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About Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18?? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 30, 1883)
• . w ■ 16 NEWS OF THE WEEK. MONMOUTH AND VICINITY. MISS MILLIE DOUGHTY, EDITOR. » Weather good. - Mrs. Bn J. C. Byrd, from Salem is in t >wh; Mr. J. Vance, of Portland, was in . town last week. . Miss Emma Waller made Eola a short visit on Monday. Mrs. Osborne, of Index endencc has been spending the week in our town. ' A ’ • ' • Î <• F 1- . 1 « * ■RV-'. • S X i ï I K ■ ■ ¡s¡ fl à'? Il'- i i I OïlttïsTIAÎi II ETtALl). 4 nine Chinese into Washington Territory days beforehand. Standing room Company coming in, closes this at J. from British Columbia, and were cap barely obtainable. T. IFhitman’s, who visited Oregon two fared, have been found guilty and «en- Advices from* the British fleet on years ago. A. W. LvcArf. •t cn w’d' tu two month s in jail and,,» fiae-^-wa gt ^x s pa aLjoL Afgua . s t ate ____ _ —--—-------- " 150 English sailors were sent up j of &1Q0 and costs each. BUSINESS LOCALS. Nearly a hundred loaded cars of wheat Niger to punish natives at differj The Fall trade has begun by the are in the yard at Walla Walla, the local points on that river, for outragoa nJ Farmers’ Mercantile Association, of Monmonth opening out a well selected trains bringing in faster than the trains explorers and traders. After shell» stock of Fall Goods, suited to the wants running to Portland can take away. the town of Abahla, at the Ahad Delk of the people ; a full line of*Buckingham The railroad men say that their work is they ascended to Egga, a large M & Hecht boots and shoes. In faot, our beginning to tell and that the major 300 miles from the month of the NiJ Stock_ia complete in every department and at bedrock prices. Come and see ns. portion of the surplus wheat is out of Here they landed and were at onod tacked by the natives. A fierce fight J the country. On Monday last Rev. Isaac Dillon sued in which three seamen were kilU PACIFIC COAST. shot a deer on the east side of Lake and several wounded. The attacks Revival meetings at Eugene City. ty ¿4 lite d ed. over 200 poands. This is said «.to and tho sailors returned to the fleet. gon. The hills are green in the vicinity of have been the largest deer killed in that vicinity for some time. Sheridan. EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. Lewiston is growing, building is go It is said that the wheat acreage of Walla Walla county for the coming sea ing forward quito steadily and of a In the if at ter of the Estate of Chamberlin, deceased. son will be an, increase of thirty per much better oharacter than formerly, ro, In s been making Monmonth a visit this weak. Mrs. G. W. Baskett and her dangb- ■ ter, Mi is Josie, from Dixie, attended church here Sunday. , MlgzJL.A, Wheeler and little daugh -\roTTUTr TH TTERERY GIVEN TfFWfi ter, from Independence made Mon T88Btrpr‘"....... ...... • it may concern that I have been apnoh There is a great demand for school is fast improving. mouth a visit on last Saturday. by the County Court of Polk County, 0 m The children living on the opposite Executor of the last will and testament teachers in Clarke connty, W. T., not Our protracted meeting is still in pro Chamberlin, late of Polk Co« enough to be had to fill all the schools. side of the Yellowstone, near Eagle Catherine deceased. All persons holding claims gress with increasing interest. Fifteen JlaJA&^iaticed. ihaL.ik„lai&Q.wiiPA q L Mud lutate, ale xaquesied._.Uiproawu U mmhm 1 y Wiffim W month s I production of oats this season, the ag the cliff, whioh projected over the track ~<K all persons indebted thereto will please a claimed. had fallen. They crossed the streim me immediate payment. gregate yield being 40,000 bushels. Dated Nov. 5, 1883. I mportant N ews .—Your accounts are About 500 tons of coal is now the and waited for the train, signaling with ENOCH CHAMBERLIN, now over due. Call and settle im daily output at the Wellington, B. C., lanterns, and so saved a collision and Exrcurti mediately. F armers M ercantile A s mine. The places of the strikers are terrible loss of life. DALY A BUTLER, Attorneys. I sociation . Within the past two weeks at least nearly all filled. The Evangelical ohuroh house, two The Boatman’s at Puyallup, W. T •> five families who wished to spend the ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTH miles south of this place, has been com sold their hops on Wednesday at 20 cents winter in Ashland have been nnable to pleted, and will be dedicated on next a pound, the highest price yet obtained. find houses here, and have gone to oth otice is hereby given to ij Sunday, Nov. 25th. whom it may concern that I have be»n| Nearly all the hops have been sold and er places in the valley. Every house pointed Administrator of the Estate of G. Mr. E ; IL .Wiles returned.. tojachoql ..aD4 cheapest’ on Monday from his brother’s wedding. Those who have been engaged in the kind of buildings rent for high prices. persons having claims against said Estate 1 present the same to me duiy verified withia He looked pleasing, and brought some fraudulent practice of securing large The re discovery of tin is reported months from date ; and all person« indeM cake to one of the profcssois. bodies of choice land under the timber about four miles above McKenzie’s thereto will please make me immediate ■ ment. - ■ IRA ÿt v BUTLER, ■ T hanksgiving S ervice . —Thanksgiv act will find food for thought in Com head; in Pacific county. Considerable DALY A BUTLER, Adminirtnfct