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About Polk County observer. (Monmouth, Polk County, Or.) 1888-1927 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1903)
Pol geisttjy Observer J. C. HAYTER, EDITOR AND PUBLISHER, Published Weekly at One Dollar per Yeai, Strictly in Advance. DALLAS, ORKOON, OCTOBER 30, 1903 The way to build up Dallas is to pat ronize Dallas people. The Oregon Press Association held a ; pleasant and profitable meeting in Salem last week. The attendance of practical newspaper men was larger than usual, and subjects of interest and profit to those engaged in the printing busi ness were discussed. Members of the Portland and Salem press clubs contributed valuable papers, and assisted in various ways in making the meeting a successful one. The new President of the Association, Hon. S. L. Moorehead, editor of the Junction City Times, is a practical publisher and enterprising business man, and the members all believe that the Association will be placed upon a more substantial business footing before his term of office ex pires. The editors pledged their loyal support to the Lewis and Clark Fair, and will use their best fforts to induce Congress to make a liberal appropriation for the enterprise. The visiting editors re ceived the moBt hospitable treat ment from, the good people of Salem, and were shown every courtesy during their stay in the city. The next annual meeting of the Association will be held at Hood River. The Observer is pleased to note , that the suggestion of a Building and Loan Association in Dallas is meeting with general favor. The need of such an organization is recognized by every citizen, and it only remains for a few business men of the town to take the lead and get the movement started. Once under way, the Buccess of the Association is assured. Many work ing men in Dallas would welcome an opportunity to build and own their homes, and men with money would be glad to find a safe and profitable investment for their idle capital. The people of Dallas are beginning to realize as never before that the scarcity of houses is a BeriouB obstacle to the growth ol the town, and that a remedy must be found for the present condition of affairs. Keep up the agitation for a Building and Loan Associa tion, and next Summer you will see new dwelling houses going up at a rate never before dreamed of. It is the only solution to the present perplexing problem of a scarcity of houses. Notwithstanding the fact that he has been indicted by the Federal grand jury for opening a letter other than his own with alleged in tent to defraud, the people of Ore gon believe Ex-Congresstnan Mal colm A. Moody when he says that he is guilty of no wrong-doing, and that be will prove his innocence without delay. In view of his blameless life and the loyal service he has rendered to the state in his high official capacity, tho fact that he has been indicted as a criminal seems almost too silly to believe. His many friends throughout the elate are with him in the demand that a thorough . investigation of every charge against him be made at once. They have no fear of- the outcome. County court next week. City council meeting next Monday night Don't fail to see the Illuminated club swinging at the College cli!ijH)l tonight. Get the Most Out of Your Food You don't and can't if your stomach is weak. A weak stomach does not di gest all that is ordinarily taken into it. It gets tired easily, and what it fails to digest ia wasted. Among the signs of a weak stomach are uneasiness after eating, tit tf ner Toug headache, and disagreeable belch ing. "I have taken Hood's Sarsapariila at dlflerent times for stomach troubles, and run town condition of the system, and hava ten greatly benefited by its use. I would sot be without it in my family. I am trou bled especially In summer with weak Btora acb and nausea and rind Hood's Sarsaparllla invaluable." K. B. Hick ma, W .Chester, ra. Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Strengthen and tone the stomach and it 9 7 fcsia di?tiv system COUNTY TEACHERS DIRECTORY DIST. TEACHER ADDRESS 1 Miss Edith Roy... ....; ......Salem, R. P. D. No. 2 2 W. I. Reynolds, (Prin.). . . .Dallas R. R.Hill........... Dallas Mrs. C. C. Campbell Dallas Miss Edith Houck Dallas Mrs. F. H. Morrison Dallas Miss Ella Carpenter Dallas Miss Eloise Phillips Dallas Miss Ednelle Collins Dallas 3 Miss Irene Carter, . . . v. Dallas, R. F. D. No. 1 4 Miss Grace Brannon . . . ; . . .-. . . .Salem, R. F. D. No. 2 5 Orra O. Arnold Pedee 6 Miss Hattie Sears. . ..... Ballston Miss Florence Westover, Falls City Miss Tate Lewlsville H. H. Belt, ( Prin.) .'. Ballston Miss May Dean Ballston Frank McDougal, (Prin.) Dallas, R. F. D. No. 1 Miss Bessie Young Dallas, R. F. D. No. 1 Miss Mabel Wheelock Parkers Miss Viola Gynne Suver, R. F. D. No. l Charles A. Rico, (Prin.)Mon mouth Miss Loretta Smith. . . .Monmouth H 15 16 17 18 19 M. E. Wheelock Airlie E. M. Smith, (Prin.) McCoy Mrs. E. M. Smith McCoy Claud Shaw, Dallas, R. F. D. No. 1 Miss M. 1. Hampton Salem, R. F. D. No. 2 Walter A. Winniford.Kings Valley Miss Rosa E. Smith .... Perrydale C. J. Graham.Suver, R. F. D. No. 1 Miss Alice McKinley Buell Gregory Ziegler. . . . .. .Monmouth Miss Mabel Wallace Butler Carl Grover Rlckreall Miss Hallie Morrison Independence Miss Edith Fugate ....... .Monmouth, R. F. D. No. 1 T. J. Newbill (Prin.) Independence 0. D. Simpson Independence Miss Alta Schneider, Independence Miss Maud Ililf. ;. . .Independence Miss Ivy Burton. . . .Independence Miss Adona Cochrane Independence Miss Nellie Burke.. Independence Mrs. Mary Tuck Independence Miss Alice McDougal .Monmouth, R. F. D. No. 1 Misa Ella Austin Salem, R. F. D. No. 1 Mrs. Grace Boles Thompson ....Salem, R. F. ft, No. 1 V. B. Goin, (Prin.)... Buena Vista Miss Ida Smith Buena Vista D. U. Cochrane, (Prin.) Buell Miss Jessie Wilde Buell Misa Alma Phole Salem, R. F. D. No. 1 Miss Nellie Clarke.. Salem, R. F. D. No. 2 Mrs. J. E. Strlckler. .... .Sheridan Miss Ethel M. Dennis Dallas, R. F. D. No. 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Miss Atta Gibson Lewisville A. A. Roy.. .Salem, R. F. D. No. 1 Mrs. Klober Wood Dallas Miss Katharine Braun Dallas, R. F. D. No. 1 R. W. Swlnk Suver J. J. Ellyson.... Willamina Miss Evangeline Hart. . . .Crowley Miss Hattie Higgins. . . .Falls City Miss Edith Witzell. .Independence 48 49 A.J.Shipley... Monmouth, R. F. D. No. 1 Miss Mabel Stevens Dallas, R. F..D. No. 1 Miss Edith Miller Dallas Miss Daisy Warner Amity, R. F. D. No, 1 Miss Lina Stouffer McCoy 54 Miss Etta Trout Dallas 65 56 57 Mrs. W. A. Wash ..Dallas H. C. Seymour, (Prin.), . Falls City Miss Lydia Campbell. ..F.alls City Miss Jessie C. Bryant. .Falls City Miss Sadie Lvnn 58 69 60 61 Dallas, R. F. D. No. 1 Miss Nollie Williamson Podoe Miss Edith Montgornery.Falls City 62 63 64 Miss Erma Hall .... Independence 65 Miss SuBie G. Branson. .Sheridan Tho funeral of Mr3. E. R. Cutler was held in M. E. Church, South, last Friday afternoon, and was largely attended. Goorgo M. Cornwall, publisher of tho Columbia River and Oregon Timbennan, one of thq leading publi cations of Its class in the United States, was in Dallas on a business visit yesterday. He wont out to Falls City this morning to visit the sawmill men'. No hop sales of importance were made in the Dallas district this week. Sales at Ballston are reported as follows: Ball Bros., 130 bales at 21 J cents; II. Clanllold, 189 bales nt 22J rents; Jacob Smith, 80 bales at 21 cents. John Carmiehaol was the purchaser. The Johnson Lumber Company have completed a new saw dust and slab conveyer, and hereafter all re fuse from the mill will be carried across the pond and burned. The new 50-horse Buckeye engine and 100 horse boiler, to be used in driving the planers, have