Christian herald. (Portland ;) 1882-18??, October 05, 1883, Page 16, Image 16

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$3.00, he reached Albany all right, but backed off the bridge and fell into the
Retta Rash, Organist; Prof. J. M.
at that lively little city he began to gin creek below, demolishing the buggy
Powell, Chorister.
and injnring the lady qnit a s ev e re l y, _
' Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lucas left on laRt -up-a nd b e c am e f o r a while hil a r i ous t-
t h e n a reaotio n c^me^over his physical Mr. Kuox and the horses escaped with
~ TnaayTSTFoHEnd^
a few slight brnises.—[Sen/inef.
they joined the pioneers’ excursion over being and he slept the sleep of those
Capt. U. B. Scott, of the Fleetwocd,
Miss Emma Waller is in Portland this the Northern Pacific. They will visit who imbibe, and when he awoke'be had
is talking of building another fast-run­
their old home and many friends in no money-w-Ee had been rolled, robbed, ning boat for the Astoria trade. It is
gone through or jay hawked, as the term
Mr. Olab. Kenedy is making a short Illinois before returning. This excur­ seems best, so he hied himself back to to be 175 feet long.
sion will be one of much interest and
visit to Eastern Oregon.
The burnt district of Astoria is being
pleasure to all who may participate, and the Butte and postponed his visit to the slowly rebuilt and in othes portions of
Mr. and Mrs. Cass. Riggs, of Dixie, many of the pioneers of Oregon will no fair until another time.
spent Sunday in Monmouth.
Missoula, M. T., has discovered a the city building is going on, but not
doubt improve the rare opportunity.
fast enough to reduce rents which are
leper among its Chinese population.
Bro. Stump and Thos. Waller, started
On Thursday of last week, Sept. 27th,
William Altnow.of Pine Creek, Uma­ complained of as being very high.
for the Yaqnina on Wednesday.
Mr. A. B. Griggs was pleasantly snr-
It is reported that Villard
Villard has nego-
tilla county, Or., was bitten by a rattle-
.. A„BlsasftBt
whadat thfl fluilk
priltfl by th ew. <i»iual of two of , his
,ing Mr« T.Amnn’a, nn l«t Fri/lay. . daughters, -Mrs; McClain, a£ Albany? "snïïïïërTâsT weë^T~ ïlis~tife wîïs"'s!ived. ’WT-aiban' ot
how e ver bÿ hTs’bfbtEëfTWh o c au terixed~
Mr. and Mrs. Cook, of Pleasant Hill, and Mrs. Ralston accompanied by Mrs. the wound with a hot iron.
Hon. John W. Douglas, editor of the
H. L. Griggs, of Lebanon, who came
spent saveral days in town last week.
A minerul spring his «been discovered Pacific, San Francisco, is dead.
for the purpose of celebrating his 56th
The commissioners appointed to re­
Miss Hetta Rowell, compositor on the birthday. An excellent dinner was solv­ in the Mountains south of Livingstone,
Dallas ltemizer, was in town on Tuesday.
M. T.. the waters of which are claimed ceive 20 miles more of the O. & C. |
ed, after which the presentation of pres-
AppllE’ Railroad ,extension having .completed “
, .
Churchill, of Eugnne City, ents^a beautiful cabinetuttium by Mrs.
their labors, a large area or government
gave this office a pleasant caH on -Tues­ Griggs,-and a pair of geld speStacTes'by naris water water of commerce.
Tho Oregon Railway & Navigation land has again been withdrawn from
the children. The printers return
market, the line extending to the town­
The number in sohool is still increasing, their thanks for an excellent variety of , Company have secured sixteen acres of
land one mile from Centerville, Ums- ship in which Jacksonville is situated.
six young gentlemen having entered this cake.
tilla county. Or.,-on the reservation, Register Ben j imine, of the Roseburg i
~ 'which will be their depot site. ---- —— land office, has forwarded us definite |
Mr. Lorin Waller left on last Tues­
Two panthers recently attacked a information concerning the withdrawal, I
day for New Tacoma, where he will
At the residence of the bride’s father, sheep corral in Bear valley, Or., and but the letter was miscarried and has
spend the winter.
W. Waterhouse, in Monmouth, Or., slaughtered a number of sheep. Upon not come to hand as yet. *
Rev. J. S. McCain, editor of the Oct. 3, 1883, by Elder H. M. Waller, the Chinese herder going out and open
ltemizer, made the H erald Office a Mr. J. F. Delany and Miss Minnie ing fire on them with a Winchester ri
pleasant call on Monday.
fle, the panthers turned upon him and
Waterhouse—all of Monmouth.
P hiladelphia , Sept, 20.—The iron
Mr. F. W. Fenton, of Lafayette, and
The printers feel good over a nice chased him into his cabin.
steamer T. F. Oakes, the first vessel
Mr. Horace Hawley, of McCoy, were in piece of cake. Thanks.
A company of four gentlemen bought completed at Gorringe’s shipyard, Port
town the first of the week.
16 aores adjoining Ashland .or $6500.
Richmond, was successfully launched
Mr. Ed. Cattron had his foot badly
thi s a ft e rnoon, tn the breeenoebfabont
H t arrt b“
mashed un- last Friday, " by™ getting it “"-W alla W alla , S ept. 2 9.
county, had her right arm bro- 2,500 spectators, including a large dele-
caught in the roller with which he waB ard Mills belonging to McCully & Son, ken by being thrown out of a wagon gation of prominent gentlemen from
took fire this afternoon and were totally last week.
at work on his farm.
