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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1904)
FREE WORLD'S FAIR TOUR A World's Fair Excursionto St. Louis and return, and $100 additional expense money. Contest Now Open PRIZE Will be awarded to uuy lady in Polk Couuty receiving the highest vote. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. HWE GIVE COUPONS; "'!" "r with every 25c purchase. - . The Bee Hlv gtor Dry Uoods-Clothirig Shoes T. A. Biggs Groceries Gny Brothers Hardware Frank X Chapman Furniture The Hub Clothing Store Exclusive Men's Furnishings A. II. Harris -Jeweler Optician Miss Bertha Collins The Leading Milliner Meiser & Meiser Crockery Notions Lee Smith '8 Cyclery Bicycles liepairing Sundries Frank Fuchs Star Bukery Dallas Ice and Cold Storage Co. Cold Storage Meats Walter Williams Cigars Confectionery Ico Creum Heath & Cornea Exclusive Paints Wall Paper DALLAS ART STUDIO... Orders taken for Oil and Watercolor Paintings, Crayon Portraits from photographs, and nil kinds of Pyro graphic work. Lessons given in Painting, Drawing, Pyrography and Embroidery. MRS. M. E. WEAVEB, Aiitlst. Studio at residence, West of College. KILL the COUCH and CURE the LUNGS WITH Or. King's Nov Discovery F0RC CONSUMPTION OUGHS and JOLDS Price 50c 4 $1.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUB LES, or MONET BACK. Flour and Mill Feed of all kinds. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cneeriuincss suuu disappear when the kid neys are out ot order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urn- ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age; when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of th difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition oftthe kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis c.rahle with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy The mild and the immediate effect Swamp-Root is soon realized bv drueeists, in fifty- cent and one dollar? f It is sold sizes, rou may nave atws sample bottle ty man he.?., also namDhlet tell- Home of Swamp itoot. inc all ahout it. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer h Co.. Binchamton. N. Y.. be sure and mention this paper. Portland and Return Only $2.50 The Southern Pacific is now sell ing round trip tickets to Portland from Dallas tor !f2.rU, good going Saturday P. M. or-any train of Sun dav. returning Sunday and Mon day, giving all day Sunday and Monday in Portland. The pame ar rangemenl applies from Portland giving all Portland people a chance to visit valley points at greatly re duced rates. Call on Southern Pacific Com pany's agent for particulars. The Gram TOWER'S POMMEL SLICKER HAS BEEN ADVERTISED AND SOLD FOR A QUARTER OFACENIURY. LIKE ALL ?S CLOTHING. It is made of the best material, in black orellow. fully f u&r&ntccd. and sold by reliable dealer everwhere. SUCH TO THE 51GN Of THE FISH. T0WBR CANADIAN CO, lunihd. A. J. TOWER to. OJTON.HAJJ.UVV is h Eastern Railroad P.M. TIME CARD NO. 26. No. 2 for Yaquina Leaves Albany 12:45 LAWN and FIELD SEEDS HoitsB Medicine and Stock Food of all kinds We buy Wool, Hides, Furs and Tallow Old Hand Hall Corner J. L. Castle, . Dallas, Oregon Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. TIME-TAHLK, Eflretlvu April 1. Dully except Sunday, WeitlloiiiiiJ: A.M. P.M. I.Y. DALLAS 7:30 :20 Truti' Hiding 7;.t Olllluni 7M9 1:39 llriittreport 7:.r5 1:43 Ar. KAU.H CITY 8:05 l:;,- KHtllouinl: A.M. P.M. I.V. FALLS CITY ai 4:&" BtiilKi'fiorl y.UO 4:45 (illlUinii U::I6 4:,-,x Tenti' Silling ii:OT 4:51 Ar. DALLAS 9:M 5:10 Triiliu Stop