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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (April 7, 1905)
PolK County Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PUBLI8HKR. FublUlied Weekly at $1.50 per Year. Strictly in Advance. DALLAS, OREGON, APRIL 7, 1905. The way to build up Dallas ts to pat ronize Dallas people. THE NEW ADMINISTRATION The new city officers will take their seats Monday, May 1. The present council will endeavor to finish up ail business on hand before the end of April, so as to allow the incoming board to begin work with a clean slate, The policy to be pursued by the new council is not known, as there was no well-defined Issue between the oppos ing candidates in the campaign just closed. No candidate was callea upon to express his views upon any question of public importance, but the vote re ceived by the two old members of the council who were candidates for re election plainly Indicates that a majority of the people are dissatisfied with the present administration. The office of Mayor or Councilman is in many respects an undesirable and thankless one, Involving lots of hard work and no pay, and it is small wonder that the average citizen shrinks from accepting an office that demands so much time and attention from his private business. Someone has to perform these duties, however, and the citizen who will sacrifice his own interests and give a portion of his time to the public business is en titled to the support and encourage raent of the people. It la only justice to the newly-elected officers to presume that they will be actuated by a desire to promote the welfare of Dallas, and that they will labor together faithfully and harmo niously to bring about the best possible results for the town. In this work they nre entitled to the hearty co-oporation of every citizon. Any move of the council having for its object the upbuilding of Dallas and the betterment of the condition of Its people should bo given loyal support and encouragement by every citizen who has the good of his town at heart and desires to see it grow and prosper. DALLAS' GREATEST NEED How long Is Dallas going to stand idle and see trado that belongs to her diverted to towns that have well-im proved roads over which the farmers can travel in tho rainy winter mouths? Oointotho rich farming country In tho northern part of Polk county, where there are more wealthy farmers to the square mile than in any other portion of Oregon, and ask the people where they do their trading. Nine out of ten of them will tell you that they go to Sheridan or McMlunvlllo, Ask them why, and they will tell you It Is because they can drive to either of these points and back again quicker than they can make the trip ouo way between their homos and Dallas, and further, because they can haul a heavy load to MoMinnvlllo when they can hardly drive across the hills to Dallas with an empty wagon. Ask them where they would rather do their trading it all tho roads wero kept in good condition for travel, and nine out of ten will answer "in Dallas.' This is tho true situation as it exists today, and If any ono doubts the cor rectness of this statement, lot him go among tint farmers living around liallston and l'errydalo and McCoy and ask these questions for himself, His doubts will bo removed In short order. Tho Banio conditions prevail In a large portion of tho Luckiamute country on the south, where many farmers are kept away from Dallas in the winter by the next to Impassable condition of tho Guthrie lane. The Luckiamute people, like their northern neighbors, are loyal to the towns in their own county, and would rather trade Insido tho couuty than outside of it. and would do bo if conditions wero changed. Tho merchants of Dallas carry larger and bettor stocks of goods thau are ofUn found in towns twice as large as Dallas, and for this Spring Medicine There ia no other season when good medicine i bo much needed &a in the Spring. Tho blood is impure, weak an impoverished a condition indicated by pimples and other eruptions on the face and body, by deficient vitality, loss of appetite, lack of strcegtu, and want of animation. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills JIako tho blood pure, vigorous and rich, create appetite, give vitality, strength and animation, and cure all eruption. Have the whole family begin to take them today. " Ilood'i Sarsaparilla hat been oscd In our (amity for some time, and always with Cood results. Last upring I was all run down and ?ot a bottle i f It, ami as usuoJ received grt-at benefit." "diss ISeiiah Bovca, Stowe, VL Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to cur and trio promts. reason the town 13 a lively trading point In spite or the unfavorable con ditions. The farmers like to trade here, and many of them even now travel loner distances under great difficulties in order to reach this market. Stop and think for a moment what an improvement there would be if every road leading into town were put in a cood condition for travel the year 'round. The great volume of trade that Is now going to other towns would bearin to pour Into JJauas, ana the business of the merchants would grow by leaps and bounds. The im portance of such an improvement can scarcely be estimated. We think no one will have the hardihood to deny that such a condition would follow. The question then naturally arises, how lone is Dallas troing to do witn- out the trade which naturally belongs to her? How long are her citizens going to stand for an antiquated moss- back method of road building that has caused them to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and given them nothing in return? O, lord, now long? The Street Commissioner is ex- Deriencinc: considerable difficulty in finding dirt enough to fill the old street cisterns. The Observer would suggest that he wait until the next rainy spell and take about four inches of soil off the surface of Main street. This dirt is especially adapted for f.iBtern-filliner purposes. It is lots better than ordinary dirt, being much more expensive. It came from the bars along the LaCreole river, and cost the property-owners 25 cents a load. Some of it cost them as high as 40cents aload. It is the real, genuine pulverized gravel, and the Street Com missioner should not think of filling the abandoned street cisterns with common dirt so long as this supply of superior material remains un exhausted. The Polk and Yamhill County Mo hair Association on Saturday disposed of two pools of mohair, aggregating 90,000 pounds, at an average price of 32 cents. The mohair industry is of comparatively recent date in this state.but already it is making material contributions to the profits of diversi fied farming. Tho goats not only turn off a valuable fleece every year, but are also quite useful in clearing stubble from tho land. Opening prices for tho fleece this year are higherthan last, and the clip is also larger and of a better quality. Oregouian. Some of the finest draft stallions In the world were on display in the Wil lamette valley yesterday, at Woodburn and Dallas. Western Oregon will be the greatest horse country in the United States. Every indication points that way. Salem Statesman. Valuable Dog Poisoned. Georgo Kutch's bird dog foil a vic tim to dog poison Sunday. It was a door in which Mr. Kutch took much prido and had taken special pains to save from the poisoner abroad In the country. Having raked his back yard as an assurance against poison, tho door was allowed the freedom of tho lawn Sunday. About noon, the doer was seen to scratch a small piece of meat or bologna sausage from the grass, and before Mr. Kutch could git to him swalloweJ it. In a few hours he was a dead dog. Independence West Side. Salem Singer Composes Song. George C. L. Snyder has composed a song entitled "In My Home Among tho Fir Clad Hills of Dear Old Ore got)," and a few advance copies have been furnished. Tho words and music aro by Mr. Snyder, and arranged by Dr. Parvin. It tells a story of the Philippine Islands, when the author was In the hospital, suffering from a wound In tho shoulder. It Isdedicated to Bert Chandler, of Company C.of the Second Oregon regiment, who died from a wound received in buttle, and while in tho arms of Mr. Snyder. The song Is a true heart poem, with a beautiful melody, and Is sure to win favor with tho singers throughout the country. Salem Journal. Telephone Line Completed. The farmers' telephone line from the Brld well neighborhood into