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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1906)
OLD FASHION DOINS Juniors Promise That Their Supper Will Be Better Than Their Spelling. An old fashion HardTymes Gather! n will bee bold Id the Kollage Chapell, Friday evenio, Jancrary 1I, under the ospices of the Juniors, asissted by the wlmmen fokesofthe Ade Sassiety of the Evangelical Church. Its goin to cobt you 5 sents and oue pertater to get inn. ROOLS AXD REGULASHTN8 Every worain must ware a kaliker dross and apern, or sumthin ekerly approprit. No jentlemen with a biled shirt or dood koller will bee aloud to kum oniess he pays u phine of 6 sents. These rools will bee inforsed to the lettur by a kompetent koramitty. PHINKS FUR WIMMEX No npern on one sent Hat with flours or fethers one sent Year Wrings one sent Wool dress one sent Fingur wrings too sents Hand Bokay one doller PHIJiEH FUR MEN FOLKS Blackt butes or shooz two sents Seegars in pockitt one sent Watches (not Wotterbery). . . .too sents Karryiu kane '. too sents Patint lether shooz Ave sents Chuln gurani live sents Buttin whole bokay one sent EXTEYS Flirtin three sents Makin luv five sents Tellin secrits one sont Entry good vittels will bee et from 5 to 8. VITTELS Whete Bredd Koffey Kreem and Shugar Buttur PIckels 15 sents extry fur vittels. Thar will bee songs sung by kompe tent men and wimrnen singers. Thar will bee sum spoke peeces sed. Ye kin come in earlie, and ye wim men fokes can bring their nittin and git rested before singin begins. When the song Home Sweet Home be sung, it is time that we may go hoani. Ye must all stand upp and join the singers in the last tune. It costs 6 sents and 1 portator to get in, and noboddy admitted without the pertater. Mete Baked been a Brown bredd Appel sass A Thousands Dollars Worth of Good. A. II. Thurnes, a well known coal operator of Buffalo, O., write? "I have been allicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years, passing gravel and atones with excruciating pain. I got no relief from medicine until I began taking Foley's Kidney Cure, and then the result was surprising. A few doees started the brick dust like fine stones and now I have no pain across my kid neya and I feel like a new mini. I4 has done me $1000 worth of good." Belt Cherrington. An electrlo lino may bo built from Corvallistothe Bollfountuin neighbor hood. Chronic Constipation Cured. One who suffers from chronic consti nation is in danger of many cerious ail ments. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cjres chronic constipation us it aids digestion and stimulates the liver and bowels, restoring the natural action of these organs. Commence taking it today and you will feel better at once. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe ard is very pleasant to take. Refuse substitutes. Belt & Cherrington. Coquille Socialists have organized and rented a hall. How to Avoid Pneumonia. We have never heard of a single in stance or a cold resulting in pneumonia or other lung trouble when Foley's Honey and Tar has been taken. It not only stops the cough, but heals and strengthens the lungs. Ask for Foley's Honev and Tar and refuse anv substi tute offered. Dr. C. J. Bishop, of Agnew, Mich., writes: ''I have used Foley's Honey and Tar in three very severe cases of pneumonia witn good results in every case." Belt A Cherrinston. Baker City claims about 10,000 popu lation, nearly half that of Baker county. Stomach Troubles and Constipation. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets are the best thing for stomach troubles and constipation I have ever sold," says J. It. Cullman, a druggiBt of Potterville, Mich. They are easy to take and always give satisfaction. I tell my customers to try them and if not satisfactory to come back and get their money, but have never had a complaint." For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. WRITES OF CONDON Former Dallas Merchant Is Pleased With New Location in East ern Oregon. Snow at the Silver Lake sawmill is three feet deep. Cured His Mother of Rheumatism. "My mother has been a sufferer for many years from rheumatism," says W. II. Howard of Husband, Pennsyl vania. "At times she was unable to move st all, while at all times walking was painful. I presented her with a oottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and after a few