been Installed. Rev. John P. Simpson, of Dayton, and Miss Zulu V. Myer, a daughter of Hon. George Myer, of Smithtleld, were married Sunday, Rev. C. V. Whittlesey ofllciating. The bride is a most estimable young lady, and was numbered among the popular school teni'hers ot Polk eoimtv. Rev, nixl i Mrs. Simpson will reiiie ut Daytmi. Cue f.Ilnuto Cough Cure For Coughs, Colds and Croup. l nati m nil im Sickness steals more savings than the burglar. Slowly, coin by coin, the money that has been so hardly earned is paid out for drugs and doctors. Sick ness is the worst enemy of the work ing man, and the common cause of the working man's sickness is disease of tn stomach often involving the heart, lungs, liver, or kiilneys. The use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery will stop the stealing of the savings by sickness. It cures dis eases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition. It cures dis eases of heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, etc., when these diseases are caused by tlie diseased condition of the stomach and its allied organs. About ten years bru I began to have trouwe with my timach, writes Wm. Connolly of 5 Walnut Street, Lorain, Ohio, "It got so bad I had to lay off quite often two and three days m a week, my stomach would bloat, and I would belch up gas, and was in awful distress at such times. I W employed and been treated by the best doctors in the city but got no help whatever. fly some way or other I happened to get hold of a vial of your Pellets,' and I thought thev helped me. It waa then 1 wrote to you tor advice. You told me that by my symptoms you thought I had liver complaint, and advised the use of your "Golden Medical Discovery1 and Pleasant Pellet' in connection. 1 hese raedi. ciues I have taken as directed, and am very happy to State that I (ommenced to get better from the start and lave not lost a day this summer on account of my stomach. I feel tip top, and better than I have for ten years." Accept no substitute for "Golden Med ical Discovery." Nothing else is "just as good." , . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate the bowels. COURT HOUSE NOTES REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Isaac Young to B B Dunham, tract in t8 s, r4 w, $300. W 0 Brown to Isaac Young, tract In 1 8 s, r 4 w, $20. John C Kreutz et ux to Catherine Getty, lots in Buena Vista, no con sideration named in deed. M Getty et ux to W B Porter, lots in Buena Vista, $500. John M Crowley et ux to G J Bevens and G W Crowley, 40 acres, 1 10 s, r 6 w, $350. P A Hodge et ux to Fred W Smith, lots 9 and J.0, Independence Fruit Farms, $2100, R A Porter et ux to Lynn K Jpnes and S M Braley, 42 acres, 1 6 s, r 6 w, $1500. S A Ball et ux to George H Ball, 7.79 acres, 1 6 s, r 5 w, $300. W N Maxwell et ux to Sylvester F Finley, lot B, block 4, Burley's Fruit Farm, $25. S F Finley to Fred T Livingston et ux, lot B, block 4, Burley's Fruit Farm, $700. Mary J WqUettoa Jo Albert Ruef, 60 acres, 1 10 s, r 4 w, $1. A P Wolverton et ux to Albert Ruef, 60 acres, 1 10 s, r 4 w, $3200. J M Dennis et ux to Adolph Samp son, 110 acres, 1 8 s, r 6 w, $2200. W L Gilson et ux to Annie Aurland, lots 18, 19 and 20, block K, Falls City, $223. C P Patterson et ux to Thomas H Dunsmore, lots 4 and 5, block 9, Eola, $200, Lucy L Whiteaker and hd to B F Whiteaker, " lots 7 and 8, block 13, Hill's Independence, $900. PROBATE. Estate of Aaron H. Denny, de ceasedwill admitted to probate ;T. H. Denny appointed executor without bonds; George Kelty, H. Alexander and C. L. Hawley appointed ap praisers. Estate of Roubea Glae, deceased final account set for hearing Thurs day, November 17, at 10 o'clock a. m. Estate of Nelly M. Denlinger, de ceasedfinal account set for hearing December 24, at 12 o'clock noon. ' Estato of W. W. Johnson, deceased final account approved and admin istrator discharged, Estato