Dallas was completed Wednesday afternoon aud is now in working order. This lino is n branch of tho Pacillo States Company's Dallas exchange, and accommodates eight families. The subscribers are Messrs. Sayre, K. M. Ballard, James Clow, J. M. Burford, John Diehm. W. H. Besecker, IX. B. Carpenter and Maekey. Clothing (ilven Away. Suits or clothing will be given away at tho big store of Ellis & Keyt on Saturday, April 15. Every person buying a suit will receive a preicntor a suit tho customer to select one and tho firm to select the other. This Is the clothing opportunity of a lifetime, and no man or boy in Folk county can afford to miss it. Remember that the offer holds gd for one day only Saturday, April 15. School Apportionment. Couuty Superintendent C. L. Starr made his semi annual apportionment of school funds to the several school districts In the couuty, Tuesday. The apportionment aggregated f!C,700,and was the largest sum ever distributed among the school districts of Polk county. The apportionment is made on a basis of $1 .50 per scholar and $5 for each district whoso teacher attended the teachers' institute. roiiirsno:ErTAR 3tU3-WaJEUO FOR WOMEN WHO CANNOT BE CURED. Backed upfjy over a third of a century of remarkable and uniform cures, a record such as no other remedy for the diseases and weaknesses peculiar to women ever attained, the proprietors of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription now feel fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in legal money of the United States, for any case of Leucorrhea,. Fe male Weakness, Prolapsus, or Falling of Womb which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. The Vice-President Independent Ordar of Oood Templars. An experience which many women have was relnted fv Miss Agnes Stebbings, of 231 East vth Street, New York City, as follows : "I hal very poor health for a year until life looked dark and dreary to me. Had head aches, backache, also pain, my sleep was broken and fitful. I longed for health. Tried several medicines but none were of any last ing benefit until I took Doctor Pierce's Fa vorite Prescription. I soon realized that I had found the right remedy. It helped nature to throw off the poisons that saturated the system, removed all pains and strengthened the digestive organs, and brought the roses of health back to my cheeks. This medicine if taken occasionally keeps the system in perfect condition, helping it to throw off the disease and consequences of exposure to dampness. 1 am pleased to give it my endorsement." "Favorite Prescription" makes weak women strong, sick women well. Ac cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of 21 one cent stamps for the paper-covered book, or -51 stamps for the cloth-bound. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Tierce, Buffalo, N. Y. COURT HOUSE NOTES. CLAIMS ALLOWED. ROAD ACCOUNT. H L Crider $ 6 12 E C Kirkpatrick 5 40 Pohle & Bishop 27 75 J P VanOrsdel 17 00 RBWinslow 4 00 John Osborn 4 60 Percy Fernandez 2 00 MV Woods...'... 4 00 Eli Fluke 2 00 HADenison. 2 00 FS Powell 4 80 T Williams 3 45 Johnson Lumber Company 8 51 Beall & Company 65 85 CGGriffa 104 Lydia Sears 50 00 PAUPER ACCOUNT. Viola Bed well 8 00 C E Huntley 39 75 F S Wilson 8 50 Henry Black 37 00 D G Meador 11 00 SALARY AND FEES. AN Holman 65 00 EM Smith 144 5! JE Beezley 62 50 II B Cospor 67 50 CS Graves 8100 C L Starr 145 90 AM Trent 40 00 JLHanna 25 00 MA Ford 50 00 Walter Ford 28 75 J T Ford 145 24 DrWSCary 17 50 COURTHOUSE ACCOUNT. W F Muscott 2 00 J G VanOrsdel 28 00 MISCELLANEOUS. Belt & Cherrington, mdse 7 10 D L Keyt, election acct 7 00 C Forshey, county court 5 80 B Wilson, justice court 32 25 Glass & Prudhomme, supplies. . 