applications she decided it was the most wonderful pain reliever the had ever tried, in fact, she is never without it now and is at all times able to walk. An occasional application of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly troubled with." For sale by Stafrin prog Co. CONDON, Or., January 6-(To the Editor.) Weather such as we have had here since Christmas makes one glad to live in this climate. For two weeks it has been warm and balmy, with very little wind. There has not been over four inches of snow at any time, and this has soon disappeared before the warm Chinook. Farmers are grumbling, however, and wishing for two feet of snow, which would in sure bountiful crops next year. The agent of the Interior Warehouse Com pany told me a few days since that by u careful count he had found that the acreage of grain to be sown this sea sou will be twice that of last year. I am much amused when I think of how people in Dallas prumbled at paying $3 a cord for grub oak last year. Fir or pine wood costs here $8.21, and oak is not used at all. Coal costs $9.50 per ton, and is the fuel mostly used. We have two newspapers, The Globe and The Times. The latter is edited by Rev. Currins, formerly of Hills boro, and whom Dallas people will remember as having lectured at Dal las College. William and James Brown (famil iarly known as Jim and Bill,) live close to Condon, and have large hold ings of land. They are sons of the late George Brown, came here in an eurly day, and have grown up with the country. It is quite amusing to ask some old settler here ir he farms any. Very often the answer will be: "No, I do not farm much; only have in 250 or 300 acres this year." This seems quite a good deal to a Webfooter, but seems small to them. The new water system la nearing completion, and we have everything but the water. The contractors are still drilling on tho well, however, and hope to strike water. The old system of pipes is still in service, but only affords water for household use, and none for lire protection. Think of a 10 per cent rate of insurance and be thankful for your splendid system of gravity waterworks. Our public school is a good one. Phil Mulkoy, whom you all know, teaches in the seventh grade. His wife also teaches in this county, at Locust Grove. We need in our town a good, up-to-date grocery store, and a good music teacher. Another saloon applied for license this week, but was turned down. This would have made the eighth, if the license had been granted. We shipped out seven or eight gamblers this morning, so you see we are improving somo. Mr. Shreve is proving quit a heart smasher here, so you need not bo sur prised if he speedily joins the army of benedicts. S. C. DODSON. Kelliher (lets Five Years. Five years in the Penitentiary was the sentence imposed by Judge Bur nett upon A. T. Kelliher, the Chicago millionaire, who was last week found guilty upon a charge of forging an assignment of a certificate of sales of state school land. The penalty pro vided by law is imprisonment from two to twouty years. Cured Lumbago. A. B. Cannian, Chicago, writes March 4, 1903. "Having been troubled with Lumbago, at different times and tried one physician after another, then differ ent ointments and liniments, gave it up altogether. So 1 tried once more, and got a bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment, which gave me almost instant relief. I can cheerfully recommend it, and will add my name to your list of sufferers." Sold by Stafrin lrug Co. Tho Malheur Gazette frnternally wishes its new competitor, the Oriano, long life and prosperity. Rev. Carlisle P. B Martin, L. L. D. Of Waverly, Texas, writes: "Of a morning when first arising, I often find a troublesome collection of phlegm which produces a cough and is very hard to dislodge; but a small quantity of Ballard's Hoiehuund Syrup will at once dislodge it, and the trouble is over. I know of no medicine that is equal to it, and it is so pleasant to take. I can mot cordially recommend it to all per sons needing a medicine for throat or lung trouble." Sold by .Stafrin Drug Co. The last quarantine Hag has been removed at Eugene, and all traces of smallpox have disappeared. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Best Made. the "In my opinion Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the best made for colds," says Mis. Uora Walker ol I ortervule, California. There is no doubt about its being the best. No other will cure a cold so quickly. No other i9 so sure a preventive of pneumonia. No other is so pleasant and safe to take. These are good reasons why it should be preferred to any other. The fact is that few peo ple are satisfied with any other after having once used this remedv. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. HOLLiSTER'8 ky Mountain Tea Nujseta A Buy KKliola for Buy Fopli Briar 6olJ E1U ml Rawd k. re,iflc fVrConttrtloii, Imitation. nd Kitin Trouble riuiplr. tcrem. Impur HkxM, Bad Breath, HIuf(lh Bowels, Headache od Rackucho. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tab IK form, SS eanta a box. Genuine maJa by Houjteb Dco Company, Iladiton. Wis. (QLOEN KUCGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE The Original. Foley & Co., Chicago, originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung lemedy, and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foley's Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine. The imitations have simi lar sounding names. Beware of them. The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar is in a yellow package. Ask for it and refuse any substitute. It is the best remedy for coughs and colds. Belt & Cherrington. Lots of ducks are being killed around Shedds. One man got 43 in a day. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Abso lutely Harmless. The fault of giving children medicine containing injurious substances, is some times more disastrous than the disease from which they are sufferinu. Every mother should know that Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is perfectly eafe for children to take. It contains nothing harmful and for coughs, colds and croup is unsurpassed. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. Klamath Falls' new $30,000 high school building will be dedicated January 20. An agreeable movement of the bowels without any unpleasant effect is pro duced by Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale by Stafrin Drug Co. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice Is hereby friven tliat the nnriersierneil, ns administrator of 1 1 it- estate of Tubitha (utile rlne Garwood, rieieaweil, has tiled his final ac count in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, and that Saturday, the Kith day of February, lMW, at the hour of ten o'clock in th( forenoon of said dny, hiisbeen appointed by the Judire of said Court as the time, and the Court room of said Court as the pliice, for the hearing of objections to the huid tinal account and the settlement thereof. JOHN M. FARLEY, Administrator of the estate of Tubitha Catherine Gurwood, decensed. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Dated and first published January 12, 1G. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby niven that the undersigned, by an order of the County Court of Polk County. OreKon, has been appointed administrator of the estate of Lewis Abrams, deceased. All persons having claims against Maid estate are required to present them, within six months from the date of this notice, with the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at Lincoln, Ore gon. Dated this 18th duy of December, 1!W CAULK ABItAMS, Administrator. First insertion December 22. 1!M)5. sirengib. 6 iffic' ""T-: '? ! Administrator's Sale. Strength is one of the distinguishing attributes of a healthy man. In one of the most beautiful poetic flights known to literature, the inspired singer finds no finer figure to express the sun's majestic rising man "rejoicing iiite a strong man to run a race." Who has not known such a man, the picture of health, hardy and athletic, suddenly begin to fail? At first he has a slight cough, which he laughs at. Presently the cough becomes deep seated. The scales tell him he is losing flesh. A little later and the lungs bleed, lie grows weaker and more and more emaciated. Each day sees some circum scribing of his activities, until at last he does not leave the house, and friends shake their heads and say, "Toor fel low ! Who would ever have believed it possible? " Hut what are the doctors doing all this time ! Doing their best probably, but usually doing no lasting good. The emaciation grows more marked, the weakness more apparent, until at last the sick man hears