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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1905)
Polk County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AISTD PUBLISHKR Pabliihed Weekly at IM per Strictly in Advance. Yea. DALLAS. 02E50X. Sepiek222, iX5 t .. ' - v t.Vli 7"A wa build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. rspapers were working : fj ;S3 of W. J. Furnish,! v . f 7 :al followers were busy ' 1 . WILL HAVE TO EXPLAIN Stirred to wrath by a recent editorial in the Observes, Ei-Governor Geer grasps bis ever-ready pen and writes the Oregonian as follows: "The following editorial paragraph appeared in a recent issue of the Polk County Observer: " 'fx-Guvernor Geer Is quoted a3 saying that he does not want to be a cniij states senator ror tne reason is "bigger than the constitution," has allowed him todrawlrom the treasury, j Mr. Geer's statement that the "vicious methods of a few Oregon j newspapers are responsible for what-; ever of Democratic ascendency Is cow j prevailing in our state and county governments," 13 hardly worthy of an ; answer. The only Democratic state officer in Oregon is Governor George; E. Chamberlain, and he was eleotod; by the Geer influence. While the Re publican newspapers were working for the success l Geer s rersoc j in every county in the state in an ' effort to defeat the Republican candi 'date. Here in Polk County, certain j influential friends of Sir. Geer worked early and late for Chamberlain, with i the result that the Re-publican maj.ri'.y wa3 overcome ana tae county was ; carried by the Democratic candidate, j Many of these Geer men openly; boasted after election that they voted tor Chamberlain. The number of! Republican voteseast forChamberlain in Polk County alone would have been ; sufficient to have elected Furnish, had ; they been east for the Republican nominee. The same course was pursued :c every other coudy in the state, ai.d, so far as i3 known, Mr. Geer made no effort to stop the slaughter. It might WARD CFF DI5EASE Mop Men ArresteJ. j i..-gg-gir-''''''', ' Haidlisi: of boo m the top vara A:; aoidv:; ,3ia-t 4 :.-.: " makes business in the justice court The latter ran cf the wees complaints as HIS yt ... : at. tr;."s f.--v f,;..s :a r s r:-r e3..J r.t Seal Vt -Ki ' VI -.?..: fJk.-'J : A r-a-; f-.-r c'.-?- : i a Boor , -.. V r-E'"5 of ?:e J 5'ji'i: j w.i;r. ;-y -l"a .;:'.!!. va- ; aa-d W-iv.'-a ;iii'.;;t .' J that t-i-jr efiivi ire M i-.r T.--.-;:rs i--v.i. iri' t:- ; 1 I'r. i'.- T.v t-f va. - of ttis't . in m f.-r'-vi Lis n i-u::ir :r- " ce--4 fvr iv-ij'Tx i.-:h eil'.ciect :.i f r O'Liinuoiis use ai tocf aad j Tfe" ff-nnocs ?';":'ir:'.T cf 'G-rvi-'a M.-.;.m: ..- " or '.b w : ! t .v werel-xJsred aninst Tosi Fitchar J and , r Dikl WestfAL The charge against J F;:eharJ is selling liquor without ; j Ikvsse. Westfall is charged with sell- j izz to minors. B-xh wer? arraigned tb Jasti.v Wilscc. Friday, and jj wiiveti eiii.a;i.-a and were bound . (iS ever to tie grasd jury in the sum of fI-X ItdfiE-ieace Vest Side OUR 3 i. E3 that there is no monev in ft TTp kavb the office of Governor la much more ! unfair to charge that Geer himself profitable. Geer ought to know the ! fought Furnish, but it is a significant ir!;'11.1.' .of Go:'errlor'8 ofri. J fact that the oratory of the Tall Svca Hp flllefj that rxjsitiou for tour years, i lU , . .. . : and can evidently more than 500) ' roc,re wa3 DOt beard 10 tbatcaffiPa!fc'D a year in the constitutional salary ofjAn(1 a11 Republicans will recall the $1500. Else, why the comparison?' : circunistanceof the Governor's sudden "It Is the spirit contained in this jdepftrture for Roseburg after he had squib that makes it necessary at least . , . . . A ., In the mind of Chairman Baker, tojpromiwl to be f re-r.t and