3 00 Dallas Water Company 20 00 CGCoad, postage 43 30 FA Stiles, supplies 14 00 G G Brown, supplies 1 50 AS Dresser 13 00 E L Ketchum, ex insane 5 00 B Wilson, same. 5 00 II G Campbell, tax rebate 32 37 Observer, printing 7 60 W A Wash, same 5 50 A J Syron, justice court 14 00 PROBATE. Estate of Thomas Pcarce, deceased semi-annual report filed. Estate of Patience Bentley, deceased petition to sell real property granted Estate of Harbin M. Cooper, de ceasedA. S. Locke, S. B. Irvine and D. L. Hedges appointed appraisers, Estate of Mary Ellen Gibson, de ceasedfinal account set for heariug Saturday, May 13, atone o'clock p. m. Guardiauship of S. W. Fletcher, an incompetent person ordered thatS. W Fletcher bo cited to appear Tuesday, April 18, at one o'clock p. m., to show cause why J.. H. Hawley should not bo appointed guardian of his person and estate. Hcw'a This! Woef.Vr n.;r.:red Pollars Reward fof an, -i:seor Ctt.irrk that cannot b cured bj l!tJ lai-wn Cure. F J . CU E.N E V & CO. .Props . , Toledo, O, NV Ihj uiilei signed, have known F. J. Che ney for the last IS years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to curry out any obliga tions nnuleby their firm. V kstaTutax. Wholesale Pro rist, Toledo, O. Waumxo, KiNNi A MiBVl,Vho)BlDruf- risis, Toledo, O. Halls Catarrh Cure ia taken internally. actinf jiroctly upon the blood and ranc-ous surface of the sysieat. nice, T5e. per botue. Sow 67 Ml Druavists). Testimonials Ire. 1111 'a Family rills are the beat. Executor's Final Notice. Notice is herWiy piven to all whom it roar concern; that Frank C.itwon, as the executor of the Usi will slut testament an. 1 estate of Marr bilcn tiiltMtn, tleceaMHl. hss riled his final ac count in the l oiiiilv Court for the County of l'olk ami Slate of Orvgou, and that Mi l Court has uia.le an order therv in selling Saturday, the l.WhdsToi Mar. 1AV, at the hour of t o'clock 11. ni., thereof at the t omiiv Court room in the County Court horse in Pallas. I'oik County, otveou, as the time mid pinos of hearing said final account and ilischanfin snch executor. D.ited this Sih day of April. l'i FKANK GIBSON". Frank Holm,-, .'.itorney. Kxecutor. roIEYSElEIilYCDIS J . A T O Z Legal blanks for sale here. Dr. Havter. Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. Go and see thoae fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. A first-class plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. One of the best horse-shoers in the state will be found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Waerner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of tath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the lamest stock on the West Side. They have engaged the services of a first-class plumber, ana wouia De pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for vour house, store or ofhee. lhe finest and most skillful work guaran teed. Fresh Cows For Sale. Four young fresh cows for sale. James Elliott, Dallas, Or. Wagon For Sale. Light wagon for sale. N. Hughes, Dallas. Or. Horsemen, Attention! The imported German Coach stal lion "Alban" will make the season of 1U05 at Farmers' Feed Shed in Dallas. Polk county. Terms fin, $15 and $20. Hubbard & McDaniel, Dallas, Oregon. Eggs For Sale. White and Brown Leghorn eggs for hatching. H. E. Kozeb, Telephone 211. Eggs For Sale. White Leghorn eggs for sale; one dollar for setting of 13. O. S. Clakk, Dallas, Or. Seed Oats For Sale. Seed oats for sale. Samuel Oris, Rickreall, Or. House For Rent. House for rent. Inquire of Mrs, Claude Dunn. Jersey Cow For Sale. A first-class young Jersey cow and calf for sale. Inquire of Prof. C. T. Whittlesey, Dallas, Or. For Sale. Fifty or sixty head of graded goats, (2 billys, balance nannies, kids and wethers) ; also three head of 2 and 3 year old heifers. G. A. STARE, Falls City, Ore, Eggs For Sale. White Leghorn eggs lor sale. One dollar per setting of 13. Celebrated Williams strain of California. W. S. Muir, Dallas, Oregon. Hay and drain for Sale. Timothy hay, wheat and oats for sale. W. P. Miller, Phone 315, Dallas. Oak Wood For Sale. Good oak-grub cordwood for sale. Parties wishing to buy for Fall delivery will please call early. U. S. Grant, Dallas, Oregon. For Sale. Logan-berry plants; this is the month to plant them ; A 1 plants, 2 to 6 inches high. Write or phone for prices. J. B. Ncnn Bell phone 315, Dallas, Oregon. Farm For Sale. A SC5-acre farm, near Ballston, for sale ; or will trade for a smaller farm, with difference in cash or good notes. A fine chance for some one who wants a large farm. Over 400 acres in cul tivation. As good land as there is in Polk county. Dan P. Stouffer, Dallas. Oregon Proposals For Painting. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Auditor and Police Judge of the City of Dallas until Mon day evening, April 17, at 7:30 o'clock, for the puinting of the City Hall. Two coat work ; colors to be selected by the Council. Bidders must specify quality and kind of material. The Council reserves the right to re ject auy and all bids. DAN P. STOUFFER. Auditor and Police Judge. WET WEATHER. WISDOM! Xh the original . a-i v SLICKER 6LACK. OS YELLOW will m? you m NOTTCNG ELSE WILL TAKE NO SUBJTUTJTt CATaiococa race HowiMofou. um( or eaaacNTS ao Mars. A. i. TOWCSt CO.,oTt. ttass., u.m.a. TOWCW eilKDIM CO , LTD., TOUOWTO, CD. PRUSSIAN STOCK FOOD latest and Wst food for Horses, Cattle Sheep and Hogs. PRUSSIAN POULTRY FOOD For sale by ! S. M. RAY. Dallas, Orcfoa I AT THP Midi CTOPR ar m m u mm wm & m..m m ,m mm k m aw r ma mm na mm Sri I lliM ilhv - . wvm to rn to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 'PHONE 246. m 1 mm DEALER IN LADIES' and CHILDREN'S FURNISH ING G00D5. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon G. STETTLER'S CASH MEAT MARKET PHONE 20,3 Fresh and Cured Heats, Sausage, Lard, .Cheese, Fish, Etc., Cash paid for all kinds of fat butcher stock. My Motto is " 'ash paid makes long friends." Collin's Building, Dallas, Ore. REALESTATEI! with pood buildings and fences 10 acres in cultivation lots of fine timber ..$1300 5 acres with a pood little House and Barn all fenced and under cultivation, only $ 630 Xiee 13 acre tract, finely sit uatedworth $30 per acre only $ 32 Fine 100 acre farm, well im proved $50(io Well improved farm of 117 acres $2500 Finely improved farm of 400 aeres $950o Stock Ranch 900200 acres under ' cultivation Can't be beat $9000 Nice little Home of 15 acres $1100 ; Stock and Grain farm of 230 acres a dick nailing good place at a bargain. i 164 acres 30 under cultivation Buildings Fenced a good place cheap "as dirt only $15,10 Here is the cheapest pla in Oregon 81 acres, House, Barn ana oiner improvements worth $r.K0 at least for onlv $ &, I have all classes of Ranches and Farms for sale I can suit vou in quality or price. HENRY CAHPBELL, DALLAS, OREGON1 WALNUT TREES FOR SALE ForEnelish Walnut Tres write to BROOKS a SONS, Walnut Nursery, Carlton. Oregon ELLIS We can Save You from $2.50 to $5.00 on a Suit of Clothes We have all the nice new Spring Goods in now and you have a larger stock to choose from than any other place in the city. The nicest goods that ever came off the loom. On Saturday April 15 Surprise Sale-Two suit of clothes for the price of one; you select one, we select the other. WE DO NOT BOAST We do not boast of the size of our stock, but we do take pride in the Quality and assortment of our new 1905 Styles of Wall Paper Our prices range from 7c per double roll to 75c. Side wall, border and ceiling same price. Also Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines, for Cash or Install ments. You are respectfully invited to call and ex amine both quality and prices. We handle Paints, Oils and Glass. L, D. DANIEL, - Dallas, Oregon Main Street. 'Phone 225 I You Can Buy a Cheaper Shoe If Price is the First 3 3 3 If you are looking for Wear, Fit and Style it might pay you to look over our line. Twenty years of careful shoe buying has afforded us the cream of foot-wear factories. 3 3 3 If you consider the style and quality, then the price HEATH & CORNES THE WALL PAPER and PAINT MEN. Have the only exclusive wall paper and paint store in Polk County. The New Spring Stock is arriving, and comprises all the latest novel ties in interior decoration. LeUhem figure with you on your SPnng work. It will nnv vn FOR FIRST CLASS WORKGo70 til Ifl'S si John E. Smiths Old Stand andjron Work. 1 ha"bad as years eiperi- in this wrk, au"-Jann- . .CrstcIas3job i01-BUTTON. Dallas, Ore. k'l 1 1 v. 1 ft flAIN STREET! will surprise you. j Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. j Dallas Boot and Shoe Store j! MRS. .1 r r! A D..n.UIr I' STREET, nAI , A. OREGON Che Imported Percftercn S1,1 "TAFIA" owned by the Polk County P" season of 1905 as follows : Farmer's Feed Shed, Ca I MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY ; DicKinson's Livery Sta j Independence j THURSDAY. FRIDAY "d j SATURDAY. j TERMS-$23to insure, due trt,i , is known to be with foal, orpr, ; Care will be taken to prevent 8j s but will be responsible for A. II. HOLM JIA5U