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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1887)
r* * * ■ f £ ‘ i. -------------------------- .._....£............. -k ' ■ i 5 4r À ** 1 9 V >- t ♦ e I, 4‘ u A LT) DBVOTED TO THE V VOL. XVI RESTORATION Of ■J s- « i ß "V •—------ J UUÏ* 22, 18R7. TSTO. 29. WIIWWH, s u ss ..... a . T to thi.j good end : “Had I ten" miy should Lo released. lion tongues and a throat for ea<l Prop..sals(fi»r the new bridge do .tongue, I would say to every man! be built l.y the government, acroas woman and child here to the L intern Branch will be adver- • • Throw strong, drink usidc os- y<>J ti.» d lor ay .sooq as sum“ leg’ll for would an ounce of 1 quid hcl .1 malities to securctbe validity of the Tremendous applause) It^amml governments tit'e to the approach everything it touches. 1 have seen I .a the .-aatern ride of the river are it in every city east of the Missis-'l hone through with. This bridge ■ippi, and I khiow tliat th; mo t I pitt a Laiids'^ia- structure. It dumnirg curse to the laborer is I frill ill', the goy rmnenl asylam* that which gurgks from lhe nec'k tip,' . lll'.im; V. hut wi h the if a" buttle. ^CLcci’a.. 1 Lad - ratl. -i fMv. ;*! builtacru-s Potomac be at. the head of an organization, il ¡in i' rg. I" aji , v and. ths new l(rt),0(JO temperate,. hone-1 'Ll ii..l Bridge. W« il.ington will "12" divided ihtotwo wings by’'the rum jcct the establishment of an abso been turned into habitations of in sellers themselves, jpst precisely as lute tyranny over these states, and fernal cruelty. , Subscription Price l , in making tongs a man makes two the subjection of the people, He has prostituted the public Ono Copy, on« year .................. ...»150 legs. The ruinsiPers call one leg through their deprave a’ppetite.s and press to his purposes and u-es, i-o. To all Minietern of the Gtupel...'. 1 00 HulwcripCona not paid within six month* the Republican, and theotherthc passions, to his complete control. that, top often, instead of nobly will bo charged $1.75 for the year. Democratic party, so that the coun To prove this. Jet facts be sub speaking out for justice and right, Tnr. C ubihtiam Hr««tn »ill be Continued nu- til ordered stopped and ail arrearage paid. tpy shall be deceived into the be mitted to a Candid world. and the good of the people at large lief that it has two parties ; but the He has refused his assent to laws it basely yields to his demands to « Pieaoe Nolle».' rumseller himself has )’is great .the most whole some and necessary be sustained in his efforts to crush All matter intended for publieation ahtnild be sddresBod to D. T. Stanley, Editor, Mon hand on both the legs of the tongs for the public good. and min our race. J mouth. Oregon. All lettora on bmiinesii, «ubiicription or ad- where they meet at tire hip. He has caused the enactment of He has infatuated very many of vlrtiHiug »hould be addreaned toC. 0. Doughty “‘How is it,” said a gentleman to laws which have opened the sluice the office seekers and ( flice holders Buainooe Manager, Monmouth, Oregon, me at a ilinher party last night, ways of destruction, pouting forth with thi^belief that it is fur moi' Ki ATTEH TIIK GKRMS OF THE “ that you think there arO grave ob upon the people of this land a impoftaiit to promote his inionsts BEAUTIFUL. jections to Iho legal prohibition of dfeadful tide of intutnperance, with than to labor fur th'- Welfare uf th Scatter the germ« of the beautiful! ...... "...................................... l alL X h M l aU» a nbu»ti'< i» tiMi'i of'"dro w'lw«w" ¡Mui Aid, ... B>-.-llui wnysi.lii laltluim fair — That I be roae may spring by the cottage thq Prohibition ticket?’ My ars- ness,. disease and death. » He has,changed, in many places, an organization of 12.000,000 drink- io>$e .approac to th? city worthy ' I g»t». wer was substantially this-r ‘In niy ' lie has bribed in variotn^waysK the Holy Sabbath, with its hours ■is; whether moderate o.ranv i.tlo i '.hcVat ' '< 7 ital ofjhe Fni'c) Fta'.es, And the viurf ou the garden walL; house arc furniture, pictures, and and under various disguises, the of peaceful quiet, a day devott d to -kind ’ r.x y. ■ u - , th 1 ri I, l< a <i g to Cover the rongh and rude of earth ' •s. Ixxiks; which it would ' grieve me legislators, the judges and the ju religious observances, and the wor- With a veil of leaves and flowers, thidtj 1 lave bc ;i objects of neg- And mark with the opening bud and cup tadly to see soaked in water. 1 see ries of the country, to prevent the shi^of Alriiighty^GodrTo a day o! el.-. i.d Uglib. ■ as well as danger- , » Washington Letter. great objections to turning a Lose enactment and the execution ol revelry, drunkenness, and debauch The march of summer hours. 41 Sti i J life mid limb -of man “ and on the third story of my house, laws however needful for the wel ery. { FROM OUB KLGCLAH CORBEi-I ONLÍEN I. | “ * Scatter the germs of the beautiful . • .■ icli a bridge as the one but. if it should, ever be in flames, 1 fare of the public, which would iri In the.Loly shrine of homo;. Inevrry staue-of these omu- ,__ mb., ,v i Lo t Hyn’puw B *Y t n isw i and t iro gi w w»1 'MlWt W'J?fWUtt*'pWfillb!6 Li'ip' 't^WffTSflTTs'TFbm1 ¿be'iffivyTOr?" I'Le 1 ’ter • fere w ith • Tus netanous traffic in* sions we have petitioned for redr - ■ (..■ rgetown to Ailington irouf 1 ful thero tire companies to turn on ti e wa intoxicating liquors, or prevent the in the most humble terms; or re partment that the new gun boat i Jemeb (;■ ■ :y, would l.e considered a In their lovliest lustre come; ter.' accumulation of wealth by. himstli peated petitionshave been answer "Bidtimore,’’ pow l» ing built -at liegFeS’ t> any county pf a tliriv- Leavo not a trace of deformity "That is ¿e case with the coun at lhe expense of the comfort, the ed only by repeated injury. A i.'iaiiqi's ship-yard in ITiilaili lpliia, In the temple of the heart, ing St*t'- in the west. try. lncendiai'ka- liave set tire to fortunes, the lives, and the future ruler whose character_is thus mark- is rapidly approaching compì .ti< n. But gather about its hearth the gems . Superintendent Gravis of tl e l ie), matn-rial for the ti} numiti Of Naturo and of Art. the structure of the. .GoVerntiient. well being^of his victims. .... ■......... ITe infs taken away our property a tyrant, is unfit to^be the'-Vovtr ’ Scatter tLe germa of tfio LeiiutiTiil ' in r rd« r t" make appropriation tun and the men havecomifienced wmk In the temples of^iupGod— gospel to do good to the bodiestand, earned by our patient, fjpvJ.ful la eign of u free people. until the ■ nd of tfie fiscal year has The God who starred the uplifted sky,. souls of men are largely frustrati d tter, and reduced our families to Nihr have wo been wanting in on the -ubstru^uru of tlutcialt. •rderedhis force to c;.--.;-_.w«rk *•. And flowered the trampled eod; by the general liquor traffiic. Men beggary and want. our attentions to those engagedjn The use of dynamite in war-fur ■ i- 1 ’ce beb'1 •- < eh uay.~ witjya cur-1» ' 1 When he built a temple for himself, .e a u» i itg a cum pLte iy,volutio n 4«= are~swcpt out — 14+. — has d iveited t h e wc ah+rnf~ And a home for his priestly race, 11s| unding reduction of paju The grog-sellers may not have any of the nation from its proper office to He reared each arch in symmetry, We have implored them to hava the obi systems of attack and de ¡•cal ycir ends on the«aftemoon-of And oarved each line in graco. their rights invaded—grog sillers, the support of the criminal, the pity upon the suffering wife, and fence. No vessel of an enemy the "oth of June’, much' anxiety who have no respect for the most pauper, and the idiot, earned to be- the ragged starving children; we Would-dale eljter waters, wlirle t) Scatter the germs of the beautiful jxis s in th several departments in In the depths of human soul; sacred rigl tn of partnts and chil eome'Auch by his blighting influ have ap|x»led to every sentiment presence of a small craft built to 4U; yard ti» du: changes--fo»«pe<.