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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 21, 1905)
.....k..-,,V-k...'V.. . .?v'Ji.t-'.:E;' - Pels County Observer J. C. HAYTER, RDITOR AND PUBLISHER, Published Weekly at $1.50 per Strictly in Advance. Yttar. D ALLAH, UUEUON, Al'BIL 21, 1905. The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. DON'T DISCHARGE MRS. WOLFE Tlvi Obsebveu believes it would be a efeut w istake not to send Mrs. F. A. "Wolff to Portland to install and euienutend the folk county exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Fair. Mrs, Wolfe has demonstrated her ability in this liDe of work by making two prize-winning displays at the Oregon State Fair, and it is due to her skill and indomitable energy that Polk countv now bears the proud title of "The Blue Ribbon County of Oregon Mrs. Wolfe won this honor practically unaided and alone, and for her good work she is entitled to the thanks of every citizen of the county, If nothing more. The manatrers of the Lewis and Clark Fair appreciate Mrs. Wolfe's ability in this line of work. and are anxious that she shall be sent in charge of the Polk coucty display No one questions Mrs. Wolfe's ability in collecting and arranging an exhibit, and, as we understand it, the only question in the minds of the members of the County Court is whether it would not bo bettor to send a man with the exhibit instead of a woman. It is argued by the Court, and with good reason too, that a man would be able to accomplish more than a woman in the way of meeting strangers, telling them of the ad vantages offered by Polk county, and Inducing homeseekers to locate among us. On the other hand, it would per haps be impossible to find a man who would be as skillful as Mrs. Wolfe in gathering, installing and superin tending an exhibit. The Observer believes that, con sidering presont conditions, the best plan would be to send Mrs. Wolfe in charge of the exhibit and employ some suitable man to remain in. Portland throughout the Fair to talk Polk county and its great resources and opportunities to all interested visitors. The great object of a county display la to got people interested In Polk - county and induce them to come and Bottle anion ua. We cannot do this frlttinti n A number of newspapers in Oregcn are calling attention to the out-ot-date nature of the schedules provided for taking the census this year. An attempt was made to have better pro vision for taking the census made by the legislature last winter, but the bill failed to become a law. As it is, no statistics will be obtained as to a number of Oregon's important pro ducts, such as eggs, hops, prunes and mohair. It is reported that the Polk county assessor will add Angora goats, hops, prunes and mohair to the schedule. If the other county assessors in the Willamette valley and Southern Oregon would do the same, it would add greatly to the value of the statistics collected. Rural Northwest. One law passed by the recent Legis lature nrohibits -the exhibition of hypnotized persons in show windows, or elsewhere. The Legislature is dead slow. Dallas has had such a law for four or five years. BASEBALL SEASON OPENS Dallas Peoole Will See Some Good Games This Month and Next. The Dallas College baseball team will begin its season tomorrow, (Satur day,) playing the opening game with the Salem Hieh School team on the Dallas grounds. The boys have been practicing faithfully, and promise to give a good account of themselves in the opening game. It is expected that admirers of the great National sport will turn out In full force to witness the contest. The batting order of the team will be as follows: Teats Right Field Morton First Base Gates Third Base Reynolds Catcher Sibley Second Base Arnold Center Field Grimes Left Field Craven Short Stop Myer Pitcher Through the efficient, work of Manager Barendrlck, the following schedule of games has been arranged : April 22 Dallas vs. Salem High School, in Dallas. April 29 Dallas vs. Salem High School, in Salem. May 6-Dallas vs. O. S. N. S., in Monmouth. May 13 Dallas vs McMinnville college, in Dallas. May 