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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1904)
Polk County Observer J. C. IIAYTER, KDITOR AND PUBIJ8HER, PubliflioJ Wwkly at 1.50 per Strictly In Advunce. Year. DALLAS, OK BOON. SkPtkmbkb 10, 1904. The way to build up Dallas ts to pat ronize Dallas people. Republican National TicKet FOR PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT, of New York. FOB VICE-PRESIDENT CHAS. W. FAIRBANKS of Indiana. For Presidential Electors : B. Dimiok, of Olaokamas county C. Hough, of Josephine county, N. Hart, of Polk county. A. Fee, of Umatilla county. Three cheers for Polk county, and three times three cheers for Mrs. F. A. Wolfe, who prepares the exhibits that make Polk county famous. Having won everything in sight attheOregon State Fair for two years in succession, Mrs. Wolfe will now devote her entire attention to the preparation of the ex hibit for the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion, In which work she will have the liberal aid and eucouragement of the County Court and every enterprising citizen of the county. This display will reprtsont Mrs. Wolfe's crreatott and best effort, and we can promise our neigh bor-j down Portland way that the Polk county exhibit at the big 1005 Fair will be one to which every Oregonian will take pride in calling the attention of Eastern visitors. The Grant's Pass Obsorver is soon tooccupy itsown building. A pleasing indication of prosperity. A. F. Miller is traveling over the state collecting moss to be displayed in the Oregon building attheSt. Louis Exposition. This will bo good news to the people who are paying for the exhibit. By all means, let us have a good showing of moss to go with tho panther skins and "Injun" blankets on exhibition in our log-cabin build ing at the big Fair. No matter if the Eastern people are delighted with, and want to see more of, our big red apples and luscious pears, juicy prunes and delicious peaches, mammoth potatoes and world-famed hops. Let Charley Galloway cry in vain for a fresh ex hibit of fruit and vegetables, butdon't neglect to send on more Indian baskets, coon skins, and good old Ore gon moss. Never mind what our rrrent resources are todav we want 'em to know what Oregon was like ninety-nine years ago." Busy duys in the Dallas sawmills, planing mill, foundry, handle factory, hop yards and prune orchards in fact, those aro busy days all over Polk county. The suggestion of Wallace Yates in Tuesday's Telegram that tho soldiers In the regular army be employed in patrolling tho forests and lighting timber fires in thedry summer months is not a bad ouo. Uncle Sam's soldiers have plenty of spare time that could be spent to a better advantage than in idling around tho barrucks. The Evening Telegram's Dullas correspondent says that hop pickers are dissatislled, and that "much com plaint is heard owing to the short season." If this Is true, the question naturally arises, what are they going to do about It? It is certainly not the fault of tho growers that the crop wus lighter thun usual, and it don't do auy good to kick at Provldeuco. Better cash your hop checks and look Bmlling. Tho Ohsekver dooan't be lieve there was much kicking, any how. It is altogether probable that the council will require all water closets uik! stuks iu tho business district to he connected with tho city sewers this Fall. An ordinance providing for this improvement is being prepared and it is not unlikely that it will be passed early in October. This is the ouly proper and sanitary courso to pursue. The Court und Mill street sewers are completed and paid for, and they should be put in use at once, The expense of connecting with the sewers will uot be great, and an ordi nauoe requiring connections to Ik- made with all property in the business district will be fair and equitable, aud will help materially in makiug Dulla a clean, healthy town. LET THE DEAD REST Dr. Embree Says Populist Party Mas Accomplished Its Work in Oregon. DALLAS, Or., Sept. 14-(To the Editor.) I see by the Daily Oregonian and from other sources that un effort is being , made by a few of the old guard of Populism to resurrect the the People's Party in Oregon. In my