*ted-to They shall bud and blossom, and bear dren and r »pec-table people. There ence. of our C'Jtnmuii nature to induce ThTôiw^”i1ymÏHiîf(F~Üoôm.s were -iis- fine ibf clerical f< < ’ rj( lió piMC*- the fruit, is not a Bomber of my church or Ho lias locked up vast sums of them to withhold the deadly peck’d even: The building c f for- he <: Ov^w wdyesr, . While the endless ages roll; congregatiiu who has not been money from the legitimate uses of draught frtm our boj's, and young lificatipns about our principle hnr Quarter Master I’la'c*. with the flowerpot charity i ? some way injured by the liquor trade and commerce in the jails, men. and’lie habitual diunkar.l, bors, can no longer be advocated, as Gunv>%. : The portals of the tomb, w ber tl. i“Cc..l_ Hn^ynrrpTTs’rTrf-fnrt^ has been supcr- path - traffic. W4 have tried every other the penitentiaries and the asylums, And the fair and pu>e about thy path 1» r mouerii expío --------- ^..TaT HtiaJuoELand íicén-it» I "tliesoTI a vTng'Tjeen made necessary^ been deaf to the voice of justice; ceil iy i« a ba'1 time of the lir t , ui -.¡vea, so small tiny may be earrvxl and the like ; but the incendiairies by the vices and' crimes he has und humanity, .and have laughed ini * 'U« ai ' ut thwBoorco • • r ' , WMV > have been too strong lor us. <Jf stimulated into activity among the us to sco'A We have csl>sh-t<»i iij tl e hand, so d’ si'ly no inali f oaJt ^Jtr.4 b^' . WA- ’-o Wbj thus ilespis« the coble power», 1. c crazed wi r«, of heart-broken chil people. all our rewui'ces in our endeavors bul i; ..i f i very < .■. “ m turn- Fur which, I know, the face of the l.msiblo character dren, of thmdaves under the lash He has. extorted many million» to el Mid n r«li* f-f v vm tho s e eng i m i ■ i ■.< w ■ ■» ■ — - Bdme men wowtd tti r» giV r of-the hear leas liquor-seller — the from the laborers of the nation, to 5 oreign"Missions. in the tra/Tic in distilled atjlT for-' more. sob, the ci’, the w<il, the shriek Be expended in maintaining the | k >- menled liquors, ami Lave utterly to war, by the manufacture of such Would all beetow ? The f J H' ." ' - ! a de ;it • that no nation calling >i These ebon orba whero Reason's light are in our i*rs. It' is driving thou lice forces, the courts of. justice, failed. The only course left us to 1 rv . sup-' sands to desperation Li t those of ami all the machinery of govern pursue, is to dissolve completely seif civilized will Coll-« nt to vn ■ ■ lue .>0«k duly ft la wont to shine, • , ■••Taf ' \íCÍ L'. . in one. Bo eloquently, fiercely bright— us who car keep our heads amid ment, devoted largely to a vain ef- our .connection with so uifjiiG -•> v uiorc -tè a H’ a -, month- ~~~ . “ *' WLy dim with Wine? there hornrs cry out?‘Turn on the tortTo rcmcdy theevils he fitmrelF tyrannical, so oppressive a power, ■ —A- We st— V i rginian of thr -em—■ —-ft-f in (j in (tr i llili u inn i n irni ij t rm n nn nrmirim nt m i iB m n m r n .................... siry. i r.wyr f. «« amanlMMi añi l i mi.... » ’•wn-44w” . . Or where, in gentler b«M»r*»m»y «lwetJi- ’^^TeT'lhrreLre, ap|w"lin^m?i? • ire sti I coming in though not'as at at the Pension Office th:- week t ¿"softer light; save the muse and, the .Qeiglibor- . He has .transformed the fruits of Supreme Judge of the I inverse for Thq, life uf ono thou lovoat well, give evidence in a pending claim, *th<« Jii't A gnat many schools hood, and thin look- after the furn the earth, given for the sustenance the rectitude of our intentions, do Why blight I why blight ? that r pondvd in years past, ljave lie is one of a family thirty three iture. of man. and'beaat, into a dead deal solenn^v publish and declare that An sged mother down the way. not v . Ij.en heard trom this year. Children. Twenty of this nuinbet "There tvas once a Roman who ing poison which changes men into the peo'ple of this land ure, and of Why burry on ? were boys, sixteen of whom served It chfr ujt be that they have al was accuaorned to ccnclude every' demons. *. k right, ought to be, free at.d inde Thy arm should be her sweetest stay in the Union Army. Fourteen <>1 low <d.the whole matter to go by speech hejpiade in the Senate with He has diverted the labors of pendent; that we are abac’ved from The hills odown. these .»uirs survive and draw pen dofati.