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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 6, 1906)
PolR County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, t'ublished Weekly at 11.50 per Year. Strictly in Advance. DALLAS, OREGON, Juj.y C, 1906 The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. The changes in the Oregon tax laws proposed by the Tax Commission for enactment next January by the Legis lature are as follows : Taxation of railroads, steam and electric, and of power companies operating in more than one county, on bases of net earnings, capitalized at a fair interest rate. Ta"xaUon"6fba-Slt5,--Kati0pal, state and private, on capital stock, surplus and undivided profits. Reduction of the household exemp tion from $300 to $200. County Treasurer instead of Sheriff to be tax collector. Washington system of certificates of tax delinquency, in the interest of better tax titles. State to receive 10 per cent of all liquor licenses. Tax Commission of five members, to be created, for purpose of assessing public utility corporations and super vising all assessments in the state. Franchises not be directly taxed, but to be taken into consideration by the board in determining the taxable valuation of a public service corpora tion, according to the systems in Michigan and Wisconsin. First assessment under uew method to be made in 1908 and first levy and collection in 1909. The new code will not touch express, telephone, telegraph, sleeping-car and oil companies, which are to be taxed by two initiative laws, enacted by the people at the polls on Jane 4. SCHOOL YEAR CLOSES Bright Students Receive Diplomas From Tenth Grade of Falls City Public School. FALLS CITY, Or., July 2-Last week witnessed the closing of the Falls City public schools. The school authorities of this place are to be con gratulated upon the success of a series of excellent programs, begin ning Thursday evening and ending Saturday night. The first of the series was an enter tainment by the primary and inter mediate departments. This was thoroughly enjoyable and showed painstaking preparation on the part of both teachers and pupils. Friday evening, Wagner's new hall was filled to overflowing with the Falls City public, come to witness the graduation of the tenth grade. The program was the regulation com mencement program, consisting of orations by the graduates.interspersed with musical numbers. The final musical selection was preceded by an address by Supt. C. L. Starx..a-nrt the j presentation of dietenias "by George j CiwD V x !VV- toil.' ill;.'. Ill I iiity to I 'ion ! LDE.N'LY OP HEART DISCASa "fitly loot 8 b '.vJ liuo s'ml iuvo grc't l.s li! tn i:cvs-ru-dt. push irv) stv"t:k-in' h'l '. A sr.- :in itl ui iS'trasi-l Uio lwsrt. htu'iuJmI ly ir p:ilit:!t.i'.n, di;:i!U'3i, i;atiou.-i unci utiicr Uisin W.Ti CS, president of the board. The one weak point of the Oregon registration law the section permit ting affidavit voting will doubtless be remedied by the next Legislature. It may be that the law will be ho changed as to prohibit anyone voting hereafter who is not registered. The adoption of such an amendment would, it is believed, put a stop to illegal voting altogether. The regis tration books are kept open for many weeks prior to the election, and if a voter fails to register when given ample opportunity to do so, his neglect should betaken as conclusive evidence that he does not desire to exercise his franchise. "The peculiar, suggestive and in appropriate emblem of a frog under an umbrella is one of the numerous wet' signs that should be cut out by Oregonians," rightly suggests the Toledo Leader. "While it rains some in Oregon, it also rains some in other states and in some states it doesn't rain enough. Oregon's rainfall is not a drawback, but a blessing." The newspaper men of this state never did a wiser thing than when they voted to cease using the word "web foot." That nickname cost Oregon millions of dollars. By paying her clearing-house balances in checks instead of coin, Seattle is able to make a big showing; but when it comes to postal receipts, the most reliable standard of all for rating the business importance of a city, she is given fourth rank among the cities of the coast. San Francisco comes first, Portland second, and Los Angeles third. Six years ago Dallas had only one train a day a mixed freight and passenger. It now has eighteen daily trains twelve passengers