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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1905)
POLK WINS MANY MEDALS Leads In Showing of Grains and Grasses at Lewis and Clark Fair. lhat Folk County Is the oanner grain and grass couDty of Oregon is shown by theliBtof medals awarded by the department of exhibits at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. The county also made a strong showing in the horticultural department The following is the list of medals and prizes for the exhibits ; GOLD MEDALS. J. M. Burton, Independence hops, J. A. Baxter, Dallas Canada white winter wheat, Jones' bearded Fife wheat, Ruby wheat. James Boydston. Dallas white winter wheat W. J. Farley, Dallas mohair. J. Flanery, Perrydale Mammoth white winter wheat. Cass Gibson, Kickreall orchard grass. P. Haley, Buena Vista Murphy oats, Success birley. G. Hunter, FallsCity Fall meadow grasp. J. B. Knowles, Rickreall white Clawson and white Wonder wheat. J. Lampitt, Suver Spring rye. W. Palmer, Dallas vetch. Polk County collective exhibit of grains and grasses. Charles Rhude, Dallas oats. Riddell & Sons, Mon mouth mohair. D. R. Ruble, Lincoln wheat, oats. Ruth Ruble, West Salem wheat. R. Russell, Buena Vista Bonanza oats. A. L. Shute, Monmouth wheat. G. Wells, Buena Vista white Im perial wheat, six-rowed Winter barley. J. E. Wheelock, Monmouth Oregon white winter wheat. Mrs. F. A. Wolfe, Falls City-flax, wheat, grasses and barley. Allyn Yocorn, Sheridan mohair. U. 8. Grant, Dallas mohair. SILVER MEDALS. 8. Ball, Ballston New Zealand oats. E. Beezley, Falls City Defiance and Canada white wheat. S. T, Burch, Rickreall hops William Brown, Bridgeport Sur- prise wheat. T. N. Brunk, Eola Cotswold wool. W. Calder, Lincoln Clarks No. 4 oats. C. L. Fitchard, Independence hops H. Gage, Fall City Bonanza King oats. N. F. Gregg, Ballston Velvet chaff wheat, oats, redtop. J. T, Guthrie, Dallas Mortgage Lifter and Alexander oats. C. L. Hopkins, FallsCity Duckbill barley. F. K. Hubbard, Falls City-Wei come oats, Winter Fife wheat. J. J. Lewis, Oak Grove Early Genesseo oats. I. Lindeman, Lewisville Superior Scotch oats. L. B. Murray, FallsCity Beardless barley. L C. Osterfiold, Helmick's Bridge wheat and oats. J. Rhodes, Bridgeport oats, beans, beet seed. It. R. Riggs, Bridgeport Haggett's oats. L. Scott, Ballston white Russian oats, English beans. J. B. Stump, Monmouth Canada white winter wheat. Club barley. J. Sullivan, Oak Grove nugarian brome, cheat, meadow and Kentucky bluo grass. Albert Teal, Falls City vetch, oats. O. M. Tlco, Falls City-Great North ern oats. G. N. Townseud, Perrydale White Fronch wheat, Silverrnine and White Beauty oats. E. Wolf, Falls City-Alsike clover, wheat, oats, barley. Jones & Young.Independonco hops John Youug, Independence wheat. imoNZE medals. J. Baxter, Salt Creek Silverrnine oats. J. Bressler, Cooler Hollow No. 16 wheat, Probster oats. J. Burns, Bridgeport wheat and oats. G. Case, Spring Valleywheat and peas. F. Kau, Falls City-bearded Land roth and early red Superior wheat J. Compton, IndeiHdtdeneo Forty- fold oats. W. Forbes, Monmouth oats. Frank Fawk, Oak Grove ryegrass. M. Fletcher banner and white velvet wheat. Chester Gardner, Bridgeport oats. B. Gibson, Eola popcorn, red cross and Okanogan wheat, creaseback beans. J. Haggard, Luekiamute early Russian and Monarch oats. C. L. nawley, McCoy barley. D. O. Henry, Zona wlde-awukeoata J. D. Kelty, McCoy wheat and rape seed. D. L Keyt, Perrydale Simpson oats. H. Murphy, Lewisville White Bel gian and Excelsior oats. L B. Myer, Suver American Chief oats. C. A. Patrick Lindennan oats. J. hmitli, Lewisville wheat and oats M. Smith, Lewisville Dexter oats, Webb s barley. t. U. White, Falls City-oats and beans. Jx Wloder. Dallas-oats and beans. horticultural Awards. GOLD XfVlHL