the sentence, "There's no hope." It is just at this very point of hope lessness that the use of Dr. Pierces Golden Medical Discovery has proven the first step to health to many a suf ferer. It cures the cough, stops the hemorrhage, heals the lungs, puts sound flesh upon the body, and sends the man back to the activities of life as strong as ever. It's a wonderful statement, but it is literally true, that " Golden Medical Discovery" has cured time and time again when all other means had abso lutely failed to benefit. There is no alcohol in the "Discovery," and it is absolutely free from opium, co caine, and all other narcotics. Persons suffering from disease in chronic form are invited to consult Dr. R. V. Pierce, by letter, free. All cor respondence is private and the confi dences of the sick are guarded with pro fessional privacy. The success of the methods and medicines of Dr. R. V. Tierce, may be inferred from the fact that of the thousands treated by him and his assistant staff of nearly a score of physicians ninety-eight per cent, have been perfectly and permanently cured. "A SURE CURE." I beg to state that I have used three bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery siuce my corresixjiiilcnce with you, iul find" great improvement in my case." writes Mr. A. F. Novotny, of New York, N. Y., Box 1437. nI feel that 1 am in ueetl of no more medical assist ance. When I started to take your medicine I had a regular consumptive cough, ot which I was afraid, and everybody cautioned and warned me concertiing it. I was losing weight rapidly, was very pale and had no p "petite whatever. Now my condition is changed en tirely. I do not couch at all, have gained eijz'ht pounds in weight, nave recovered my htalthy color, and my appetite is enormous. 1 can rec ommend v ' medicine to everybody who may be in nee, ihe same, as it is a sure cure, 110 hummu? as -e moat other patent medicines, and is Tar superior to all similar mcuiciues.M THE DOCTOR WAS WR0N3. "When I commenced taking yonr medicines, eighteen month apo, my hcnlth'was onp!etctv broken down " wrilri Mrs. Cora L. Sunderland, of Chancyville. Calvert Co., MJ. "Ai time 1 could not even walk across the nx-mi nilhout pains in my chest. The doctor who aitcmlevl rue aakl I had lnj trouble and thnt I would nerer be well again. At last I concluded to try Dr. Tierce' medicines. I bouRlit a bottle of 'Golden Medical Ihseoverv,1 took it. .i:id soon commenced to feel a little belter, t'wn you directed me to take both the Golden Medical Discovery ' and the ' Favorite Prex-r ption.' which Idid. Altogether 1 have taker eiii'.iteeo bottles of "Ooldtn Medical Discovery . ' tTrrlve of the Favorite Prescription ' and five vi.iis of Pellet.' I am now almost entirely well, and do all my work without any pain whatever, and can rai with nore case than t could, formerly awil. Dr. rierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, iooS large pages and 70.1 illus trations, is sent.rtr on receipt ot" stamps to defray expense of mailing omiv. Send U one-cent stamps for the book in cloth binding, or only 21 stamps if pa covers are desired. Address Dr. k. V Tierce, udo, N. Y. Notice is hereby Rivun that by virtue of an order of tale duly made and entered I in Me County Court of the state of n. for I oik County, on the 2d day of October lliOO in he matter of the estate of Nathaniel I olin .in. e ceased, and of a further order of said toiirt.diilt made and entered in the matter of aa d estate on the JOth day of August, 19m, the under signed, John D. Holman, as administrator of said estate, will, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10. :HW," at the hour of one o'clock, p. m., of said day, at the front door of the County Court House m try City of Pallas, In said County, proceed to sou at public auction, on the terms lnrcinalter stated, and to the hlehe-t bidder therefor, the follou-inn described real .property belonging to said estate, to wit: The Northeist quarter: the North half of t ne Southeast quarter; and the East hall of the Northwest quarter of Section in Township S South, Kans.'e 5 Wet of the Willamette .Meri dian, in I'olK Coutitv. Orocon. beinis the Dona tion Land Clim of Harben M. Cooper and wile, Notification No. :I7(K. containing :'M acres: also, the West half of the Northwest quarter, and the Norlh half of the Sniithwcst quarter "f said .