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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 27, 1905)
Polk County Observer J. C. HAYTER, KDITOK. AND PUHUSHER. Published Weekly at J1.50 per Strictly in Advance. Year. DALLAS, OREGON, JANUARY 27, 1905. The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. NO EXCUSE FOR DELAY The people of Polk couDty are awakening to the need of better roads, and are earnestly discussing the relative merits of plans proposed to secure the desired results. They are tired of wasting money and labor in a vain effort to build dirt and gravel roads that will stand the heavy traffic of the rainy, winter months, and are begi n n ing to agitate the use of crushed rock in niakiDg roads that can be kept in good condition throughout the entire year. The gravel that is found in the beds of most of the streams of the county is absolutely unlit for road purposes, and all improvements in which this gravel is used are but temporary ut best. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent In Polk county in the last thirty or forty years in an attempt to build substantial gravel roads, and the public thoroughfares are practically in no better condition than iu tho be ginning. The supervisors are not to blamo for this state of affairs, neithe are the taxpayers of tho county. The people have simply done the best they could with the money and material at hand, and have probably accomplished as much in the way of road-buildin as have the people ot any other county similarly situated. But the time has arrived when change of methods is necessary, and when old-fashioned dirt roads are no longer adequate to tho needs of a rich and progressive county liko Polk. If the farmer is to prosper, he must have roads over which ho can haul his pro duco to market at any season of tho year when prices are most favorable, If the towns are to prosper, the roads leading in from every direction must bo kept in a condition that will enable the farmers to market their produce and do their trading at any time of tho year they see fit. There is no earthly excuse for allowing tho farmer to be cut off from tho market and to bo practically isolated for six months i the year, when the expenditure of littlo money and tho exercise of wholo lot of common sonso in road building would render a complete change in existing conditions. Tho peoplo of tho towns owe it to the people of the country to assist in build iug better roads, aud the people of the country should assistin every reason ablo way in building up the towns that provide a market for thoir pn duce. Iho nd vantages are mutual We can all help ourselves and help each other by aiding any practical movement that has for its object bet tor county roads. ino way to build good roads is to build them, and the timo to begin is now. There is no possiblo excuse for further delay, aud no more monev should be thrown away in tho prosont methods of road building. Enough money will bo wusted on road work this year alone, despite the ino3t honest work of supervisors aud taxpayers, to purchase a rock crusher and a com . plcteoutlitof road making machinery, Polk county is amply ablo to buy a rock crusher aud road roller, aud the expense would not bo felt by any tax payer. Tho County Court is probably waiting for an expression of opinion from tho peoplo in this matter, and it is tho duty of all progressive. citizens to make their wishes known. The members of the Court are praetica 1 ! . uusiuess men, ami, as such, must certainly realize the need of a better system of road building. The Ouskr- vku believes that if any cousiderabl numoer or mo citizens of tho county woum ask tor a county rook crusher, uio tionrt would not hesitate to make the purchase. it is hoped that tho citizens of Polk county will keep up the agitation for better roads, and that they will insist upon the purchase of a rock crusher and other needed road machinery Writo a petition asking tho Court to take this important step and circulate it among the people of your road dis trict. (lot your neighbors interested in Catarrh Is a constitutional disease originating in impure blood ana requiring constitutional treatment acting through and purifying the blood for its radical and permanent cure. De sure to take Hood's Sarsaparilla Nasal and other local forms of catarrh are quickly relieved by Catarriets, which allay inflammation and deodorize discharge. Hood's SdrsapariEa, ail druggists, $1. waurriets, mail order only, 50 cts. For testimonials of remarkable cures Send for our Book on Catarrh, No. 4. K . CI Hood Co, Lowell, Mass, the good roads movement and ask them tohelnvou. It is safe to predict that y few taxpayers will refuse to sign you petition. The road supervisor id eae district would