^ Some of thetc are among the w’ord ihyCarthugo delenda est’— thousands from productive occupa all allegiance to King Alcohol, and Let not the mind that God has given sions. JJy the <lv$th id two' t|i< the >n >U generous confributors to ‘Carthage inusUbe destroyed. . ’ ’ ’ He tions, to the preparation and distri to all his adherents; tllht a. f. The stamp divine. mother is entitled to a.pension the woik J'hey have simply neg- knew that .tiso long ns CJarthagc ex- bution of the fiery flood which des and independent citizens of these The sou) that Lopes to enter heaven, .-tl'tivm Black states that tin- 1 Tt I t<i remit. -Su.«h schools will Be marred by wine, isted, Rom JP Would arrive woe. For olates our land. United States’, we have the right to —Ella C. Rowlett. records of the pension office fail to- conf r<i gre^t favor on the Society the new Jarty ) 1 w lilial have the He has smitten the peop’-’ with break away from his control, and to show a pareUel Cis'”, whiro s'ixtcen .:>>• forwar ling their collections be-; watchword ‘Coupoana delenda est* insanity and idiocy, and fills our banish the tyrant from our land. Temperance I'u y aie.f'cgotti n If all the sons of any one father and mother —‘The sail on u must be destroyed’; asylums with maniacs driveling And for the support of this de .cl 'O ? that have contributed in served ns soldiers. 'The name < 1 and I wou I I set aside every oth r idiots,w as well as the prisons with claration, and the accoiDplishmcnt this family is Brown, and they ap th ’ |>ast vyi-Jl «end in a eontrib’.it'on Dr. C. F. Deems’ Plea for Pro issue until .he country did see the our institutions for lhe feeble min'd of our arduous undertaking, we pear to have this instance, far out Prohibition. saloon destroyed:' ed with criminals. earnestly invoke the aid and sym stripped tln’ir rival«, the Smith». He has enticed our boys "from pathy of the civilized world, the Charles F. Deems, D. D ,' LL. D., The New Declaration oflnde- A <?»i»fi.fence of leading Demo theit homes, and sent them Tortli as feijk'i nt prayers of all Chi istian peo inonHûnôn the distinguished pastor of the /pendence. crats is expected to take place in i & tramps and vagabonds in the land, ple, and the help and guidance of Chur&h of the Strangers, of New alout the lit I of July to iJCV. F. o. BLA1B. and instead of good citrkens, they Almighty God. And we mutually Vork City, anck president of the t’C1 discuss the redaction Of the re- T uai I s for,Free Distiibution.— For man; years the inhabitants have become the dangerous classes pledge to each other our lives, our Vi ¡me. Speaker Carli-l-’s arrival School of Christian Philosop'hy, liia « file Tract Committee is getting fortunes and our sacred honor." 1 rtceni ly taken a bold stand for PrQ- of this com try have suffered from of society. is daily Tooke I for. Ilis coming rit an edition of 50,009 copies of He has won our young men from / hibition. In the course of a pow the cruel aas and oppressive meas will be tlm .signal tuutl.crl.uduw, Ms ; ney ami the K*nt;lotn ”~ These - erful address iloßning T hb po iitTbn, ures Instil tecTby ¡r-Aheohol, tires of sobriety, industry and fru lir Mr. Powderly’s recent addros memliers on the W im • ratic side <4 ,■ ill be .’ent in prcl.a > « of 10Ó or with the o ¡dent desijii 1 esigi to reduce gality, to a course of drunkenness, before tho Knights of Labor iu Bos lhe house to tome. Th y h q> • by he sa) s: jU to any one who will pay the “If I were not a Prohibitionist them under an absolute despotism, indulence and wastefulness. ton, he made a powerful pier for this C udeteiice or series of confer >j'aj.'e. The postage cn a park- • lie has drawn away our young on principle,! should be compelled and after lolg and patient endur total abstinence. U notice in his cnee . to arrive at some s iFol ai> e of 100 is twenty-eight cents; to be a Prohibitionist on policy. I ance of flagrant wrongs, and alter women from the paths of virtue to addresses elsewhere that he always agreement its to the b<"-t in thod'-1 e postage on a package of ."io is f see no other way to be rid of this ter having a^vle many and fruitless dens of infamy, and frightful depths does likewise. He clearly under-' to reduce the revenue. Tiie’oci'ii urtes-n cents. No uf degiadation. * tracts will be- - evil than by the enactment of laws efforts to o stands that strung drink is the felelices are to bi, only .pi'ehr.iinai y I -ent unless the postage is sent with - He is responsible, directly or in- which shall prohibit the manufac- plainly evidej grt aUst foe the laboring claaihaa. .