on Slgnnl only. L. UKKMXiiER, Jr., Oi'Ut-ral MaiiHKvr. Leuves Corvallis 1:45 P.M. Arrives Yaquina 5:40 P.M. No. 1 Returning Leaves Yaquina 7:15 A.M. Loaves Corvallis 11:30 A.M. Arrives Albany 12:15 P.M. No. 3 for Detroit Leave Albany 1:00 P.M. Arrives Detroit C :00 P.M. No. 4 from Detroit Lea vo Detroit ... C :30 A.M. Arrives Albany 11:15 A.M. Train No. 1 arrives in Albany in time to connect with the S. P. south bound train, as well as giving two or three hours in Albany before depart ture of S. P. noi th bound train. Train No. 2 connects with the S. P. trains atCorvallis and Albany giving direct service to Newport and adjacent beaches. Train No.3 for Detroit, Breitenbush and other mountain resorts leaves Albany atl :00 p. m., reaching Detroit about (i .00 p. in. For further information apply to EDWIN STONE, Manager. T. COCKIIELL, Agent, Albany. 11. H. CRONISE, Agent, Corvallis HAZELW00D ICE CREAM Wo aro solo agents in Dallas for this celebrated cream. Only pure fruit and nut flavors used in its manufacture. SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOR SALEM LAUNDRY. Walter Roy, "STSE Dallas, Ore. V O. M. COBB o. w. O. H. COBB & SON COBB II s 1 4 s MAM' FACTVR F-ltS SD KKVAIUEHS OF m$m, Carriages, Buggies and Tarn machinery ficrse Slwing ana Flew Ulerka Specialty. We have one of the best Shoors in the State. New and second hand t igs to sell or trade. N pnone arm 329. North Dallas, Oregon Si DR. DARRIN COMING!! AN Dr. ANNOUNCEMENT THAT WILL INTEREST MANY Darrin, the Eminent Specialist Has Just Returned From Europe and Will Visit Dallas, Oct. 30 to Dec. 4, Stopping at Hotel Gail. Many Know His Mode of Treatment. While adverse to drawing the atten tion of our readers to any advertise ment which partakes of a medical character, we feel more than justified in overriding this objection with respect to the announcement of the visit of Dr. Darrin. This far-famed physician, lately from Europe, who has achieved such a great reputation throughout the coast and the Northwest the past six teen years, has been prevailed upon, by urgent requests of many in this yicinty, to visit Dallas, as they could not afford by their time and business to consult him in Portland. The doctor has at last consented to visit this city to accommodate the sick and afflicted, and his office will be at the Hotel Gail. Those wishing to see the doctor will find it to their advantage to consult him while here, and during the first part of his stay, as many require more than ODe treatment of electricity. He comes laden with testimonials from the whole Northwest and the authentic reports of some of his cures seem nothing short of miraculous So many thousands are already ac quainted with his mode of treatment it seems unnecessary to state that he uses little medicine in the majority of cases, and perfects his cures by the wonderful power of electricity. There are few ills to which the hu man flesh is heir, which cannot be relieved and generally permanently cured by Dr. Damn's electrical treat ment, and cases that have resisted the efforts of 'ordinary physicians, have yielded to his power. These cases em brace almost every form of disease, and, as said before, no man, woman or child need despair or relief or cure while Dr. Darrin offers his invaluable services, The doctor is prepared to test and lit eye glasses to any desir ing them. Unlike other physicians who have become prominent in their profession the doctor's charges are exceedingly moderate and reasonable, according to circumstances and ability to pay at the rate of $3 a week or in the propor tion of time