excitement was occasioned several years ing service will be held at the College missioner McFarland’s annual report. Attorneys. The Chronicle, of Spokane Falls, W. ago by a similar report. chapel at 11 o’clock. The opening ex T., says: A good deal of plowing is be The Puyallup bop crop this year ercise will be by Eld. J. F. Floyd, edi 1884 ing done by tho farmers, and a large amounts to 1,100,000 pounds. tor of the C hristian H erald ; the ser- — mw by Eld. P. R Burnett, and the acreage of fall wheat in being put in FOREIGN. music by the school choir. Everybody here in Spokane county. One good rain AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY—16 PAG» might help the farmers along by making Ex-Secretary Windom is now in Paris, is invited to attend. This week closes the first term of the j the plowing easier, but they are getting where he expects to remain for some Suited to Boy>< and Girls of from Sill Sixteen Years of Age. time. Oregon State Normal School, for this on very nicely as it is. The Lafayette correspondent of the Vol. V. commences November 6,1SS1, Debt is the Vampire that is sucking session. The examination of the class Oregon Statesman says: A sad accident the blood of the Egyptian peasants. es which have completed the text book H arper ’ s Y oung P eotle is the bi happened on the 10th inst. to Grandma Usurers charge them from 39 to 65 per weekly for children in America.« during the term will take place on Fri Southicestern Christian Advocate. day; There were 161 names enrolled ChrisBman. The was sitting in tl^e stage cent, per annum. AU that the artist’s skill can acooi The Crown Prince, Frederick William, during the quarter, and a large number alone at the depot at St. Joe, when the plish in the way of iUnstration has bs | the driver laid the lines down to put in takes as a present to King Alfonso a will enter on Monday, the beginning of dffne, and the best talent of the count a roll of blankets. The horses becoming bronze statuette of the Great Elector. the next term. has contributed to its text.—JVew frightened, ran away, turning the stage De Lesseps, speaking at Manchester, land Journal of Education, Boston. over and breaking the old lady ’ s leg, In its special field there is nothil said he bad received from the engineers LETTER FROM OUR PIONEERS. that can be oom pared with it.— Bi about four inches above the ankle, and of the Panama Canal assurances that the ford Evening Post. pushing both bones through the skin. canal would be open in five years, C ameron , III., N ov . 10, 1883. Another week g me and hts brought Drs. Littlefield and Galbreath dressed A syndicate of banks, represented by TERMS. much rain and mud; don’t talk of mnd the wound, and pronounced it a com the Anglo-Egyptian Banking Company, ’j YOU VO PEOPLE, I .j jg. in Oregon. Illinois can discount Ore pound comminuted fracture, a very offered to provide the capital necessary HlRPER Per Year, Pontage Prepaid. j' gon for mud both in depth and the ad dangerous hurt, and one that necessita to construct the new canal across the S ingle N umber , Five Cents each. hesive quality, after filling the entire ted amputation. Slight hopes of re isthmus, if the Government will under Specimen copy sent on receipt < wheel between spokes. The rain has aovery are entertained. take to build it. Three Cents. • I One of-the most singular features in prevented the corn from drying, conse The Volumes of Harper'» IM Le Diretto says it is stated that Vati quently very little corn cribbed yet; and the scenery of the territory of Idaho is can has consented to appoint a Nunoio People for 1881, 1882, and 1883, when a very good crop is raised it is the the occurrence of dark, rocky chasms | to the United States, in accordance with somely bound in Illuminated Cloth, *1 be sent by mail, postage prepaid, ou N exception rather than the general rule into which large creeks and streams sud tho wishes of the American Bishops ceipt of $3 00 each. Cloth Cases ft for the past 15 years. This leaves us denly disappear and are never more now in Home. Le Diretto expresses the each volume, suitable for binding, both quite well and enjoying ourselves. seen. These fissures are old lava chan opinion the American Congress will op be sent by mail, .postpaid, on receipt11 50 cents each. j Expect to return to Abington in a few nels, produced .by the outside of the pose such appointment. Remittances should be made by f 0* days to attend the meeting of the molten mass cooling and forming a tube, The first fortnight of Moody and Office Money Order or Draft, to st®11 preachers of the Military tract. Have which, on the fiery stream becoming ex Sanky’s mission at Islington closed Sun chance of loss. , attended Sunday school three times, and hausted, has been left empty, while the day with four service.' The hall was Newspapers are not to copy this J® as most places where I have been for roof of the lava duct having at so,me densely crowded at each meeting. The vertisement without the express orift AddreM many y ears, the children leave when 8. time fallen in, presents the opening into pressure of auditors during the week of H arper A B rothers . HARPER & BROTHERS, New Y** S. ends, hence, see very few children at I which the river plunges and is lost. became greater at each successive ser Blanchard and Stroud, who smuggled vice, and tickets were eagerly sought 46R a w,*k ,n y°«r own town. Tenn« and ♦5°’ phurch; there 4 screw loose some where. Harpers Young P ■ h idi ! F’ 1 f tt r - ! I . N ! — t T" 1 v*/’' .. », r#' 2 r ■ I a I irw. Addma fi. H*W* * 4k i /*