20-DaIIas vs O. S. N. S., in Dallas. May 29 Dallas vs McMinnville college, in McMinnville. Mineral Wealth of Cascades. Sclini E. Hassan, of Salem, a min ing engineer, returned Tuesday, from the Cascade mountains, where he spent last week investigating the mineral resources of that section, savs nff in vv rjinni i Mil ti m' I ' MMWt; fht Horn ronton tlw roitlaud Jur aL .Ho retorts im irtll re. exceedingly keen at the big Fair, and a commonplace display will attract JJttie attention and ac complish no good results whatever, Then, again, Polk count-""''""' that big prizoof "'" ml t!l h()nor of boing n'i,S,d the llrst, best (1w in Oregon. Having won this " honor twice In succession at the State Fair, our citizens cannot entertain a thought of falling behind In the race In this great year of all years. The honor of winning first prize In a keen competition with twenty-six sister counties would bo an honor indeed, and that Is exactly what Polk county is striving for. Tho Exposition management will pay Polk county $500 for its participation in the competitive display, if some competent person is sent to care for tho exhibit while the Fair Is open. This $500 will cover nearly the entire amount the County Court has appropriated for the exhibit, and there will still bo uuauce to win uio viuuu prize, under these circumstances, tho county can certainly afford to send Mrs. Wolfe in cuarge or me exuiuit, ana some competent man to advertise the county as well. Ihe members of tho Court have shown their good-will and interest in tho welfare of the county by making a libeial appropriation for tho ex hibit, aud there is no cause for criti cism of their course from any quarter. Rather, it is the duty of every citizen to lend a helping hand in bringing about desln d results. The Court will certainly be desirous of carrying out the will of the ople, and, if the Odsfbveb reads publicopinion aright, It Is the general desire of the citizens of Polk county, lrreseottveof locality, that Mrs. Wolfe be asked to resume Ihe work of collecting the exhibit, and, that when It Is completed, she bo sent to the Exposition In chargo of it. por'taut deposits of copper itnd silver with some gold and pronounces una rairtoa tho lioheae ta copper tr any no has seen in the United States. Only tho copper deposits of Sonora, Mexico, aro superior, and he predicts great mining activity as soon as capitalists can bo made to sou the great wealth in tho hills. Mr. Hassan says he also found quantities of bauxite, the miuera from which aluminum is made, and ho is surprised that these deposits havo not been developed. He expects to be joined hero later by men of capital who will look over the ground with a view to building a smelter. HHWAHD FOR WOMEN WHO CANNOT BE CURED. Backed up'oy over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors ol Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay Jf5oo in legal money of the United States, for any case of Leucorrbea, Fe male Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All tliey ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. The Vice-President Independent rdsr of Coed Templars. An experience which many women have wa related by Miss Affiles Stebbinga, of 231 East vtli Street, New York City, aa follows: "I liml very poor health for a year until life looked (lark and dreary to me. Had head aches, backache, also pain, my sleep wai broken and fitful. I longed for health. Tried several medicines but none were of any last ing benefit until I took Doctor Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. I soon realized that I had found the right remedy. It helped nature to throw off the poisons that saturated the svstem, removed all pains and strengthened the !ijentive organs, and brought the roses of health hack to my cheeks. This medicine if taken occasionally keeps the system in perfect condition, helping it to throw off the disease and consequences of exposure to dampness. 1 am pleased to give it my endorsement." "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of 21 one cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or 31 stamps for the cloth-bound. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. JURY LIST IS DRAWN Names or Citizens Who Will Serve as Jurors at May Term of Circuit Court. M. Aged Pioneers Go Together. Cyrus Smith, a pioneer of Polk county, died at his home near ltose burg, Thursday, April 13, aged 75 years. Mr. Smith was a nativo of Maine. He came to Oregon from Ohio In 1851, settling in Polk county. Ho moved to Douglas county in 1851. He was married In 1MG1 to Miss Elizabeth Woodruff, also a pioneer, who passod away just a week ago. Mr. Smith owned and operated a sawmill at Uuoll, Polk county, in the early '50s Ho was a veteran ot the Yakima Indian War. Alasonic Pin Lost. Lost, between the 3. P. depot and tho cemetery, a Mystic Shrine pin scimitar shaped and bearing the word "Tripoli." Finder will please leave at Observer office and receive suitable reward. Jill Humors Are impure matters which the skin, liver, kidneys anil other organs can not take care of without help, there is such an accumulation of them. They litter tho whole system. Pimples, boils, eczema and other eruptions, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, bilious turns, fits of iudisres tion, dull headaches and many other troubles are due to them. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Remove all humors, overcome all their effects, strengthen, touo and Invigorate the whole- system. "I had aalt rheum on mj bands so that I could not work. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and it drove out the bumur. I continued 111 use till tbe sores disappeared." aJrj-. Itu O. Bbow, Kumford Falls, We, Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cur and kocps tho promlso. Card of Thanks. The undersigned hereby wish to ex press their sincere thanks to the kind friends In Dallas who gave them great assistance at the funeral of her son and brother. Tho tokens of sympathy will always bo remembered by Mrs. Nancy Brown and Family. Charles Baker aud family have moved to tho house formerly occupied by E. S. Piper, and W. F. Museott has moved to tho (5 roves property. The following citizens of Polk county will serve as jurors at the May term of Circuit Court, which will convene in Dullas ou Monday, May 8 : Dallas G. W. Siefarth, George B. Gates, W. II. Krabcr, W. H. McDaniel, L. M. Humphreys. Falls City A. F. Courter, Hugh Black, N. A. EmrnUt. Independence S. W. Miles, J. H. Burton, Charles Mattison, John Dick inson, George Conkey, B. B. Knowes, T. L. Hartman. Monmouth F. It. Barnes, S. C. Denny, J. II. Mulkey. McCoy J. D. Kelty, M. E. Bailey. Perrydale B. F. Jones, J. P. Byerle. Ballston G. W. Newbill, J. A'. Baxter. Suver O. H. DeArmond, H. Berry. Airlie P. A. Bachelor. Buena Vista J. A. McClain. Bickroall-S. II. Crowley. Buell Boss Rowell. Salem . J. Jennings. t - . Birthday Party. a aeiicurui blrtnday party was given at the homo of Mr. and Mrs, H. Jj, Fenton. Wednesday eveniner. i honor of their son, Carl, Miss Frankie Hayter and Miss Claudia Coad, the three young people having reached the age of 15 years on that day. The evening was merrily passed with fu ana ironc, aua a nice luncn was served. Those present were: Mr and Mrs. Fenton,' Mr. aud Mrs. E. Hayter,. liossie Hayes, Claudia Coad Lucile Dalton, Hallie Coad, Mary Corcoran, Frankie Hayter, Vera Cosper, Nola Coad, Buena Fiske; Kuth VanOrsdel, Alioe Grant, Peter Greenwood, Carl Fontoo, Hoy Finseth and Carl Williams. RAILROAD BUILDING IN POLK Good Progress Is Being Made on Ex tension to Dallas and Falls City Road. Work on the extension of the Dallas and Falls City railroad is progressing rapidly, and the stillness of the forests of the Luckiamute canyon will soon be awakened by the snort of the IroD horse. The grading crew are moving a large amount of dirt and rock every day, and one-half mile of road-bed is already finished. The heavy rock work on the four-mile extension Is all completed, and the remaining work will be comparatively easy. The bridge across the Luckiamute river just west of Falls City was com pleted thi3 week, and is a substantial structure. Messrs. Royal & Son, the contractors, will now turn their atten