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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1904)
..... i. .. ' . I GOOD RACING PROMISED Meet at lrviogton Park, Portland, Will Open August 8. PORTLAND, Ore., July lS.-Que of the longe tia e meetings ever attempt ed in Oregon will open here on Augusts ami continue to August 28, and possibly through the first two weeks in Septemlver. A large force of workmen are rushing the work of get ting Irvington race track in shape for the corning meet. Already trainers and i ners are shipping their strings to the track, and the officers of the Arit.,m;ili Fair Association are pre paring to stable 500 horses, the pick or those now racing at Seattle. When I'resid.-nt A. E. Diamond and the rest of the Multnomah Fair Asso ciation officials talked of giving a week's racing last year, they were told frankly by the local horsemen that the racing game had received such a black eyt- in Portland that the public would not turn out to see them. In ...1 V fli spite of tins (Jiscouiagiuy wi -officials went on, gave the race meet ing, proved conclusively that horses could bo raced and raced honestly, and not only the people of Portland paid their money at the gate, but horsemen from all over the state attended the meeting. And when they retuned home they w.-re loud in their praise for the clean spurt which they had enjoyed, and of the liberal manner in which the books handled the odds on the races. This was all the encourage ment that the association wanted, and they began at once to plan for their 1904 August meeting. Most of the horsemen who raced here last fall declared when they de parted that nothing could keep them from returning. Not only have they kept their word, but they assisted in Ulling the stake book entries when it was sent to Oakland and Los Angeles. Originally the association planned only to care for 300 horses, but the de mands for stall room lecame so great that it was found necessary to build 200 nditional stalls. They have just been completed, and are the most modern and up to date stalls on the coast. They are constructed after those at Washington Park, Chicago, and at Saratoga, and are no arranged that sleeping quarters for the trainers and rubl)ers are in a sort of loft over the horses. Last year it cost the asso ciation to get Irvington into shape, and this year .700o more has been spent. The entire grandstand, the saddling paddock and the judges and timers' stand will be painted anew and every stall will receive a thick coating of whitewash. It is the intention of the association this year to give $ 10,000 away in purses for the stake events alone. This assures big fields in each of the events, and it will bring together some of the best horses racing on the coast. The Oregon Stakes, the first stake event of the season, closed with 5"2 entries, and among them are such horses as Misty's Pride, Step Around, who won the o'iiing stake event at Seattle; Lady Usk, Alljcrmarle and a large Dumber of other clever per formers. The big stake race of the meeting will be the Irvington handi cap, value Suuoo to the winners. For this money such horses as Modicum, Forest King, George Berry, Vetera no, Mr. Dingle and Gateway, and many others will face Starter Mulholland on August 20, the date of the race. Nearly half 1111 inch of rain fell in the Willamette Valley last week. Working Mght and Day. The bueieHt mill mightiest little thing that ever was intuit is Ir. King's New Life. I'illc. These pills change weakness into strength, listless-Mess into energv, lirain-tag into mental power. They're wonderful in huililing up the health t.'nly iNiiMi Ix.x . Sold hv 1U It A CLer 1 ins;toh. The Grand Lodge A. O. U in session in Portland. W. 18 BRIGHT'S DISEASE. I The largest sum ever paid for a pre-' ecriplion, changed hands in San Fran cisco, August 30, 1001. The transfer in volved in coin anil stock $112,500.00 and was paid bv a party of business men for a specific for llright's Disease and Dia betes, hitherto incurable diseases. They commenced the serious investi gation of the specific Nov. 15, 1P00. They interviewed scores of the cured und tried it out on its merits 1 y putting over three dozen cases on tb treatment and watching them. They also got phy sicians to name chronic, incur able cases, and administered it with the physicians for judges l'p to Aug. L'.j. eighty-s yen per cent of the test cases were either well or progressing favorably. Theie U-ing but thirteen per cent of failures, the parties were satisfied and closed the transaction. I tie proceedings oi me inxesugiuini: coniunuce ami me clini.