H. S. Biitz, Dallas cherries. Lobert Howe, Dallas-fruits and vegetables. J. B. Nunn, Dallas fruits and vegetables. Mr. McAleonthany, West Salem Bartlett pears. silver medal H. G. Campbell, Dallas Italian prunes. A. B. Gibson, Salem plums. J. R. Haselton, Independence f rulj: and vegetables. D. Hedges, Independence peaches, O. M. Sanford, Independence Ital ian prunes. Mrs. F. A. Wolfe, Falls City fruit and vegetables. bronze medal H. Alexander, Bethel fruit. Mrs. J. S. Cooper, Independence fruit and vegetables. Wm. Fuqua,Parker Damson plum Wm. Garbutt Dallas fruit. Hugh Hayes, Dallas silver prunes J. B. Knowles, Rickreall -vegetables S. P. Kimball, Dallas Silver prunes L. C. Parker, Dallas collection of fruit. Ruth Ruble Salem fruit and nuts Geo. Rogers, Monmouth peaches, Frank Fiala, Salem peaches and vegetables. Belle Wolfe, Falls City collection of berries. J. West, Salem, collection of prunes. Wm. Fuqua, Parker, fruit and vegetables. J. Jones, Independence walnuts. A. Vercbr, Salem cherries. HONORABLE MENTION C. P. Anderson, Highland Bartlett pears. E. Beezley, Falls City strawberries Ed Goad, Dallas fruit and vege tables. W. E. Clark, Rickreall plums. Isaac Dick, Polk Station fruit. H. Alexander, Bethel Bartlett pears T. J. Fryer, Independence cherries Frank Fawk, Oak Grove fruit. Viola Gardner, Salem cherries. N. F. Gregg, Ballston, apples. H. E. Guthrie, Monmouth fruit. E. Laurence, Monmouth Baldwin apples. W. T. Haley, Independence fruit, Mrs. E. H. Hibbard, Dallas fruit and vegetables. D. L. Keyt, Perrydale prunes. H. Mott, Independence fruit and vegetables. G. McLaughlin, Buena Vista apples C. D. Nairn, Ballston fruit. H. B. Plummer, Dallas fruit and vegetables. George Rowcliffe, Dallas fruit and vegetables. Cassie Stump, Monmouth figs. P. Traglio, West Salem grapes. A. Vercler, West Salem berries and cherries. C. P. Wells, Buena Vista fruits and vegetables. Mrs. N. J. Wise, Perrydale apples. Jtl. W. Wilkenning, Salem veg etables. M. Brown, Dallas vegetables. Joseph Black, Dallas vegetables. Mrs. J. S. Cooper, Independence- squash. V. Fink, Dallas nuts. D. Gilliam, Dallas sweet corn. B. Jones, West Salem, melons. P. Kurre, Parker vegetables. D. S. Martin, Monmouth potatoes, H. Traglio, Salem vegetables. E. Wolfe, Falls City-vegetables. 'I Thank the Lord!" cried Hannah Plant, of Little Rock, Ark., "for the relief I got from Bucklen's Arnica Salve. It cured my fearful run ning sores, which nothing tlse would heal, and from which I had Buffered for 5 years." It is a marvelous healer for cuts, burns and wounds. Guaranteed at Belt & Cherrington's drug store ; 25e. HOU.ISTCR'8 tszky fountain Tea Nugget3 ' A Buy Madiata for Bsiy Peep!. JSrfBft Qolitt Health u4 Rawe4 V!gsf. A reirle for Constipation. lDlirwtlou. IJ t impiea. i..-rnm, Itnpur nd Kidney Troubles, fci.x-if, BaJ Breath, 8!ugr(h Bowela. Hwdx-hi and Backacba. It a K Kkf Mountain Tf In lab lt form, 85 centi a box. 0nuin made br lioLUiraa liaro CoMraxr, liadiaoo, Wla. COURT HOUSE NOTES. OPTOMETRY LICENSE. A. H. Harris, of Dallas. MARRIAGE LICENSE. W. D. Gorsline and Maude Scars; L. J. Andrews and Minnie Krinke; C. E. McCallister and Lela V. Bur- right; Ira E. Hooker and Mary Ole- mau. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Joseph Berbuy to Elizabeth Berbuy, lots in Independence, $175. Gottliob Mueller to E Dorgan & Co, 180 acres, 1 7 s, r 8 w, $J6U Eflle Johnson and lid to John G Brnmberg, lot in Independence, $50. United States to J A Veness, 80 acres, t 9 s, r 7 w, patent. United States to Win Herren, 80 acres, t 9 s, r 7 w, patent Mrs J M Smith to John Quivey, lot in Independence, $143. W C Brown to J S Ashbaugh, lot in Dallas, $100. John F Talbott and wife to Security Savings & Trust Co, 810 acres, t 8 a r 6 and 7 w, $11,900. W II MeDaniel and wife to G W Cone, 3 