required, and he will not undertake any case that he cannot cure or benefit. Consultation is tree to all. Should there be cases that are ncurable, he will immediately dis cover them on consultation, thus sav ing patients any further expediture of time and money, which they might otherwise squander. GAIN IN POSTAL RECEIPTS iBocause the liver isS IT'Jr nprrlectrd people suffer Nearly Every Office In Oregon Shows Marked Increase Over Pre ceding Year. With few exceptions, every Presi dential postoflico in Oregon shows a marked gain in postal receipts for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1004. There have been a few instances of falling off in receipts, but very few. This almost universal growth of postal business is an unfailing evidence of prosperity. Postal receipts and bank showings corneas near indicating the public pulse as any facts and figures can show, and the showing in the Northwest is gratifying to the extreme, says Friday's Oregonian. The forthcoming annual report of the Auditor for the Postofflce Depart ment gives the gross receipts of all Presidential offices during the past fiscal year. Below are given the re ceipts of the Oregon offices, compared with the receipts of the year preceding : 1903 1901 Portland 301,439 353,293 Salem 25.251 Astoria 15,139 Baker City 14,974 Eugene 13,242 Pendleton... 13,910 Albany 10,205 The Dalles 10.828 LaGrande 8,753 Ore fro n Citv 7.584 Ashland 7,702 Roseburg 8,151 Graut's Pass 7,173 Sumpter 9.09G MeMinnville 6,213 Corvallis. 6,150 11. ... ..linn Kl lAIICtnOSa. Id headaches and" fevers. Colds attacK r '! trie lurus anu cuhuikiuuo uiow.. y take hold of the svstem. It is safe fev ir. ., iu.t if tlm livpr were always & ter.t in uroner working order, "I illness would be almost unknown. V V rl...-.lrTWanrrlif. 13 Rft r:- r..t : cMmr'-s ; j BUCCes&Ut I'l turnip outu "-- ?- because it is without a rival as a H! liver regulator. This grcwfamilv S.i medicine is not; a tsirimK ui drastic drug, but a mild and f!i healthful laxative that cures con W Etipation and mav be taken by a g-j mere child without possible pi harm. 1 1 The healthful action on the liver H) mrea biliousness. It has an in vigorating ciloct on the Kiuneys. Because the liver and kidneys do not work regularly, the poisonous acids along with the waste from the bowels get back into the blood and virulent contagion results. Timely treatment with Thed ford's Black-Draught removes the dangers which lurk in constipation, liver and kidney troubles, and will positively forestall the inroads of Bright'3 disease, for which dis ease in advanced stages there is no cure. Ask your dealer for a 25c. package of Thedford's Black- Draught. ft COURT HOUSE NOTES. PROBATE J. G. VanOrsdel & Son Hood Eivt Med ford Marshlleld Forest Grove Cottage Grove. . , Union Heppner Dallas Yineville Newberg Ontario Hillsboro Silverton Klamath Falls.. Independence. . . 5,036 5,046 4,709 3,359 3,680 3,620 4,014 3,642 3,380 3,022 2,221 2,839 2,604 2,514 Mount Angel 1,192 DKAI.ERS i. K Arlinj !! Leban p Ctafcr ana Tarn Eands and City Property. riktor of Dallas electric Eiofct Plant PHOi'l h r- t,f&2 Office on Court Street. Dallas, Oregon. Tillamook Lakeview. . . F.lgin Woodburu. . Burns rton non Moro. Huntington.. Miiion 2,324 Athena i,x;i Coquille Junction City Wa-w Jacksonville 2,895 2,607 2,511 2,433 2,505 2,504 2,285 1,199 2,172 25,521 16,871 16,448 14,551 13,891 10,630 10,481 9,038 9,170 8,381 8,089 7,907 7,290 6,907 6,600 5,839 5,383 5,182 4,222 4,200 4,023 3,936 3,848 3,654 3,435 3,370 3,278 3,083 2,973 2,833 2,718 2,713 2,703 2,693 2,688 2,655 2,564 2,423 2,395 2,334 2,206 2,201 1,315 1,190 1,139 1,115 Estate of Henry Hill, deceased Martha A. Hill appointed adminis tratrix ; petition to sell certain personal property granted. Estate of Gilbert McCabe, deceased final report set for hearing Novem ber 26, at 10 o'clock a. m. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. W -N Prather et ux to F C Mc Reynolds et al, 40 acres, 1 10 s, r 4 w, $1600. W B Barnett et ux to I H Freani, lot in Mod mouth, $20. Mark Hayter et ux to James Boyd ston, 3.62 acres, t 7 s, r 5 w, $126.70. J E Wilson et ux to J H Burton, 16.50 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w, 8800. J W Hiltibrand et ux to W Milledge, tract in t 8 s, r 4 w, $500. J J Wick et ux to C Kramer, east half lot 1, block M, south side, Falls City, $95. Polk County Bank to W N O'Kelley, lots 1, 2, 3, block F, Damon's add to Monmouth, $60. C Fuqua and hd to W N O'Kelley, lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, block F, Damon's add to Monmouth, $125. D G Dove to H Hirschberg, 9 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w, $1. M L Dorris to H Hirschberg, 39.50 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w, $2. B F Whiteaker et ux to H Hirsch berg, 46.80 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w, $280. Florence Wagoner to II Hirschberg, 160 acies, t 8 s, r 7 w, $1. C L Jones et ux to H Hirschberg, 18.50 acres, t 8 s, r 4 vv, $350. A A Cattron to H Hirschberg, 40 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w, $400. Robert Steele to J M Jones, lot 5, block 7, Hill's Independence, $950. Emma D Fennell and hd to Jacob and Charles Brown, lot 3, block 24, Hill's Independence, $800. J T Osboru et ux to Thomas Sulli van, lot 3, block 26, Thorp's Inde pendence, $200. J T Bowman et ux to A H Wolf. 13.24 acres, t 7 s, r 3 w, $700. Alfred Kirkland et ux to W O Meador, lots and tracts in Monmouth, $1. united states to .Lynn iu Jones, 160 acres, t 7 s, r 7 w, patent. W C Brown to H Hirschberg, 24.51 acres, t 8 s, r 4 vv, $25. F A Patterson et ux to K C Eldridge, lot 5, block 1, Hill's add to Hill's Independence, $1. J N Jones et ux to II Hirschberg, 31.50 acres, t 8 s, r i w, $1200. W W and Viola Lucas to J N Jones, 31.50 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w, $1102.50. J II Hawley et ux to H Hirschberg, 3.50 acres, Henry Hill d 1 c, $300. John Osborn et ux to D G Dove, 9 acres, t 8 s, r 4 w, $114. The Margarita Fischer Company, the favorites, played a 3-night engage ment at the opera house, beginning Monday. Each evening the house was well hlled, and the frequent applause indicated a well-pleased audience. Manager Fischer has no band this time, but the sum necessary to pay the expenses of a band has been devoted to the betterment of the repertoire. They will return again in January. MeMinnville Reporter. of Railway Employes. Mate Labor Commissioner 0 P. Hoff has been working up data ccnei fug tie labor statistics of the railwaj Ss of Oregon, showing the number of men employed, hours o laboi. wages, and other matters of intoiest in his published Pf;'fln following data of the Dallas & PUj City Railway Company: passenger and freight conductoi , 20 days, 10 hours, at $75 per month passenger and freight brakcmauM davs, 10 hours at $2 per day; 1 pass enger and freight engineer, 26 davs, 10 hours, at $90 per month; 1 section f,..m..n 30 davs. 10 hours, at $00 pel 96 davs. 10 montn o ha-uuu . h i,t i.7S per day; 1 station agent, 26 days, 10 hours, at $40 ; 1 hre- ..jnMr oi davs. 10 hours man unu cuf,"1"'' ' at $2. Total. 