-ec-tion 21) in said Township and R.inpe. heini? the Donation Land Claim of John V. Sevier. Nolili ention No. IW13. and Certificate No. !(!. con taining 1) acres: being in U acres: to gether with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or ill any wise appertaining, The said real property will be sold subject t" confirmation by aH County Court, upon the following terms: The purchaser will be required to pav ten per centum of his hid for said prem ises at the time of sale, and the remainder upon the confirmation of such sale by said Court and the delivery of the administrator's deed. Dated this 8th day of January, I'.mii. JOHN f. II'tl.MAN, Administrator of the estate of Nathaniel Holman, deceased. Oscar Hayter, Attorney. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE .1, 1X7. United States Land Office, Portland, Oregon, December 2H, WO-i. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," asextendetl to all Hie Public Land States by act of August 4 1SW, Kva Way Dugpaii, of Llatskanic. County of Columbia, Stuteof Oregon, has this day filed in this otlice her sworn statement No. 67:is tor the purchase of the West 4 Northwest and West 14 Southwest i of Section No. 14 in Township No. 7 South. Range No. 7 V., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and lie ceiver of this otlice at Portland, Oregon, on Saturday, the 17tli day of March, 10nt!. She names as witnesses: H. A. Duggan, of Clatskanie, Oregon; W. A. Wheeler, of Port land, Oregon; U. S. Bryant, of Portland, Ore gon ; J. N. Rice, of Clatskanie, Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims in this otlice on or betnte said 1 itn oay oi March, 11)00. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Administrator's Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Polk County. In the matter of the estate of Charles E. Brown, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, administrator of the above named estate, lias filed his tinal account in the above named estate and the County Court of said County has set Saturday, February 3, liWti, at the hour of 1 o'cWck p. in. for hearing the same, at which time any and all persons having objections thereto are hereby notitied to appear and pre sent the same to said Court, and upon their failure so to appear, said administrator will take an order approving said final account, that said estate be finally closed and the adminis trator discharged, ialed at Dallas, Polk County, Oregon, this 3rd day of January, 11)06. JACOB BROWN, Administrator of said estate. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Polk County, Department No. 2. -Maggie M. Long, Plaintill, v George V. Long, Defendant. To George W. Long, the above-named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answei the com plaint tiled against you in the above-entitled Court and suit within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to-wit: On or before the 10th day of February, pjo;; and if you fail so to answer, for waut'thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court lor a decree as prayed for in the said complaint, to-wit : That the marriage contract now ami heretofore ex isting between plaintill and defendant be dis solved and annulled; that plaintill may havt the future care, custody and possession of the minor child of the marriage of plaintill' and de fendant, viz., Zora B. Long; and that plaintill may have such other and further relief as to the Court may seem meet with equity and good conscience. This summons, by order of the lion. Ed F. Coad, Judge of the County Court of the State ol Oregon, for Polk County, made at Chambers at Dallas, Oregon, on the 2tHh day of December, I'JO.), is served upon you by publication thereof for a period of six consecutive and successive weeks immediately prior to the intli day oi February, 19(W, in the "Polk County Observer," a newspaper of general circulation, published Wiekly at Dallas, in said County. The date oi the first publication of this summons is Decem ber 211, 1005. OSCAR HAYTER, Attorney for Plaintiff. Administratrix's Notice. Notice is hereby given that I. Josephine Pag.jtt, have U-en duiy appointed admmistrn trix ot tbe estate of C. W. l'agett, deceased, by the Coui.ty (.o.irt of Polk County, Oregon. All persons having claims against the said estate an- hereby required to present the same, duly veri;,e l. to Ihe undersigned, within six months Irom the dale of this notiee. Dated IM lV.u dav of December, l'.i,". JO.