acres in Dallas, $173. Mrs S E Clodfelter to N A Peterson, lots in Monmouth, $100. Polk County Land Company to J E Ward, 7.C2 acres in Talmage, $419.10. D F Courter to A F Courter, J int in lot 4, block S, Falls City, $1. Mary Gill to Mary E Berg, lots in Dallas, $C00. F C McReynolds et al to Reece Mo- Reynolds, 40 acres, 1 10 s, r 4 w, $2500. R E Williams to B II MeCallon, laud in 1 7 s, r 5 w, $2fi00. L M Oviatt to John Manner, 75.06 a res, 1 6 s, r 6 w, $1300. Loviua Perry and hd to Leora F Shank et al, lot in Independence, $650. Nancy Johnston to- Drucilla Burns et al, land in 1 8 s, r 4 w, $50. UciUxl States to G W Watt, 1C0 acres, 1 6 s, r 8 w, patent. U G Campbell and wife to Fred Horner, lot in Dallas, $75. Thomas J Butler, admr, to J W Butler, 78.56 acres, 1 6 s, r 6 w, $500. The Exact Thing Required for Con stipation. "As a certain purgative and stomach purifier Clmmberlsiu's Stomach and Liver Tablets seem to be the exact thing required, strong enough for 'he mot robust, y-'t mild enough and sfe fr children and without that terrible grip ing so common to most purgative," savg R S. U'el-ftr & Co . U.iora, On tario, Canada. For sale by .Wilson j Iirus; Co. Forest Grove prune growers have disposed of their crops at the best prices received for years, 4J to 4 cents. The yield was not up to the average, butthe quality wasexceptionally good. When You Have a Bad Cold You want a reniedv that will not only give quick relief Imt effect a permanent cure. You want a remedy that relieve will the lungs and keep expectoration easy. You want a remedy that will counter act any tendency toward pneumonia. You want a remedy that is pleasant and eafe to take. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy meets all of these requirements and for the speedy and permanent cure of bad colds stands without a peer. For sale by Wilson Drue Co. Marsbfield has a new daily ' The Advance," which made pearance on the 27th. paper, its ap- No Poison in Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. From Napirr New Zealand Herald: Two years auo the Pharmacy Board of New South Wales, Australia, had an analysis made of ail the cough medicines i that weie sold in that market. ut o! the entire list they found only one that they declared was entirely free from ali poisons. This exception was Chamber lain's Ons'i Remedy, made by the Ciiamtteriaii) Medici re Compary, K hit-?, Iowa, V. S. A. The absence ot ail narcotics makes this remedy the safest and lst lhat cart lie Lac ; and it W with a feeling of security that any mother can give it to her little ones. Cb:im!erlaiit's Coiijih Remedy is es pecially recommended by its makers for coughs, colds, coup, and whooping cough. This remedy is for sale by Wil son Drug Co. William Moore, of Jackson county, has raised 2000 pounds of onions this year, which he sells at a ready market for two cents per pound. Herb W. Edwards Injured. Hert W. Fdwards, of Pes Moines Iowa, sot a fail on an icv walk last win ter, spraining his w rist and bruising hi knees. "The next day," he says, "they were so sore and stitf I was afraid I would have to stav in bed. but I rubbed them well with Cli itnberiain's l'ai Balm and after a few applications all soreness had disappeared." Fur sale I Wils n Drug Co. Citation. Son Lost Mother. "Consumption runs in our family, and through it I lost my mother," w rites E. B. Reid, of Harmony, Me. "For the past five years, however, on the slighest sisrn of a cough or cold, I have taken Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which has saved me from serious lung trouble." His mot! iers death was a sad loss for Mr. Reid, but he learned that lung trouble must not be neglected, and how to cure it. Quickest relief and cure for coughs and colds. Price 50c and $1.00; guaranteed at Belt & Cher- rineton'e drug store. Trial bottle free. t ,he ronnlv O.irt ot the State ol Oregon, the Cue M of !' -b; hi liie m itier o est, IHs.