12. Bi hit- "Her Father's Crime" - plaving to packed houses everywhere, ta-erown strawberries and red the Salem market are l a.-?i'"-1 a daily occurrence. Grown A u franco, east of the city.- Journal. Mrs S. P. Kimball left Friday after noon for St. Louis, whenco she pro ceeds to Boston to spend the winter with her daughter, Miss Horteiise a.-hn ia mirsiiincf lior musical IVllllUllLI, I' I l studies there. Salem Journal. by A. -Salem BRIGHT'S DISEASE. The largest sura ever paid for a pre scription, changed hands in San Fran cisco. August 30. 1901. The transier in volved in coin and stock $1 12,600.00 and was paid by a party of business men for a specific for Bright's Disease and Dia betes, hitherto incurable diseases. Thev commenced the serious investi iiation of .the specific Nov. 15, 1900. They interviewed scores oi the eured and tried it out on its merits by putting over three dozen caseB on thfi treatment and watching them. They also got phy sicians to name chronic, incurable easeB, and administered it with the physicians for judges. Up to Aug. 25, eighty-seven ner cent of the test cases were either well or progressing favorably. There being but thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. The proceedings of the investigating committee and the clinical reports of the test cases were published and will oe mailed free on ap plication. Address John J. Fulton Company, 420 Montgomery St., San Francisco, Cal. The Willamette Valley Favorites. The Margarita Fischer Co, in "Her Father's Crime." Monday evening, Oct. 31. Beautiful Columbia River Folder. The passenger department of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Com pany has just issued a beautiful and costly panoramic folder entitled "The Columbia Jiiver, through the Cascade Mountains, to the Pacific Ocean." From Arlington to Portland and from Portland to the Pacific Ocean, every curve of the river and every point of interest are shown, while Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams, and Mt. St. Helens, per petually covered with snow, stand out in their beauty. On the back of the map is an interesting story in detail of the trip from Huntington to Port land and from Portland to the ocean, not overlooking the beaches and the San Francisco trip by ocean. A copy of this folder may be secured by send ing four cents in stamps to pay postage to A. L. Craig, General Pass enger Agent of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company, Portland, Ore gon. By sending the address of some friend in the East, and four cents in postage, the folder will be promptly mailed. YEARS' SO Aw EXPERIENCE Be sure to go and see the improve ment of Miss Fischer in her chosen profession since her last appearance in Dallas. Dallas Iron Works W. C. JACKSON, Mgr. MANUFACTURING, and all kinds of REPAIRING. BIDS AND CONTRACTS given on all kind3 of work. ; ; Drawings and Estimates Given. All Work Guaranteed Foot of Mill St. DALLAS, OREGON. Street Improvement Notice. pnssaneof an ordinance req irinl theP n nmi 6 nient of those certain streets ck part, nf T.f" 1 iul city, adjacent to oi .djofninJ A" in below described Co tn ?7 '' i" E"CeB:'.K,d',in 'he "KtolWS to wn B the construction of new sideu. l- -feet im-hes wide (1) on the Fast side nfu . 0 street adjoinine Lots n l Jf-?e. J LHl'reole Homesten.1 addit on to ball.,',' oH the W est side of Church street i l' (J) 01 sideof Washington streets i, n Vh.e?ut' bloct No. on Levens 1st .17 "'" 5 , ft0- . to pKllas; (3) certain parcel of pround described lis beeinni,! at the .V t . corner outlot a. n.iu. ."lnl" c " . " ue,or Jla,P reet adjoir.inS Vh': I"!!", lheni;? wh feet "Vet to R R Linen-finish visiting cards for sale at this office. Trade Marks Designs COPVRIGM-Mt Af Anrone wirtlng a sketch and description mn H'lt.