be a suitable person to take the lead in circulating these peti tions, and all of thera would doubtless he triad to aid in the eood work. If, -D " . . for any reason, the supervisor 1 attend to this woik, do it yourself, bearing in mind the fact that every day spent in working for good roads will be a profitable day for you and for the community in wn:eii you live. We believe that if a proper showing is made to the County Court, there will be no delay in placing an order for a rock crusher. The mountains of rock lying idle Polk county are needed for the public roads and for the streets of the county towns. Dallas needs crushed rock for her streets ; so does Independence, and Monmouth, and Falls City; and at such times as the county would not be using the crusher, a handsome reve nue could be realized by leasing it to these towns. Other counties in Ore con have nursued this course, and have found it highly satisfactory. There are many reasons why Polk county should buy a rock crusher and build better roads; there is not siDgle reason why the county should not take this important step. farther waste of the public funds in an attempt to build good roads by using dirt, boulders and soapstone is un iustiflable. Buy a crusher, build permanent roads, and save money. FOR HANGING THE JUKY. The scoring eriven by the United States Judge and Prosecuting Attor ney Ileney to the members of the jury who voted against conviction in the Sorenson case is not calculated to make jury service more popular than at present. It is questionable whether the trial judge and prosecuting attorney have the right or privilege under tho law to question tho honesty of a juror's motives who fails to be convinced of the guilt or innoconce of a prisoner before the bar, simply be cause a majority of the jury have formed contrary opinions. At least there is a question so long as the judge and attorney are not in posses sion of evidonce of wrongdoing on the part of the juror. Mr. Heney as public prosecutor, must not expect to convict every man who stands accused in the court beforo which he is practicing, by any such attempt to scare the jurors. If he is able to present the evidence he will no doubt be ablo to convince the jurors ; but otherwise, he can't expect a conviction. He may honestly feel that the man ho is prose cuting is guilty, but he must prove it to the jury's satisfaction. The quos- tion is not whether Sorenson is guilty, but whether tho jury is liable to arraignment by the court aud prose cuting officer for not having found him guilty. Salem Statesman. Whilo it is to bo regretted that so many wild rumors aro in circulation as to the extent of the scarlet fever contagion in Dallas, it is useless to attempt to trace them to their source or to put an end to them. The truth of the matter is there aro just nine homes in footed with this disease in Dallas at tho present time, and there has been no spread of the fever outside these homes. There are not 20 cases, nor 40 cases, neither are there 84 cases as was reported in Monmouth and Inde pendonce yesterday afternoon. It is hard to make people believe the truth of any newspaper statement concern ing tho extout of a contagious disease iu a town, and the newspapers can only carefully ascertain the truo situ tion, publish tho same, and let it go at that. Notwithstanding all tho wild stories in circulation, the fact is there aro nine homes in Dallas where the disease exists, and no more. But we would hato to see all the peoplo in Polk county who will think we are lying about it hold up their hands. PRESS ASSOCIATION TO COME National Editorial Association Will Visit Lewis and Clark Fair After Meeting at Guthrie, O. T. A reuniou of' all the stat" press asso ciations on the Pacillc coast is planned to be held at Portland d urine tli Lewis and Clatk Centennial in con nection with the excursion of the National Editorial association, which will visit Portland after concluding its sessions at Guthrie, Oklahoma. Tho original plan of the National association was to meet at Guthrie on May 20, and proceed from there t,i Portland, but as this would brim; the litors to the fair city about the opeu lg date, Juue 1, it is likely that the convention will lo postponed, and the National association visit the fair sometime between June 15 and June The National Editorial associa tion, which is the largest and most representative body of newspapermen n the United States, met in conven tion in Portland live years ago, and it momltcrs took home with them only pleasant recollections of their t;iy in the "Pose Citv." The California. Idaho, Montana and Washington Press associations are roealtlo to the idea of meeting iu Portland about the time of the f the National association. The Ore- on Press association