preside call a conference of Oregon Republi- ovfr the Furnish rally in Salem, cans in order that 'harmony' may Business had never been so pressiLg reJD ia tl party ranks. ; at the Soldiers' Home before, and "The statement attributed tome was ! . ., .,, . wntained in theSalem correspondence probabl-v Wl11 cever be again, of The Oregonian and was based upon j I' now seems certain that Mr. Geer the fact, known of everybody, that the ; will again be a candidate for the .niiDli iD uA:B,8.,1,,nStolK i8 nomination for Governor. Just how; practically double what it is in Ore- . . .- . w , gon. The purposeful mis-statement he "P6013 t0 suare hims!f by the Dallas paper of what I said is j friends of Mr. Furnish for his course i merely one of those contemptibly j in the last state campaign is not! h. 0 ,r " 1 V;fVf DIiy Pw i known, but he is a prolific letter-writer recent yearB ana to wnich can be directly traced whatever of Democratic tbe wri; r of " ev-ry v-x:'.a to be civs f:i s:r- ..f its iD-a!---yii.".:c ftiri-rfcr oi r-ai'jves all otj;:va to tie u-e if fcc uscn-w!j reai'wv.' rr The Original LITTLE LIATfR VJS. P'LLS. r-t ; el u;. t J It. kte R. . i'v-r. tr y-irs a?o. .Mtth i.nitstt j. tut never e-qu&W. BUSINESS LOCALS. Dr. Eijrv tvrtlsi. Of2c over Wi:.;i.5 Pressor. Dallas. Oregon. G- aci stse sibx bath tubs, silks iri lis.T.,:r ss Wagner Bros. A irst-.-:i.f.s u:.:r:er is is their em r'.:y. zi s-iisii-torZy do your wort O-e :f Ji-e tes tcrte-sic-ers in the state f working at Wagner Br;.' shop. Give Lint a trial and be eosvlnctrdu Wan-rr Brrcisrs invite v:-u to call and ins sinks, toilets. e:o. a (US IN IS NOW READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION, VE HAVE SO MANY NEW THINGS that we can not make 4 ocidj IF if fecial mentis I of them all here, but ask you to come and see the good things to wear. j j Our line of Clothing will be excelled in quality and price. never be rV I.tS A or c car::ve oEta :'c. L:v--r . fi;.-r-t.-.r.-i. J-t t'". : ; ..a v tr. .? z: . . : 2 .''.r.d ;,r 31 n.t- A . fii'j, Y. tath-tubs, thev now carrv rga st-xk c-2 tie West Side, ive e:gsgsi tie services of a i.s.5 flustwr. and would be to call ai J f zure with vou on &zy w.rk you xay have is the way of water f ires or riusitirg o! any kind fervour tause, store cr o. The f rest and rrcst skillful wo;k guaran for r.t L--f- ascendency is now prevailing in ou state and county governments. "Everybody kpows, even the editor wno wrote the foregoing, that the law of Oregon provides that the Governor enall receive 55000 a year, precisely mat aiiowea a isenator or the Lniu-cl fctates, and the assertion that I 'evi dently see more than $5000 a year in the constitutional salary of $1500' was maae soieiy ror a vicious purpose even at the expense of disclosing the editor's own malignant animus, since everybody knows that lie knows the 'constitutional salary of ?i5oo' has Deen superseded for 20 years by the state law. The purpose of this a noted paragraph finds lodgment only in the luweui lorms or political degeneracy ana it might surprise some people to uuu uiai u was copied in the Halem Statesman, which is just now deliver ing sermons every day in favor of the Oregon Republicans 'getting together' In the interest of 'harmony. 