-klT luw-ertsin our opini-m free whether in invention n pthM patentable ConimnniMi. tnmmirictlFCotin.lenttiO. Maodb-Ytkoo Patent aoni fre- tMt ak-Biicr tor securing- patent!: Ptenta taken tbroush Jtlunn loTrecetVa tjwrvU matte, without chanja, ta the Scientific JInerlcan A bandsomelr I1hitrate weeklr. Ttrtret cir ralation of n scteiitulc tnsmal. Terms. 3 rer: foap montha, IL gold by ail TtewsdeaiersT f,iOCo.36,BN8wycr!( BraovJi Oflwe. SS T St, Waahlngioo. IX U K P. o . b.: -"and I 4) o the "it K'i, to nee. will be nrnrmpin f O t ,c.... . r"-iJ n ) ill- Tht the fiiv Crtn;i . i-t i - . win sit in th fr, ti v uaiuoeria said Citv on thp 7th H.vf X- 11 . "eiermine Ob'ections nH . ur thereto, if ,nv therebe-n,? d monstrancei s in interest iiv n ..., -, r iiiu mnw should not be coi-strncti ny 'm "walks I one by orderof the Citv iiereimer prescribed h That th assess. to . hi.,"1 .. ""a . si'lewa 1 k niir ami fimiTtin SADDLES. i have iUBt received a Fine New Stock of Harness and Saddles and invite you to call and examine them aa to Bty le worknianBhip and price. I have the finest line of saddles ever shown in 1 oik county. They are strictly "down-to-date" in every respect. HORSE BLANKETS A biu assortment prices according to Quality all fitted with "Double Hur- cincles " a w fture whluh every horseman will readily appreciate. Oome and see them. HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and ROBES. Frank A. Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS. ORE. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stiite of Oregon for I'olk County, Depiirtmeiit No. 2. II. Hirschberg, 1'liiintill, vs. Martha Sloper .....i :....nru w. N otter ner iuisuhiui, juiiu . u...r....i ...i.i Km inn Hurford his wife. George W Hurford mid Mrs. (ieorge W. Bnrl'ord his wife jli tiinimons unci Sylvester SimtnoiiH her litis i.tnid Thnnms J. niirtoril Hint sirs, j noiiias j u,t.;t i,ia wifi.. .1 M. Hurford and Laura Ktir r..i hw iiifi. lohn W. Sheltou, Thomas J cr.iuns. Herliert (iraves, (Jurtis M. Hhulton mid Mrs Curtis M. Shelton his wife. Grant Hhelton i ml' Mrs. Grunt Sliellon his wile, Hert 8heltou and Mrs Hert Shelton his wife, Mollis Hhelton and Mrs Hollis Shelton his wife, Arthur Hhelton and Mrs. Arthur Sliellon ins wue, anren niiei i,. and Mrs Alfred Shelton his wife, Lucy () ivii.rawpr mill Mr. Wisecarver her husbiind I ..mi Unarov nil d Mr. Hen rev her husband. A. 1), ibividson. Mrs. A. G. Nye, Aida Scovlllo and Mr. I nln Gruv nnd Calvin Scovillo. Defetidiints, " Tri Martha Slonermid Georgo V. Sloper her hiisbnnd. John M. Hurford and Kmrna Burford his wife, (ieorge W. Hurford and Mrs. Georgo W Hurford his wife, Julia Simmons imd Syl vi.'aicr Simmons her husband, Thomas J. Htir- tnrH nnd Sirs. ThomiiH J. Hurford his wife, J. M Hurford and Laura Burford his wife, John W Kiw.itnn Tliomas .1. Graves. Herbert Graves, Curlia M. Shelton and Mrs. Curtis M. Shelton liiswife.GriintSlielton and Mrs. Grunt Shelton his wife, Hert tfliMtim and Mrs. Hert Shelton his wife. HollirSheltoii and Mrs. IiolllsSheltoti his u iin Arthur Sht-lton and Mrs. A thur Shel ton his wile, Alfred Shelton and Mrs. Alfred Shelton his wife, Lucy O. Wise-carver and Mr. Wisecarver her husband, Lena Senrey and sir. Searcy her husband, A. l. Davidson, Mrs. A. G. Nye, Aula scovlle, Mrs. Lola Gray and (Jal vln Scnville the above named defendants. In the name of the State of Oregon : You and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the