has alroadv oted to hold its 1W3 session in Port land, and it is likely that the press as soeiations of Nebraska and other tates will swing into line as soon as lotlnite arrangements for the Guthrie convention and excursion are com pleted. FoiYsno:fErTM Cr Ceidsi Pnrest Fnauaooia ti-d JJ FbnYTOAEN CACJMOT BE CUHLO. Sn uniformly successful has Dr. Pierce Favorite Prescription proven in all forms of I't 'iiale Weakness. Prolapsus, or Falling of WuMib, and Iucorrhea, that, after over at'jird of a century's experience in curing the worst ca.c of these distressing and debilitating ailments. Dr. Pierce now feels fui-v warranted in offering to pay $500 in cash for any case of these diseases which he cannot cure. It Stanhs Alove. The "Favorite Pre scription" stands alone, as the one and onlv remedy for these distressingly com mon forms of weakness, possessed of such positively specific curative properties as to warrant its makers in proposing, uu binding themselves to forfeit, as we, the undersiened oroorieto'rs of that wonderful remedy hereby do, to pay the sum of $500 in legal money in uic uiuieu oirtt.c.9 in aujf case of the above diseases in which after a fair and reasonable trial of our treatment, we fail to cure. No other medicine for the cure of woman's peculiar ailments is backed by such a remarkable guarantee no other medicine for woman's ills is pos sessed of the unparalleled curative prop erties that would warrant its manufacturers in making such an offer ; no other remedy has such a record ot cures on wnicn to base such a remarkable offer. Therefore, insist on having Dr. Pierce's l-avonte Prescription and turn your back on any unscrupulous dealer who would insult your intelligence by attempting to foist upon you some interior substitute under the plea that "it is just as good." Insist on having the article which has a record of a third of a century of cures and which is backed by those willing to forfeit $500 11 they cannot cure you. In cases attended by a leucorrheal drain a solution of Dr. Pierce's Lotion Tabletf. should be used conjointly with the use of the "favorite Prescription." I hey are sold. uy an uruggisw, or sent posi-pam 10 any address, on receipt of 25 cents in stamp.i. Send 31 cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's1 Common Sense Medical Adviser. Address World's Dispensarv, Buffalo, N. Y. Weak and sick women are invited tc consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, free. At correspondence is held as strictly private Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo. N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness. COURT HOUSE NOTES. PBOBATE Guardianship of A J Crosiar, in competent petition to mortgage cer tain real estate for benefit of ward granted. Estate of William McMillan, de ceased sale of residuary rights and interests confirmed. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS, Plum Valley Lodge, No. CO, I O O F to B F and L M Miller, lots in McCoy, $350. L L and E H Briseo to S M Brisco, lots in "West Salem, $300. Jacob Buhler et ux to P P Buhler, 15.18 acres Frederick d 1 c, $800. F w Rex et ux to Edward Rex, 232 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w, $7000. G M Tice et ux to Hattio J Tice, lots in Falls City, $2000. Stockwell-Shultz. Mr. Thomas C. Stockwell and Miss Viola Shultz were married at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Absalom Byer- ley yesterday afternoon at 4 :30 o'clock, County Judge Ed F. Coad officiating. The contracting parties are well known young people of Dallas, and have many friends who will wish them well in thoir new relation. Mr, ana lurs. atocKweu win reside in Dallas. School Notice. Dr. Cary, the health officer, thinks that it will not be best to have school next week. There will be no school, and the school building during the vacation will be thoroughly fumigated and cleaned. W. I. REYNOLDS, Principal. E E D I M E Xo experienced farmer has learned that some grains require far differ ent soil than others ; Lome crops need differ ent handling than others, lie knows that a great deal depends upen right planting at the right time, and that the soil must be kept enriched. No use of complaining in summer about a mis take made in the spring. Decide before the seed is planted. Je best time to reme dy wasting conditions in the human body is be fore the evil is too deep rooted. At the first evi dence of loss of flesh Scott's Emulsion should be taken imme diately. There is noth ing that will repair wasted tissue more quickly or replace lost flesh more abundantly than Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and builds up the body when ordi nary foods absolutely faiL BV sendyoa a s.