and six freights. The graduates, numbering seven, delivered their very worthy pro ductions in a manner entirely pleas ing. In both thought and expression they did credit to themselves and to their alma mater. The valedictory was given by H. Elmer Barnhait, whose scholarship deserves special mention. The music, furnished by the Eickreall orchestra, assisted by Prof. Win. Caldwell, of Dallas, and by local talent, was of a high order of excellence and was thoroughly appre ciated. Supt. Stair, in his address to the class, by way of preface, gave ex pression to the hope that the time would soon come when all gradu ations in the Fall3 City public schools would be from the tenth or twelfth grades. He theu proceeded to give one of his usual excellent addresses iuii oi practical common-sense, en riched and bautified with lofty senti ment charging the class to be true to the high ideals set forth in their own orations. Following this address, Chairman George W. Tice, in a few well-chosen words, presented the diplomas. The evening closed with music and con gratulations, and everybody went home well pleased with the commence ment exercises of 1C0G. This article would be incomplete if, before closing, we neglected to say a few words in commendation of Prin cipal H. C. Seymour, who for the past three years has labored so success fully for the improvement and pro gress of the Falls City schools, and nas made sucn a commencement possible. His wide circle of friends regret that this is his last year in a alls city, but, since they cannot hope to keep him, wish hirn abundant success in the larger field into which he goes. TP siviipvuius. l i i ron of promiiwMis iixrrptuonts oi whk'u I r. IVti-c's Gnii!i'ii Mnii Dis covery ii are iveoiiimruiled by r.nnc of tho lnutlMis writers on jLih ri'.i Mciat for tha euro of Just such cases. Goidon fcieal ro.)t, for instanon, is said by the United Statics Disi-e-nkatouv, a stand ard authority, "to Impart tone anil in creased power to tho heart's action.' Kuincroits utiier lending authorities rep resent Uoldoa Seal as an unsurpassed tonic, for the muscular system in General, and as tho heart is almo. t whuliy com posed of muscular tissue, it naturally fallows t'trt it must bo greatly strength ened by tais superb, p"iier.d tonic, lint probii'i'lv tiw mot iiniiortant ingredient of " Golden Medical L)i covery," so far as Its nr'.rve! ;n cures of valvular and other a i '.i.nij of the heart arc con cerned. i ::o!io root, or lv;(i..!.o)iirt ( ., l'rof. Win. 1'aine. aiuhur of Paine's Epftomy of Mudieine. says of it: "I, not lontf siiiej. had a fmtient who w9 so nmcli oppress. -d with valvular disease of the heart bis friends were, i.blijttd to cany him uu-stsirs. lie. however, trmdually reeoverjd under (be iniluenee of C ollinsoniu (medieiiial prhieiDle extraeted from Hone roc:), and Is n w ?.tteni!inir to his business. Heretofore physicians knew ot no remedy for f'!. r.-iimvM of so rtlstresiMii? and so dan eerous a naludv. With them it was all ?(. -work, and it fearfully warned tho al iened that death wr.s near at hand. Col lie -;iin uiwuestional ly affords relief In s ieli eases, and in most Instances effects Stone root is also recommended by Drs. Halo and Ellinzwooil, of Chieaso, for VM i-ular and other di: case.j of the heart. Tho latter savs: ."It is a heart tonic of direct and inriiiiiuciit influence. "Golden Medical Discovery," not only cures serious liee.rt affections, but is a iso 't eflieie'it frenenil tonic find invior, :,tro!r.;t honing the stomach. In'visf oratiiiT tit.) liver, resulatinT tho bowels and cnriirj catarrhal affections iu all palls of the system. Dr. Tierce's Poilots euro Constipation. Men Wanted. Men wanted to work on pole Hue construction. Apply to Willamette Valley Co., C. B. Rhodes, Mgr., Dallas, Oregon. Delightful Camping Grounds. I have now procured all the camp ing facilities at Ocean Park. All the camping grounds, feed and pasture will be under one management. New grounds are being cleaned up and everything possible is being done to make this the most delightful camp ing ground on tho Coast. Vegetables, campers supplies, etc. can be procured of the management. E. C. Magarrell, Prop. , Woods, Oregon. Now is the time for your family and school groups and single pictures; better than ever before. All made with my new Dallmeyer lens. T. J. Cherrington. BETTER TRAIN SERVICE New Daily Passenger Between Port land and Dallas Made First