-al r-ports of the test cases were P'iMihed mil? ui'l ! a a'le-l fieponsp !.!. .VI. Ire .loitv .!. Ft'iT. CoycANY. 4-'0 Moii'.gomerj St., San Kr.irx-isco. C.l. MH, ro YEARS' V EXPER.fc.NCE Truoe Marks Designs Copyrights Ae. Anvnn ni1lf ft keo-ll and drnptwn mm tinf t w uTt-iiii o.:r inrhji Irw hthf ma iii.w.r- n ( ir. h!T rrei tr'. i'n nmm.'. I...H wrirt'T--l'H.jfcl- liiutdfuinkotl Calefils . ii ,r. t-f lt cm.-T f. mK-urim plMilft. I,t..r tj.i.'ti thnmcll Muim & t o. rlv !r.t; f..Uf rHMiha L 6j J-iTft. :.:ux:i co iuBctt UAo. tS T St, Wtikatiua. IK u VMM FEMALE WEAKNESS 642 1-2 CongresH St. P02TUMD. jiilSB, Oct. 17, 1901. I eotu.cUr Wine of Cardui superior to n ik-tof medicins I eTer owl and I know whereof I pek. 1 suf fered tor n:c inontiu with uppretsel mnstmal on wh ca complexly JsTOf tTM i jm. Pains wonlil shoot through m dm and i 1 nd I would bayc biiidinjh Mla.:hM. My limb, would s-.t -11 o . and 1 would feel o weak I oald not stand op. 1 . toJ"f d.onwi. for I seemed UJ be beyond tns he p of phyJicam, but S ine of Cardui aJ a God-send to me I fslt a chige f r tjo b-tver w.thin week. r.ijeteon days i treatment I mnstruat?t without suffering tue a "jai-n I usuallr did nd soon Ixeame r -Kilar and without pain- V ine. r CirJai is s.cipty wond.rful and I wish tnjt all suffering women knew of lu irood auiitie. Trtasuror, Portland Economic Leagu 3 Piriodieal headaches tell of fe; fj male weaKiiess. " a cures jx.'ruianer.tly nineti l every t-venty oats of rl r.ieiiie. ijearinff down i Wine of Cardui nineteen out of irregular pains or any feaiiile weakness. It you are tli-sruurii-Lil and doctors have lulled, that ii the best reason in the world you should try W me of i ,,r, n,.a- Kemenioer luai k.u.kuj i.,ojn fpnia e weakness. Secure a 1.00 bottle of Wine of Cardui todav. TheMazamas will climb Mount Hood on their annual outing this year. Piles Upon Top of Piles. Piles upon top of piles of people have the Piles, and De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve cures them. There are many different kinds of Piles, but if you get the genuine and original Witch Hazel mmlR bv K. C. DeWitt & Co. of Chicago, a cure is certain. H. A. Tisdale, of Summerton, S. C, says, "1 bad piles 20 years and DeWitt'a Salve cured me after everything else had failed." Sold by Belt & Cherrington. The Oregon hop crop for 1904 is estimated at 90,000 bale3. When bilious take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. For Sale by Wilson Drug Co. Portland hunters say that deer are plentiful in the Trask River countrv. Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Ten Years of Suffering. "I wish to say a few worda in praise of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keinedy," says Mrs. Mattie Rurge, of Martinsville, Va. "I suffered from chronic diarrhoea for ten years and during that time tried various medi cines, without obtaining any permanent relief. Last summer one of my child 1 en was taken with cholera morbus, ami I procured a bottle of this remedy. Only two doses were required to give her entire relief. I then decided to try the medicine myself, anil did not use all of one bottle before I was well and I have never since been troubled with that com plaint. One cannot say too much in favor of that wonderful medicine." This remedy is for sale by Wilson Drug Co. J " The damage done to hay by the late rain was insignificant. How About Your Summer Yacation? Newport on Yaquina Bay is the ideal .seaside resort of the North Pacific Const. Hound trip tickets at greatly reduced rates on sale from all Southern Pacific points in Oregon, on and after June lt. Ask agents for further information and n hundsoui'dy illustrated souvenir booklet or wriro t r.i-i 1 St.,.,.. M u, .,... r r r 11. .,f VlhMnv O,,. orW F on'm " (K P. A..S. P. Co., Portland. Oregon. The prospect for a good crop of apples is favorable. One Lady's Recommendation Sold Fifty Boxes of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. T l.n.o I K..I,.,,- oi l '.