■* ‘ ' ’ . - <* ■ ' ' ' • ■ '» ■ •' -- CHRISTIAN HEttAtl). lß -U— $3.00, he reached Albany all right, but backed off the bridge and fell into the Retta Rash, Organist; Prof. J. M. at that lively little city he began to gin creek below, demolishing the buggy Powell, Chorister. r and injnring the lady qnit a s ev e re l y, _ M9NM0UTHANB VHTNFFY. ' Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Lucas left on laRt -up-a nd b e c am e f o r a while hil a r i ous t- t h e n a reaotio n c^me^over his physical Mr. Kuox and the horses escaped with ~ TnaayTSTFoHEnd^ MIS8 MILLIE DOUGHTY, EDITOB. a few slight brnises.—[Sen/inef. they joined the pioneers’ excursion over being and he slept the sleep of those Capt. U. B. Scott, of the Fleetwocd, Miss Emma Waller is in Portland this the Northern Pacific. They will visit who imbibe, and when he awoke'be had is talking of building another fast-run­ week. their old home and many friends in no money-w-Ee had been rolled, robbed, ning boat for the Astoria trade. It is gone through or jay hawked, as the term Mr. Olab. Kenedy is making a short Illinois before returning. This excur­ seems best, so he hied himself back to to be 175 feet long. sion will be one of much interest and visit to Eastern Oregon. The burnt district of Astoria is being pleasure to all who may participate, and the Butte and postponed his visit to the slowly rebuilt and in othes portions of Mr. and Mrs. Cass. Riggs, of Dixie, many of the pioneers of Oregon will no fair until another time. spent Sunday in Monmouth. Missoula, M. T., has discovered a the city building is going on, but not doubt improve the rare opportunity. fast enough to reduce rents which are leper among its Chinese population. Bro. Stump and Thos. Waller, started On Thursday of last week, Sept. 27th, William Altnow.of Pine Creek, Uma­ complained of as being very high. for the Yaqnina on Wednesday. Mr. A. B. Griggs was pleasantly snr- It is reported that Villard Villard has nego- tilla county, Or., was bitten by a rattle- .. A„BlsasftBt whadat thfl fluilk priltfl by th ew.