-ei.MM. rhrli Norwest, 'Estate of ThomHS Nor- vWseof Oreiiun. You are To -Mr. J hi.:.. Cecil Cliute..i . J ill iuc , , ,,.,.. ,ir ..rdtne tone i... e- -;;,-, ,- L..1S lIUDltXT I., -II . ..i l..,t ',m.lT 7 awl S OI ee... u -v ... Township 6 South, .o.ilf!e 7 W e-t ol the W liiii m Jil ! lie rlJl--.ii eeiiUUH-.S lW.i " r. iiw niverof s.inl Adiniuisiifitor 8 petition. Ju.lffe of the Couuiy Court ol the Slate of tirepon, for the !TTl f County of Polk, with the seal (w 1 of aki Court ailixeu, this lab uuy of Oetutier, A v., l'.H) Attest: E. M. SMITH, Clerk. li' Vv IS" Notice For Publication. There is great rejoicing in St. Peters burg over the Czar's manifesto, grant ing constitutional liberty to the Russian people. Man's Unreasonableness is often as great as woman's. But Thos. (. Austin, Mgr. of the "Republican, of Leaven worth, Ind., was not unreason able, when he refused to allow the doc tors to operate on his wife, for female trouble. "Instead," he says, "we con eluded to trv Electric bittets. My wife was then so sick, she could hardly leave her bed, and five (5) physicians had failed to relieve her. After taking Elec tries Bitters, she was perfectly cured and can now perform all her household luties." Guaranteed by Belt &, Cher riiigton druggists, price 50c. M. OLIVE SMITH teacher of PIANO AND ORGAN Studio, Room No. 2, Wilson Block DALLAS, OREGON &lmiitiato 0 ) Many people who are neglecting symptoms of k i d n e y trouble, hoping "it will wear away," are drifting towards Bright's Disease, which is kidney trouble in one of ts worst forms. ran nrzs u wtiiibu ta LiUU is stops irregularities, strengthens the urinary organs and builds up he worn-out tissues ot the kid neys so they will perform their functions properly. Healthy kid neys strain out the impurities from the blood as it passes through them. Diseased kidneys do not, and the poisonous waste matter is carried bv the circulation to every part of the body, causing dizziness, backache, stomach trouble, sluggish liver, irregular heart action, etc. If you have any signs of Kidney or Bladder trouble commence tak ing l-ULtrs K1U.L CUKE at once, as it will cure a slight dis order in a few days and prevent a fatal malady. It is pleasant to take and benefits the whole system. How to Find Out. You can easily determine if your kid neys are out of order by setting aside for 24 hours a bottle of the urine passed upon arising. If upon examination it is cloudy or milky or has a brick-dust sediment or small particles float about in tt, votir kidneys are diseased, and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURS should be taken at once. G. B. Burhan Testifies After Four Ytars. 0. B. terftww f Girttsl Cfttfr, B. Y, wrttfs: "About four years ag-o I wrote vou statin? thftt h.l been entirety eiiK-d ot severe kidney trouble by takimr loss than twobottlesot Foiev'i Kiilner Our It mtirtiy stomx"! the bnck itust sediment ml fain uoJ symptoms ot kidney disease disappeared. I am clad to My that I tava nerer bad a return of any ot those aynib- tomjduruxir the tour yrs thai have elar4. and 1 am evidently eured tti scy curcxi. a..u hearti'v recommend t oley a Kidney ITire to unj oos synermg ti-m kidney or bladder truuo.e. Two Sixes, 60o and lOO. sold M3 recc:::e:::ed bt BELT &z CHERRING TON Senator Fulton is being entertained by the Coos Bay people for a few days, A big banquet was given at North Bend, which was attended by the principal business men. Neuralgia Pains. Klieumatism, lumbago and sciatic pains yield to the penetiating influence of Ballard's Show Liniment. It penetrates to the nerves and bon and being absorbed into the blood. healing properties are conveyed to every part of the body, and effect some won derful cures. 