(.. 1 1.,. .,( ICilivllSj r-1,-1,1.- w. i it- -r u Saturday 1. M. orany train of Sun (. hamberlam s Stomach and Liver Tab- . J J lets on the recomendation of one lady here, who first boeght a box of them about a year ago. She never tires of tellinir tier neighUirs and friends about the food qualities of these Tablets. P. M. Siiork, Pruuist, K.ohestt-r, Iml. The pleasant purgative effect of these Tablets make them a tavori'e with ladies everywhere. For Sale by Wilson Drug Co. Stock continues in excellent con-! tJ ition but pasturage is getting! shot t ! Tie pill ih .t ill. wil fill the I ill. a i;t Ijf loeieuiise the liver, without a quiver. Take one at night. IkfWitt's Little Faiiy Risers are small, ! i easy to take, easy and gentle in effect, across Electric Kilters and it's the great ' yet they are so certain in results that no ' est medicine on earth for that trouble. tme w ho uses them is tlisappuinte.1. J A few bottles of it completely relieved (Fur quick relief fiom biliousness, sick ' and cured me." Just as good for Liver i lu aiiache, liver, jaundice, dizzi-' and Kldnev troubles and genera! .fehil. lie?? and all troubles arising from an inactive, sluggish liver, Karly Kisirs are unequalled. Sld by lielt A Cherring ton. K. II. Kho.ides, whose Jefferson prune orchard is one of the l irgest in the valley, reports a f.iilure of his Italian prunes. Kodc! Dyspepsia Curo Clg9U what you eaL Have Vou Received the Seaside Sou- venlr for 1904. The & C. R. R. will mail to your address free, copies of their Summer Booklet containing 30 pages of half tone engravings or Columbia River and Clatsop Beach scenery. Address J C. Mavo, G. F. & P. A., Astoria, Ore., or Mr. C. A. Stewart, Agent, 21 Alder St., Portland, Ore. No Pity bhown. "For years fate as after me contin uously, "writes F. A. Gtilledge, Verbena, Ala. "I had a terri'de case vl I lies ,-autins; 24 tumor?. When all failed Btieklen's Arnica Salve cured me" Equally good for Burns and all aches a n ( 1 pains, umv w vv - ton Prug Store. A Corvallis man has purchased a machine for making cement build ing block?. Might Was Her Terror. 'I would cough nearly all nightlong," writes Mrs. Chus. AppU-gate, of Alex andra, Ind., "and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that if 1 walked a block I would cough fright fully and ppit blood, but. when all otner medicines failed, three f 1.00 bottles ot Dr. Kiwi's New Discovery wholly cured me and I trained 53 pounds." It's abso lutely guarant ed to cure Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price TrOc and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Belt & Cherrington drug store. Watermelons, red and juicy, are to be found in the local market Belt & Cherrington. ask the readers of this paper who are suffering with indigetion or dyspepsia to call on them at once and get a bottle of Kolol Dyspepsia Cure. If you knew tne value of this remedy as we know it, you would not suffer another day. kodol Dyspepsia Cure is a thorough digestant and tissue-building tonic as well. It is endorsed personally by hun dreds of people whom it has cured of indigestion, dyspepsia, palpitation ol the heart and stomach troubles .gener ally. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat. It is pleasant, palatable and strengthening. The cutting of Fall wheat has heeun. and will hecorne general next week. Safeguard the Children Notwithstanding all that is done by hoards of health and charitably inclined neisons. the death rate among small children is very high during the hot weather of the summer months in the large cities. There is not probably one case of bowel complaint in a hundred, however, that could not be cured bv the timely use of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol era and Diai rhoe 1 Remedy. Tor sale by Wilson Drug Co. Reduced Rates to St. Louis Exposition The Southern Pacifle Company will sell round trip tickets at greatly re duced rates to St. Louis and Chicago account the St. Louis Exposition, on the following dates : June 16, 17, IS July 1, 2, 3, August 8, 9, 10 ; September 5, (i, 7 ; October 3, i, o. doing trip must be completed with in ten days from date of sale, and passengers will be permitted to start on any day that will enable them to reach their destination within the ten days limit. Return limit ninety days, but not later than December 31, 1U01. For full information as to rates and routes call on Agent Southern Pacific Company. Weak Hearts. are caused by indigestion. If you eat a little too much, or if you are subject to attacks of indigestion, the stomach ex panda swells, and puffs up against the hai t. This crowds the heart and short ens the breath. Rapid heart beats and heart ilisease is the limit result. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, takes the strain off the heart, cures indi- Ration, dyspepsia, sour stomach, and contriimtes nourishment, etiength and health to everv organ of the bod v. Sold by Belt Cherrington. Portland and Return Only $2.50. The Southern Pacific is now sell ing round trip tickets to Portland I from Dallas for $2.50, good going day, returning c-unday ana Mon day, giving all day Sunday and Monday in Portland. The same ar rangement applies from Portland, giving all Portland people a chance lo visit valley points at greatly re duced rates. Call on Southern Pacific Com pany's agent for particulars. Brutally Tortured. A case came to light that for persis tent and unmerciful torture has perhaps never been equated. Joe (iolobick, of Colusa, Cat , writes. "For 15 years I en. lined insufferable pain from Rheu n atismand nothing relieved me thonah I tried everything known. I came ity. Onlv 50c. Satisfaction guaranteed by Belt A Cherrington Druggist. Miss Carol Huber, of Monmouth, is visiting friends in Corvallis. ACKERS DYSPEPSIA TABLETS r told on a positive guarantee. Cures heart burn, raising of the food, distress after fating or any form of dyspepsia. On little tablet give tamediate relief. X eta. and M eta. Belt Cherrlnrter Dallas. Oragoo i Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis couraees and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor 6 and cheerfulness soon ui v disaDDear when the kid- DA neys are out of order ruvVT .Jns?" or diseased. "T-tz Kidney trouble has ri'SJsjT become so prevalent -' CuV that it is not uncommon fCVNNv ( I for a child to be born I'laVi5J? afflicted with weak kid- U Vr&Sl1 :$- neys-If tne child urin" -HwLijit' ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to thn r.assape. it is vet afflicted with wiiwi r o . bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause ot the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition ofttha kidneys and bladder and not to a naoit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate eftect ot Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in fifty- .. cent and one dollar ifffSjjgjS sizes. You may have a Sietjra sample bottle by mail it3ri free, also pamphlet tell- Home of swamp-Boot ing all about it. including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure anc mention 'his paper. Don't make any mistake, hut remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingham ton, N. Y.. on every bottle. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This remedy is certain to be needed in almost every home before the summer i9 over. It can always be depended up on even in the most severe and danger ous cases. It is especially valuable for summer disorders in children. Why not buy it now? It may save your life. For sale by Wilson Drug Co. urn n n m m Flour and Mill Feed of all kinds. LAWN and FIELD SEEDS Horse Medicine and Stock Food of all kinds We buy Wool, Hides, Furs and Tallow One Door west of Hub Clothing Store on Oak Street. J. L. Castle, Dallas, Oregon m j. in DEALER IN LADIES and CHILDRENS FURNISH ING GOODS. The largest and best stock of Materials for Fancy Work in the city. COLLINS BUILDING Dallas, Oregon DKAI.ER IX LIVESTOCK Buys and ships Hojjf, Mutton and Stuck S'.ietp. Highest market price paid at al. times. Address, R. F. d. no. 1, DALLAS, OEEGOX Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. TIME-TABLE, Effective April 1. Daily except Sunday, West-Bound: A. M. P. M. Lv. DALLAS 7:30 1:20 Teats" Siding . 