New York. The vessel was built for the
Gen. E. L. Applegate, now a resident Oregon Railway and Navigation Corn­
Miss Mary Stump returned hpme last
Ashland, wasthediscovcrerof Apple­ pang, and is named after the Vice Presi­
week, after an absence of one year at
known. The mills will be rebuilt im­ gate creek while in command of a com­ dent of the Northern Pacifio Railroad.
tending school at Wellesley, Mass.
pany of troops passing through in 1845.
N ew Y ork , Sept. 29.—Figures of fail­
Owing to rain the first of the week, mediately.
Harry Macarthy, the author of “ The He reported it to headquarters at Wash­ ures for the third quarter of 1883, just
the smoke has entirely disappeared, and
we are now enjoying clear weather, at Bonny Blue Flag,” and who donated ington, whence the stream derived its compiled by R. Cr. Dun & Co., show a
least, so much so, that we can see the over $100,000 to the army hospitals at name.— [ Tidinqs There were no troops great increase in the number of mercan­
the time of the rebellion, arrived at in Oregon in 1845, and the Tidings pro- tile disasters as compared with last year.
sky once in a while.
Portland, on the overland train Mon­ ; bably means 1855 as the time the creek The number of failures in the quarter
The delegates form the church at this day on his way to San Francisco.
was discovered.
just closed is 1,803, liabilities of $52,-
place, who are attending the State Co­
Over $20,000 have been taken in at
Ex-Lieutenant Governor Chillis, of 000,000, while for the same quarter of
operation in session at Salem this week, the offices in payment for tickets to St.
California, under the Stanford ad­ 1882 they were only 1,300, with liabili­
are Mrs. A. M. Bidwell, Mrs R. C. Per­ Paul for the Pioneer excursion. Five
ministration, on the 10th of September
cival, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Powell, Mr. elegant Pullman cars to be used on this presented himself at the house of Mr. ties of $18,000,000. For the first nine
months of 1883 the failures reported
J. F. Floyd and Mr. P. R. Burnett.
trip arrived on Friday from the East.
Birch, at Myrtle creek. Or., sick and number 6,440, as against 4,897 in the
The FaR, trade has begun by the
A big sale of real estate was made destitute, who provided him with shel­ same period last year. The liabilities
Farmers’ Mercantile Association, of lately by Colonel C. E. Appoyne. of San ter and medical assistance. He remain­ for the first nine months of the present J
Monmouth opening out a well selected Francisco, to parties in the East. About ed in semi-UDoonscious state, suffering
year are $118,000,000, as against $69,-
stock of Fall Goods, suited to the wants 18,000 acres near Walla Walla were great bodily pain, until the 17th, when
000,000 for 1882. In Canada th#failnres
of the people ; a full line of Buckingham transferred for a consideration of some he died. His remains were suitably
for the first nine months of 1883 are over
& Hecht boots and shoes. In fact, our $170,000
interred in the Odd Fellows’ cemetrv. 1,000 in number, as against 573 in 1882.
Stock is complete in every department
On last Friday. 21st, a gunsmith byS at the expense of the friends whose The liabilities for the first nine months
and at bedrock prices. Come and see us. the name of John Blick, at Lebanon, shelter he had sought. He had no pa­
of the present year are $11,000,000, as
C ollege L ibrary .—The College li­ was handling a Winchester rifle when pers about him to indicate who his against $5,000,000 in the same time last
brary has been removed and enlarged. Lt was accidentally . discharged and friends were.. At one.time- he-resided-*year
and now has/ capacity for 2,000 addi­ crushed the bone so badly above the in Trinity county.
tional volumes. Persons who have books left knee that it was necessary to ampu­
A wheat field in JIarion county, where
belonging to this library will please re- tate the leg.
threshing was being done, caught fire
* turn them at an early day and save us
Mr. Dick Surjet, of Union county, re­ and burned up a large threshing ma­
the trouble of sending them notice per- cently reached the Washoe ferry on chine for J/r Burohet, and the grain for
ful Witness, Topeka, Kas., an 8
eonally. Donations of books will be Snake river with 450 head of fine Amer­ H. Armspringer a few days since.
page, 40 Col. paper, containing all the
thankfully received and duly acknowl­ ican horses belonging to Surjet & Win­
Afonday Gov. Moody made the follow­ Church News of the rapidly growing
D. T. S tanley ,
ters. He condudecLto swim them, and ing appointment of notaries public; West—ably edited and neatly printed—
the only religious paper published
put in 150 head1 and 48 out of the bunch Leroy M. Fox, of Umatilla ; Geo. Wood and
------ ---- President.
by our brethren, between the Missouri
The Sunday-school still continues to were drowned.. The financial loss was ward, of Jfultanomah ; P. A. Gearhart, River and the Pacific Slope. A paper
grow in interest, as well as numbers. $5000. It was very distressing to see of Grant; A. F. Sears, Jr., of Alultno- of five year’s standing. Price $1.00 per
year; monthly—Clubbed with the
L<*st Sunday being the regular election, so many!-noble animals struggling for mah.
C hristian H erald —both papers from
the following officers were chosen to act life.
While crossing the JFiIliams creek now till oloee of ’84 at $2.50.
for the ensuing quarter: Prof. W. E,
A man by the name of Joe Dickson, bridge one day last week a team attach­
Address this office.
Yates, SupL; Miss Ida Murphy, Sec.; who lives near Knox’s Butte,"Linn coun- ed to a buggy, the occupants being J/r.
Mrs. R. C. Percival, Treasurer; Miss j ty, started to the state fair with about Knox and j/iss Carson, of Josephine, C 72 A WEEK, <12 a day at homcoasily made. Costly
' •
* * “ Uutüt (re«- Addis sa Tuvs <k Co., AujusU, Mç,