tion to the other three bridges on the line, and this part of the work will soon be completed. Track laying wijl begin this week, and the first mile of road west of the Falls City depot will be finished with in a few days. All the construction work is under the personal super vision of Chief Engineer J. W. Coovert, and it is needless to say that it is of the most substantial character. General Manager Louis Gerlinger, Jr., informs usth'at, as soon as the track is laid to the granite mountain one-half mile west of the Coast Range planing mill, the work of hauling out ballast for the roadbed between Dallas and Falls City will begin. This rock is of a shelly formation, and it will not be necessary to crush it before using. It is a rock of extra hardness, ana is believed to exist in practically unlimited quantities. The company has experienced considerable difficulty in obtaining suitable ballast for its track and has hauled a large amount of gravel from the Willamette river, at a heavy expense, but if surface in dications are worth anything, the problem will soon be solved, for there appears to be enough granite on the new line to improve every foot of rail road, county road and street in Polk county. Merton Ellis, an employe of a Moro, Sherman county, bank, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ellis, in Falls City tnTs week, AT T on Diffl ' flDUMht v FREE TICKETS to the Lewis and Clark Exposition mi mm DEALER IN County Treasurer J. E. Beezley made a business trip into tho Alsea valley last week with a viewof trading for a tract of timber land. After look ing the country over, he decided that Polk county was good enough for him, and tho trade was dropped. HARNESS AND SADDliES. I have just received a Fine New Stock ol Harness and daddies and invite you to call and examine them as to style. workmanship and price. I have the finest line of saddles ever shown in Polk county. They are strictly "down-to- date in every respect. HORSE BLANKETS A biir assortment prices according to quality till tit ted with "Double Sur cingles," a new feature which every horseman will readily appreciate. Come and see them. HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS aud ROBES. Frank A. Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE KILLthe COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS LADIES' and CHILDREN'S FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock of -Materials' .4 Fancy Work in ihe city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon WET WEATHER COMFORT "I have used your FISH BRAND Slicker for fiv years and can truth fully lay that I never have had anything give me so much com fort and satisfaction. Enclosed find my order for another one." (NAMC AND ADDKES3 ON APPLICATION) You can defy the hardest storm with Tower's Waterproof Oiled Clothing and Hats. Highest Award Weill's F;;ir. 1904. OUR GUARANTEE IS BACK OF THIS bIGN Or THE FISH A. J. TOWER CO. Boston. U. S. A. TOWER CANADIAN CO, limited Toronto. Canada ' ss (lis $ 'PHONE 246. flAIN STREET Cfte Imported Pcrclwon Stallion "TAFIA" owned by the Polk County Percheroji Horse Association, win maKe tne i season of 1905 as follows ; ' Farmer's Feed Shed, Dallas MONDAY, TUESDAY I and WEDNESDAY . Dickinson's Livery Stable Independence THUPSDAY, FRIDAY and SATUEDAY. TERMS $25 to insure, due when mare is known to be with foal, or parted with. Care will be taken to prevent accidents, but will be responsible for none. : tl. HOLMAN, MANAGER. FOR FIRST CLASS WORK GO TO John E. Smith's Old Stand General Blacksmithing ttt WE DO NOT BOAST We do not boast of the size of our stock, but we do take pride in the Quality and assortment of our new 905 Styles of Wall Paper Our prices range from 7c per double roll to 75c. Side wall, border and ceiling same price. Also Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, for Cash or Install ments. You are respectfully invited to call and ex amine both quality and prices. We handle Paints, Oils and Glass. L. D. DANIEL, - Dallas, Oregon Main Street. 