7:4(3 1:36 i;il!iams 7:49 1:39 Bridgeport 7:.V 1:45 Ar. FALLS CITY S:0o 1:55 East-Bound: A.M. P.M. Lv. FALLS CITY 9:20 4: Bridjeport j::D 4:45 ciillinuis 9::W 4:51 Teats' Siding 9:39 4:54 Ar. DALLAS 9:55 5:10 Trains Slop on Signal only. L. GERLIXGER, Jr.. General Manager. Weak Hearts Are due to Indigestion. Ninety-nine of evetj one hundred people who have heart troubU can remember when it was simple indige lion. It is a scientific (act that all cases ot heart disease, not organic, are not only traceable to, but re the direct result of Indi gestion. All food taken Into the stomach which fails of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach, puffing it up against the heart. This interferes with the action ol the heart, and In the course of time thai delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. Kauble. of Nevada. O., lays: I had stomach troubla and was in a bad stats as I had heart troubJa with It. I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, for about foul months and it cured me. Kodol Digests What You Eat and relieves the stomach of all nervous train and the heart of all pressure. Bottles only. J 1 .CO Sii hold!? 2H times tb trM ize, which seiis for 50c nfTl by E. a OeWITT CO., CHIOAOa BELT ,fc CHERRINGTON Pays for the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. Ia onler to take advantage of this libera! offer, your subscription to the Observer mast be paid np to date. Xow is the time to enbeeribe. EXPERIENCE 13 THE BEST teacher Vtt Acker"- English Remedy in ny case ot coughs, cold or croup. Should It fail to give immediate relief money re funded S eta. and SA eta. Beat Cher rlAgioD. DHai. Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement. Vniioeiihrebr (riven, that I, Ole Aurlaml. l i?u V ,.rr..m interested therein, are re quired to appear and tile If any thi'vhave and to show canee whv said final ircount should not he allowed, and the exeeu LTdShS and his bondsmen released from further liability therein. Dated June IS, HIM. OLK AI RI-AND. Executor ff the last will and testa ment of Ole Sumpson, deceased. J. X. Hart, Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement. Votice is hereby given that I, Oliver E. beet. -..... W will uiid testament of JIarj j Lett deeea.-ed, have Hied my tiual andlwport In the matter of said estate, with he a.uu '.ri , -i. i..ib i Oreeon. and the Oreeon. and touil'y iiei , " . f'.timtv I 1'tliri OI sum ,.ouiii. ---- 7" . f haa ,.Vtil MllUf' the 2.;M dav of July, at one ocioik p. ra. 01 saiu ua ""," ,." ..,,, ui,l J ' , ;, ,-.: ... hnntp in DilllaS. Ill said Comity lath. imP HI1U U BUC l mil H.,-1 nwouiit shall De nearu. .111 ;. ....1 urw riinirtil to a tile object ion if an t hey have, and 0 show " :.i ari.Hiif khniild not be iip- f , proved. a,d the emor ar.ed d bonasuien reieaseu num "ilutedthUJune W.W, Kxeeutor of the lust will nd testa ment of Mary J. Leet. deceased. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LASdTc'T Jl'NE 31S78 United States Lund Ottice, Oregon City, Oregon. June?. l'.KH. Notice U hereby given that in compliance with the provision, oi the act of V"u" lune 3, 1-7N entitled "An act for the w e of timber lands in ttiesiaiesoi uau..,tv... ;t,Hu . tn ll the Public Land States by act of Aauust4, iw-'. Aunii MehrlinfT, of falls tuy. com." of Polk State of Oregon has t '.is day tiled in this office her sworn sta n u. W 14. for the purchase of the S.) , of N . W . U of heo V.i ! t .i.; i wnnth. Ranee No. West, and will oiler proof to snow that the land sought is more valualle for its timber or ; one than for agricultural purposes, and to establish her claim to said land before the County Clerk of Polk Countv, Oregon, at Dallas, Oregon, on Wednesday, the 31st day of August, 1904. She names as witnesses: II. C. hejmpur, of Falls City, Oregon; Ira Mehrling. ofu City Oregon; G. P. Coulee, of Dallas. Oregon, Ellas Hinshaw.of Dallas Oregon. . Any and all persons claiming advtrsel) tne above-described lands are requested t? tile their claims in this office ou or before said 3ist daj oi August. ALGEKXOX S. DRESSER. Ke'ister. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that the County Court of Polk County, Oregon, has appointed h. K I anison admiuistrato. of the estate of Levi lay lor deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present ihe same to the nndersiened. verilied as by law reuuired, at his place of residence at U illaminn, vomhiii t',.mitv. (inun within six months from the date of the firs: publication of this notice. Dated this th day of July. l'A'l. E. r . L.VMbON , Administrator of the estate ol Levi Taylor, deceased. McCain & Vinton, Attys. for estate. "It's a bad time to swap horses when you are crossing a stream." That was Lincoln's famous reply to those who urged him to make a change in generals at a critical period of the Civil war. Lincoln's saying is -worth remember ing, especially when you are asked to "swap" Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery for a bootless bargain, de scribed as "just as good," at the critical time when health is at stake. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery- is a medicine which has a record of ninety-eight per cent, of cures. It is an absolutely reliable family medicine, non alcoholic and non-narcotic. It always helps; it almost always cures. Why should any one who is seeking a cure for sickness, and is persuaded that the "Discovery" will cure him, "swap" the substance for the shadow at the risk of health ? Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DiscoT. ery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. What is popularly termed "weak" stom ach is the common cause of various forms of physical weakness, such as " weak " heart, "weak" lungs, "weak" or slug gish liver, "weak" nerves, etc. The entire body and its several organs are dependent for strength upon the food prepared in the stomach. The "weak" stomach cannot provide the food strength for the various organs, which in their turn become "weak" and unable to accomplish the work for which they were designed. "Golden Medical Discover)- " cures through the stomach dis eases which have their cause in a dis eased condition of the stomach and the allied organs of digestion and nutrition. It enables the perfect digestion and assiniulatiou o. food bv which the body is built up into a condition of sound health. It purifies the blood, driving out the poisons which breed and feed disease. Preferred to Die. "Have taken Dr. pierce s Golden Medical Di. coven.- and it did me more good than anvtliine-1 comd Ret,wntes Mrs. Julia A. Wiicox. of'Cvgnet, W ood (.0., Ohio, Box if. -1 doctored with' three different doctors ior weak heart, but thtv did me no good. I w;,s so tired and discouraged if I had had my choice to live or die I would have prefered to die. My husland heard of CnloV- Jieoical Discovery and he lxms!it rue a I took that and the first half seemed to hein I took six bottles before I stopped. I am lectly well and am cooking for boarder I V. , , discovery and he bouiht me a bntMe ip me. am per .. , , i sun. and am laiiug in wa - l-.i.ig Ix-si.le. I will truiy say I think your medicine will do all it is recommended to do. and more. It has bven God-send to me. I will 1 willing to answer any letters of niqmry that any one wishes me to If you tlunkthis will be the means of he'pi!,, any poor simeniig woman to obtain relief voi wPiIh to" ffiate an b0nc4t 'f Was Bedfast. I had been sick for more than a vear with kidney trouble.- writes Mrs. Lucv 1!" of Jasboro. Jack Co.. Texas. 'Several diem d,tors treated me. but none did me any good On doctor said I never cotild be cure" t 'mi had Bright". Disease. I suffered near W death -.t-mr,:-had sPeUs the doctor called Spa" a bed:ast most of the time for six monthi miu ue- couiti cur- 1 began to take his -Golden Pii- ery and although I had given np ,0 die I V " improve from the start, and bv the t .,-e I ' tasen twenty-two bof.:s I was ? I thank God-for the Golden MedSl I weigh more than ever before in mv Tui aid believe I am entirely well.- - 0 Ar'erCeiS-Co,Umon S"8 SI'cal To.- illustrations, w sent free on Tf ol sumps to defray expense of on-?, bend ai one-cent stamps for the book in paper cover, or 31 cents for tUe R. . Pierce, BuSalo, jj. Y. Notice For Publication. TtuitVR I AND ACT JUNE 3, 1878 TIMBER LAN';it,Htale,Ij11d office. Oregon City. Oregon, June 6. 