25e, oOe and f 1. Wilson Drug Co. Grass is plentiful and range stock is doing well. A Disastrous Calamity. It is a disastrous calamity, when y lose your health, because indigestiot ana constipation nave snapped it awav Prompt relief can he had in Dr. King' New Life Pills. They build up your di gestae orsane, and cure headache, diz ziness, colic, constipation, etc. Guaran teed at Belt & Cherrington's drug store 25 cents. An admission fee of 25 cents will be charged at the Lewis and Clark Ex position grounds until the fences are taken down and the land turned back to its owners. When you want a pleasant physic try Chamberlain s Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They are easy to takeand product no griping or other unpleasant effect Sold by Wilson Drug Co. Ihrough the recent failure of the Preferred Mercantile company of New lork, a get-rich-quick diamond con tract concern, 300 Portlanders lost a sum said to approximate at least $10,000. Cured Consumption. Mrs. B. W, Evans, Clearwater, Kans writes: aiy husband lay sick for three months. The doctors said that he had quick consumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, and it cured him. That was six years ago, since then we have always kept a bottle in the house we cannot do without it. For couhs and colds it has no equal." 25c, 50c and $1. Sold by Wilson Drug Co. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for The Salem. Falls citv .t n'nti.rn p..ii. Company, a corporation, Plaintiff, vs. J. D fioyu and the Oregon A: California kn.,H uiiipnny, Hi-urporauon, ueienuantn. io j. i. rioyu ana the Oregon )c California ioinuou Luuiptiuy, a corporation, the above named defendants: in me naineoi the State nfOrporm- v each ol you are hereby notified to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled action in the above named Court on or before six weeks from the date of the tirsi puuuinuuu ui mis summons upon you, and il you fail so to auoear and annw ft.., ,,.,,.,.,. win take a judgment against you as prayed for ..u vUu.l..a.u. uciciu lu-wit: inai a sirip 01 land one hundred feet wide ng v...k half of the Southeast quarter of Section la in lownshipSSomhof Kange 7 West of the Wil lamette -Meridian, in Polk Countv. tire.,, n,., sarne being rifty feet on each aide of a center a point SJU feet North oi the Southeast corner 01 said section 13 at a point where said line enters .uociuuu w.mi a n uegree curve and eon tiuues V est of the East line b0 feet, thence on t .uuk,v.u. x.f..r ivirfc, mcii UU Hll ft I O-irr.'u to the left feet, thence on a tainwnr ii. "! .uciic Kfu a i. uegree curve to the ri-ht ; teet, tnence on a taneent ly., i f...t n,..r" ..: ......vii.ciuuit ieii nz.b leet, thence on a tangent ImJ feet, to W. st line of Southwest quarter of said section 13, being a total distance of 2W9.4 feet and comprising 6.4 acres more or less, be appropriated to tne perpetual use of plaiutift for a Kailway right of wavamitht the same be condemned and the value tnerenf be by au order of said i onrt rink- ,..,.. and the oompeiisation to be paid therefor bv plaintirt fixed by said Court, and for such other order as to the Court may seem proper in the premises. l ins summons is published for rrir..i t : weeks by order of the Hon. Kd K 5 .,.,i i,,' of the County Court of the State of Oregon lor Polk County, made at chambers at Paiias Polk County, Oregon, on theSJth davnf i..t.,h..V m..-. and the date of the first publication thereof is October 27. lVOo, andthedate of the last publi cation thereof will be the Sin day of Ueeeruber, SIBLEY & EAKIX, Attorneys for plaiutifT. Notice for Publication. TIMBER LASP, ACT JI XE 3, 187S. I'nited States Laud Office, Portland. Oregon) v .