Trip, Tuesday. FOURTH OF JULY PARTY Merry Crowd Spends the Day Home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Bryan. at ?all$ Ciiy nous G. A. Griswold was In Portland last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grier were in Dallas, Saturday. Clarence Powell Is over at Yaquina for a fow days' vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Grant were county seat visitors last Monday. Mrs. John Hart and daughter, oamantna, or Philomath, are visiting with relatives at this plaee. Miss Forbes, of Dallas, attended the graduating exercises of the Falls City High School last Friday night. Miss Myrtle Trnsk, of this place, and Mr. Philip -Flood, of Portland, were married Miss Trask is an accomplished young lady, and is held in high esteem by all who know her. Mr. Flood is a very successful young man on the Southern Taciflc railroad. The happy couple have the best wishes of manj-friends. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar J. Bryan, who will soon move from Falls City to Portland, entertained a large party of friends from Dallas at their beautiful home on tho Fourth. The day was enjoyed as only a merry crowd of town people who have tired of the strenuous life know how to enjoy an outing. The guests spent the forenoon on the lawn in the shade of the giant firs, aud at noon sat down to an elegant lunch prepared by the ladies of the party. In the afternoon the ball game and other celebration attractions were enjoyed. A display of fireworks on tho lawn at night rounded out the day's pleasures. Mr. and Mis. Bryan have many friends in Dallas, and their departure from Polk county will bo deeply regretted. The guests were : Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Uglow, Dr. and Mrs. II. L. Toney, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hayter, Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Cherrington, Mr. and Mrs. lAl Kichmond, Mr. and Mrs. It. L. Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Grier, Mrs. Emma Delt, Mrs. Mattie Martin, Misses Rose Bronkeu, Dolla Simonton, Edna Simonton, Mayor Edward Piddle, J. C. Hayter, Charles Vanderhyde, Moss Walker, Chauncey Crider, Alex VanOrsdol, Den Vanderhyde and G. A. Griswold. Promptly at 10:44 o'clock Tuesday morning, just one minute ahead of schedule time, the new morning passenger train from Portland pulled into tne Dallas aepot. The train was made up of a combination mail and baggage car and two passenger coaches, and was in charge of Con ductor Guy. Bill Batman, one of the oldest engineers in the employ of the Southern Pacific Company, was at the throttle. The coachea were well filled when the train left Jefferson street, and a goodly number of the passengers came through to Dallas. rne rrain win tiereatter arrive in Dallas at 10:45 a. m one hour earlier than was first announced. This change will be greatly appreciated by patrons of the road, as connection will be made with the West Side passenger train at McMinnville, thus accommo dating a large number of people be tween that city and Portland. The new train is not carrying mail at present, but it is understood that the Department will arrange for the morning service within the next two weeks. W. R. Ellis, the local agent for tne Oregonian, is already re ceiving the paper on the morning train. The change in the delivery of the paper to an earlier hour is greatly appreciated by the subscribers, and an increased subscription list is sure to result. The morning passenger, mail and express service over the Yamhill division fills a long-felt want, and it is believed that the new train will re ceive liberal patronage as soon as the schedule becomes familiar to the traveling public. BUSINESS LOCALS. Dr. Hayter. Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas. Oregon. Wagon For Sale. new 2i wagon for sale. N. One Hughes, Dallas, Or. Hay For Sale. Nice, loose cheat hay for sale barn on my farm, one mile out; per ton. H. G. Campbell. Wood For Sale. Good 4-foot grub oak and young fir wood; also 16 inch rick wood, oak and fir, for sale by Ed Cochrane, Dallas, Or. Buggy For Sale. Buggy with shafts, pole, two good robes and a storm robe, for sale at a bargain. W. H. Kraber, Dallas, Or. Loggers Wanted. Wanted, loggers to put in 125,000 feet of oak, before October 15. Apply to Martin & Blodgett, Dallas, Oreg. as fa fa fa lis fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa Many Bars: ains We have are many thin Left!'