judgment, this is very unwise and un called for. Several of the geutlemen who have gone into this resurrection business were the ring-leaders who decoyed and betrayed the People's Party into that great national death trap of all progress and reform, the Democratic party. The greatest surprise is that Dr. Lindsay Hill, of Albany, joins hands with the arch-traitors who held up and assassinated the People's Party both in the nation and state, I deem this course of the Doctor to be more an error of judgment than one of bad motive. The Doctor, with myself and others, went with the People's Party to its grave ; in fact, the Doctor and I were the pall-bearers in Oregon. He ran for Congress.aud I was a can didate for Presidential Elector, while McMahan, U'Ren, Will King, and others were musteiing with the cohorts of Bryauism. Now, one funeral is enough for one corpse. We have all put off our funeral garments why dig up the old body? The same political misfits who now vaunt themselves to the front will sell out again if ever given an opportunity to do so. What Middle-or-the-Itoad Populist could ever con iide in such men as leaders? I am uot iu favor of making tails for Democratic kites. If Populists have no other mission than to help Demo crats of the Bryan type fight Re publicans, they would better take down their signs, close up shop, and quit business. 1 see tue same old cry, "won t ruse. Of course they won't fuse, when there is nothing worth fusing; but let the forces gather sufficient strength to be come a factor in deciding elections, and then the Democrats will annoint these "patriotic reformers" with the promises of a few offices and swallow them whole. We who believe In the reforms ad vocated in the Omaha platform have succeeded better in Oregon, especially in getting the Republican party to swallow our dose. Witness, the Initi ative and Referendum and the Direct Primary Law. A little Populist leaven has leavened the whole lump, and Populistio principles aro now lirmly fixed in the State Constitution. We don't need any more political parties in uregon, now tnat trie republican party nas taKcn tne light on our hands and is able, with its heavy majority, to carry our principles through for us. Now, understand me, I love Doctor Hill. I know him to be a true man one you can tie to and I have a fellow feeling for him. But the Doctor is getting into bad company. T. V. B. EMBREE. POLK WINS AGAIN There is every reason to believe that tho long-sought relief from burden some iusurance rates is uear at hand A representative of the Board of Underwriters of the Pacific was in town this week, and after making a thorough examination of tho new water-works, did not hesitate to ex press the opinion that Dallas has a splendid system of protection against tire. He will submit Ills report to the Board immediately, ami says the new Insurance rates may be expected in side of the next thirty days. This will be good news to our citizens, who fuel that afterexpending much energy and money in providing a bountiful supply of water for the protection of their property against the ravages of lire, they are ontitled to due consider ation at the hands of the insurance companies. Scrofula Few are entirely freeJrom it. It may develop to slowly at to canse little If any disturbance daring the wbole rlod of childhood. It may then produce Irregularity of the arnmacb and bowrls, dyspepsia, catarrh, and marked temiem-y to consumption before manifesting itself In mucocutaneous eruption or glandular awt'lling. li is best to be sun that you are quite lw from It, and for iu complete eradica tion you can rely on Hood's Sarsaparilla 33 boat ail afdiwlai for HI burners, County Exhibit Awarded First Prize at Oregon State Fair. Old Polk has again won the dis tinction of being the "Blue Ribbon County" of Oregon. The Polk county exhibit, prepared by Mrs. F. A.Wolfe, of Falls City, was awarded first prem ium in tho county exhibits at the Ore gon State Fair, Wednesday. Linn county camo second, with Marion, Washington, Benton and Lane follow ing in the order named. The awards wore made by J. N. Grieve, of Canada. It has been the practice in tho last row yoars to have tho county exhibits juugeu uy one man