- . , . October 5, ;o:. Nofce is hereby ven that in compliance witti the provisions of the act of Congress of Junes, 17S. entitled "Au act for the sale of TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1S7S. l uited Slates Land Olhce, Portland, Oregon, September 1, ItWo. So'ice i lierebv given that in compliance tvitli the provisions ot the act of congress ol June K entitled "An act for the tale ol umber lauds lu the States of California, Ore g..u Nevad.i, and Washiugtun Territory, as extended to all the Public Land Stales by act ol VU'-ust 4, M-', Pied W. Hughes, of ballas, countv of Polk, State of oregoii, has this day died iii this ortice his sworn statement No. iol, tor the purchase of the E. 'i of S. tt. M of sec. So ill T. So. 7 S., Kause So. 0 .. and will Olier proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish bis claim to said laud beiore the County Clerk of Polk . ounty at his oitice at Dallas on Friday the 24th dav of Sovember. 1SW-3. He names as witnesses: Wm. Tulots.m, oi Bueli, oree-ou; Jlelviu Coulee, of Bueil, Ore gon; beo. Coulee, of Dallas, Oregon: Elias Hiu shnw, of Dallas, Oregon. Auvand all persons claiming adversely the above-oesenbeu lands are requested to lile their claims in this othce on or beiore said '21th day ot November. 190."). ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 187S, United States Land Oilice, Portland, Oregon, August 17, 1905. Notice is hereby given that iu compliance Mitti the provisions of the act of Coiinss of JuneS, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon. Nevida, and Washington Territory," as ex tended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, lyj2, James M. Campbell, of Dallas, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this day Bled in this office bL sworn staiement No. 0040, lor the purchase of the southwest of section No. 32 in township So. 7 south, range So. 0 west, and will oiler proof to show that the laud sought is more valuable for its timber or stone tuau for agricutural purposes, and to establish uis claim to said land beiore Keyister & Re ceiver at Portland, Oregon, on Friday, the 3rd day of November, 11105. He names as witnesses: H. (I. Campbell of Dallas, Oregon; IL liolman of Dallas, Oregon ; iViiliam Eotf of Dallas, Oregon; Sheruian Schooley of Dallas, Oregon. Any or all persona claiming adversely the above-dencribed lauus are requested to file their claims iu this oitice on or beiore said 3rd day of November, ltfuj. ALGERNON S. DRESSER Register, Do Not Neglect a CoifT Etery cold Weakens the Lungs, lowers the Vitality cvst.em less able to withstand each succeeHiniT i. paving the way for more serious diseases, and 'Id, thm CAN YOU AFFORD TO TAKE SUCH CH rpiiiT(!)RiiT) 3 PERMANENTLY CURES Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat Asthma, Croup, Whooping Coueh ' Bronchitis, Hoarseness, ore Lungs'. EVERY MOTHER SHOULD KNOW THAT BALLARD'S H0P HOUND SYRUP CONTAINS NO OPIATES, DOES Not CONSTIPATE CHILDREN AND WILL POSITIVELY CURE CROUP AND WHOOPINO COUGH. MRS. SALLIE LOCKBAR, Coldthwalto, Tex., ays, havo used Ballard's Horehound Syrup In my family for several im and it always elves satisfaction. When the children bad CtohdiS Whooping Cough It always relieved them at once, and I would nnt il without it In the house, as it U the BUST MJSmciJfE we know of Best Remedy for Children. Every Bottle Guaranteed TrtML-tL sMcai ave ana 9I.UO. BALLARD SNOW LINIMENT CO., ST. LOUIS, MO. MM.HH!rU .Wjl'WW'JJ ."l'..iWWl. JIpi,U)il.lliHIHIMI IIJJ1W ..Lim.H WIWI. JPII ). I , hum p., , mmmmt SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY WILSON DRUG COMPANY P. J. G. VanOrsdel & Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 187S. United States Land Oilice, Portland, Oregon, August 2.1, I'm. notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions ol' the act oi