'My name has frequently been mentioned In connection with the next Domination for theGovernorship. Up to this time I have never said whether i would enter the contest, but if any thing will hasten rnv rli-efni fin U Tif In favor of the proposition, it will be the revival or the spirit animating the paragraph at the head of this com munication in which event we shall see the matter In its entirety carried to the people, both in the primaries and In the stute election following. "In tho meantime the brethren who are striving for harmony would do wen to invest In a text book on that question and to speedily abandon the tactics adopted by them several years ago and which have rondo necessary a meeting of tho State Central Com mittee in October preceding a state election for the first time in 30 years, and that in a state which less than a year ago gave a Republican majority of more than 40,000. "Let us have harmony, to be sure, but how would it do to try the rock of common beuso as tho principal corner stone of tho coveted structure to which wo all expect to point with pardonable pride? T. T. GEER." Commenting upon tho ex-Governor's flory denunciation of tho Ohskiiveu's editorial tho Oregonian says : "The ex -Governor Is surprise 1 and pained that everybody in Oregon doesn't know that the Governor's salary is $5000, just the same a3 a Senator. Rut it is obvious that all, even country editors, do not keep the same closo track of such interesting matters as the ex-Governor. Every body should. Nearly everybody did, wlmn tho Governor's salary was oulv fwiM, urn ii iiKiu i seem to uo any Koi, ror mere was somehow a great ui-ai or uouot about just how much the State Executive actually did get. Let us hope that tho liht now thrown on the subject from an authoritative source will be suflioiont for all time." ftinoe Mr. (Jeer admits that the Oovernor's salary is $5000 a year, it can safely be taken for granted that i . ..... t . . no goi iii ic ii is i uiai uiucn each year that ho illled the oMee. Now, that the Ex-liovernor is loosening m on the salary subject, it Is to bo hoped that he will go tho whole length and tell the iooplo exactly how much he did get. His remarkable Placement that the constitution has been "superseded by the state law" has awakened much Interest, and the taxpayers would doubtless like to know the exact amount of money this state law, that and will probably explain his position lateron. Having once had a taste of high life, he will hardly be contented to go back to his farm in the classic; Waldo Hills. Tour rnivlprn r'inin.i natus is ever ready to leave his plow, but is usually in no hurry to get back to it. If tbeEeptibIicar.5 sLouli ccrsinate Hon. S. B. Huston for cctgress aid the Democrats shol-i rase Robert G. Smith for the same c-5ce, there would be the icterestiLg spectacle cf an ex Democrat runciLg on the Eerutiieac ticket, and as ex-Republican running on the Democratic ticket, remarks Colonel Hofer.the perspicacious editor of the Salem Journal. Cheat seed f-or Sale. G:d clean cleat s-eei for sale at SO cents a sack. C. y. McAETHUR, Rickreall. Oregon. Found. Fourd, in Dallas, a Women of Woodcraft pin. 0e can have same ty paying f;r this z.:::x. Lost. Lost, oz. Mill street, a lady's black silk braid cellar. Finder will please return to Mis. J. C. Uiu. LADIES' WRAPS all the new things and it will not our prices to be met anywhere and you will be able to save many dollars by trading with us. What we say here you will find true at our store. ELMS & PYT possiblej yourself! i r i: PRESS SHOULD BE CAREFLL Land For Rent. Tfentr-tiree "and 1j Zrti en r 42 res ol or c fertile I 'PHONE 246. w 1 I riAiN street! h. for "-' thy cr Elated by his success In leading the people of Oregon to adopt the "initi ative and referendum" and the "direct primary" nominating system, Popu 1 i . i Tt 1 1 t use u iien nas sprung another new fangled proposition on the unsuspeet ing public. His latest proposed constitutional amendment is perhaps the most radical and dangerous measure that has ever been presented for the consideration of the voters o uregon. it is termed the "imperative mandate," and provides that 25 per cent of the voters shall have the right to discharge any public officer. To make such discharge, 25 per cent of the voters of his election district may file their