. C. thence East 2.i2 feet, thence South 118 feet, thence West 2:12 feet, thence North 14S feet to prace of beginning, said roadway beginning from the northwest corner of the last above de scribed tract South 57'j feet to North side of said road, thence South 45 degrees est 8.50 ehs. South :!0 61 chs. to middle of the County road running from Dallas to Dixie; the land liereiu to be sold being ;5.; acres, more or less. Also the North half of the Northeast quarter of See. 26, the East half and the northwest quarter and the North half of the Southwest quarter of Sec. 23, and lots 3, 4 and ft and the South half of the Southwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Sec. 14. Also beginning at the Southeast corner of the John Pankey D. L. C. Not. No. 55k, Claim No. 44, thence North 3.81 chs. thenct West 52.50 ehs. thence South 3.81 chs. thence East 52. 50chs. to place of beginning, excepting and reserving therefrom the following: Beginning at a point 3.M chs. North and 6 25 ehs. West of the South east corner of said Pankey D. L. C. thence South 13 chs. thence West 7 chs. thence North 13 chs. thence East 7 chs. to place of beginning, all of last described lands being in Township 7 South of Range 6 West of the Will. Mer. in Polk County! Oreeon and containing in all 718.40 acres more or less. Witness: The Hon. Ed F. Coad, Judge of the County Court of . . the State of Oreeou, for the seal ! County of Polk, with the seal ' of said Court affixed, this 14th dav of Julv, A !.. I'.hM. Attest: E. M. SMITH. Clerk. DcVitVs m S For Piles, Curtis Sores W. J. STOWE, Truckman, Dots hauling of all kinds at reasonable rates. DALLAS. OREGON. READ THIS REMARKABLE CURE "I was much afflicted with rheumatism, writes Ed. C. Nud, Iowaville, Sedgwick Co., Kansas, "going about on crutches and suffering a great deal of pain. I was induced to try Ballard's Snow Liniment, which cured me, after using three 50c bottles. IT IS THE GREATEST LINIMENT I EVER USED ; have rec ommended it to a number of persons, all erpresa themselves as being benefited by it. I now walk without crutches, and am able to perform a great deal of light labor on the farm." THREE SIZES: 25c, 50c AND $1.00 BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO, ST. LOUIS. U. S. A. 1 isTsT''1J'tsntt sfl' 'Ha jj ' niii"''tf an! ii SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY STAFRIN DRUG COMPANY Office in Cooper Building. INDEPENDENCE, OREGtft TTOBNEY AT LAW J. L. Collins Main Street, Near PostofHce DALLAS, -. - WHOM I KNTI8T. M. Hayter, Office over Wilson's Drug Store DALLAS. OREGON, JHYSICIAN AND S'.'BGEON. L. A. Bollman. M. D., TJglow Building, Rooms 7 and I Mutual Phone Main 36. Bell Pe Main 541. DALLAS, OREGON, Don't Get Wet! TOWER'S SLICKERS will keep you dry as nothing else will, because they are the product of the best materials and seventy years' experi ence in manufacturing. A. J. TOWER CO. Boston, U.S.A. TOWER CANiDUK 00., 1 Toronto, w- W J feu. i K 1 A iCIIDF DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT The $ 1 .00 bottle co .tains 2 times the trial stie. vMcb sells (or 50 a U PREPARED ONLY AT THB LABORATORY or E. C. DeWlTT Sc COMPANY. CHICAGO. IW For Sale by Druggists. J. Q. VanOrsdel & Son DEALERS IN timber and ?arm aitd$ and City Property. Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. 7 : ie vVf y EXPERIENCE .nvnnniiendtP 8ielpB nu( b'w T invention is probsblj Pf'WSnBOM tione strictly coiittdentll.HDaJnciJn sent free. Oldest JWVunn " Patents taken b r?l to Ui tptcialnotiet, without charge.! . ,u Scientific A hsndsomelr "instated dilation of any e"im2iibJl' jeir; fnnr months. 1 80 Y" 1 MIIUU O P 9GJBrolJ-nSiiJi"' Kr.m li Office. 6S F BU w . ur nduieaie. t r trouble ana Pleasant to talio. 13X31176 1111 SjTUp Chronic CcHS The new laxative that does not grlpz or nauseate. Cures Stomach and lh'a trouble and ror sale by BELT & CHERRINGTON