Congress of June 3, lo78, entitled "An act for the sale of umber lands in the States of California, Oregon. Nevada and Washington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land Stales by act of August 4, Wl, Mrs. Eliza LougbHry, of Monmouth, c ounty of 1'ulk, State of Oregon, has this day tiled in this otliee her sworn statement No. oooii lor the purchase of the N. W. H of N. W. of Section No. ti in Township 8 South. Kange No. t' W., and will oiler proof to nhow that the land sought is mure valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before County Clerk of Polk county, at his office at Dallas, on Wednesday the loth day of November, luOo. She names as witnesses: W. V. Fuller of Dallas, Oregon; C. G. Coad, of Dallas, Oregon; Jack McDonald, of Dallas, Oregon- U S Loughary, ot Dallas, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lauds are requested to file their Claims in this office on or before said loth dav of November, l'JUa. ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Kegister. DEALERS IN limber and Tarnt Cands and City Property. Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. LODGE DIRECTORY. Masonic Calendar. Jennings Lodge, So. 9, stated communications, Second and Fourth Fridays of each month. R. L. Chapman, W. M. Oscar Hayter, Sec. Ainsworth Chapter, No. 17, R. A. M., stated convocation, Firs' First and third Fridays of each month. Oscar Hayter, H. 1 Willis Simonton, Sec. aonii Chapter, No. 22, 0. E. S., stated 4 "-meetings Second and Fourth Tues days of each month. Mrs. A. S. Fuller, W. M. Mrs. Libbie Muir, Sec. ftrC M I. 0. O. F. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given to whom it may con cern, that the undersigned, has been duly an pointed administrator of the estate of John U ' nilrfn? 'p'1, b' IiKT f ltle Hon- Conllty court of Polk Couuty in the Stale of Oregon, by an order du v m1n pi.,1 .,.. .4 - .5 ' J 7 said Court on the loth day of October, l'.iuj. All " moeoieu 10 taia estate are hereby noti fied to call on the undersigned and make mmediate settlement thereof and all persons holding chums against said estate are hereby notified to uresent Hip mii.,,. m ,, ..,i.. ... r duly verified on or wi, date hereof. nom uie Dated at l)iill InR- or,,,,, n day of October, T-K5. . A. F. TONER, Administrator of the estate of .. r , . JohnG. Toner, deceased. Mblej i Eakiu, Attorneys for said estate. Notice of Hearing of Final Account. Notice iS lierehv irii-r, H., of Gen r PirT. i "ai nnai account , It 'f ; IlnKham, as Administrator of the estate of Marion Brewer Weider, deceased n ueen filed m the Countv i State of Orft. V '.."V':,"1 -(-orrV.- l.u.- . V . lOLU r nendship Lodge, No. 6, meets W9iSevery Saturday evening in I. O. 0. F. Hall. Ciiauncey Teats, N. G. W. A. Ayres, Rec.Sec. TkaCreole Encampment, No. 20, meets "Second and Fourth Monday of each month. J. E. Sibley, C. P. A, W. Teats, Scribe. nlmira Lodge, No. 26, D. of R., meets "every Friday evening. Miss Mima Hitgues, N. G. Miss Lydia Campbell, Sec. TTORNEY AT LAW. Oscar Hayter, Upstairs in Campbell building, MI DALLAS, OEEti TTORNEYS AT LAW. Sibley & Eakin, The only reliable set of Abstratti Polk county. Office on Court St DALLAS, OREt TTORNEY AT LAW Ed. F. Coad. Office in Courthouse DALLAS, 0EE& TTORNEY AT LAW. N. L. Butler, Office over Dallas City Bank DALLAS, ORES Woodmen of the World. TTORNEY AT LAW T T J I?r nliruu O 1 . i- UJ It JU'ii, Office next door to Postefe DALLAS. OEEif ftallasCamp, No. 209, meets in Odd Fellows hall every Thursday evening Frank Kerslake C. C. W. G. Vassall, C -V. jyristletoe Circle, No. 33, W. C X M,Anieets in Oihl Kplnu-a hn c...i kid, at the hour of io o'clock a. m i ou"n " ednesiiay of each month. iuks. JOSEl'HIXE MCDEVITT, G. N. F. M. Guy, Clerk. thpHttiom..7 , .i . ' lu"" account and tue