petition demanding his im mediate resignation. If the officer refuses to resign, a special election shall be called foithwith to elect his successor, Under the provisions of tho proposed amendment, it will not. bo necessary to prefer charges of any kind against an officer before de manding his resignation. Of all the un-American measures ever offered for tho serious consideration of the Ieople, tho "imperative mandate" is the worst. It is to be hoped that the citizens of Oregon will nip the pro posed iniquitous amendment in the bud by refusing to sigu a petition to submit it to a vote. Oregon has certainly had n sufficient doso of populism and fanaticism. Is responsible for most of the diseases and ailments of the human system. It se riously affects every organ csd function, causes catarrh, dyspepsia, rheumatism, we&c., tired, languid feelings end worse troubles. Take Hood's Sarsap arilla which purifies end enriches the Hood cs nothing else can For testimonials of remarkable cures ta4 for Book on th Blood, No. 3. C L Has Co Lowell, Matt. William J. Clarke, editor of the Oervais Star, makes the following straightforward announcement of his candidacy for tho office of State Printer in tho last number of his laper. "The editor of this paper will be a andidato at the com ing direct primary convention for the position of State Printer of Oregon. We ask tho suffrago of tho people of Oregon and will do our best to land the iob. In the event of failure to obtain the coveted oflice. there will be no bruises on Win. J. Clarke; neither will there lie any sores to heal. All we ask is an equal show, fair treatment and a square deal." Lilly Clarke is a hustler from away buck, and now, that ho has entered tho raeo for Stato Pi inter, the people can rest assured that there will be something doing every miuuto until the polls close at tho primary convention. The exhibitors in the Horticultural lUiilding at tho Lewis and Clark Fair will give away five carloadsof choicest Oregon fruits next Friday and Satur day. In order that Polk county may contribute her share,-the Couuty Court requests tho fruit men to make a liberal donation of apples, pears, prunes and peaches. Contributions of green and dried Italian prunes are esecially desired, and should be de livered In Dallas by next Tuesday. AH fruit should be left at Loughary Jfc Ellis' grocery store, where it will be packed for shipment. A plentiful supply of tlowers is also solicited. This will bo a rare opportunity forthe fruit raisers to ad vettise the excellence of Polk county's orchard product?, and liberal donations are expected. FEANK BUT LET.. F&iis Citv, Oregon. pa: b-bz :' z::i ewes to keep I lit tire t: Oi:-n.r t-Hly?. :y. c.i 2 stares Girl Wnted. "L.ite .eral house-Ja-c-cbson & C-'.-nr-ity's stcre. Found. II. cf P. emblem pin. ' Satne ty r.ayicg for : Z'.'.'.V:, Newspapers should be careful wha: they say about politicians and duly stir them up. If a man fectly peaceable and going quietly, letting everybody alor. not right to exasperate him iitt r Shep anted. coming a canaiaate against Lis v . Such men are often dangeroDS 1: iwr peace and harmony of the party. I: is a great deal better to reach cut bzz tike them by the hand and say, '1"t brother, you have been ab jsed. C: along with us and we will s-ee :ist it does not occur again." More than one has felt like threat ening to become a candidate fc-r tit ;s Tzzz: or for that, and marring the flits of Owierc some of his best friends, beta is s thoughtless paragrapher has sera the hide off in a sore rlace. One Pr Sale. prominent Oregon political r-:ss:h:i:rr 0 Liiccin buci actually says if the newspaper.