amended complaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit in the above hiinied court on or before six weeks Ironi the date of the II rst service of this summons upon vou bv the publication thereof and if you fail, neglect or refuse so to appear and answer the it aintill will lake a decree against you prayed for iu his complaint herein, to-wit: that pliiintit! is me owner in lee simple anu en titled to the possession of the following real nreinisct to-wit : The South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 11 in Township M South oi Knnge 4 west oi trie win aier. in I'olk County, Oregon, and tht't you and each of vou be by said decree torever barred and en joined from claiming, any right, titleor interest in or to sain rein premises or any pari inereoi. and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet with equity. This summons is published for a period of six weeks in the i'olk County Observer, by order ol Hon. Ed r . Load, Judge of the County Court of I'olk County, Oregon, made at chambers at Dallas, Oregon, on the 27th day of September I'.iOI. lhe date of the first publication is September ;(U, 1 'JO 1 , and the date of the last publication will be November 11, IDOL SI .LEY & liAKIN, Attorneys for plaintiff scar Hayter UPBtair, InCampben . DALLAS, l jttornbysat UVj Sibley & t; , . The only Polkcountv nBet0f DALLAS, Jk TTOBKEY AT LAW Ed- P. Coad DALLAS0"1"1"00 Ot; A TTOBNBY AT LAW, Office overDalia,clt j DALLAS, ,h' Notice For Publication. Land Ollice at Oregon City, Oregon. October 8. llMJI. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has liled notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tnat wild proof will be made belore County i.iers. oi roik t ounty, at Dallas. Oregon, on .November ill, mul, viz: Sherman L. Schooley II. 15. No. 121 for the S. W. J: of 8. W. i of See, 2'2, T. 7 S., K. (I VV, lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of suid land, viz; Stell McCarter, of Dallas, Oregon: William KotI, of Dallas, Oregon ; (ieorge ociuy, oi lianas, uregon; o. vt. Dunn, ot Dallas Oregon. ALGERNON S. DKKSSKR, Register. Notice of Final Settlement. notice is hereby given that Adolph Aebi as administrator of the estate of Anna M. Bigler, i-v.. ooc.i, nun nieu in me uouniy i;ourl of the state oi Oregon, lor I'olk County, his linal ac- c mul as hucu aiiministralor, and that Saturday. ine jMin day ol October, 1U01, at the hour of one uciockp m.oi said day, has been appointed bv the Judge of said Court as the time for the hearing ol objections to the said final account and the settlement thereof. All persons are therefore required to appear at said time and .u.r muse, n any exist, why said account "ra "Ul "pproveu ana tne said adminis trator discharged. Dated this 21th day of September, 1!)(M ADOLP1I AEBI, Administrator of the estate of Anna M. Higler, deceased. Notice For Publication. Land Ollice at Oregon City, Oregon. , . September 17. 11KJ4. toil !.l,ven t't th following- rnntnboK i ,mB"!LU nonce oj ins intention thi ! ft . !'ro" " 8Upport of ,,i8 uI,li'n. v!?, ... 1 V,lk, Coy. t Dallas, Oregon, on i0,er,.1"0-1' ,V1Z.:. Htllien D. Hubbard k w y of Seu-4' T- 8 He uanics his continuous ot said land gon : w ti the following witnesses to prove ius residence upon and cultivation .. jonn .Martin, of Dallas, Ore- Hll-d. (if llQlK.a t . . ... 