-to a,party «.‘ t? K hell ite n.-------->------ ■ ----- t — t ------- -~ dirpCTly, for Ihrèe-foïïrlfis of all the tur<> an.l sale j,>f'AHi®nt spirits ns a lw hr.pat fivin to encounter. Canon Wilberforce the time of the-meeting of < on * Tiuvct C ommittee , beverage, and the formation of a tice or ineipy, wo, the people of crimes committed, and four-fifths suys the Irish question is the whis gre.-H. The difficulties to 1« met it 2Ï East 0th St ,.Cincinnati, 0. party which sj^all see tlieso prohib these Unitid Slatw, having resolv of all the murders done. key ipii stion. So largely is the la- ri’Jleliing a c nelu imi, on questio J ed to cast off the authority of this He has dragged dôwn the gifted bof itory laws enforced. Thv bi-1 fitrie s fur 'jjtaver is question in the of a i eduction of a tariff ure th- "Let us look at «pme of the ob- tyrant, do |initu in this declaration and noble of all classes from posi United States.' The • prohi diileienl view s held by members < f jiraieiy The man~tvr« is much X jections to thin ground.- Ln the of the cMaea end reasons which tions of honor, trust and usefulness bition of the physical, niclilal mor- < ‘on ;i v. li i • n pi c irt diffi-n .< alone with (->< <1 can'pray most tf- ■ “^crinTrnrTTrTTn^ —irfrr^hnr- "flw t tL i iy in th1 T, J rt'tnr,<r iir gTTgatmfi. fi .. * this Prohibition is -n>£ded, it ?an step, and of the uirferies'und griev namu£ disgraced, has consigned by the use of intoxicants, would Lt dull,has It it moved from h.B» ■• d He Las k-arnt'd how to speak to I be obtained through eiisting par ance» which bnve been indicted on them to a drunkard's doom. to‘the children of manual toil a I ind ’ :: 11 - !. 1 tl ’ 1 I<1 !■■’ i-1 t.’ k his Father in the closet, and as a I ■ I ties. My reply to that is, that I us by hint, uiitil his government He has blighted the sunny, hap boon of unequak-d worth. And to afloat of much di.s.'alisiHclioij w ,h reward, the opin reward promised believe there must be two parties- has bocom.) a b irden too heavy to py yars of childhood, and caused secure that prohibition Mi;. Pow his leadership.«; tile appropriat m to such closet intercourse, the Fath ' history of the little ones to pass their lives in derly is bending aTI his energies committic All ate agrewl v a er invests, him. with the power and in a republic, and there need be lie longer Itutm 'firn in the ____ past, is a squalor, misery and want; and and using all hh persuasion«. Sen reduction of the revenue, but can nuthority to- -]■» ak to/Hirn with only two. At present there is in couree ioWar». Us ____ f American |>olitics but-ono party, history of nqieated injuries ati.l homes that might have .been the tences like the following must'go Como to her unity <4 ‘opinion a to^ ready and faithful t),Urancc in and that is the Rum Party. It is usurpations, al having in direct ob- abodes of perennial happiness, have far to influence the tailoring men thd objects of tftxation , which public for other . ( . ormsTirNnriEWi). t APOSTOLIC CHRISTIANITY, AND THE UNITY OP (TOD S PEOPLE. MONMOUTH. OREÔON, -------------- - --------------------------- V • è* s z> H % *V j| "'X. 4- I ,r I J E»S? — *1 * L I - . % « 4 • rp' lifts:;, ■ » »I )) t Wf vini TUttW (««I WMtMMl m x« rotting iiu'i iniiivvuti upon socTvtyr f V . ■ » a J Jf F V 1 •• . « 1 1* .IlttlfcAa.l iadl.Lk .... »»»»-vl * v sr'j’VT'B BrWVIl'rrrv K>l I’ 1 >■ ' * •3K fi ,s r ( / « ■» *¡M *< tr if i ♦ •* • \ -■ ». j - r r-* M < “ ■ -- -------- A- ..ï A A <S «Í. " ’