- rak him fore and aft the way they Lave been doing, he'll be gol-durned if he don't run for office anyway. He does not want office. He is willing to go to work for a living like any other honest farmer. But this thing of rubbing it in with paragraphic- sait and pepper must be stopped. Not every man can take a slap in tho face and feel good -r. at y red about it. The Journal editor has several times had things printed about him that made him feel just like eettinc. up and announcing himself as a! Notice to Farmers. candidate for Governor, Congressman ' soenren warehouse Compand or Senator, but he thought better of it, 1 13 now f'rePare to store farm prod and didn't do it, to the great relief of ucts of a!I klnd3 at the Dew fire-proof his friends and admirers, who irame-! wareho,IS Dallas. Hop and grain diately complimented him on his good ' sac 3 ror sale- storage rates made judgment. Let us all act that way, 1 DOwn uPn application. and the road to peace and harmony is FOP. FIRST-CLASS WORK GO John E. Smith's Old Stand General Blacksmithing and Iron Work. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. KCVlCiVlDtlK.... T-x-j Lincoln Lr;z:z, Lewisvi zzjz'z. Ore iron. lambs. Address I have had 28 years experi ence in this work, and can give you a first-class job. mod! CAL HUTT0N, Dallas, Ore. For Rent. The Lyie farm a: Dallas. For terms apply to Mas. Haebiet L. Veazie, 743 Overton St., Portland. Oregon. Notice. As I am preparing to retire from ; the Dallas Flouring Mill, all persons indebted to the mill are requested to call and settle their accounts at once. ! G. M. GoocH. How's Your Eyes? wilu nal. open for evermore. Salem Jour- Clark-Pointdexter. marriage of Captain the marriage of Cap.tain P. F. i Clark, whose age is 71, and Mrs. E. E, 1 oilitdexter. acred fiS. w-;i snlpmnhol 1 in the parlor of the Hotel Gross, in Eugene, Tuesday forenoon at 10:30 o'clock, in the presence of a few relatives and close frit nds. Justice of tho Teaee Wintermeier. in his im. pressive manner, ofiiciated. After congratulations and felicita tions were extended the bridal party repaired to the hotel dining room, where a splendid wedding breakfast was served. T he happy couple left on the afternoon train for a trip to Port land, after which they will return to Mr. Clark's farm in Polk county, near Zona. Salem Journal. I have made a study of the eyes for years and am a graduate Scientific Optician. Many have been success fully fitted with my glasses and are today testimonials of my success Consultation free. Cut Class, Silverware andHigh-Class Jewelry Notice. ! Our display is lare and shows Having disposed of my business in j "just the right styles "and shapes" lanas, 1 desire to thank all whohave i meec me requirements of the favored me with their patronage and ' f!a5 A ,.g.reat feature is their ., . .. " ' wsuuK uuaiities. r.i t and assure thpm thut tho cm . .r . ":iuc uum uie ables prices. to gratefully appreciated Those who requested to reason- ! are indebted to me arp can ana settle at their earliest con venience, as I desire to close mi books as soon as possible. Respectfullv, WALTER WILLIAMS. Prunes Wanted. I will be in the market lor prunes again thi3 season, and will receive them at my dryer in Dallas as soon as they are ripe. Will pay the highest market price for all that may be offered. Come and see me. S. P. KIMBALL. I Watches, Clocks, Fountain Pens and Precious Stones I C H. MORRIS j Jeweler and Optician I Main Street, . Dallas Orexon ENGLISH WALNUT TREES To The Public. Having purchased tho store of Walter Williams, I will continue the isiness in the same location and hope to merit tho patronage of the people of Dallas and surrounding country. I will carry all the leading brands of cigars and tobacco, th freshest and best candies and fruit3 and will give particular attention to the soda and ice cream trade. All the leading periodicals and magazines will be found on the news