-np!e frtt. SOURCES OF INFECTION . ... uooith officer Carv Gives county ut""" - Out Some Facts Concerning Scarlet Fever. of to the the without infection DALLAS, Or., January 2fi.-(To the Editor.l-In view of the presence of cn.rior fRVPrin Dallas, a brief state. ment concerning the nature fiiconon mav not be amiss general public, whom it is earnestly hoped will co-operate with the authori ties to prevent a further spread of the rnnlflHv Prnm thfl time of exposure until ,i im4- thA fivmDtoms of apnrlet fever is a period varying from 24 hours to 21 days. The majority of cases occur within a week after ex posure. Speakirg generally, if, after exposure, a week passes symptoms, the chances of are small. The chief source of infection is the patient. It is greatest during the height of fever, when the disease is most acute; next, during period of disquamation, or scaling, which is not completo until about six weeks from becinninsr of illness. All dis charges from patient will transmit thn riiaensA viz : ncrsDi ration, ais- charge from bowels, kidneys, nose, throat, mouth and ear. Carpets, furniture in sick rooms, clothing of patient and clothing of nurse, toys, books, flowers, and even domestic als are sources of infection and have conveyed the disease to others. Mild cases of scarlet fever are just as Infectious as severe one3, and require the same measures to prevent spread ing. Children who have recovered from the disease should not be allowed to sleep with other children until three months have elapsed. The patient should be kept in . . .1 1 f room apart irom oinor meuiueio ui the family, and attended by one nurse, who must be quarantined with the patient. Persons who are unavoidably in close contact with the patient should use an antiseptic gargle four or five times a day, and a nasal spray twice a day as a preventive. In retrard to ouarantine : All cases of scarlet fever must be kept isolated from contact with the general public for a period of six weeks from the hecinnincr of illness, as they are j sources of infection during that time. Healthv persons from an infected house must not attend any day school, Sunday school, entertainment, or other public assembly during the existence of scarlet fever in the family After recovery from scarlet fever, the patient before mingling with other children should have at least two dis infectant baths, the whole body and scalp being thoroughly scrubbed, and the hair, if long, cut short. The entire house and all infected clothing must be thoroughly fumigated after an attack of scarlet fever. The Formalde hyde lamp is tho most efficient disin fecting agent. At present the malady is apparently declining, as no now cases have been reported for several days excepting in families already infected. All existing cases are efficiently quarantined, and it is confidently hoped there will be no further spread of the disease. W. S. CARY, Health Officer. L Be sure that this picture in the form ot a labw is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy. SCOTTC& B OWN E CHEMISTS 409 Pearl Street NEW YORK yc. and $i ; all drugiata Teacher's Examination. Notice is hereby given that the county superintendent of Polk county will hold the regular examination of applicants for state andcounty papers at Dallas, Oregon, as follows : FOR STATE PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, February 8, at nine o'clock a. m., and continuing until Saturday, February 11, at four o'clock p. m. Wednesday Penmanship, history, spelling, algebra, reading, school law. Thursday Written arithmetic, the ory of teaching, grammar, book-keep- ng, physics, civil government. Friday Physiology, geography, mental arithmetic, composition, physi cal geography. Saturday Botany, plane geometry, general history, English literature, psychology. FOR COUXTY PAPERS. Commencing Wednesday, February at nine o'clock a. in., and continuing until Friday, February 10, at four clock p. m. lurst, Second and Third Grade Certificates. Wednesday Penmanship, history, orthography, readincr. Thursday Written arithmetic, the ory of teaching.grammar, physiology. Jjnuay treography, mental arith metic, school law, civil government. Primary Certificates. Wednesday renrnanship.orthoerra- phy, arithmetic, reading. Ihursday Art of Questioning, the ory of teaching, physiology. C L. STARR, County School Superintendent. i BUSINESS LOCALS T For a guod job of wagon repair.., rro to N. Hughes, Dallas, Or. Dentist. Office over Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon, n.,. f the best horse-shoers in the state willbefoundworking atWagner Ta'shon. Give him a trial and be convinced. Go and see those fine bath tubs, sinks and lavatories at Wagner Bros. a flrsr.e.lass plumber is in their em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your work. Wagnor Brothers invite you to call