of John Jeldness, deceased final account sot for hearing Novem ber 28, at 10 o'clock a. m. How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fof any caso of Catarrh that cannot be cured bj Ball's Catarrh Cure. F J. CHENEY ti CO., Props., Toledo, O, Wo the nndcisigned, have known F. J. Che ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transaction! and financially abla to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. WrstaThuax, Wholesale Drupirlsta, Toledo, O. W'iWi no, K ink ah & Mabvim, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. Hall' s Catarrh Cure ia taken Internally ,ctin directly upon the blood and mocoua surface of the system. Price, lie. pi bottle, gold by ail Drurcista. Testimonial tree. Hall ' s Family Pills ax tfaa best. Havo you noticed Guy Brothers' offer of a free piece of Enameled ware for tomorrow. Better look it up. E Dicier. Inside each pound package cf Lion Soffco will be found a FREE came. 60 different games. All new. At Your Grocer's. Kodol Dyspepsia Guro Cljostt what you eat. VI Great Arrival the screaming one act farce to he presented at The College Chapel Oct. 30, 1903 DALLAS SHOE STORE REPAIRING! . :v;;ifi Htttl nsJ. J'Vf -H I u-r . r. . " Tt . :a I ' i i i : ;h . ' .1. : 11 if LADIES' REPAIRING A SPECIALTY J J WEST OF WILSON DRUO STORE Frederick Levin, dallas, oreqon Weak Hearts Are due to indigestion. Ninety-nine of every one hundred people who have heart trouble can remember when It was simple Indiges tion. It Is a scientific fact that all cases ot hearl disease," not organic, are not only traceable to, but re the direct result of indi gestion. A" food taken Into the stomach Which falls of perfect digestion ferments and swells the stomach , puffing it up against the heart. This interferes with the action ot the heart, and In the course of time that delicate but vital organ becomes diseased. Mr. D. Kaubls, of Nevada, O., says: I had stomach trouble and was In a bad state as I had heart trouble With It. I took Kodol Dyspepsia Cure for about foul fponths and It cured me. Kodol Digests What You Eat and relieves the stomach pi all nervous strain and the heart of all pressure. . Bottles only. $ 1 .00 Sfza holding 2'A timet the trial site, which sells for EOe, Prepared by E. O. DeWITT CO., OHIOAdO. BELT & CHERRINGTON The Coast Range Lumber Company at Falls City, are preparing to build a logging railroad in the timber near their mill. A carload of steel rails arrived in Dallas Wednesday night, and were taken to Falls City yester day. A Shay locomotive has been ordered. No cars are used in this system of railway, the logs being fastened together in a long lino be hind the locomotive and dragged in a trough between the rails. This method of moving logs has proved highly successful where ever tried- The Bryan-Lucas Company, of Falls City, have ordered a logging engine similar to the one in use by the Johnson Lumber Company of Dallas. NEW ARRIVALS at Morris' Jewelry Store LIBBY CUT GLASS WATCHES CHAINS KINGS SILVERWARE Every line has been filled in and strengthened, and we are now able to guit the tastes of the most fastidious, C. H. MORRIS, JEWELER and OPTICIAN Biggest Bars In Town For A Nickel.. N You can't afford to buy elsewhere Main St., Dallas, Ore. S lodol Dyspepsia Curo Digests what you eat. 15 1 Those Who Enjoy Tragedy and pathos will meet with disappointment if they expect to witness it in the farce "THE GREAT ARRIVAL" but if you want to' laugh, and then laugh again, come out Friday night, Oct. 30. THE CAST Muswell Hill - Daniel; A. Poling Mits. Hill - ' Miss Elsie Canfield Matilda Mrs. H. H. Dunkelberger. Kitty - - - Miss Edna Parrish Henry - - - Chester P. Gates Mr. "Wokthyman Harrison Barendriok Fredebick St. Pauls - Fred B. West Illuminated Club Swinging: Arthur K. Wilson A fine Literary and Musical Program now rehearsing will,' precede the above. DOORS "WILL BE OPENED AT 7:30 Admission, 15 and 25 Cents WHILE YOU WAIT Pays for the OBSERVER and the Weekly Oregonian one year. In order to take advantage of this liberal offer, your subscription to the Observer must be paid up to date. Now is the tim e to e n bscri b . Salem, Falls City & West ern Railway Co. TIME-TABLE, Effective September 1. Daily except Sunday. West-Bound: A. M. P. M. Lv. DALLAS 7:20 1:20 Tents' Siding 7:30 1:36 : fljlllafls.!.'