-EPH1NE PAdETT, Administratrix of the estate id C. V. Pagett, deceased. ". L. Butler, Attorney. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE .1, 187S. United states Land otlice, Portland, Oregon. November 4, IhO'i. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended lo all the Public Land States "bv ai t of August 4, 1812, Jennie A. Brosseau, of Sedro Wooley, county of Skagit, State of Washington, has this day tiled in this otlice her sworn state ment No. 6i'.J, for the purchase of the S. E. ' . oi Section No. 24 in Tow nship No. 7 S., Kanee No. 7 W., and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone thau for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, ou'lucsdav the loth day of January, loos. She names as witnesses: F. c. W hitten, of Portland. Oregon; U. S. Bryant, of Portland. Oregon: W. C. Harmon, of Newport, Oregon -U. A. Duggan, of lnglis, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to tile their claims in this office on or before said 10th dav of January, ltj6. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. mm i i n -V,! ) FOR TBS I LDFH FOR THE 9 nnpnnn pjy JULbUu LiJ. o it u u u TO ALL DISEASES OF BOTH FOU OOIJSUPI3FTIOW Cured of Consumption in Its Final Stages : J O R Hooper, a merchant, of Woodford, Term., writes: "Fifty witnesses here, will swear that Dr. King's New Discovery cured Mrs. Mollie Holt of Consump. tion after her family had watched at her bedside for the end, winch doctors said was neaREST C(JRE fj the WORLD FOR COUGHS AND COLDS! Pric 50c and $1.00 GUARANTEED Trial Bottles Free SOLD MID RECOMMENDED BY BELT & CHERRINGTON Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE ;!, 18,8., United States Land Othee, Portland, Oregon. December 6, l'JOS. Notice ij herebv jiiven that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ol June :!, 178, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extend ed to all the Public Land States by act of August 4 l!i-', William C. Ifarmon, of Newport, county of Lincoln, State of Oregon, has this day filed in thisollice his sworn statement No. 07IH, for the purchase of the Northwest one-fourth of Set tion No. 34 in Township No. 7 South, Range No. 7 West, and will oiler proof to show that the .and sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver at Portland. Oregon on Tuesdav, the 'JOth day of l-'ebruaiy, HUM. lie names as witnesses: U. Stout Hryant, of Portland, Oregon; Henrv A. Duggan, of Clats kanie. Oregon ; Fred C. Whitten. of Portland, Oregon; William A. Wheeler, of Portland, Ore- pun. DELIGHTFUL ftOUTE AY LIGHT HIDE IZZY CRAGS EEP CANONS LODGE DIRECTOR Masonic Calendar, MORE SCENIC ATTRRACTI0NS Than Any Other Line in tho Worlu Tho Only Lino Passing Through SALT LAKE CITY Enroute to or from the East Any and all petsiins claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to file their elainiB in this otlice on or before said 20th day of Fcbruarv, l'JOtl. AI.CKRNON S. PHKSSER, Register. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, lS7h. I'nited States Land Ollice, Portland, Oregon, December (i, 1 'JO.'j. Notice is hereby given that in compliance .vith the provisions of the act of Congress of June ls78, entitled "An act for the tale of timber lands in the States of California, Ore gun, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, 1 89 J , Eudiiia 1. Cameron, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, has this day liled in this olliee her sworn statement No. i71;i, lor thepurchaseof the S. of S. E. J-of Sec. No. 12 in T. No. 7 S., Range No. 7 W.. and will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land beiore the Register and Receiver of this olliee at Portland, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 2Ulh day of February, ISHiG. She names as witnesses: John Denipsey, of Portland, Oregon; Porter 1). Castle, of Portland, Oregon; C. L. Parker, of Dallas, Oregon; J. L. C'tstle, of Dayton, Oregon . Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to lile their claims in this ollice on or before said iiuth day of Febnrary, l'JOti. ALCEHNON S. DRESSER, Register. Choice of 2 Routes Through the Heart of the RocKies Equipment and Service Unsurpassed Write or call on tlie undersigned for information and descriptive literature. W. C. McBRIDE, General Agent 124 Third St. PORTLAND, - - OREGON M. OLIVE SMITH teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block DALLAS OREGON Jennings Lodge, Ino. 9 ft couiuiunications, Second t Fourth Fridays of each a,, Oscar Hayter, W.M, J. C. Hm'tei Ains worth Chapter, No.l' A. M., stated convocation F;- J? ir8t and third Fridavsol month. Oscar Hayter. H. P. Willis Sntosrid JsA aomi Chapter, No. 22,0. E.8,c 1 -meetings becond and foprth ! days of each month. Mrs. Alice Kozjer, W.a MRS. l'AULINE VVILLU5I8, Sec, I. 0. 0. F. (T" flfl Pays tor the OBSERVER J) and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Obsekveb must be paid up to date. Subscribe now. KING OF AIL LINIMENTS CURES RHEUMATISM AND ALL PAIN VWBILV f ILF.r. ,J0TSl CONTRACTED MUSCCLS, SPRAINED MT BOM BMllin7a atuiA ' CS"N HUK"", INIO WRIST. FROSTED rClT.OORNS, BUNIONS, CHILBLAINS, AMD ALL INFLAMMATIONS OF MAN OR NlAST.j 0 vnr ) READ THIS REMARKABLE CURE po kMa "ucllfflicted with rheumatism, writes Ed. C. Nud, Iowaville, Sedgwick Co.,Kansa7"eoinl bout on crutches and suffering a great deal oflainS I was wdoced to try Ballard's Snow JSJffi cured me, after using three 50c bottles TT tc ith r w GREATEST LINIMENT I EVER USPn JtJ, ? emmendeditto . mbi?tDhhSrS; themse ves as being benefited by it. I no "walk R SS: 25c, 50c AND $1.00 BALLARD SNmv UNET CO. SOLD AND RECOMMENDEDBY STAFRIN DRUG COMPANY TIMBER LAND, ACT J I NE 3. l-TS. I'nited States Land office, Portland, Orvinn. . . . Peceinber 8, i-Ao. AOtioe Is hereby eiven that in mmnii.nw wilh the provisions of the act of (Vninvsa of June 8. 1878, entitled "An aot for ihesaieoi timber lands in the States of California, Ore iron, Nevada, and Washincton Territory,'" s extended to all tne Put.lie Land States bv act ot August 4, A. Fred Toner, of "paling county of Polk, State of Oreeon, has ibis day bled in thia oftiec his sworn statement So. o,i, lor me pnronaseol trie N. of X w ; and S. E. of X. V ' . and S. W. 'of X. E i ': oi ! Seolios No. 4 in Tonnship No. South, Ranee So. 7 Hest V. M.. and will otter proof lo show that the land soncht ia more valuable for its ' umoer or stone man for arnt'iiiinr mit.-am aud to establish his claim to said land before me loumj .ieri; ol ro;k lountv, lreiron at Pallaa, Otvtvn, on Toesdav. the' '.Via day of February, I'M'.. He names as witnesses: P. J. P.ilev. of Pai'.as Orecon: K. J. load, of Pallas, Oreeon: L" !' (irant, of Dallas, Oregon: II. Eakin of Pallas. Oregon. ' Any and all persons claiminr adversely the above-d.-seribed lands are requested to tiietUeir claims in this oee on or beiore said joth dav of February. IvMk ALGERNON S. PREISER, Register. romSDJTrJEYCUTv CkM Kidosra sa4 Biad4ar Eljiii J. Q. VanOrsdel & Son DEALERS IX timber ana Tarm Eands ana City Prcpcrty. Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. jjiV Friendship Lodge, No,!;: .-&t: every baturday evemni 'Qmr- 0. 0. F. Hall. Chaukcey Teats, N. G. W. A. Ayess, E,i T LaCreole Encampment, No, 20, it "Second and frourth Monday month. J. E. Sibley, C. P. A. W. Teats. Scni Alruira Lodge, No. 26, D. of I every Friday evening. Miss Mima Hughes, N. G. Miss Lvdia Campiiiil.Ss Woodmen of the Worli Dallas Camp, No. 209, meets in !i Castle hall in the Woodman toil; every Tuesday evening. Frank Kerslake C. C. W. G. Vassau, lWTistletoe Circle, No. 33, W.t VAmeets in their Castle Hall, Woodman building every Wednc eyening. Mrs. JosEi'iiiNis McDevitt, G.J. B.M.Guv, ft A. 0. U. and Third Wednesday ol i it I n- Af U' F. A. Stubs, I Crystal Lodge, No. 50,'D.ofhi First and Third Wednesday - month. Mrs. F.J. Coad, C.ofH. Mrs. Ed. F. Coa United Artisans. i I XT lit-lmppt.S Fitf 1 "Third Tuesday of each montl. Willis Simonton, M.A. j Gus (M. k Knights of Pyt JY1 Meets ever) Monday e ; its Castle Hall in Voodmaak Visiting Knights areri? H. L. Toxey, K. R. S. Fraternal Union of r.ougeNo. 144-Meeta Third T j "oi eacn mumu. W.J. Wagkkb, F. . M. tin. S. K. M 111 not Knights of the Macca Dallas Tent, o- , Pand Fourth Tbni, W month in I. 0. ... oa T.O.T.Sf" llac Hive, rfhTho!9-' i c,nH and Fonrtn noon of each month. lC , Mas. Ulaschb -uiUSs,i-Mrs. KlTTlE X. j R. CJ. Craven, f j Dallas CilJ Exchanges bousbt : nointa. Special i lections. fllfon T3.i: . i i i biliousness. Sick w cv n n n o . Chronic Constipation. I nvn2 r JT ' tfls and Pleasant to tale 13X26 FiOlt SVf OD For Sale by BELT & CHERRLNG TON the ST '