1904. Votiee 1b hereby given that in compliance rSarovU n .'of .the act o Congre-ja with the provi ." -V r the aale ot June 3, l.A.en iwe- f.. o. en inc . - - Nevada and Washington Territory." a. ed to all the Public Land States b act ol Mltti" J r " a. extend- mils 111 me md Washir the Public Uf?uS oT Oregon,ha. this day in ,hU ilarc-n, 01 iueii, .hip No. 7 8.. Kaiiw "Zrl vakiable for' itH ,u-7 or"8tone than for agri en tnral pnrposei'. a,..! to establish hia claim to Sa" d anbelore u.e Keller and Rec e ver at ("reaon City, Oregon, on Thursday, the 8th day of September 1904 .Bennett, of ''JEYw teM liuell, Oregon; MeTvi'n Con lee, of liuell, Oregon ; George tonlee, Any and all Persona claiming adversely the Bbove-deseribc-d landh are requested to hie their aims hi this office on or before said Sth day of September, 1901. AL0ERNON 8- DRESSER, Register, Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 3, 1873. United States Luud Office, Oregon City, Oregon. Mav 23. 1904. Votice is hereby given that in compliance with the provbb.ns of the act of Congress of u ' , 17S entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada a id Vahnlon Territory," as extend ed waM U e Public Land States by act of August Tl' ' ill's"" J- 1!ur'"'' oI -M'"'"10"1"' u,"fy of Polk. State of Oregon, has this day Hied i" I is o lice his sworn statement No. frMo, for the unrenass ol the Southwest one-fourth of &Uo Xo. 22 in Township No 7 South, Range No 8 West, and will offer proof to show that the .and sought la more valuable for its timber or atone than for agricultural purposes arid 0 establish his claim to oald land before i the ( ountv Clerk of Polk County, Oregon, at Dallas, Si., on Friday, the 12th day of August, isw. He names as w itnesses: E. Harman, of Mon niouth regon; J. Mover, of Falls City, Ore gon I h. Ileezlev, of Falls City, Oregon; Irauk Harris, of Falis City, Oregon. vnv andall persons claiming adversely U e above-described lands are requested to hie their claims in this office 011 or beiore said 12th day of August, 1M. AU.ERX0N s. uresseR, Register. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given to all whom it. may concern, that I, Paul 11. Wallace, have been ap pointed administrator with will annexed of the fflht will and testament of Thomas C. King, deceased, by the honorable County Court of Polk County, uregon. . All persons having claims against said estate will present them to me at my office in the City Hall at Salem, Oregon, duly verified as by law required, within six mouths from the date of this notice. Dated this 31st day of May, 1904. PALL B. W ALLACE, Administrator with will annexed. Notice For Publication. TIMBER LAND, ACT JL'XE 3, 1S78. United Stales Land Office, Oregon Citv, Oregon. May 2. l'JOl. Notice is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S7 entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the Sta'es of California, Ore gon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," 118 extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 1, LSiTj, Herman R. Nehrbas, of Mon mouth, county of Polk, State of Oregon, has this dav tiled in this office his sworn statement No. 0420, for the purchase of the N. W. i. of Section Xo. 12 ill Township No. 9 S.. Range No. 7 W., anil will oiler proof to show that the land sought is more valuable for its timber or stone thau for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said hind before the Register and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on luetdav. the 2titu dnv of July. I'm. He names as witnesses: S. H. Telherow, of Falls City, Oregon: Albert Kurbank. of Pedee. Oregon; F. K. Hubbard, of Fulls City, Oregon A B. Brown, of Falls Citv. Oreson. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-described lands are requested to Hie their claims in tins omee on or oetore saia notn aay of July liX)4. ALGERNON 3. DRESSER, Register, SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Polk. Viola L. Welch, Plaintiff, vs. Frank Welch, ueienaant. To Frank Welch, Defendant: in the Name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and unswer the com pliant tiled aeainst vou, in the above entitled suit, on or beiore the last day of the time pre scribed in the order for publication of summons, to-wit: the "2nd day of September, l'.Kll, and if you fail to answer for want thereof the plaintiff will take a decree against you dissolving the bonds of matrimony, now existing between you and plaintilt', and giving to plaintiff the tare and custody of the minor child, Harry Welch, and for costs and disbursements herein. Ky order of the Hon. Ed F. load, Countv juugeot tne county court ol tne state ot Ore gon, for Polk