settlement thereof, at which time anv tier son interested in such estate may appear and" thesat'e"0118 ,hwe, iu WXu'tall (J GEO. G. BINGHAM, Administrator of the estate. Knights of the Maccabees. Appointment of Administrator Notice to Creditors. and III the Tnfltttir r.F ... .. r - deceased? eon renaschindler. " .arsons navmg claims ,.!; same lk said estate are herebv iin H i t ""m' at'ai and dulv vriirf ,7T, V.. fPM vouchers date hereof ""'"ix months from the Oc1;",.'"8' p,JbUd "e 13th day of 0. B. Cellars Administrator of the estate of n.nachindler, deceased? . Attorney for Executor's Notice. ifti DalIas Tent, No. 3, meets Second gg and Fourth Thursdays of each j. V. Coskey, S. K. Com. I. N. Woods, R. K. Uilac Hive No. 28, L. O. T. M., meets on Second and Fourth Thursday-afternoon of each month. Mrs. Blanche Eakin, L. C Mrs. Kittie N. Miller, R. K. TTORNEY AT LAW J. L. COLLLXS Maiu Street, Near PostofEce DALLAS, OEB J)entist. M. Hayter, Office over Wilson's Drug DALLAS, 0BEC JHYSICAN AND SURGEON. L. N. Woods, M.D Does general practice in any!' the county. Office on Main st DALLAS, 0KEU A. 0. U. W. 0& ItTh' 35-Meets First fet? and Thl Wednesday of P.nh H. month. nesday of each Nevada, am! V ashinitton Territory." a e -tend ir-u ui,? i nunc iauu EMau-s tv act iiususi James a. hih r.t i,- couuty of Polk, of Inn. l&t ll lr... k.. th day filed lu this othce his sworn statement No. Ni. for the pun-haee of the S. V ' . of lion No. S in township No. 7 S, ramie No 7 w and will otter provf to show that ihe land'soueh't ia more valuable for ita umlirr .r r. ,i a m-ultural purnaes. and to stab i.-h his claim to aaid land before the Keeister aua Keiviver at Tolland, t'rveou on Thursdir ti, ' of let-:iibt-r, l;i lie lmmrs as witnesses: IVter Rcnr i n.-i.. Oreeon: Wm. Mellardv. ol Iailaa, tmnn-' John Mcnonaul, of liallas. Hreemi- Wiii,.' Haven, of Pallas, Oregon. AT ttllt) 111 IM-na.,iitf i-l.n,;.,. . . t ... .... ntiverse v the awve-doM-iihed lands are reqaested u fi'e their claims in thiu orhce ,on or before said "l-d day of December, IV. ALtifcKNoN S. PRESSER, K)(ilr. Notice is hernhv cri., ha, been bv the con At r Zi n"!1,06!8" I.. f1-1 Publication hereof c I'ated and first published October 13 iw ARTHUR L. VEAZIE, Executor. month Mrs L. r EXTON, M. W. F. A. Stilus Pin meets each Crystal Lod-e, No. 50, D. 0f Ii me irst and Third Wedneslof F. J. Coad, C. of H. Mrs. Kd. F. Coad, United Artisans. Fin. Administrator's Notice. inira luesday ot each month. Hillis Simoxtox, M. A. tics Olin, Sec Notice is horebvetven. to whom it ' cern. lhat thf rin.w! T'J J ho n .". my con- i ia. i r ,i -:7"--" or oti the estate of ounty Court of 1'olt r- rileii his final aoeonnt u, ..i .1. w8ed, has I and the aturdav, Knights of Pythias Mine has bet-n set for h.VinfM'n-. d 'he i. a : : . "c ""llr lyiiKMiON LODGE. No. P. 9G. K PVHIT Ma. J . ii.., "'"".'! ,n . -"CUliaVPVPninrr in at uh.,.h ti",r."' 1 "ci,K p. m. , un v-itsiie Ha n fAA,,,' , . " ."T. " re herebv noiltied to i,m ,r0n ""-wted j isitin" KnirttV. , WS DUlIding make objections if .nf-i"8"1'1 t'onrt and (vn'?ht3 are Welcome. fo JHTSICIAN AXD SUBGE0X Dr. K. C. Humee Rnnm R TTcrlnw Building DALLAS, OBSij R. C. Craven, Pres. W. O. Vassai JI.C hlla:Cii?H! f Ti! fit " Exchanges bought and points. Special attention pa lections. s, C, C. Sibley Eakin 1 rtclMAS J. BUTLFR 4!""is:.r':'-oftheeS,atenf . . Hltlcr, deceased Auornevi, Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Cur, coup w&LSiU J fraternal Union of America Salem, Falls City 4 era Railway ft TIME-TABLE EM " ' DaUj ficept SifflW- West-Bornd: Lv. DALLAS -i Teats' Siding ' - f fiilliams " -s Bridgeport Ar. FALLS CITY East-Bound: Lv. FALLS CITY ' Brideeport (Jilliams Teaw' Siding "' Ar. DALLAS Tmina Siod on Sirnal on-. i ! a if"' . J. AfixB p jr Cures CaldMPr883