'Phone 225 1 and Iron Work. Horse Shoeing a Specialty. I have had 28 years experi ence in this work, and can give you a first-class job. CALHUTTON, Dallas, Ore. GRAND EXCURSION!! GIVEN BY THE ORDER OF Railway Conductors FROM LEBANON, SILVERTON, DALLAS AND SHERIDAN TO PORTLAND AND RETURN j jt . TRUTH IS MIGHTY I and never taxes the memory. It's always the same & Wre have the finest line of Women's, Misses and Children Shoes, also Men's, Boys' and Lit- 5 tie Gents'. Wre know they are what you want but we wantyo'u to 6 come ana see them, for the prices j are right. 3 8 ft r a Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. Dallas Boot and Shoe Store I GAYNOR, Proprietor. MRS. .1 f v:SX3XS33R33i& 1 I J. Q. VanOrsdel & Son DEALERS IN Cimbcr and farm Eands and City Property. proprietok of Dallas electric Eight Plant Notice For Publication. TIMUKK LAXH. A T JCXE 3, 1ST. I'UlUtl SUU" I.tllil HllKV, Oregon ilv. Orviron, April IS, Xo'ii-e is licrvliy riven tint in compliant Mllli Ihe th umiij. ol ih ( ( onvrtsx of June ."i, I7n. niiillni "An m'l tor ih mle of llmlxT !nii1 in Hie Stntt-a of lf.iriiln. nr' tvn, Nfvmln, and Htiinuton IVrruory,'' aa rxii'iulttl l all tin- I'm. Ik- I ami Sum bv m-i of AUKtiai i. Iv.rj. Merrill .. Tlionim,oi KaUl'iiv roiinly of I'olk. SiNir of 'recoil, bna Dm ilav lilel in Una ortiiv Inn aworn tteinent No. iii. lor iht inre(meof lli- X K. of Suction Xo. IJ In Townahip So. s S . Kmiire Xo. 7 W.. and will oiler proof lo allow l hat the Innd aoinrhl la more valuable for ll iiuiUt or mone limn tor ntrl cultural purposes at!. I toolnhliad hia cialin lo Mlti land bt'lore Kcifiotcr and Kevoiver al Ore ro.i I'llv, ire(jou, oil r'ridny, the 7th dav i Jiilv. l:i'i. He iiainea a itucHM-a: Warren ttrieht. of Fallal ily. Oreeon : K VY. Kotiina-n. ol Fall l lty. tireiroii; K. M. Womlerly, of Falia t uv, Oregon; I.. K. Kline, of Fal a city, Orvavn. Any and :t U'rsvi.s e:.iiuiuUrM-i)r the alnne-d.'acrttied lamia are retieMed to die their claims in I hia nitir on or U lore Mid 7th day ! of July. i U;KKXiN S. IKrN-". : K. r ' er Dr. King's fJov; Discovery Ft CONSUMPTION OUGHSand Prie SOc&SI.OO Free Trial. Surest aud Uuickeet Cur for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONEY BACK. iunday, May 7, 1905 Far A 5?r the Round TriP including admission to the I ai u Exposition Grounds and Sacred m rr t( Concert in Festival Hall pI.DU Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. rOlETSnOIfEFTAR How's This! roi:rr cno xiuiuiieu liuisra xvewaru XQf j i t .j:.irr& tint cannot be curca bj lull's Catarrh Cure. F J.CUENEYtCO.,Prop.,Toledo,0. We the umteisignt'd, hv known F. J. Cha ry for the last 15 )'ra, and believe hint per ;ect!y honorable in all buainese transact kct j-rl Cuauciillr able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. . .r iKi i, VVholcs!eTroirpi!ta. Toledo, Q. Yau tvo. Kishan A' MiUMM, hoi6i Druf 'oieo, t). 'lair Catarrh Cure ia taken internal!. rtin fijrectly upon the blood and rnucoua mrfaceeol thesTtea. Pra-e, T6c. per bolue. fcoidttyaal LvuKuts. TeoUmoniaie tree. Uall'a Familv Fillt are the best. Train Leaves Dallas 7 o'clock in the morning. Returning leaves Portland at 5:30 p. m. This will enable all of the visitors to view the progress made by the Lewis & Clark Exposition which will be nearly ready for lormal opening. Few of our Valley friends have any idea of the scope and magnitude of this Exposi tion. The conductors have made arrangements for visitors to visit all parts of grounds and buildings. TICKETS FOR SALE BY STATION AGENTS AND CONDUCTORS ON EXCURSION TRAINS I hare made a study of the eves for years and am a graduate Scientific Optician. Many have been success fully fitted with my glasses and are today testimonials of my success. Consultation free. Silverware and Cut Glass A good line of some of those ltty and unique patterns in silver ware and art glass, which OrJysk2ed and careful workmen produce. C H. MORRIS Jweler and Optician, G. STETTLER'S SCASH MEAT MARKET i PHONE 253 f Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausage, Lard, Cheese, Fish, Etc, Cash paid for all kinds of fat butcher stock. Main Street, Dallas, Oregon Motto is" !ash paid makes long friend s. 8 Collin's Building, Dallas, Ore.