County, made ou the aith dav of July, 1(101, it is directed that publication of the summons De matte in the 1'olk county Observer, a weekly newspaper published in said countv, once a week for six consecutive weeks Tho first day of publication being the !nd day of I my, iwi. X. L. BUTLER, Attorney for Plaintiff. SRDDliES. I have just received a Fine New Stock of Harness and Saddles and invite you to call and examine them as to style, workmanship and price. I have the finest line of saddles ever shown in 1'olk county. They are strictly "down-to-date" in every respect. HOSSE BLANKETS A big assortment prices according to quali'y all fitted with "Double Sur cingles," a new feature which everv horseman will readily appreciate. Come and see them. HARNESS OIL, Best Grade, WHIPS and ROBES. Frank A. Stiles MAIN ST.. DALLAS, ORE. CHURCH DIRECTORY Christian Church. Bible School at 10 a. m. Junior C. E. at 3:30 p. m. Senior C. E. at 6-30 p. m Prayer meeting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. Preaching services everv Sunday at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. Methodist Episcopal Church. Sunday, 9:45 a. m., Sunday School; 11 a. m., preaching ; 7 :30 d. m., Epworth League; 6 :30 p. m., preaching; Thursday :30 p. m., prayer meeting. James Moore, Pastor. Adventist Church. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Bible study from 11 to 12. United Evangelical Church Services are held as follows: S S 10 a. m Peaching, 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. Y w PL'iC- E-,' 6r:3 p- m- Y-M- C A , V. and 3 am0T -Endeavor, 3 -00 p.m. Prayer meetine, Thursday, 7:30 A. A. Winter, Pastor. Presbyterian Church. Sabbath services: Bible study at 10 a. m.; 1 reaching at 11 a.m.a'nd7:30 p. m.; Junior Endeavor, 3 p. m Senior Endeavor, 6:30 d. m. Prayer mating Thursday at 7:30 p. ni. "'""ng, W. T. "Wadle, Pastor. Baptist Church. Bible school at 10 a. m B Y P r 7.30 S- P" "3 J. M. Green, Pastor, i TT0KN1T AT LAW. Oscar Hayter. Upstairs In Campbell bulid DALLAS, TTORSEVS AT tAW. ) Sibley & Eakin. ' The only reliable set of aa,, Polk county. Office on Court DALLAS. , TTORSBV AT LAW Julius N. Hart Room 1. DALLAS, ORE; TTOBNBY AT LAW. N. L. Butler Office over Dallas City Bani DALLAS, ORE; TTORNEY AT LAW G. A. HURLEY Real Estate, Loans and Ins, xsotary Public INDEPENDENCE, ORE knti8t. M. Hayter, Office over Wilson's Dm. o DALLAS, n pHYBICAN AND SCRQKON. L. N. Woods, M. D. Does general practice In mt the county. Office on Main J I ATT M M. OLIVE SMITE teacher of PIANO AND ORG Studio, Room No. 2, Wiljot DALLAS, OREGON R. C. Craven, Pres. R. E. Dallas C::" ;v: Exchanges bought ana Mid t: points. Special attention paid li lections. Wm. muscott, Triickiuni) Does hauling of all kinds at red rates. DALLAS. ORil LODGE DIRECT01! Masonic Calendar. Jennings Lodge, No. 9, i comuiunicatiotis, Secotti urth Fridays of each i R. L. Chapman, V. II Oscab tim Ainsworth Chapter, Ji A. M., stated co n vocatii Thursday of each mont Oscar Hayter, H.r. Willis SntoK JaoDii Chapter, No. 22,0.15. meetings Seeoml and Foni. davs of each month. Mas. Ei la J. Metzgeb,' Mas. Libbie Mcir, Sec. I. 0. 0. F. FriendshipLodKe.So fe-f every Saturday evet o. 0. F. Hall. Horace Webster, . j W. A. Aybes, ,Bf. s haCreole Encampment, NoJC Second and Fourth Mondajf month. ' F. II. Morrison, CP. FA.Stium ri loiira Lodge, No. 26, D.oll -"every Friday evening. Miss May Shllton, N. Miss Eloise PhilW Woodmen of the W Dallas Camp, No. 209, mf Fellows hall every Thursdr G. N. Cherrington, C. C, . W. G. Vassau- TUlistletoe Circle, No. 33, 4YAmeeta in Odd Fellows' Mj and Fourth Wednesday of ee Mrs. Nellie Tatom, G. Mrs. Askv Drxs,' Knights of the Macca Dallas Tent, iNo.3,jn6 and Fourth Tbur9ls month in I. O.0.1 G. W. Conkey, S. K. Com I.N. Wood' T wilac Hive, No. 28, L. 0. T.j "on Second and Fourth Ibo' noon of each month. Mrs. Ey Hayter, L.C. . Mrs. Blanche EaO Ik A. 0. U. Union Lodge, No. 2 WM and Third WednW month. H.I,Fenton,M. Jrnf Crvstal Lodge, No. 50, D-fjf, First and Third Wed month. Alice Groves, C. of H. Emma v United Artgg. Assembly No. 46 mee day of each month. "Wnxis Simostos, M. A- MRS. tLLArf Fraternal Unioajr T odge No. 144Meets Tb "of each month. -J' Independent Orderr niTTi T1DGE third and fifth Tnesd, - HalL C. EiiEBtEi