7tiaon;. DHurneVt,of ALGERNON S. DRESSER, Register Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby given that I. Alice V Twn the e'stife of n8"' n?""' administratiix of w Con atv K " Tw,,scn'1' deceased, by Folk conmv S ' thV st,lte of 0rK Lid es at . "? "S claims against me wooer KIh "ud 0 ','reBent tlle sa"' to o liie of' t Ly ?Tl' v? 8.8.b; la "'Quired, at the ALICE E. TOWNSEND, Admin stratrix of the estate of J. N. Hart, Atlony ' rwllseild-eeeased. Notice of Final Settlement. "'adnTiiS? the undersigned, o'clock iii 'thL ""-"'"er, i;i04. at the hour of 10 Courfr, omhof tTd'J'on nn ?M ad th" pointed bv the Jndwoi J tZl hm 6een." and place for the ! lfea?i,fS n f-8 lhe time said anal acc..i nt-nSS?.?bJ't'''n to the WIISON A. AYRr-jj ere the eVtate ofT ,witbiH annexed of Oscar HaneAorey"1 F"rley' Uated and tint published October 21, 1904. Executor's Notice. has been dniV V.n.nJhi-the. ""'l-rsigned . r r '""ii n HIM'limp nfthn "i II 11(1 imumaitt f xr "IC IKDI ceased, bv the "vc ,r 7 M ry J-'He" Vinson, de Oreeon for Polk comuv Al ' ,he State of m cause That a.l owners and other Demon ay attend at said time and i use if ,y tnt.v haVef iould not be constructed y 1 lt ness my hand and theofficinl .d Cty of Dall.s,,his l,h7ay of ( ! the nron. " v "lll7. "rifieil, together with I signed a Kiekrea Pnii or' to tne nnder ! iusix monuir.OW,n. with- . I t'ted this 16th dav of .VhIS (Seal) seal of th. October A. f DAX P. STOPi.-i.rD Auditor .nV,;.: "'- fr fcR Ci.yofDalia-eoflhe OnGUinatoCoushCurQ For Coughs, Cold, aCroip. ay of September, 1904 RAXK GIBSON-" XT an t . v "toau.l, I rank Holmes, Aiiorrfey " lor the ORSPDvcd and the Weekly Oregonian one year.- In order tr, tu advanuge of this liberal offer your 8ub9,ripUon to the Obkb austbepaidnptodate. Now U the time to eubscribe. Mr TTOItNEY AT LAW G- A- HURLEY u jiBtato, Loans and Notory Public INDEPENDENCE, lis; BNTI8T. M. Hayter, Office over Wilson'! n DALLAS, ml80n "Drills 06 pnYSIOAS AND SURG EOS, L- N, Woods, M,l Does general practice ln the county. Office on Mai ' DALLAS, 1 M. OLIVE SMIll teacher 'ol PIANO AND OEC; Studio, Room No. 2, Wife DALLAS, OREG05 R. C. Craven. Pres. R. E. Wllllamc Dallas titf, Kxchanges bought aniilia points. Special attention tttt lections. Wm. muscoit, Trucknian, Does hauling of all kinds at m rates. DALLAS, ORE LODGE DIRECTGB1 Masonic Caibdax. Jeuninga Lodge, So. 9, 1 " eomiuunications, Second Fourth Fridays oi each i' K. L. Chapman, W. It Ainsworth Chapter, So.' A. M., stated convocatiot Thursday of eath moniL J Oscar Hayter, H. P. WlLLIB SlMOW. TVjaonii Chupter, No, 22,0. El A "-meetings Second and Fort davs of each month. Mrs. Ella J. MetzqiM Mrs. Libbik Muir, Sec, I. 0. 0. F. Friendship I-odne.fc jStfhgaeverv Sittuniuy em. "'tiriS O. 0". V. Hall. -Kalph Hill, N. G. W, A.Aybb,! I kaCreole Encampment, m. "Second and Fourth Mcndi; month. v F. H, Morrison, U. f. ,i . FA.Stiw,s r, .ID Almira Lodge, ISO. w, v. every Friday evening. , .. Mrs. Pauline Williams, W Miss Mixa Woodmen of the1 t Dallas Camp, No. 209, Allows hall every Thurrit' VV. A. Aykes, C. C, . VV. G. Vassal" riiclp meets in utiu reuu nfl 1 Mistletoe Circle, Jp. . m.i. ; n,M Ke lows' ni and Fourth Wednesday of- Mrs. Nki.lte Tatoji, u. Mrs. Anny Deft Knights of the Mactf Dallas Tent, ?-3'F' and Fourth Thur sSr month in I. O. O.F , n T.l Tilac Hive, JNo. 2, Jj0u Second and Fourth Tb. noon of each month. Mrs. Eva Hayter, Mrs. Blanche t. m Union Lodge No. V" fM and Third VedneW. II. L. Fenton, M. VV. t. A. -n n ol I Crystal Lodge, o. y f irst ana 'lniru 1UUIHU. . .J Altck Groves, t. oi Au VWA v United Arts Assembly No. 4(5-meets day of each month. WlXLIS SlMOSTOJf, EllaJ, It. - Fraternal Union fti'1 e o. ii each month. VV. J. Wagner, .-u;,Al, Mrs. Ijodge "of ea Mrs. Independent1 niir it! t.odge 2nd and 4th Tuetf Hall. C. T.