instead or two or three. Last year Professor George toote, of Corvallis, performed this service and Polk County was then awarded llrst place. Mr. Grieve was chosen its indue because lie is com petent and because. heinaaCanndinn. he has no local prejudice in favor of any couuty and no personal feeling wwaru y exnioiior. Polk county's premium is $300, and Linn county will receive $250. Marion gets $ 2K), Washington $150, and Ben- ion auu iane 100 each. Must Have License. Deputy Fish Warden H. A. Web ster, of Oregon City, was in in Dallas yestetdav looking for violators of the fish laws. Com piaiuts nave been made from tune to time to the Fish Vt a rden's office that certain parties are bringing ih out from the coast rivers and p"ddling mem irom nouso to house in iamhill and polk counties, without a license from the Fish Warden to do so. He states that he now has the names of several parties who have been violat ing the law in this respect, and that unless they comply with the law bv tkiug out a license to engage in sucn business, he expects to cause their arrest and prosecution. This is a state law and tho lowest line for such violation is $50. Reveals itself m many ways. Some times the impurities in the blood marlt and mar the skin with blotches, pimples, boils or other eruptions Sometimes the result oi uavi uwu rheumatism or a debili tated condition which is popularly described as 'feeling played out, hardly awe to drag myself around." The impurities and poisons which corrupt the blood, clog the liver and cloud the skin are removed by the use of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. It does more than eliminate the poisons ; it increases the activity of the blood-making glands so that there is increased supply of pure, body-building blood. It brightens the eyes, cleanses the skin, and gives new, physical energy. Accept no substitute for Dr. Pierce s Gold-n Medical Discovery. I thank. God for the good your medicines have done rae," writes Mr. James M. Sizeiiiore, of Mitchell. Lawrence Co., Ind., Box 501. "I was not well for two years. My throat was alwav.-isore, head ached, and back ached nearly all tiie time. Mv weight was 155 pounds I wa-i taken sick with typhoid fever, and when the fever left me I had such a pain iu my left side I could uot Dreatne wunoui paiu My wiie weni to must die. am. I the ' aud with 1 Pellets. the I at the pain soon left my in a weeic thought Golden Medictl Discovery aud a vial 01 nis I'i.isi it J'ellets.' 1 discontinued tne use ui mv Color s medicine and began (Sol.l .'i Medical Discovery nnrr - A t 1 fei?l better I -in i I could breathe with ease. n i r o-nod I could not stay in the room I bewail to walk about the streets ; I felt better each morninc After a mouth's use of the medi cine I was well. That was over a year a?o. Now I weigh 184 pound, and feel better than ;ver in my life." Dr. Pierce's PleasajW. Pellets cure coa stipation. CITY WATER IS PURE State Biologist Says Tests Made Are Highly Satisfactory. J BUSINESS LOCALS. Blank notes lor sale nere. vrr u inh of wason repairing, go to N. Hughes, Dallas, Or. Dr. Hayter, Dentist, ouut Wilson's Drug Store. Dallas, Oregon. the best horse-shoers in me state will bo found working at Wagner Bros.' shop. Give him a trial and be convinced. Go and see those fine bath tuns, sinks ano lavaioneo ? A first-class plumber is in men em ploy, and will satisfactorily do your worK. Wagner Brothers invite you to call and inspect their stock of tath-tubs, sinks, toilets, etc, as they now carry the largest stock on the West bide. They have engageu uie btuvca ui first-class plumber, and would be pleased to call and figure with you on any work you may have in the way of water pipes or plumbing of any kind for your house, store or office. The finest and most skillful work guaran- t3ed. Wanted. Ten thousand (10,000) bushels of prunes at my dryer in Dallas, as soon as tbey are ripe. Will either buy or dry them on the shares. Will give 12 pounds to the bushel. C50 New Hardware Store. The firm of Vaughn & Weaver are preparing to opeu a complete stock of hardware and stoves in the room ad joining their plumbing establishment on Mill street. The stock has been ordered, and the store will