- now had time to look over the stock, and find tl,re gs left that we n:'pt still leave nt bargain prices. (lome and help yourself to them ululo they last. lor example, we still leave on sale at prices as follows: A Large Line of Boys' Shoes at . . A Line Misses' and Ladies Shoes at ALL OF THEM W0KTH TWICE THE MONEY. A Line of Shirt Waists, old and new at $1.00 We have left our Clothing at sales prices for a time, and many other things are remarkably cheap. All goods the kind you buy the year round. Our Dress Goods Department and Dress Trimmings are re markably fine this year. All tho beautiful shades in tho Soft Woolens and in the Fleecy Soft Summer Goods the like we never had before. Come and See Them. ft I PI 1 KEYT HAIN STREET, ft! I DALLAS, OREGON f For Sale. One pair Guinea Fowls pairs of Fantail Pigeons. Glenn Oke, Rickreall , Or. and two ' Apply to: For Sale. One light coast wagon ; oce horse. buggy and harness; 50 head of first- class nanny goats; all for sale at a bargain. M. D. Ellis, Dallas, Or. House and Lot For Sale. Six-room house and lot, less than I one block from courthouse yard, for sale cheap. Pantry and bathroom supplied with hot and cold water. In quire at Observer office. Great NEW BRICK BLOCK 9 t Remova Gasoline Wood Saw. We have a gasoline wood-saw, and are prepared to saw all kinds of cord wood on short notice. Reed & Hayes, Dallas, Or. Bell phone 333. In order to secure a suitable building for our Rapidly in creasing business we are compelled to move out while a new brick block is being erected. Going Out of Business. Notice is hereby given that Guy Bros., dealers in Hardware, Paints and Oils are going out of business in all paints, except PATTON'S SUN PROOF, sold under a 5 years' guarantee. PLEASANT SURPRISE PARTY Many Friends Entertained at Home ot Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Van-Orsdel. Proposals For Sidewalk. Sealed proposals will be received at tho office of the Auditor and Police J udge of the City of Dallas, Oregon, until 7:30 o'clock p. ni. on July 1G, inon, for the construction of a side walk on tho cast side of Main street and the South side of Clay street in front of lots 2 and 3, in Block No. 3 in the Gem addition to Dallas, Oregon. Said sidewalk to bo 5 foot i inches in Portland last Saturday. wide, and built of lumber in the man ner prescribed by Ordinance, and shall be completed within ten days arter contract is awarded. Tho right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. DAN P. STOUFFER, Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Dallas, Oregon. Dated July 3, 1906. -riiptioiis The only way to get rid of pimples and other erup tions is to cleanse the blood, improve the digestion, stim ulate the kidneys, liver and skin. The medicine to take is Hood'sSarsaparilla Wtich has cured thousands. O rain Sacks For Sale. Severnl hundred nearly new grain sacks for sale at half price. Address, J. S. Macombek, Dallas, Ore. Thone Black 25. Hay For Sale. High-grade vetch, cheat and rye grass for sale at lowest prices. Call at C. X. McArthur's farm near Derry, or phone or address the undersigned. James Hickersox. Friends of Mrs. J.'G. VanOrsdel gave her a surprise party Tuesday evening in honor of her52d birthday xi. was a complete surprise in every way, her daughter Ruth having planned all the arrangements. There was music by Mrs. C. G. Coad and Miss Olive Smith and a reading by Mrs. Becker. Delicious refreshments were served. Mrs. VanOrsdel was the recipient of two beautiful cut-glass dishes. Those present were : Dr. and Mrs, w. S. Cary, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cone, Mr. and Mrs. H. Holman, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Muir, Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Daltou, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boals, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Chapman, Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Becker, Mr. and Mrs, Willis Simonton, Mr. and Mrs. TJ. S, Loughary, Mr. and Mrs. Yost, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Aldrich, Mrs. J. C. Gaynor, Mrs. M. M. Ellis, Mrs. J. Byers, Mrs. C. G. Coad, Mrs. H. B. Cosper, Mrs. Alico Dompsey, Mrs. J. B. Thompson, Misses Olive Smith and Georgia Mar tin and Mrs. C. H. Chapman. Found. In Falls City -park, a fever ther mometer. Apply at Observer office. Vetch Hay For Sale. Vetch hay for sale, in field or de livered. W. W. Ullret, Riekreall R. F. D. l. For Sale or Trade. I have a few head of unbroke horses that I will sell cheap, or will trade for cows, goats or sheep one or all. H. G. CAMPBELL, Dallas, Oregon. NO AVAILABLE STORE AT HANP We will Sacrifice Our Present Stock AT ANY OLD PRICE ..... . M h. U r I Wood For For sale, large wood, either in the livered. For terms Hayter. Sale. sond-growth fir timber or de apply to Dr, "Lambert Boy 4192." The noted Morgan horse "Lambert Boy 4192" will make the season of 1906 as follows : Independence, Wed nesdays and Thursdays ; Dallas, Fri days and Saturdays; remainder of time at Turner's near Airlio. J. W. BROWN, Owner. Partnership Dissolved. Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between Guy Brothers and Masury's and Bay State Paints is now dissolved, and in the future they will carry nothing but PATTON'S SUN PROOF PAINT, sold under a positive 5 years' guarantee. Stallion "Hercules." Commencing April 1, the Percheron stallion; "Hercules," will make the season of 1906 as follows : Mondays and Tuesdays at Rickreall ; Wednes days at Independence; remainder of time at Black's stable, Dallas. Terms, $12.50 to insure. WILLIAM TATOM. NO FAKE SALE, BUT FORCED OUT. Only a few weeks to Clean Out the ENTIRE STOCK We have many new and up-to-date things come " in since the fire, and others on the way, which MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. Now is the time to get BARGAINS IN FURNITURE. YOU NEED SOMETHING NEW FOR PARLOR, SITTING ROOM, DINNING ROOM, BED ROOM or KITCHEN. DROP IN AND SEE HOW THE LOW PRICES WILL SURPRISE YOU Horsemen, Attention 1 The imported German Coach stallion "Albon" will make the season of 1906 at the Farmers' Feed Shed in Dallas. Terms, $io, $15 and $20. W. H. McDaniel is prepared to furnish pasture for mares. HUBBARD & McDANIEL, Dallas, Oregon. s -.3mS KB frank KerslakelreH0USEFURNISHER "riTj "mo, C:rv opToledo, Ll'CA; County. ( I'kav.; .'. Chenfy makes oith that he ths r;...,, i.i,iUKjof thpfirmof F. 3. ChbjjhyACo., (loi;i;x lnisints i;i the City of Toledo, County t .lu-uid, and that said firm will pay tho Kin of ONB HU.VDKKD DOLLARS for ta: .i a:ul .is v cafe of Catarrh that cannot be ci'-ctl ly tlu rae ot Hall's Catarbh Ccrr. FRANK J. CHENEY. Cwcri ti before me and subscribed in my prjse.KC, Ibis Cth day of December, A.D. 1SSS. A. W. GLEASOJT, Aotary Puklie. 's CaiaTh Core is taken internally and acta ircctJvouthd bUxd and mucous suriacesof lac i.v;ti. Soitd for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. 4 'ir? b Drinult, 73c. H&Ug Family Fills are the best. W. J. STOWE, Truckman, Does hauling of all kinds at reasonable rates. DALLAS. OREOOTC R. C. Craven, Pres. W7. G. Vassall, Cashier hlh: Hit; Bail Exchanges bought and sold on all points. Special attention paid to collections. . . "airu- Mk Cow Wanted HaVinOT fflVOn lin Inrmtnn T V . for sale mj hTngt' n ,sU miMc c w .JJlT of one 24-horse-power Traction engine ! centln t? , perfectly with round tanL, pumps, an CI K C dT m'S?' complete: one 32YBiinoh on.Kn, i K . aj- XVl11 l'ny aer due cylinder Separator, with o S n l"' Aaaress-Ed Smith, Dallas, justable riddles and wind stacker, together with cook-house, cook stove) tanks, cooking utensils, etc., and a full set of wagon racks and forks, all ready for first-class work. All the machinery and wagon-racks have been carefully housed and kept dry when not in use. Although this machine has only worked about C9 days, I offer the whole outfit for cash or on time at much less than one-half the first cost. JAMES ELLIOTT, Dallas, Oregon. THt ORIGINAL LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE KOKEYTAB Be4 Ckrer BIsuoa iud Dsney Be ea Ercry t-"! OCCIDENTAL HOTEL High Service and Low Rates. C W. NIXON, Proprietor, Corvallis, Oregon Bicycle Supplies If you need new tires for your wheel, come and see me. I handle "THE RACYCLE the best wheel made. Come and examine it and convince yourself of its superiority over other bicycles, and you will save money. C RISSER, Dallas, . Oregon. The Olds Gasoline Engines I handle the "Olds" the best Gaso line Engine in the market Jst,,lie thing for Wood Sawing, Pumn Spraying, Feed Mills, Churning, t Come and See the best gaso line engine made for farmers purposes. Ed. Biddle, Agent Dallas, Oregon- W. V. FULLER-REAL- ESTATE Timber Lands a Specif If you have patented lag or relinquishments to sen. same with me. Office in Crider Dallas, Oregon Btti$ n0 Jlodcl Dyspepsia II C!388ts what jroa t&