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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1883)
■ 1 ■ . J. 2 ----- £—Z--- - » CTÍTVISTIAN ÜKttALD ti X: - , ....... . n i . Correspondence. ’ fiom- Bror W R b^p. A umsville , Oct. 31,1883. Deae Bro. Floyd : I have been intending for some time to write you a letter. But I am 77 years old, and seldom feel aNe to undertake such a task. Mill Creek has a congregation of sixty-six members, though some live so far away ‘ they seldom at- tend our meetingl. T"am“Wj6iceff to say that we have a house of worship completed except the stand and seats, for which just now we find it impossible to get seasoned ^nnTber. - The houw subscription and is to be free for other churphes when not in use by the Christian church. w We now Bro. Roberts. Yours in Christ, J ones W ilbur . Letter from Bro. Geo. Sharp. A storia , O r ., N ov . 18, 1883. P. Dickenson, formerly of Portland, I with them ; the police prevented we had a pleasant visit with him any disturbance, and now guard and family.------- ——* *■ --------- —— thrr-hail nightly. "MrrMuody’a mis ■* Faithfully, sion in Limerick was a success. G eo . S harp . further justify this presentment. We are only sorry that the Grand Jury did not indiet instead nfmfilft-__ ly presenting, the Excise Commis sioners, who have not only utterly failed to perform the duty laid up on them, but, so far as we can judge, have not even attempted to exer cise any discrimination or afford any protection to the community from the worst saloons kept by the mpst notorious characters. 1 In the Maratha Msssion, India, a Current Religious News. remarkable advance is reported in the direction of self support, the A gentleman and his wife, mem sixteen pastor« being wholly paid bers of Dr. Little’s church in Chi from na^e funds. While there is cago, signalized their silver wed but one more ordained missionary ding recently by the gift of than in 1873, the number of na- $1,000 to the American Board; . fCQrri 41 to 83, ancfTKe church membership Kobe, Japan, the other half for the coming. A large party arrived last from G29 to 1,422. seminary in Mardin, Turkey. week and went on to Utah and Over £G,000 has been contribut shame. They seem to defy the Mr. W. C. Depau w, of New York, ed by business men in London for wisdom and energy of government, has donated, conditionally, $240,- -Abe support of tha mission of Messrs,, -and make ,a.jquftst.ipn. as hanjLfhrJia____ 000 now, and’r $1,00ff,W)A at” K ik Moody and Sankey in that city. as Ireland is for the British. And death, to Ashbury University, In A temporary building capable of the problem beeomes more intricate dianapolis, Indiana. The name of seating 5,000 persons has been and formidable every year. Like the University is to be changed to n>» forthe. tffaWHBWwiiiMii O WAP”**0*! TJepSuv^ffniveKify in considera- erection of movable iron halls in spiracy against the fundamental tion of his liberality. different sections of the city. laws and liberties of society. One by the celibacy of the clergy puts a The annual meeting of the For The Hebrew Orphan Asylum So stigma on marriage, the other by eign Sunday-school Convention was ciety of Brooklyn, New York, dedi polygamy puts a stigma on woman held last week in the Layfayette cated their new building on Tues herself. Both are inimical to the A venue Presbyterian Church, day of last week. The building is ordinances of God and tend to de Brooklyn, N. Y. During the past of brick, three stories in height, teriorate society, as all history year this Association has expended shows. ■over-SAOOO ie-distributu^g Sunday.-^ and handsomely fitted up. school papers throughout Europe, A new sword of State, meant to Closing Up. ? Cuba, Mexico, Japan, India, China, replace the old weapon handed • ------ aud-Africa. /___ The close of the year is at hand, down from remote ages as the sym ------- ;--------------- ♦ » ♦-------------- <------ Dear Bro. Floyd: Last Lord’s , day it was our hap- py „.pmih^a Ao _speaj< to a few of the good people of Forest Grove. Having services in the M. E. .Church house morning and evening. The M. E. brethren were very kind Ito us during our stay. We have The International Bible Lesson bol of authority in Siam, has just la few brethren at Forest Grove, Committee met at Nashville, Tenn., been completed for the King by an about twenty-five in all. The Oetober 30, and will remain in ses- English armorer. The blade is ~tW= Tïî^sfiÿFWJWHfc^ls]^^ fsTstefs^’a“ rírq^^ cause. They are a tower of strength prepare the International Bible teen inches long. Towards the on the Lord’s side. Among which Lessons for the year of 1885 ; when hilt it is inlaid with gold of vary I now remember the names of sis the committee has completed its ing tints, wrought in different de ters vValker and Rubinson. work the programme of lessons vices, the figure of Buddha being The State evangelist will find will be forwarded to England for prominent on each side. The hand Forest Grove a good field to sow inspection bp the European Com le, which has no crossguard, is sev the seed of the kingdom. May the mittee, and if indorsed by them will en inches in length, and consists of brethren, one ond all, so pray and be returned and adapted for use in enameled work studded with dia work that whSH the Lord’s evange the Sunday-schools, in this country. monds, while the sheath is one en tire peice of wrought gold, set with list comes, they may have a joyful The Old Testament Revisers, at precious stones. meeting. Met with the brethren at Port a meeting held in New A ork the The Grand Jury of New York land last week in their social meet week in October, completed the City have presented the Excise ing. The attendance was good, the third revision of the Minor Pro I)r. Schaff thinks that bothf Commissioners of the city for li- best we have ever seen in the city. phets. —---- censing seventeen liquor saloons |The meeting was also good, that is the American and English compan known to the police as resorts for if you will allow me to say the ies will complete their work in thieves, and nearly all kep^by ex same thing the Deacon did, January, and that the revised Old convicts; their presentment has when he took part. Bro. Davis Testament will be published next the endorsement of Recorder Smyth, is to be congratulated in the social spring. The Company of Revisers who declares that' “ independent of life and zeal there is now being and friends were very handsomely the facts contained in your present hnanifested in the congregation. entertained at the house of .Mr. ment, the many cases brought be [Met with our" aged and good Bro. Morris K. Jessup on the evening of fore me in this court have satisfied [Henderson, of California. May his the first day of their session. me that the Board of Excise has Wife be a useful one while in Port- A cable dispatch from Cork Ire not exercised proper judgment.” lland. The ludicrously inconsistent apolo In Astoria we have a few breth land, states that several rough char gies of the different Excise Com ren, about eight or ten I think. acters assembled outside of the hall missioners, as reported in an inter ■Jhey have need to work earnestly. in which Mr.’ Moody was holding I Calling at the house of Bro. J. services, and attempted to interfere view in the New York Herald, still , ■ and I am anxious to settle up the ~ business of the Christian Sower Tract Fund, so as to be able to pre pare the second annual report. If you o w e~ the Fund' anything7 br~ have any contribution on hand, see that it is promptly sent to me. Marty again who promis^ to work and obtained tracts have not done anything for the good work. These are exhorted to ask the churches to take collections for the purpose of sowing tracts in destitute fields. Many individuals will give if asked to do so. The tracts are doing good in Sometimes they many ways. convert people. The last convert At was a methodist minister. least one newspaper has been stir red up to attack the tracts. Often have they boen denounced from the pulpit. They have already caused the brethren to support an evange list in a hitherto unoccupied field. This is but the beginning of what might be told. This work merits a support. 21,000^card tracts are on their way here. I need money to pay for thefn. I have a good sup ply of six kinds of larger tracts. A.H are free to those unable to buy. ‘ J, W. H igbee , nadiboaviilu, Ky, - < - 41 » < • - - -m û’./ a - -4-r ' - .. *