be open for Hiisiuetis wunin me next ten davs. l'liey will carry a large line of stoves. and will also handle ail kinds of shelf and builder's hardware. Their stock of plumbers supplies will be enlarged to meet the demands of a rapidly growing business. World's Fair Vote. Miss Nora Robertson 4XG Miss Rose Bronken 8TS Miss Hallie Reynolds ion Miss Lilly Baiter 376 "The people of Dallas may consider themselves indeed fortunate in having a fine mountain stream like Canyon Creek from which to draw their water- supply." said Prof. Albert K. Sweetser, state biologist, who was making tests of the purity of the city water in Dallas on Monday and Tuesday of this week. "While I have not com nleted mv analysis." he continued, ": can sav that the tests made so far are highly satisfactory, and I believe that the final result will show that Dallas is entitled to rank among the first cities of Oregon in the excellence of the water furnished to its inhabitants, .Prof. Sweetser has made tests of wuter in nearly every city in Oregon this summer, and the result of his in vestigation will be made public iu his forthcoming annual report, copy for which will soon be in the hands of the State Printer. While in Dallas, he secured an excellent picture of the big reservoir on the hill west or town, and this picture, together with a detailed description of the intake at Canyon (jreeK, win appear in nis report. Professor Sweetser was greatly inter ested in the filtration method by which water is taken from the mountain stream, and says that the plan is worthy of investigation by every town having a gravity water system. Kicked by a Horse. E. E. Gilliam, of the Gilliam & Johnson livery stable, was kicked by a horse Friday night, and is suffering with a sore leg. They were starting a team out of the stable, when one of the horses kicked viciously, striking Mr. Gilliam on the fleshy part of one of his legs, just below tho groin. The bono was not fractured, but the pain was very severe, and he will be laid up for several days. Salem Journal. Instructor In Music. The musical department of Dallas College will be in charge of Miss Olive Smith, of Dallas. The north west room on the first floor of the Dormitory will be used for the music studio, where Miss Smith will be pre pared to meet students on and after September 21. Do You Want Lumber? We have all kinds: also Moldings and everything needed in building. All made of soft Yellow Fir at lowest prices. Send us your specifications and get our figures. BRYAN-LUCAS LUMBER CO. For fcale. fresh with calf, the other to be fresh soon, also one yearling heifer, a lot of rutabagas and carrots. G. F. Weinmann, Dallas, Bridgeport Dist., Polk Co., Oregon. Goats For Sale. Sixty goats for sale half wethers aud half nannies; also, one registered Billy from the J. B. Stump herd. In quire of F. J. Coad or J. V. Lyons. Estray Notice. Strayed, from the L. Bilyeu hop yard, one light red cow : three years old; some roan hair in face; slightly curved horns. Will pay any expense of reporting find, cost of pasturage etc. 10 L. A. GUTHRIE. REAL ESTATE! 7H acres-Nice Homelike place, ;VodbuildinR8andfence to acivs in cultivation-lots of fine timber ..1. - lifHo Hnnse f acres wiin a kuuu and Barn-all fenced and under . .i.:..i;An rnl7 "T CUlUVIUiuu, Nice 13 acre tract, finely sit-uated-worth $50 per acre-only $ ii Fine 100 acre farm, well im proved ...m Well improved farm of 117 acres $2500 Finely improved farm of u ncrcs Stock Ranch 900-200 acres under cultivation-Can'tbe beat J00O Nice little Home of 15 acres $1100 Stock and Grain farm of 230 acres -a dick nailing goou piaiw " bargain. 1G4 acres 30 under cultivation i,..!i.i.