stand, and I will continue to handle the Morning Oregonian and Evening Telegram. You are cordially invited to call when In need of anything in my line. Truly yours, W. K. ELLIS. At the request of Frank C. Baker, chairman of tho Republican State Central Committee, all Republicans in Polk county are invited to attend the peace conference in Portland on October 12. It is hoped that all who can conveniently leave their business will be present at the meeting. rt.n.l..l.:f,t Colic. Cholrra and Ktrtr fail. Buy it now. It may av hie Deafness Caunot be Cnwd hy l.vr.l nyVcations, as ther cannot reach tb 4: si-u-.eU t-v-r. .00 v-1' Lie far. ThonMS uljr one :v u curi? 1 Vafn-;. and that is br constitu liuc lri'i'm'i.s. IV.. Tiussia caused by an in f j.n d coui'i ln of the mucous lining cf th l.uMMt'hiau 'ubc. iViii'n tins lutiepvtHiintiamed yoa li - a i" 1:'- ling sound or imperfect bear ir'T, a:i 1 wli. a it i eniirelj; closed Deafnesa is ixsl:.:, n . 1 unless the intiammaiiun can ba out ai 1 this tube restored to its normal j.-nj;;ion, hexr.rj; va.l be destroyed forever; n:uecar0'.;t tf ten are caused by catarrh, hieh m no:..ii t b-. t aa inSaoied condition of :.inu: . s:. f ices. Y'ev ' rivo One Hundred Dollars for any ra of lVafness i causeil by catarrh) that can n t b- cured by Ball'a Catarrh Cure, bend for oirculars, Ire-. V. J. CHEN EY CO. , Toledo, O. gf b Tmiati. T5c. fiall'a i'uuiiy k'ii.t are the beat. Teams Wanted. Teams wanted for scraper work by the Salem, Falls City & Western Rail way Company. Apply at the grade two miles west of Falls City. Special growers of best soft-shell hardy varieties. Abundant bearers at an early age. Big money made. A poor man's chance. Our Prices Reach Them All Write today for free catalog of valu able information. BROOKS a SONS, Walnut Nursery, Carlton Oregon. 3 3 3 3 IS 3 8: We have the only exclusive Shoe Store in town. Our fall line of Shoes are here and they are the best that can be had in the market. We have the Famous Walk-Over Shoe for Men at S3.50 and The St. Cecilia Shoe for women at $3.50 Also a full line of Boys', Misses and Children's School Shoes. Yours for Good Footwear Dallas Boot and Shoe Store MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. 4 Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. -FULL LINE OF- Columbia Phonographs 1 WF y -. Big StocK of Records and Supplies L. D. Daniel's Wall Paper Store, Main Street. Dallas, Ore., 'Phone 225 H. G. CAMPBELL W. V. IVM 1 1 FAKMS TIMBEB Jt r In order 4 4 to reduce our stnL- rf :ti r S will give 5 GREAT I REDUCTION SAL Of Steel Ranges I $6.50 Worth of Goods Free ? CAMPBELL & FULLER i Timber i Farm Lands, City Property Loans and Insurance ; We have the largest and best selected list of farms of any firm n the county, including Hop lands, Fruit lands, Stock ranches, gr farms and those adapted to diversified farming. We handle timber lands in Polk, Benton and Lincoln counties, in small or large tracts, Homestead Eelinquishments for sale on timber or stock lands. Bos- ness chances looked up and located for intendin g purchasers. i Dallas, Oregon with each ranee sold during thi ard makes, "Quick Meal," "Moore" Steel Ranges. ale. All the stand "Bridge-Beach" and SALE NOW ON. WM. FAULL, C 4. 1',tf",oirrei- " " - Dallas, Oresron 4 WATCHES, JEWELRY, FOUNTAIN GOLD AND SILVER SOUVENIRS If you expect to buy anything in Watches, Jewelry or Gold and Silver Souvenirs or Fountain Tens, you shuuldcall and see my new goods before you buy. I am offering some very fine good3 at prices that are very reasonable. My Souvenir Goods and Fountain Pens are exceedingly fiue. I was never better prepared than now to at tend to the repairing department Satis faction positively guaranteed at all times. A- H. HARRIS jeweler lW 0rCE OS MAIX STREET. DALLAS. O.