inspect their stock of bath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on tne w o They have engaged the services of t first-class plumber, and would b( pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind t , hmisB store or office. The finest and most skillful work guaran teed. Team and Wagon For Sale. waeron and harness for sale; AMine wnoron. nearly new. Isaac Elliott, Dallas, Or. Goats for Sale. nannies and one billy; Ten eleven animals for $40, Dallas, Oregon. the Plato Mcfee, Found. Found, in Dallas, a Masonic pin. Owner can have same by proving property and paying for this notice. Warrant Lost. Lost, Polk county warrant No. 3495, drawn in favor of W. D. Elkins for $4. Finder will please return to J. R. Marks, or to this office. All Warning to Trespassers. persons are hereby warned against shooting on our premises, or going upon the same with guns. Violators will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Frank Rowei.l, W. H. Krabkb. Farm For bale. A 5C5-acro farm, near Ballston, for sale; or will trade for a smaller farm, with difference in cash or good notes. A fine chance for some one who wants a large farm. Over 400 acres in cul tivation. As good land as there is in Polk county. Dan P. Stotjffer, Dallas, Oregon Notice I have a new, superior improved band-cutter and feeder, and want an engine of from 16 to 20 horse power to drive same. If any one has an engine, please calland eee me and make arrangements to thresh together. THOMAS ELLIOTT, Dallas, Oregon. Wood Wanted. Notice is hereby given that, by order of the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, sealed bids will be received at the County Clerk's office for 50 cords of clean, straight, oak-grub wood and 30 cords of body-fir wood ; grub wood to be not less than 2 inches in diameter; wood to be delivered at the courthouse in Dallas on or before September 1, 1905. Bids will be opened W ednesday, February 1, 1905, at one 0 clock p. m. Court reserves the right to reject any and all bids. E. M. SMITH, County Clerk. C O 00 Pa's for tne OBSERVER 4) and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Observer must, h paid up to date. Subscribe now. Stammering Cured I guarantee to cure any case of stammering stuttering. or My cures are permanent and my terms are reasonable. Pupils, on leaving my school, talk as though they had never stam mered. For particulars address M. L HATFIELD, 130 Eleventh St., Portland. Ore. FOimnoIETTAIt FOIEYSKlKflYCDIS OUR SILVERWARE meets every requirement for time and wear. We select it according to standard and buy from factories whose produce has renowned repu tation. We have a large stock of Tea Sets, Knives and Forks, Spoons Carving Sets and many other pret ty silver novelties. A GOOD CLOCK is an enjoyable possession and it costs no more than the other kind Wears much longer and expense of repairs are less. Of course, I vouch for their-time qualities as I know what a good clock is. The experi ence of many year's buying affords me the world's best makes. CARE OF THE EYES I have made a study of the eyes for years and fit your eyes with glasses successfully. Prices reasonable C H. MORRIS Jeweler and Optician. Main Street, . Dallas. Oregon DEALER IX LIVESTOCK r.uys and ships Hoes. M,m.. tockbheep. Highest market""" paid at al DALLAS, times. R. F. D. SO. 1, OREGOX WALNUT TREES FOR SALE For English Walnut BROOKS a SONS Walnut Xurserv r V 3 ' Carlton, Oregon LOOK HERE Hi """fca 0ki If you want goods at 'IT. isu: Tal n d JUSt aim,, Mr your .own price, you can get g now Ut .pr San K 2nd r. 1 The BIG Do iitu ST0 uw Che last ip ont We are busy taking stock want to get rid of all Winter :ire Goods on hand, and are gojn, bel to sell them cheap. When we 3al announce a reduction, . o not sav: You Know We Mean What We Say. 3on 1. IS la1 puli on rap; le. eap tetl RTar ilroi on COMTi: EST rtlci AND SEFes Yours truly, 2ir. ved 8 S( sh urct illat ma ELLIS KEY1 Phone 246. MAIN Sit it. jna 13 t -m t t ihe J. J. VANURSDEL CCJf DEALERS IN timber and Tarm Lands and Citv Pr PROPRIETOK OP n Dallas flcctrtf uc :er Office on Court Street. C Dallas, Oregon. in O. H. COBB O. H. COBB & SO!, MANUFACTURERS AND REPAIRERS OF ttlagon$, 0arriaae$, Busies m 1 norse siwiita ana now wwa )v on :oo We have one of the best Shoers in the State. New and second-hand rigs to sell or traae. Phone Farm 320. North Daft Ci 1 yj-. ,00 1 101 ANNOUNCEMEj re; REGINNING Saturday January continuing until further notid will have special Saturday Sales on som or lines of staple merchandise. HaVf,u 11 ; gains every day in the weeK but so Extra Special for Saturdays. ' h to make these sales attractive by - f.' bargains which the public cannot 's appreciate. Towels Come First, Saturday' NO POLLOCK'S CASH STORE UGLOW BLDQ. - . V",