-n,.Pann(vl a, erood placo -cheap as dirt-only w Here is the cheapest place 111 Oregon 81 acres, House, Barn, ,i tl,or imiirnvementS Worth annn -lnoot- fnrnnlv 'T ouo I have all classes of Ranches and Farms for sale I can suit you in quality or price. . HENRY CAHPBELL, DALLAS, OREGON. Notice to Hop Growers. See Vaughn & Weaver before buy ing Hop pipe. Guy Bros, old stand on Mill street. Notice. Having sold our meat market in Dallas, we desire to close our books as soon as possible. All persons in debted to us are requested to call and settle at the Marks meat market, where one of our firm will be present to receipt all bills. Mukhell, Haldeman & Gokke. Lost. A Corporation Rate Sheet, giving water rates in McMiunville, Portland, Pendleton, Salem and Dallas. Finder will please return to this office. Notice to Customers. For the remainder of the season, the Dallas Ice Factory will make only two deliveries of ice each day-one in the morning, and the other in the early afternoon. ,.tto FIDLER & MARKS. Wagon For Sale. Light 1 inch wagon, nearly new. Inquire of S. A. Housee, Dallas, Ore., or White Front Livery. Auction Sale. I will sell at auction sale my farm ing implements and livestock, next Wednesday, September 21, at Silas Kr,eS.onSo'r For Sale. Two Cotswold bucks, seven Angora buck kids, fifteen Poland China pigs. All of these animals are bred from choice registered stock. James Elliott, Dallas, Oregon. For Sale. A desirable home in the town of Dallas, Polk county, Oregon, consist ing of 24 acres of land; 12 acres in hops, good for 100 bales; quality always good. Two hop houses, large store room, one new Morrison hop press, good barn, dwelling house, plenty of fruit. For particulars, in quire of J. F. GROVES, Dallas, Oregon. ear Dem Bells!! RINGING THE CHANGES, Old Stock Out. New Stock In All seasonable goods well bought. SHOES DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS,WAISTINGS, HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, TABLE DAM ASK, NAPKINS, TOWELS, TOWELING, HANDKERCHIEFS, and many other lines. In Laces and Embroideries we lead the van. MOVE ANON. Pollock's Cash Store UGLOW BLOCK, DALLAS, ORE. if! ' ,1 m New Grocery Department . . i J? Wo have our New Store in the Grocer Department nicely arranged. '- They do say we sell our Groceries Without profit but you see we sell a great many0E them. We offer our customers the bestWee can get all the time, and our nripps ,.P very reasonable. 4 In the Big Store V we are now opening one of the finest stocks1 of General Merchandise ever offered in the: city. We especially excel in : : , Clothing and Shoes p and our prices are away below anything1" that you will find anywhere, and theft ill "Star Brand" and "Packard Shoes and Hoffman Rothschild Clothing. ft are the very best made. Hop Picking M r. (W en ht rt de i a ?a; ali will be here in a few days, and all Hop Checks illod be good at our store for 55 Cents po ito mi ?r m ill, m vjf Phone 246. IS S HEYT : yi; flAIN STREP, m to O. H. COBB o.w.t 0. H. COBB & SON MANUFACTURERS AND REPAIRERS OF mm, Garriaacs. Dwaaics and ?trnt mactt Rorse Slwina and Plow morka Specialty. - We have one of the best Shoera in the State. f New and second-hand riga to sell or trade. Phone Farm 329. North Dallas, Or? ( Wc !i;ivjiisj received a line line of icw Nobby Tailor-Marie Suits and Shirts and put t lie in on sale at the right prices. Also a new line of Men's Clothing, no shelf worn goods as we have never handled Clothing before. Come iu and see for yourself. We are agents for the celebrated American Beauty ' Corset All styles, priced at from 50c up THE RADCLIFFE SHOE for Ladies, sold here, is the $2.50 Shoe the market. Four styles to se lect from; widths B to E. - on New styles of golf Shirts Elk Head Brand ranging in price from 50C to $I5o These are dandies. If you want the best brand of Rubber Boots, buy the Myer boot, sold only by us. Clut of 36 pairs sold last year, we never had a complaint. Without a doubt the best boot on the market at the price. 5 C. DODSON & CO. 1 WE WANT YOUR TRAj at the Dallas Boot and Shoe Store ( f WALKOVER SHOES, FOR MEN ST. CECILIA SHOES, FOR LADS LADIES' AND MEN'S PATENT LEATHER SHOES. Also full line of Children's School Shoes, We Have the Hood Rubber Goods. DALLAS BOOT AND SHOE STfl MRS. J. C. GAYNOR, Proprietor. Repairing Neatly and Promptly Done. HAZELW00D ICE CREAH- We are sole agents in Dallas for this cel cream. Only pure fruit and nut flavors V its manufacture. SALEM STAGE OFFICE and AGENT FOB SALEM LA1 Walter Roy, uTBsC7' Dallas, ( -, -1 DAIXAS IRON WOj W. C. JACKSON, successor to Ed. Biddle- Anil Da uuu ucpailj Kinds. v -,TirT-,iT i-wvr ATT, OF WORK. lotlol Dyspepsia Curo C!;9U what you cat E?U"?te. Given. Foot of ORE"1'' uuaranieea . . CT UAH-""' .m