..: 7:39 1:39 Bridgeport... 7;45 1:5 Ar. FALLS CITY 7:66 . I'M East Bound: A.M. P.M. Lv. FALLS CITY.. 9:20 4:35 Bridgeport 9:30 4:45 Gilliams 9:36 4:51 Teats.' Siding .9 ; 39 4 :54 A r. DALLAS .:.. 9:$ 5:10 Truing Stop on Signal only. L, GERLINGER, Jr., General Manager. Watches From the low priced watch for the schgol boy and school girl to the accurate-to-the-second wajtch required by men and women. Sizes from the dainty chate laine watch for ladies to the large size for working men. PRICES ALWAYS LOWEST PFENNIG JEWELER & OPTICIAN Wilson Block REAL ESTATE Portland residence to trade for a good farm in the valley ; worth $2000. What have you to offer in exchange? Steam cleaning and dyeing works in Portland to trade for valley farm worth $ 1000. What have you to offer? Wanted a first-class dairying farm of 100 acres or thereabouts lmmeUl ately. If you have a good one for sale reasonable I have a buyer. I want immediately about 10 acres of land that has already been arranged for chickens. Where is it and whats your price? I have a nice little 10 acre fruit farm for sale at $800. It is in Italian and Petite Prunes. ' I have 10 acres of lands with build ings, and 2 acres in fruit, 2 acres in clover, balance in cats. For sale at $S00. What have you to trade. I have some fine properties that parties will trade with you for. I have a store building in Eastern Oregon, that is worth $2000. I will trade this for a farm worth $5500 and pay the difference or a property of less value, and pay the difference. FOR PARTICULARS A&DRE8S 0. A. HURLEY REAL E8T ATE OFFICE Indspsiidcnce, - - Oregon 1.75 Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic hss too3 the test 25 years. Averse Annual Sales over Cno crd oKalf KSScn bottles. Does this record cf nsmtt'pesl to yc'4? fo Cure, No Pay. 50c Enclosed wita every WeMveoai some attention TO C U T PRICES offered, and we notice, without exception, that where they go down from $2.00 to, say, $1.65, the price has been with us all the time, and the same proportion all the way IN ALL LINES ....... A We have the goods, and we sell cheaper because we buy cheaper. WE DO THE BUSI NESS. Our clerks are accommodating, and, although they are overworked, you shall be waited on. Of course, we have to take in a new clerk every few days, but that is all right. Our busi ness warrants it. You can accommodate yourself by trading with us. Main DALLAS J. 0. Van Oradel Notary Public J. Q. Van Orsdel & 5on DEALERS IN farms, Stock Ranches, timber Hands and City Property WESTERN AGENTS FOR , VS. e. mcClurc, of Saginaw, mich. ROOM i, (upstairs) Wilson Building, Pallas, Ore. . T, V CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF Single Shovel Plows, Double Shovel Plows, Wing Shovel Plows, Five-Tooth Cultivators, Disc Cultivators, Peg Tooth Harrows, Spring Tooth Harrows, Disc Harrows, reversible with Extension Head. :::::::::.:::: All kinds of Plows, Harrows, Cultivators and everything needed to cultivate a hopyard or orchard. COK-OAK and MAIN STREETS. CENTRAL MARKET Knox & Murr ell, Prop'rs. FRESH AND of All Fish, Game ICE FOR SALE. Farmers will find it bring us their Poultry the highest casr price EAST SIDE OF Dallas, ocu uiira wau pacgg tvn THE Street OREQON John P. Van Orsdel Surveying, Logging Roads, Dams U and Flumes a Specialty I UUUrtO, VK.tiVJVlf SALT MEATS Kinds. and Chickens to their advantage to and Eggs, as we pay Jor same at an times T1AIN STREET Oregon. " ww tv. . jj i i